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    2024新教材七年级上册Unit7单词讲义celebrate [ˈselɪbreɪt] v .庆祝;庆贺 p67词形变换:celebration [ˌselɪˈbreɪʃn] n. 庆祝;庆典;庆祝活动The celebration of the festival was very lively.这个节日的庆祝活动非常热闹。Let's celebrate with a big party.让我们用一个盛大的聚会来庆祝。趁热打铁:今晚将有一个庆祝派对。There will be tonight.我们每年都庆祝她的生日。We every year.我们为什么要庆祝生日呢?(课文原句) ?surprise [səˈpraɪz] n. 惊奇;惊讶; v. 使感到意外固定搭配:in surprise惊讶地 to one's surprise令某人惊讶的是What a big surprise! 多么大的一个惊喜啊!His words surprised me. 他的话让我感到惊讶。 She looked at me in surprise. 她惊讶地看着我。 趁热打铁:令我惊讶的是,他通过了考试。 , he passed the exam.为他举办一个惊喜派对怎么样(课文原句) ?something [ˈsʌmθɪŋ] pron. 某事;某物There is something wrong with the machine. 机器出了点问题。I want to eat something sweet.我想吃点甜的东西。 规律总结:当形容词修饰something等不定代词时后置趁热打铁:他说了些有趣的事。He said . 让我们去为聚会买点东西吧(课文原句) .sale [seɪl] n .出售;销售固定搭配:on sale出售;打折; for sale待售词性转换:sell [sel] v.出售;售卖;推销sell sth. to sb. /sell sb. sth. 把某物卖给某人There are many things on sale in the store. 商店里有很多东西在打折。This house is for sale.这所房子待售。 趁热打铁:这些鞋子在打折。The shoes are .我们今天有促销活动。 .kilo [ˈkiːləʊ] (=kilogram, kilogramme [ˈkɪləɡræm])n.千克;公斤固定搭配:a kilo of 一公斤……He needs half a kilo of salt. 他需要半公斤盐。 The watermelon weighs five kilos.这个西瓜重五公斤。 She carried three kilos of flour. 她提着三公斤面粉。趁热打铁:我买了两公斤苹果。I bought apples. 你想要多少公斤?(课文原句) yogurt [ˈjəʊgərt] n .酸奶 (不可数)I like to eat strawberry yogurt.我喜欢吃草莓味酸奶。 This yogurt tastes delicious.这种酸奶味道很美味。趁热打铁她在超市买了一些酸奶。She bought at the supermarket.来点酸奶怎么样?(课文原句) total [ˈtəʊtl] n .总数;合计adj .总的;全体的 固定搭配:in total 总共The total of these numbers is 50. 这些数字的总和是 50。The total cost is very high.总花费非常高。In total, there are five books on the table.总共桌子上有五本书。趁热打铁:总共是多少?(课文原句) price [praɪs] n. 价格固定搭配:high price(高价),low price(低价)以……的价格 at a price of…. the price of… …的价格是…They bought the house at a price of $500,000.他们以 50 万美元的价格买下了那所房子。The house has a very high price. 这所房子价格非常高。 The price of oil fluctuates a lot. 石油价格波动很大。趁热打铁:这件衬衫的价格合理。 this shirt is reasonable. balloon [bəˈluːn] n. 气球The children are playing with balloons.孩子们在玩气球。 She tied a balloon to the chair. 她把一个气球系在椅子上。 观察例句得出balloon为可数名词。趁热打铁:房间里有很多五颜六色的气球。 chocolate[ˈtʃɔklət] n.巧克力固定搭配:a box of chocolate(一盒巧克力)She bought a bar of chocolate. 她买了一条巧克力。 This chocolate cake is delicious.这个巧克力蛋糕很美味。 趁热打铁:我喜欢吃巧克力。 pizza [ˈpiːtsə] n .比萨饼固定搭配:a slice of pizza一片披萨I like pepperoni pizza. 我喜欢意大利辣香肠披萨。We ordered a large pizza. 我们点了一个大披萨。 He ate the whole pizza by himself.他自己吃了整个披萨。 趁热打铁:餐馆里有很多种披萨。 list [lɪst] v .列表;列清单n. 名单;清单固定搭配:shopping list 购物清单 make a list列一个清单 on the list在清单上Please list the names.请列出名字。 She checked the list carefully. 她仔细检查了清单。I made a list of things to buy.我列了一个要买的东西的清单趁热打铁:他的名字在清单上。 own [əʊn] adj .& pron .自己的;本人的固定搭配: one's own…某人自己的…She did it on her own. 她独自做了那件事。He has his own car. 他有自己的车。 趁热打铁:我有自己的房间。I have .我们庆祝我们自己的生日(课文原句) example [ɪɡˈzɑːmpl] n. 例子;范例固定搭配:15. for example例如Here is an example. 这儿有一个例子。 For example, he is very kind.例如,他非常善良。 趁热打铁:她给出了很多例子。She gave . 16. language [ˈlæŋɡwɪdʒ] n.语言He can speak three languages. 他能说三种语言。English is an important language.英语是一种重要的语言。 观察例句可得:language为可数名词。趁热打铁:我们在学习一种新语言。 We are learning . 世界上有很多语言。There are in the world. 17. international [ˌɪntəˈnæʃnəl] adj.国际的固定搭配:International Nurses Day 国际护士节This is an international conference这是一次国际会议。 The company has international business.这家公司有国际业务。 趁热打铁:他是一位国际巨星。 . 18. mark [mɑːk] v. 做记号;纪念;打分n.记号Please mark the important points. 请标记重要的点。 He marked the exam papers. 他给考试卷打分。 She left a mark on the wall. 她在墙上留下了一个记号。 趁热打铁:它标志着弗洛伦斯·南丁格尔的生日。It Florence Nightingale.19. date [deɪt] n. 日期;固定搭配:out of date过时的What's the date today? 今天几号?The letter has the date on it. 信上有日期。 。We set a date for the meeting. 我们为会议定了一个日期。趁热打铁:这本书过时。 20. national [ˈnæʃnəl] adj. 国家的;民族的固定搭配:National Day国庆节It's a national holiday. 这是一个国家假日。 They sang the national anthem. 他们唱了国歌。 The national flag is flying. 国旗在飘扬。趁热打铁:汉语是我们的民族语言。 21. found /faʊnd/ v .创建;创立 第三人称单数: founds; 过去式: founded; 现在分词: founding;The town was founded in 1610. 这个镇建于 1610 年。They founded a new company last year. 他们去年创立了一家新公司。He is the founder of this organization. 他是这个组织的创立者。必备短语:CPC Founding Day建党节趁热打铁:她的家族于1895年创办了这所学院。 the college in 1895.七月一日是建党节。July 1st is 22. meaningful /ˈmiːnɪŋfl/ adj. 重要的;重大的 词形变换:meaningfully adv. 有意义地meaningless [ˈmi:nɪŋləs] adj.无意义的This is a very meaningful activity. 这是一次非常有意义的活动。They discussed the matter meaningfully. 他们有意义地讨论了这件事。Some of his words seem meaningless. 他的一些话似乎毫无意义。趁热打铁:填空她给了我一个意味深长的眼神。She gave me a look. 他意味深长地看着我。He looked at me 我们昨天进行了一场有意义的讨论。We had a discussion yesterday. 23. make a wish 许愿She made a wish before blowing out the candles. 她在吹灭蜡烛前许了个愿。He made a wish for good health. 他许愿身体健康。wish v. 希望,祝愿; n. 希望,愿望,心愿固定搭配:wish (sb.) sth. 祝愿(某人)某事I wish you happiness. 我祝你幸福。wish to do sth. 希望做某事He wishes to travel around the world. 他希望周游世界。wish sb. to do sth. 希望某人做某事My parents wish me to study hard. 我父母希望我努力学习。趁热打铁:填空让我们一起许愿吧。Let's together. 她希望有一天能成为一名著名的歌手。She one day.他们希望他们的孩子有一个美好的未来。They a good future.24. symbol /ˈsɪmbl/ n. 象征;符号 必备搭配:a symbol of sth. 某物的象征;The dove is a symbol of peace. 鸽子是和平的象征。This ring is a symbol of our love. 这枚戒指是我们爱情的象征。趁热打铁:翻译长面条是长寿的象征。(课文原句) 25. village/ˈvɪlɪdʒ/ n.村庄;村镇 用法搭配:in the village 在村庄里;village school 乡村学校词形变换:villager n. 村民The villagers are very friendly. 村民们非常友好。 We went to the village to visit our grandparents. 我们去村庄看望我们的祖父母。趁热打铁:山里有个美丽的村庄。 每年,我和我的家人都会一起在我们村子里的那棵大树下拍一张照片(课文原句) 26. grow /ɡrəʊ/ v.成长;长大;增长 p72必备搭配:grow up 成长;长大; grow into 成长为;词形变换:grew(过去式); growth n. 生长;增长The plants are growing well. 植物生长良好。He wants to grow up quickly. 他想快点长大。She has grown into a beautiful woman. 她已经成长为一个美丽的女人。趁热打铁:他在一个小村庄长大。 我想要看着它和我一起成长(课文原句) 27. blow /bləʊ/ v. 吹;刮用法搭配:28. blow out 吹灭 词形变换:blew(过去式)The wind is blowing hard. 风刮得很大。He blew out the candles on the cake. 他吹灭了蛋糕上的蜡烛。She blew out the candles with one breath. 她一口气吹灭了蜡烛。趁热打铁:我许个愿然后吹灭蜡烛。(课文原句) 29. enjoy /ɪnˈdʒɔɪ/ v.享受……的乐趣;喜欢必备搭配:enjoy oneself 玩得高兴;enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事I really enjoy reading books. 我真的很喜欢读书。They enjoy playing basketball. 他们喜欢打篮球。We enjoyed ourselves at the party. 我们在聚会上玩得很开心。趁热打铁:她真的很喜欢在周末跳舞。 我享用蛋糕,并且打开我所有的礼物。(课文原句) 我们昨天在公园里玩得很愉快。 30. height /haɪt/ n.身高;高度词形变换:high adj. 高的;highly adv. 高度地His height is 1.8 meters. 他的身高是 1.8 米。The building is at a height of 100 meters. 这座建筑有 100 米高。 趁热打铁:我父亲每年在门上标记我的身高。(课文原句) 31. later /ˈleɪtə(r)/ adv.& adj.以后(的);后来(的)固定搭配: sooner or later 迟早I'll see you later. 回头见。He came back later. 他后来回来了。Sooner or later, you'll succeed. 迟早你会成功的。趁热打铁:之后看看这些标记很有趣。(课文原句) 语篇运用:选择方框中单词补全文章,有的需要变形,有两个多余选项。A on, total, for, at, make, example ,celebrate , yogurt balloon, price, surprise, listToday is a special day. We are 1. my sister's birthday. There are many colorful 2. decorating the room, which brings her a big 3. . We make a 4 of things to buy. We go to the supermarket and buy something like chocolate, 5. and a kilo of pizza. These things are6. sale and the 7. is quite good. The8. cost is not too much. We also prepare a special gift 9. her, which is her own favorite. For10. , a book. We are all having a great time It's a day full of happiness and everyone is enjoying it.Bstory, village, language, grow, blow, international,later ,meaning, symbol, mark, national , wishIn my village, there is a big tree which is a 1. of our village. I used to make a 2. under it when I was young. I 3. the date on the tree trunk. Now, I enjoy going back to the 4. . I have learned many 5. and I know that English is an 6. one. Our national culture is very 7. . I also found that as I 8. up, my height increased. I remember 9. out the candles on my birthday and making new wishes. 10 , I look back at those memories and feel very happy. I will always cherish this place and the experiences I had here.CToday is Friday. Linda's class would like to have a barbecue (户外烧烤)tomorrow.She and her classmate, Jack are shopping in a supermarket now. They need some food and drinks for the barbecue.1. When will Linda's class have a barbecue?A. On Sunday. B. On Saturday.C. On Friday. D. On Thursday.2. Who is shopping with Linda in the supermarket?A. Her parents. B. Her brother.C. Her teacher. D. Her classmate.3. How many boxes of green tea does Linda need?A.2. B.3. C.4. D.5.4. Linda should pay yuan for fruit.A.30 B.120 C.150 D.190 5. Which of the following is NOT true?A. Linda needs four kinds of drinks.B. Linda needs to pay sixty yuan for sausages.C. Linda needs ten kilos of watermelons.D. Pork is the most expensive meat on Linda's list.2024新教材七年级上册Unit7单词讲义答案celebrate [ˈselɪbreɪt] v .庆祝;庆贺 p67词形变换:celebration [ˌselɪˈbreɪʃn] n. 庆祝;庆典;庆祝活动The celebration of the festival was very lively.这个节日的庆祝活动非常热闹。Let's celebrate with a big party.让我们用一个盛大的聚会来庆祝。趁热打铁:今晚将有一个庆祝派对。There will be a celebration party tonight.我们每年都庆祝她的生日。We celebrate her birthday every year.我们为什么要庆祝生日呢?(课文原句)Why do we celebrate birthdays?surprise [səˈpraɪz] n. 惊奇;惊讶; v. 使感到意外固定搭配:in surprise惊讶地 to one's surprise令某人惊讶的是What a big surprise! 多么大的一个惊喜啊!His words surprised me. 他的话让我感到惊讶。 She looked at me in surprise. 她惊讶地看着我。 趁热打铁:令我惊讶的是,他通过了考试。To my surprise, he passed the exam.为他举办一个惊喜派对怎么样(课文原句)How about a surprise party for him?something [ˈsʌmθɪŋ] pron. 某事;某物There is something wrong with the machine. 机器出了点问题。I want to eat something sweet.我想吃点甜的东西。 规律总结:当形容词修饰something等不定代词时后置趁热打铁:他说了些有趣的事。He said something interesting. 让我们去为聚会买点东西吧(课文原句)let's go and buy something for the party.sale [seɪl] n .出售;销售固定搭配:on sale出售;打折; for sale待售词性转换:sell [sel] v.出售;售卖;推销sell sth. to sb. /sell sb. sth. 把某物卖给某人There are many things on sale in the store. 商店里有很多东西在打折。This house is for sale.这所房子待售。 趁热打铁:这些鞋子在打折。The shoes are on sale.我们今天有促销活动。we have a sale today.kilo [ˈkiːləʊ] (=kilogram, kilogramme [ˈkɪləɡræm])n.千克;公斤固定搭配:a kilo of 一公斤……He needs half a kilo of salt. 他需要半公斤盐。 The watermelon weighs five kilos.这个西瓜重五公斤。 She carried three kilos of flour. 她提着三公斤面粉。趁热打铁:我买了两公斤苹果。I bought two kilos of apples. 你想要多少公斤?(课文原句)How many kilos do you want?yogurt [ˈjəʊgərt] n .酸奶 (不可数)I like to eat strawberry yogurt.我喜欢吃草莓味酸奶。 This yogurt tastes delicious.这种酸奶味道很美味。趁热打铁她在超市买了一些酸奶。She bought some yogurt at the supermarket.来点酸奶怎么样?(课文原句)How about some yogurt?total [ˈtəʊtl] n .总数;合计adj .总的;全体的 固定搭配:in total 总共The total of these numbers is 50. 这些数字的总和是 50。The total cost is very high.总花费非常高。In total, there are five books on the table.总共桌子上有五本书。趁热打铁:总共是多少?(课文原句)What's the total?price [praɪs] n. 价格固定搭配:high price(高价),low price(低价)以……的价格 at a price of…. the price of… …的价格是…They bought the house at a price of $500,000.他们以 50 万美元的价格买下了那所房子。The house has a very high price. 这所房子价格非常高。 The price of oil fluctuates a lot. 石油价格波动很大。趁热打铁:这件衬衫的价格合理。 this shirt is reasonable. balloon [bəˈluːn] n. 气球The children are playing with balloons.孩子们在玩气球。 She tied a balloon to the chair. 她把一个气球系在椅子上。 观察例句得出balloon为可数名词。趁热打铁:房间里有很多五颜六色的气球。There are many colorful balloons in the room. chocolate[ˈtʃɔklət] n.巧克力固定搭配:a box of chocolate(一盒巧克力)She bought a bar of chocolate. 她买了一条巧克力。 This chocolate cake is delicious.这个巧克力蛋糕很美味。 趁热打铁:我喜欢吃巧克力。I love eating chocolate. pizza [ˈpiːtsə] n .比萨饼固定搭配:a slice of pizza一片披萨I like pepperoni pizza. 我喜欢意大利辣香肠披萨。We ordered a large pizza. 我们点了一个大披萨。 He ate the whole pizza by himself.他自己吃了整个披萨。 趁热打铁:餐馆里有很多种披萨。There are many kinds of pizza in the restaurant. list [lɪst] v .列表;列清单n. 名单;清单固定搭配:shopping list 购物清单 make a list列一个清单 on the list在清单上Please list the names.请列出名字。 She checked the list carefully. 她仔细检查了清单。I made a list of things to buy.我列了一个要买的东西的清单趁热打铁:他的名字在清单上。His name is on the list. own [əʊn] adj .& pron .自己的;本人的固定搭配: one's own…某人自己的…She did it on her own. 她独自做了那件事。He has his own car. 他有自己的车。 趁热打铁:我有自己的房间。I have my own room.我们庆祝我们自己的生日(课文原句)We celebrate our own birthdays.example [ɪɡˈzɑːmpl] n. 例子;范例固定搭配:15. for example例如Here is an example. 这儿有一个例子。 For example, he is very kind.例如,他非常善良。 趁热打铁:她给出了很多例子。She gave many examples. 16. language [ˈlæŋɡwɪdʒ] n.语言He can speak three languages. 他能说三种语言。English is an important language.英语是一种重要的语言。 观察例句可得:language为可数名词。趁热打铁:我们在学习一种新语言。 We are learning a new language. 世界上有很多语言。There are many languages in the world. 17. international [ˌɪntəˈnæʃnəl] adj.国际的固定搭配:International Nurses Day 国际护士节This is an international conference这是一次国际会议。 The company has international business.这家公司有国际业务。 趁热打铁:他是一位国际巨星。 He is an international star. 18. mark [mɑːk] v. 做记号;纪念;打分n.记号Please mark the important points. 请标记重要的点。 He marked the exam papers. 他给考试卷打分。 She left a mark on the wall. 她在墙上留下了一个记号。 趁热打铁:它标志着弗洛伦斯·南丁格尔的生日。It marks the birthday of Florence Nightingale.19. date [deɪt] n. 日期;固定搭配:out of date过时的What's the date today? 今天几号?The letter has the date on it. 信上有日期。 。We set a date for the meeting. 我们为会议定了一个日期。趁热打铁:这本书过时。This book is out of date.20. national [ˈnæʃnəl] adj. 国家的;民族的固定搭配:National Day国庆节It's a national holiday. 这是一个国家假日。 They sang the national anthem. 他们唱了国歌。 The national flag is flying. 国旗在飘扬。趁热打铁:汉语是我们的民族语言。Chinese is our national language.21. found /faʊnd/ v .创建;创立 第三人称单数: founds; 过去式: founded; 现在分词: founding;The town was founded in 1610. 这个镇建于 1610 年。They founded a new company last year. 他们去年创立了一家新公司。He is the founder of this organization. 他是这个组织的创立者。必备短语:CPC Founding Day建党节趁热打铁:她的家族于1895年创办了这所学院。Her family founded the college in 1895.七月一日是建党节。July 1st is CPC Founding Day.22. meaningful /ˈmiːnɪŋfl/ adj. 重要的;重大的 词形变换:meaningfully adv. 有意义地meaningless [ˈmi:nɪŋləs] adj.无意义的This is a very meaningful activity. 这是一次非常有意义的活动。They discussed the matter meaningfully. 他们有意义地讨论了这件事。Some of his words seem meaningless. 他的一些话似乎毫无意义。趁热打铁:填空她给了我一个意味深长的眼神。She gave me a meaningful look. 他意味深长地看着我。He looked at me meaningfully. 我们昨天进行了一场有意义的讨论。We had a meaningful discussion yesterday. 23. make a wish 许愿She made a wish before blowing out the candles. 她在吹灭蜡烛前许了个愿。He made a wish for good health. 他许愿身体健康。wish v. 希望,祝愿; n. 希望,愿望,心愿固定搭配:wish (sb.) sth. 祝愿(某人)某事I wish you happiness. 我祝你幸福。wish to do sth. 希望做某事He wishes to travel around the world. 他希望周游世界。wish sb. to do sth. 希望某人做某事My parents wish me to study hard. 我父母希望我努力学习。趁热打铁:填空让我们一起许愿吧。Let's make a wish together. 她希望有一天能成为一名著名的歌手。She wishes to become a famous singer one day.他们希望他们的孩子有一个美好的未来。They wish their children to have a good future.24. symbol /ˈsɪmbl/ n. 象征;符号 必备搭配:a symbol of sth. 某物的象征;The dove is a symbol of peace. 鸽子是和平的象征。This ring is a symbol of our love. 这枚戒指是我们爱情的象征。趁热打铁:翻译长面条是长寿的象征。(课文原句)Long noodles are a symbol of long life. 25. village/ˈvɪlɪdʒ/ n.村庄;村镇 用法搭配:in the village 在村庄里;village school 乡村学校词形变换:villager n. 村民The villagers are very friendly. 村民们非常友好。 We went to the village to visit our grandparents. 我们去村庄看望我们的祖父母。趁热打铁:山里有个美丽的村庄。There is a beautiful village in the mountains. 每年,我和我的家人都会一起在我们村子里的那棵大树下拍一张照片(课文原句)Every year, my family and I take a photo together under the big tree in our village.26. grow /ɡrəʊ/ v.成长;长大;增长 p72必备搭配:grow up 成长;长大; grow into 成长为;词形变换:grew(过去式); growth n. 生长;增长The plants are growing well. 植物生长良好。He wants to grow up quickly. 他想快点长大。She has grown into a beautiful woman. 她已经成长为一个美丽的女人。趁热打铁:他在一个小村庄长大。He grew up in a small village.我想要看着它和我一起成长(课文原句)I‘d like to watch it grow with me.27. blow /bləʊ/ v. 吹;刮用法搭配:28. blow out 吹灭 词形变换:blew(过去式)The wind is blowing hard. 风刮得很大。He blew out the candles on the cake. 他吹灭了蛋糕上的蜡烛。She blew out the candles with one breath. 她一口气吹灭了蜡烛。趁热打铁:我许个愿然后吹灭蜡烛。(课文原句) I make a wish and blow out the candles.29. enjoy /ɪnˈdʒɔɪ/ v.享受……的乐趣;喜欢必备搭配:enjoy oneself 玩得高兴;enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事I really enjoy reading books. 我真的很喜欢读书。They enjoy playing basketball. 他们喜欢打篮球。We enjoyed ourselves at the party. 我们在聚会上玩得很开心。趁热打铁:她真的很喜欢在周末跳舞。She really enjoys dancing at the weekend. 我享用蛋糕,并且打开我所有的礼物。(课文原句)I enjoy the cake, and I open all my gifts.我们昨天在公园里玩得很愉快。)We enjoyed ourselves in the park yesterday.30. height /haɪt/ n.身高;高度词形变换:high adj. 高的;highly adv. 高度地His height is 1.8 meters. 他的身高是 1.8 米。The building is at a height of 100 meters. 这座建筑有 100 米高。 趁热打铁:我父亲每年在门上标记我的身高。(课文原句) My father marks my height on the door every year.31. later /ˈleɪtə(r)/ adv.& adj.以后(的);后来(的)固定搭配: sooner or later 迟早I'll see you later. 回头见。He came back later. 他后来回来了。Sooner or later, you'll succeed. 迟早你会成功的。趁热打铁:之后看看这些标记很有趣。(课文原句)It’s fun to look at the marks later.语篇运用:AToday is a special day. We are 1. celebrating my sister's birthday. There are many colorful 2. balloons decorating the room, which brings her a big 3. surprise. We make a 4. list of things to buy. We go to the supermarket and buy something like chocolate, 5. yogurt and a kilo of pizza. These things are6. on sale and the 7. price is quite good. The8. total cost is not too much. We also prepare a special gift 9. for her, which is her own favorite. For10. example, a book. We are all having a great time It's a day full of happiness and everyone is enjoying it.BIn my 1. village, there is a big tree which is a 1. symbol of our village. I used to make a 2. wish under it when I was young. I 3.marked(mark) the date on the tree trunk. Now, I enjoy going back to the 4. village. I have learned many 5. languages and I know that English is an 6. international one. Our national culture is very 7. meaningful. I also found that as I 8. grew up, my height increased. I remember 9. blowing (blow)out the candles on my birthday and making new10. wishes. Later, I look back at those memories and feel very happy. I will always cherish this place and the experiences I had here.CToday is Friday. Linda's class would like to have a barbecue (户外烧烤)tomorrow.She and her classmate, Jack are shopping in a supermarket now. They need some food and drinks for the barbecue.1. When will Linda's class have a barbecue?A. On Sunday. B. On Saturday.C. On Friday. D. On Thursday.2. Who is shopping with Linda in the supermarket?A. Her parents. B. Her brother.C. Her teacher. D. Her classmate.3. How many boxes of green tea does Linda need?A.2. B.3. C.4. D.5.4. Linda should pay yuan for fruit.A.30 B.120 C.150 D.190 5. Which of the following is NOT true?A. Linda needs four kinds of drinks.B. Linda needs to pay sixty yuan for sausages.C. Linda needs ten kilos of watermelons.D. Pork is the most expensive meat on Linda's list.BDBCD Linda's Shopping ListItem(商品)PriceQuantity(数量)water30 yuan a box2 boxesgreen tea45 yuan a box3 boxesjuice8 yuan a bottle5 bottlescola6.5 yuan a bottle5 bottlescorn(玉米)5 yuan a kilo8 kilossausage(香肠)12 yuan a bag5 bagsbeef70 yuan a kilo4 kilospork(猪肉)20 yuan a kilo4 kilosapple12 yuan a kilo10 kiloswatermelon3 yuan a kilo10 kilosLinda's Shopping ListItem(商品)PriceQuantity(数量)water30 yuan a box2 boxesgreen tea45 yuan a box3 boxesjuice8 yuan a bottle5 bottlescola6.5 yuan a bottle5 bottlescorn(玉米)5 yuan a kilo8 kilossausage(香肠)12 yuan a bag5 bagsbeef70 yuan a kilo4 kilospork(猪肉)20 yuan a kilo4 kilosapple12 yuan a kilo10 kiloswatermelon3 yuan a kilo10 kilos
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