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    这是一份云南省楚雄州2023-2024学年高二下学期期末考试英语试卷word版(附听力与参考答案),文件包含云南省楚雄州2023-2024学年高二下学期期末考试英语试卷docx、云南省楚雄州2023-2024学年高二下学期期末考试英语听力mp3等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共12页, 欢迎下载使用。

    1. 答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号、考场号、座位号填写在答题卡上。
    2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷上无效。
    3. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    例:Hw much is the shirt?
    A. £19.15. B. £9.18. C. £9.15.
    1. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    Hw much will Jenny pay?
    A. £30.B. £60.C. £90.
    2. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What time is the train leaving?
    A. At 10:25.B. At 10:35.C. At 10:55.
    3. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What des the man prbably d?
    A. A taxi driver.B. A restaurant waiter.C. A traffic pliceman.
    4. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    Hw lng can the man keep the bks?
    A. Fr ne week.B. Fr tw weeks.C. Fr three weeks.
    5. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    Where did the man spend his hliday?
    A. In Spain.B. In Mexic.C. In France.
    6. Hw des the wman find her last haircut?
    A. Unsatisfied.B. Attractive.C. Uncertain.
    7. What d we knw abut Dn?
    A. He was annyed.B. He was green.C. He was careless.
    8. What did the man d last Saturday?
    A. He saw a play.B. He studied a lt.C. He went camping.
    9. Why d peple jin “Flash Play”?
    A. T earn mney.B. T make friends.C. T experience living alne.
    10. What happened t the wman?
    A. She caught a flu.B. She hurt her head.C. She gt a stmachache.
    11. Why des the wman make the call?
    A. T make an appintment.
    B. T cancel an appintment.
    C. T put ff an appintment.
    12. What is the wman’s attitude t the charge?
    A. She cmplains abut it.
    B. She can’t understand it.
    C. She accepts it.
    13. Which language is the man ging t learn?
    A. Chinese.B. Japanese.C. French.
    14. Hw ften will the man attend the curse?
    A. One night a week.B. Tw nights a week.C. Three nights a week.
    15. What level wuld the man like t take?
    A. The upper level.B. The lwer level.C. The beginners’ level.
    16. When will the man begin t take the curse?
    A. In January.B. In March.C. In September.
    17. Where d jawfishes get their name?
    A. Frm their head.B. Frm their clr.C. Frm their size.
    18. What d we knw abut jawfishes?
    A. They like playing a trick.
    B. They’re friendly t visitrs.
    C. They’re ppular with visitrs.
    19. Why des the speaker find mudskippers amazing?
    A. They can live bth n land and in water.
    B. They feed n plants and animals in water.
    C. They are able t survive high temperature.
    20. What are the listeners ging t d next?
    A. Draw the creatures.
    B. Ask sme questins.
    C. Watch anther creature.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    The ARTumn Festival in Crested Butte 2024
    The ARTumn Festival is an annual celebratin f creativity, where artists frm varius disciplines cme tgether t shwcase and sell their imaginative wrks, ranging frm pttery and sculpture t jewelry, fashin, and phtgraphy.
    Lcatin and time
    Alng Elk Avenue in dwntwn Crested Butte
    Open 11 am — 6 pm n Saturday & 8 am — 4 pm n Sunday, September 21 & 22
    Applying infrmatin
    The participants in this shw will be chsen by a jury. Each participant must submit five images f their wrk, alng with a prduct descriptin and artist statement, thrugh simply the ZAPP applicatin platfrm. Artists may apply in mre than ne categry, but must submit separate applicatins and jury fees. The jury selects artists t ensure a diverse and balanced representatin f styles. Judges review the artwrk withut knwing the artists’ identities, s make sure yur identity isn’t visible n the artwrk r in the title.
    ·This shw is pen t distinguished r emerging artists/craft persns wh exhibit wrk f their wn cncept and design.
    ·Only riginal artwrk, crafts and reprductins f yur wrk can be displayed.
    ·Exhibitrs agree t remain set up fr the entire duratin f the festival. Exhibitrs are respnsible fr setting up their bths (摊位) and als fr cleaning up their exhibitr space at the end f each day.
    ·Tents, tie dwns, tables, displays, fixtures, extensin crds and any ther items necessary fr the bth and display are t be prvided by the exhibitr.
    Refund (退款) plicy
    It is agreed that Clrad Events is nt respnsible fr any lst, stlen r damaged item at any f its events. A refund will nt be granted fr rugh weather r ther reasns. Please nte that we d nt give refunds, and we will issue a cmpany credit, if an exhibitr cancels a shw 60 days prir t the event.
    21. What must artists avid when handing in their wrks fr the festival?
    A. Using images f pttery.B. Applying in multiple categries.
    C. Exhibiting riginal wrk.D. Including their names n images.
    22. What is exhibitrs’ respnsibility regarding their bths?
    A. Prviding weights fr tents.B. Clsing the festival n time.
    C. Maintain it at the end f each day.D. Displaying simply their wn wrks.
    23. When might exhibitrs receive a cmpany credit?
    A. If they decide t jin in multiple categries.
    B. If they pull ut f the festival 60 days ahead.
    C. If the festival is canceled due t bad weather.
    D. If their artwrks are damaged during the event.
    A dad frm Texas didn’t miss a beat when it came t supprting his daughter recently. Cecelia Simmns shared a vide f her husband, Andre Simmns, dancing in the stands while their daughter Jazlyn and her Temple High Schl cheer team perfrmed. In the vide, as the cheer team members raise the small balls and g thrugh their rutine, Andre Simmns fllws right alng, nailing the mves right alngside them.
    The pst shared n scial media has btained ver 312,000 views. With tens f thusands f verwhelmingly psitive cmments n his pst, peple nline quickly shared their reactins. They recmmended Andre Simmns as “Cheer Dad f the Year” r applauded his energy and spt-n mves. Simmns himself was quick t say he’s nt the best dancer and it tk him a few days t learn the rutine. “Once I gt it dwn pat, I just jumped up there when I heard the band finally bring the sng up and I gt up there and did it with her,” he said.
    But the father f five said he persisted because he wanted t create a lifelng memry with his girl Jazlyn, mstly because he was cnstantly away fr wrk, thereby affrding limited pprtunities t be in the cmpany f her. “Since she made the cheer team, that was my way f supprting her and kind f relieving the guilt f the lst time. She thught I was ding things that she lved and surprising her with jining her in the cheer during the ftball game,” Simmns said.
    Simmns said Jazlyn and her cheer team friends were surprised and “abslutely lved” that he culd jin in n the fun. The prud dad said it meant “the wrld” t him t be able t be there fr his daughter t. “I lve t try t be a super dad when I’m here and create thse lifelng memries and it’s smething fr us t lk back n and enjy tgether,” he said and planned n cheering sme mre and making mre memries with Jazlyn.
    24. What did Andre Simmns d at his daughter’s cheer perfrmance?
    A. He danced with the team.B. He filmed the perfrmance.
    C. He cached the cheer team.D. He cheered frm the stands.
    25. Hw did peple find Andre Simmns’ behavir?
    A. Amusing.B. Disturbing.C. Odd.D. Admirable.
    26. Why did Andre Simmns make such a decisin?
    A. T win the title f “Cheer Dad f the Year”.
    B. T shw ff his newly learned dancing skills.
    C. T be the fcus f attentin n the Internet.
    D. T make up fr being absent frm Jazlyn’s life.
    27. Which wrds can best describe Andre Simmns?
    A. Bearable and cautius.B. Selfless and cperative.
    C. Supprtive and caring.D. Ambitius and sensitive.
    In present-day Rmania, a decreasing number f craftsmen practice what’s thught t be a centuries-ld craft. They search the frest fr a fungus (真菌), which grws within trees and sends ut shelf-like mushrms a few inches wide. The fungus is shaved lengthwise int thin strips. Thse strips are then stretched t frm brad sheets, which can be crafted int hats, bags, jewelry, and rnaments. As far back as 1903, Tlingit craftsmen in what is nw the state f Alaska were recrded crafting purses ut f a material frm agarikn fungus.
    Hwever, the craftsmen’s prcess in the early times was abut searching fr materials, nt cultivating them fr mass prductin. Tday, the bitechnlgy cmpany MycWrks in the US is pineering in cultivating mycelium (菌丝). Mycelium is a structural wnder — sft, dense, and strng, making it a great ptential replacement fr leather.
    The peratin starts with agricultural waste, like sawdust (锯末), which is heated t remve existing micrbial life. Once dne, it ges int deep plates f varying sizes. Then fungus jins the party, digesting and grwing. In sme cases, fabric can be added fr the mycelium t weave arund. The sheet f mycelium is eventually peeled ff the wd blcks, and grwth cmes t an end. It can be easily mistaken fr traditinal leather.
    MycWrks is ne f a wave f innvatrs, all f whm assume that a better understanding f mycelium can redefine the limits f fashin and design. In recent years, MycWrks’ prducts have been used in designer bags and pillws. CEO Matt Scullin praises mycelium as a material in fashin, “It has a bit f a sft tuch, and it has a bunce. It can absrb the il s and heat frm yur fingers when yu tuch it.” “The early effrts appear t be mre mral, and imprve ec-ftprint. Prducts made frm such material are fully bidegradable — allwing fr a future in which dealing with an ld pair f shes might mean simply cmpsting (堆肥) them,” he added.
    28. What is the authr’s purpse in writing the first paragraph?
    A. T stress the histry f grwing mushrms.
    B. T intrduce a fashin inspired by mushrms.
    C. T shw ancient mushrm grwing techniques.
    D. T present the nvel use f mushrms in fashin.
    29. What des paragraph 3 fcus n abut mycelium?
    A. Its grwing prcess.B. Its high quality.
    C. Its shrtcmings.D. Its wrking life.
    30. What des Matt Scullin think f mycelium as a material in the field?
    A. It is straightfrward t grw.B. It ffers a rugh feel.
    C. It prmtes sustainability.D. It is il-and-heat resistant.
    31. Which can be the best title fr the text?
    A. Fungus Crafts: An Endangered Heritage
    B. Mycelium: The Green Leather Alternative
    C. Crafting with Nature: Rmania’s Fungal Traditin
    D. Mycelium’s Rle: Frm Ancient Craft t Mdern Innvatin
    When yu hear the wrd “uncertainty”, hw d yu feel? Scared, anxius, excited r challenged? With many glbal challenges still nging, we are likely t face even mre f the unknwn, s we had better get accustmed t managing it.
    S hw d we detect uncertainty and which part f the brain is respnsible fr it? Researchers have fund that nradrenaline (去甲肾上腺素) is the key chemical invlved in ur respnse t uncertainty.
    T investigate the rle nradrenaline plays when we are faced with uncertain events, scientists at Massachusetts Institute f Technlgy cnducted an experiment with mice. The animals were trained t push a lever (杠杆) dwn when they heard a high frequency nise. If they did this, they were rewarded with a drink f water. They were als trained t learn that they’d receive an unpleasant puff f air if the lever was activated when a lw frequency nise was played. But the researchers added in an element f uncertainty by including a sund where the frequency was unclear.
    Frm this experiment, the researchers discvered that a small part in the brain called the lcus ceruleus — an area that mdulates nradrenaline — was essential in detecting uncertainty. When the high frequency was clear and the reward was expected fr the mice, their nradrenaline release was small. But when the utcme wasn’t clear, and the reward was a surprise, the release was much larger. This was hw the mice’s brains learned t deal with uncertainty.
    A study with humans was als carried ut. They discvered that the subjects’ neurns (神经元) in the prefrntal crtex (前额叶皮质) respnd much mre t lss than t gain. Namely, this area rules ur avidance behaviur when we are under stress. This helps us understand ur unwillingness t expse urselves t uncertainty.
    Once we understand that ur cgnitive and emtinal respnses t uncertainty are a necessary part f the human experience. Acknwledge instead f fear them, perhaps making big decisins can seem less stressful.
    32. What is the uncertainty in the experiment with mice?
    A. The high frequency nise.B. A drink f water as a reward.
    C. The actin t push a lever dwn.D. The nise with unclear frequency.
    33. What des the underlined wrd “mdulates” in paragraph 4 mean?
    A. Remves.B. Adjusts.C. Lessens.D. Bsts.
    34. Hw des the prefrntal crtex influence ur chices when we’re stressed?
    A. By seeking rewarding utcme.B. By maintaining balance.
    C. By aviding negative utcme.D. By reducing uncertainty.
    35. What des the authr want t tell us in the text?
    A. Respnses t uncertainty cme naturally.
    B. Uncertainty gives birth t ptential risks.
    C. Experiments can predict expected utcmes.
    D. Nradrenaline tends t result frm uncertainty.
    We’ve all been there — dinner is ver, but yur stmach (r is it yur mind?) is calling yu back t the kitchen. Many f us experience the temptatin f after-dinner cravings (渴望). ____36____. But why d they happen, even if yu’ve eaten well all day? Let’s unpack the science behind these urges and explre practical slutins t help reduce the likelihd f after-dinner cravings.
    Identifying triggers (诱因)
    After-dinner cravings can stem frm psychlgical needs t genuine hunger. ____37____. Meanwhile, if yur meals thrughut the day lack sufficient prtein r calries, yur bdy might be signaling a real need fr additinal nutrients. It’s essential t distinguish between the tw t address them effectively.
    The size f yur meals can significantly influence after-dinner cravings. Nt getting enugh calries thrughut the day, particularly at dinner, can trigger hunger suffering vernight, as yur bdy seeks t fuel itself. Cnversely, vereating can lead t uncmfrtable fullness and ptentially disrupt yur metablism (新陈代谢) and sleep patterns. Finding the right balance is a must.
    Bsting prtein and veggies
    Prtein basts a high satiety (饱腹感) index thanks t its ability t trigger the release f appetite-regulating hrmnes (激素). Vegetables, t, wrk in prmting satiety. Their high fiber cntent slws dwn digestin, and their high water cntent adds vlume t meals withut adding significant calries. Include prtein and vegetables in yur meals. ____39____.
    Engaging in after-dinner mvement
    ____40____. It’s nt nly gd fr digestin, but helps stabilize bld sugar levels, ptentially reducing the sharp rises and drps that can trigger cravings. The act f mving yur bdy can elevate levels f endrphins, hrmnes knwn t prmte feelings f well-being and ptentially reduce cravings.
    A. Reshaping yur habits
    B. Eating prperly-prtined meals
    C. They can seemingly be at dds with ur health gals
    D. They’re great cmbinatins t help yu keep cravings at bay
    E. Light physical activity, like walking, ffers a tw-fld benefits
    F. Including a prtein surce at each meal, yu feel the less urge t snack later n
    G. Stress r bredm may trick yu int thinking yu’re hungry, causing unnecessary snacking
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    Recycling can benefit nt nly envirnmental cnservatin but als cmmunity in surprising ways. Mate Lange, 15, is ___41___ f this well. On weekends, he wuld srt thrugh glass and plastic bttles and aluminum (铝) cans in his hmetwn, Indian River, Michigan, where he ___42___ a cmmunity recycling prgram.
    Mate initiated the prgram when he was in the sixth grade, playing baseball with the Nrthern Michigan Cyclnes. The team was ___43___ frm its establishment and faced the challenge f raising mney fr their travel t turnaments. Observing cans and bttles thrwn everywhere alng Michigan’s rads, Mate ___44___ a slutin. In Michigan, these cans and bttles can be cllected and exchanged fr cash. ___45___ by his father’s assistance, Mate started a bttle and can drive and it raised $7,500 in a mere few weeks. This ___46___ success inspired Mate t keep the endeavr ging.
    Since then, Mate’s recycling effrt has btained an impressive $350,000, ___47___ at least 50 lcal yuth grups. Equally ___48___, ver 2 millin bttles and cans therwise ___49___ n the radside were recycled.
    In 2023, Mate was ____50____ fr his deeds and wn the prestigius Glria Barrn Prize fr Yung Heres, an hnr ____51____ the effrts f yung individuals striving t make the wrld a better place. When asked abut the accmplishment, Mate said, “I am happy t knw that all these teams and clubs and the cmmunities arund are ____52____.”
    Mate believes everyne can and shuld be f ____53____. “Just d a little bit t make a difference t the wrld,” he ____54____. “Be creative,” he adds. “Have an ____55____ and build n it.”
    41. A. frightenedB. awareC. guiltyD. ashamed
    42. A. ignresB. jinsC. leadsD. quits
    43. A. distinctB. absentC. freeD. fresh
    44. A. hit upnB. called ffC. carried utD. bjected t
    45. A. TuchedB. BackedC. FueledD. Puzzled
    46. A. previusB. imaginaryC. expectedD. initial
    47. A. enhancingB. restrictingC. fundingD. disturbing
    48. A. remarkablyB. frtunatelyC. physicallyD. repeatedly
    49. A. blckedB. litteredC. exhibitedD. classified
    50. A. threatenedB. suspectedC. criticizedD. celebrated
    51. A. n accunt fB. n behalf fC. in recgnitin fD. in cntrast t
    52. A. benefitingB. emergingC. cmplainingD. starving
    53. A. pwerB. serviceC. wisdmD. cncern
    54. A. prtestsB. whispersC. prmisesD. urges
    55. A. ideaB. excuseC. identityD. impact
    At the Third Natinal Cnference n Reading in Kunming, Yunnan Prvince, ____56____ tk place frm April 23 t 25, 53 utstanding bkstres frm acrss the natin, including renwned establishments like the Wangfujing Bkstre in Beijing and the Fangsu Bkstre in Shaanxi Prvince’s Xi’an, ____57____ (award) with the prestigius title f “Mst Beautiful Bkstre f the Year”.
    The bkstres ____58____ (select) included bth revitalized traditinal Chinese brands and grwing private labels, ____59____ (range) frm expansive bk malls t smaller chain bkstres, and frm campus bkstres t theme bkshps. This brad range reflected the dynamic transfrmatin and evlutin f physical bkstres in recent years, shwcasing rich fferings t satisfy diverse reading ____60____ (prefer).
    During the unveiling ceremny, ____61____ fficial frm the Publicity Department f the Cmmunist Party f China Central Cmmittee emphasized the crucial rle f physical bkstres and bkstre practitiners ____62____ the develpment f natinal reading. He stressed the significance f participating ____63____ (active) and the need t take advantage f digital technlgies ____64____ (enhance) the cnnectin between physical bkstres and readers.
    Since its launch in 2022, the “Mst Beautiful Bkstre f the Year” release event has been a recurring highlight, shwing that bkstres are cmmitting _____65_____ (they) t pursuing innvative ideas t upgrade their field.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    66. 假定你是李华,你校官方网站正面向全体学生开展以“校园印象”为主题的短视频征集活动。请给你校交换生Alex写一封邮件,内容包括:
    1. 写信目的和活动介绍;
    2. 鼓励他参加。
    1. 写作词数应为80个左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Dear Alex,
    Li Hua
    67. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    Kevin, a yung man in his twenties, gt hme frm wrk. He pened the fridge and grabbed ne bttle f drink frm dzens f varius caffeinated drinks. Like sme ther yung peple, Kevin was in a pattern f unhealthy living. He ften stayed up late, accmpanied with late-night snacks like ice cream and pizza. He rushed thrugh his day with skipping breakfast r eating n the g. He was feeding primarily n high-fat, high-calrie fds like fast fd, sugary snacks, and caffeinated drinks.
    When back frm wrk, Kevin spent mst f his free time sitting n the sfa, brwsing smartphne screen, rarely engaging in physical activity, which caused him verweight.
    One evening, as he scrlled thrugh his phne n the sfa as usual, a piece f news caught his eye. It was abut a 5-year-ld girl named Meldy, wh was battling leukemia (白血病) and in desperate need f a bne marrw (骨髓) transplant. The stry tugged at Kevin’s heartstrings, and he felt a sudden urge t help. The next day, he went t the hspital and asked fr getting tested fr bne marrw cmpatibility (相容).
    T his delight, the test results shwed that he was a perfect match fr Meldy. Excitement filled his heart as he prepared fr the dnatin prcess. Hwever, during his fllwing medical check-ups, Kevin was infrmed that he had fatty liver (脂肪肝), meaning that he was unqualified t be a suitable dnr at present unless his cnditin imprved.
    The thught f little Meldy lying in a hspital bed, waiting fr a life-saving transplant, drve Kevin int actin. He reslved t make significant changes t his lifestyle t imprve his health and becme a suitable dnr. He began by adpting a strict exercise plan, incrprating daily runs int his rutine. His diet underwent a transfrmatin as well, with healthier fd chices replacing his previus nes. He als made a cnscius effrt t get mre sleep and reduce his screen time.
    1. 续写词数应为150个左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Day by day, Kevin’s cmmitment t his new lifestyle began t shw results.
    The experience significantly impacted Kevin.

    云南省楚雄州2023-2024学年高一下学期7月期末考试 英语试题 Word版含答案: 这是一份云南省楚雄州2023-2024学年高一下学期7月期末考试 英语试题 Word版含答案,共11页。试卷主要包含了 15等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    云南省楚雄州2023-2024学年高一下学期7月期末考试英语试卷(Word版附解析): 这是一份云南省楚雄州2023-2024学年高一下学期7月期末考试英语试卷(Word版附解析),共38页。试卷主要包含了 15等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    云南省楚雄州2023-2024学年高二下学期期末考试英语试卷: 这是一份云南省楚雄州2023-2024学年高二下学期期末考试英语试卷,文件包含云南省楚雄州2023-2024学年高二下学期期末考试英语试卷docx、云南省楚雄州2023-2024学年下学期期末教育学业质量监测高中二年级英语答题卡pdf、云南省楚雄州2023-2024学年下学期期末教育学业质量监测高中二年级英语听力mp3等3份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共19页, 欢迎下载使用。






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