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    这是一份[英语]2024届吉林省长春市高三上学期质量监测(一)英语试题(原题版+解析版),文件包含2024届吉林省长春市高三上学期质量监测一英语试题解析版docx、2024届吉林省长春市高三上学期质量监测一英语试题解析版pdf、2024届吉林省长春市高三上学期质量监测一英语试题原题版docx、2024届吉林省长春市高三上学期质量监测一英语试题原题版pdf等4份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共28页, 欢迎下载使用。

    1. Schl-based Vcatinal (职业的) Training in Germany
    If yu want t d vcatinal training in healthcare, scial services r technical prfessins, yu can d schl-based vcatinal
    training in Germany.
    What is it?
    Schl-based vcatinal training des nt take place partly in a cmpany, but nly at a vcatinal schl r a vcatinal cllege.
    Here yu are nt an apprentice (学徒) in a cmpany, but yu learn practically full-time at the schl desk.
    What des it teach yu?
    Yu will find a variety f prfessins that yu can learn at a vcatin al schl r a vcatinal cllege. Offers are available fr
    prfessins such as nurse, kindergarten teacher and medical-technical assistant. Many—but nt all—f the mre than 350 fficially
    acknwledged vcatinal training prgrams in Germany are schl-based.
    Hw lng des it take?
    Schl-based vcatinal training in Germany is usually full-time. The duratin and the curricula are fixed fr the individual
    prfessins, but there are different vacatin perids frm schl t schl, which interrupt the training perids.
    Hw much des it cst?
    In cntrast t in-cmpany training, yu will nt usually receive a mnthly training allwance fr schl-based training; in many
    cases, yu will even have t pay fr this training. If yu g t a state vcatinal schl r a cllege, there are usually n fees. Hwever,
    this may nt be the case with privately run vcatinal clleges r schls.
    Germany's vcatinal training system is knwn fr its strng fcus n practical skills and emplyability. Accrding t a study by the
    German Federal Institute fr Vcatinal Educatin and Training, arund 78% f students wh cmpleted a vcatin al training prgram
    fund emplyment within ne year f graduatin.
    ( 1 )2. What can mst prbably be learnt in schl-based vcatinal training?
    A. Planting crps.
    B. Taking care f the elderly.
    C. Driving a vehicle.
    D. Mastering a freign language.
    ( 2 )3. What shuld a student d t enjy the fee-free plicy?
    A. Attend a state cllege.
    ( 3 )4. In which sectin f a newspaper can this text be fund?
    A. Science. B. Educatin.
    B. Receive an ffer.
    C. Have a full-time curse.
    C. Business.
    D. Apply fr a private schl.
    D. Entertainment.
    5. Hallran has lved muntains since she was five r six, when her mther tk her t Ireland during the summer hlidays. They
    lived verlking Annascaul lake n the Dingle peninsula. "It's a lvely viewpint. I used t sit there as a child. I lved the freedm f
    ging up the muntain alne, when I was nine r ten. I cried fr days befre ging back t Lndn because I felt I wuld be in a rabbit
    hutch (窝). "
    Fr Hallran, life had settled int a cmfrtable rhythm. But then her fur-year-ld sn died in a car accident; six years later, her
    husband als passed away. After the lss, she became a wrkahlic. She went int the ffice at 5 am, and wrked until 10 pm, which
    was her stability. And it was time t make a change.
    One day last September, Ann Hallran made her way t her nearest bus stp in Hve, East Sussex. She had dne plenty f travelling
    but, at 65, was setting ff alne n her first backpacking adventure. Smewhere between her first stp in Turkey and her final
    destinatin—a yga retreat (静修) in Mazunte, Mexic—she fund a new perspective.
    In Nepal, climbing the 5, 400 m Gky Ri in the Himalayas, Hallran brke her walking stick. She has steprsis (骨质疏松症),
    which makes bnes mre likely t break, s the stick was essential in the muntains. Lsing it was a blw, but she fund reserves f
    inner strength.
    Nw, she says: "Whenever I get scared, I think f myself n tp f that muntain, lking ut ver Lake Gky—and beynd that,
    Everest. I say, if yu can d that, yu can d anything. "
    Since the backpacking adventure, she understands mre fully the rle that wrk played in her life fr s lng. "Wrk was reliable. I
    knew what I was ding. I'm a wrkahlic t this day, " she says. "I've just realised n this yga retreat that I have t let g f all that.
    The penny is drpping fr me nw. "
    ( 1 )6. Why did Hallran cry befre returning t Lndn?

    A. Because she didn't enjy living alne.
    B. Because she was unwilling t live with rabbits.
    C. Because she wasn't used t travelling fr a lng time.
    D. Because she culdn't bear t part frm the freedm in the muntain.
    ( 2 )7. What made Hallran a wrkahlic?
    A. Her desire t earn mre.
    B. Her gal t settle cmfrtably.
    C. Her wish t vercme srrw.
    D. Her plan t save mney fr travelling.
    ( 3 )8. What can we draw frm Hallran's experience in Nepal?
    A. It is never t ld t learn.
    B. An idle yuth, a needy age.
    C. East r west, hme is the best.
    D. Success belngs t the persevering.
    ( 4 )9. What des the underlined sentence in the last paragraph mean?
    A. Mney is nt necessary fr Hallran any mre.
    C. Hallran will make a tighter budget fr her next trip.
    B. Hallran has realized smething mre meaningful.
    D. Nthing can be equal t Hallran's salary frm wrk.
    10. Fr all f human histry, eating meat has meant killing animals. But scientists behind lab-grwn meat say that's n lnger
    necessary. They prduce meat by grwing cells btained frm an animal's bdy.
    Lab-grwn meat, als called "cell-cultivated" r "cultured" meat, is made by feeding a mix f nutrients t animal cells in steel tanks
    in labs. The idea is t create an alternative t agriculturally raised meat. And unlike ther meat substitutes which are made frm plant
    prteins and ther ingredients, lab-grwn meat is real meat. When ready, the meat is frmed int shapes such as sausages r nuggets
    (块), and lks, smells and tastes like any ther grcery stre versin,
    Recently, the U. S. Department f Agriculture (USDA) has given tw cmpanies apprval t sell lab-grwn chicken. The apprval
    launches a new era f meat prductin aimed at eliminating harm t animals, and reducing the envirnmental impacts f grazing (放
    牧 ) and grwing feed fr animals. Scientists warn that the typical way meat is prduced nw, in cncentrated animal feeding
    peratins, is a risk factr fr the emergence f diseases. Lab-grwn meat is mre sustainable and can be prduced withut antibitics,
    and withut prducing greenhuse gas emissins linked t animal agriculture.
    "Everything we knw abut hw meat can be made is ging t change. But dn't expect t see cultivated meat in grcery stres
    just yet, " said Uma Valeti, CEO f UPSIDE Fds. Lab-grwn chicken is much mre expensive, because it cannt yet be prduced n the
    scale f traditinal meat.
    "T make cultivated meat, energy use needs are high, " said Bruce Friedrich, president and funder f the Gd Fd Institute, a
    nnprfit grup that prmtes alternative prteins. Hwever, the disadvantage f high energy needs will be ffset by the reductin in
    land and water use and ther benefits. If cultured meat is prduced n a large scale, it culd als ffer a slutin t feeding the wrld's
    grwing ppulatin.
    ( 1 )11. What d we knw abut lab-grwn meat?
    A. It is abundant in plant prteins.
    B. It can be bught in grcery stres.
    C. It is generated frm animals' cells.
    D. It tastes mre delicius than traditinal meat.
    ( 2 )12. What is the ptential benefit f lab-grwn meat?
    A. Higher safety fr eating.
    B. Lwer csts fr restaurants.
    C. Imprvements in traditinal agriculture.
    D. Psitive impacts n climate change and animals.
    ( 3 )13. What prblem des the authr mentin in paragraph 4?
    A. It is hard t prduce lab-grwn meat in quantity.
    B. The USDA desn't apprve the sale f lab-grwn meat.
    C. Many peple raise dubts abut the safety f lab-grwn meat.
    D. Lab-grwn meat can disturb cmpetitin in the meat industry.
    ( 4 )14. What des the underlined wrd "ffset" in the last paragraph mean?
    A. Balanced. B. Satisfied. C. Increased.
    D. Exchanged.
    15. It's a race against time, as generatins f cultural heritage cnservatrs at the Dunhuang Academy make a great effrt t prtect
    the artistic charm f the Mga Caves, a UNESCO Wrld Heritage Site, despite ersin(侵蚀) by sand and wind.
    The team is dedicated t prtecting the 45, 000 square meters f murals(壁画) and mre than 2, 400 painted sculptures f the 735
    caves f the site, the cnstructin f which spans abut a thusand years, frm the 4th century t the 14th century. The cultural relics
    are the prduct f the cultural exchanges that tk place ver centuries n the ancient Silk Rad. "Our wrk, repairing murals and

    painted sculptures, is t better preserve the caves, which prmtes the great Dunhuang spirit f inclusiveness t the wrld and inspires
    mdern peple, " says Su Bmin, directr f the Dunhuang Academy.
    Cmmnly seen "diseases" affecting the murals include cracking and flaking (剥落), as well as ersin that is caused by changes
    in temperature and humidity f the caves, and the depsitin f salts. T restre a mural requires an all-runder. Restrers shuld knw
    painting, master the skills f a masn and have sme knwledge f chemistry and physics, t be able t recgnize the prblems and
    their crrespnding causes and deliver a slutin. They must als select prper materials and tls, and cnduct experiments, befre
    frmally carrying ut the restratin and evaluating the effect afterward.
    The restratin shuld respect the riginal wrk and aim t maintain the status qu f the murals rather than repainting them.
    When the restrers find sme parts f murals missing r fading away, they never repaint them t create a "perfect" appearance in
    restratin. "Cultural relics are witnesses f histry, " explains Su. "When yu pursue the s-called intact(完好无损的) lk fr artistic
    reasns, yu will lse their key meaning. "
    Cave cnservatin is abut cntinuusly slving prblems. "It needs a lng-term research t better preserve the caves, ver a
    much wider time span that ges beynd ur lifetimes, " Su says. But at least, they can keep the existing lk f the murals fr as lng as
    ( 1 )16. What is the main purpse f paragraph 2?
    A. T shw the ppularity f Dunhuang murals.
    C. T stress the significance f the restratin wrk.
    B. T explain the histry f the ancient Silk Rad.
    D. T present the ways f prtecting cultural heritage.
    ( 2 )17. Which f the fllwing best describes the restratin wrk?
    A. Creative.
    B. Well-paid.
    C. Interesting.
    D. Demanding.
    ( 3 )18. What shuld restring murals fcus n accrding t paragraph 4?
    A. Sptting the faded murals in time.
    C. Making preservatin f the murals as they are.
    ( 4 )19. What can be a suitable title fr the text?
    A. The Artistic Charm f Mural Paintings.
    B. Fixing the missing parts f murals.
    D. Repainting t perfect the appearance f murals.
    B. The Mural Restratin in the Mga Caves.
    C. The Successful Experiment n Cave Cnservatin.
    D. The Rle f the Dunhuang Spirit in Chinese Culture.
    20. Reversal—change yur perspective and slve yur prblem
    It's ften yur definitin f a prblem that limits yu in finding a suitable slutin. Creative slutins require a change f
    The reversal technique is a creative thinking technique that is based n the thught that t change yur perspective, yu smetimes
    need t change the rder f the wrds in yur prblem definitin.
    Hw yu change the rder f the wrds desn't matter much, as lng as the key wrds are reversed.
    Yur challenge is "Hw
    d we make sure that fewer peple take cars t their wrk? " . Swapping (交换) the key wrds, yu culd rephrase this challenge as
    "Hw d we make sure that fewer cars take peple t their wrk? " .
    Nt every prblem statement is suitable fr a reversal. Smetimes using this technique requires yu t first rephrase the questin
    t swap with "washing machines" . Yet, when yu rephrase the questin t "Hw might we sell mre washing machines t yung
    parents? " , yu can easily change it t "Hw might we sell mre yung parents t washing machines? " . Yu culd interpret this
    Fr instance, the questin "Hw might we sell mre washing machines? " is nt easily reversed—there is n key wrd
    last sentence as "the washing machine pays the yung parents t try it ut" . Then, yu culd start cmmunicating t ptential buyers
    hw much they will save each year when they chse yur energy-efficient washing machine.
    As this example shws, sme reversals will require a very flexible way f thinking.
    Hwever, thinking abut the tiny amunt
    f time it will "cst" yu t try ut a reversal, yu have very little t lse and, ptentially, lts t gain.
    A. The prblem statement is much mre lgical.
    B. Often it helps t add ne r mre key wrds t the sentence.
    C. Rephrasing yur challenge is t change the prblem statement.
    D. A great way t d this is by "reversing" yur prblem statement.
    E. Fr instance, imagine yu are respnsible fr limiting the traffic jam in yur area.
    F. Admittedly, it is a very unusual challenge, but it might just stimulate a creative thught.
    G. Nt everyne will be able t mve frm an unreasnable statement t a useful slutin.

    21. I'm a 47-year-ld teacher. I am s blessed t wrk in the greatest
    fr 20 years. Despite the
    schedule and hard
    wrk, I finish each day feeling I have made a
    "I tuch the future, I teach. "
    . This is the drive that keeps me and passinate. As Christa ' McAuliffe said,
    was named Maryland Teacher f the Year,
    Gergetwn University and is a leader in the student-run Wmen in Plitics grup. Recently, I watched a cllege basketball
    up and dwn the curt fr Gergetwn. Walking thrugh a supermarket yesterday,
    encuntered a frmer student, wh handed me a business card fr the cmpany he started, at age twenty-tw. Anther
    student said he is in the f applying fr law schl at Hward University. Believe it r nt, I frmer students with similar
    I received a cngratulatry e-mail frm a frmer student wh is
    game t find anther frmer student
    success stries nearly every week.
    Seeing their success and knwing that I was able t make a small
    t their success is the greatest
    . Thse glrius
    13 students
    me t cntinue hping t play a rle in the life f every child. Smetimes, while I am watching my
    wrking in class, I try t
    tuch the future every day.
    1. A. business
    2. A. light
    what they will be ding ten years frm nw. I wuld nt
    my career fr any ther. I literally
    B. cmpany
    B. tight
    C. prfessin
    C. flexible
    C. name
    D. prject
    D. casual
    3. A. difference
    4. A. generus
    5. A. leaving
    B. frtune
    B. independent
    B. jining
    D. prmise
    D. inspired
    D. visiting
    D. running
    D. unquestiningly
    D. prcess
    D. turned t
    D. chance
    D. respnse
    D. crner
    C. curius
    C. attending
    C. judging
    C. uncnditinally
    C. hpe
    6. A. cheering
    7. A. unavidably
    8. A. habit
    B. pacing
    B. unexpectedly
    B. frm
    9. A. came acrss
    10.A. change
    B. picked up
    B. cntributin
    B. praise
    C. calmed dwn
    C. prpsal
    C. reward
    11.A. help
    12.A. pressure
    13.A. current
    B. blck
    C. fuel
    B. regular
    B. picture
    C. tp
    D. average
    D. dubt
    14.A. realize
    C. cnfirm
    C. prvide
    15.A. charge
    B. prepare
    D. trade
    22. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式.
    Chinese martial arts, (knw) as Chinese Kungfu by mst freigners, is a traditinal Chinese physical activity with thusands
    f years f histry. As a precius element f China's cultural heritage, Chinese Kungfu has als wn its fame all arund the wrld.
    The rigin f Chinese Kungfu, accrding t sme histrical recrds and antique discveries, can date back even prehistric
    times. Survival back then (mean) scrambling (争夺) t take r prtect fd frm thers and animals. Kicking and bxing were
    a part f daily life, thus frming the (early) series f Kng-fu mvements and perfrmances.
    In mdern times, Chinese Kungfu was first intrduced abrad t the United States by Chinese-American Kungfu master Bruce
    mvements in his great mvies swept American audiences ff their feet. Frm then n, Chinese Kungfu learners
    (find) everywhere.
    As ne f film genres, Kung Fu Film has
    Hng Kng actin cinema. Bruce Lee is ne f the famus
    lvers, t. Even thugh sme nvels are filmed int TV shws r mvies, sme peple still like t read the riginal versin,
    because 10 is mre authentic.
    (main) been prduced in China, peaking in the 1970s, and has been dminated by
    (actr). Martial arts fictin is great hit fr Chinese Kungfu
    23. 假定你是李华,你们学校近期开展以 "Say N t Fast Fd" 为主题的英语演讲比赛,请你写一篇演讲稿,内容包括:
    1. 快餐食品的危害;
    2. 你的建议.
    1. 写作词数应为 80个左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答.
    Dear friends,

    24. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    The Lser
    When Jae came hme frm schl, he culdn't find his keys. What nw? he thught. His parents wuldn't be hme fr an hur.
    Just then, Rn, the man wh lived next dr, walked past.
    Jae had never really talked t Rn, but he knew Rn was a friend f his father. They had played cards tgether many times. I can't
    just sit ut here, Jae mumbled t himself. Jae marched t Rn's dr and kncked. When it pened, Jae said, "Hi, Rn, I've lst my keys,
    and my parents aren't hme, culd I wait here with yu? " "Sure, " Rn said. Inside, Jae saw a baseball n a shelf.
    Rn smiled when he saw Jae lking at it. "That ne was signed by the '87 Minnesta Twins, right after the Wrld Series, " he said.
    "Dad takes me t their games smetimes, " Jae said, "Where did yu get this? " "I was a prfessinal referee fr thirty years, " Rn
    answered. Jae's eyes widened as he asked, "A referee? Did yu meet. . . . " He began t sht questins. Grinning(咧嘴笑), Rn tld
    Jae abut past players, the things they said and their charms.
    When it was time fr Jae t leave, he requested, "Can I cme again smetime? " "Sure, " Rn smiled.
    Ww, lsing my keys turned ut kay, Jae thught as he walked hme. The next day at schl, Jae searched his desk, "Oh, n. Nt
    again!" he cmplained. " Need help? " asked his classmate Martina. She was new in schl. "Yes, my dinsaur bk is missing, " Jae
    "D yu want t brrw mine? " asked Martina, she shwed him a dinsaur encyclpedia(百科全书). "That's the same bk as I
    use!" Jae exclaimed. "Are yu int dinsaur, t? " "Yeah, " said Martina. "What's yur favrite? " "Have yu heard f . . . ? " They kept
    After schl, Jae and Martina went t the park t play catch with Jae's favrite baseball. Martina's a gd playmate and pretty cl,
    Jae thught as he went hme.
    1. 续写词数应为 150 个左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答.
    The next Saturday mrning, Jae wanted t d sme thrwing drills, but he culdn't find his baseball.
    Walking hme with the stray puppy (流浪狗), Jae was lst in thught, reflecting n the past week.

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