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    这是一份[英语]2024届吉林省长春市高三下学期质量监测(三)英语试题(原题版+解析版),文件包含2024届吉林省长春市高三下学期质量监测三英语试题解析版docx、2024届吉林省长春市高三下学期质量监测三英语试题解析版pdf、2024届吉林省长春市高三下学期质量监测三英语试题原题版docx、2024届吉林省长春市高三下学期质量监测三英语试题原题版pdf等4份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共44页, 欢迎下载使用。

    1. 听力选择题。
    0:0 / 0:17
    What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Strangers.
    B. Schlmates.
    C. Rmmates.
    C. Make a list.
    C. Checking a mtrbike.
    C. In a schl.
    C. One.
    2. 听力选择题。
    0:0 / 0:21
    What will the speakers d next?
    A. G t the supermarket.
    B. Drive hme.
    3. 听力选择题。
    0:0 / 0:24
    What is the man ding?
    A. Riding a bike.
    B. Driving a car.
    4. 听力选择题。
    0:0 / 0:26
    Where des the cnversatin prbably take place?
    A. In a cleaner's rm.
    B. In a bkshp.
    5. 听力选择题。
    0:0 / 0:25
    Hw many times was Philip tld his dinner was ready?
    A. Three.
    B. Tw.
    6. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
    0:0 / 1:35
    ( 1 )7. What has the weather been like recently?
    A. Cludy.
    B. Rainy.
    C. Sunny.
    ( 2 )8. What is the man's advice fr the wman?
    A. Buying a new phne.
    B. Taking an umbrella.
    C. Traveling by car.
    9. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
    0:0 / 1:57
    ( 1 )10. What happened t the wman's stry?
    A. It was cpied.
    B. It was lst.
    C. It was stlen.

    ( 2 )11. Why is the wman advised t eat smething?
    A. T avid her misfrtune.
    B. T cheer herself up.
    C. T kill her time.
    12. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
    0:0 / 1:58
    ( 1 )13. When will the man graduate?
    A. This week.
    B. In a year.
    C. In three mnths.
    C. Keep studying.
    C. Applying fr jbs.
    ( 2 )14. What des the wman suggest the man d befre graduatin?
    A. Brrw sme mney.
    B. Get a part-time jb.
    B. Wrking as a teacher.
    ( 3 )15. What has the wman started ding?
    A. Lking fr full-time jbs.
    16. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
    0:0 / 2:50
    ( 1 )17. What is the man ding?
    A. Preparing fr a meeting.
    B. Exercising.
    C. Cking.
    ( 2 )18. Hw des the wman sund at the man's weight lss?
    A. Serius.
    B. Surprised.
    C. Happy.
    ( 3 )19. Hw des the man get t wrk nw?
    A. By train.
    B. By bus.
    C. By bike.
    ( 4 )20. What will the man d t help the wman?
    A. Make salads fr her.
    B. G jgging with her.
    C. Lend a bk t her.
    21. 听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。
    0:0 / 2:40
    ( 1 )22. What is the speaker mainly talking abut?
    A. His feeling after receiving an award.
    B. His experience abut traveling arund.
    C. England.
    C. His preference fr different music types.
    ( 2 )23. Where is the speaker frm?
    A. Ireland.
    B. Sctland.
    ( 3 )24. What did the speaker mst recently annunce t the public?
    A. A single sng.
    B. A three -sng cllectin.
    C. A twelve-sng cllectin.
    C. The hst f the ceremny.
    ( 4 )25. Wh will speak next?
    A. A yung musician.
    B. One fan f the speaker's.
    26. Green Line Perfrming Arts Center
    Upcming Prgrams:
    First Mnday Jazz Series: Crsswind
    Mnday Feb 4 | 7-9 pm
    First Mnday Jazz is a free mnthly event shwcasing lcal Chicag jazz artists.
    Green Light Series: Suth Side Stry Time
    Sunday Feb 17 |10-11 am
    Bring yur kids t listen, learn, sing, dance, and interact! Suth Side Stry Time is a small gathering that centres n readings fr its
    yung attendees alng with the chance fr their parents t scialize. Open t families with children f all ages.
    Sistergirls and Freedm Fighters: Stries in Celebratin f Wmen's Pwer and Grace
    Wednesday Feb 20 |7-8 pm

    Jin us fr an evening f strytelling featuring the dynamic singing, in the Spirit by Emily Hper Lansana.
    This perfrmance will highlight a range f stries that demnstrate wmen's creative and plitical genius frm flk herines t
    Nbel Peace Prize winners.
    Family Saturdays: Art tgether
    Every 1st Saturday f the Mnth | 3-5 pm
    Explre yur child's artistic curisity with hands-n art wrkshps designed t stimulate creativity and play. These interdisciplinary
    wrkshps are exciting fr the entire family, ffering activities frm music t arts and crafts. Cme t learn smething new! Apprpriate
    fr families with children. Registratin is encuraged.
    Fllw Arts + Public Life n Facebk fr mre event details and a full list f all upcming perfrmances.
    ( 1 )27. When can peple enjy jazz in February?
    A. At 8 pm every first Mnday.
    C. At 7 pm every first Wednesday.
    B. At 4 pm every ther Saturday.
    D. At 9 pm every ther Mnday.
    ( 2 )28. What d we knw abut Sistergirls and Freedm Fighters?
    A. It lasts tw hurs.
    B. It is rganized by Emily.
    C. It is a prize-winning perfrmance.
    D. It celebrates wmen's achievements.
    ( 3 )29. What d Green Light Series and Family Saturdays have in cmmn?
    A. Activity types. B. Event frequency. C. Target participants.
    D. Registratin requirements.
    30. I was the nly kid in cllege with a reasn t g t the mail bx, because my mther never believed in email, r cell phnes in
    general. I was literally waiting t get a letter t see hw the weekend had gne, which was usually the warmest cmfrt fr me.
    S when I mved t New Yrk and gt sucker-punched in the face by depressin, I did the nly thing I culd think f—writing letters
    like my mther fr strangers. I blgged abut thse letters and crazily prmised I wuld write a hand-written letter t whever asked me
    Overnight, my inbx became this harbr f heartbreak-a single mther in Sacrament, a girl being bullied (恐吓) in rural Kansas. . ,
    all asking me t write them a letter and give them a reasn t wait by the mailbx. And this is hw the act The Wrld Needs Mre Lve
    Letters was brn, fueled by thse trips t the mailbx. But the thing abut these letters is that mst f them have been written by
    peple, wh have grwn up int a paperless wrld where sme best cnversatins happen swiftly n a screen.
    I've been carrying this mail crate (大木箱) with me these days, which is a magical icebreaker. S I get t tell ttal strangers abut a
    wman whse husband was traumatized (受精神创伤) frm war in Afghanistan, and hw she left lve letters thrughut the huse as
    a way t say, "Cme back t me. " And the man, wh had decided t take his life, tnight slept safely with letters just beneath his pillw,
    handwritten by strangers wh were there fr him.
    These are the kinds f stries that cnvince me that letter-writing will always be needed, even in these days, because it is an art nw,
    all f it: the signing, the scripting, and the mailing.
    ( 1 )31. What can we learn frm the first paragraph?
    A. The authr didn't believe in e-mail.
    B. Mm had been cheated by letters frm strangers.
    C. Cmmunicating by writing letters was Mm's favrite.
    ( 2 )32. What inspired the authr t launch the act?
    A. The letters' cmfrting effect n peple.
    D. The authr was attached t receiving letters frm Mm.
    B. Her intentin f prviding prfessinal aid.
    D. Her mther's fear f mdern cmmunicatin.
    C. The psitive influence f mdern technlgy.
    ( 3 )33. Why des the authr call the mail crate "a magical icebreaker" ?
    A. It melts ice easily n a cld day.
    B. It serves as a tl fr magic tricks.
    C. It encurages peple t recver frm traumas.
    ( 4 )34. What can be a suitable title fr the text?
    D. It helps t start a cnversatin with passers-by.
    A. Passin fr Writing.
    B. Priceless Family Letters.
    C. Lve Letters t Strangers.
    D. The Art f Writing Letters.
    35. Nanak Hama gets a lt f mail, mstly frm strangers wh live in her hme city f Tky. In light envelpes, they send lcks f
    their hair, hping t recycle it.
    Peple generate a huge amunt f hair waste. Nearly all f that waste ends up in landfill, where it can release harmful greenhuse
    gases that cntribute t climate change.
    But hair pssesses useful qualities and it's a shame t simply thrw it away. That's why peple all arund the wrld, like Hama, have
    been cllecting hair and finding innvative ways t recycle it, including making mats (垫子) ut f it fr remving il leaks,

    Hama is part f the nnprfit Matter f Trust (MT) members wrking at mre than 60 centers dtted acrss 17 cuntries, using
    machines t make hair dnated frm lcal salns and individuals int square mats, which are then used t clean up the flating il.
    "Hair is particularly well-suited fr this, " says MT c-funder Lisa Gautier, "That's because its rugh srt f uter layer lets il stick
    t it." MT's mats have been used in majr il leaks, including the 2010 Deepwater Hrizn and 2007 Csc Busan incidents.
    In a 2018 study, Murray, an envirnmental scientist at the University f Technlgy Sydney, in Australia fund that mats made f
    recycled human hair culd absrb 0.84 grams f il nt its surface fr every gram f hair—significantly mre than plyprpylene (聚丙
    烯), a type f plastic that's typically used t clean up flating il.
    Besides, hair is als useful as fertilizer (化肥). Hair cntains a relatively high nitrgen (氪), a chemical element crucial fr plant
    grwth, and each lck f hair is made f rughly 16 percent f this essential nutrient. Last year, mre than 560 gallns f liquid fertilizer
    made frm human hair was sld t farmers in nrthern Tanzania and the feedback frm the farmers has been very encuraging.
    "It's just a great way t use hair in a prductive way. Hair is an answer literally hanging in frnt f ur eyes-fr il and sil, " Hama
    ( 1 )36. What can the mat made f human hair d?
    A. Clear the sea f il.
    B. Imprve sil.
    C. Take in harmful gas.
    D. Prevent il leaks.
    ( 2 )37. Which qualities f hair cntribute t its innvative use?
    A. Its clr and strength.
    B. Its length and amunt
    D. Its weight and flexibility.
    C. Its structure and cmpnent.
    ( 3 )38. What's the authr's purpse f presenting the 2018 study?
    A. T state a fact.
    B. T supprt a pint.
    C. T make a cmparisn.
    D. T clarify a cncept.
    D. Negative.
    ( 4 )39. What is Hama's attitude twards the future f hair waste as fertilizer?
    A. Unclear. B. Optimistic. C. Dubtful.
    40. German physicist Albert Einstein is ne f the mst famus scientists f all time, the persnificatin f genius and the subject f
    a whle industry f schlarship. In The Einsteinian Revlutin, tw experts n Einstein's life and his thery f relativity—Israeli physicist
    Hanch Gutfreund and German histrian f science Jürgen Renn—ffer an riginal and penetrating (犀利的) analysis f Einstein's
    revlutinary cntributins t physics and ur view f the physical wrld.
    By setting Einstein's wrk in the lng curse f the evlutin f scientific knwledge, Gutfreund and Renn discver the ppular myth
    (谬论) f Einstein as an uncnventinal scientific genius wh single-handedly created mdern physics-and by pure thught alne.
    As a large part f the bk explains, Einstein typically argued that science prgresses thrugh steady evlutin, nt thrugh
    revlutinary breaks with the past. He saw his thery f relativity nt as smething frm scratch, but a natural extensin f the classical
    physics develped by pineers such as Italian astrnmer Galile Galilei and English physicist Isaac Newtn in the sixteenth and
    seventeenth centuries, as well as nineteenth-century physicists.
    The authrs highlight hw classical physics cannt be separated cleanly frm mdern Einsteinian physics. The bk als includes
    substantial sectins n Plish astrnmer Niclaus Cpernicus and Galile whse methds inspired Einstein. When Einstein cnsidered
    himself as standing n their shulders, he meant that, withut their cntributins, he wuld nt have frmulated (阐述) the thery f
    The Einsteinian Revlutin is an imprtant and thught-prvking (引人深思的) cntributin t the schlarly literature n Einstein
    and his surprising scientific creativity between 1905 and 1925. Gutfreund and Renn might nt have given the final answer as t why
    Einstein, f all peple, revlutinized physics in the way that he did. But they argue in fascinating detail that, t understand his genius,
    ne must take int accunt nt just the earlier histry f physics but als the histry f knwledge mre bradly. Althugh nt always
    an easy read, the bk will interest physicists and histrians alike.
    ( 1 )41. Accrding t the ppular view, hw did Einstein create his thery?
    A. By generating ideas n his wn.
    C. By carrying ut experiments.
    B. By standing n giants' shulders.
    D. By cperating with ther physicists.
    ( 2 )42. What d the underlined wrds "frm scratch" in paragraph 3 mean?
    A. With previus knwledge.
    C. Frm learning frm thers.
    B. Frm the very beginning.
    D. Up t a certain standard.
    ( 3 )43. What des the authr want t say by mentining the famus physicists?
    A. Their ideas were rejected by Einstein.
    B. Their devtin t physics impressed Einstein.
    D. Their hard wrk deserved the wrldwide respect.
    C. Their research cntributed t Einstein's success.
    ( 4 )44. What will the authr f the text say abut the bk?

    A. It pens a dr t physics fr beginners.
    B. It gives a brief glimpse f Einstein's legendary life.
    C. It bridges the gap between readers and the greatest minds.
    D. It ffers a wider perspective t understand Einstein's genius.
    45. Prblem slving skills are increasingly valuable in the wrkplace—and culd help yu achieve mre in yur persnal life t.
    Here's hw t enhance yur strategy.
    · Develp analytical thinking
    The key t effective prblem-slving is the ability t break dwn cmplex issues int smaller, mre manageable
    . This invlves systematically decnstructing a prblem, understanding its differences and identifying the
    relatinships between its varius elements. Begin by clearly defining the prblem at hand, identifying its key cmpnents and
    recgnizing the intercnnectins between them.
    · Prmte creativity
    . T develp creativity, yu must engage in activities that can stimulate yur imaginatin and frm new ideas. Additinally,
    expsing yurself t different fields, experiences and cultures can serve as a surce f creative prblem-slving.
    · Strengthen cmmunicatin skills
    Clear and brief cmmunicatin is the key t effective prblem-slving, acting as the bridge that cnnects diverse perspectives and
    adjusts individuals tward a cmmn gal. Gd cmmunicatin begins with the art f expressin. This needs chsing the right wrds
    and structuring infrmatin lgically. Active listening, n the ther hand, is the skill f receiving infrmatin with fcus.
    · Learn frm mistakes
    Mistakes are nt failures but a gd way t success. Each mistake will give yu a chance t think and learn.
    . Use this
    knwledge t infrm yur future prblem-slving effrts. It nt nly accelerates the learning prcess but als encurages cllective
    prblem-slving skills.

    The jurney t becming an expert prblem slver is an nging prcess f grwth and imprvement. Seeking cntinuus learning
    pprtunities ensures that yu stay ahead f changing challenges and acquire the necessary skills. Furthermre, netwrking with
    prfessinals in yur field prvides a gd way f shared learning.
    A. Stay well infrmed
    B. Seek cntinuus learning
    C. Imprving it requires a structured apprach
    D. Out-f-the-bx thinking is essential fr prblem-slving
    E. These will make sure yur message is easy t understand
    F. Analyze what ges wrng and identify areas fr imprvement
    G. It invlves nt just hearing wrds but understanding the differences
    46. It was a clear night. Finally came the big game and the bys were
    experienced than ther teams, made it t this champinship game. The final drew wide attentin and the atmsphere
    was . The ther team's slugger (强击手), a big kid, was like a snake, dangerus and ready t
    Our team had a perfect start, and the scring mment was repeatedly shwn n a huge screen. Hwever, lking ut Andy's way, I
    and excited. My sn Andy's baseball team, less
    was shcked t see Andy lking straight up at the
    even knw the ball was cming.
    ! Obviusly he wasn't
    n the game. I was hrrified that he wuldn't
    "Cme n, Andy.
    ut there, " I said t myself.
    Thank gdness, the big kid in the ther team made a mistake. Our team had been
    , and we still led by ne run.
    Andy ran up t me at the
    . I was abut t
    him when he said ludly, "Did yu see that shting star? "
    Andy's eyes were glwing (发光) with
    I paused.
    "Yes, " I said. "Well, ne inning (局) t g. Hit a hme run (全垒打)!"
    "Okay!" said Andy, and he ran back t his 12
    I suddenly realized it was nice that my sn wuld take time ut t appreciate the
    by the beauty yu can find at the least 14 mment.
    Andy hit a triple (三垒打) in that last inning. But I still wish I had
    1. A. nervus B. scared
    and beauty in life. Yu might be surprised
    that shting star, t.
    C. curius
    D. ashamed

    2. A. undubtedly
    3. A. electric
    4. A. flee
    B. unexpectedly
    B. friendly
    B. hide
    C. unavidably
    C. casual
    D. unacceptably
    D. relaxing
    D. strike
    C. feed
    5. A. audience
    6. A. relying
    7. A. Fall dwn
    8. A. replaced
    9. A. meeting
    10.A. blame
    B. screen
    C. sky
    D. ball
    B. fcusing
    B. Calm dwn
    B. punished
    B. break
    C. cmmenting
    C. Wake up
    C. warned
    C. crner
    D. reflecting
    D. Stand up
    D. spared
    D. entrance
    D. tease
    B. cmfrt
    B. relief
    C. entertain
    C. delight
    C. parents
    C. rutine
    C. precius
    C. seen
    11.A. anger
    D. regret
    12.A. teammates
    13.A. truth
    B. fans
    D. stars
    B. kindness
    B. likely
    D. wnder
    D. imprtant
    D. fllwed
    14.A. difficult
    15.A. recrded
    B. filmed
    47. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
    The lantern fair in Zigng, Suthwest China's Sichuan prvince, basts (拥有) a histry f mre than 1, 000 years. T mark the Year
    f the Dragn, many f the lanterns at the shw feature the Chinese sign f the zdiac (生肖), but there are als wide variety
    f ther lantern designs t meet different needs. Visitrs prefer traditinal lanterns can find lanterns with flwers and birds, and
    legendary figures, while lanterns with mdern patterns such as cultural trends and nline games are gaining
    yung peple.
    (ppular) amng
    S far, mdern technlgies such as 3D printing and artificial intelligence
    The lantern shw is als accepting the cncept f (envirnment) prtectin. A set f lanterns
    Chinese statue "Brnze Gallping Hrse Treading n a Flying Swallw" frm the Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220 AD) was created by using
    21 different kinds f waste materials, including (tire), and plastics t frm its utside decratins.
    This year's shw will run until July 30. The sets f lanterns will be updated (keep)up with the cming tw traditinal Chinese
    festivals-the Qingming Festival the Dragn Bat Festival. Visitrs can als enjy flk arts, and Chinese music perfrmances
    during 10 (they)lantern-viewing turs.
    (use)t make the lanterns nicer and mre vivid.
    (recreate) the famus
    48. 学校英文报组织同学们分享你校刚刚举办的文化节活动,请你以此为主题写一篇短文投稿。
    1. 简要描述;
    2. 体验和感受。
    (1) 写作词数应为80个左右;
    (2) 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Our Cultural Festival n Campus
    49. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    Michael saw the truble cming. There standing in the hallway was Frank, the by wh enjyed making fun f anyne at any given
    mment. Frank was tall and strng, s few f his victims std up t him. Michael hated the idea that Frank always gt away with his
    wrngding. Yet like mst kids wh were picked n, he just tk it quietly and waited fr the unpleasant t pass.
    Frank walked up, his eyes lcked n the bks in Michael's arms. When they met, Frank stpped unexpectedly, "Hey, let me see
    thse bks!" Sme students watched as Michael held ut the bks he was carrying, trying nt t give away his nervusness.
    Frank tk a bk, lked inside fr a secnd, and then threw the bk at Michael, wh drpped all the ther bks. "Hey, thse
    are schl prperty, " Frank barked, "Be careful!" Then he walked away, laughing ludly.
    Michael, his cheeks turning red, half kicked the fallen bks. Suddenly a hand picked up ne bk. "Yu lk like yu culd use a p
    ally (盟友), " a friendly vice said. It was Ramn, the mst athletic by in the high schl. Michael culdn't believe Ramn was
    stpping t help him as they barely spke.

    "Thanks, " Michael sighed with relief. "It's cnfusing. I dn't knw what his prblems is."
    "Well, as I see it, " Ramn said, "yu need t find a way t end this." Michael ndded, stuck fr what t say. Ramn cntinued, "Yu
    knw my grandmther used t tell me whenever I had a prblem with smene. She'd say, 'Yu can catch mre flies with hney than
    with vinegar (醋).'"
    Lking puzzled, Michael asked, "What des that mean? "
    "It means kindness may be mre effective than anger, " Ramn explained.
    "Can yu just tell Frank t stp picking n me? " Michael suggested.
    "That's vinegar, " Ramn laughed as he walked away. "Try hney instead."
    Ramn's wrds left Michael thinking.
    The next schl day brught Michael's usual pain. There std Frank, and Michael knew it wuld be just secnds befre he had t
    face him in the middle f the hall. Frank came nearer.
    (1) 续写词数应为150个左右;
    (2) 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Then, suddenly, the unexpected happened.
    Michael bent dwn and quickly picked up Frank's bks n the flr.

    2024届吉林省长春市高三下学期质量监测(四)英语试题: 这是一份2024届吉林省长春市高三下学期质量监测(四)英语试题,文件包含2024届吉林省长春市高三下学期质量监测四英语试题pdf、英语答案pdf、英语听力音频英美组合mp3等3份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共16页, 欢迎下载使用。

    2024届吉林省长春市高三下学期质量监测(四)英语试题: 这是一份2024届吉林省长春市高三下学期质量监测(四)英语试题,文件包含2024届吉林省长春市高三下学期质量监测四英语试题docx、长春四模英语试卷pdf、英语答案pdf、长春四模英语答案pdf、英语听力音频英美组合mp3等5份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共32页, 欢迎下载使用。

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