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    这是一份2024蚌埠高二下学期7月期末考试英语含解析,共33页。试卷主要包含了 What is Anne?等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
    1. What did David buy tday?
    A. A pster. B. A bed. C. A camera.
    2. Why des the wman lk slimmer than befre?
    A. She was n a diet. B. She was in hspital. C. She tk weight-lss pills.
    3. What d the speakers think children shuld d?
    A. Study hard. B. D husewrk. C. Take part-time jbs.
    4. Where des the cnversatin take place?
    A. At hme. B. In an ffice. C. At a bakery.
    5. What will the speakers d first?
    A. Arrange the tables. B. Talk abut the menu. C. Send ut the invitatins.
    6. Why des the wman talk t the man?
    A. T ask fr advice. B. T make an aplgy. C. T recmmend smething.
    7. What is Anne?
    A. A tur guide. B. A dancer. C. A student.
    8. Hw ld is Summey?
    A.50 years ld. B. 100 years ld. C. 105 years ld.
    9. Where des Summey live?
    A. In a care hme. B. In her wn huse. C. In the speakers’ huse.
    10. What mved Summey t tears?
    A. Receiving birthday cards.
    B. Wearing a pink dress.
    C. Seeing square dancing.
    11. What des the part-time jb mainly invlve?
    A. Interviewing. B. Drawing. C. Editing.
    12 When did Henry hear abut the psitin?
    A. The day befre yesterday. B. Yesterday. C. Just nw.
    13. What des the wman decide t d at last?
    A. Surf the Internet. B. Ask Mike in persn. C. Buy a magazine.
    14. What materials are needed fr the first experiment?
    A. Ballns. B. Clr pens. C. Wheels.
    15. What des the wman think f the secnd experiment?
    A. Cmplex. B. Dangerus. C. Interesting.
    16. What will the man be respnsible fr?
    A Taking sme phts.
    B. Preparing experimental equipment.
    C. Dcumenting experimental results.
    17 What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Classmates. B. Mther and sn. C. Husband and wife.
    18. What is the speaker ding?
    A. Rescuing an animal. B. Chairing a meeting. C. Hsting a radi prgram.
    19. Wh first fund the baby dlphin?
    A. An animal dctr. B. A birdwatcher. C. A driver.
    20. What prblem did the baby dlphin have when fund?
    A. She was badly hurt.
    B. She had truble breathing.
    C. She was a little verweight.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    1. Where wuld they g if a family want t hang ut n June 18?
    A. Pretend City.B. Tanaka Farms.
    C. Spectrum Center Drive.D. Great Park Gallery.
    2. Which happenings suit children wh lve sprts?
    A. Dads’ Lunchen and Muntain Bike.
    B. Kids’ Eclgy Day and “Stan Wars” Day.
    C. Muntain Bike and Skatebarding Nw.
    D. Cmedian David Kechner and Dads’ Lunchen.
    3. What shuld a kid under 12 d t get a free ticket n “Star Wars” Day?
    A. Dress up and arrive early enugh.
    B. Take crafts and phts abut Star Wars.
    C. Visit the OC Z with his whle family.
    D. Jin a grup f at least 100 Star Wars fans.
    My parents had purchased an Island Packet 445 ten mnths prir, and the day t bard this bat had finally cme. I was 11 years ld and knew abslutely nthing abut this cruising (海上航游) lifestyle my father had been speaking s highly f fr the previus five years. The nly thing I knew fr sure was that I didn’t want t leave my hme. My father was excited, my mther nervus, my brther disinterested, and I sullen. I was nt at all eager abut this change in my lifestyle.
    The first three mnths n the bat had nt been very easy. What my dad called an adjustment perid I called a nightmare. But, after three mnths f traveling, we had a lucky break. In La Paz, there was anther cruising bat with a 13-year-ld by abard. Tw weeks later, Glen and I culd be seen endlessly bgie barding (趴板冲浪) the crashing waves t the beach. After meeting Glen, cruising fr me began t get better and better. At sme pint during these mnths, I decided t give this cruising idea a chance.
    One year later, we cntinued turing thrugh the Suth Pacific. I was learning new skills and learning hw t wrk independently. I ften tk a five-hur watch during the dark hurs f lng passages. This was quite a bit f respnsibility t hand ver t a 13-year-ld, especially cnsidering I was in charge f adjusting sails as the cnditins changed, and keeping an eye and ear ut fr any prblems. Almst everybdy in the cruising cmmunity treated me as an adult while still understanding I was a child, thereby giving me the flexibility t make childish mistakes.
    As f this writing, my family has nw been abard fr three years. We have plans t return t Canada in 12 mnths and, similar t hw I ppsed mving nt the bat, I am nw cmpletely ppsed t mving ff it. I have s much fun and learn s many things n this bat that I can’t imagine ever returning “hme”, a place I hardly even remember.
    4. What des the underlined wrd “sullen” in the first paragraph prbably mean?
    A. Upset.B. Calm.C. Cnfused.D. Astnished.
    5. What made the authr start t embrace the cruising idea?
    A. Overcming the fear f nightmares.
    B. Having fun with smene f his age.
    C. Learning hw t wrk independently.
    D. Making a breakthrugh in barding skills.
    6. Which f the fllwing wrds can best describe the authr?
    A. Stubbrn but reliable.B. Childish but adaptable.
    C. Incnsiderate but flexible.D. Dependent but respnsible.
    7. What can be the best title fr the text?
    A. Benefits f the Cruising Lifestyle
    B. First Day abard Island Packet 445
    C. What Mtivates a Teenager t Change His Lifestyle
    D. Hw a Yung Sailr Learns t Lve the Cruising Life
    Denmark has ne f the lwest rates f bullying(欺凌)in schls. But this is smething that didn’t happen vernight. Anti-bullying prgrams were intrduced in Danish schls ver 15 years ag, accrding t Eurnews, but it’s smething that has t be cnstantly updated t meet the changing times.
    Prgrams begin in primary grades where children are taught empathy(共情)and hw t avid bullying. At the Slusehlmen Skle schl in Cpenhagen, meditatin and hugs are part f the mrning rutine. Accrding t Maja Hindsgaul, a teacher at the schl, this is the key t well-being.
    “I’m the ne they can talk t if smething is difficult. And I’m actually talking a lt abut wh I am and what I like and it’s OK if they like t hug. I like that, t,” she tld Eurnews. “Of curse, they have t learn t read and write and things like that, but they can d that if they feel safe. It’s my task t make them feel safe s that they can develp scial skills at schl.”
    Learning hw t live with ne anther is a large part f the anti-bullying prgrams and this appears t be wrking well in the yunger grades. “We’re always, trying t get the kids t wrk tgether in different types f grups, acrss genders and nt always with their best friends,” said teacher Luise Ibsen. “They’re als practicing scial skills fr hw t cmmunicate.”
    A new prgram was rlled ut in the 2021/22 schl year accrding t a Mary Fundatin news release. Our Schl Strength is a jint effrt frm the Mary Fundatin, Brns Vilkar, a Danish child rganizatin, and Save the Children Denmark. The prgram is the result f fur years f research and cperatin by the nnprfit grups. It’s designed t deal with bullying up t grade 10 and fcuses n students’ well-being and t help the yuth feel that they are accepted and play an active rle in the cmmunity. Anti-bullying prgrams that teach children empathy fr thers at a yung age can make a big difference when these students becme teenagers.
    8. Which wrd can best describe the anti-bullying prgrams?
    A. Unsuccessful.B. Prgressive.C. Disappinting.D. Effective.
    9. Hw des Maja Hindsgaul help her students feel safe?
    A. By teaching them reading skills.B. By ffering supprt.
    C. By shwing srrw fr them.D. By practicing meditatin.
    10. What shuld be a fcus f the anti-bullying prgrams in Ibsen’s pinin?
    A. Develping students’ scial skills.B. Keeping students wrking ut.
    C. Prviding a different atmsphere.D. Imprving students’ learning state.
    11. What d we knw abut the new prgram in the last paragraph?
    A. It was launched in the 2020 by Eurnews.B. It aims t help students d better in studies.
    C. It was cnducted by sme nnprfit grups.D. It is intended fr teenagers ver grade 10.
    Cnventinal chemical fertilizers (化肥) aren’t amng the mst ec-friendly substances in the wrld. Nt nly d they pllute the envirnment if they get int waterways, but they als reduce nutrients in the sil ver time. What’s mre, they’re relatively expensive.
    Seeking a greener and mre sustainable alternative, sme farmers have started applying nitrgen-fixing bacteria (固氮细菌) t their crps. These bacteria absrb nitrgen gas frm the atmsphere and turn it int ammnia in the sil. That ammnia prvides the plants with nutrients, restres pr sil, and bsts the plants’ natural defenses against pest insects.
    One prblem with the bacteria, hwever, is the fact that they are very sensitive t heat and humidity (湿度). This means they dn’t stand up well t being shipped ut t farms frm a central surce.
    With these drawbacks in mind, Asst. Prf. Ariel Furst and her clleagues at MIT have created a methd f cating the bacteria in tiny “metal-phenl netwrk” (MPN) shells (外壳). The shells cntained rganic cmpunds called phenls, which are generally regarded as safe by the Fd and Drug Administratin.
    This new cating technlgy culd make such bacteria mre widely available than ever befre. On ne hand, these catings dn’t blck the bacteria’s grwth r functins. On the ther hand, they d prvide prtectin frm heat and humidity. The cated bacteria can even be freeze-dried, then shipped and applied t crps.
    Furst’s team created 12 different MPNs which cmprised metals such as irn, manganese, aluminum and zinc, all f which are cnsidered safe fr use as fd additives. When these MPNs were used n nitrgen-fixing bacteria, all f them were fund t prtect the bacteria frm temperatures f up t 50℃ and frm relative humidity f up t 48%.
    Furst is nw cmmercializing the technlgy thrugh a cmpany she funded, called Seia Bi. “When we think abut develping technlgy, we need t intentinally design it t be inexpensive and accessible, and that’s what this technlgy is.” she said.
    12. Why are cnventinal chemical fertilizers mentined in the first paragraph?
    A. T lead in the tpic.B. T shw their advantages.
    C. T prvide an example.D. T explain hw t use them.
    13. What can we learn abut nitrgen-fixing bacteria?
    A. They prefer high temperatures.B. They are insensitive t humidity.
    C. They reduce nutrients in the sil.D. They are envirnmentally friendly.
    14. What des the underlined wrd “they” in paragraph 5 refer t?
    A. MPN shells.B. The plants.
    C. Chemical fertilizers.D. The cated bacteria.
    15. What des Furst expect f the new cating technlgy?
    A. It may help farmers t ship crps.
    B. It can be widely applied.
    C. It might be accessible t mre cmpanies.
    D. It will limit the grwth f bacteria.
    Tricks t Enhance Yur Engagement in Charity Wrk
    Charitable activities and vlunteering play a crucial rle in ur sciety, benefiting bth the recipients and the vlunteers themselves. Engaging in public service can be highly rewarding. ____16____ Belw are sme tips fr becming mre active in public service.
    Find Yur Passin. Just like any ther area in life, it’s essential t discver what yu are passinate abut when it cmes t public service. ____17____. Fr instance, if yu’re passinate abut educatin, yu might chse t vlunteer in a lcal schl r library.
    ____18____ Regular engagement in charity wrk helps build a strng cnnectin and cmmitment t the cause. Instead f ccasinal vlunteering, establish a rutine that fits yur schedule. This culd be cntributing a few hurs every weekend r setting specific days fr yur charitable activities.
    Spread the Wrd. Sharing yur invlvement with friends and family can create a sense f respnsibilities. When thers are aware f yur cmmitment t public service, yu’re mre likely t fllw thrugh. ____19____
    Cllabrate with Others. Many charitable prjects benefit frm teamwrk. Jin frces with like-minded individuals r friends t wrk n prjects tgether. This cperatin nt nly eases the wrklad but als enhances the sense f cmmunity and shared gals.
    Set Clear Gals. ____20____ What d yu hpe t achieve, and in what time? Setting clear gals can keep yu fcused and mtivated.
    A Make It a Rutine.
    B. Engage in Charity Wrk Daily.
    C. Clarify yur bjectives in public service.
    D. Select a cause r rganizatin that suits yu.
    E. But it requires tricks fr a fulfilling experience.
    F. It can als inspire thse arund yu t get invlved.
    G. Hwever, it makes a meaningful impact n their cmmunities.
    第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分30分)
    I was then in my early twenties. Even thugh I was armed with a degree in Educatin, finding a ___21___ teaching jb was nt easy. I had t try sme temprary nes.
    This year, when a glden pprtunity ___22___ t teach 5th grade students in a lcal schl. I ___23___ it and tk things seriusly. I ___24___ myself with lessn plans, taught with enthusiasm, and stayed ___25___ with the students. I had n hesitatin in ___26___ the kids when they gt the answer right, and encuraged them if they didn’t.
    One day when the kids were ___27___, a girl apprached and handed me a ___28___ befre she went hme. On it was a lvely drawing full f childlike wnder, ___29___ by the wrds, “Yu are the best teacher I have ever had!” It really amazed me that ne f my kind cmments had ___30___ that girl’s heart greatly. I tk that nte hme and ___31___ put it in a flder, lking n it as a ___32___ because it was very imprtant. Anytime I was feeling dwn I wuld lk at it and it prved t be a ___33___ .
    That experience shwed me the ___34___ f just a single kind wrd. It encuraged me t cntinue t try my best each day t ___35___ lve and kindness thrugh my wrds and actins. Wish the same fr thers.
    21. A. first-rateB. well-paidC. labr-savingD. full-time
    22. A. escapedB. demandedC. arseD. arranged
    23. A. jumped atB. thught abutC. waited frD. dreamt f
    24. A. ccupiedB. amusedC. cncernedD. cntented
    25. A. familiarB. psitiveC. strictD. cnsistent
    26. A. evaluatingB. supprtingC. instructingD. cngratulating
    27. A. gradedB. dismissedC. testedD. taught
    28. A. nteB. giftC. parcelD. bk
    29. A. judgedB. indicatedC. emphasizedD. accmpanied
    30. A. hardenedB. tuchedC. brkenD. gladdened
    31. A. simplyB. casuallyC. carefullyD. eagerly
    32. A. reminderB. treasureC. prfD. secret
    33. A. cmfrtB. frtuneC. fantasyD. privilege
    34. A. targetB. applicatinC. pwerD. principle
    35. A. clarifyB. findC. feelD. spread
    Every Chinese New Year, China intrduces a zdiac(生肖)sign frm a cycle f 12 lucky animals. This year, it’s the Year f the Dragn, r mre ____36____(accurate), “the Year f the Lng”. Then what’s the difference?
    The Western ____37____(describe)f dragns as “fire breathing winged creatures” was inspired by literature such as Bewulf-the Old English epic abut a Scandinavian(斯堪的納维亚的)her ____38____ cntributin was killing mnsters, including a dragn. Greek fairy tales als presented dragns ____39____ vilent sea mnsters r guardians f valuable ____40____(pssess). By cntrast, “lng”, a wrd____41____(create)in the 19th century, reminds peple f strength and frtune, and shuld ____42____(distinguish)frm its Western cusin. In Shiji, ____43____ 2,000-year-ld histry bk, the emperr’s mther dreamed f a dragn lying n her bdy, ____44____(predict)the birth f a future emperr. Exactly fr this reasn, Chinese peple prudly claim they are “the descendants f the Lng”.
    Therefre, sme culture experts have been calling fr a switch t “lng” _____45_____(tell)the Chinese dragn frm the frightening mnsters f Western tales. The call is als in line with the push fr cultural cnfidence t chse the preferred translatin f the Mandarin wrd fr a creature lng respected in Chinese culture.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节(满分15 分)
    46. 假定你是李华,你校英文报正在为2024年8月15日第二个“全国生态日(Natinal Eclgy Day)”征集环保口号(slgan)。请你给口号征集负责人Alan写一封邮件,内容包括:
    Dear Alan,
    Yurs sincerely,
    Li Hua
    第二节(满分25 分)
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    One sunny afternn, I was playing in the backyard when I nticed a beautiful shiny piece f paper lying n the table. It was leftver aluminum fil (锡纸) frm a package my mum had pened. I picked it up and was immediately attracted by its sparkling appearance. Curisity gt the best f me, and I culdn’t help but ask my dad abut it.
    “Dad, what is this paper called? It’s s shiny and beautiful!” I inquired, hlding the aluminum fil up fr him t see.
    My dad chuckled and replied, “That’s. called aluminum fil, and it has many uses.”
    Naturally, my curisity was piqued (激发), and I eagerly asked, “What can it be used fr?”
    My dad smiled and said, “Why dn’t yu research it yurself? It’ll be a great pprtunity fr yu t learn smething new. ”
    With a sense f excitement, I grabbed my phne and started researching n the Internet. I fund ut that it is a type f metal paper called aluminum fil, which is misture-prf(防潮的). As I lked thrugh the infrmatin, an idea ppped int my head. What if I put sme water in a small aluminum fil cntainer and heated it in the micrwave? Wuld the water bil?
    Unable t resist the urge t experiment, I cut a piece f aluminum fil and flded it int a small square cntainer. I added sme water int the cntainer and placed it in the micrwave. With my eyes wide pen, I anxiusly watched the aluminum fil cntainer, filled with anticipatin. But befre I culd see any changes in the water, suddenly a burst f fire erupted frm the micrwave, surprising me. I quickly rushed t unplug the appliance and cllapsed nt the flr, feeling a great fear.
    1. 续写词数应150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    My dad, hearing the sund, hurried ver and asked, “What happened? ”
    My dad’s cmfrting wrds sank in, and I made a prmise t myself t becme mre careful in my life.
    听力1−5ABBCB 6−10ACCAA 11−15CBBAC 16-20CACBB
    Kids’ Eclgy Day
    Bring yur children t Pretend City’s Eclgy Day fr them t learn abut the natural wrld thrugh art, math and science activities. 29 Hubble, 11: 00 am-2: 30 pm June 15, Pretend City.
    Cmedian David Kechner
    Watch actr and cmedian David Kechner, knwn fr playing Champ Kind in the Anchrman films and Tdd Packer in The Office, take the stage at 527 Spectrum Center Drive, June 16 and 17.
    Dads’ Lunchen
    Celebrate Father’s Day with Tanaka Farms’ Hilltp Lunchen buffet. $69 fr adults, $49 fr children 4-12 and free fr children 3 and under. 5380 University Drive, 10: 00 am-3: 00 pm, June 18.
    Skatebarding Nw
    New Nrmal: Skatebarding Nw exhibitin explres hw the sprt has expanded int fashin, film, music and art ver the last 70 years. Great Park Gallery, June 24- August 27.
    Muntain Bike
    If yu are new t muntain biking, jin this rider skill clinic. Class begins with an verview f fundamentals, starting with platfrm psitin and weight transfer fllwed by a series f exercises. 8: 00 am-1: 00 pm, June 16.
    “Star Wars” Day at the OC Z
    Visit the OC Z fr a day f family fun, including crafts, games and pht pprtunities n “Star Wars” Day. The first 100 children under 12 in Star Wars cstumes will receive a gift and a free ticket t the Irvine Park Railrad. 10: 00 am-3: 00 pm, June 10.
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
    1. What did David buy tday?
    A. A pster. B. A bed. C. A camera.
    2. Why des the wman lk slimmer than befre?
    A. She was n a diet. B. She was in hspital. C. She tk weight-lss pills.
    3. What d the speakers think children shuld d?
    A. Study hard. B. D husewrk. C. Take part-time jbs.
    4 Where des the cnversatin take place?
    A. At hme. B. In an ffice. C. At a bakery.
    5. What will the speakers d first?
    A. Arrange the tables. B. Talk abut the menu. C. Send ut the invitatins.
    6. Why des the wman talk t the man?
    A. T ask fr advice. B. T make an aplgy. C. T recmmend smething.
    7. What is Anne?
    A. A tur guide. B. A dancer. C. A student.
    8. Hw ld is Summey?
    A.50 years ld. B. 100 years ld. C. 105 years ld.
    9. Where des Summey live?
    A. In a care hme. B. In her wn huse. C. In the speakers’ huse.
    10. What mved Summey t tears?
    A. Receiving birthday cards.
    B. Wearing a pink dress.
    C. Seeing square dancing.
    11. What des the part-time jb mainly invlve?
    A. Interviewing. B. Drawing. C. Editing.
    12. When did Henry hear abut the psitin?
    A. The day befre yesterday. B. Yesterday. C. Just nw.
    13. What des the wman decide t d at last?
    A. Surf the Internet. B. Ask Mike in persn. C. Buy a magazine.
    14. What materials are needed fr the first experiment?
    A. Ballns. B. Clr pens. C. Wheels.
    15. What des the wman think f the secnd experiment?
    A. Cmplex. B. Dangerus. C. Interesting.
    16. What will the man be respnsible fr?
    A. Taking sme phts.
    B. Preparing experimental equipment.
    C. Dcumenting experimental results.
    17. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Classmates. B. Mther and sn. C. Husband and wife.
    18. What is the speaker ding?
    A. Rescuing an animal. B. Chairing a meeting. C. Hsting a radi prgram.
    19. Wh first fund the baby dlphin?
    A. An animal dctr. B. A birdwatcher. C. A driver.
    20. What prblem did the baby dlphin have when fund?
    A. She was badly hurt.
    B. She had truble breathing.
    C. She was a little verweight.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    1. Where wuld they g if a family want t hang ut n June 18?
    A. Pretend City.B. Tanaka Farms.
    C. Spectrum Center Drive.D. Great Park Gallery.
    2. Which happenings suit children wh lve sprts?
    A. Dads’ Lunchen and Muntain Bike.
    B. Kids’ Eclgy Day and “Stan Wars” Day.
    C. Muntain Bike and Skatebarding Nw.
    D. Cmedian David Kechner and Dads’ Lunchen.
    3. What shuld a kid under 12 d t get a free ticket n “Star Wars” Day?
    A. Dress up and arrive early enugh.
    B. Take crafts and phts abut Star Wars.
    C. Visit the OC Z with his whle family.
    D. Jin a grup f at least 100 Star Wars fans.
    【答案】1. B 2. C 3. A
    细节理解题。根据文章Dads’ Lunchen中的“ Celebrate Father’s Day with Tanaka Farms’ Hilltp Lunchen buffet. $69 fr adults, $49 fr children 4-12 and free fr children 3 and under. ”(用在Tanaka Farms’ Hilltp Lunchen的自助餐庆祝父亲节。成人69美元,4-12岁的孩子49美元,3岁及以下的孩子免费。大学路5380号,6月18日上午10:00至下午3:00)可知,如果一家人想在6月18日出去玩,他们可以去Tanaka Farms。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据文章Muntain Bike中“If yu are new t muntain biking, jin this rider skill clinic. Class begins with an verview f fundamentals, starting with platfrm psitin and weight transfer fllwed by a series f exercises. 8: 00 am-1: 00 pm, June 16.”(如果你是山地自行车的新手,加入这个骑手技能课程。课程从基础知识概述开始,从平台位置和重量转移开始,然后进行一系列的练习。6月16日上午8:00至下午1:00)和文章Skatebarding Nw中的“New Nrmal: Skatebarding Nw exhibitin explres hw the sprt has expanded int fashin, film, music and art ver the last 70 years. Great Park Gallery, June 24- August 27.”(New Nrmal: Skatebarding Nw展览探索了这项运动在过去70年中如何扩展到时尚、电影、音乐和艺术。大公园画廊,6月24日-8月27日。)可知,喜欢运动的孩子可以参加山地自行车和滑板活动。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据“Star Wars” Day at the OC Z中“The first 100 children under 12 in Star Wars cstumes will receive a gift and a free ticket t the Irvine Park Railrad. ”(前100名穿着星球大战服装的12岁以下的孩子将会收到一份礼物和一张免费的Irvine Park Railrad的票。)可知,12岁以下的孩子如果想在“星球大战”日获得免费票,需要穿着星球大战服装并足够早到达。故选A。
    My parents had purchased an Island Packet 445 ten mnths prir, and the day t bard this bat had finally cme. I was 11 years ld and knew abslutely nthing abut this cruising (海上航游) lifestyle my father had been speaking s highly f fr the previus five years. The nly thing I knew fr sure was that I didn’t want t leave my hme. My father was excited, my mther nervus, my brther disinterested, and I sullen. I was nt at all eager abut this change in my lifestyle.
    The first three mnths n the bat had nt been very easy. What my dad called an adjustment perid I called a nightmare. But, after three mnths f traveling, we had a lucky break. In La Paz, there was anther cruising bat with a 13-year-ld by abard. Tw weeks later, Glen and I culd be seen endlessly bgie barding (趴板冲浪) the crashing waves t the beach. After meeting Glen, cruising fr me began t get better and better. At sme pint during these mnths, I decided t give this cruising idea a chance.
    One year later, we cntinued turing thrugh the Suth Pacific. I was learning new skills and learning hw t wrk independently. I ften tk a five-hur watch during the dark hurs f lng passages. This was quite a bit f respnsibility t hand ver t a 13-year-ld, especially cnsidering I was in charge f adjusting sails as the cnditins changed, and keeping an eye and ear ut fr any prblems. Almst everybdy in the cruising cmmunity treated me as an adult while still understanding I was a child, thereby giving me the flexibility t make childish mistakes.
    As f this writing, my family has nw been abard fr three years. We have plans t return t Canada in 12 mnths and, similar t hw I ppsed mving nt the bat, I am nw cmpletely ppsed t mving ff it. I have s much fun and learn s many things n this bat that I can’t imagine ever returning “hme”, a place I hardly even remember.
    4. What des the underlined wrd “sullen” in the first paragraph prbably mean?
    A. Upset.B. Calm.C. Cnfused.D. Astnished.
    5. What made the authr start t embrace the cruising idea?
    A. Overcming the fear f nightmares.
    B. Having fun with smene f his age.
    C. Learning hw t wrk independently.
    D. Making a breakthrugh in barding skills.
    6. Which f the fllwing wrds can best describe the authr?
    A. Stubbrn but reliable.B. Childish but adaptable.
    C. Incnsiderate but flexible.D. Dependent but respnsible.
    7. What can be the best title fr the text?
    A. Benefits f the Cruising Lifestyle
    B. First Day abard Island Packet 445
    C. What Mtivates a Teenager t Change His Lifestyle
    D. Hw a Yung Sailr Learns t Lve the Cruising Life
    【答案】4. A 5. B 6. B 7. D
    词句猜测题。根据划线词的下文“I was nt at all eager abut this change in my lifestyle. (我一点也不想改变我的生活方式)”可知,作者不想在船上生活,因此此时他会不高兴,sullen意思应该是“不高兴的”,与upset意思相近。故选A项。
    细节理解题。根据第二段中“In La Paz, there was anther cruising bat with a 13-year-ld by abard. Tw weeks later, Glen and I culd be seen endlessly bgie barding (趴板冲浪) the crashing waves t the beach. After meeting Glen, cruising fr me began t get better and better. At sme pint during these mnths, I decided t give this cruising idea a chance. (在拉巴斯,另一艘游轮上有一名13岁的男孩。两周后,人们看到我和Glen不停地趴板冲浪,乘着汹涌的海浪冲上海滩。遇见Glen之后,对我来说,乘船巡游开始变得越来越好。在这几个月的某个时候,我决定给这个乘船巡游的想法一个机会)”可知,和同龄的Glen玩得开心让作者开始接受乘船游览的想法。故选B项。
    推理判断题。根据第一段中“I was nt at all eager abut this change in my lifestyle. (我一点也不想改变我的生活方式)”和最后一段中“similar t hw I ppsed mving nt the bat, I am nw cmpletely ppsed t mving ff it (就像我当初反对上船一样,我现在也完全反对下船)”可知,作者一开始很反感乘船游览,最后又变得舍不得下船,因此是有些孩子气的。再结合第二段中“After meeting Glen, cruising fr me began t get better and better. At sme pint during these mnths, I decided t give this cruising idea a chance. (遇见Glen之后,对我来说,乘船巡游开始变得越来越好。在这几个月的某个时候,我决定给这个乘船巡游的想法一个机会)”和第三段中“I was learning new skills and learning hw t wrk independently. (我正在学习新的技能,学习如何独立工作)”可知,作者开始逐渐接受在船上生活的方式,还主动学习船上生活的技能。由此推知,他适应能力很强。故选B项。
    主旨大意题。根据第一段中“I was nt at all eager abut this change in my lifestyle. (我一点也不想改变我的生活方式)”、第二段中“At sme pint during these mnths, I decided t give this cruising idea a chance. (在这几个月的某个时候,我决定给这个乘船巡游的想法一个机会)”、第三段中“I was learning new skills and learning hw t wrk independently. I ften tk a five-hur watch during the dark hurs f lng passages. (我正在学习新的技能,学习如何独立工作。在漫长的航程中,我经常在黑暗的时刻守望五个小时)”和最后一段中“I have s much fun and learn s many things n this bat that I can’t imagine ever returning “hme”, a place I hardly even remember. (我在这艘船上玩得很开心,学到了很多东西,我无法想象自己会回到“家”,一个我几乎不记得的地方)”可知,作者主要叙述了自己的海岛巡游经历,起初作者对这种生活方式感到不安和抗拒,但通过与一位同龄的男孩Glen的相识,他开始逐渐适应并享受起这种新的生活。在旅行中,男孩学习了许多新的技能,承担了责任,并被当作成年人对待,最后作者变得舍不得下船回家了。由此可知,D项“年轻水手如何学会热爱航海生活”概括了作者的这段经历,适合作为文章标题。故选D项。
    Denmark has ne f the lwest rates f bullying(欺凌)in schls. But this is smething that didn’t happen vernight. Anti-bullying prgrams were intrduced in Danish schls ver 15 years ag, accrding t Eurnews, but it’s smething that has t be cnstantly updated t meet the changing times.
    Prgrams begin in primary grades where children are taught empathy(共情)and hw t avid bullying. At the Slusehlmen Skle schl in Cpenhagen, meditatin and hugs are part f the mrning rutine. Accrding t Maja Hindsgaul, a teacher at the schl, this is the key t well-being.
    “I’m the ne they can talk t if smething is difficult. And I’m actually talking a lt abut wh I am and what I like and it’s OK if they like t hug. I like that, t,” she tld Eurnews. “Of curse, they have t learn t read and write and things like that, but they can d that if they feel safe. It’s my task t make them feel safe s that they can develp scial skills at schl.”
    Learning hw t live with ne anther is a large part f the anti-bullying prgrams and this appears t be wrking well in the yunger grades. “We’re always, trying t get the kids t wrk tgether in different types f grups, acrss genders and nt always with their best friends,” said teacher Luise Ibsen. “They’re als practicing scial skills fr hw t cmmunicate.”
    A new prgram was rlled ut in the 2021/22 schl year accrding t a Mary Fundatin news release. Our Schl Strength is a jint effrt frm the Mary Fundatin, Brns Vilkar, a Danish child rganizatin, and Save the Children Denmark. The prgram is the result f fur years f research and cperatin by the nnprfit grups. It’s designed t deal with bullying up t grade 10 and fcuses n students’ well-being and t help the yuth feel that they are accepted and play an active rle in the cmmunity. Anti-bullying prgrams that teach children empathy fr thers at a yung age can make a big difference when these students becme teenagers.
    8. Which wrd can best describe the anti-bullying prgrams?
    A. Unsuccessful.B. Prgressive.C. Disappinting.D. Effective.
    9. Hw des Maja Hindsgaul help her students feel safe?
    A. By teaching them reading skills.B. By ffering supprt.
    C. By shwing srrw fr them.D. By practicing meditatin.
    10. What shuld be a fcus f the anti-bullying prgrams in Ibsen’s pinin?
    A. Develping students’ scial skills.B. Keeping students wrking ut.
    C. Prviding a different atmsphere.D. Imprving students’ learning state.
    11. What d we knw abut the new prgram in the last paragraph?
    A. It was launched in the 2020 by Eurnews.B. It aims t help students d better in studies.
    C. It was cnducted by sme nnprfit grups.D. It is intended fr teenagers ver grade 10.
    【答案】8. D 9. B 10. A 11. C
    推理判断题。根据第一段“Denmark has ne f the lwest rates f bullying (欺凌) in schls. But this is smething that didn’t happen vernight. Anti-bullying prgrams were intrduced in Danish schls ver 15 years ag, accrding t Eurnews, but it’s smething that has t be cnstantly updated t meet the changing times.( 丹麦是校园欺凌率最低的国家之一。但这不是一夜之间发生的事情。据欧洲新闻台报道,15年前,丹麦的学校就引入了反欺凌计划,但它必须不断更新,以适应时代的变化)”可推断,丹麦的反欺凌项目是有效的。故选D。
    细节理解题。根据第三段““I’m the ne they can talk t if smething is difficult. And I’m actually talking a lt abut wh I am and what I like and it’s OK if they like t hug. I like that, t,” she tld Eurnews.(“如果遇到困难,我是他们可以倾诉的人。事实上,我经常谈论我是谁,我喜欢什么,如果他们喜欢拥抱也没关系。我也喜欢这样,”她告诉欧洲新闻)”可知,Maja Hindsgaul在学生遇到困难时,会给学生提供支持。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据第四段“Learning hw t live with ne anther is a large part f the anti-bullying prgrams and this appears t be wrking well in the yunger grades. “We’re always trying t get the kids t wrk tgether in different types f grups, acrss genders and nt always with their best friends,” said teacher Luise Ibsen. “They’re als practicing scial skills fr hw t cmmunicate.”(学习如何与他人一起生活是反欺凌项目的重要组成部分,这在低年级的学生中似乎很有效。易卜生老师说:“我们一直试图让孩子们在不同类型的小组中合作,不分性别,但并不总是和他们最好的朋友在一起。他们也在练习如何沟通的社交技巧。”)”可知,反欺凌项目的一个重点是培养学生的社交技能。故选A。
    细节理解题。根据最后一段“Our Schl Strength is a jint effrt frm the Mary Fundatin, Brns Vilkar, a Danish child rganizatin, and Save the Children Denmark. The prgram is the result f fur years f research and cperatin by the nnprfit grups.”(我们的学校力量是由玛丽基金会、丹麦儿童组织伯恩斯维尔卡和丹麦救助儿童会共同努力的结果。该项目是非营利组织四年研究和合作的结果。)可知,关于最后一段的新项目,我们知道它是由一些非营利组织进行的。故选C。
    Cnventinal chemical fertilizers (化肥) aren’t amng the mst ec-friendly substances in the wrld. Nt nly d they pllute the envirnment if they get int waterways, but they als reduce nutrients in the sil ver time. What’s mre, they’re relatively expensive.
    Seeking a greener and mre sustainable alternative, sme farmers have started applying nitrgen-fixing bacteria (固氮细菌) t their crps. These bacteria absrb nitrgen gas frm the atmsphere and turn it int ammnia in the sil. That ammnia prvides the plants with nutrients, restres pr sil, and bsts the plants’ natural defenses against pest insects.
    One prblem with the bacteria, hwever, is the fact that they are very sensitive t heat and humidity (湿度). This means they dn’t stand up well t being shipped ut t farms frm a central surce.
    With these drawbacks in mind, Asst. Prf. Ariel Furst and her clleagues at MIT have created a methd f cating the bacteria in tiny “metal-phenl netwrk” (MPN) shells (外壳). The shells cntained rganic cmpunds called phenls, which are generally regarded as safe by the Fd and Drug Administratin.
    This new cating technlgy culd make such bacteria mre widely available than ever befre. On ne hand, these catings dn’t blck the bacteria’s grwth r functins. On the ther hand, they d prvide prtectin frm heat and humidity. The cated bacteria can even be freeze-dried, then shipped and applied t crps.
    Furst’s team created 12 different MPNs which cmprised metals such as irn, manganese, aluminum and zinc, all f which are cnsidered safe fr use as fd additives. When these MPNs were used n nitrgen-fixing bacteria, all f them were fund t prtect the bacteria frm temperatures f up t 50℃ and frm relative humidity f up t 48%.
    Furst is nw cmmercializing the technlgy thrugh a cmpany she funded, called Seia Bi. “When we think abut develping technlgy, we need t intentinally design it t be inexpensive and accessible, and that’s what this technlgy is.” she said.
    12. Why are cnventinal chemical fertilizers mentined in the first paragraph?
    A. T lead in the tpic.B. T shw their advantages.
    C. T prvide an example.D. T explain hw t use them.
    13. What can we learn abut nitrgen-fixing bacteria?
    A. They prefer high temperatures.B. They are insensitive t humidity.
    C. They reduce nutrients in the sil.D. They are envirnmentally friendly.
    14. What des the underlined wrd “they” in paragraph 5 refer t?
    A. MPN shells.B. The plants.
    C. Chemical fertilizers.D. The cated bacteria.
    15. What des Furst expect f the new cating technlgy?
    A. It may help farmers t ship crps.
    B. It can be widely applied.
    C. It might be accessible t mre cmpanies.
    D. It will limit the grwth f bacteria.
    【答案】12. A 13. D 14. A 15. B
    推理判断题。根据第一段“Cnventinal chemical fertilizers (化肥) aren’t amng the mst ec-friendly substances in the wrld. Nt nly d they pllute the envirnment if they get int waterways, but they als reduce nutrients in the sil ver time. What’s mre, they’re relatively expensive. (传统的化肥并不是世界上最环保的物质之一。如果它们进入水道,不仅会污染环境,而且随着时间的推移,它们还会减少土壤中的养分。更重要的是,它们相对昂贵。)”和第二段“Seeking a greener and mre sustainable alternative, sme farmers have started applying nitrgen-fixing bacteria (固氮细菌) t their crps. These bacteria absrb nitrgen gas frm the atmsphere and turn it int ammnia in the sil. That ammnia prvides the plants with nutrients, restres pr sil, and bsts the plants’ natural defenses against pest insects. (为了寻找更环保、更可持续的替代品,一些农民开始在作物上施用固氮细菌。这些细菌从大气中吸收氮气,并将其转化为土壤中的氨。氨为植物提供养分,恢复贫瘠的土壤,增强植物对害虫的天然防御能力。)”可推断,作者在第一段提及传统化肥是为了引人话题,即一种保护固氮细菌的新涂层技术。故选A。
    推理判断题。根据二段“Seeking a greener and mre sustainable alternative, sme farmers have started applying nitrgen-fixing bacteria (固氮细菌) t their crps. These bacteria absrb nitrgen gas frm the atmsphere and turn it int ammnia in the sil. That ammnia prvides the plants with nutrients, restres pr sil, and bsts the plants’ natural defenses against pest insects. (为了寻找更环保、更可持续的替代品,一些农民开始在作物上施用固氮细菌。这些细菌从大气中吸收氮气,并将其转化为土壤中的氨。氨为植物提供养分,恢复贫瘠的土壤,增强植物对害虫的天然防御能力。)”可知,固氮细菌是环保的。故选D。
    词句猜测题。根据第四段“With these drawbacks in mind, Asst. Prf. Ariel Furst and her clleagues at MIT have created a methd f cating the bacteria in tiny “metal-phenl netwrk” (MPN) shells (外壳). The shells cntained rganic cmpunds called phenls, which are generally regarded as safe by the Fd and Drug Administratin. (考虑到这些缺点,麻省理工学院的Ariel Furst助理教授和她的同事们创造了一种方法,将细菌包裹在微小的“金属-苯酚网络”(MPN)外壳中。这些贝壳含有被称为酚类的有机化合物,食品和药物管理局通常认为这种化合物是安全的。)”和第五段中“On ne hand, these catings dn’t blck the bacteria’s grwth r functins. On the ther hand, they d prvide prtectin frm heat and humidity.(一方面,这些涂层不会阻碍细菌的生长或功能。另一方面,它们确实提供了对热量和湿度的保护。)”可推断,画线代词they指的是 MPN shells。故选A。
    推理判断题,根据最后一段“Furst is nw cmmercializing the technlgy thrugh a cmpany she funded, called Seia Bi. (Furst现在正在通过她创立的一家名为Seia Bi的公司将这项技术商业化。)”可推断,Furst希望新的涂层技术可以被广泛应用。故选B。
    Tricks t Enhance Yur Engagement in Charity Wrk
    Charitable activities and vlunteering play a crucial rle in ur sciety, benefiting bth the recipients and the vlunteers themselves. Engaging in public service can be highly rewarding. ____16____ Belw are sme tips fr becming mre active in public service.
    Find Yur Passin. Just like any ther area in life, it’s essential t discver what yu are passinate abut when it cmes t public service. ____17____. Fr instance, if yu’re passinate abut educatin, yu might chse t vlunteer in a lcal schl r library.
    ____18____ Regular engagement in charity wrk helps build a strng cnnectin and cmmitment t the cause. Instead f ccasinal vlunteering, establish a rutine that fits yur schedule. This culd be cntributing a few hurs every weekend r setting specific days fr yur charitable activities.
    Spread the Wrd. Sharing yur invlvement with friends and family can create a sense f respnsibilities. When thers are aware f yur cmmitment t public service, yu’re mre likely t fllw thrugh. ____19____
    Cllabrate with Others. Many charitable prjects benefit frm teamwrk. Jin frces with like-minded individuals r friends t wrk n prjects tgether. This cperatin nt nly eases the wrklad but als enhances the sense f cmmunity and shared gals.
    Set Clear Gals. ____20____ What d yu hpe t achieve, and in what time? Setting clear gals can keep yu fcused and mtivated.
    A. Make It a Rutine.
    B. Engage in Charity Wrk Daily.
    C. Clarify yur bjectives in public service.
    D. Select a cause r rganizatin that suits yu.
    E. But it requires tricks fr a fulfilling experience.
    F. It can als inspire thse arund yu t get invlved.
    G. Hwever, it makes a meaningful impact n their cmmunities.
    【答案】16. E 17. D 18. A 19. F 20. C
    根据上文“Engaging in public service can be highly rewarding.”(参与公共服务可能会有很高的回报。)根据下文“Belw are sme tips fr becming mre active in public service.”(下面是一些在公共服务中变得更积极的建议。)可知,选项与上文为转折关系且承接下文。故E选项“但它需要技巧来获得充实的体验。”切题。故选E项。
    根据下文“Fr instance, if yu’re passinate abut educatin, yu might chse t vlunteer in a lcal schl r library.”(例如,如果你对教育充满热情,你可以选择在当地的学校或图书馆做志愿者。)可知,下文是对上文具体的事业和组织的说明。所以上文与事业和组织有关。故D选项个“选择一个适合你的事业或组织。”切题。故选D项。
    根据下文“Regular engagement in charity wrk helps build a strng cnnectin and cmmitment t the cause. Instead f ccasinal vlunteering, establish a rutine that fits yur schedule.”(定期参与慈善工作有助于建立牢固的联系和对事业的承诺。与其偶尔做志愿者,不如建立一个适合你日程安排的习惯。)可知,本段主要在说要定期做慈善。故A选项“让它成为例行公事”切题。故选A项。
    根据上文“When thers are aware f yur cmmitment t public service, yu’re mre likely t fllw thrugh.”(当别人意识到你对公共服务的承诺时,你更有可能坚持到底)可知,选项成绩上文说明对别人的影响。故F选项“它也可以激励你周围的人参与进来。”切题。故选F项。
    根据上文“Set Clear Gals.”(设定明确的目标。)下文“What d yu hpe t achieve, and in what time?”(你希望在什么时间实现什么目标?)可知,选项强调标题且承接下文。故C选项“明确你的公共服务目标”切题。故选C项。
    第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分30分)
    I was then in my early twenties. Even thugh I was armed with a degree in Educatin, finding a ___21___ teaching jb was nt easy. I had t try sme temprary nes.
    This year, when a glden pprtunity ___22___ t teach 5th grade students in a lcal schl. I ___23___ it and tk things seriusly. I ___24___ myself with lessn plans, taught with enthusiasm, and stayed ___25___ with the students. I had n hesitatin in ___26___ the kids when they gt the answer right, and encuraged them if they didn’t.
    One day when the kids were ___27___, a girl apprached and handed me a ___28___ befre she went hme. On it was a lvely drawing full f childlike wnder, ___29___ by the wrds, “Yu are the best teacher I have ever had!” It really amazed me that ne f my kind cmments had ___30___ that girl’s heart greatly. I tk that nte hme and ___31___ put it in a flder, lking n it as a ___32___ because it was very imprtant. Anytime I was feeling dwn I wuld lk at it and it prved t be a ___33___ .
    That experience shwed me the ___34___ f just a single kind wrd. It encuraged me t cntinue t try my best each day t ___35___ lve and kindness thrugh my wrds and actins. Wish the same fr thers.
    21. A. first-rateB. well-paidC. labr-savingD. full-time
    22. A. escapedB. demandedC. arseD. arranged
    23. A. jumped atB. thught abutC. waited frD. dreamt f
    24. A. ccupiedB. amusedC. cncernedD. cntented
    25. A. familiarB. psitiveC. strictD. cnsistent
    26. A. evaluatingB. supprtingC. instructingD. cngratulating
    27. A. gradedB. dismissedC. testedD. taught
    28. A. nteB. giftC. parcelD. bk
    29. A. judgedB. indicatedC. emphasizedD. accmpanied
    30. A. hardenedB. tuchedC. brkenD. gladdened
    31. A. simplyB. casuallyC. carefullyD. eagerly
    32. A. reminderB. treasureC. prfD. secret
    33. A. cmfrtB. frtuneC. fantasyD. privilege
    34. A. targetB. applicatinC. pwerD. principle
    35. A. clarifyB. findC. feelD. spread
    【答案】21. D 22. C 23. A 24. A 25. B 26. D 27. B 28. A 29. D 30. B 31. C 32. B 33. A 34. C 35. D
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:尽管我拥有教育学学位,但找到一份全职的教学工作并不容易。A. first-rate第一流的,极好的;B. well-paid薪金优厚的,高薪的;C. labr-saving节省劳力的;D. full-time全职的。根据上文的“Even thugh I was armed with a degree in Educatin”和下文的“I had t try sme temprary nes”可知,此处表示虽然作者有教育学位,但找到一个全职的教学工作依旧不容易。因此作者不得不尝试一些临时的教学工作。故选D项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:今年,当地一所学校出现了一个教五年级学生的绝佳机会。A. escaped逃离,逃走;B. demanded坚决要求;C. arse出现,产生;D. arranged安排,筹备。根据上文的“finding a 1 teaching jb was nt easy.”和下文的“tk things seriusly”以及对作者尽心尽力地教学、认真对待学生的描述可知,此处指当一个绝佳的机会出现时,作者迫不及待地抓住这次机会。故选C项。
    考查动词短语辨析。句意:我欣然接受,认真对待。A. jumped at迫不及待地接受,欣然接受(机会或提议);B. thught abut考虑:C. waited fr等待; D. dreamt f梦想。根据后文“I 4 myself with lessn plans, taught with enthusiasm, and stayed 5 with the students.”可知,作者尽心尽力地教学、认真对待学生。所以此处指当一个绝佳的机会出现时,作者迫不及待地抓住这次机会。故选A项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:我忙于制定课程计划,充满热情地教学,并对学生保持积极的态度。A. ccupied使忙于(做某事);B. amused逗笑;C. cncerned涉及;D. cntented满足。根据上文的“tk things seriusly”可知,此处指作者忙于课程计划。此处是固定搭配:ccupy neself with sth.意为“忙着做某事”。故选A项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我忙于制定课程计划,充满热情地教学,并对学生保持积极态度。A. familiar熟悉的;B. psitive积极的;C. strict严格的;D. cnsistent一致的。根据上文的“taught with enthusiasm”和下文作者对学生的态度可知,此处强调作者始终积极地对待学生。故选B项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:当孩子们回答正确时,我会毫不犹豫地祝贺他们,如果他们没有回答正确,我会鼓励他们。A. evaluating评价;B. supprting支持;C. instructing指示;D. cngratulating祝贺。根据下文的“when they gt the answer right, and encuraged them if they didn’t”并结合常识可知,学生回答问题正确时作者会向他们表示祝贺。故选D项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:一天,孩子们放学了,一个女孩走到我面前,在回家之前递给我一张纸条。A. graded分级;B. dismissed解散;C. tested考验;D. taught教。根据下文的“befre she went hme”可知,此处表示一天,当学生放学时。故选B项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:一天,孩子们放学了,一个女孩走到我面前,在回家之前递给我一张纸条。A. nte便条;B. gift礼物;C. parcel包裹;D. bk书。根据下文的“I tk that nte hme”可知,一个女孩走过来给了作者一张便笺。故选A项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:上面是一幅可爱的画,充满了孩子般的好奇,并配上了这样一句话:“您是我遇到过的最好的老师!”A. judged评判;B. indicated表明;C. emphasized重读;D. accmpanied附带。根据空前的“On it was a lvely drawing full f childlike wnder”和空后的“by the wrds,‘Yu are the best teacher I have ever had!’”可知,便笺上是一幅可爱的画,充满了孩子般的好奇,还附有一些文字。故选D项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:令我惊讶的是,我的一句善意的话深深地打动了那个女孩的心。A. hardened硬化;B. tuched感动;C. brken损坏;D. gladdened使高兴。根据上文的“Yu are the best teacher I have ever had”可知,作者善意的话语触动了那个女孩的心。故选B项。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:我把那张纸条带回家,小心翼翼地放在一个文件夹里,把它当作珍宝,因为它非常重要。A. simply简单地;B. casually随意地;C. carefully小心;D. eagerly急切地。根据后文“because it was very imprtant.”可知,它非常重要,所以应是小心翼翼地放在一个文件夹里符合实际。故选C项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:我把那张纸条带回家,小心翼翼地放在一个文件夹里,把它当作珍宝,因为它非常重要。A. reminder引起回忆的事物;B. treasure珍宝;C. prf证明;D. secret秘密。根据上文的“I tk that nte hme and 11 put it in a flder”和下文的“because it was very imprtant”可知,作者很珍视这个便笺,把它视为珍宝。故选B项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:每当我情绪低落的时候,我就会看看它,事实证明它是一种安慰。A. cmfrt安慰;B. frtune财富;C. fantasy幻想;D. privilege特权。根据上文的“Anytime I was feeling dwn I wuld lk at it”可知,每次作者感到情绪低沉时,都会看看这张便笺。由此可知,这张便笺对作者来说是一种安慰。故选A项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:那次经历向我展示了一句友善的话语的力量。A. target目标;B. applicatin应用;C. pwer力量;D. principle原则。根据后文“It encuraged me t cntinue t try my best each day t 15 lve and kindness thrugh my wrds and actins.”可知,那句话一直鼓励着作者,所以是向他展示了一句友善的话语的力量。故选C项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:它鼓励我继续每天尽我最大的努力,通过我的言行来传播爱和善良。A. clarify澄清;B. find找到;C. feel感觉到;D. spread传播。根据后文“lve and kindness thrugh my wrds and actins”结合选项可知,应是“通过我的言行来传播爱和善良”符合语境。故选D项。
    Every Chinese New Year, China intrduces a zdiac(生肖)sign frm a cycle f 12 lucky animals. This year, it’s the Year f the Dragn, r mre ____36____(accurate), “the Year f the Lng”. Then what’s the difference?
    The Western ____37____(describe)f dragns as “fire breathing winged creatures” was inspired by literature such as Bewulf-the Old English epic abut a Scandinavian(斯堪的納维亚的)her ____38____ cntributin was killing mnsters, including a dragn. Greek fairy tales als presented dragns ____39____ vilent sea mnsters r guardians f valuable ____40____(pssess). By cntrast, “lng”, a wrd____41____(create)in the 19th century, reminds peple f strength and frtune, and shuld ____42____(distinguish)frm its Western cusin. In Shiji, ____43____ 2,000-year-ld histry bk, the emperr’s mther dreamed f a dragn lying n her bdy, ____44____(predict)the birth f a future emperr. Exactly fr this reasn, Chinese peple prudly claim they are “the descendants f the Lng”.
    Therefre, sme culture experts have been calling fr a switch t “lng” _____45_____(tell)the Chinese dragn frm the frightening mnsters f Western tales. The call is als in line with the push fr cultural cnfidence t chse the preferred translatin f the Mandarin wrd fr a creature lng respected in Chinese culture.
    【答案】36. accurately
    37. descriptin
    38. whse 39. as
    40. pssessins
    41. created
    42. be distinguished
    43. a 44. predicting
    45. t tell
    考查动词短语。句意:希腊童话也把龙描绘成暴力的怪物或贵重财产的守卫。 “把……呈现为”,固定短语,故填as。
    考查被动语态。句意同上。 根据句意此处用被动,把东方与四方对龙的认识区分开来,情态动词shuld后接be dne。故填be distinguished。
    考查冠词 。句意:在2000年前的中国历史书《史记》中,皇帝的母亲梦见一条龙躺在她身上,预示着未来皇帝的诞生。根据句意,此处用不定冠词a 用在名词前表示“一个”, 且2, 000-year-ld发音以辅音音素开头,故填a。
    考查非谓语动词现在分词 。分析句子可知,predict用非谓语动词形式作状语,此处表示一种自然而然的结果,用现在分词作结果状语,故填predicting。
    考查非谓语动词不定式。句意:因此,一些文化专家一直呼吁改用“龙”来区分中国的龙和西方故事中可怕的怪物。 根据句意,此处用动词不定式短语作目的状语。故填t tell。
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节(满分15 分)
    46. 假定你是李华,你校英文报正在为2024年8月15日第二个“全国生态日(Natinal Eclgy Day)”征集环保口号(slgan)。请你给口号征集负责人Alan写一封邮件,内容包括:
    Dear Alan,
    Yurs sincerely,
    Li Hua
    【答案】Dear Alan,
    Having learned that ur newspaper is cllecting slgans fr the secnd Natinal Eclgy Day, which falls n 15 August, 2024, I’m writing t intrduce my wn versin: One Earth, One Family.
    I think my slgan is very persuasive. Althugh we live in different cuntries r different parts f a cuntry, we have nly ne Earth. S it is ur shared respnsibility t prtect ur hme planet and safeguard the bidiversity n Earth. My slgan als shws that nly with jint effrts frm all ver the wrld can we prtect ur hme planet.
    Best regards!
    Yurs sincerely,
    Li Hua
    原句:I think my slgan is very persuasive.
    拓展句:The reasn why I put frward the slgan is that I think it is very persuasive.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】Having learned that ur newspaper is cllecting slgans fr the secnd Natinal Eclgy Day, which falls n 15 August, 2024, I’m writing t intrduce my wn versin: One Earth, One Family.(运用了现在分词做原因状语和which引导的定语从句)
    【高分句型2】Althugh we live in different cuntries r different parts f a cuntry, we have nly ne Earth. (运用了althugh引导的让步状语从句)
    第二节(满分25 分)
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整短文。
    One sunny afternn, I was playing in the backyard when I nticed a beautiful shiny piece f paper lying n the table. It was leftver aluminum fil (锡纸) frm a package my mum had pened. I picked it up and was immediately attracted by its sparkling appearance. Curisity gt the best f me, and I culdn’t help but ask my dad abut it.
    “Dad, what is this paper called? It’s s shiny and beautiful!” I inquired, hlding the aluminum fil up fr him t see.
    My dad chuckled and replied, “That’s. called aluminum fil, and it has many uses.”
    Naturally, my curisity was piqued (激发), and I eagerly asked, “What can it be used fr?”
    My dad smiled and said, “Why dn’t yu research it yurself? It’ll be a great pprtunity fr yu t learn smething new. ”
    With a sense f excitement, I grabbed my phne and started researching n the Internet. I fund ut that it is a type f metal paper called aluminum fil, which is misture-prf(防潮的). As I lked thrugh the infrmatin, an idea ppped int my head. What if I put sme water in a small aluminum fil cntainer and heated it in the micrwave? Wuld the water bil?
    Unable t resist the urge t experiment, I cut a piece f aluminum fil and flded it int a small square cntainer. I added sme water int the cntainer and placed it in the micrwave. With my eyes wide pen, I anxiusly watched the aluminum fil cntainer, filled with anticipatin. But befre I culd see any changes in the water, suddenly a burst f fire erupted frm the micrwave, surprising me. I quickly rushed t unplug the appliance and cllapsed nt the flr, feeling a great fear.
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    My dad, hearing the sund, hurried ver and asked, “What happened? ”
    My dad’s cmfrting wrds sank in, and I made a prmise t myself t becme mre careful in my life.
    【答案】My dad, hearing the sund, hurried ver and asked, “What happened?” I explained the situatin, feeling embarrassed and frightened by the unexpected utcme. My dad cmfrted me and explained patiently, "Metal shuld never be put in the micrwave. It can cause a fire hazard. Scientific experiments are serius and cannt be blindly cnducted. Therefre, be rigrus in the way yu d smething and yu’ll be clser t yur gal,” I listened attentively t my dad’s wrds and felt a sense f relief knwing that n ne was hurt.
    My dad’s cmfrting wrds sank in, and I made a prmise t myself t becme mre careful in my life. I understd that science experiments require precisin and careful planning. Frm that day frward, I prmised t change my impulsive behaviur and adpt a mre thrugh and infrmed apprach. I wuld listen, bserve, and research befre taking actin, It was a turning pint in my apprach twards learning, and I was grateful fr the invaluable advice my dad had shared with me. Frm that day n, I became mre cautius and well-infrmed.
    ①进行,实施:cnducted/ carried ut
    ②.明白:understd /realized
    ③.导致:cause/ lead t
    ①.尴尬的:embarrassed/ awkward
    ②.感激的:grateful/ thankful
    【点睛】[高分句型1]. I explained the situatin, feeling embarrassed and frightened by the unexpected utcme.(运用了非谓语动词中的现在分词作状语。)
    [高分句型2]. I understd that science experiments require precisin and careful planning.(运用了连接代词that引导的宾语从句。)
    听力1−5ABBCB 6−10ACCAA 11−15CBBAC 16-20CACBB
    Kids’ Eclgy Day
    Bring yur children t Pretend City’s Eclgy Day fr them t learn abut the natural wrld thrugh art, math and science activities. 29 Hubble, 11: 00 am-2: 30 pm June 15, Pretend City.
    Cmedian David Kechner
    Watch actr and cmedian David Kechner, knwn fr playing Champ Kind in the Anchrman films and Tdd Packer in The Office, take the stage at 527 Spectrum Center Drive, June 16 and 17.
    Dads’ Lunchen
    Celebrate Father’s Day with Tanaka Farms’ Hilltp Lunchen buffet. $69 fr adults, $49 fr children 4-12 and free fr children 3 and under. 5380 University Drive, 10: 00 am-3: 00 pm, June 18.
    Skatebarding Nw
    New Nrmal: Skatebarding Nw exhibitin explres hw the sprt has expanded int fashin, film, music and art ver the last 70 years. Great Park Gallery, June 24- August 27.
    Muntain Bike
    If yu are new t muntain biking, jin this rider skill clinic. Class begins with an verview f fundamentals, starting with platfrm psitin and weight transfer fllwed by a series f exercises. 8: 00 am-1: 00 pm, June 16.
    “Star Wars” Day at the OC Z
    Visit the OC Z fr a day f family fun, including crafts, games and pht pprtunities n “Star Wars” Day. The first 100 children under 12 in Star Wars cstumes will receive a gift and a free ticket t the Irvine Park Railrad. 10: 00 am-3: 00 pm, June 10.

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