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    第一部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    Italy Turs
    Take ur well-designed Italy tur package t explre this charming land.
    4-6 Days
    If it is yur first time t visit Italy, Rme, Flrence and Venice are yur best chices t learn abut the essential histry, culture and admire the masters’ artwrks f this great cuntry.
    7-9 Days
    Venice in the nrth as a start, then t Flrence, Pisa, Cinque Terre, lastly in Rme, this rute cvers ppular cities, art, heritage as well as the beautiful Mediterranean castline. Fr nature and sea lvers, Rme, Srrent, Amalfi Cast and Capri Island culd be nice destinatins.
    10 Days r Mre
    The typical 2-week Italy tur packages wuld cver tp turist cities and imprtant landmarks. Yu culd g thrugh the cuntry frm Nrth t Suth.
    Best Time t Visit: Spring frm April t June; autumn frm September t Octber
    Majr Cities fr Internatinal Flights: Rme (capital), Venice, Flrence, Napli
    Visa: Citizens frm the USA, Canada, Australia, and citizens f EU and EEA cuntries d nt need a visa and are allwed t stay up t 90 days. The Schengen visa can als be used fr travelling t Italy.
    Mney Tips: Eur is the fficial currency. Majr credit cards are widely accepted, but cash is still necessary in sme cases.
    1. Which places are recmmended fr thse wh have never visited Italy befre?
    A. Rme, Flrence and Venice. B. Capri Island, Venice and Pisa.
    C. Pisa, Flrence and Cinque Terre. D. Rme, Srrent and Amalfi Cast.
    2. Which tur package is designed fr enjying natural scenery?
    A.4 –6 Days. B.7 –9 Days.
    C.10 Days r Mre. D.2 Weeks.
    3. Which mnth may be the mst suitable t visit Italy?
    A. March. B. May. C. August. D. Nvember.
    Every s ften, 31-year-ld Chen Jiawen, a prduct designer at a technlgy cmpany in Hangzhu, Zhejiang Prvince, sets aside a day fr herself called Unplug Day. On this day, she discnnects frm the digital wrld and fcuses n real-life experiences. In the mrning, she prepares breakfast fr herself while listening t music. In the afternn, she wanders thrugh the park with friends and in the evening, they enjy a meal tgether withut tuching their phnes, engaged in deep cnversatin. Upn returning hme, she spends the evening reading.
    Chen started the plan as she ften felt “interrupted” by technlgy, ci ting mments f distractin (分心) like pp-up ntificatins, ring tnes and repetitius warnings leading her t check fr new messages, and feelings f infrmatin verlad. “Occasinally discnnecting frm the netwrk is like feeding the brain a day f vegetarian fd,” Chen said. Unplug Day is part f her plan t cmbat infrmatin verlad frm verusing the phne and t rebuild her fcus. In additin t this, she has started replacing shrt vides with lnger nes and priritizes reading in-depth news articles r bks. “When friends gather and everyne is glued t their phnes, it makes me uncmfrtable,” Chen said, adding that burying herself in scial media prevented her frm cmpleting wrk as planned, leading t psychlgical burdens and a decreasing fcus.
    It’s becme a cmmn situatin where mdern peple might uncnsciusly use the time spent waiting at traffic lights t watch a shrt vide r cnstantly check ut a trending tpic upn receiving a push ntificatin frm an app. T prevent this sense f being “cntrlled” by mbile devices, sme yung Chinese like Chen are experimenting with digital minimalism and are discvering psitive utcmes frm their effrts. Technlgy shuld bring us jy, nt reduce the time we spend with family r increase ur anxiety. Our gal is t cntrl technlgy rather than letting it cntrl us.
    4. What can we learn abut Unplug Day?
    A. It is a day fr reading. B. It is a day withut phnes.
    C. It is a day away frm the Internet. D. It is a day t spend with friends.
    5. What des the underlined wrd “cmbat” in paragraph 2 mean?
    A. Range. B. Cancel.C. Obtain. D. Prevent.
    6. What is the direct impact f ver-invlvement in scial media?
    A. Tasks’ delays. B. Stress frm peers.
    C. Mental prblems. D. A decreasing fcus.
    7. What des the authr suggest peple d in the last paragraph?
    A. Enjy the benefits f technlgy.
    B. Decrease the time spent n digital devices.
    C. Remve the apps infrming new messages.
    D. Watch lnger vides while waiting at traffic lights.
    Hney is a simple pleasure. It’s easy t frget, while enjying its luxurius sweetness n a slice f buttered tast, that it is the end-prduct f a cmplicated prductin line invlving advanced bilgical machinery and thusands f skilled wrkers.
    Hney starts ut as nectar (花蜜), a slutin f varius sugars that flwering plants prduce t attract insects like butterflies and all kinds f bees. Mst f these visitrs drink it dwn n the spt as nutritin fr themselves. A fd-hunting wrker bee, thugh, des things differently. The bee stres the nectar in its hney stmach rather than digesting it. The stmach can hld a lt f nectar, up t almst half the bee’s unladed bdy mass, and filling it may require a thusand flwer visits. The transfrmatin f nectar int hney begins while the bee is still n the wing, as the hney stmach prduces enzymes (酶) that break dwn the larger, cmplex sugar mlecule (分子) int smaller nes.
    On arrival back at the hive, where bees live and wrk, the bee unlads the nectar by giving the sugary slutin t ther wrkers, wh pass it back and frth between each ther, adding mre enzymes each time. Once it is sufficiently sticky, the mixture is laid dwn in the beeswax cells f the hneycmb and the wrkers cntinue the drying prcess by fanning it with their wings. Only when the water cntent has been reduced t abut 18 percent (frm abut 75 percent in the riginal nectar) d they seal the cells with beeswax lids. At this pint , it is well and truly hney.
    An average hive prduces abut 11 kg f hney in a seasn, which requires the bees t fly ver 1.5 millin kilmeters between them. A standard jar f hney requires abut 80,000 km. The effrt that has gne int making hney is wrth remembering when spreading it nt tast —it can surely nly add t the pleasure.
    8. Why des the wrker bee stre the nectar in its stmach?
    A. T digest better. B. T absrb its nutritin.
    C. T keep it fr its future fd. D. T share it with ther bees.
    9. What can be inferred frm paragraph 3?
    A. The cells are sealed by sticky slutin. B. Prducing hney requires teamwrk.
    C. The drying wrk is dne by female bees. D. It’s critical t maintain water percentage.
    10. Hw is the last paragraph develped?
    A. By listing figures. B. By giving definitins.
    C. By making cmparisns. D. By prviding examples.
    11. Which may be a suitable title fr the text?
    A. Skilled Wrkers
    B. A Simple Pleasure
    C. Advanced and Intelligent Creatures
    D. Luxurius Sweetness frm Delicate Wrk
    Titled “A new future f wrk: The race t deply (部署) AI and raise skills in Eurpe and beynd”, the reprt highlights the ptential fr AI t transfrm the glbal wrkfrce by 2030, China Media Grup reprted n Sunday.
    The reprt suggests that generative AI culd autmate nearly ne-third f wrking hurs in the US and Eurpe, leading t a plarizatin f the labr market. High-skilled, high-wage jbs may face talent shrtages, while lw-wage industries culd experience a surplus (剩余) f labr. The percentage f high-wage jbs is expected t rise by 1.8 percent, while lw-wage jbs may decrease by 1.4 percent. Germany, accrding t the reprt, is prjected t have arund 3 millin jbs affected by AI by 2030, representing 7 percent f its ttal emplyment. Office jbs in administrative sectrs f cmpanies and public institutins are expected t be hit the hardest, accunting fr 54 percent f all AI-impacted psitins.
    In additin, the reprt stresses the imprtance f upskilling and reskilling the wrkfrce t meet the challenges and pprtunities presented by AI, suggesting that individuals can adapt by actively participating in training prgrams. McKinsey researchers call n manager s t invest heavily in emplyee educatin and training, saying that withut a significant imprvement in the skill levels f the wrkfrce, AI cannt fully release its ptential.
    The rapid develpment and widespread applicatin f AI are unavidable trends, and the ptential risks and issues must be addressed thrugh develpment. Imprving the gvernance system is nt abut restricting AI develpment but prmting its healthy grwth. It is essential t establish a legal and plicy framewrk suited t the develpment. The necessities are highlighted that a plicy envirnment shuld be created which is beneficial t AI research, develpment, and applicatin and the safety respnsibilities and accuntability mechanisms fr AI systems shuld be clarified, ensuring trackability and repairability f respnsible parties.
    12. What is paragraph 2 f the text mainly abut?
    A. The threats psed by AI.
    B. The future wrkfrce training.
    C. The advantages f AI wrkfrce.
    D. The ptential effect f AI n wrkfrce.
    13. What is emphasized t meet the challenge?
    A. Educatin and training.B. Skills f management.
    C. Gvernment investment.D. Plicy and pprtunities.
    14. What is the authr’s attitude twards AI develpment?
    A. Unclear. B. Dismissive.C. Objective. D. Dubtful.
    15. Which clumn f a news website may the text be taken frm?
    A. Fashin. B. Health.C. Technlgy. D. Service.
    Are yu cncerned abut travelling by plane with yur dg? A new airline called Bark Air might be the slutin yu need. It is designed specifically fr dgs, which is initiated by Bark, a brand specializing in dg fd and tys.
    Bark Air, in cperatin with a jet charter (包机) service cmpany, cmpleted its first flight n May 23, 2024. Travelling frm New Yrk t Ls Angeles, 16 , including passengers and crew. On the website f Bark Air, the cmpany emphasizes that the airline is fcused n the cmfrt and happiness f the dg first, and human secnd.
    T ensure enugh space fr the dgs, 17 . Additinally, the aircraft will feature calming aids fr these VIPs. Dgs are nw able t travel n planes while sitting with their wners, thanks t Bark Air. Onbard, 18 , including water and bne brth. “N dg shuld fly in a cage,” the cmpany said n its website.
    Of curse, 19 . Accrding t Natinal Public Radi (NPR), a flight between New Yrk and Ls Angeles fr ne human and ne dg csts $6,000, while a regular ne-way flight frm New Yrk t Lndn is priced at $8,000.“If the demand is there, 20 , and that’s what we aim t d,” c-funder and CEO Matt Meeker tld NPR. “We want t make this affrdable and accessible fr as many dgs as pssible.”
    A. this jurney cmes at a cst
    B. the dgs can enjy a variety f drinks
    C. it wuld nt bk the plane t full capacity
    D. the flight carried six dgs and eleven peple
    E. they even can have their tys alng with them
    F. ne human and tw dgs weigh under 50 punds
    G. we have pretty clear ways f bringing thse prices dwn
    第二部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    Native Shanghainese Shi Yue is a junir art directr at McCann Wrldgrup Italy wh has been living in Milan fr 10 years. She is always 21 by the similarities shared between her 22 and the Italian city she currently stays.
    Bth cities 23 glbal centers fr many industries, in particular, fashin and design. The tw cities are 24 as pen, inclusive, develped, internatinal, and trendy … “The tw cities are 25 ,” Shi said excitedly. Her bservatin is eched (附和) by tw Italians nw living in Shanghai: Gabriele Fezia, an Italian artist and librarian, and Ald Cibic, an Italian architect and designer. “Everybdy 26 that Milan and Shanghai have a special 27 and there are many similarities between them, 28 in the way that sciety and peple act and think,” said Fezia, wh cmes frm Alessandria near Milan and 29 t Shanghai in 2000.
    As early as 1979, Shanghai and Milan 30 hands t becme the first pair f sister cities between China and Italy. And this relatinship has prmted the dialgue and 31 between these tw cities, particularly in the 32 f fashin design and mre. The friendship has been 33 in light f the passing f the batn (接力棒) between the tw Wrld Exps, 34 the 2010 Wrld Exp in Shanghai and the 2015 Wrld Exp in Milan, thanks t a(n) 35 signed between the rganizing cmmittees f bth sides.
    21. A. annyed B. amazed C. disturbed D. cnfirmed
    22. A. cuntry B. cmmunity C. hmetwn D. rganizatin
    23. A. serve as B. refer t C. fcus n D. turn t
    24. A. intended B. wrked C. cnstructed D. described
    25. A. mdern B. alike C. mature D. busy
    26. A. permits B. hpes C. agrees D. declares
    27. A. cntributin B. arrangement C. achievement D. cnnectin
    28. A. silently B. especially C. recently D. regularly
    29. A. mved B. walked C. wrte D. rushed
    30. A. cleaned B. changed C. ffered D. jined
    31. A. principle B. advantage C. exchange D. challenge
    32. A. field B. dream C. gal D. test
    33. A. enhanced B. questined C. limited D. appealed
    34. A. mstly B. namely C. finally D. prudly
    35. A. check B. recvery C. agreement D. letter
    第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15 分)
    Urban dining escape
    “Wildeat” has recently becme a ppular lifestyle trend amng yung peple in China. This term 35 (gain) ver 9,000 psts n the Chinese lifestyle-sharing platfrm Xiahngshu since it came int view, and 37 (vide) with the tag have piled up 1.65 millin views n Duyin, China’s versin f TikTk.
    38 the name implies, wildeat invlves dining utdrs, but it differs 39 a traditinal picnic. Wildeat fcuses n the “wild” rather than “eat”. It’s abut enjying 40 basic meal while embracing (拥抱) the wildness f the surrundings, prviding a sense f freedm and 41 (relax). This can invlve making htpt utdrs r 42 (bring) prtable fd t a nearby park. Fr thse wh take wildeat, what really matters is the relaxing atmsphere in the wild.
    Whether it’s the previusly ppular “citywalk”, 43 refers t wandering in a city, r the current trend f wildeat, yung peple use these cined terms t express their desire t 44 (temprary) escape urban life and embrace nature.
    In the past, peple might have pursued a mre elegant lifestyle, adding many element s t their lives 45 (find) happiness. Nw, it’s quite the ppsite. They are mre fcused n making life simpler, freer, and mre relaxed.
    第三部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    假定你是李华,暑假期间你在市公共图书馆做志愿者,请给英国好友 Chris写一封邮件分享此次经历。内容包括:
    Dear Chris,
    I’m writing t share with yu my experience f vlunteering in a public library.
    Best wishes!
    Li Hua
    第二节 (满分25分)
    On a rainy summer mrning, Sarah fund herself hurrying t catch a flight frm New Yrk t Lndn fr an imprtant business meeting. Hwever, unexpected traffic delayed her arrival at the airprt, leaving her with me re minutes t spare befre barding.
    Desperate t catch her flight, Sarah apprached the first taxi in line. “Heathrw Airprt, Terminal 5, please,” she claimed as she jumped int the back seat. The driver, a middle-aged man named David, ndded and pulled away. As they sped thrugh the streets, Sarah culdn’t shake ff her nerves. “Are we ging t make it in time?” she asked anxiusly. David tk a quick lk at her thrugh the rearview mirrr (后视镜) with a smile. “Dn’t wrry, Ma’am. I knw a shrtcut that shuld get us there just in time,” he replied calmly. Despite David’s assurances, Sarah culdn’t help but feel a knt f wrry tighten in her stmach. She had t catch this flight. The success f the entire prject depended n her presence at the meeting.
    Arriving at the airprt, David drve expertly thrugh the chatic drp-ff area and stpped right in frnt f the departure gate fr Terminal 5. “We’re here,” he annunced with pride. Relieved but in a rush, Sarah tk ut her wallet and paid the fare. But then she had sme difficulty unfastening the seat-belt. It was stuck. Panic began t rise within Sarah. She culdn’t affrd t waste an extra minute. She pressed the buttn and dragged the belt again and again, but it didn’t wrk. Just as Sarah was abut t lse her temper, the taxi driver David realized what was happening. He quickly gt ff the car and helped Sarah unfasten the belt. “I’m s srry,” David aplgized with embarrassment. Sarah swiftly gt ff the taxi and hurriedly ran twards the terminal.
    “Ma’ am, yur wallet!” smene was shuting.
    Upn returning t New Yrk, Sarah made it a pint t track dwn David’s taxi cmpany.
    2025 届新高三开学联考
    第一部分 阅读
    1. A 【解析】细节理解题。根据4–6 Days部分的“If it is yur first time t visit Italy, Rme, Flrence and Venice are yur best chices”可知,如果是从未去过意大利的游客, Rme、Flrence 和 Venice 是首先要推荐去的城市。故选A。
    2. B 【解析】细节理解题。根据7-9 Days部分的“Fr nature and sea lvers”可知,7–9 Days 的旅游套餐最适合欣赏自然风光。故选 B。
    3. B 【解析】细节理解题。根据“Best Time t Visit: Spring frm April t June; autumn frm September t Octber”可知,去意大利旅游的最佳时间为四月、五月、六月、九月和十月。故选 B。
    【语篇导读】本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。文章主要讲述了 Chen Jiawen 为自己设置了一个 Unplug Day, 在这一天远离网络和电子设备,文章呼吁当下年轻人不应当受控于电子设备。
    4. C 【解析】细节理解题。根据第一段“On this day, she discnnects frm the digital wrld and fcuses n re-al-life experiences.”可知, Chen Jiawen 在这一天会远离数码网络世界,回归真实生活。故选C。
    5. D 【解析】词义猜测题。根据画线词下文“infrmatin verlad frm verusing the phne and t rebuild her fcus”可知, Chen Jiawen 过Unplug Day是想要阻止手机信息过量,重新找回专注力。由此可推知,画线词与D项意思相近。故选 D。
    6. A 【解析】细节理解题。根据第二段“burying herself in scial media prevented her frm cmpleting wrk as planned”可知,沉溺于媒体会直接导致 Chen Jiawen 不能按计划完成工作。故选 A。
    7. B 【解析】推理判断题。根据最后一段“experimenting with digital minimalism and are discvering psitive utcmes frm their effrts”可知,减少数码网络使用时间是有效果的。由此可推知,作者建议人们减少使用电子设备的时间。故选 B。
    8. D 【解析】细节理解题。根据第二段“Mst f these visitrs drink it dwn n the spt as nutritin fr themselves. A fd-hunting wrker bee, thugh, des things differently. The bee stres the nectar in its hney stmach rather than digesting it.”以及第三段“the bee un-lads the nectar by giving the sugary slutin t ther wrkers”可知,工蜂把花蜜存在胃里就是为了把它分享给其他的蜜蜂。故选 D。
    9. B 【解析】推理判断题。根据第三段“the bee unlads the nectar by giving the sugary slutin t ther wrkers, wh pass it back and frth between each ther”可推知,蜂蜜的转化过程是需要团队合作的。故选 B。
    10. A 【解析】推理判断题。根据最后一段“11 kg f hney in a seasn, which requires the bees t fly ver 1.5 millin kilmeters between them. A standard jar f hney requires abut 80,000 km”可推知,本段的说明方法是列数据。故选 A。
    11.D 【解析】主旨大意题。本文主要介绍了花蜜转化成蜂蜜的过程,品尝蜂蜜是甜蜜的,但转化过程非常艰辛。由此可推知,D项最适合作文章标题。故选 D。
    【语篇导读】本文是一篇新闻报道。文章主要介绍了 AI的发展对全球劳动力的影响及应对策略。
    12. D 【解析】段落大意题。根据第二段“autmate nearly ne-third f wrking hurs in the US and Eurpe, leading t a plarizatin f the labr market”可知,AI可以使近三分之一的工作时间自动化,并且使劳动力两极化,这些都是 AI对劳动力的潜在影响。故选 D。
    13. A 【解析】细节理解题。根据第三段“stresses the imprtance f upskilling and reskilling the wrkfrce ... invest heavily in emplyee educatin and training”可知,面对AI的挑战,技术更新和升级最重要,也就是要强调教育和培训。故选 A。
    14. C 【解析】推理判断题。根据第四段“unavidable trends, and the ptential risks and issues must be addressed thrugh develpment”可推知,作者对于 AI的发展持客观态度。故选 C。
    15. C 【解析】推理判断题。本文谈论了 AI对于全球劳动力的影响和应对策略,AI应用属于科技范畴。故选 C。
    【语篇导读】本文是一篇新闻报道。文章主要介绍了专门为宠物狗设计的航班 Bark Air。
    16.D 【解析】上文提到从纽约到洛杉矶的飞行,下文提到包括乘客和机组人员。D项“这架飞机上载有6 只狗和11 个人”符合语境。故选D。
    17.C 【解析】上文提到确保狗有足够的空间。C 项“不会让飞机预定到满仓”符合语境。故选C。
    18.B 【解析】下文列举水和骨汤,B项“狗可以享受各种饮料”符合语境。故选 B。
    19.A 【解析】下文举例:据美国国家公共电台报道,一个人和一只狗从纽约到洛杉矶的飞行费用为6000美元,A项“这种旅行是有代价的”符合语境。故选 A。
    20.G 【解析】上文讲到带宠物狗飞行的航班机票价格不菲,接着提及:如果有需求的话会怎样。G项“我们有很明确的方法来降低这些价格”符合语境。故选G。
    第二部分 语言运用
    21. B 【解析】根据下文可知, Shi对这两个城市之间的相似性感到惊叹。故选 B。
    22. C 【解析】根据上文“Native Shanghainese Shi Yue”可知,Shi Yue是地道的上海人,所以上海是她的家乡。故选 C。
    23.A 【解析】根据文意可知,这两座城市充当许多行业的全球中心,特别是时尚和设计中心。故选 A。
    24. D 【解析】根据下文“pen, inclusive, develped, internatinal, and trendy”可知,这些形容词都是用来描述这两座城市的。故选D。
    25. B 【解析】根据上文“the similarities shared”以及下文“there are many similarities between them”可知,这两个城市之间有很多相似之处。故选 B。
    26. C 【解析】根据上文“Her bservatin is eched by tw Italians”可知, Fezia认为人们都赞同米兰和上海很相似的观点。故选 C。
    27. D 【解析】根据下文“Shanghai and Milan 30 hands t becme the first pair f sister cities between China and Italy. And this relatinship”以及“The friendship has been”可知,这两个城市是有联系的。故选 D。
    28. B 【解析】根据上文“there are many similarities be-tween them”以及下文“in the way that sciety and peple act and think”可知,这里特别强调了社群和人们的行为和思考方式的相似性。故选 B。
    29. A 【解析】根据上文“tw Italians nw living in Shanghai”可知,这两个意大利人搬到上海来生活了。故选 A。
    30. D 【解析】根据下文“t becme the first pair f sister cities between China and Italy”可知,上海和米兰联手成为中国和意大利之间的第一对姐妹城市。故选D。
    31.C 【解析】此处表示这种关系促进了两个城市之间的对话和交流。exchange 和 dialgue 含义匹配。故选C。
    32. A 【解析】根据第二段“glbal centers fr many industries, in particular, fashin and design”可知,这两个城市的交流在时装设计领域尤为突出。故选 A。
    33.A 【解析】根据上下文可知,通过两次世博会,两个城市之间的友谊得到了提升。故选 A。
    34. B 【解析】根据上文“the tw Wrld Exps”以及下文“the 2010 Wrld Exp in Shanghai and the 2015Wrld Exp in Milan”可知,这里是对这两次世博会进行解释说明。故选 B。
    35.C 【解析】根据上下文可知,是双方签署了合作协议。故选C。
    【语篇导读】本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了在中国年轻人之间新兴的生活放松方式 Wildeat。
    36. has gained 【解析】此句主语是This term,空处为谓语,根据时间状语 since it came int view 可知,时态为现在完成时,主语与 gain之间为主动关系。故填has gained。
    37. vides 【解析】此句与前句为并列句。此空为主语,谓语为have piled up,所以主语应为复数名词。故填 vides。
    38. As 【解析】the name implies 与 wildeat invlves dining utdrs 均为完整句子,所以空处需填一个连词连接这两个句子。根据句意可知,此处应指:正如名字所示。故填 As。
    39. frm 【解析】differ frm 为固定搭配,意为“与⋯⋯不同”。故填 frm。
    40. a 【解析】空后 meal 为单数可数名词,且表示泛指,所以空处需填不定冠词。故填a。
    41. relaxatin 【解析】根据空前freedm and 可知,空处应是一个名词,与 freedm 构成并列关系。故填 relaxatin。
    42. bringing 【解析】根据空前 This can invlve making … r …可知,空处应填v-ing 与 making 构成并列关系,共同作 invlve 的宾语。故填 bringing。
    43. which 【解析】此句为非限制性定语从句,先行词为 citywalk,且从句中缺少主语。故填 which。
    44. temprarily 【解析】句意:年轻人用这些被创造出来的术语来表达他们对暂时逃离城市生活和拥抱自然的愿望。此空需填副词,修饰 escape。故填temprarily。
    45. t find 【解析】句意:在过去,人们可能会追求一种更优雅的生活方式,为他们的生活添加了许多元素去发现幸福。空处需填不定式作目的状语。故填t find。
    第三部分 写作
    One pssible versin:
    Dear Chris,
    I’m writing t share with yu my experience f vlunteering in a public library. During the summer vacatin, I served as a librarian assistant, mainly respnsible fr rganizing bks, guiding readers t find what they need, and maintaining gd rder in the library.
    Thrugh my wrk, I nt nly gained a deeper under-standing f the peratin and management f the library, but als imprved my cmmunicatin and prblem-slving skills. Mst imprtantly, I felt a great sense f satisfactin in helping thers and making a cntributin t the cmmunity. This experience has als inspired me t cntinue vlunteering in the future and t d mre fr thse in need.
    Best wishes!
    Li Hua
    One pssible versin:
    “Ma’am, yur wallet!” smene was shuting. Sarahfrze, realizing she had left her wallet n the seat. She turned arund and saw David was running up t her, hlding her wallet ut t her. Sarah was in such a hurry that she grabbed her wallet withut saying “Thank yu” t David. She rushed twards the terminal, leaving David standing still there. With David’s help, Sarah managed t bard her flight just in time. Only then did Sarah feel an urge t thank David.
    Upn returning t New Yrk, Sarah made it a pint t track dwn David’s taxi cmpany. She was grateful fr his help in getting her t the airprt in time. And mre imprtantly, David gave back her wallet. In it there was her passprt, identity card and sme cash, withut which she culd nt have gt n bard. Nt t mentin participating in the cnference in Lndn. Unfrtunately, David was at wrk when Sarah arrived at the taxi cmpany. T express her appreciatin, Sarah left a bx f chclates and a thank-yu nte fr David, which read, “Yur kindness makes the wrld a better place. Thank yu.”

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