英语口语第1课GreetingsWhat English have you seen in your life? 你在生活中见过哪些英语? English is everywhere.假期中看过哪些英文版的动画片?The Lion King 狮子王 海底总动员 白雪公主和七个小矮人 Snow White and the Seven DwarfsFinding NemoGood!Well done!Wonderfull!Excellent!Claps!Back to your seat.Sit down,please.Stand up,please.Do it with me.Let's do it.Do you understand?Are you clear?Please repeat.Follow me,please.请回到座位.请坐下.请起立.和我一起做.咱们开始做.你懂了吗?清楚了没有?请复述.请跟我读.师:one, two, three(123)生:A B C(sit up straight)师:listen to me .生:listen to you .师:follow me .生:follow you.我们的暗号I can do it better !How to learn English well?朗读既是练习口语的一种有效方式,也是一种有趣的课堂活动How Are You 你好啊认真学习英语语感启蒙——童谣Old MacDonald Had a Farm轻松时刻The early bird catches the worm.So much for today.Happy everyday! 早起的鸟儿有虫吃。每课一句