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    人教版(2019)高二英语必修第二册 Unit 4《JOURNEY ACROSS A VAST LAND Reading and Thingking》课件+教案
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    人教版(2019)高二英语必修第二册 Unit 4《JOURNEY ACROSS A VAST LAND Reading and Thingking》课件+教案01
    人教版(2019)高二英语必修第二册 Unit 4《JOURNEY ACROSS A VAST LAND Reading and Thingking》课件+教案02
    人教版(2019)高二英语必修第二册 Unit 4《JOURNEY ACROSS A VAST LAND Reading and Thingking》课件+教案03
    人教版(2019)高二英语必修第二册 Unit 4《JOURNEY ACROSS A VAST LAND Reading and Thingking》课件+教案04
    人教版(2019)高二英语必修第二册 Unit 4《JOURNEY ACROSS A VAST LAND Reading and Thingking》课件+教案05
    人教版(2019)高二英语必修第二册 Unit 4《JOURNEY ACROSS A VAST LAND Reading and Thingking》课件+教案06
    人教版(2019)高二英语必修第二册 Unit 4《JOURNEY ACROSS A VAST LAND Reading and Thingking》课件+教案07
    人教版(2019)高二英语必修第二册 Unit 4《JOURNEY ACROSS A VAST LAND Reading and Thingking》课件+教案08
    人教版(2019)高二英语必修第二册 Unit 4《JOURNEY ACROSS A VAST LAND Reading and Thingking》课件+教案01
    人教版(2019)高二英语必修第二册 Unit 4《JOURNEY ACROSS A VAST LAND Reading and Thingking》课件+教案02
    人教版(2019)高二英语必修第二册 Unit 4《JOURNEY ACROSS A VAST LAND Reading and Thingking》课件+教案03
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    人教版 (2019)必修 第二册Unit 4 History and traditions优秀作业ppt课件

    这是一份人教版 (2019)必修 第二册Unit 4 History and traditions优秀作业ppt课件,文件包含人教版2019高二英语必修第二册Unit4《JOURNEYACROSSAVASTLANDReadingandThingking》课件pptx、人教版2019高二英语必修第二册Unit4《JOURNEYACROSSAVASTLANDReadingandThinking》教案docx等2份课件配套教学资源,其中PPT共43页, 欢迎下载使用。

    Learning bjectives
    By the end f this sectin, yu will be able t:read abut a rail jurney acrss Canada;find ut infrmatin abut Canada’s gegraphy, climate and culture;learn t use discurse markers t shw relatinships;think abut the advantages and disadvantages f different kinds f transprtatin.
    Travel far enugh, yu meet yurself. — David Mitchell
    1 What d yu knw abut rail jurneys?2 What d yu think yu will see if yu g n a rail jurney acrss Canada?
    Wrk in grups. Discuss the questins.
    1.What d yu knw abut rail jurneys? Rail jurneys used t take a lng time— peple ften tk them because they were cheaper than flying. Hwever,nw with high speed rail,they are much shrter, but als mre expensive.
    2.What d yu think yu will see if yu g n a rail jurney acrss Canada?I wuld expect t see beautiful muntains and lts f pretty scenery.
    Predictin: Befre yu read, lk at the title and picture and predict:
    What genre(体裁) is this passage? Narratin(记叙文) Travel jurnal(旅行日志)C. Nvel(小说 )
    Skim the text and answer the fllwing questins.
    1.In which part f a newspaper may we find this passage? A. Entertainment. B. Travel. C. Educatin. D. Health.
    2. What d yu think this article is abut?
    It is abut _____ f tw girls via rail; and it tells us sme amazing sights abut_______.
    Li Daiyu and her cusin Liu Qian
    T visit their cusins
    Halifax n the Atlantic Cast
    Main idea: Li Daiyu and Liu Qian were excited t take a rail jurney frm Vancuver t visit their cusins in Halifax.
    First by air, then via rail
    Read fr main idea
    Read and circle the discurse markers.
    Discurse markers are mre cmmnly knwn as “linking wrds”. They are used t shw relatinships between ideas. Relatinships can range frm adding sth. (e.g., als, besides, additinally), t shwing cntrast (e.g., hwever, n the ther hand), t explaining a reasn (e.g., because, since), r t shwing a result (e.g., therefre, asa result). Withut discurse markers, the cnnectins between sentences and paragraphs in a text wuld be less bvius.
    hweversincewhenin additin t in factlatereventually
    t add smethingt shw cntrastt explain a reasnt shw an end pint in timet shw timet emphasiset describe the rder f events
    Read and match each f these discurse markers with crrect purpse.
    Based n the discurse markers, find ut the places they have travelled.
    Read fr travel rute
    China-Vancuver-Lake Luise-Jasper-Edmntn-Canadian Prairie-Winnipeg-Ontari-Trnt
    Canadian Prairie
    ften rains; tk a bat t the bay;visited an island;saw the muntains;tk a hike.
    arse early;saw the muntains and frests.
    Lked at the scenery;saw muntain peaks and frests;saw creatures.
    prvincial capital f Alberta;centre f Canada’s il and gas grilling industry;cld in winter;hme t many shpping malls.
    saw an pen cuntry;went thrugh tw wheat-grwing prvinces
    a land f frests and lakes;rlling hills;bushes and maple trees;frst n the grund.
    saw Lake Hurn
    Read fr travel experience
    visit their cusins;excited.
    the first day;the next day
    the next mrning
    after they left Jasper
    after they left Edmntn
    Cmpltete the frms and answer the questins:1.Hw is a rail jurney different frm ther frms f travel, such as by plane r bus? 2.What are sme advantages f a rail jurney?
    1. Wuld yu be interested in taking the same trip as Li Daiyu and Liu Qian? Why r why nt?
    I wuld lve t take such a jurney. It seems s wnderful and relaxing, and I wuld get t see s many beautiful sites.
    Discuss the questins in grups.
    2. Hw is a rail jurney different frm ther frms f travel, such as by plane r car?
    A rail jurney is different frm a car jurney in that with a car jurney, if yu see smething interesting, yu can stp and take a lk. A jurney by plane will get yu t yur destinatin much faster than a trip by train r car. Hwever, usually yu cannt see much frm a plane windw, and a plane gives much less space and fewer pprtunities t get up and walk arund than n a train.
    1.The next mrning, the tw girls arse early t take the train t Lake Luise, passing thrugh the Canadian Rckies.第二天早上,两个女孩早早起来坐火车经过加拿大落基山脉去路易斯湖。【词汇精讲】arise vi.起身;出现;由……引起 arse frm his chair and lked ut int the street.他从椅子上站起身来,看着外面的街道。
    Language pints
    【词汇拓展】arise frm/ut f 由……引起/产生;从……中产生The cuntry’s present difficulties arise frm/ut f the shrtage f petrleum.这个国家当前的困境是由石油短缺造成的。【提示】arise为不及物动词,表示“出现,发生”时,主语一般为argument, difficulty, misunderstanding, prblem, quarrel, truble等抽象名词,无被动语态。
    【即学即用】选词填空(arise/rise/raise)(1)I’ve never heard him even     his vice.(2)The meeting will discuss the matters     frm the recent changes in the law.(3)The sun     in the east and sets in the west.(4) Mre TV prgrammes will be prduced t    peple’s cncern ver fd safety.
    2.They spent the night,and then tk a cach bund nrth thrugh the Canadian Rckies t Jasper.她们过了一夜,然后乘坐长途汽车,向北穿越加拿大的落基山脉,来到贾斯珀。
    【词汇拓展】be bund t d...一定做……;有义务做……be bund fr准备前往(某地)be bund up with sth. 与某事有密切关系be bund up in sth. 忙于/专心于/热衷于某事
    【词汇精讲】bund adj.准备前往(某地);一定会
    【即学即用】完成句子(1)Dlly’s death,like her birth,was ______ t raise wrries.克隆羊多莉的死亡和她的出生一样,注定会引起很多担忧。(2)We’d better take a plane bund China.我们最好乘坐飞往中国的飞机。(3)His life the study f nuclear physics.他毕生专心于核物理研究。
    was bund up in
    3.Edmntn is freezing cld in winter,with daily temperatures averaging -10 ℃.埃德蒙顿冬季寒冷,日平均气温为-10°C。【词汇精讲】freezing adj.极冷的;冰冻的Leave a basin f water utside in freezing weather.在冰冻的天气里,放一盆水在室外。It’s freezing cld utside s wear a warm cat.外面超冷的,所以穿一个暖和一点的外套吧。
    【归纳拓展】(1)nearly freeze t death 差点冻死 freeze wages 冻结工资 freeze with hrrr 吓呆了 freeze up(突然)呆住 sb.’s bld freezes 某人血液凝固(2)frzen adj. 冷冻的;冻僵的 be frzen with fear 被吓呆了【学法点拨】freezing cld 极冷 burning ht 炎热 pretty ill 病得厉害——freezing,burning,pretty 用作副词,意为“非常,颇”。
    【即学即用】用 freeze 的适当形式填空(1) It is a well-knwn fact that water     at 0℃ .(2) It’s     cld utside,s yu’d better put n mre clthes.(3)The snake was     n the rad.(4) The water at the edge f the lake    last night.
    4.Hwever,they did nt anticipate seeing such an pen cuntry,and were truly amazed.然而,他们没有料到会看到这样一个开放的国家,真的很惊讶。【词汇精讲】 anticipate vt.预料;预见;期望【词汇拓展】 It is anticipated that... 据预测…… anticipate ding sth. 预计做某事;期待做某事【词语积累】anticipatin n. 预期;预料;期盼;期望
    【即学即用】单句语法填空I didn’t anticipate     (have) t d the cking myself.In      (anticipate) f bad weather they take plenty f warm clthes.(3) At this stage we can’t really anticipate    will happen.完成句子(4)          (据预测) next year interest rates will decrease.
    It is anticipated that
    5.Rather than travel by cmmercial airline all the way,they decided t fly t Vancuver and then take the train.她们不想一路乘飞机,而决定先飞到温哥华,然后再乘火车。【短语精讲】rather than而不是;不愿;与其说……倒不如说……(连接两个并列成分)
    常见的含rather than的句型:wuld rather than t than d...
    (1)Tday,many Chinese peple are learning Western styles and theries rather than (fcus) n Chinese traditins.现在许多中国人正在学习西方的方式和理论,而不是关注中国的传统。(2)I think Tm,rather than yu, (be) t blame fr the brken camera.相机摔碎了,我认为是汤姆,而不是你应受到责备。(3)I recite English wrds than d the cleaning.=I wuld recite English wrds .=I preferred English wrds .我宁可背英文单词,也不愿意打扫卫生。
    wuld rather
    rather than d the cleaning
    【即学即用】 完成句子
    6.When the train arrived at the statin, they tk a taxi t Lake Luise, where the blue water literally tk their breath away with its exceptinal beauty. (P38) 火车到站后,她们乘坐出租车前往路易斯湖。那里湛蓝的湖水美丽异常,摄人 心魄。【短语精讲】take sb’s breath away 令人惊叹 e.g.:The view frm the tp f the muntain will take yur breath away. 从这座山的山顶眺望,景色美得令人惊叹不已。【短语拓展】hld ne’s breath 屏气;焦虑地等待 take a deep breath 深呼吸save ne’s breath 不要白费唇舌 waste ne’s breath 白费唇舌 (be) ut f breath 喘不过气(强调状态) lse ne’s breath 喘不过气(强调动作)
    【即学即用】选词填空(hld ur breath/take ur breath away/ut f breath/take a deep breath)(1) He went        after running fr half an hur.(2) We         when Mr Evans read the exam utcmes.(3) As the music began,I         and tried t calm dwn.(4) My first sight at the sky thrugh a telescpe          .
    ut f breath
    tk my breath away
    held ur breath
    tk a deep breath
    7.Seen frm the train windw,the muntains and frests f Canada lked massive.从火车的窗户向外看,外面是连绵起伏的山脉和大片的森林。
    【句式分析】Seen frm the train windw为过去分词短语,在句中作状语。过去分词(短语)在句中作状语时,可以表示时间、原因、结果、条件、让步、方式、伴随等情况,表示被动与完成。使用时应注意两点:一是过去分词的逻辑主语必须与句子主语一致;二是过去分词表示的动作与句子的主语为被动或完成关系。
    完成句子(1) (absrb) in his wrk,Tm frgt t infrm her that he had made a change t the plan.汤姆专心于工作,忘记了通知她他对计划做了一下改变。(2) ,the trees culd grw taller.如果再多给一点时间,这些树会长得更高。(3)The scientist came in, (fllw) by her assistant.那位科学家进来了,后面跟着她的助手。
    Given mre time
    8.The bushes and maple trees utside their windws were red,gld,and range,and there was frst n the grund,cnfirming that autumn had arrived in Canada.窗外的灌木丛和枫树林呈现出红色、金色和橘黄色,地上有些许的霜,证实加拿大的秋天已经到来了。
    【句式分析】 cnfirming that autumn had arrived in Canada为现在分词短语作伴随状语。现在分词短语作伴随状语可位于句首、句中或句末,表示与谓语动词的动作同时发生的另一动作。现在分词的逻辑主语就是句子的主语,二者之间为主动关系。注意:现在分词(短语)在句中还可以作原因、结果、条件状语等句子成分。
    【即学即用】完成句子(1)Wang Peng sat in his empty restaurant, .王鹏坐在他那空荡荡的餐馆里, 感到十分沮丧。(2)The number f patients has been declining, (suggest) that ur severe measures have been effective.病人的数量一直在下降,表明我们的严厉措施已经奏效。(3)The yung painter std there quietly in the art gallery, .那位年轻的画师静静地站在艺术馆里,欣赏着一幅名画。
    famus painting
    feeling very frustrated
    9.It was nt until 9:30 they finally reached the capital f Ontari,Trnt.直到上午9时30分,他们才终于到达多伦多的首府安大略省。【句式分析】本句是一个强调句,强调的是句子的时间状语until 9:30。含有的句子的强调句为It is nt ,that后面的句子要用肯定形式。e.g.:It was nt until then that I suddenly realized nbdy was happier than I was.直到那时我才突然意识到没有人比我更幸福了。e.g.:It was nt until he gt seriusly ill that he knew the imprtance f health.直到他得了重病,他才知道健康的重要性。
    【句式拓展】nt until位于句首时,句子要用部分倒装语序。e.g.:Nt until his mther came back did the by begin t prepare his lessns.直到母亲回来,男孩才开始准备他的功课。e.g.:Nt until he failed did he realize what mistakes he had made.直到失败了他才明白他犯了什么错。
    Li Daiyu and her cusin Liu Qian were n a trip 1. _____ Canada t visit their cusins in Halifax. They decided t fly t Vancuver first and then take the train. The thught f crssing the whle cuntry by rail was 2. _________ (excite). They spent several days in Vancuver. There they tk a bat ride, 3. _______ (visit) an island and were pleased t see the beautiful muntains lking ut ver the city. Then they barded the train t Lake Luise, where the blue water tk 4. ______ (they) breath away with its exceptinal 5. __________ (beautiful).
    They spent the night and headed nrth thrugh the Canadian Rckies t Jasper. 6. ________ (lk) at the spectacular scenery, they bth agreed it was the 7. ______________ (awesme) jurney they had ever taken. Frm Jasper, they caught the train bund fr Trnt. One f the train’s first 8. ______ (stp) was in Edmntn, 9. ______ average daily temperature in winter is -10 ℃. Frm Edmntn, the train headed sutheast acrss the great Canadian Prairie. After anther day n the train, they 10. ___________ (eventual) reached Winnipeg. They traveled thrugh the night and wke up in Ontari. The train thundered n and at 9:30 the next mrning they reached the capital f Ontari, Trnt. Their trip frm Vancuver t Trnt had taken them fur days in all.
    Yu can click here t add what yu want t add. It is easy t change.
    核心单词1.arise:arise frm/ut f3.bund: be bund t bund fr…4freeze: freeze with hrrr5.anticipate: anticipating ding sth
    核心短语rather thantake ne’s breath away
    重点句式1.Seen frm the train windw,the muntains and frests f Canada lked massive.(Seen frm the train windw为过去分词短语,在句中作状语)2. The bushes and maple trees utside their windws were red,gld,and range,and there was frst n the grund,cnfirming that autumn had arrived in Canada.(cnfirming that autumn had arrived in Canada为现在分词短语作伴随状语。)3.It was nt until 9:30 they finally reached the capital f Ontari,Trnt.直到上午9时30分,他们才终于到达多伦多的首府安大略省。(本句是一个强调句,强调的是句子的时间状语until 9:30。)
    Write a shrt passage, describing ne f the mst unfrgettable jurneys, including the time, means f transprtatin, destinatin and what impressed yu mst in this jurney.

    英语Unit 4 History and traditions优质作业课件ppt: 这是一份英语<a href="/yy/tb_c4002236_t3/?tag_id=26" target="_blank">Unit 4 History and traditions优质作业课件ppt</a>,文件包含人教版2019高二英语必修第二册Unit4《JOURNEYACROSSAVASTLANDUsingLangage2读写课》课件pptx、人教版2019高二英语必修第二册Unit4《JOURNEYACROSSAVASTLANDUsingLanguage2读写课》教案docx等2份课件配套教学资源,其中PPT共25页, 欢迎下载使用。

    英语人教版 (2019)Unit 4 History and traditions优秀说课作业课件ppt: 这是一份英语人教版 (2019)<a href="/yy/tb_c4002236_t3/?tag_id=26" target="_blank">Unit 4 History and traditions优秀说课作业课件ppt</a>,文件包含人教版2019高二英语必修第二册Unit4《JOURNEYACROSSAVASTLANDUsingLangage1听说课》课件pptx、人教版2019高二英语必修第二册Unit4《JOURNEYACROSSAVASTLANDUsingLanguage1听说课》教案docx等2份课件配套教学资源,其中PPT共22页, 欢迎下载使用。

    高中英语人教版 (2019)必修 第二册Unit 4 History and traditions优秀作业课件ppt: 这是一份高中英语人教版 (2019)必修 第二册<a href="/yy/tb_c4002236_t3/?tag_id=26" target="_blank">Unit 4 History and traditions优秀作业课件ppt</a>,文件包含人教版2019高二英语必修第二册Unit4《JOURNEYACROSSAVASTLANDLearningAboutLanguage》课件pptx、人教版2019高二英语必修第二册Unit4《JOURNEYACROSSAVASTLANDLearningAboutLanguage》教案docx等2份课件配套教学资源,其中PPT共24页, 欢迎下载使用。

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        人教版(2019)高二英语必修第二册 Unit 4《JOURNEY ACROSS A VAST LAND Reading and Thingking》课件+教案
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