- 上教版2020必修第三册高一英语下学期 Unit1.The media单元过关检测 试卷 0 次下载
- 上教版2020必修第三册高一英语下学期 Unit1.The media单元同步资料及课文参考翻译讲义 学案 0 次下载
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- 上教版2020必修第三册高一英语下学期 Unit 2. The things around us 单元过关检测 试卷 0 次下载
上教版2020必修第三册高一英语下学期 Unit1.The media单元知识点讲解
这是一份上教版2020必修第三册高一英语下学期 Unit1.The media单元知识点讲解,共18页。
Unit 1 The media【单元词汇和短语概览】1. nationality [ˌnæʃəˈnæləti] n. 国籍 2. journal [ˈdʒɜ:nl] n. 日志;日记3. authority [ɔːˈθɒrəti] n. 权威;权力;当局4. annual [ˈænjuəl] adj. 每年的;一年一次的5. spot [spɒt] n. 斑点; 地点 vt. 看见;发现 ;弄脏6. entirely [ɪnˈtaɪəli] adv. 全部地;完整地;完全地7. illustrate [ˈɪləstreɪt] v. (用示例、图画等)说明,解释8. error [ˈerə(r)] n.误差;错误;过失9. emotion[ɪˈməʊʃn] n.情感;情绪10. female [ˈfiːmeɪl] adj. 女性的;雌性的 n. 女人;[动] 雌性动物11. permission [pəˈmɪʃn] n. 允许,许可12. ensure [ɪnˈʃʊə(r)] v. 保证;担保;确保13. affect [əˈfekt] vt. 影响;感染; vi. 倾向;喜欢 n. 情感;引起感情的因素14. civilization [ˌsɪvəlaɪˈzeɪʃn] n.文明15. horrible [ˈhɒrəbl] adj. 可怕的;极讨厌的16. click [klɪk] vt. 点击;使发咔哒声; vi. 作咔哒声 n. 单击;滴答声17. confirm [kənˈfɜːm] v. 证实,证明,确认18. merrily[ˈmerəli] adv. 愉快地;高兴地(merry的副词形式19. flexible [ˈfleksəbl] adj. 灵活的20. perceive [pəˈsi:v] v. 察觉,感觉;理解;认知21. committee[kəˈmɪti] n. 委员会22. announce [əˈnaʊns] v.宣布23. appeal[əˈpiːl] n. v. 呼吁,恳求;上诉,申诉;对……有吸引力24. objective[əbˈdʒektɪv] n. 目的;目标;宾格 adj. 客观的;客观存在的25. current [ˈkʌrənt] adj. 现在的;流通的,通用的;最近的 n. (水,气,电)流;趋势;涌流26. custom [ˈkʌstəm] n.风俗;习俗27. release [rɪˈli:s] n. 公开;发行 v. 发布(新闻等)28. innovation [ˌɪnəˈveɪʃn] n.创造;创新;改革29. outline [ˈaʊtlaɪn] n. 轮廓;大纲;概要;略图 vt. 概述;略述;描画…轮廓30. entry [ˈentri] n. 进入;入口;条目;参赛作品31. plot [plɒt] n. 故事情节;布局32. character [ˈkærəktə(r)] n. (书籍、戏剧或电影中的)人物,角色33. crash [kræʃ] v. 碰撞;(使)坠毁 n. (交通工具)坠毁;碰撞声34. participate [pɑːˈtɪsɪpeɪt] v. 参与,参加;分享35. pack [pæk] v. 塞进; 装(箱)36. entertaining [ˌentəˈteɪnɪŋ] adj.有趣的;娱乐的;使人愉快的37. region [ˈri:dʒən] n. 地区;区域;地方【核心词组】1. participate in 参加;参与(to take part in or become involved in an activity)2. ought to 应该;应当(used to say what is the right thing to do)3. appeal to 有吸引力;有感染力;引起兴趣(to attract or interest somebody)4. stewed beef 炖牛肉(a dish in which beef is slowly cooked in liquid,which results in a thick, soup-like food)5. soy sauce 酱油(a thin dark brown sauce that is made from soya beans and has a salty taste)6. steamed bun 馒头(a flour dish that is cooked by hot steam)7. staple food 基本食物;主食(a basic type of food)8. focus on 集中(注意力、精力等)于(to give attention,effort,etc. to one particular subject,situation or person)【词汇重点】1. announce /əˈnaʊns/ v. 宣布n. 宣布 announcementannounce sth to sbIn 2015, the Scandinavian country announced an ambitious aim to become one of the first nations in the world to end its dependence on fossil fuels. <2018年杨浦区一模阅读理解> 2015 年,这个斯堪的纳维亚国家宣布了一项雄心勃勃的目标,即成为世界上最早 结束对化石燃料依赖的国家之一。2. annual /ˈænjuəl/ adj. 每年的;一年一次的n. 年刊;年报;年鉴 annualThe usual response to the annual flu is not enough to fight against the risks we currently face, let alone prepare us for an even deadlier widespread flu that most experts agree will come in the future. <2019年崇明区一模阅读理解> 对一年一度的流感的通常反应不足以对抗我们目前面临的风险,更不用说让我们 为大多数专家认为未来会出现的更致命的广泛流感做好准备。3. authority /ɔːˈθɒrəti/n. 权力v. 授权 authorizeauthority to do sthI have no authority to sign these contracts.我没权力签署这些合同。calm /kɑːm/adj. 宁静的v. 使平静 calmn. 宁静的状态 calmcalm downIf the conflict occurs, students can practice the golden rule of conflict resolution: stay calm. <2018年浦东区一模概要写作>如果发生冲突,学生可以练习解决冲突的黄金法则:保持冷静。5. confirm /kənˈfɜːm/ v. (尤其指提供证据来)证实,证明,确认n. 化学家 chemist n. 化学 chemistrytoxic chemicalsLast summer, bird-watchers confirmed the discovery of a new species of bird in Cambodia. <2019年普陀区一模阅读理解A篇>去年夏天,鸟类观察者证实在柬埔寨发现了一种新的鸟类。6. custom /ˈkʌstəm/ n. 风俗;习俗v. 定制 customizev. 使习惯于 accustomn. 顾客 customercustom of doing sthAlthough the custom of drinking tea dates back to the third millennium BC in China, it was not until the mid-17th century that the drink first appeared in England. <2020静安二模阅读理解A篇>虽然饮茶的习俗可以追溯到公元前三千年的中国,但直到17世纪中叶才在英国首次出现。7. ensure /ɪnˈʃʊə(r)/ v. 保证;担保;确保n. 保障 ensuranceThe pilot must keep firing the burner at regular intervals throughout the flight to ensure that the balloon continues to be stable. <2019年黄浦区一模阅读理解B篇>“飞行员必须在整个飞行过程中定期点燃燃烧器,以确保气球持续稳定。8. flexible /ˈfleksəbl/ adj. 能适应新情况的;灵活的n. 灵活性 flexibilityIf you are uncertain about travelling, you may wish to consider purchasing a more flexible ticket — such as Anytime or Off-Peak — for travel. 如果你不确定是否适合乘搭交通工具,可考虑购买较灵活的机票,例如在任何时间或非繁忙时间乘搭交通工具。9. illustrate /ˈɪləstreɪt/ v.(用示例、图画等)说明,解释n. 说明 illustrationillustrate sth with sth“A writer’s job is to tell the truth,” said Hemingway in 1942. No other writer of our time had so fiercely stated, or so consistently illustrated the writer’s duty to speak truly. <2021年虹口区二模阅读理解C篇> 海明威在 1942 年说:“作家的工作就是说实话。”我们这个时代没有其他作家如此激烈地陈述过,或者如此一贯地说明了作家真实说话的责任。10. journal /ˈdʒɜːnl/ n. 日志;日记;报纸;刊物;杂志n. 新闻工作者 journalistn. 新闻业 journalismkeep a journal of sthThe British Medical Journal recently featured a strong response to what was judged an inappropriately merciful reaction by a medical school to a student cheating in an examination. <2017年松江区二模阅读理解C篇> 英国医学杂志最近对一所医学院对学生考试作弊的不当仁慈反应做出了强烈回应。11. outline /ˈaʊtlaɪn/ v. 概述;略述n. 概述;梗概 outlineoutline sth to sbSeveral funding agencies, meanwhile, have asked that researchers outline their plans for sharing data before they can receive a government grant. <2019年松江区一 模阅读理解C篇> 与此同时,一些资助机构要求研究人员在获得政府资助之前,概述他们共享数据的 计划。12. perceive /pəˈsiːv/ v. 注意到;意识到;察觉到n. 洞察力 perceptionadj. 感知的 perceptiveperceive sb/sth as sthGiven that the companies and governments building superintelligent AI are likely to perceive themselves as being in a race against all others. <2018年普陀区一模阅读理解C篇> 鉴于构建超级智能 AI 的公司和政府可能认为自己正在与所有其他人竞争,而赢得 这场比赛就是赢得世界,似乎任何更容易做的事情都会首先完成,除非它下一刻就 毁了。13. permission /pəˈmɪʃn/ n. 准许;许可;批准v.允许,认可 permit ask permission for sth/to do sthLastly, make sure you ask permission before posting anything about your friends on a blog or a social networking site. <2018年普陀区一模阅读理解A篇> 最后,在博客或社交网站上发布有关您朋友的任何内容之前,请务必征得许可。14. publish /ˈpʌblɪʃ/ v. 出版;发行n. 发表 publishmentn. 发行人(或机构)publisherIn 2008, someone, or perhaps a group of people, using the name Satoshi Nakamoto published a paper to an online group that discussed cryptography. <2020年宝山区二 模阅读理解A篇> 2008 年,有人,或者可能是一群人,使用中本聪这个名字向一个讨论密码学的在线小组发表了一篇论文。15. spot /spɒt/ v. 看见;看出;发现n. 斑点;地点 spotadj. 一尘不染的 spotlesson the spotReports show that frequent Internet use can strengthen fast-paced problem solving and can speed up the ability to spot patterns in a lot of data. <2018年崇明区二模概要 写作> 报告显示,频繁使用互联网可以加强快速解决问题的能力,并可以加快在大量数据中发现模式的能力。【单元语法】【语法讲解】分词作宾语补足语(The verb-ing and verb-ed forms as the object complement)【知识梳理】一、概念在英语句子中,动词有两类。一类是谓语动词,另一类是非谓语动词。例如:“I work.”一句中,work作谓语动词,如果把句子改成“I want to work”,句中的谓语动词则变成了want, 而to work就是非谓语动词。非谓语动词有三种:即动词不定式(to do);分词(现在分词doing和过去分词done); 动名词(doing)。二、作宾语补足语 动词+宾语+不定式(to do )。如:He warned me to be careful.I want you to speak to Tom.What makes you think so? (不带to的不定式) 注:可以用动词不定式做宾补的动词有:ask, tell, order ,want ,get, would like, like, advise, invite, allow, help, wish, warn, expect, would prefer, encourage表见解、看法的动词结构可为:动词+宾语+ to be 的不定式结构。如:We consider Tom to be one of the best students in our class.The book is believed to be useful. (被动语态)(3) There +不定式。如:We didn’t expect there to be so many people there.我们没料到会有那么多人在那里。注意:(1)有些动词需用 as 短语作补语,像regard, think, believe, take, consider。如:We regard Eric as our best teacher. 我们认为艾瑞克是我们最好的老师。Mary took him as her father. 玛丽把他当作自己的父亲。(4) 在动词feel (一感),hear, listen to(二听),have, let, make(三让),notice, see, watch, observe, look at(五看)(即:吾看三室两厅一感觉)等后面的补足语中,不定式不带to,但变为被动语态后,必须带to。如:They saw the boy fall off the tree. The boy was seen to fall off the tree.(5) help后面作宾语补足语的不定式可以带to,也可以不带to. I often help him (to) clean the room. I helped him (to) find his things.注意区分done 和doing的不同 I smell something burning. I heard him singing the song. I heard my name called. I can’t make myself understood in English. I found my car missing. I’ll have my watch repaired.我想把我的手表修一下。【例句】1. —Why did you go back to the shop?—I left my husband (在那里等). 【参考答案】waiting there【拓展延伸】【易混辨析】v-ing形式和不定式作宾语补足语的区别:在see,hear,feel,watch,notice等感官动词后,既可用v-ing形式构成复合宾语,也可用不带to的不定式构成复合宾语,两者之间有一定的区别。用v-ing形式时,表示动作正在进行;用不带to的不定式时,表示动作发生了,即动作的全过程结束了。☛He saw a girl getting on the car.他看见一个女孩儿在上汽车。(She was getting on the car.)☛He saw a girl get on the car.他看见一个女孩儿上车了。(She got on the car.)☛Do you hear someone knocking at the door?你听见有人在敲门吗?(Someone is knocking at the door.)☛Do you hear someone knock at the door?你听见有人敲门了吗?(Someone knocked at the door just now.)【特别注意】如果宾语补足语是一系列的动作,通常只能用不带to的不定式来表示,不用v-ing形式。☛I saw him enter the room, sit down and light a cigarette.我看见他走进房间,坐了下来,点燃了一根香烟。2. Her job is _____________(keep) the lecture hall as clean as possible. 【参考答案】keeping【拓展延伸】【课堂练习】1. 语法填空①When we returned to the dormitory, we found a stranger _____________(stand) in it. 当我们回到宿舍时,发现里面站着一个陌生人。②The boss kept the workers _____________(work) the whole night. 这位老板让工人们干了整整一夜。③They heard him _____________(sing) in the next room.他们听到他在隔壁房间唱歌。 = 4 \* GB3 ④I felt somebody _____________(stand) behind me. 我感觉到有人站有我背后。 = 5 \* GB3 ⑤I won’t have you _____________(do) that. 我不能容忍你那么做。 = 6 \* GB3 ⑥They should not leave us _____________(wonder) what they will do next.他们应该让我们知道他们下一步要做什么。 = 7 \* GB3 ⑦The real question is _____________(get) to know the needs of the students. 真正的问题是了解学生的需要。 = 8 \* GB3 ⑧His hobby is _____________(collect) stamps. 他的爱好是集邮。2. Listening to music at home is one thing, going to hear it live is quite another. A. perform B. performingC. to perform D. being performed3. For those with family members far away, the personal computer and the phone are important in staying ___________.A. connected B. connectingC. to connect D. to be connected1. standing/working/singing/standing/doing/wondering/getting/collecting2. D3. A 【解析】"个人电脑和手机"与"联系"之间是被动关系,故用过去分词作表语,所以选A。句意:对于那些远离家人的人来说,个人电脑和电话在与家人保持联络方面起着很重要的作用。leave out和find +宾语+宾补:1. The teacher stressed again that the students should not ________ any important details while retelling the story. A. bring out B. let out C. leave out D. make out【参考答案】 C 【试题解析】句意:老师再次强调,学生在复述故事的时候不要遗漏任何重要的细节。bring out 出版,取出;let out 放出,释放, 发出(声音);leave out 省去,遗漏,删去;make out理解,假装,辨认出。根据句意可知C项符合题意。【拓展延伸】2. Wang Baoqiang, a Chinese actor announced on line that his marriage broke down because his wife was found him. A. to betray B.to have betrayed C. being betrayed D. having betrayed【参考答案】 B 【试题解析】考查非谓语动词。句意:王宝强,一个中国演员在线宣布他的婚姻破裂,因为他的妻子被发现背叛了他。find+宾语+宾语补足语,故betray是宾语补足语,与宾语his wife主动关系;不定式作宾语补足语表示动作已发生,现在分词作宾语补足语表示动作正在发生,根据语境可知,betray的动作发生先于谓语动词found,故用不定式的完成时。故选B。【拓展延伸】【课堂练习】1. Your composition is too long. You should _______ some unimportant details to make it shorter.A. put out B. find out C. give out D. leave out2. She wants to think things out quietly, so we had better__________ her_________.A. leave; out B. leave; behind C. leave; on D. leave; alone3. Be careful not to _________ any letter when you spell the word. A. leave off B. leave out C. leave behind D. leave alone4. Here is a list of names of the guests to be invited to the party. Please don’t_ _ any of them when typing. A. let out B. make out C. leave out D. put out5. Even the best writers sometimes find themselves ________ for words. A. lose B. lost C. to lose D. having lost6. Consumers, especially the elderly, find the new version of the mobile phone easier . A. to operate B. to be operated C. operated D. operating5. 单句改错①He was about to open the door when he found his key losing. ________________②When I came in, I found her seating at the back of the classroom. ________________③The driver found a dead dog lie on the highway. ____________________④When he found the road blocking with snow, he decided to spend the holiday at home. ______________【参考答案】1. D 【解析】考查动词短语。句意:你的作文太长了。你应该省略一些不重要的信息使它短一些。put out扑灭;find out弄明白;give out分发;leave out省略,遗漏。故选D。 2. D 【解析】考查动词短语leave...alone的用法。句意:她想要安静地认真考虑,因此我们最好不打扰她。leave sb./sth. alone"不去打扰某人",符合句意。leave...out"不包括,不提及";leave...behind"把……抛在后面";leave...on"使保持(某种状态或在某个位置)"。3. B 【解析】考查动词短语辨析。句意:拼写这个单词时,不要漏掉任何字母。leave off 停止,中断;leave out遗漏;leave behind 遗留,留下;leave alone不管,不理,不干涉。4. C【解析】考查动词短语。句意:这里有将被邀请参加会议的客人的名字,打印的时候请不要遗漏任何一 个名字。let out发出,泄露;make out辨认出,理解;leave out遗漏;put out扑灭。根据句意选C。5. B【解析】句意:即使最优秀的作家有时也会发现自己不知说什么才好。“find+宾语+宾补”表示“发现……”为固定结构;be lost for words“不知说什么才好”,为固定搭配,故空处应填lost,表示处于某种状态。6. A【解析】考查非谓语动词。句意:消费者,尤其是老年人,发现这种新款手机更容易操作。本句使用了"主语 +谓语+宾语+宾补+to do",其中的do和前面的宾语构成逻辑上的动宾关系,故用动词不定式的主动形式 表被动含义。7. ①losing改为lost ②seating改为seated ③lie改为lying ④blocking改为blockedv-ing形式作宾语补足语1. v-ing形式作宾语补足语,表示一个正在进行的主动动作或一种状态,作宾语补足语的v-ing形式与其前的宾语存在逻辑上的主动关系。2. 当句子转换为被动结构时,原来作宾语补足语的v-ing形式便转换为主语补足语。3. 能用v-ing形式作宾语补足语的动:(1)表示感觉和心理状态的动词,即"感官动词",常见的有see, hear, feel, smell, find, notice, observe, look at, listen to等。(2)表示"叫、让、使"等指使意义的动词,即"使役动词",常见的有have, set, keep, get, catch, leave等。4. v-ing形式也可用在have, get, leave, keep, set, catch等表示"致使"的动词后作宾语补足语。v-ing形式作表语有两种不同的含义:1. 说明主语的内容。2. 说明主语具有的特征。leave out省去;遗漏;删去;不考虑;未顾及;忽略leave...alone 不管;不理会;不干涉 leave aside 搁置一边leave behind 留下;忘带;遗留 leave for 动身到(某处)leave off 停止;不包括“find+宾语+宾补”结构形式归纳: 形容词/副词/介词短语(表状态或方式) find+宾语+ 现在分词(表主动或正在进行) 过去分词(表被动或完成)find it+形容词/名词+to do(it是形式宾语,to do 是真正的宾语) ☛She found a wallet lying on the ground. 她发现一个钱包在地上。☛He hurried there,but found them all out. 他赶到那里,却发现大家都出去了。☛You will find it a difficult book. 你将发现这是一本难懂的书。
Unit 1 The media【单元词汇和短语概览】1. nationality [ˌnæʃəˈnæləti] n. 国籍 2. journal [ˈdʒɜ:nl] n. 日志;日记3. authority [ɔːˈθɒrəti] n. 权威;权力;当局4. annual [ˈænjuəl] adj. 每年的;一年一次的5. spot [spɒt] n. 斑点; 地点 vt. 看见;发现 ;弄脏6. entirely [ɪnˈtaɪəli] adv. 全部地;完整地;完全地7. illustrate [ˈɪləstreɪt] v. (用示例、图画等)说明,解释8. error [ˈerə(r)] n.误差;错误;过失9. emotion[ɪˈməʊʃn] n.情感;情绪10. female [ˈfiːmeɪl] adj. 女性的;雌性的 n. 女人;[动] 雌性动物11. permission [pəˈmɪʃn] n. 允许,许可12. ensure [ɪnˈʃʊə(r)] v. 保证;担保;确保13. affect [əˈfekt] vt. 影响;感染; vi. 倾向;喜欢 n. 情感;引起感情的因素14. civilization [ˌsɪvəlaɪˈzeɪʃn] n.文明15. horrible [ˈhɒrəbl] adj. 可怕的;极讨厌的16. click [klɪk] vt. 点击;使发咔哒声; vi. 作咔哒声 n. 单击;滴答声17. confirm [kənˈfɜːm] v. 证实,证明,确认18. merrily[ˈmerəli] adv. 愉快地;高兴地(merry的副词形式19. flexible [ˈfleksəbl] adj. 灵活的20. perceive [pəˈsi:v] v. 察觉,感觉;理解;认知21. committee[kəˈmɪti] n. 委员会22. announce [əˈnaʊns] v.宣布23. appeal[əˈpiːl] n. v. 呼吁,恳求;上诉,申诉;对……有吸引力24. objective[əbˈdʒektɪv] n. 目的;目标;宾格 adj. 客观的;客观存在的25. current [ˈkʌrənt] adj. 现在的;流通的,通用的;最近的 n. (水,气,电)流;趋势;涌流26. custom [ˈkʌstəm] n.风俗;习俗27. release [rɪˈli:s] n. 公开;发行 v. 发布(新闻等)28. innovation [ˌɪnəˈveɪʃn] n.创造;创新;改革29. outline [ˈaʊtlaɪn] n. 轮廓;大纲;概要;略图 vt. 概述;略述;描画…轮廓30. entry [ˈentri] n. 进入;入口;条目;参赛作品31. plot [plɒt] n. 故事情节;布局32. character [ˈkærəktə(r)] n. (书籍、戏剧或电影中的)人物,角色33. crash [kræʃ] v. 碰撞;(使)坠毁 n. (交通工具)坠毁;碰撞声34. participate [pɑːˈtɪsɪpeɪt] v. 参与,参加;分享35. pack [pæk] v. 塞进; 装(箱)36. entertaining [ˌentəˈteɪnɪŋ] adj.有趣的;娱乐的;使人愉快的37. region [ˈri:dʒən] n. 地区;区域;地方【核心词组】1. participate in 参加;参与(to take part in or become involved in an activity)2. ought to 应该;应当(used to say what is the right thing to do)3. appeal to 有吸引力;有感染力;引起兴趣(to attract or interest somebody)4. stewed beef 炖牛肉(a dish in which beef is slowly cooked in liquid,which results in a thick, soup-like food)5. soy sauce 酱油(a thin dark brown sauce that is made from soya beans and has a salty taste)6. steamed bun 馒头(a flour dish that is cooked by hot steam)7. staple food 基本食物;主食(a basic type of food)8. focus on 集中(注意力、精力等)于(to give attention,effort,etc. to one particular subject,situation or person)【词汇重点】1. announce /əˈnaʊns/ v. 宣布n. 宣布 announcementannounce sth to sbIn 2015, the Scandinavian country announced an ambitious aim to become one of the first nations in the world to end its dependence on fossil fuels. <2018年杨浦区一模阅读理解> 2015 年,这个斯堪的纳维亚国家宣布了一项雄心勃勃的目标,即成为世界上最早 结束对化石燃料依赖的国家之一。2. annual /ˈænjuəl/ adj. 每年的;一年一次的n. 年刊;年报;年鉴 annualThe usual response to the annual flu is not enough to fight against the risks we currently face, let alone prepare us for an even deadlier widespread flu that most experts agree will come in the future. <2019年崇明区一模阅读理解> 对一年一度的流感的通常反应不足以对抗我们目前面临的风险,更不用说让我们 为大多数专家认为未来会出现的更致命的广泛流感做好准备。3. authority /ɔːˈθɒrəti/n. 权力v. 授权 authorizeauthority to do sthI have no authority to sign these contracts.我没权力签署这些合同。calm /kɑːm/adj. 宁静的v. 使平静 calmn. 宁静的状态 calmcalm downIf the conflict occurs, students can practice the golden rule of conflict resolution: stay calm. <2018年浦东区一模概要写作>如果发生冲突,学生可以练习解决冲突的黄金法则:保持冷静。5. confirm /kənˈfɜːm/ v. (尤其指提供证据来)证实,证明,确认n. 化学家 chemist n. 化学 chemistrytoxic chemicalsLast summer, bird-watchers confirmed the discovery of a new species of bird in Cambodia. <2019年普陀区一模阅读理解A篇>去年夏天,鸟类观察者证实在柬埔寨发现了一种新的鸟类。6. custom /ˈkʌstəm/ n. 风俗;习俗v. 定制 customizev. 使习惯于 accustomn. 顾客 customercustom of doing sthAlthough the custom of drinking tea dates back to the third millennium BC in China, it was not until the mid-17th century that the drink first appeared in England. <2020静安二模阅读理解A篇>虽然饮茶的习俗可以追溯到公元前三千年的中国,但直到17世纪中叶才在英国首次出现。7. ensure /ɪnˈʃʊə(r)/ v. 保证;担保;确保n. 保障 ensuranceThe pilot must keep firing the burner at regular intervals throughout the flight to ensure that the balloon continues to be stable. <2019年黄浦区一模阅读理解B篇>“飞行员必须在整个飞行过程中定期点燃燃烧器,以确保气球持续稳定。8. flexible /ˈfleksəbl/ adj. 能适应新情况的;灵活的n. 灵活性 flexibilityIf you are uncertain about travelling, you may wish to consider purchasing a more flexible ticket — such as Anytime or Off-Peak — for travel. 如果你不确定是否适合乘搭交通工具,可考虑购买较灵活的机票,例如在任何时间或非繁忙时间乘搭交通工具。9. illustrate /ˈɪləstreɪt/ v.(用示例、图画等)说明,解释n. 说明 illustrationillustrate sth with sth“A writer’s job is to tell the truth,” said Hemingway in 1942. No other writer of our time had so fiercely stated, or so consistently illustrated the writer’s duty to speak truly. <2021年虹口区二模阅读理解C篇> 海明威在 1942 年说:“作家的工作就是说实话。”我们这个时代没有其他作家如此激烈地陈述过,或者如此一贯地说明了作家真实说话的责任。10. journal /ˈdʒɜːnl/ n. 日志;日记;报纸;刊物;杂志n. 新闻工作者 journalistn. 新闻业 journalismkeep a journal of sthThe British Medical Journal recently featured a strong response to what was judged an inappropriately merciful reaction by a medical school to a student cheating in an examination. <2017年松江区二模阅读理解C篇> 英国医学杂志最近对一所医学院对学生考试作弊的不当仁慈反应做出了强烈回应。11. outline /ˈaʊtlaɪn/ v. 概述;略述n. 概述;梗概 outlineoutline sth to sbSeveral funding agencies, meanwhile, have asked that researchers outline their plans for sharing data before they can receive a government grant. <2019年松江区一 模阅读理解C篇> 与此同时,一些资助机构要求研究人员在获得政府资助之前,概述他们共享数据的 计划。12. perceive /pəˈsiːv/ v. 注意到;意识到;察觉到n. 洞察力 perceptionadj. 感知的 perceptiveperceive sb/sth as sthGiven that the companies and governments building superintelligent AI are likely to perceive themselves as being in a race against all others. <2018年普陀区一模阅读理解C篇> 鉴于构建超级智能 AI 的公司和政府可能认为自己正在与所有其他人竞争,而赢得 这场比赛就是赢得世界,似乎任何更容易做的事情都会首先完成,除非它下一刻就 毁了。13. permission /pəˈmɪʃn/ n. 准许;许可;批准v.允许,认可 permit ask permission for sth/to do sthLastly, make sure you ask permission before posting anything about your friends on a blog or a social networking site. <2018年普陀区一模阅读理解A篇> 最后,在博客或社交网站上发布有关您朋友的任何内容之前,请务必征得许可。14. publish /ˈpʌblɪʃ/ v. 出版;发行n. 发表 publishmentn. 发行人(或机构)publisherIn 2008, someone, or perhaps a group of people, using the name Satoshi Nakamoto published a paper to an online group that discussed cryptography. <2020年宝山区二 模阅读理解A篇> 2008 年,有人,或者可能是一群人,使用中本聪这个名字向一个讨论密码学的在线小组发表了一篇论文。15. spot /spɒt/ v. 看见;看出;发现n. 斑点;地点 spotadj. 一尘不染的 spotlesson the spotReports show that frequent Internet use can strengthen fast-paced problem solving and can speed up the ability to spot patterns in a lot of data. <2018年崇明区二模概要 写作> 报告显示,频繁使用互联网可以加强快速解决问题的能力,并可以加快在大量数据中发现模式的能力。【单元语法】【语法讲解】分词作宾语补足语(The verb-ing and verb-ed forms as the object complement)【知识梳理】一、概念在英语句子中,动词有两类。一类是谓语动词,另一类是非谓语动词。例如:“I work.”一句中,work作谓语动词,如果把句子改成“I want to work”,句中的谓语动词则变成了want, 而to work就是非谓语动词。非谓语动词有三种:即动词不定式(to do);分词(现在分词doing和过去分词done); 动名词(doing)。二、作宾语补足语 动词+宾语+不定式(to do )。如:He warned me to be careful.I want you to speak to Tom.What makes you think so? (不带to的不定式) 注:可以用动词不定式做宾补的动词有:ask, tell, order ,want ,get, would like, like, advise, invite, allow, help, wish, warn, expect, would prefer, encourage表见解、看法的动词结构可为:动词+宾语+ to be 的不定式结构。如:We consider Tom to be one of the best students in our class.The book is believed to be useful. (被动语态)(3) There +不定式。如:We didn’t expect there to be so many people there.我们没料到会有那么多人在那里。注意:(1)有些动词需用 as 短语作补语,像regard, think, believe, take, consider。如:We regard Eric as our best teacher. 我们认为艾瑞克是我们最好的老师。Mary took him as her father. 玛丽把他当作自己的父亲。(4) 在动词feel (一感),hear, listen to(二听),have, let, make(三让),notice, see, watch, observe, look at(五看)(即:吾看三室两厅一感觉)等后面的补足语中,不定式不带to,但变为被动语态后,必须带to。如:They saw the boy fall off the tree. The boy was seen to fall off the tree.(5) help后面作宾语补足语的不定式可以带to,也可以不带to. I often help him (to) clean the room. I helped him (to) find his things.注意区分done 和doing的不同 I smell something burning. I heard him singing the song. I heard my name called. I can’t make myself understood in English. I found my car missing. I’ll have my watch repaired.我想把我的手表修一下。【例句】1. —Why did you go back to the shop?—I left my husband (在那里等). 【参考答案】waiting there【拓展延伸】【易混辨析】v-ing形式和不定式作宾语补足语的区别:在see,hear,feel,watch,notice等感官动词后,既可用v-ing形式构成复合宾语,也可用不带to的不定式构成复合宾语,两者之间有一定的区别。用v-ing形式时,表示动作正在进行;用不带to的不定式时,表示动作发生了,即动作的全过程结束了。☛He saw a girl getting on the car.他看见一个女孩儿在上汽车。(She was getting on the car.)☛He saw a girl get on the car.他看见一个女孩儿上车了。(She got on the car.)☛Do you hear someone knocking at the door?你听见有人在敲门吗?(Someone is knocking at the door.)☛Do you hear someone knock at the door?你听见有人敲门了吗?(Someone knocked at the door just now.)【特别注意】如果宾语补足语是一系列的动作,通常只能用不带to的不定式来表示,不用v-ing形式。☛I saw him enter the room, sit down and light a cigarette.我看见他走进房间,坐了下来,点燃了一根香烟。2. Her job is _____________(keep) the lecture hall as clean as possible. 【参考答案】keeping【拓展延伸】【课堂练习】1. 语法填空①When we returned to the dormitory, we found a stranger _____________(stand) in it. 当我们回到宿舍时,发现里面站着一个陌生人。②The boss kept the workers _____________(work) the whole night. 这位老板让工人们干了整整一夜。③They heard him _____________(sing) in the next room.他们听到他在隔壁房间唱歌。 = 4 \* GB3 ④I felt somebody _____________(stand) behind me. 我感觉到有人站有我背后。 = 5 \* GB3 ⑤I won’t have you _____________(do) that. 我不能容忍你那么做。 = 6 \* GB3 ⑥They should not leave us _____________(wonder) what they will do next.他们应该让我们知道他们下一步要做什么。 = 7 \* GB3 ⑦The real question is _____________(get) to know the needs of the students. 真正的问题是了解学生的需要。 = 8 \* GB3 ⑧His hobby is _____________(collect) stamps. 他的爱好是集邮。2. Listening to music at home is one thing, going to hear it live is quite another. A. perform B. performingC. to perform D. being performed3. For those with family members far away, the personal computer and the phone are important in staying ___________.A. connected B. connectingC. to connect D. to be connected1. standing/working/singing/standing/doing/wondering/getting/collecting2. D3. A 【解析】"个人电脑和手机"与"联系"之间是被动关系,故用过去分词作表语,所以选A。句意:对于那些远离家人的人来说,个人电脑和电话在与家人保持联络方面起着很重要的作用。leave out和find +宾语+宾补:1. The teacher stressed again that the students should not ________ any important details while retelling the story. A. bring out B. let out C. leave out D. make out【参考答案】 C 【试题解析】句意:老师再次强调,学生在复述故事的时候不要遗漏任何重要的细节。bring out 出版,取出;let out 放出,释放, 发出(声音);leave out 省去,遗漏,删去;make out理解,假装,辨认出。根据句意可知C项符合题意。【拓展延伸】2. Wang Baoqiang, a Chinese actor announced on line that his marriage broke down because his wife was found him. A. to betray B.to have betrayed C. being betrayed D. having betrayed【参考答案】 B 【试题解析】考查非谓语动词。句意:王宝强,一个中国演员在线宣布他的婚姻破裂,因为他的妻子被发现背叛了他。find+宾语+宾语补足语,故betray是宾语补足语,与宾语his wife主动关系;不定式作宾语补足语表示动作已发生,现在分词作宾语补足语表示动作正在发生,根据语境可知,betray的动作发生先于谓语动词found,故用不定式的完成时。故选B。【拓展延伸】【课堂练习】1. Your composition is too long. You should _______ some unimportant details to make it shorter.A. put out B. find out C. give out D. leave out2. She wants to think things out quietly, so we had better__________ her_________.A. leave; out B. leave; behind C. leave; on D. leave; alone3. Be careful not to _________ any letter when you spell the word. A. leave off B. leave out C. leave behind D. leave alone4. Here is a list of names of the guests to be invited to the party. Please don’t_ _ any of them when typing. A. let out B. make out C. leave out D. put out5. Even the best writers sometimes find themselves ________ for words. A. lose B. lost C. to lose D. having lost6. Consumers, especially the elderly, find the new version of the mobile phone easier . A. to operate B. to be operated C. operated D. operating5. 单句改错①He was about to open the door when he found his key losing. ________________②When I came in, I found her seating at the back of the classroom. ________________③The driver found a dead dog lie on the highway. ____________________④When he found the road blocking with snow, he decided to spend the holiday at home. ______________【参考答案】1. D 【解析】考查动词短语。句意:你的作文太长了。你应该省略一些不重要的信息使它短一些。put out扑灭;find out弄明白;give out分发;leave out省略,遗漏。故选D。 2. D 【解析】考查动词短语leave...alone的用法。句意:她想要安静地认真考虑,因此我们最好不打扰她。leave sb./sth. alone"不去打扰某人",符合句意。leave...out"不包括,不提及";leave...behind"把……抛在后面";leave...on"使保持(某种状态或在某个位置)"。3. B 【解析】考查动词短语辨析。句意:拼写这个单词时,不要漏掉任何字母。leave off 停止,中断;leave out遗漏;leave behind 遗留,留下;leave alone不管,不理,不干涉。4. C【解析】考查动词短语。句意:这里有将被邀请参加会议的客人的名字,打印的时候请不要遗漏任何一 个名字。let out发出,泄露;make out辨认出,理解;leave out遗漏;put out扑灭。根据句意选C。5. B【解析】句意:即使最优秀的作家有时也会发现自己不知说什么才好。“find+宾语+宾补”表示“发现……”为固定结构;be lost for words“不知说什么才好”,为固定搭配,故空处应填lost,表示处于某种状态。6. A【解析】考查非谓语动词。句意:消费者,尤其是老年人,发现这种新款手机更容易操作。本句使用了"主语 +谓语+宾语+宾补+to do",其中的do和前面的宾语构成逻辑上的动宾关系,故用动词不定式的主动形式 表被动含义。7. ①losing改为lost ②seating改为seated ③lie改为lying ④blocking改为blockedv-ing形式作宾语补足语1. v-ing形式作宾语补足语,表示一个正在进行的主动动作或一种状态,作宾语补足语的v-ing形式与其前的宾语存在逻辑上的主动关系。2. 当句子转换为被动结构时,原来作宾语补足语的v-ing形式便转换为主语补足语。3. 能用v-ing形式作宾语补足语的动:(1)表示感觉和心理状态的动词,即"感官动词",常见的有see, hear, feel, smell, find, notice, observe, look at, listen to等。(2)表示"叫、让、使"等指使意义的动词,即"使役动词",常见的有have, set, keep, get, catch, leave等。4. v-ing形式也可用在have, get, leave, keep, set, catch等表示"致使"的动词后作宾语补足语。v-ing形式作表语有两种不同的含义:1. 说明主语的内容。2. 说明主语具有的特征。leave out省去;遗漏;删去;不考虑;未顾及;忽略leave...alone 不管;不理会;不干涉 leave aside 搁置一边leave behind 留下;忘带;遗留 leave for 动身到(某处)leave off 停止;不包括“find+宾语+宾补”结构形式归纳: 形容词/副词/介词短语(表状态或方式) find+宾语+ 现在分词(表主动或正在进行) 过去分词(表被动或完成)find it+形容词/名词+to do(it是形式宾语,to do 是真正的宾语) ☛She found a wallet lying on the ground. 她发现一个钱包在地上。☛He hurried there,but found them all out. 他赶到那里,却发现大家都出去了。☛You will find it a difficult book. 你将发现这是一本难懂的书。