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    人教版(2024新版)七年级上册英语Unit 6 A Day in the Life 教案
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    人教版(2024新版)七年级上册英语Unit 6 A Day in the Life 教案

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    人教版(2024新版)七年级上册英语Unit 6 A Day in the Life教案单元教学目标单元教材分析本单元教材以“生活中的一天”为中心话题,围绕着“你在学校的日子是怎么度过的?”和“人们的日常生活有何不同?”进行学习并引导学生运用相关知识。Section A主要介绍不同的时间表示方法并谈论学生的日常安排;Section B主要是了解人们不同的日常生活,并安排了读写任务,教师在教学中应合理利用课本上的知识进行教学。课时教学设计第一课时 Section A(1a-1e)—Pronunciation(1-2) 【Language Abilities】1.Tell the time in English.2.Ask about daily routines using what time and when.3.Learn about different people's routines.4.Explore how to make good use of time.【Culture Awareness】1.Develop students' good lifestyle habits.2.Establish students' awareness of cherishing time.【Quality of Thinking】1.Make predictions according to the pictures.2.Try to summarise the general idea of a paragraph and strengthen the overall understanding of the text in reading.【Learning Abilities】1.Activate and associate what we have known in learning.2.Be able to formulate clear English learning goals and plans,reasonably arrange learning tasks,and actively preview and review.【Class Hour Division】Four periodsPeriod 1Section A(1a-1e)—Pronunciation(1-2)Period 2Section A(2a-2e)Period 3Grammar Focus(3a-3d)Period 4Section B(1a-2b)Teaching Objects 【教学目标】1.Tell the time in English.2.Get detailed information about Peter and Han Lin from the listening materials.3.Pronounce /s/,/z/,/ʃ/,/ʒ/,/tʃ/,/dʒ/,/θ/ and /ð/ correctly,and remember the letters and letter combinations that represent them.4.Know sentence stress.Teaching Aids 【教学工具】an English book,a tape recorder and CAITeaching Steps 【教学步骤】Listening and speaking★Step 1 Leading in 【情景导入】1.Show the picture on Page 59 to the Ss,and then ask them to look and share:(1)What do you see in the photo?(2)How long do you study every day?(3)What do you do in your free time?2.Let some Ss share their answers.★Step 2 Pre­task 【准备任务】Page 60,1a1.Show the clocks on Page 60,and then ask the time in English.2.Introduce the different ways to express the time.3.Ask the Ss to match the clocks with the times.★Step 3 While­task 【过程任务】Page 60,1b1.Ask the Ss to listen to the first conversation and tick Peter's activities this morning.2.Check the answers with the class.Page 60,1c1.Ask the Ss to listen to the second conversation and find out why Peter and Han Lin are at school early.Let them match the names with the reasons.2.Check the answers with the class.Page 60,1d1.Ask the Ss to listen to the two conversations again and fill in the blanks.2.Ask some students to share the answers.Let other students check them.★Step 4 Post­task 【后续任务】Page 60,1e1.Ask the students to talk about their school day routine in the morning.2.Show them samples as following.—What time do you usually get up?—I usually get up at...—When do you have breakfast?—I usually have breakfast at...3.Let them work in pairs to talk about school day routine in the morning.4.Choose some groups to role­play their conversations and then choose the best one.Pronunciation★Step 5 Pre­task 【准备任务】Page 61,11.Let the Ss read the words on Page 61.Then ask them to answer the question:Which pronunciation does each group of words contain?2.Lead the Ss to be acquainted with /s/,/z/,/ʃ/,/ʒ/,/tʃ/,/dʒ/,/θ/ and /ð/.★Step 6 While­task 【过程任务】Page 61,11.Explain the essentials of the pronunciation of /s/,/z/,/ʃ/,/ʒ/,/tʃ/,/dʒ/,/θ/ and /ð/.2.Ask them to listen to the tape,and then repeat.3.Ask the Ss to read the words together again.Page 61,21.Ask the Ss to listen to the beginning part of the conversation in 2a and repeat.Let them notice the stressed words and mark other stressed words in the conversation in 2a.2.Explain sentence stress.★Step 7 Post­task 【后续任务】If possible,the T can provide more materials with the target language points for students to practise.★Step 8 Summary 【课堂小结】Ask the Ss to use the students' self­assessment form to check what they have learned in this lesson.★Step 9 Homework 【家庭作业】1.Review the words,phrases and sentences.2.Do the exercises in students' book.Board Design 【板书设计】Unit 6 A Day in the LifePeriod 1 Section A(1a-1e)—Pronunciation(1-2)1.Vocabulary:shower,brush,tooth,duty,usually2.Target language:(1)—What time do you usually get up?—I usually get up at 7 o'clock.(2)—When do you take a shower?—I usually take a shower at night.Teaching reflection 【教学反思】In this period,we should prepare lots of exercises to help the students to master the way to express the time.In addition,we should encourage them to make a short dialogue to talk about their school day routine. I can tell the time in English.I can get detailed information about Peter and Han Lin from the listening materials.I can pronounce /s/,/z/,/ʃ/,/ʒ/,/tʃ/,/dʒ/,/θ/ and /ð/ correctly,and remember the letters and letter combinations that represent them.I can read sentences and words with stresses correctly.第二课时 Section A(2a-2e) Teaching Objects 【教学目标】1.Understand and complete the exercises related to the conversation about Tom's school day routine.2.Be able to talk about one's school day routine.Teaching Aids 【教学工具】an English book,a tape recorder and CAITeaching Steps 【教学步骤】★Step 1 Leading in 【情景导入】1.Suppose there is an interview on students' school day routine,and you are the reporter.What questions will you ask?2.Ask the Ss to show their ideas freely.★Step 2 Pre­task 【准备任务】1.Show the picture on Page 61,and then ask them to guess:(1)What are the two people doing?(2)Where are they?(3)What's their relationship?2.Choose some students to share their answers.★Step 3 While­task 【过程任务】Page 61,2a1.Ask the Ss to listen to the conversation and fill in the blanks.2.Check the answers with the class.3.Explain the differences between what time and when.4.Give some examples about what time and when.Page 62,2b1.Ask the Ss to read the conversation in 2a,and then underline the sentences that Lu Jiaqi asks about Tom.2.Let the Ss read the conversation in 2a again and answer the questions.(1)What does Jiaqi ask Tom about?(2)How long does Tom stay at school?(3)Why does Tom go to bed early?3.Ask some Ss to share the answers.Let other students check the answers.Page 62,2c1.Ask the Ss to read again and complete Tom's school day timetable.2.Check the answers with the class.Page 62,2dAsk the Ss to listen to the conversation again and pay attention to the stressed words.Then let them role­play the conversation.★Step 4 Post­task 【后续任务】Page 62,2e1.Let the Ss ask a partner about his or her school day routine.2.Let the Ss give a report.★Step 5 Language points 【语言要点】1.Early to bed,early to rise!早睡早起!rise在这里作动词,意为“起床”。【拓展】rise作动词时,还可意为“升起;增长”。2.ask的用法◆意为“询问”,常用搭配:ask sb.about sth.询问某人某事。◆还可表示“请求”,常用搭配:ask sb.for sth.请求某人给予某物;ask sb.to do sth.请求某人做某事。3.stay的用法作动词,意为“停留;待”。【拓展】stay作动词,还可意为“保持”,后接形容词、副词等。★Step 6 Summary 【课堂小结】Ask the Ss to use the students' self­assessment form to check what they have learned in this lesson.★Step 7 Homework 【家庭作业】1.Review the words,phrases and sentences.2.Do the exercises in students' book.Board Design 【板书设计】Unit 6 A Day in the LifePeriod 2 Section A(2a-2e)1.Vocabulary:reporter,around,homework,rise,stay2.Target language:(1)—What time do you get up on a school day?—I get up at...(2)—When do you...? —I...Teaching reflection 【教学反思】In this period,there are more new words and expressions.We should provide more practice in the conversation in 2a and encourage the students to be more involved.In addition,we should ask students to pay attention to the stressed words when listening to the conversation in 2a. I can understand and complete the exercises related to the conversation about Tom's school day routine.I can talk about one's school day routine.第三课时 Grammar Focus(3a-3d) Teaching Objects 【教学目标】1.Master the usage of what,what time and when.2.Talk about people's weekend routine.Teaching Aids 【教学工具】an English book,a tape recorder and CAITeaching Steps 【教学步骤】★Step 1 Leading in 【复习导入】Review the questions Jiaqi asks Tom in the last lesson.·What's your name?·What time do you usually get up?·When do you go home?·What do you do after that?·When do you usually go to bed?★Step 2 Pre­task 【准备任务】Let the Ss read the sentences in 3a,and then ask them to guess the answers.★Step 3 Grammar focus learning 【语法学习】1.what含义:询问“什么”,通常用于询问事物的名称、性质、行为或习惯等。用法:◆“What is+名词?”询问单个事物的名称或性质,例如:“What is this?”(这是什么?)。◆“What are+名词复数?”询问多个事物的名称或性质,例如:“What are these?”(这些是什么?)。◆“What is/are+主语+动词进行时?”询问正在发生或进行的动作,例如:“What are you doing?”(你在做什么?)。◆“What do (does)+主语+动词原形?”询问某人的行为或习惯,例如:“What does she usually eat for breakfast?”(她通常早餐吃什么?)。2.what time含义:询问“几点”,用于询问具体的时间点。用法:侧重于询问具体、精确的时间,例如“What time is it now?”(现在几点了?)。答语通常使用钟点、分钟等时间单位。3.when含义:询问“什么时候”,可用于询问事件发生的具体时间,但范围比what time更广。用法:不仅可以询问时间点,还可以询问日期、月份、年份等。也可以用于询问事件发生的时机或顺序。★Step 4 While­task 【过程任务】Page 63,3aAsk the Ss to complete the questions with what,what time or when.Page 63,3bAsk the Ss to answer the questions with the times in brackets.Page 63,3c1.Ask the Ss to complete the passage with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.2.Ask some students to share the answers.3.Let the Ss to analyse the structure of the passage.★Step 5 Post­task 【后续任务】Page 63,3d1.Ask the Ss to ask a partner about his or her weekend routine.2.Let them fill in the form.3.Let them work in pairs and then talk about their weekend routine with partners.★Step 6 Summary 【课堂小结】Ask the Ss to use the students' self­assessment form to check what they have learned in this lesson.★Step 7 Homework 【家庭作业】1.Review the words,phrases and sentences.2.Do the exercises in students' book.Board Design 【板书设计】Unit 6 A Day in the LifePeriod 3 Grammar Focus(3a-3d)1.Vocabulary:restaurant,housework,while,weekend2.Target language:(1)—What time do you usually get up?—I usually get up at 6:30 a.m.(2)—What time does Tom usually go to bed?—He usually goes to bed at 9:30 p.m.(3)—When do they go to the music club?—They go on Monday afternoons.(4)—What do you do after dinner?—Sometimes I read books or do my homework.(5)—What does Peter do before breakfast?—He brushes his teeth and takes a shower.Teaching reflection 【教学反思】Learning grammar is an important task in this period.We always learn grammar when we have learned enough language points.Students can practise grammar by using what they have learned.It's important for them to figure out the usage of what,what time and when.We can give them some examples. I can master the usage of what,what time and when.I can talk about people's weekend routine.第四课时 Section B(1a-2b) Teaching Objects 【教学目标】1.Know about Timo's activities.2.Complete the exercises related to the text.3.Write about a day at school.Teaching Aids 【教学工具】an English book,a tape recorder and CAITeaching Steps 【教学步骤】★Step 1 Leading in 【情景导入】1.Show as many different jobs as possible to the Ss,and then ask them to describe people's daily routines.2.Ask the Ss the questions:How different are people's daily routines?Can you list some examples?★Step 2 Pre­task 【准备任务】1.Ask the Ss to look at the photos on Page 64.Let them guess which part of the world the boy is from.Ask them what they want to know about him.2.Let the Ss share the answers.★Step 3 While­task 【过程任务】Page 64,1b1.Ask the Ss to read the text and choose a suitable title for it.2.Check the answer with the class.Page 65,1c1.Ask the Ss to read again and complete the timetable with Timo's activities.2.Ask some students to share their answers.3.Check the answers with the class.Page 65,1d1.Ask the Ss to read again and answer the questions.(1)What lessons does Timo have every Tuesday morning?(2)How long is each lesson at his school?(3)What club does Timo go to?(4)How does he make good use of his time?2.Let the Ss discuss them with their partners.3.Check the answers with the class.★Step 4 Post­task 【后续任务】Page 65,2a1.Ask the Ss to complete the timetable about one of their school days.Let them know how different their school day is from Timo's.2.Let the Ss discuss it with their partner.Page 65,2b1.Ask the Ss to use the information in 2a to write about their day.2.Let the Ss fill in the blanks and then check the answers with the class.3.Let the Ss analyse the structure of the passage.★Step 5 Language points 【语言要点】1.break的用法◆作名词,意为“休息;间断”。◆作动词,意为“(使)破碎;损坏”。2.finish的用法作动词,意为“结束;完成”,其后可接名词、代词或动词­ing形式作宾语,常用搭配:finish (doing) sth.完成(做)某事。3.prepare的用法作动词,意为“把......预备好;准备”,常用搭配:prepare to do sth.准备做某事;prepare for sth.为某事做准备。4.It's time...该......的时候了常用于以下两种结构:◆It's time for sth.表示“该(干)......的时候了”。◆It's time (for sb.) to do sth.表示“该(某人)干......的时候了”。★Step 6 Summary 【课堂小结】Ask the Ss to use the students' self­assessment form to check what they have learned in this lesson.★Step 7 Homework 【家庭作业】1.Review the words,phrases and sentences.2.Do the exercises in students' book.Board Design 【板书设计】Unit 6 A Day in the LifePeriod 4 Section B(1a-2b)1.Vocabulary:daily,only,break,finish,already,dark,outside,part,everyday,prepare2.Target language:(1)I live with my parents in Helsinki,Finland.(2)Every Tuesday,I usually get up at 7:40.(3)I often listen to the news or music.(4)After that,I read with my parents for an hour.(5)That's an important part of my everyday life.(6)Then I prepare my schoolbag for the next day.Teaching reflection 【教学反思】In this period,the most important thing is reading.It is a good way to train the students' ability of reading quickly and efficiently.Usually we do some work to deal with new words and phrases before reading.While reading,students should figure out Timo's activities according to the timetable.After reading,we should ask the students to write about their day. I can know about Timo's activities.I can complete the exercises related to the text.I can write about a day at school.
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