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      北京市顺义牛栏山第一中学2023-2024学年高一下学期4月月考英语试题 Word版含解析.docx
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      北京市顺义牛栏山第一中学2023-2024学年高一下学期4月月考英语试题 Word版无答案.docx
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    这是一份北京市顺义牛栏山第一中学2023-2024学年高一下学期4月月考英语试题(Word版附解析),文件包含北京市顺义牛栏山第一中学2023-2024学年高一下学期4月月考英语试题Word版含解析docx、北京市顺义牛栏山第一中学2023-2024学年高一下学期4月月考英语试题Word版无答案docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共31页, 欢迎下载使用。

    本试卷共三部分,满分100 分,考试时长90分钟。
    第一部分 知识运用(共三节,30分)
    第一节 语音辨析(共5小题;每题1分,共5分)
    1. A. damageB. anxiusC. escapeD. imagine
    2. A. calmB. rewardingC. alarmD. half
    3. A. lssB. peratinC. eclgyD. fcus
    4. A. crwdedB. accuntC. dwnladD. shallw
    5. 根据下列单词的重读音节,选出与其他三个发音不同的一个。
    A. cncentrateB. cncernC. cnfirmD. cmmunicate
    第二节 完形填空(共10小题;每题1.5分,共15分)
    Over the years, thanks t my life’s bstacles (障碍). I understd the meaning f faith and the strng will t survive. It was Hurricane Ike that made me fully ____6____ the beauty f ur strength and a human’s mtivatin t ____7____.
    Mm had a tw-week vacatin in summer. While we enjyed ur hliday in Sutheast Texas, we didn’t realize the fact that Ike wuld cause mnths and likely years f “labr”. By September 7th, the “eyes f Texas” were watching Hurricane Ike mre clsely, making the typical mad rush fr last-minute hurricane ____8____. Tw days later, bth il and fd were in ____9____ demand.
    In the early hurs f September 11th, sme neighbrs were planning t ____10____the strm in their hmes, while thers were making final preparatins t get away. At first, we decided t stay. But that afternn, the Hustn-Galvestn area wuld be n the mre dangerus side f the strm. Mm and I packed sme f ur mst ___11___ belngings in the car and headed fr the East Texas twn f Lufkin.
    As Ike pushed farther inland, we ____12____ pwer in Lufkin. On Sunday, ur next-dr neighbr tld us via cell phne that ur huse had remained well. Our hpes culd nt have been ____13____. But a few hurs later, the neighbrs reprted that ur brick chimney had gne, and it was sitting n ur living rm ____14____ a hle in the rf between tw skylights (天窗).
    We wuldn’t be allwed t return hme until September l7th. I climbed upstairs, and lked tward the hle in the rf which shwed a beautiful blue sky.
    Withut hesitatin, I shuted, “Ww! A third skylight!”
    My neighbrs culd nt believe I was making jkes instead f crying, but _____15_____ is always gd medicine. It was with that jke that I knew, given time, everything wuld be kay.
    6. A. explreB. appreciateC. vercmeD. bserve
    7. A. wrkB. aplgizeC. recverD. change
    8. A. adventureB. suppliesC. equipmentD. reprts
    9. A. basicB. pureC. highD. neat
    10. A. get thrughB. put awayC. test utD. suffer frm
    11. A. availableB. publicC. preciusD. ptential
    12. A. prvidedB. reducedC. prducedD. lst
    13. A. clearerB. wilderC. lwerD. higher
    14. A. leavingB. diggingC. fillingD. kicking
    15. A. wisdmB. determinatinC. calmnessD. laughter
    第三节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1分,共10分)
    The use f avatars has caused a few cncerns. Sme users wrry that they are spending s much time in virtual wrlds ____16____ they are becming afraid f meeting peple in the real wrld. The use f several avatars can als be a risk, as peple can use avatars t cheat thers nline.____17____, ther users view avatars in a mre psitive light. They lk frward t a time when their avatar will act like a real persn and travel arund bigger,____18____(exciting) virtual wrlds.
    We’re having an amazing time here in Suth Africa. Our accmmdatin is perfect. It is in a lcatin ____19____ we can watch animals wandering past n their way t the waterhle. Sunset is the time f day ____20____ we sit n the balcny (阳台) and cunt hw many giraffes r antelpes we can see. I guess this is the reasn why this place is s ppular. Next week we ____21____ (fly) up t Zambia. That’s ne f the ____22____ (cuntry) where yu can visit the famus Victria Fails.
    YOLO, directed by Jia Ling, was the highest-grssing film in China ver the Lunar New Year.____23____ (adapt) frm the 2014 Japanese mvie 100 Yan Lve, YOLO centers n the transfrmatin f Le Ying. Le is an jbless wman ____24____ her 30s still living with her parents whse life transfrms after meeting a bxing cach that changes her life. The spirit f YOLO, with the title meaning “yu nly live nce”, ____25____ (carry) a universal message — self-lve and self-esteem (自尊), which frms the grundwrk fr the film t bridge cultural gaps and attract a glbal audience.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共二节,40分)
    Skillshare is a vide lessn app which has becme highly ppular nwadays. It will likely appeal mre t lder kids (age 14+) since classes fcus primarily n prfessinal develpment with tpics like digital design, technlgy and marketing. There are als plenty f art and music classes fr mre creative learners. Read the develper’s privacy plicy fr details n hw yur kid’s infrmatin is cllected, used and shared, and any chices yu may have in the matter, and this privacy plicy applies t all users.
    What is it abut?
    Skillshare has a large database f nline lessns taught by industry experts. Kids can search fr a class by tpic r by entering key wrds. Each class cntains a series f vide lessns that are taught as a lecture. Sme classes have nly a few lessns, while thers have 10 r mre. In fact, ne guitar class has mre than 100 lessns. Many classes include prjects, and mst end with a brief Final Thughts lessn t sum up the class cntent. There’s a review sectin where users can leave advice. Kids can watch the lessns within that class directly frm the app. They can als save classes t watch later, and any classes they begin are autmatically saved t a watch list. Many classes are ffered in the free versin f the app, and a paid versin gives users access t a much mre extensive class list—mre than 28,000 lessns.
    Is it any gd?
    All the teachers in the app are passinate abut their wrk, s it’s an excellent way t fster the same passin in yur kids, as lng as there is a genuine interest in the cntent being ffered.
    What kind f membership are yu interested in?
    Email address fr cntact: skillshare@gdpr-repcm
    26. The passage is intended fr ______.
    A. kidsB. parentsC. teachersD. industry experts
    27. Hw much shuld yu pay mnthly fr an annual membership?
    A. $14.99.B. $12.99.C. $10.99 .D. $6.99.
    28. What can we learn frm the passage?
    A. Skillshare allws curius lder kids t learn at their wn pace.
    B. The privacy plicy is limited t the registered members f Skillshare.
    C. Subscribers can nly cancel the rder within ne mnth f its purchase.
    D. Each class has mre than 100 career-related lessns in the Skillshare app.
    Turning sil, pulling weeds, and harvesting cabbage sund like tugh wrk fr middle and high schl kids. And at first it is, says Abby Jaramill, wh with anther teacher started Urban Spruts, a schl garden prgram at fur lw-incme schls. The prgram aims t help students develp science skills, envirnmental awareness, and healthy lifestyles.
    Jaramill’s students live m neighbrhds where fresh fd and green space are nt easy t find and fast fd restaurants utnumber grcery stres. “The kids literally cme t schl with bags f snacks and large bttles f sft drinks,” she says. “They cme t us thinking vegetables are awful, dirt is awful, insects are awful.” Thugh sme are initially scared f the insects and turned ff by the dirt, mst are eager t try smething new.
    Urban Spruts’ classes, at tw middle schls and tw high schls, include hands-n experiments such as sil testing, flwer-and-seed dissectin, tastings f fresh r dried prduce, and wrk in the garden. Several times a year, students ck the vegetables they grw, and they ccasinally make salads fr their entire schls.
    Prgram evaluatins shw that kids cat mre vegetables as a result f the classes. “We have students wh say they went hme and talked t their parents and nw they’re eating differently,” Jaramill says.
    She adds that the prgram’s benefits g beynd nutritin. Sme students get s interested in gardening that they bring hme seeds t start their wn vegetable gardens. Besides, wrking in the garden seems t have a calming effect n Jaramill’s special educatin students, many f whm have emtinal cntrl issues. “They get utside,” she says, “and they feel successful.”
    29. What d we knw abut Abby Jaramill?
    A. She grew up in a lw-incme family.B. She used t be a health wrker.
    C. She wns a fast fd restaurant.D. She sets up Urban Spruts.
    30. What was a prblem facing Jaramill at the start f the prgram?
    A. The kids’ parents distrusted her.
    B. Sme kids disliked garden wrk.
    C. Students had little time fr her classes.
    D. There was n space fr schl gardens.
    31. Which f the fllwing best describes the impact f the prgram?
    A. Far-reaching.B. Predictable.
    C. Shrt-lived.D. Damaging
    32. What can be a suitable title fr the text?
    A. Rescuing Schl GardensB. Grwing Vegetable Lvers
    C. Experiencing Cuntry LifeD. Changing Lcal Landscape
    If smene created a flying machine able t track yu dwn by listening fr yur vice, yu might be terrified. But what if yu were trapped in ruins after a natural disaster and first respnders culdn’t lcate yu? Maybe then a human-seeking drne (无人机) wuldn’t be such a terrible idea. That cncept is the fcus fr engineers at Germany’s Fraunhfer FKIE Institute, wh’ve built a drne t find peple by detecting human screams.
    The human seeking drne wuld be ideal fr pst-disaster situatins, such as earthquakes, hurricanes and wildfires,” said Macarena Varela, ne f the lead engineers. “They culd hver ver an area that rescue crews have difficulty getting t and lcate exactly where peple may be trapped.”
    Lcating peple by sund presents its share f challenges. An auditry system wuld need t tell human cries frm sunds that ften happen in nature, such as animal calls and wind. It might als need t recgnize patterns assciated with kicking, clapping r ther ways peple try t get the attentin f rescue teams.
    Engineers tk thse situatins int accunt when building ut their cncept drne. They recrded themselves screaming, tapping and creating ther nises that might be a sign f peple in truble. Then, they analyzed each sund frequency t find cmmn signatures and used thse t train artificial intelligence sftware. They als wrked t remve the nise created by the drne and ther envirnmental sunds.
    Once the sftware part was cmpleted, the team placed tiny digital micrphnes under the drne and used signal prcessing techniques that enabled them t track where human nises are cming frm. The micrphnes als enhanced the vlume and clearness f the speech. S far, they have cnducted successful pen field experiments finding that the drne can estimate a victim’s lcatin within a few secnds f picking up sund.
    Next, they wuld like t add a higher frequency micrphne t a drne t acquire mre audi sund signals. The idea is t pick up nises frm hundreds f meters away, Varela said. In the real wrld, victim’s lcatin date might ne day be sent wirelessly t emergency crews carrying a tablet.
    33. What is the advantage f the human-seeking drne?
    A. Its high speed f flying.B. Its lng wrking hurs.
    C. Its quick respnse t screams.D. Its easy access t disaster scene.
    34. What can the auditry system d?
    A. Recgnize human cries.B. Send victim’s lcatin data t a tablet.
    C. Pick up sunds frm far away.D. Imprve the quality f human screams.
    35. What des the underlined wrd “signatures” in Paragraph 4 refer t?
    A. Effects.B. Features.C. Symbls.D. Situatins.
    36. Up t nw, engineers have successfully________.
    A. develped higher frequency micrphnes fr use n drnes
    B. cached Ai sftware t distinguish Human and natural sunds
    C. rescued disaster victims by using drnes t recgnize human cries
    D. cmpleted utdr experiments using drnes t quickly lcate victims
    Humans’ vercnsumptin f resurces is a leading cntributr t glbal climate change, says University f Arizna researcher Sabrina Helm. Therefre, it’s increasingly imprtant t understand the chices cnsumers make and hw thse decisins affect the health f a planet with limited resurces. In a new study, published in the jurnal Yung Cnsumers, Helm and her clleagues explre hw materialistic values influence pr-envirnmental behavirs in millennials, wh are nw the natin’s mst influential grup f cnsumers.
    The researchers fcused n tw main categries f pr-envirnmental behavirs: reduced cnsumptin, which includes actins like repairing instead f replacing lder items; and “green buying,” r purchasing prducts designed t limit envirnmental impacts. The researchers als lked at hw engaging in pr-envirnmental behavirs affects cnsumer well-being.
    Mre materialistic participants the researchers fund, were unlikely t engage in reduced cnsumptin. Hwever, materialism did nt seem t have an effect n their likelihd f practicing “green buying.” That’s prbably because “green buying,” unlike reduced cnsumptin, still ffers a way fr materialists t fulfill their desire t get new items, Helm said.
    Study participants wh reprted having fewer materialistic values were much mre likely t engage in reduced cnsumptin. Cnsuming less was, in turn, linked t higher persnal well-being and lwer psychlgical suffering. Green buying—which may have sme psitive envirnmental effects, althugh t a smaller degree than reduced cnsumptin—was nt fund t imprve cnsumer well-being, Helm said.
    The take-hme message fr cnsumers: “The key is t reduce cnsumptin and nt just buy green stuff. Having less and buying less can actually make us mre satisfied and happier,” Helm said. “If yu have a lt f stuff, yu have a lt n yur mind,” she said. “Fr example, it requires maintenance and there’s a lt f burdens f wnership, and if yu relieve yurself f that burden f wnership, mst peple reprt feeling a lt better and freer.”
    Helm and her clleagues additinally lked at hw materialism affects millennial cnsumers’ practive financial behavirs, such as budgeting and saving. Examining financial behavirs alngside pr-envirnmental behavirs prvides a picture f hw yung adults practively deal with resurce limitatins in tw cntexts: envirnmental and financial, Helm said.
    As expected, Helm and her clleagues fund that thse wh reprted having mre materialistic values engaged in fewer practive financial behavirs than their less materialistic cunterparts (对应的人). The researchers als fund that, cnsistent with previus studies, practive financial behavirs were assciated with better persnal well-being, life satisfactin and financial satisfactin, as well as lwer psychlgical suffering.
    Understanding hw materialistic values impact cnsumer behavirs, and hw thse behavirs in turn affect persnal and envirnmental well-being, is imprtant, Helm said. Hwever, she acknwledges that fr many cnsumers, shifting behavirs t be mre financially practive and cnsume less will be challenging.
    37 What d we knw abut pr-envirnmental behavirs?
    A. They are a cause f climate change.
    B. They lead t a mre satisfying life.
    C. They vary in different age grups.
    D. They are affected by materialism.
    38. It can be learned frm Helm’s study that ________.
    A. wnership f green prducts brings a sense f happiness
    B. materialists prefer practicing green buying t buying less
    C. green buying helps cntrl peple’s desire t buy new items
    D. buying less and green buying have similar effects n peple
    39. Accrding t the study, which f the fllwing can imprve ne’s well-being?
    A. Replacing lder items.B. Develping new resurces.
    C. Buying greener prducts.D. Being careful with expenses.
    40. What is Helm prbably ging t explain in the next paragraph?
    A. When peple develp practive financial behavirs.
    B. Which financial behavirs lead t mental well-being.
    C. Why it is hard t change peple’s financial behavirs.
    D. Hw materialistic values influence financial behavirs.
    Is there a link between scial media and depressin? D scial media have a negative impact n yur mental health? It’s cmplicated.
    In a recent study, the investigatrs cmpared scial media use and depressin between teens.
    ___41___Specifically, fr every hur per day that ne teen spent n scial media mre than her peers, she likely had a 0.64 pint higher depressin scre.
    A different study published in 2018 identified five distinct types f scial media users. The finding was that "prblematic scial media use" was ne f the main themes fr peple whse mental health was affected by scial media. Yu can have alchl in yur life withut it being a prblem, r yur alchl use may becme prblematic. ___42___
    There's ne imprtant thing t remember abut survey research just because tw things happen tgether, it's nt necessarily true that ne causes the ther. ___43___Fr all we knw, it culd be that peple wh are already mre depressed chse t spend mre time n scial media.
    ___44___If yu think that we shuldn't paint scial media with ne brad brush, yu're n the right track. On the ne hand, participants ften described scial media as a valuable way t cpe with stress. On the ther hand, cyberbullying via scial media was als a cmmn experience fr participants. Sme als said that cnstantly checking their wn scial media prfile was stressful.
    It’s certainly pssible that experiences like cyberbullying, cmparing yurself t idealized images, and cnstantly mnitring yur prfile, are bad fr yur md. It's als true fr many that scial media ffer cmmunity supprt and psitive messages. Given the incnclusive research, it's safe t say that at least we shuldn't write ff scial media altgether. ___45___Anyway, yu cannt use it as a crutch fr cping with ther stressrs and mental health prblems.
    A. It's the same with scial media.
    B. Scial media can be a duble-edged swrd.
    C. Peple get mre pininated abut the ptential prblems f scial media.
    D. They fund that thse wh used scial media mre had higher depressin scres.
    E. They reviewed all existing research and fund that there were bth benefits and drawbacks.
    F. The key t benefiting frm scial media may lie in using it in mderatin and staying scially cnnected.
    G. Fr example, just because higher scial media use c-ccurs with higher levels f depressin desn't mean scial media use causes depressin.
    第三部分 语言运用(共二节,30分)
    第一节 词汇运用(共10小题;每小题1分、共10分)
    46. These bad habits will surely d (h) ________ (损害) t ur health.(根据中英文提示单词拼写)
    47. I find it (c) ________ (方便的) t be able t d my banking nline. (根据中英文提示单词拼写)
    48. (n) ________ (现今), we can mve arund the wrld and still stay in tuch with the peple that we want t remain friends with. (根据中英文提示单词拼写)
    49. Scial media apps, like TikTk, fld users with vides they like, making them (a) ________ (沉迷) t the smartphnes. (根据中英文提示单词拼写)
    50. The experts (r) ________ (建议、推荐) that parents prvide pprtunities t children t get clse t nature and learn hw t prtect the envirnment. (根据中英文提示单词拼写)
    Friendship clubs prvide a platfrm fr peple t take part in ____51____ scial activities, such as grup utings, shared hbbies, and interactive events. They help t bring tgether like-minded individuals wh are seeking t make new friends. ____52____, jining a friendship club is als beneficial fr peple t ____53____ thrugh face-t-face interactin.
    Nature is ur hme. Humans and ther living things n the planet culdn’t survive withut the resurces that cme frm nature. We shuld take care f ur “hme” befre it’s t late. If we keep verusing and destrying nature, it will finally____54____ n us. We shuld try ur best t ____55____ with nature.
    第二节 书面表达(20分)
    56. 假设你是红星中学高一学生李华。你的英国笔友Jim在给你的邮件中提到他最近沉迷于网络,日常生活受到影响,他为此感到苦恼。请你给他回复邮件,内容包括:
    Dear Jim,
    Li Hua
    1 mnth
    6 mnths
    12 mnths
    36 mnths
    $1499 per mnth
    $12.99 per mnth
    $1099 per mnth
    $6.99 per mnth
    Yu can cancel any time.
    in additin turn ne’s back break dwn a variety f live in harmny run ut maintain friendships be cncerned with

    北京市顺义区第一中学2023-2024学年高一下学期3月月考英语试题(Word版附解析): 这是一份北京市顺义区第一中学2023-2024学年高一下学期3月月考英语试题(Word版附解析),文件包含北京市顺义区顺义第一中学2023-2024学年高一下学期3月月考英语试题Word版含解析docx、北京市顺义区顺义第一中学2023-2024学年高一下学期3月月考英语试题Word版无答案docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共29页, 欢迎下载使用。

    北京市顺义牛栏山第一中学2023-2024学年高一下学期4月月考英语试题: 这是一份北京市顺义牛栏山第一中学2023-2024学年高一下学期4月月考英语试题,共10页。

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