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    Unit 2 School life单元话题短文首字母填空练习八年级英语上册单元(牛津译林版2024)
    Unit 2 School life单元话题短文首字母填空练习八年级英语上册单元(牛津译林版2024)01
    Unit 2 School life单元话题短文首字母填空练习八年级英语上册单元(牛津译林版2024)02
    Unit 2 School life单元话题短文首字母填空练习八年级英语上册单元(牛津译林版2024)03
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    Unit 2 School life单元话题短文首字母填空练习八年级英语上册单元(牛津译林版2024)

    这是一份Unit 2 School life单元话题短文首字母填空练习八年级英语上册单元(牛津译林版2024),共13页。

    Unit 2 School Life单元话题短文首字母填空练习(22-23八年级上·江苏扬州·期中)根据短文内容及首字母提示,在下文空格处填入适当的词使短文完整,每空一词。How much do you know about school life in Singapore?In Singapore, many middle school students s 1 a lot of time on their studies. People always think that good schooling is the t 2 to success (成功). So, many of these students try their best to get good results in their exams. They have a lot of homework every day and exams are usually big p 3 to them. Sometimes, a few even have to go to evening classes after school.Schools have many a 4 outside school hours. The students can j 5 in sports and games, music and dance, swimming and rock-climbing. They a 6 join in community service(社区服务).In their f 7 time, most students like to listen to pop music. Hollywood movies, Hong Kong and Singapore movies are very p 8 , too. Some of them also spend their free time searching the Internet, c 9 with their friends online, playing computer and video games.They s 10 go to cafes, fast-food restaurants, shopping centers and big bookstores. So life for middle school students in Singapore is not easy but rich and colorful.(22-23八年级上·江苏盐城·期中)根据首字母完成短文填空。After-school activities are necessary for students. If you think of after-school activities as a waste of time, you are w 11 ! After-school activities can help us g 12 up in many ways. Above all, they offer us chances to p 13 what we learn in class. Through different kinds of activities we can also learn m 14 about today’s society and a lot of new things that we can’t learn from our books. What’s more, they help to develop our a 15 that we need both for our studies now and for our work and life in the f 16 .We are b 17 with our studies at school, so after school we need to relax ourselves. After-school activities just make it possible for us to breathe f 18 air and remove (消除) tiredness. Then we can pay attention to our studies and get good grades.Some after-school activities will make us useful and helpful to others, some can keep us strong and h 19 , some may even change our life. So all the students should get out and take an active p 20 in after-school activities!(23-24八年级上·江苏盐城·期中)根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词,使短文意思完整。答题卡上填写包含首字母在内的完整单词。My ideal school starts at 9 a.m. and f 21 at 3 p.m. We do not need to get up early, and we have lots of time for after-school activities. We only have an hour o 22 homework every day.We have an hour for lunch. There is a big clean dining hall. We have lunch and chat there. We listen to music at lunchtime. We wear school u 23 , but we do not wear ties.Our classes are q 24 small. There are about 20 students in e 25 class. We can choose subjects to study. I have Maths because Maths is very i 26 . I love computers, so I have computer l 27 every day.There is a big library, a football field and a s 28 pool. We have lots of c 29 and after-school activities. Every month, we go on a school t 30 . We always have fun.(23-24八年级上·江苏盐城·期中)I just came back from our school trip to the Peak District. We s 31 the trip on 8 April. We were very e 32 on the road. Then we v 33 the area around Davedale. We did some g 34 work there. And we a 35 learned about rivers and visited historical sites. My Mom joined o 36 trip. She had said she would be a 37 to go to the area on those dates to help w 38 the trip if necessary. Mr. Greggory thought it was okay. Mom was quite h 39 . She helped take care of others. We all had a very good time d 40 the trip.(22-23八年级上·江苏扬州·期中)缺词填空The new year brought new desks for students at Vallecito Elementary School, in San Rafael California. The last three of the school’s 22 classrooms changed f 41 seated desks to standing desks. “It’s now the first all-standing school,”Juliet Starrett told TFK. She started the group called “Stand-Up Kids”.Starrett’s daughters—Georgia, 10 and Caroline, 7—a 42 this school. They are excited about their new desks. “You feel h 43 , you’re less tired, and you’re more active,” Georgia says. Some of the desks have wheels(轮子) and fidget bars(烦躁调节杆). The bars let kids m 44 in a way that doesn’t trouble the class. Wheels allow the desks to be moved e 45 . The desks can also be changed into different heights. Kids take breaks by s 46 on the floor or on stools.According to Mark Benden, director of the Texas A&M Center, standing workers are more focused and h 47 . He says his research shows that kids using standing desks are busier and burn more calories(卡路里). In December, researchers in New Zealand, Australia, and the UK shared similar findings and a 48 more schools to use standing desks.However, not everyone believes that standing is better than sitting. Some parents and teachers w 49 that kids may get tired and standing for a long time may be bad for their health. And standing desks are more expensive.Benden says b 50 sitting and standing desks can cause problems if they are not the proper height. “Our message should not be ‘Sit less, stand more’,” he says, “but ‘Sit less, move more’.”(22-23八年级上·江苏盐城·阶段练习)阅读短文,首字母填空。Hello, I’m Tom. I come from China, but recently I moved to Australia. I started a new school life here. It was a big move for me because school life in Australia is quite d 51 from that in China. On the first day, I was surprised to find that school in Australia starts at 8:50 a.m. and e 52 at 4:50 p.m. The new school is much b 53 than my old school in China. I thought that I might lose my way for the first week. Luckily, my new classmate Kevin is very friendly. He offered to show me around the school d 54 lunchtime.In Australia, we don’t have so m 55 homework to do every day. If I pay attention (专心) in class, I can f 56 it in 10-20 minutes.In China, many middle school students s 57 their free time on their studies. However, in Australia, students spend it on school club activities, sports and community service. Sometimes they like to listen to pop music and watch Hollywood m 58 at the cinema.Time flies so q 59 and I’ve been in the new school for two months. I start to like my school life here, as I am always having so much f 60 !(22-23八年级上·江苏镇江·阶段练习)Peter, Jack, Sam and John are on our school basketball team. The team is very popular in our town. It often wins many basketball g 61 . Let’s meet the four boys on the team.Peter and Sam are good friends. Peter often t 62 a lot. He’s also h 63 and good at telling jokes. Peter is taller and stronger than Sam. S 64 he can jump higher than Sam. He can throw the ball into the basket easily. Sam is thinner than Peter, but he runs f 65 than Peter.Jack and John are cousins. B 66 of them have short hair. Jack is taller than John. Jack plays better than John. He often helps John p 67 playing basketball. John works very hard. John is much f 68 than Jack, so he runs more slowly. But it’s good at stopping the players of the other team from getting near their basketball.The f 69 boys are all great. Because of this, I think they will help our school basketball team win more c 70 . I hope they will play better and better.(22-23八年级上·江苏镇江·阶段练习)根据首字母提示完成短文Hi, everybody! I’m Max, now I’m studying in an international school (国际学校) in Canada. Students here also spend much time on homework. How difficult the homework is depends on(取决于)what s 71 you are learning.For English, we usually put together presentations (展示). I will look for some i 72 on the Internet. For example, I’m working on a one—minute presentation about recent Canadian news. I read about lots of news, and I will c 73 one thing to write about. Doing presentations is a good way to p 74 speaking skills and build confidence (自信). I still feel shy talking in front of many people. But my English has really become b 75 .For geography and history, we usually do paper work and make posters. It takes a lot of time. We spent about a month on one article last year. We had to make outlines(提纲)and write out the m 76 ideas. Our teacher fixed them and then we could start to write. For the posters, you can print or d 77 them. Last week, our teacher asked us to make a poster about our favourite place. We drew two pictures and wrote 10 words to describe them.Science was very hard for me at f 78 . And it took me an hour to read three pages. But as I l 79 more and more words, I understand it better. Even if I don’t understand all the words, I can mostly guess what it is s 80 . So I get faster and faster at doing my homework.No matter what homework you get, just try your best. 参考答案:1.(s)pend 2.(t)ickets/(t)icket 3.(p)roblems 4.(a)ctivities 5.(j)oin 6.(a)lso 7.(f)ree 8.(p)opular 9.(c)hatting 10.(s)ometimes【导语】本文主要讲了新加坡的学生生活。1.句意:在新加坡,许多中学的学生在学习上花了很多时间。根据“a lot of time on their studies.”及空处首字母可知,考查spend+时间+on sth.表示“在某方面花费时间”。因描述的现在的情况,需用一般现在时,主语是students,谓语动词spend用原形。故填(s)pend。2.句意:人们总是认为,好的学校教育是成功的门票。根据“So, many of these students try their best to get good results in their exams. ”因此,很多学生都尽他们最大努力在考试中有取得好成绩。可知,好的学校教育是成功的门票,ticket“门票”,此处用单复数均可。故填(t)ickets/(t)icket。3.句意:他们每天有很多作业,考试对他们来说是很大的问题。根据“exams are usually big...”可知,需填名词复数,再根据“Sometimes, a few even have to go to evening classes after school.”和首字母提示,可知,考试对他们来说是个大问题,有的学生才会要去补课。problem“问题”,are后跟复数名词。故填(p)roblems。4.句意:学校有很多校外活动时间。根据后句“The students can ...in sports and games, music and dance, swimming and rock-climbing. ”可知,讲的都是一些活动项目,故空处是activity“活动”,many后跟名词复数,需activity的复数形式activities.故填(a)ctivities。5.句意:学生们能参加一些运动和游戏、音乐和跳舞、游泳和攀岩。根据首字母提示及“in sports and games, music and dance, swimming and rock-climbing.”可知,学生们是能参加这些活动。故需join“参加,加入”一词,与后面的in构成短语join in,因can后跟动词原形,需填join原形。故填(j)oin。6.句意:他们也加入了社区服务。根据首字母及“join in community service(社区服务).”可知,学生还可以参加社区服务。故需also“也”。故填(a)lso。7.句意:在他们的空闲时间,大多数学生喜欢听流行音乐。根据首字母提示及“most students like to listen to pop music”可知,是讲学生的空闲时间的。in one’s free time表示“在某人的空闲时间”,故需free。故填(f)ree。8.句意:好莱坞电影、香港和新加坡电影也是非常受欢迎的。根据首字母提示及“Hollywood movies, Hong Kong and Singapore movies are very p...”可知,这些电影是受欢迎的。故需popular,在句中作表语。故填(p)opular。9.句意:他们中的一些也上网、与他们网上的朋友聊天、打电脑游戏和视频游戏。根据“spend their free time searching the Internet”及首字母可知,考查spend+时间+doing sth.和chat with sb.这两个短语,分别表示“花费时间做某事”、“与某人聊天”。故填(c)hatting。10.句意:他们有时去咖啡店、快餐店、商场中心和大书店。根据“go to cafes, fast-food restaurants, shopping centers and big bookstores. ”可知,这些是他们有时做的一些其他事情。故需副词sometimes“有时”。故填(s)ometimes。11.(w)rong 12.(g)row 13.(p)ractise/(p)ractice 14.(m)ore 15.(a)bilities 16.(f)uture 17.(b)usy 18.(f)resh 19.(h)ealthy 20.(p)art【导语】本文主要介绍了学生参加课外活动的种种好处。11.句意:如果你认为课外活动是浪费时间,那你就错了!根据“you think of after-school activities as a waste of time”及“After-school activities can help us ...”可知,认为课外活动是浪费时间,这种想法是错误的;wrong“错误的”,形容词作表语。故填(w)rong。12.句意:课外活动可以在很多方面帮助我们成长。grow up“长大”,动词短语;根据help sb. do sth.“帮助某人做某事”可知,应用动词原形。故填(g)row。13.句意:最重要的是,它们为我们提供了实践课堂所学的机会。根据“ Above all, they offer us chances to ... what we learn in class.”及首字母可知,是实践我们在课堂上学的知识;practise/practice“实践”,动词;空前的“to”是不定式,故此处用动词原形。故填(p)ractise/(p)ractice。14.句意:通过不同种类的活动,我们也可以了解更多关于当今社会和很多我们不能从书中学到的新的东西。根据“Through different kinds of activities we can also learn ... about today’s society”及首字母可知,通过不同种类的活动,我们可以了解更多关于当今社会的事情;more“更多”,符合语境。故填(m)ore。15.句意:而且,它们帮助培养我们在现在学习和未来的工作、生活所需要的能力。根据“we need both for our studies now and for our work and life in the ...”可知,我们现在学习以及未来工作和生活需要的是能力;ability“能力”,名词,此处用复数表示泛指。故填abilities。16.句意:而且,它们帮助培养我们在现在学习和未来的工作和生活所需要的能力。in the future“在未来”,介词短语。故填(f)uture。17.句意:我们在学校忙于学习,所以放学后我们需要放松自己。根据“We are ... with our studies at school”及首字母可知,我们在学校忙于学校;busy“忙碌的”,形容词;be busy with“忙于……”。故填(b)usy。18.句意:课外活动正好使我们有可能呼吸新鲜空气和消除疲劳。根据“breathe ... air”及首字母可知,此处指呼吸新鲜空气;fresh“新鲜的”,形容词作定语。故填(f)resh。19.句意:一些课外活动将使我们对他人有用和有帮助,有些可以让我们强壮和健康,有些甚至可以改变我们的生活。根据“some can keep us strong and ...”及首字母可知,一些课外活动可以使我们强壮和健康;healthy“健康的”,符合语境。故填(h)ealthy。20.句意:所以所有的学生都应该走出去,积极参加课外活动!take an active part in“参加”,动词短语。故填(p)art。21.(f)inishes 22.(o)f 23.(u)niforms 24.(q)uite 25.(e)ach 26.(i)nteresting 27.(l)essons 28.(s)wimming 29.(c)lubs 30.(t)rip【导语】本文主要介绍了作者的理想学校。21.句意:我理想中的学校早上9点开始,下午3点结束。根据“My ideal school starts”可知,对应的是指学校放学时间,finish“结束”,是动词,主语是第三人称单数,动词用三单形式,故填(f)inishes。22.句意:我们每天只有一个小时的家庭作业。根据“We only have an hour...homework every day.”结合首字母可知应用of所有格,故填(o)f。23.句意:我们穿校服,但我们不打领带。根据“We wear school ”可知是指校服,school uniform“校服”,名词应用复数表示泛指,故填(u)niforms。24.句意:我们的班级相当小。根据“Our classes are...small.”和“ There are about 20 students in e.... class”结合首字母可知,此处指班级很小,quite“非常”,副词,故填(q)uite。25.句意:每个班大约有20个学生。根据“There are about 20 students in...class”结合首字母可知是指每个班级,each“每个”,故填(e)ach。26.句意:我上数学因为数学很有趣。根据“I have Maths because Maths is very...”结合首字母可知是指数学很有趣,interesting“有趣的”,形容词作表语,故填(i)nteresting。27.句意:我喜欢电脑,所以我每天都上电脑课。根据“I love computers, so I have computer...every day.”可知是指电脑课,lesson“课程”,此处应用复数表示泛指,故填(l)essons。28.句意:有一个大图书馆,一个足球场和一个游泳池。根据“pool”结合首字母可知是指游泳池,swimming pool“游泳池”,故填(s)wimming。29.句意:我们有很多俱乐部和课外活动。根据“We have lots of...and after-school activities. ”结合首字母可知是指俱乐部,club“俱乐部”,可数名词,被 lots of修饰,应用复数,故填(c)lubs。30.句意:每个月,我们都参加学校的旅行。根据“Every month, we go on a school”及首字母可知,是指学校旅行,故填(t)rip。31.(s)tarted 32.(e)xcited 33.(v)isited 34.(g)eography 35.(a)lso 36.(o)ur 37.(a)ble 38.(w)ith 39.(h)elpful 40.(d)uring【分析】本文作者介绍了自己的学校旅行情况。作者参观了达维代尔周围的地区。在那里他们做了一些地理工作,了解当地的河流,参观当地的历史古迹。作者的妈妈也参加了他们。他妈妈很乐于助人。旅途中他们都玩得很开心。31.句意:我们于4月8日开始旅行。本文是讲述旅行的情况,全文时态为一般过去时,可知此句时态为一般过去时,结合首字母提示和下文“We were …on the road.”可知是四月8日开始旅行,start开始,其过去式是started。故填(s)tarted。32.句意:我们在路上非常兴奋。结合首字母提示和上文“We started the trip on 8 April.”可知在旅行的路上很兴奋,excited激动的,兴奋的,作表语,主语一般是人,故填(e)xcited。33.句意:然后我们参观了达维代尔周围的地区。根据上文提到去旅行和首字母提示可知是参观了……,本文讲述发生过的事情,时态为一般过去时,visit参观,过去式visited。故填(v)isited。34.句意:我们在那里做了一些地理方面的工作。根据下文“And we…learned about rivers and visited historical sites.”和首字母提示可知做了一些地理方面的工作,geography地理,故填(g)eography。35.句意:我们还了解了河流,参观了历史遗迹。根据上文“We did…”和首字母提示可知还做了什么,空格处填“还”,also也,还,故填(a)lso。36.句意:我妈妈参加了我们的旅行。根据上文“we …”和首字母提示可知是我们的旅行,空格处作定语,可知使用形容词性物主代词,our我们的,形容词性物主代词,故填(o)ur。37.句意:她曾表示,如果有必要,她将能够在这些日期前往该地区,帮助旅行。根据句中“if necessary.”和首字母提示可知是能够……,be able to do sth.能够做某事,固定短语,故填(a)ble。38.句意:她曾表示,如果有必要,她将能够在这些日期前往该地区,帮助旅行。help with帮助(某人做……),固定短语,故填(w)ith。39.句意:妈妈非常乐于助人。根据下文“She helped take care of others.”和首字母提示可知妈妈乐于助人。空格处作表语,应填形容词,helpful乐于助人的,形容词。故填(h)elpful。40.句意:旅途中我们都玩得很开心。根据首字母提示可知是在旅行中玩得愉快,空格处填“在……期间”,during在……期间,故(d)uring。41.(f)rom 42.(a)ttend 43.(h)appier 44.(m)ove 45.(e)asily 46.(s)itting 47.(h)ealthier 48.(a)dvised 49.(w)orry 50.(b)oth【导语】本文主要介绍了在加利福尼亚的Vallecito小学新学年将使用一种新的桌子,这种桌子被叫作站桌。文章详细介绍了这种桌子带给学生的变化及桌子的制造者讲述的这种桌子的优点,以及人们的担忧。41.句意:学校22间教室中的最后三间将坐式课桌换成了站立式课桌。根据“changed...seated desks to standing desks”可知,坐式课桌换成了站立式课桌,结合所给首字母可知,change from A to B“从A变成B”。故填(f)rom。42.句意:斯塔雷特的两个女儿——10岁的乔治亚和7岁的卡罗琳——就读于这所学校。根据“Starrett’s daughters—Georgia, 10 and Caroline, 7...this school. They are excited about their new desks”并结合首字母可知,斯塔雷特的两个女儿在这所学校上学,结合所给首字母可知,attend“参加,出席”符合语境。结合后文中的are可知,句子为一般现在时,主语为复数,故谓语动词应用动词原形。故填(a)ttend。43.句意:“你会感到更快乐,不那么累,也更有活力,”乔治亚说。根据“You feel...you’re less tired, and you’re more active”并结合所给首字母可知,不那么累,也更有活力,故可推测出,是感到更开心,此处应用“开心的”happy的比较级happier。故填(h)appier。44.句意:这些调节杆让孩子们以一种不会打扰课堂的方式移动。根据“Wheels allow the desks to be moved”并结合所给首字母可知,调节杆让孩子们以一种不会打扰课堂的方式活动移动,“移动”move,let sb. do“让某人做某事”,故此处应用动词原形。故填(m)ove。45.句意:轮子使桌子易于移动。根据“Wheels allow the desks to be moved”并结合所给首字母可知,轮子应是使桌子容易移动,此处应用副词修饰动词move,“容易地”easily。故填(e)asily。46.句意:孩子们坐在地板上或凳子上休息。根据“standing desks”和“Kids take breaks by...on the floor or on stools”并结合所给首字母可知,站立式桌椅,就是上课的时候是站着,休息的时候就坐在地板上或凳子,故此处应为“坐,坐着”sit,由于by为介词,故此处应用动名词形式。故填sitting。47.句意:德州农工中心主任马克·本登表示,站着工作的员工更专注,也更健康。根据“standing workers are more focused and”以及“He says his research shows that kids using standing desks are busier and burn more calories(卡路里)”并结合所给首字母可知,站着的员工应该更健康,空格处应用“健康的”healthy的比较级healthier。故填(h)ealthier。48.句意:去年12月,新西兰、澳大利亚和英国的研究人员分享了类似的发现,并建议更多的学校使用站立式课桌。根据“He says his research shows that kids using standing desks are busier and burn more calories(卡路里). In December, researchers in New Zealand, Australia, and the UK shared similar findings and...more schools to use standing desks”并结合所给首字母可知,研究发现使用站立式课桌的孩子更忙,燃烧更多的卡路里,这是使用站立式课桌的优点,故应是建议更多的学校使用站立式课桌。“建议”advise,此处应和前面的shared为并列结构,故应用一般过去时。故填(a)dvised。49.句意:一些家长和老师担心孩子们可能会累,长时间站立可能对他们的健康有害。根据“However, not everyone believes that standing is better than sitting”并结合所给首字母可知,家长和老师担心孩子们可能会累,“担心”worry。结合语境和“may get”可知,句子为一般现在时,主语为复数,故应用动词原形。故填(w)orry。50.句意:本登说,坐式和站立式课桌如果高度不合适,都会造成问题。根据“sitting and standing desks can cause problems”并结合所给首字母可知,both...and...“两者都”,此处指坐式和站立式课桌如果高度不合适,两者都会造成问题。故填(b)oth。51.(d)ifferent 52.(e)nds 53.(b)igger 54.(d)uring 55.(m)uch 56.(f)inish 57.(s)pend 58.(m)ovies 59.(q)uickly 60.(f)un【分析】本文是记叙文,作者讲述了在澳大利亚的学习体验,表现了中澳校园生活的不同。51.句意:这对我来说是一个很大的改变,因为澳大利亚的学校生活与中国的截然不同。be different from不同于,固定短语,结合首字母提示,故填(d)ifferent。52.句意:第一天,我惊讶地发现澳大利亚的学校早上8:50上课,下午4:50放学。and连接并列结构,根据上文“school in Australia starts at 8:50 a.m.”,可知这里是说下午4:50放学,结合首字母提示,end“结束”和start词义相反,符合语境;由starts可知设空处用动词第三人称单数形式,故填(e)nds。53.句意:新学校比我在中国的旧学校大得多。根据下文“I thought that I might lose my way for the first week”,结合首字母提示,可知这里是说新学校很大,big符合语境;由than可知用比较级,故填(b)igger。54.句意:他提出在午餐时间带我参观学校。分析句子可知设空处作时间状语,结合语境和首字母提示,这里是说午餐时间,用during lunchtime,故填(d)uring。55.句意:在澳大利亚,我们每天没有那么多的作业要做。根据题干“we don’t have so…homework to do every day”和首字母提示,可知是说作业不多,homework是不可数名词,需用much。故填(m)uch。56.句意:如果我上课认真听讲,我可以在10-20分钟内完成它。根据条件“If I pay attention in class”和首字母提示,可知是说10-20分钟内完成作业;finish完成,情态动词can后接原形动词,故填(f)inish。57.句意:在中国,许多中学生把他们的空闲时间花在学习上。spend time on sth.在某事是花费时间,固定短语;结合首字母提示,故填(s)pend。58.句意:有时他们喜欢在电影院听流行音乐和看好莱坞电影。watch观看,由at the cinema可知是看电影,movie符合语境;Hollywood movies好莱坞电影,固定表达,故填(m)ovies。59.句意:时间过得真快,我在新学校已经两个月了。fly飞,动词需用副词修饰;结合语境可知是说时间飞逝,quickly“迅速地”符合语境,故填(q)uickly。60.句意:我开始喜欢我的学校生活,因为我总是有这么多的乐趣!根据上文“I start to like my school life here”,可知现在感觉学校生活很有趣,结合首字母提示,fun“有趣”符合语境;much修饰不可数名词,故填(f)un。61.(g)ames 62.(t)alks 63.(h)umorous 64.(S)o 65.(f)aster 66.(B)oth 67.(p)ractice 68.(f)atter 69.(f)our 70.(c)ompetitions【分析】本文介绍了学校篮球队里的四名男孩的情况,作者相信因为他们的优秀,学校篮球队会赢得更多的比赛。61.句意:它经常赢得许多篮球比赛。根据“wins many basketball”及首字母,可知,是赢得篮球比赛,game“比赛”,是可数名词,many修饰可数名词的复数形式,故填(g)ames。62.句意:Peter经常说很多话。根据“good at telling jokes”及首字母,可知,他喜欢说话,talk“说话”,句子是一般现在时,主语Peter是第三人称,动词用三单形式,故填(t)alks。63.句意:他也很幽默,擅长讲笑话。根据“good at telling jokes”及首字母,可知,他很幽默,用形容词humorous“幽默的”作表语,故填(h)umorous。64.句意:所以他可以比Sam跳得更高。“Peter is taller and stronger than Sam”与“he can jump higher than Sam”是因果关系,前是因,后是果,用so表示“所以”,故填(S)o。65.句意:但他可以比Peter跑得更快。此空缺少副词修饰动词runs,根据than可知,此处应填副词比较级,结合首字母f,可推断此空应填faster“更快地”,故填(f)aster。66.句意:他们都留着短头发。根据“… of them”及首字母,可知,此处用both of表示“都”,故填(B)oth。67.句意:他经常帮助John练习打篮球。根据“Jack plays better than John”及“helps John…playing basketball”可知,Jack擅长打篮球,所以他会帮助其他人练习打篮球,practice“练习”,help sb do sth“帮助某人做某事”,故填(p)ractice。68.句意:John比Jack更胖。根据“so he runs more slowly”及首字母,可知,John更胖所以他跑得慢,根据“much”及“than”可知,此处应用形容词比较级fatter“更胖的”作表语,故填(f)atter。69.句意:这四个男孩都很棒。前文介绍了Peter,Sam,Jack和John这四个男孩,故填(f)our。70.句意:正因为如此,我认为他们会帮助我们学校的篮球队赢得更多的比赛。根据“win more”及首字母,可知,是指赢得更多的比赛,competiton“比赛”,此处要用名词的复数形式,故填(c)ompetitions。71.(s)ubject 72.(i)nformation 73.(c)hoose 74.(p)ractice 75.(b)etter 76.(m)ain 77.(d)raw 78.(f)irst 79.(l)earn 80.(s)aying【分析】本文主要讲述了在加拿大国际学校的马克完成各科家庭做作业的方法和收获,告诉我们应该尽全力去完成家庭作业。71.句意:作业有多难取决于你在学什么科目。根据下文内容,各个科目的作业难度不一样;结合首字母提示可知,空处应是单数名词subject,科目。故填(s)ubject。72.句意:我将在互联网上寻找一些信息。根据空后“on the Internet”和首字母提示,空处应是information,信息,不可数名词。故填(i)nformation。73.句意:我读了很多新闻,我会选择一件事来写。根据前句’I read about lots of news,”和首字母提示可知,空处应是choose,选择,动词;句子是一般将来时,will后加动词原形。故填(c)hoose。74.句意:演讲是练习口语技能和建立自信的好方法。根据空后“speaking skills”和首字母提示可知,空处应是practice,练习,动词;根据句子结构可知,空处和to构成动词不定式作定语,动词不定式的构成形式为:to do。 故填(p)ractice。75.句意:但是我的英语真地变更好了。根据前句“Doing presentations is a good way to p…speaking skills and build confidence (自信).”和首字母提示可知,空处应是better,更好。故填(b)etter。76.句意:我们必须做提纲,写出主要构思。根据前句“We had to make outlines(提纲)”和首字母提示可知,空处应是main,主要的,形容词。故填(m)ain。77.句意:对于海报,你可以打印或绘制它们。根据空前动词“print”和首字母提示可知,空处应是draw,绘制,动词;因位于情态动词之后,应用原形。故填(d)raw。78.句意:起初,科学对我来说很难。起初:at first,固定短语。故填(f)irst。79.句意:但随着我学的单词越来越多,我对它的理解也越来越好。根据后句“I understand it better.”和首字母提示可知,空处应是learn,学习,动词;句子是一般现在时,主语“I”是第一人称,故动词用原形即可。故填(l)earn。80.句意:即使我不懂所有的单词,我也能猜出它在说什么。根据主句部分“I can mostly guess”和首字母提示可知,空处应是say,说;根据空前is 提示可知,句子应是现在进行时,构成形式为:be doing;say的现在分词是saying。故填(s)aying。
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