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    牛津版八年级英语上册Unit 1 Friends素养综合检测课件
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    牛津版八年级英语上册Unit 1 Friends素养综合检测课件

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    Unit 1 TelevisionUnit 1·素养综合检测Ⅰ.单项选择(每小题1分,共10分)1.(2022西藏中考)My headteacher always teaches me to be          honest student.A.the  B./  C.an  D.a解析 此处表达的是“一名诚实的学生”,honest是以元音 音素开头的单词,应该用冠词an。故选C。C2.(2022海南中考)—Mum, I can't take care of Mary. She is crying all the time.—Try to be       , Jack. Your little sister is ill.A.patient  B.serious  C.excited解析 句意:——妈妈,我照顾不了玛丽,她一直在哭。—— 尽量耐心点,杰克,你的小妹妹病了。patient耐心的;serious严 肃的;excited激动的。故选A。A3.Daniel was       late for school this morning. The bell rang right after he came into the classroom.A.seldom  B.always  C.even  D.almost解析 seldom很少;always总是;even甚至;almost几乎。联系 后一句“他一进教室铃就响了”可知,丹尼尔差点就迟到 了。故选D。D4.(2022贵州黔西南州中考)Of the two math problems, Jacky worked out the       one. He gave up the difficult one.A.more difficult    B.most difficultC.easier     D.easiest解析 句意:在这两道数学题中,杰基解出了较容易的那道。 他放弃了难的那道。根据“Of the two math problems”可知,此处是两者之间的比较,用比较级,排除B和D选项。根据语境可知,他放弃了难的那道,解出了更容易的那道题。故选C。C5.(2022江苏南通中考)—Good news! The Chinese women football team came first in the 2022 Asian Cup.—Exactly. The final is       one I have ever seen.A.a less amazing    B.the most amazingC.a more amazing    D.the least amazing B解析 句意:——好消息!中国女子足球队在2022年亚洲杯中 获得第一名。——没错,这场决赛是我看过的最精彩的一 场。根据语境及表示比较范围的定语从句“I have ever seen”可知此处用最高级,the most amazing one意为“最精 彩的一场(比赛)”,the least amazing one意为“最不精彩的一 场(比赛)”。故选B。6.(2023江苏南京雨花台中学月考)Do you find yourself getting impatient or       with people over unimportant things?A.bored  B.boring  C.tiring  D.angrily解析 句意:你是否发现自己因为无关紧要的事对别人不耐 烦或厌烦?bored感到厌烦的;boring无聊的;tiring累人的;angrily生气地。此处应用与impatient并列的形容词修饰人,bored符合语境。故选A。A7.—You look so young, Madam! How old are you?—Aha! It's a      .A.question  B.reason  C.secret  D.problem解析 question问题;reason理由;secret秘密;problem问题。问 句询问年龄,在西方国家年龄被看作个人隐私。故选C。C8.—Do you like swimming in winter?—Of course. The water       a bit cold at first, but then I am warm and full of energy.A.feels  B.tastes  C.smells  D.looks解析 句意:——你喜欢在冬天游泳吗?——当然,一开始我 会感觉水有点冷,但随后我就会暖和起来,并且充满力量。根 据句意及选项可知此处用feels,故选A。A9.My brother would like to be a social worker when he        up.A.grow     B.growsC.will grow    D.grew解析 句意:我的哥哥长大后想成为一名社会工作者。在含 when引导的时间状语从句的主从复合句中,从句用一般现在 时表将来,从句主语为he,故选B。B10.—What's your best friend like?—      .A.He is fineB.He is a doctorC.He likes watching TVD.He is helpful and generous解析 句意:——你最好的朋友是什么样的人?——他乐于 助人,慷慨大方。What's...like?用于询问某人是什么样的,D 项符合语境。DⅡ.完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)  Friends are very important in our everyday life. Everyone needs friends. We all like to feel close to someone.     11     is nice to have a friend to talk, laugh, and do things with. Certain- ly, sometimes we need to be alone. We don't always want peo- ple    12    , but we will feel lonely if we     13     have a friend.No two people are just the same. Friends    14     don't get on well. That doesn't mean that they no longer like each other. Most of the time they will make up (言归于好) and become    15     again.Sometimes friends move away, then we feel very     16    . We miss them very much, and we can     17     them or write to them. And we can     18     new friends. It is encouraging to find out how much we like new people when we get to know them.There's more good news for people who have friends. They may live     19     than people who don't. Why? Friends can make us feel happy.     20     happy helps us stay well. If some- one cares about us, we will take better care of ourselves.11.A.It  B.He  C.There  D.Someone12.A.alone     B.away C.all over    D.around13.A.ever     B.never C.just     D.really14.A.always    B.sometimes C.often     D.usually15.A.classmates   B.students C.teachers    D.friendsADBBD16.A.angry     B.sad C.happy     D.good17.A.call  B.ask  C.tell  D.talk with18.A.look after    B.find C.make     D.know19.A.longer     B.shorter C.slower     D.faster20.A.Smelling    B.Being C.Sounding    D.MakingBACAB解析11.“It is+形容词+to do sth.”意思是“做某事是……的”。 It作形式主语,真正的主语是动词不定式。故选A。12.alone单独;away离去;all over遍及;around周围。由上文中 的“sometimes we need to be alone”可知,人们有时候喜欢 独处,不喜欢周围有其他人。故选D。13.由语境可知,此处表示“但如果我们从来没有朋友,我们 就会感到孤单”。故选B。14.句意:朋友有时不能友好相处。表示“有时”用sometimes。故选B。15.句意:大多数情况下他们会言归于好并且重新成为朋友。 故选D。16.根据“We miss them very much”可知,朋友离开我们会 感到非常悲伤。故选B。17.根据语境可知,朋友搬走了我们可以给他们打电话,call sb. 表示“给某人打电话”。故选A。18.make new friends表示“结交新的朋友”。故选C。19.根据下文可知,此处表示“有朋友的人可能比没有朋友的人活得更久”。故选A。20.句意:保持快乐帮助我们保持健康。故选B。Ⅲ.阅读理解(每小题2分,共20分)ABhadra is a 10-year-old girl from India. She released(发布)her new book Appooppanthadikal, a collection of poems, on June 19, 2023.“Bhadra always has fun in reading. When she is reading, she is in her own little world,” said her mother Subha. “Her father and I also love reading very much. When we go to a library, we usually take her with us.”Bhadra spent a lot of time reading. Prathibha Library, near her home, started a book-reading challenge(挑战). No children in the neighborhood joined it, but Bhadra took up the challenge. In about six months, she read 75 books. She even wrote down what she learned from these books.“I gave her a notebook to help her write down her everyday activity. But she turned it into a diary of her ideas. Sometimes after returning home from some outdoor activities, she started writing. It might be about a cat she noticed or a child she met.They could become the raw material(原始素材)for her ideas,” said Subha.Bhadra is busy now. She works hard at school. She often learns singing and dancing after school. But what she never forgets every day is reading.21.What is Appooppanthadikal?A.A collection of diaries. B.A collection of stamps.C.A collection of stories. D.A collection of poems. 22.What do we know about Bhadra?①She is an Indian girl.②She wrote some poems.③She loved to be alone at home.④She was born into a family of book lovers.A.①②③   B.①②④ C.②③④  D.①③④DB23.The writer shows Bhadra's love for reading in Paragraph 3 by       . A.using numbers    B.asking questionsC.telling a story    D.showing a saying24.Which paragraph tells what Bhadra might write in her note- book?A.Paragraph 1.    B.Paragraph 2.C.Paragraph 3.    D.Paragraph 4.AD25.According to the last paragraph,       may be the most important to Bhadra.A.singing    B.readingC.dancing    D.writingB解析    21.细节理解题。由第一段中的“her new book Appooppan- thadikal, a collection of poems”可知Appooppanthadikal是一 本诗集。22.推理判断题。根据第一段第一句可知,Bhadra是一个印度 女孩;根据第一段第二句中的“She released her new book Appooppanthadikal, a collection of poems”可知,她发布了一 本诗集,也就是说,她写了一些诗;根据第二段中的“Her fa- ther and I also love reading very much.”可知,Bhadra的父母也非常喜欢读书,也就是说,Bhadra出生于一个读书爱好者的 家庭。故①②④正确。23.推理判断题。根据第三段中的“In about six months,she read 75 books.”可知,在大约6个月内,她读了75本书。由此 可推知,作者在第三段通过列数字来展现 Bhadra 对读书的 热爱。24.推理判断题。根据第四段可知,Bhadra可能会在笔记本上 面写她注意到的一只猫或她遇到的一个孩子。由此可知,第 四段介绍了 Bhadra 可能会在笔记本写的内容。25.推理判断题。根据文章最后一段可知,Bhadra在学校努力 学习,放学后还经常学唱歌和跳舞,但她每天都不会忘记读 书。由此推知,对于Bhadra来说,阅读可能是最重要的。B(人与社会·人际交往)(2024江苏徐州撷秀中学月考)Friendship is an important part of life. It can help us in many ways. But not every child is good at making friends. That is OK. Making friends is a skill that can be learned. Here is some helpful advice.Build your conversational(谈话的)skillsYou need to learn how to have conversations with others. To start a conversation, you can use easy questions like “What do you do for fun?” or “Do you have any pets?” Don't ask private(私密的)questions. Work on your social skillsDon't be sad if you don't have many friends. Maybe that's be- cause you don't have enough chances(机会)to meet them. Some children have similar hobbies. For example, they all like play-ing table tennis or reading storybooks. Try to play with those who have similar hobbies with you. It is a great way to make friends. With a little practice and patience(耐心), you will soon have a friend or two. 26.According to the article, which of the following is NOT needed for people to make friends?A.Conversational skills.B.Social skills.C.Chances to meet people.D.A lot of hobbies. D27.To start a conversation, you CANNOT use questions like “      ”.A.What do yo do for fun? B.What's your weight?C.Do you have any pets?D.Do you have any hobbies?B28.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A.Every child has an important skill of doing well in making friends.B.You don't need a skill to have a conversation with others.C.To make friends is to play with children with different hobbies.D.If you are practical and patient, you can make friends in a short time.D29.What does the underlined word “similar” mean in Chinese in Paragraph 3?A.相似的  B.特别的 C.奇怪的  D.不同的30.What's the main idea of the passage?A.We should make friends on the Internet.B.Friendship is important for most people.C.We should learn skills in making friends.D.We should have enough chances to make friends.AC解析    26.细节理解题。根据文章内容可知,交朋友需要谈话技巧、 社交技巧以及与人们见面的机会,没有提到需要很多爱好。 故选D。27.细节理解题。根据第二段可知,开启会话时不能问私密的 问题,所以不可问人们的体重、年龄等。故选B。28.细节理解题。根据最后一段可知,人们只要一点耐心和练 习,很快就会交到朋友。故选D。29.词义猜测题。根据画线词后一句可知,画线词所在句表示“一些孩子有相似的爱好”。故可推测similar意为“相似 的”。故选A。30.主旨大意题。本文主要介绍了几条交到朋友的技能,故C 项符合文章主旨。故选C。Ⅳ.词汇(每小题1分,共10分)A.根据句意及汉语提示完成单词(2024江苏南京郑和外国语学校单元练习)31.Brad Pitt's          (方形的) face makes him look so cool. 32.I am sure your son will grow into a           (英俊的) Young man in a few years' time.33.Mr Wang's wife is a(n)        (极好的) dancer. She dances very well.squarehandsomeexcellent34.Andy is a clever boy but sometimes he is not        (有耐心的) enough.35.The      (害羞的)girl is afraid of speaking before so many people. patientshyB.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空(2024江苏淮安淮阴中学开明分校周末作业)36.The        (weigh) of the pig is about 200 kilos.37.The girl looks        (happy). What's wrong with her?38.Mr Wang is          (humour). We all like his classes very much. 39.Stop        (lie)! I shall never believe you again.40. Zhang Yufei is one of the best women          (swim)in the world now.weightunhappyhumorouslyingswimmersⅤ.翻译句子(每小题2分,共10分)(2024江苏高邮南海中学周练)41.我们不应该说任何人的坏话。                              42.他刚才把桌子上的玻璃杯碰到了地板上。                              43.我能告诉她任何事,因为她能保守秘密。                             We should not say a bad word about anyone.He knocked the glass on the desk onto the floor just now.I can tell her anything because she can keep a secret/secrets.44.任何时候我都选择买黑色的衣服。                             45.桑迪脸上总是带着微笑,看起来很快乐。                             I choose to buy black clothes any time.Sandy always has a smile on her face and looks happy.Ⅵ.任务型阅读(每小题2分,共10分)(2023辽宁盘锦中考)根据短文内容回答问题。Matt, a seven-year-old boy, was interested after seeing the wooden box on the sidewalk. His friend Lisa told him that it was called “Little Library”. People built boxes and put books in them. Other people would take books to read and add books they had already read.The idea excited Matt and he decided to make his own so that kids could trade books. But Lisa worried that kids might not see it. Matt wanted to have a try, anyway. Lisa agreed and went for tools, while Matt ran to collect books.With the help of Matt's father, they built a wooden box. They put a door on it and placed their small library in front of the yard. Matt put two books in the box and said, “Now I just have to wait.”Matt ran out three times that day to check. But each time, his books were untouched. The next days, Matt kept checking the box, but his books were still there.“No kids saw it, and no one wants to trade books,” Matt said in a low voice.The next two days, Matt gave up checking the box. Lisa noticed his low spirits and encouraged him to take a look in case someone decided to trade.They went to the box and Lisa opened the small door. There lied two new books and Matt's books were gone! There was a card in the box, too. “Dear friend, thanks for your books, and I hope you like mine,” it said.46.Who was Lisa?                             47.What did Matt do when Lisa went for tools?                             48.Where did Matt put his wooden box?                            Matt's friend.He collected books.In front of the yard.49.How did Matt feel when he found that no one noticed his box?                             50.Some kids think “Little Library” is a great idea. Do you agree with them? Write down one of your reasons.                                                            He was in low spirits.Yes, I do. It helps people to read more books./ No, I don't. The box is too small for people to notice.解析    46.根据“His friend Lisa...”可知Lisa是Matt的朋友。47.根据“Lisa agreed and went for tools, while Matt ran to col- lect books.”可知,Lisa去拿工具的时候,Matt去收集书了。48.根据“They put a door on it and placed their small library in front of the yard.”可知,他把木盒放在院子前面。49.根据“Lisa noticed his low spirits”可知,Matt看到没有人 注意到盒子时情绪很低落。50.开放性试题,言之有理即可。Ⅶ.选词填空(每小题1分,共10分)(新考法·方框选词填空)(2023甘肃武威中考)用方框中所给单词或短语的适当形式填空,使短文通顺、正 确、连贯,每个单词或短语限用一次。51.        52.        53.       54.       55.        56.     57.    58.       59.        60.         havingfriendswhatyoulook uporinsillya littlesometimes解析    51.句意:我期待拥有一个笔友很长时间了。根据句意可知设 空处表示“有”,look forward to doing sth. 表示“期待做某 事”。52.句意:我希望我们能够成为好朋友!根据句意及we可知,设 空处应用friend的复数形式friends。53.根据下文中介绍的想要写的内容可知,玛丽一直在考虑写 什么。54.句意:起初,我考虑告诉你在伦敦上学是什么样的。由句意可知,此处表示“告诉你”,用人称代词宾格you。55.句意:但后来我想你可以在网上查到伦敦(的情况)然后自 己读。情态动词could后缺少动词或者动词短语,结合句意可 知填look up。56.由语境可知,此处表示“我的小弟弟掉牙的故事或者我们 拥有新的小猫的时间”。故填连词or。57.由语境可知,此处表示“在甘肃生活”,用介词in。58.由语境可知此处表示“但我害怕你可能认为我的问题太 傻了”。此处were后缺少形容词,故填silly。59.句意:我猜想我能告诉你一点关于我自己的事情。由句意 可知,设空处用a little。60.句意:我有时很难下定决心!由句意可知,设空处用some- times。Ⅷ.书面表达(共20分)(2021黑龙江大庆中考)友谊(friendship)是我们生活中的重要组成部分。请你结合 所给提示用英语谈谈在生活中应该如何对待朋友。提示:1.学会倾听和分享;2.彼此坦诚,不要说谎;3.互相信任是 很重要的;4.我们应该理解朋友的感受;5.当遇到困难,我们要 互相帮助。                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             解析    One possible version:Friendship is an important part in our life. How should we treat our friends in our life?First, learn to listen and share. When our friends talk to us, we should listen to them carefully. Second, be honest to others. Don't lie to our parents, teachers or friends. Third, trust your friends. It's important to trust your friends. Fourth, we should understand our friends' feelings. When we disagree with each other, we should try to understand others. Finally, when we meet difficulties, we should help each other. Friends are impor- tant in our life. We should get on well with them.
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