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    牛津版八年级英语上册Unit 5 Wild animals素养综合检测课件
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    牛津版八年级英语上册Unit 5 Wild animals素养综合检测课件

    这是一份牛津版八年级英语上册Unit 5 Wild animals素养综合检测课件,共58页。

    Unit 5·素养综合检测Unit 5 Wild animalsⅠ.单项选择(每小题1分,共10分)1.—It's       great pity that David failed the English exam a- gain.—We'd better take       pity on him and help him instead of laughing at him.A./;a  B./;the  C.a;/  D./;/C解析 句意:——太遗憾了,戴维英语考试又不及格。——我 们最好同情他,帮助他,而不是笑话他。“戴维英语考试又不 及格”是一件遗憾的事,故用不定冠词a修饰;take pity on sb. 同情某人。故选C。2.Like other wild animals, wolves hunt       food. And they hunt      a team. A.for;with    B.as;forC.for;like     D.for;asD解析 hunt for sth.寻找某物;第二空表示“作为”一个团队,应用as。故选D。3.(跨学科·生物)—Which animal lives mainly on plants? —A       does.A.tiger  B.bear  C.wolf  D.zebraD解析 根据常识可知,老虎、熊、狼都主要吃肉,只有斑马是 草食性动物。故选D。4.       forty years old, the woman writer went to the USA on holiday       the first time.A.At;at     B.At;forC.In;for    D.In;atB解析 句意:那位女作家在四十岁时第一次去美国度假。表 示在多大年龄用介词at;固定短语for the first time意为“第一 次”。故选B。5.Remember       some fruit when you come back.A.buying    B.to buyC.buy     D.boughtB解析 句意:你回来时记得买一些水果。remember to do sth. 意为“记得要做某事(还未做)”。故选B。6.—Wow, another gift! What's in the box?—I'm not sure. It       be a pair of sports shoes.A.must    B.mayC.will     D.needB解析 设空处前的“I'm not sure.”表示不确定,所以设空处应 表推测,故选B。7.—Could you please help me with my homework?—      . Do it yourself.A.No way     B.Not reallyC.No problem    D.Sounds greatA解析 句意:——请你帮我做家庭作业可以吗?——没门。 你自己做。No way绝对不可能,没门;Not really不完全是;No problem没问题;Sounds great听起来好极了。结合句意可知选A。8.(2022江苏扬州中考)—My pet dog died yesterday. I'm in a bad mood.—      . I know how it feels.A.Sorry to hear that B.That's not the caseC.Never mind D.It's a pleasureA解析 句意:——我的宠物狗昨天死了,我心情不好。——很 抱歉听到这个消息,我知道这是什么感觉。根据语境可知,此 处应表示抱歉听到这个消息。故选A。9.After we came into the house, we found him lying on the ground with his mouth       and eyes       .A.open;close     B.opened;closedC.opened;close    D.open;closedD解析 句意:在我们进入房间之后,我们发现他张着嘴、闭着 眼睛躺在地上。 open可作形容词,意为“开着的”;closed可作形容词,意为“关着的,闭着的”。根据句意可知选D。10.Blue whales are       . We should try to protect them.A.in time     B.in publicC.in danger    D.in factC解析 句意:蓝鲸处境危险,我们应该尽力保护它们。in time 及时;in public当众,在公共场所;in danger处于危险中;in fact 事实上。故选C。Ⅱ.完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)(2023江苏徐州王杰中学月考)In the summer of 1936, a poor sheepherder(牧羊人) fell ill and came     11     a small hospital in Fort Benton, Montana, with his dog. The sheepherder was seriously ill and died soon.The sheepherder's body was sent to his family by     12    . The dog cried as the train carrying his master's (主人的) body dis- appeared.Trains came to Fort Benton four times a day. The dog stayed there to meet each one, waiting for his master to return. He watched each passenger     13     the train.The train manager Ed felt     14     for the dog. He named the dog Shep and left him some food every day. He encouraged the dog to come inside the station. Finally, Shep got to trust Ed and would come inside. But every day when the trains     15    , Shep would wait in the same place.The passengers who came to Fort Benton wondered     16     the dog was always there, greeting the trains. Ed decided to write a pamphlet (小册子) about Shep's     17     and sell it to the pas- sengers at a low price. Some newspapers shared Shep's story across the nation.Day after day, Shep continued to wait and watch. He was     18      old when he died in 1942. After his     19     , the people of Fort Benton made a beautiful bronze statue (铜像) of Shep to honor     20    . Today, many visitors still stop to look at the statue and buy the pamphlet.11.A.out    B.to C.from    D.atB12.A.bus   B.ship C.train    D.plane 13.A.get off  B.get up C.get along  D.get to14.A.lucky   B.angry C.happy    D.sorry15.A.get   B.came C.flew    D.went16.A.if    B.how C.why    D.what17.A.story   B.hobby C.habit    D.look18.A.recently B.exactly C.mainly   D.very19.A.death  B.birth C.illness    D.arrival20.A.them  B.you C.her    D.him CADBCADAD解析11.考查介词辨析。由语境可知,此处表示“他带着他的狗来 到位于本顿堡的一家小医院”。come to 意为“来到”,符 合语境,故选B。12.考查名词辨析。由下文中的“当载着其主人尸体的火车 消失时,狗发出喊叫”可知,狗主人的尸体是被火车运送回家 的。bus公共汽车;ship轮船;train火车;plane飞机。故选C。13.考查动词短语辨析。get off 下车;get up起床;get along相 处;get to 到达。由上文可知这条狗来火车站等候它的主人归来,因此它注视着每一位下火车的乘客。故选A。14.考查形容词辨析。lucky幸运的;angry生气的;happy高兴 的;sorry难过的。由下文中的“他给这条狗取名谢普,并且每 天给它留些食物”可推测,站长应是很可怜这条狗,故选D。15.考查动词辨析。由上文可知谢普每天都去车站等它的主 人,由此推知,此处表示当火车来时,它在相同的地方等它的 主人,故选B。16.句意:来本顿堡的乘客想知道为什么这条狗总是在那儿迎 候火车。设空处意为“为什么”,故选C。17.由下文中的“一些报纸把谢普的故事分享到全国”可知, 站长把谢普的故事编写成一个小册子,设空处意为“故事”, 故选A。18.recently最近;exactly准确地;mainly主要地;very非常。由 上文可知谢普从1936年开始便日复一日地在火车站等候和 观望。由此可知,当它在1942年死亡时,应是很老了。因此空 白处意为“很;非常”,故选D。19.death死亡;birth出生;illness疾病;arrival到达。 由语境可 知,此处表示“它死后”,故选A。20.考查代词辨析。由语境可知,此处表示“来纪念谢普”, 由前文中的“his”可知,此处应用him,故选D。Ⅲ.阅读理解(每小题2分,共20分)A(新素材·大熊猫丫丫)(2023甘肃兰州中考改编)Pandas are very popular in China. People around the world like this black and white animal very much, too. Ya Ya is among them. Now let's know more about Ya Ya.When Ya Ya was born in the Beijing Zoo, she weighed about 140 grams. For a research and protection plan, she was taken to the Memphis Zoo in Tennessee in 2003. But there was some-thing wrong with her fur in 2006. Her health condition became worse in 2014. Experts at the Memphis Zoo and in China tried many ways but couldn't solve the problems. On April 27, Ya Ya returned to China after staying for 20 years in America. The panda was then quarantined(隔离) in the Shanghai Zoo before moving to Beijing. On May 29, Ya Ya arrived at its home, the Beijing Zoo.The Beijing Zoo has prepared a special feeding place for Ya Ya as well as feeding plans, care and medical support, according to the National Forestry and Grassland Administration. As she is old, she needs to rest and adapt(适应) to the new environ- ment. So she will not be visited for a short period of time. The zoo will tell the public about Ya Ya's health condition through its official Weibo account, according to the administration.A lot of people pay much attention to Ya Ya. They hope she will get better soon. 21.Where was Ya Ya born?A.In the Beijing Zoo. B.In the Shanghai Zoo.C.In the Memphis Zoo. D.In the Tennessee Zoo.22.When did Ya Ya come back to China?A.In 2003.    B.In 2006.C.In 2014.    D.In 2023.AD23.The Beijing Zoo has prepared something special for Ya Ya except       .A.feeding plansB.a feeding placeC.a research and protection planD.care and medical supportC24.People are not allowed to visit Ya Ya for a short period of time because       .A.she is taken to the Memphis ZooB.she is quarantined in the Shanghai ZooC.her health condition becomes betterD.she needs to rest and adapt to the new environmentD25.Where can you most probably read the article?A.In a newspaper.B.In a movie poster.C.In a travel guide.D.In a sports magazine.A解析21.细节理解题。根据“When Ya Ya was born in the Beijing Zoo...”可知,丫丫是在北京动物园出生的,故选A。22.推理判断题。根据“she was taken to the Memphis Zoo in Tennessee in 2003”和“On April 27, Ya Ya returned to China after staying for 20 years in America.”可知,丫丫2003年被带 到田纳西州的孟菲斯动物园,20年后回到祖国,所以丫丫是20 23年回到中国的,故选D。23.细节理解题。根据第三段第一句可知,北京动物园为丫丫准备了特殊的喂养场所、喂养计划及护理和医疗支持,没有 提到调查和保护计划,故选C。24.细节理解题。根据第三段第二、三句可知,由于丫丫年纪 大了,需要休息和适应新环境,所以短时间内不允许人们去探 望,故选D。25.推理判断题。通读全文可知,本文是一篇对大熊猫丫丫的 介绍,所以最有可能在报纸上看到它,故选A。B(新素材·白色大熊猫)(新独家原创)In a recent hot video, people can see an all-white panda clearly. The video was recorded in Wolong National Nature Reserve in Sichuan Province, the southwest of China at the end of Febru- ary this year.Wolong National Nature Reserve is considered to be the real hometown of wild pandas.It is about 120 kilometers northwest of Chengdu. It is part of the original habitat(栖息地)of wild pandas.In the video, the all-white panda walked toward the mother panda and the cub(幼崽)resting in a tree hole. However, the mother panda didn't leave the hole but kept calm. After the mother panda and the cub left the hole, the all-white panda came back to the hole. It sniffed(嗅)every place where the mother panda stayed.“The cub in the video is about one to two years old, and the all -white panda is nearly the size of an adult. In February, wildfemale pandas with cubs can be very aggressive(富于攻击性 的)when an adult panda comes near,” said Wei Rongping, an engineer at the China Conservation and Research Center for the Giant Panda. “This female panda was very calm. One possi- bility is that the female panda is the mother of the all-white panda,” Wei added.If you are a panda-lover and like to know everything about pandas, you may be wondering—are all pandas black and white?Usually, black and white are the actual colors of every panda. Moreover, this coloring doesn't happen just from birth. At birth, pandas appear pink in color and with no other color on differ- ent parts, like the legs or hands. However, the black and white coating is something every adult panda has. The all-white pan- da found in Wolong is very rare.26.(新考法·代词指代题)What does the underlined “It” in Paragraph 2 refer to?A.Chengdu. B.The all-white panda. C.Sichuan Province. D.Wolong National Nature Reserve.27.What does the underlined word “original” in Paragraph 2 mean in Chinese?A.茂密的    B.舒适的C.最早的    D.荒凉的DC28.(新考法·事件排序题)What's the right order of the following events according to the video?a.The cub left with its mother.b.The all-white panda came near.c.The all-white panda began to sniff the hole.d.The mother panda wasn't angry with the all-white panda.A.d-a-c-b    B.a-c-d-bC.b-d-a-c    D.c-b-a-dC29.In Wei's opinion, the all-white panda might be      .A.the cub's fatherB.the cub's brotherC.the female panda's fatherD.the female panda's brotherB30.What's the passage mainly about?A.The video of an all-white panda.B.The color of pandas.C.The engineer at the research center.D.Wolong National Nature Reserve.A解析26.代词指代题。联系上下文可知,此处It指代卧龙国家自然 保护区。故选D。27.词义猜测题。根据第二段第一句及选项可知,卧龙国家级 自然保护区被认为是真正的野生大熊猫之乡,是野生大熊猫 原生栖息地的一部分。故选C。28.推理判断题。根据第三段可知这个事件的发展顺序为:这 只白色大熊猫走近了→熊猫妈妈并没有因白色大熊猫的靠 近而生气→幼崽和熊猫妈妈一起离开了→白色大熊猫开始嗅这个洞穴。故选C。29.推理判断题。根据第四段中的“This female panda was every calm. One possibility is that the female panda is the mother of the all-white panda”可知,这只雌性大熊猫非常平 静,他认为这只雌性大熊猫可能是白色大熊猫的妈妈,也就是 说,白色大熊猫可能是那只熊猫幼崽的哥哥。故选B。30.主旨大意题。本文主要介绍了一段关于一只白色大熊猫 的视频。故选A。Ⅳ.词汇(每小题1分,共10分)(2024江苏扬州树人学校单元练习)A.根据句意及汉语提示完成单词31.What does the sign       (意味着)?32.John makes a       (生计) by selling toys.33.The biggest enemies(敌人) of wild animals are       (人 类).34.Only one of the rooms      (面对) south, so I don't like the flat.meanlivinghumansfaces35.What has happened to your father? He looks       (严肃 的).seriousB.用括号内所给词的适当形式填空36.Amy's        (ill) kept her in hospital for six weeks.37.I didn't understand him in the        (begin) because he said too quickly.38.We'll never forget your          (kind).39.      (sad), the doctors couldn't save the little boy's life.40.I think James runs too        (slow) to be a good football player.illnessbeginningkindnessSadlyslowlyⅤ.根据汉语意思完成句子(每小题2分,共10分)(2024江苏常州前黄实验学校单元检测)41.感谢你接受我们的邀请并加入我们的行列。Thank you for                   .42.由于捕猎,很多野生动物处境危险。Many wild animals                 .43.动物像人类一样有高兴和悲伤的情感。Animals                  like humans. accepting our invitation and joining usare in danger because of huntinghave feelings of happiness and sadness44.斑马在野外过着群居生活。Zebras             .45.他正在写一份关于怎样保护野生动物的报告。He is writing             wild animals.live as a family in the wilda report on how to protectⅥ.根据短文内容,从选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项 (每小题2分,共10分)(新考法·五选五)(2023四川乐山中考)World Wildlife DayWorld Wildlife Day falls on March 3 every year. It's a global (全球的) celebration of all the wonderful wild animals and plants on the planet.     46     Check out the suggestions below.◆Learn more about the wildlife in your areas. You can visit your local wildlife saving center and botanical garden (植物园).     47    ◆If you find a wild animal or plant somewhere, don't take it home.     48     Wild animals and plants need to stay in their home environment to live.◆    49     Some animals can get sick from eating human food. Others may depend on your food little by little and forget how to search for food on their own.◆    50     The rubbish may make wild animals dangerous.◆If you can find a hurt wild animal, call your local wildlife saving center. The workers there will help care for the animals. 46.       47.       48.       49.       50.      EDABC解析46.根据“Check out the suggestions below.”可知空处的内 容和后文给出的建议有关,选项E“我们能做些什么来让世 界变得对它们来说更美好呢”符合语境。47.本段建议了解更多有关你所在地区野生动植物的情况,选 项D“阅读有关野生动植物的书籍也是一个不错的选择” 符合语境。48.本段讲到如果你在某个地方发现了野生动物或植物,不要 把它带回家。选项A“你可以给它拍张照片”符合语境。 49.设空处后讲了一些动物吃了人类食物的坏处,选项B“不 要用人类的食物喂野生动物”符合语境。50.根据“The rubbish may make wild animals dangerous.”可 知,本段建议不要随地扔垃圾,选项C符合语境。Ⅶ.阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个恰当的单词或用括号内 所给单词的适当形式填空(每小题1分,共10分)(人与自然·生态特征)(2023青海中考)In February, there was a video about Asian elephants in Yunnan, in which two    51    (elephant) were fighting for food. By    52    end of 2022, the number of wild Asian elephants    53    (be) more than 300.They started to visit villages.    54    did they do so? Becausethey needed more space and food. But this brought losses for the farmers.Sometimes, the elephants were scared and    55    (hurt) people. So the local government is    56     (think) of some smart ways to get along with the cute but naughty animals.◆If the elephants eat farmers' plants, farmers can get some money from the government.◆If the elephants get too close to people, fences(栅栏) can be built near villages and schools to protect people.◆ If you see some elephants, stay    57    least 300 meters away from them. Also, you should leave the place    58    (quick).◆ If you are in a place with elephants, don't    59    (wear) bright-colored clothes. Such clothes could make elephants    60    (angry).51.        52.       53.       54.       55.      56.        57.       58.        59.       60.       elephantsthewasWhyhurtthinkingatquicklywearangry解析51.由语境可知,此处表示“两头大象在争夺食物”。由two 可知,设空处应填可数名词复数,故填elephants。52.句意:到2022年底,野生亚洲象的数量超过了300头。by the end of...“到……末尾”,故填the。53.“the number of...”表示“……的数量”,作主语时谓语 动词用第三人称单数;时态是一般过去时,故填was。54.句意:它们为什么这样做呢?根据“Because they needed more space and food.”可知,此处在询问原因,句子首单词首字母大写,故填Why。55.句意:有时,大象会受到惊吓,伤害人们。根据“were”可 知,时态是一般过去时,故填hurt。56.句意:因此,当地政府正在考虑一些聪明的方法来与这些 可爱但淘气的动物相处。根据语境可知,此处表示“正在考 虑”,时态是现在进行时,故填thinking。57.句意:如果你看到一些大象,要离它们至少300米远。此处 是at least短语,意为“至少”,故填at。58.句意:还有,你应该迅速离开这个地方。设空处在句中修饰动词leave,用副词,故填quickly。59.句意:如果你在有大象的地方,不要穿颜色鲜艳的衣服。 “don't+动词原形”构成祈使句的否定形式,故填wear。60.句意:这样的衣服会让大象生气。“make sb./sth.+形容 词”意为“使某人/物……”,故填angry。Ⅷ.书面表达(共20分)  根据以下要点写一篇70词左右的英语短文,说明狼的特 点和生存现状,并呼吁人们保护它们。1.狼有灰色的毛,它们有很好的视觉、听力和嗅觉;2.它们彼 此友好,经常群体捕猎,但不轻易攻击人;3.现在人们为了挣更 多的钱,大量砍伐树木,使它们的生存空间减少,所以我们应 该采取措施保护它们。                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             解析One possible version:Wolves have grey fur and they have very good eyesight, hear- ing and a good sense of smell. They are friendly towards each other. They often work as a team to hunt for food, but they nev- er attack people easily. Sadly, wolves are losing their living ar- eas now because people cut down more trees for getting more money. Animals are our friends. I think we should take action to protect them.
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