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      北京市顺义区第一中学2023-2024学年高二上学期10月月考英语试卷 Word版含解析.docx
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      北京市顺义区第一中学2023-2024学年高二上学期10月月考英语试卷 Word版无答案.docx
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    这是一份北京市顺义区第一中学2023-2024学年高二上学期10月月考英语试卷(Word版附解析),文件包含北京市顺义区第一中学2023-2024学年高二上学期10月月考英语试卷Word版含解析docx、北京市顺义区第一中学2023-2024学年高二上学期10月月考英语试卷Word版无答案docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共31页, 欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 知识运用(共两节,30分)
    第一节 完形填空(共10小题, 每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    It was an rdinary summer afternn when I first fund ut abut my grandpa’s ____1____ garden.
    That day, after schl, instead f walking straight hme, I decided t visit my grandpa, wh lived just a few blcks away.
    When I gt there, I saw the frnt dr was slightly pen. I pushed it pen but fund nbdy. Curisity and ____2____ mixed within me as I ventured inside and nticed the backdr wide pen, leading t a path I’d never ____3____ befre. There it was—a breathtaking garden, filled with flwers f all shapes and clrs, greenery stretching ut as far as my eyes culd see. I walked ____4____, marveling at the beautiful spectacle. Suddenly, I heard a rustling sund frm a nearby bush, fllwed by a sft and familiar vice.
    “I didn’t ____5____ yu t find this place my dear,” my grandpa said, emerging frm behind the green leaves with a brad smile, hlding a watering can.
    ____6____ by the beauty f the garden, I just std there, taking in the view. After what felt like frever, I asked, “Grandpa, why didn’t yu tell me abut this place?”
    He shrugged and replied, “I wanted it t be a ____7____, smething yu culd discver n yur wn. It’s mre special that way, dn’t yu think?”
    Since that day, we wuld spend hurs in the garden, tending t the flwers, sharing stries, and enjying each ther’s ____8____. That garden, which I discvered ____9____, became ur playgrund, a haven f peace in the midst f ur bustling city lives.
    Lking back nw, I realize that the greatest thing I fund in that garden was nt the beautiful scenery, but the precius memries and _____10_____ I built with my grandpa.
    1. A. tinyB. secretC. rmanticD. natural
    2. A. cncernB. relaxatinC. delightD. excitement
    3. A. appreciatedB. dubtedC. nticedD. recgnized
    4. A. hmeB. backC. awayD. further
    5. A. expectB. hpeC. allwD. tell
    6. A. DisturbedB. OverwhelmedC. AngeredD. Amused
    7. A. mysteryB. giftC. challengeD. wnder
    8. A. gardenB. cmpanyC. greetingD. memries
    9. A. as usualB. in particularC. n purpseD. by chance
    10. A. peaceB. balanceC. bndD. trust
    第二节 语法填空(共10小题, 每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    Many peple miss ut n learning pprtunities because they let their feelings get in the way. They refuse ____11____ (learn) r ignre what is said because f wh the speaker is. it is true that we cannt help ____12____ (dislike) sme peple. But d nt frget yu can still learn frm them. Active learners d nt judge peple ____13____ (base) n first impressins r persnal feelings. Instead, they separate the message frm the messenger.
    A persn with a phtgraphic memry culd remember every detail f a picture, a bk r an event many years later, but it has nt been prved ____14____ there are peple wh really have phtgraphic memries. Yet, there are sme peple wh d have ____15____ (amaze) memries. Fr example, Daniel Tammet can remember the first 22,514 digits f pi (π) and Stephen Wiltshire can draw a detailed picture f a city frm memry after flying ver it in a helicpter. They are bth gd ____16____ remembering particular things fr a limited time.
    Mst gardeners will prbably say gardening ____17____ (be) gd fr yu. Accrding t a study, peple wh garden have a ____18____ (healthy) diet, get mre exercise, and feel less stress. Researchers studied the benefits f gardening in shared cmmunity gardens ____19____ peple wrk tgether. They suggest gardening may reduce stress because it expses peple t nature, while cmmunity gardens als prvide ____20____ (chance) fr scial interactin. Therefre, they hpe the results will encurage dctrs and gvernment leaders t regard cmmunity gardens as a vital part f the public health system.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,38分)
    第一节(共14小题, 每小题2分,共28分)
    阅读下面短文,从各题A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳答案。并在答题纸上将该选项涂黑。
    Often, there is a false idea that ne must be “in-the-knw” t truly appreciate artwrks. Hwever, fine art pens the dr t everyne. Learning hw t lk at and understand artwrks requires us t take the time t view, identify and think.
    Lk at the Art
    As the first step, it’s necessary t take a mment t identify the artwrk’s general features:
    ● Is it a painting, sculpture r craftwrk?
    ● Des it appear chatic (混乱的) r rganized?
    ● Are the clrs bright r sft?
    Identify the Art and Artist
    Knwing when r hw the artwrk was made and learning smething abut the artist can reveal mre cntext. We all knw the famus painting Guernica is a masterpiece created by Picass in 1937. Hwever, if we can find ut Picass cmpsed the painting t reflect a bmbing during the Spanish Civil War, we’ll knw mre abut its anti-war meaning.
    Even if the histrical cntext f an artwrk is nt bvius, knwing the year f its creatin ffers mre cntext.
    Think Abut the Meaning
    Use what yu bserved in the first tw steps t think abut meanings the artwrk culd have.
    Cnsider what the title, the subjects, r the symbls meant t the artist when he r she created the artwrk. What d the clrs say abut the artist, and hw d they apply t the subjects in the art? Fr example, the wls in Leb’s wrks represent wisdm, but why are they s brightly clred?
    In additin, ask hw the art makes yu feel. Many artists have specific meanings behind their art, but als encurage viewers t cme up with their wn explanatins. Still, every explanatin is nt autmatically crrect, which is why the techniques described abve are helpful in finding clues.
    The next time yu’re admiring a wrk f art, keep these techniques in mind, and its meaning may unfld befre yur eyes.
    21. What is the first step when viewing art?
    A. Ding sme research n the artist.B. Being “in-the-knw” abut the wrk
    C. Identifying the wrk’s general featuresD. Knwing the year f an artwrk’s creatin
    22. When thinking abut the meaning f an artwrk, yu shuld ________.
    A. explain it freelyB. chse a title fr it
    C. describe it t the viewersD. ask hw it makes yu feel
    23. The passage is prbably written fr ________.
    A. museum staffB. gallery visitrs
    C. prfessinal artistsD. exhibitin rganizers
    Anuar Abdullah has always had a special feeling fr the cean. In the 1980s, he settled in Perhentian as a diving instructr and fell in lve with crals. Twice daily, he went ut t sea, staying underwater fr as lng as his xygen supply allwed. He learned the shapes and textures (纹理) f cral reefs lng befre he knew their Latin names. He studied the living cnditins—the water temperature, the sunshine, the diversity(多样性) f cean life—and saw hw just ne f thse factrs culd bring abut large-scale death.
    Abdullah spent tw decades experimenting with hw t grw cral reefs in the cean. He didn’t have a degree in marine (海洋的) bilgy r a research lab, but he had his wn ways. Almst all the materials he used t grw crals came directly frm the cean. He didn’t use steel pipes r bricks—which he culdn’t affrd—instead, he gathered rcks frm the seaflr, piling them s they wuldn’t be kncked dwn by tidal waves. While thers might depend n a lab t break live cral int pieces that were in turn used fr grwing, he searched fr brken pieces f cral in existing reefs and fixed them t the rcks using animal-friendly glue. When he needed ther materials, he started by searching the beach fr waste.
    Every day, the lcals saw him n his knees examining crals in the cean. Smetimes, he picked up a rck t which he had fixed a piece f cral several weeks earlier, and said very quietly, “My little acrpra (鹿角大珊瑚), hw are yu ding tday?” The lcals whispered abut hw he’d spent days in the water speaking t crals as if they were peple. “Everyne thught I was stupid,” said Abdullah, “But I knew I was ding the mst imprtant thing in the wrld.”
    Actually, Abdullah was right. Nw, in a wrld rapidly lsing its cral reefs t climate change and envirnmental damage, he has becme an increasingly influential expert n hw t bring them back t life. Thusands have traveled frm arund the wrld t learn frm Abdullah hw t grw crals, with sme eventually leaving their jbs t jin his prjects full time. With his 700 active vlunteers, he has already saved abut 125 acres f cral reefs.
    24. Abdullah went ut t sea twice daily t ________.
    A. study cral reefsB. have diving training
    C. check his xygen supplyD. share his feelings fr the sea
    25. Abdullah’s way f grwing crals is________.
    A. ec-friendly and practicalB. traditinal and indirect
    C. high-tech and affrdableD. scientific and expensive
    26. Frm the passage we knw that Abdullah________.
    A. searched fr waste t make a livingB. received a degree in marine bilgy
    C. talked t everyne abut cral reefsD. became an expert n cral prtectin
    27. What can we learn frm the stry?
    A. Anyne with a dream is amazing.B. Achievement prvides true pleasure.
    C. An individual can make a difference.D. The strng man is strngest when alne.
    Episdic memry (情景记忆) allws humans t revisit past persnal experiences in their minds, and it was nce thught t be a special skill f humans. Althugh there are still arguments abut the extent f this type f memry in nn-human animals, scientists have prved that creatures like rats and dgs can pass tests that are develped t assess episdic memry ver the past tw decades. “Curiusly, there is a lack f research investigating dlphins’ episdic memry,” University f Cambridge cgnitive (认知的) scientist James Davies says. Therefre, this surprising fact encurages him t fill this gap.
    The team used “where” and “wh” questins in their research, each n a different test. Each dlphin was first trained t retrieve a ball frm the water, and then trained t get a ball by appraching a persn hlding it in frnt f them while ignring an empty-handed persn standing at a different spt. During this training, the lcatins were randmized (使随机化) and the persn hlding the ball differed each time, s that thse details were irrelevant t learning the retrieving behavir. Then, fr the tests, the dlphins were asked t retrieve the ball as they had learned t d, but after 10 minutes, smething changed-this time, the ball culdn’t be seen, as it was nw behind ne f the tw peple’s backs. In the “where” tests, the ball was hidden in the same spt as in the training, but bth peple had been changed, while in the “wh” tests, the lcatins f the peple changed but the ball remained with the persn wh’d had it previusly.
    Eight dlphins went thrugh each f the tw tests, separated by at least 48 hurs. All the dlphins gt it right in chsing the crrect spt n the “where” experiments, and seven achieved success n the “wh” experiments.
    Kelly Jaakkla, a psychlgist, says that based n their cgnitive skills, dlphins are a gd candidate fr having episdic-like memry, and this study ges really far in shwing that. She als says, “The mre we lk fr such capabilities in nn-human animals, the mre species we’ll likely find them in.” She adds, “An exciting questin is therefre ‘Where d we draw that line? Which animals d have it, which animals dn’t, and what srt f cgnitive r neurlgical r scial characteristics d thse animals share? ’ That’s ging t be the fun part f the game.”
    28. What des the underlined wrd “retrieve” in Paragraph 2 prbably mean?
    A. Fetch.B. Mve.C. Thrw.D. Play.
    29. What des Paragraph 2 mainly talk abut?
    A. The lcatins f the peple invlved in the tests.
    B. The memry tasks that dlphins need t perfrm.
    C. The ability f dlphins t cmmunicate with humans.
    D. The dlphins’ characteristics related t their memry prcessing.
    30. What can be inferred frm the passage?
    A. Dlphins pass the tests as a result f training.
    B. It is very likely that dlphins are affected by peple during the tests.
    C. Scientists will prbably find episdic memry in all nn-human animals.
    D. The influence f dlphins’ familiarity with a lcatin r a persn is avided.
    31. Which wuld be the best title fr the passage?
    A. Dlphins Are the Mst Intelligent Animals
    B. Dlphins May Remember Persnal Experiences
    C. Episdic Memry Is Imprtant fr Humans and Animals
    D. A Scientific Methd Is Used t Study Dlphins’ Memry
    After years f blue-cllar(蓝领)jbs being replaced by machines, advanced chatbts are nw breathing dwn white cllars. Generative Al tls, such as ChatGPT, have made impressive prgress in generating human-sunding language and understanding cntext. S much s that humans are n match fr them in sme tasks. Up t 300 millin full-time jbs culd be lst arund the wrld, which is as much as 18% f the glbal wrkfrce.
    A recent study by OpenAI, the creatr f ChatGPT, lked at the ptential fr autmatin acrss 1,016 jbs. Humans and AI separately rated hw well sftware pwered by large-language mdels, which are trained n a sea f infrmatin frm the Internet and then reacted quickly t specific functins, culd perfrm 19,000 tasks invlved in the jbs. If the sftware was cnsidered able t reduce the time it takes humans t cmplete the task by at least half, withut a drp in quality, the task was cnsidered ready fr AI replacement. Fr ther tasks, the cmpany imagined additinal sftware that culd be added t the mdel, such as cmputer tls that can autmatically pull fresh data frm the Internet. They fund that 80% f Americans culd have at least 10% f their wrk tasks dne by advanced Al tls. The figure rises t 50% f tasks fr arund 19% f wrkers.
    This autmatin shuld nt be feared. It culd free wrkers frm repeated tasks, cntributing t greater prductivity. A study published n April 5 suggests that generative AI culd bring abut sweeping changes t the glbal ecnmy. As these tls culd drive a 7% increase in glbal GDP and lift prductivity by 1. 5 percentage pints ver a 10-year perid.
    But studies like this may verstate the ptential fr autmatin, ignring sme tacit skills(隐性技能)in prfessins they knw less abut. Human qualities imprtant fr sme jbs, such as empathy r charisma(感召力), will be verlked. And nt all tasks capable f being carried ut by AI shuld be: a man in lve shuld feel it a shame fr using it t write a lve letter t his belved girlfriend hwever tuching and sincere it may sund.
    Many businesses are als nt willing t accept AI. And thse wh have already accepted it are at the risk f practical and legal(法律的) cnfusin. When chatbts d nt knw what t say, they ften talk nnsense. The “creative” utput they prduce is based n a mixture f data surced frm the Internet, raising issues arund accuracy, privacy and intellectual prperty(知识产权).
    While much is unknwn abut hw generative AI will influence the wrld ecnmy and sciety, and it will take time t play ut, there are clear signs that the effects culd be prfund. But in the real wrld, AI tls will still need handlers. That may even end up creating new jbs.
    32. What is the functin f Paragraph 1?
    A. T shw the ppularity f AI tls.
    B. T give examples f using generative AI tls.
    C. T draw readers’ attentin t the pssible threat f AI.
    D. T cmpare the impacts f AI n blue and white cllars.
    33. Accrding t the study by OpenAI, AI can replace humans when________.
    A. it can perfrm certain creative tasks
    B. autmatin is pwered by large-language mdels
    C. it develps imprtant human qualities like empathy
    D. Al tls imprve prductivity withut damaging quality
    34. The authr wuld prbably agree that________.
    A. AI tls may help increase emplyment
    B. AI will eventually take ver human jbs
    C. AI and autmatin d mre harm than gd
    D. human qualities are nt necessary fr autmatin
    第二节 七选五(共5小题;每小题2分,共10分)
    Nichlas Epley, a behaviural scientist, and I cnducted a series f studies and cncluded that kind acts as simple as buying a cup f cffee fr smene can prmte a persn’s happiness. Everyday life affrds many pprtunities fr such actins, yet peple d nt always catch them. ____35____
    We firstly studied acts f kindness dne fr familiar peple such as friends classmates r family. ____36____ Fr instance, in ne experiment, peple wrte ntes t friends and family “just because”. In anther, they gave cupcakes away t wrkmates. Acrss these experiments, we asked bth the persn perfrming a kind act and the ne receiving it t fill ut questinnaires (问卷).
    Acrss ur studies, several strng patterns appeared. Fr ne, bth perfrmers and receivers f the acts f kindness were in mre psitive mds than nrmal after these kind acts. ____37____ The receivers felt significantly better than the kind actrs expected. The receivers als reliably rated these acts as “bigger” than the peple perfrming them did.
    ____38____In ne experiment, participants at an ice-skating rink (溜冰场) in a public park gave away ht chclate t peple they didn’t knw n a cld winter day. Again, the experience was mre psitive than the perfrmers expected fr the receivers. Althugh the peple giving ut the ht chclate saw the act as relatively small, it really mattered t the receivers.
    These findings suggest that what might seem small when we are deciding whether r nt t d smething nice fr smene else culd matter a great deal t the persn we d it fr These warm acts can imprve ur wn emtinal health and brighten the day f anther persn. ____39____
    A. S why nt chse kindness when we can?
    B. Fr anther, it was clear that perfrmers undervalued their impacts.
    C. Frm ne situatin t the next, the specific acts f kindness differed.
    D. We fund that participants didn’t realize their psitive impacts n strangers as well.
    E. Our research als revealed ne reasn why peple may nt realize their actins’ impacts.
    F. We cmpared the perfrmers’ expectatin f the receivers’ mds with their actual experiences.
    G. It is because peple perfrming kind acts undervalue hw much receivers value their behaviur.
    第三部分 词汇运用 (共12分)
    40. T increase yur knwledge f English beynd the classrm, I wuld _________ that yu try simplified classic literature.
    41. After the failure, they decided t d it using a new ____________.
    42. I can’t ____________ with all that nise ging n.
    43. It is generally _________ that stress is caused by t much wrk.
    44. Mthers are ften the nes wh prvide __________ supprt fr the family.
    45. Befre the English exam, yu need t ____________ sme language pints.
    46. Ya Ming said he ____________ receive the recgnitin frm the Internatinal Basketball Federatin .
    47. The start f a new year is a gd time t ____________ yur achievement f the past year.
    I dn’t think memrizing the wrd list is the best way t learn wrds. First yu shuld learn wrds in ____48____. Fr example, when reading English stries, try t keep reading n even when yu cme acrss sme new wrds. A lt f time, yu’ll be able t guess the meaning f an ____49____ wrd withut lking it up. Als, yu shuld learn wrds in ____50____. Fr example, we say “pen the bk”, but “turn n the cmputer”. Or we say “eat an apple”, but “____51____ the medicine”.
    52. 假设你是红星中学高二学生李华。你的英国朋友Jim最近感到记忆力变差,学过的东西很难记住,来信希望你能给他一些如何改善记忆力的建议。请你给他回信,内容包括:
    1. 表示安慰;
    2. 你的建议及理由(至少两条);
    3. 你祝愿。
    注意:1. 词数100左右;
    2. 将开头结尾抄写在答题卡上!
    Dear Jim,
    Li Hua
    assume cncentrate apprach emtinal recmmend
    input be hnured t wrk ut reflect n brush up n

    北京市顺义区第二中学2023-2024学年高二上学期10月月考英语试卷(Word版附解析): 这是一份北京市顺义区第二中学2023-2024学年高二上学期10月月考英语试卷(Word版附解析),文件包含北京市顺义区第二中学2023-2024学年高二上学期10月月考英语试题Word版含解析docx、北京市顺义区第二中学2023-2024学年高二上学期10月月考英语试题Word版无答案docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共32页, 欢迎下载使用。

    北京市顺义区第九中学2023-2024学年高三下学期3月月考英语试卷(Word版附解析): 这是一份北京市顺义区第九中学2023-2024学年高三下学期3月月考英语试卷(Word版附解析),文件包含北京市顺义区第九中学2023-2024学年高三下学期3月月考英语试题Word版含解析docx、北京市顺义区第九中学2023-2024学年高三下学期3月月考英语试题Word版无答案docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共31页, 欢迎下载使用。

    北京市顺义区2023-2024学年高二上学期期末考试英语试题(Word版附解析): 这是一份北京市顺义区2023-2024学年高二上学期期末考试英语试题(Word版附解析),文件包含北京市顺义区2023-2024学年高二上学期期末考试英语试卷Word版含解析docx、北京市顺义区2023-2024学年高二上学期期末考试英语试卷Word版无答案docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共29页, 欢迎下载使用。






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