背诵版默写版音标版造句版单词音标含义例句safety/ˈseɪfti/安全We need to always be careful to ensure our safety.careful/ˈkeəfəl/小心的Be careful not to cut yourself with that knife.decorate/ˈdekərəteɪt/装饰Let's decorate the classroom for the holiday party.hang/hæŋ/悬挂Hang the picture on the wall.ceiling/ˈsiːlɪŋ/天花板The ceiling of the room is very high.lie/laɪ/说谎Don't lie to me. I know the truth.serious/ˈsɪərɪəs/严重的The accident was very serious.ambulance/ˈæmbjʊləns/救护车Call an ambulance!necessary/ˈnɛsəsɪtəri/必要的It is necessary to wear a helmet when riding a bike.accident/ˈæksɪdɛnt/事故The accident was caused by a careless driver.town/taʊn/城镇We live in a small town.Alberta/ˈælbərtɑ/阿尔伯塔Alberta is a province in Canada.James/ˈʤeɪmz/詹姆斯James is my friend.reporter/ˈrɪpəˈtɑː/记者The reporter interviewed the victim of the accident.roll/rəʊl/卷Roll up the carpet.Andrews/ˈændrəʊz/安德鲁斯Andrews is my teacher.fault/fɔːlt/过错The accident was the fault of the driver.icy/ˈaɪsi/结冰的The road is icy, so be careful driving.ugly/ˈʌɡli/丑陋的That painting is ugly.shoulder/ˈʃɔʊldər/肩膀I hurt my shoulder when I fell.wound/wuːnd/伤口I have a wound on my arm.recover/rɪˈkʌvə/恢复I am recovering from my injury.expect/ɪkˈspekt/预料I expect to get good grades on my test.helmet/ˈhelmɪt/头盔Wear a helmet when riding a bike.sudden/ˈsʌdən/突然All of a sudden, a car came towards us.wham/wæm/砰I heard a wham and saw a car crash.blood/blʌd/血I cut myself and there was blood everywhere.knee/niː/膝盖I hurt my knee when I fell.bleed/bliːd/流血I am bleeding from my cut.sharp/ʃɑːp/尖锐的That knife is sharp. Be careful not to cut yourself.rock/rɒk/岩石The rock is sharp. Be careful not to fall on it.stick/stɪk/棍子The stick is sharp. Be careful not to poke yourself with it.scary/ˈskɛəri/可怕的That movie was scary.goodness/ˈɡʊdnəs/善良Thanks a lot for your goodness.stranger/ˈstreɪndʒə/陌生人Don't talk to strangers.careless/ˈkeəfəlɪs/粗心的Be careful not to be careless.单词音标含义例句/ˈseɪfti/安全We need to always be careful to ensure our __________./ˈkeəfəl/小心的Be __________ not to cut yourself with that knife./ˈdekərəteɪt/装饰Let's __________ the classroom for the holiday party./hæŋ/悬挂__________ the picture on the wall./ˈsiːlɪŋ/天花板The __________ of the room is very high./laɪ/说谎Don't __________ to me. I know the truth./ˈsɪərɪəs/严重的The accident was very __________./ˈæmbjʊləns/救护车Call an __________!/ˈnɛsəsɪtəri/必要的It is __________ to wear a helmet when riding a bike./ˈæksɪdɛnt/事故The __________ was caused by a careless driver./taʊn/城镇We live in a small __________./ˈælbərtɑ/阿尔伯塔__________ is a province in Canada./ˈʤeɪmz/詹姆斯__________ is my friend./ˈrɪpəˈtɑː/记者The __________ interviewed the victim of the accident./rəʊl/卷__________ up the carpet./ˈændrəʊz/安德鲁斯__________ is my teacher./fɔːlt/过错The accident was the __________ of the driver./ˈaɪsi/结冰的The road is __________, so be careful driving./ˈʌɡli/丑陋的That painting is __________./ˈʃɔʊldər/肩膀I hurt my __________ when I fell./wuːnd/伤口I have a __________ on my arm./rɪˈkʌvə/恢复I am __________ from my injury./ɪkˈspekt/预料I __________ to get good grades on my test./ˈhelmɪt/头盔Wear a __________ when riding a bike./ˈsʌdən/突然All of a __________, a car came towards us./wæm/砰I heard a __________ and saw a car crash./blʌd/血I cut myself and there was __________ everywhere./niː/膝盖I hurt my __________ when I fell./bliːd/流血I am __________ from my cut./ʃɑːp/尖锐的That knife is __________. Be careful not to cut yourself./rɒk/岩石The __________ is sharp. Be careful not to fall on it./stɪk/棍子The __________ is sharp. Be careful not to poke yourself with it./ˈskɛəri/可怕的That movie was __________./ˈɡʊdnəs/善良Thanks a lot for your __________./ˈstreɪndʒə/陌生人Don't talk to __________./ˈkeəfəlɪs/粗心的Be careful not to be __________.单词音标含义例句/ˈseɪfti/We need to always be careful to ensure our __________./ˈkeəfəl/Be __________ not to cut yourself with that knife./ˈdekərəteɪt/Let's __________ the classroom for the holiday party./hæŋ/__________ the picture on the wall./ˈsiːlɪŋ/The __________ of the room is very high./laɪ/Don't __________ to me. I know the truth./ˈsɪərɪəs/The accident was very __________./ˈæmbjʊləns/Call an __________!/ˈnɛsəsɪtəri/It is __________ to wear a helmet when riding a bike./ˈæksɪdɛnt/The __________ was caused by a careless driver./taʊn/We live in a small __________./ˈælbərtɑ/__________ is a province in Canada./ˈʤeɪmz/__________ is my friend./ˈrɪpəˈtɑː/The __________ interviewed the victim of the accident./rəʊl/__________ up the carpet./ˈændrəʊz/__________ is my teacher./fɔːlt/The accident was the __________ of the driver./ˈaɪsi/The road is __________, so be careful driving./ˈʌɡli/That painting is __________./ˈʃɔʊldər/I hurt my __________ when I fell./wuːnd/I have a __________ on my arm./rɪˈkʌvə/I am __________ from my injury./ɪkˈspekt/I __________ to get good grades on my test./ˈhelmɪt/Wear a __________ when riding a bike./ˈsʌdən/All of a __________, a car came towards us./wæm/I heard a __________ and saw a car crash./blʌd/I cut myself and there was __________ everywhere./niː/I hurt my __________ when I fell./bliːd/I am __________ from my cut./ʃɑːp/That knife is __________. Be careful not to cut yourself./rɒk/The __________ is sharp. Be careful not to fall on it./stɪk/The __________ is sharp. Be careful not to poke yourself with it./ˈskɛəri/That movie was __________./ˈɡʊdnəs/Thanks a lot for your __________./ˈstreɪndʒə/Don't talk to __________./ˈkeəfəlɪs/Be careful not to be __________.单词音标含义例句safety/ˈseɪfti/安全careful/ˈkeəfəl/小心的decorate/ˈdekərəteɪt/装饰hang/hæŋ/悬挂ceiling/ˈsiːlɪŋ/天花板lie/laɪ/说谎serious/ˈsɪərɪəs/严重的ambulance/ˈæmbjʊləns/救护车necessary/ˈnɛsəsɪtəri/必要的accident/ˈæksɪdɛnt/事故town/taʊn/城镇Alberta/ˈælbərtɑ/阿尔伯塔James/ˈʤeɪmz/詹姆斯reporter/ˈrɪpəˈtɑː/记者roll/rəʊl/卷Andrews/ˈændrəʊz/安德鲁斯fault/fɔːlt/过错icy/ˈaɪsi/结冰的ugly/ˈʌɡli/丑陋的shoulder/ˈʃɔʊldər/肩膀wound/wuːnd/伤口recover/rɪˈkʌvə/恢复expect/ɪkˈspekt/预料helmet/ˈhelmɪt/头盔sudden/ˈsʌdən/突然wham/wæm/砰blood/blʌd/血knee/niː/膝盖bleed/bliːd/流血sharp/ʃɑːp/尖锐的rock/rɒk/岩石stick/stɪk/棍子scary/ˈskɛəri/可怕的goodness/ˈɡʊdnəs/善良stranger/ˈstreɪndʒə/陌生人careless/ˈkeəfəlɪs/粗心的
背诵版默写版音标版造句版单词音标含义例句safety/ˈseɪfti/安全We need to always be careful to ensure our safety.careful/ˈkeəfəl/小心的Be careful not to cut yourself with that knife.decorate/ˈdekərəteɪt/装饰Let's decorate the classroom for the holiday party.hang/hæŋ/悬挂Hang the picture on the wall.ceiling/ˈsiːlɪŋ/天花板The ceiling of the room is very high.lie/laɪ/说谎Don't lie to me. I know the truth.serious/ˈsɪərɪəs/严重的The accident was very serious.ambulance/ˈæmbjʊləns/救护车Call an ambulance!necessary/ˈnɛsəsɪtəri/必要的It is necessary to wear a helmet when riding a bike.accident/ˈæksɪdɛnt/事故The accident was caused by a careless driver.town/taʊn/城镇We live in a small town.Alberta/ˈælbərtɑ/阿尔伯塔Alberta is a province in Canada.James/ˈʤeɪmz/詹姆斯James is my friend.reporter/ˈrɪpəˈtɑː/记者The reporter interviewed the victim of the accident.roll/rəʊl/卷Roll up the carpet.Andrews/ˈændrəʊz/安德鲁斯Andrews is my teacher.fault/fɔːlt/过错The accident was the fault of the driver.icy/ˈaɪsi/结冰的The road is icy, so be careful driving.ugly/ˈʌɡli/丑陋的That painting is ugly.shoulder/ˈʃɔʊldər/肩膀I hurt my shoulder when I fell.wound/wuːnd/伤口I have a wound on my arm.recover/rɪˈkʌvə/恢复I am recovering from my injury.expect/ɪkˈspekt/预料I expect to get good grades on my test.helmet/ˈhelmɪt/头盔Wear a helmet when riding a bike.sudden/ˈsʌdən/突然All of a sudden, a car came towards us.wham/wæm/砰I heard a wham and saw a car crash.blood/blʌd/血I cut myself and there was blood everywhere.knee/niː/膝盖I hurt my knee when I fell.bleed/bliːd/流血I am bleeding from my cut.sharp/ʃɑːp/尖锐的That knife is sharp. Be careful not to cut yourself.rock/rɒk/岩石The rock is sharp. Be careful not to fall on it.stick/stɪk/棍子The stick is sharp. Be careful not to poke yourself with it.scary/ˈskɛəri/可怕的That movie was scary.goodness/ˈɡʊdnəs/善良Thanks a lot for your goodness.stranger/ˈstreɪndʒə/陌生人Don't talk to strangers.careless/ˈkeəfəlɪs/粗心的Be careful not to be careless.单词音标含义例句/ˈseɪfti/安全We need to always be careful to ensure our __________./ˈkeəfəl/小心的Be __________ not to cut yourself with that knife./ˈdekərəteɪt/装饰Let's __________ the classroom for the holiday party./hæŋ/悬挂__________ the picture on the wall./ˈsiːlɪŋ/天花板The __________ of the room is very high./laɪ/说谎Don't __________ to me. I know the truth./ˈsɪərɪəs/严重的The accident was very __________./ˈæmbjʊləns/救护车Call an __________!/ˈnɛsəsɪtəri/必要的It is __________ to wear a helmet when riding a bike./ˈæksɪdɛnt/事故The __________ was caused by a careless driver./taʊn/城镇We live in a small __________./ˈælbərtɑ/阿尔伯塔__________ is a province in Canada./ˈʤeɪmz/詹姆斯__________ is my friend./ˈrɪpəˈtɑː/记者The __________ interviewed the victim of the accident./rəʊl/卷__________ up the carpet./ˈændrəʊz/安德鲁斯__________ is my teacher./fɔːlt/过错The accident was the __________ of the driver./ˈaɪsi/结冰的The road is __________, so be careful driving./ˈʌɡli/丑陋的That painting is __________./ˈʃɔʊldər/肩膀I hurt my __________ when I fell./wuːnd/伤口I have a __________ on my arm./rɪˈkʌvə/恢复I am __________ from my injury./ɪkˈspekt/预料I __________ to get good grades on my test./ˈhelmɪt/头盔Wear a __________ when riding a bike./ˈsʌdən/突然All of a __________, a car came towards us./wæm/砰I heard a __________ and saw a car crash./blʌd/血I cut myself and there was __________ everywhere./niː/膝盖I hurt my __________ when I fell./bliːd/流血I am __________ from my cut./ʃɑːp/尖锐的That knife is __________. Be careful not to cut yourself./rɒk/岩石The __________ is sharp. Be careful not to fall on it./stɪk/棍子The __________ is sharp. Be careful not to poke yourself with it./ˈskɛəri/可怕的That movie was __________./ˈɡʊdnəs/善良Thanks a lot for your __________./ˈstreɪndʒə/陌生人Don't talk to __________./ˈkeəfəlɪs/粗心的Be careful not to be __________.单词音标含义例句/ˈseɪfti/We need to always be careful to ensure our __________./ˈkeəfəl/Be __________ not to cut yourself with that knife./ˈdekərəteɪt/Let's __________ the classroom for the holiday party./hæŋ/__________ the picture on the wall./ˈsiːlɪŋ/The __________ of the room is very high./laɪ/Don't __________ to me. I know the truth./ˈsɪərɪəs/The accident was very __________./ˈæmbjʊləns/Call an __________!/ˈnɛsəsɪtəri/It is __________ to wear a helmet when riding a bike./ˈæksɪdɛnt/The __________ was caused by a careless driver./taʊn/We live in a small __________./ˈælbərtɑ/__________ is a province in Canada./ˈʤeɪmz/__________ is my friend./ˈrɪpəˈtɑː/The __________ interviewed the victim of the accident./rəʊl/__________ up the carpet./ˈændrəʊz/__________ is my teacher./fɔːlt/The accident was the __________ of the driver./ˈaɪsi/The road is __________, so be careful driving./ˈʌɡli/That painting is __________./ˈʃɔʊldər/I hurt my __________ when I fell./wuːnd/I have a __________ on my arm./rɪˈkʌvə/I am __________ from my injury./ɪkˈspekt/I __________ to get good grades on my test./ˈhelmɪt/Wear a __________ when riding a bike./ˈsʌdən/All of a __________, a car came towards us./wæm/I heard a __________ and saw a car crash./blʌd/I cut myself and there was __________ everywhere./niː/I hurt my __________ when I fell./bliːd/I am __________ from my cut./ʃɑːp/That knife is __________. Be careful not to cut yourself./rɒk/The __________ is sharp. Be careful not to fall on it./stɪk/The __________ is sharp. Be careful not to poke yourself with it./ˈskɛəri/That movie was __________./ˈɡʊdnəs/Thanks a lot for your __________./ˈstreɪndʒə/Don't talk to __________./ˈkeəfəlɪs/Be careful not to be __________.单词音标含义例句safety/ˈseɪfti/安全careful/ˈkeəfəl/小心的decorate/ˈdekərəteɪt/装饰hang/hæŋ/悬挂ceiling/ˈsiːlɪŋ/天花板lie/laɪ/说谎serious/ˈsɪərɪəs/严重的ambulance/ˈæmbjʊləns/救护车necessary/ˈnɛsəsɪtəri/必要的accident/ˈæksɪdɛnt/事故town/taʊn/城镇Alberta/ˈælbərtɑ/阿尔伯塔James/ˈʤeɪmz/詹姆斯reporter/ˈrɪpəˈtɑː/记者roll/rəʊl/卷Andrews/ˈændrəʊz/安德鲁斯fault/fɔːlt/过错icy/ˈaɪsi/结冰的ugly/ˈʌɡli/丑陋的shoulder/ˈʃɔʊldər/肩膀wound/wuːnd/伤口recover/rɪˈkʌvə/恢复expect/ɪkˈspekt/预料helmet/ˈhelmɪt/头盔sudden/ˈsʌdən/突然wham/wæm/砰blood/blʌd/血knee/niː/膝盖bleed/bliːd/流血sharp/ʃɑːp/尖锐的rock/rɒk/岩石stick/stɪk/棍子scary/ˈskɛəri/可怕的goodness/ˈɡʊdnəs/善良stranger/ˈstreɪndʒə/陌生人careless/ˈkeəfəlɪs/粗心的
