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译林版英语八年级上册Unit 3 A day out A day outReading 1教案
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移步换景 情景交融——“Unit3 A day out---ReadingⅠ”课堂教学设计与评析摘要:阅读教学是基于对文本深入而多元的解读,而这又取决于教者的文化视野和审美感悟,能够精准地看出文章的主线,分析信息点之间的相互联系,引导学生去思考并理解文本所承载的知识、技能和情感。关键词:情景交融;文本视角;体裁研究背景对于阅读教学,笔者基于对校内、片区、大市等级别的公开课的观察,发现对于阅读教学课堂普遍缺乏对对文本深入而多元的解读,套用“固定教学模式”的课堂分相对较多,而不同题材和题材文本须有不同视角的解读,因而就会有不同的教学目标和教学思路,也会带来不同的教学效果,从而给学生带来深远的影响。研究问题阅读教学中根据文本体裁和题材的不同,如何深入处理文本。方法思路《英语》八年级上册“Unit3 A day out ReadingⅠ”,表面上看是一封电子邮件,本质上是一篇游记,从游记体裁的角度去分析文本。教学实践(一)教学内容译林出版社《英语》八年级上册“Unit3 A day out ReadingⅠ”。(二)设计思路从游记的文本体裁出发,学生去寻找游途和感情的融合。教学目标1. 体会到游记中的移步换景、情景交融。2. 读出作者字里行间饱含的感情。3. 领悟到游山玩水的真正内涵。4. 指出另一篇游记的不足。教学重点体会到游记中的移步换景、情景交融。教学难点领悟到游山玩水的真正内涵。(三)主要教学环节 教学环节一(导入环节)【设计意图】通过小诗的导入让学生初步掌握游记的读法,移步换景,情景交融。激发学生学习游记这一体裁文本的热情。T:At first , Let’s enjoy a poem. Read it together and answer what this poem about ?S1:Trip. (possible answer) T: How does this bird feel at first ?S2:Unhappy, sad…(possible answer) T:How do you know this ?S2:Because “ The trip is far away, and night is nothing.” (possible answer)T:How does this bird feel at last ?S3:Happy, excited…(possible answer)T:Yes, how do you know this?S3:Because “The bird is singing, and light is anything.” (Possible answer)T:We can know the feeling of the bird from the trip. Today we will learn another trip.教学环节二(阅读中环节)【设计意图】学生学会快速浏览文本,找出文章主题;引导学生理解文章标题的精彩之处。 T:Look through the email and then answer: This email is from________to_________. It’s about ____________.S4:This email is from Linda to her parents. It’s about a school trip.T:But the title is “Around the world in a day”, which one is better?S5:“Around the world in a day” is better. Because it makes us feel surprised and want to read more. T:Yes, I would like to read more. I wonder who is around the world in a day and what about you?S6:When?S7:Where? S8:How?T:Read Para.1 and answer all these questions with one sentence. Linda_____________________________________________.S9:Linda and the students and the teacher went on a trip to the world Park happily. (possible answer)教学环节三(阅读中环节)【设计意图】引导学生理解游记中的背景信息,体会出作者蕴含的感情。 T:What was the weather like that day? Read Para.2 and answer.S10:It was a fine warm day. The sun was shining in a clear blue sky.T:The verb of “shining” is shine. Here Linda says “is shining”. Which one does Linda want to say?shone all the time. shone only for a whileS11:I guess “shone all the time”.教学环节四(阅读中环节)【设计意图】引导学生体会到游记中的移步换景、情景交融。T:What did Linda see during the trip? Read the email and underline the views finish the chart.________________________________________________________The way of the journey S12:Main sights and song and dance showsthe model Golden Gate Bridge the model Eiffel Tower the whole world The way of the journey T:Read Para.3 and answer: How did Linda feel on the way ?S13:Linda felt bored.T: How do you know?S13:The journey was a little boring.T:Why didn’t Linda say “a trip ” here ?S14:Because “journey” here helps us understand “she felt bored on the way”. T:What other words show her boring feeling?S15:finally, couldn’t wait to… T:Let’s enjoy the power of the words. And read it together.T:After reading these words, do you know how to read traverls? We read Linda’s feeling from_________________________.S16:Between the lines. T:Let’s go to the model Eiffel Tower. How did Linda feel now ?S17:Excited.T:Read Para.4 and finish:The model tower _________the real one.a. looked just like b.didn’t look like S18:Choose a. looked just likeT:There are models of more than a hundred places of interest here. Why did Linda choose to write the model Eiffel Tower here?S19:The model Eiffel Tower is so special. And it looked just like the real one. T:Yes. Linda just enjoyed the most special views. Ok, let’s go to the model Golden Gate Bridge. How did Linda feel?S20:She can’t believe her eyes.T:That means unbelievable. Can you finish: I can’t believe my eyes excited surprised a. > b. < S21:I can’t believe my eyes > excited > surprised T:As the views changes, Did Linda has the same feelings?S22:As the views changes, Linda has different feelings.T:Let’s go to main sights &song and dance shows. Read Para.5 and answer: How did Linda feel?S23:She felt amazed.T:Why?S23:They were around the world in just one day.T:Let’s see. It is just the title! Let’s have a discussion: what did Linda get from the trip?S24:(Possible answers)She became happier and happier. She learnt different cultures. She enjoyed different places of interest. …教学环节五(阅读后环节)【设计意图】引导学生运用游记中的移步换景、情景交融的写作手法。T:One of my students also wrote a trip. Is it good?S25: No, I don’t think so.T:Why? Let’s have a discussion. S26:He didn’t enjoy the most special views. S27:He didn’t write his changing feelings.S28:He used the same style of sentence.…T:from this trip, what did we learn this class?S28:We enjoyed different places of interest and feelings.S29:We learnt how to read travels.…五、研究结论分析不同视角,多元化处理文本会有多方面的影响。其一,教师在阅读课中提升水平。如果缺乏对于教材的充分解读,那么一堂课很难成为这个教师思考的结晶,同时也无法体现出这个教师真正的人文素养和教学水平。其二,学生在阅读课中学会思考。随着阅读课堂的展开,学生不断地思考,从简到难,由浅入深,从阅读的教材中提炼出尽量多的内容与内涵,这就是学会思考的过程。其三,多元知识的传递和渗透。在文本处理中,教师能够挖掘不同文本的不同魅力,然后通过设计与引导,使其发挥出相应的作用。作者姓名:胡正才电子信箱:huzhengcaii@163.com联系电话:15995415445邮政编码:215000通讯地址:苏州工业园区第十中学内部资料 请勿外传 谢谢合作!!