译林版英语八年级上册Unit 7 SeasonsWelcome to the unit教案
这是一份译林版英语八年级上册Unit 7 SeasonsWelcome to the unit教案,共7页。
8A Unit 7 Seasons——Welcome to the Unit教学设计(本课的教学内容是教师向学生介绍一些天气和不同季节的不同天气及活动,以及引导学生了解天气,了解不同的季节。本节课welcome课时是一个单元最开始的一个课时,本节课最大的教学目标就是激发学生对本单元话题的兴趣,通过各种活动,让学生感受到本单元话题的侧重点。本节课我的主要设计思路是通过雪宝这条主线,将本节课的各个环节串联起来,通过不同的环节来训练学生的听、说、读、写的能力,从而提高学生语言的综合运用能力。具体到本节课,本节课的教学目标是让学生在课堂上能迅速识记不同天气及出行注意事项,了解四季的天气及可进行的活动,记住四会单词的拼写,在教师的指导下学会描述天气和四季,并提升本课的主题,让学生了解四季的美,对自己能生活在四季分明的地方并领略不同季节的美心存感激之情。本课的难点在于要让学生识记各种类型的天气并学会如何描述自己最喜欢的季节的天气及可进行的活动。教师使用了三种教学模式。课堂上教师从影视材料电影Frozen(冰雪奇缘)中可爱的雪宝Olaf作为谈论话题,引导学生在日常生活中关注天气和季节的相关内容,从而使学生在层层递进中串起本课的主线:天气——注意事项——四季——四季的天气与活动——主题升华。第一步:导入。本课开头通过图片和声音导入Olaf及它所在的地方的季节---冬天的天气类型及应该穿的衣服,从而导入comic strip,充分调动了孩子的兴趣和课堂积极性。第二步:Comic strip. Eddie 和 Hobo也在思考冬天穿什么,学生通过观看动画视频,回答相关问题, 并通过朗读、表演处理文本。第三步:由冬天的一种天气过渡到其他类型的天气,并通过构词法,举例,猜词和对话等多种形式来加强学生对不同天气类型的掌握。第四步:由冬天的天气与活动引入其他季节的天气与活动,并用制作卡片的形式让学生集思广益,整理出不同季节的不同天气及活动。第五步:主题升华,通过小组讨论,为Olaf选择一个季节来游览淮安并安排一天的活动,体会到四季不同的美,培养善于去发现自己生活中关于季节美的意识。)Teaching contentsIntroduce different kinds of weather and tips for going out.Describe and talk about the weather and activities in different seasons.Teaching objectivesKnowledge objectives Weather and activities in different seasons; The words about weather and phrases about activities in different seasons.Ability objectives To learn how to form an adjective from a noun; To listen to and talk about weather and activities in different seasonsEmotion objectives To feel the beauty of each season; To be grateful for what we haveDifficult points:Vocabulary: rainy, snowy, foggy, betPhrases: look cool, with nothing onSentence structure: Which season do …like best? Which is sb’s favorite…? It’s the best time to … Teaching methods:Communicative teaching methodSituational teaching methodTask-based teaching methodTeaching aids: Multi-media (Tablet PC) & blackboardTeaching steps:Step1: Lead-in:T: Good morning, boys and girls! I’m your English teacher today. You can call me Mr. Zhou. (Good morning 这类型的问候语在日常英语教学中几乎每天都被用到,可以在开始上课时拉近与学生的距离,将学生带进英语语言环境中。)In the beginning of our class, I’d like to show you a video. After watching it, tell me what you think of the snowman. You can type in your ideas on your pad.(英语原声视频可强烈激发学生的兴趣;给出问题,学生可以带着目的去欣赏视频;在Pad中输入观点,让学生用现代技术手段尽情交流。)S:I think the snowman is interesting, funny and …T: Yeah, I agree with you. Then do you know the lovely snowman’s name?(呈现雪宝图片。)S:No.T: Well, his name is Olaf. Now he invites Hobo and Eddie to visit his hometown. Do you know why? (play a listening material)(通过音频邀请函导出冬天的天气,并顺利导入到Hobo and Eddie。)S: Yes.T: Why does Olaf invite Hobo & Eddie?S: Because there is going to be a big party.T: Then what does Olaf advise them to wear?S: Beautiful and warm clothes. T: In Olaf’s country, it is very cold. So Hobo and Eddie can’t wear nothing, right?S: Yeah.T: It means they can’t go there with nothing on/ without anything on. Then what should they wear? (呈现Comic视频)Step2: Comic stripT: Now let’s watch the video carefully and try to answer two questions:What does Eddie want Hobo to do?How will Eddie look with nothing on?(由冬天应穿的衣物到comic strip,过渡比较自然流畅,通过动画视频介绍文本,生动活泼,学生很感兴趣,同时有助于提高学生的听力理解能力。)T: Now, can you read the dialogue?(要求学生朗读comic strip中的对话,齐读、分角色朗读相结合,在学生读完后,教师应给予积极评价,如 “well done”, “very good” 等。)T: Eddie and Hobo are very funny in the video, right? Can you act it out?(要求学生仿照视频,并加入自己的想象力,将该段对话表演出来,提高英语课堂的趣味性,同时向学生渗透语言的应用交际功能。在学生表演后,教师要表达对学生的赞赏,让学生有一定的成就感,从而更积极地参与下面的活动。)Step3: WeatherT: In Olaf’s country, it is very cold in winter, but sometimes there are other kinds of weather in his country. Olaf sent a video to Hobo and Eddie to tell them about it. Watch the video and tell me what kinds of weather you can see in it. (呈现Olaf国家中其他天气的视频)(Olaf国家中其他天气的视频既新鲜有趣,又直接过渡到各种天气。)S: I can see the weather, windy, sunny cloudy and ….T: Wow, all of you have done a very good job. Let’s read them one by one. (学生明确各种天气的读音,并为下面的构词法做铺垫。)T: Now look at the black words. They are all…?S: Nouns. T: And the blue words are..?S: Adjectives. T: So, how can we get an adjective from a noun?S: 词尾加Y. T: Yes! You are so clever. When we put a “y” at the end of a noun, we can get an adjective. Can you think of other words like these? Write at least three examples in the box. I give you an example, funny comes from fun. Now, can you?(要求学生仿照所学构词法,重新写出3个新单词,几位学生在大屏幕上写下答案,其他同学写在answer sheet上,可以在课堂上迅速考查学生是否掌握所学。)T: Do you know all the words very well? Are you sure? Now let’s play a guessing game to have a check. You will hear some sentences, after listening, tell me what kind of weather it is. Press the button on your pad. The quicker, the better. The first one to answer each question correctly will get a small gift. Ready? Go!(此部分让学生听句子猜天气,利用IPAD上的教学软件进行抢答,以一种有趣的刺激方式去迅速检查学生的学习效果,极大地活跃了课堂气氛,增强了教学的趣味性,学生在热烈的抢答氛围中锻炼了英语听说能力,赠送小礼物的环节更能激发学生的积极性)T:Well done. I’ll give you each a small present.(肯定学生的表现,并激励更多的学生参与到下一环节的活动。)T: Well, you know many words about weather. But when we go outside in different weather, we should pay attention to different things. Olaf wants to give Hobo and Eddie some tips, can you help him match the right weather with the right tips? For example, if it is windy, we’d better wear hats, do you agree?S: Yes. T:Now it is your turn to match.(通过连线的方式引出不同天气对应的注意事项,并导出句式:If it is…, you’d better…, 为下面的pair work 做句型准备。)T: After learning so much about weather, Hobo and Eddie talk about it at the party. Now you and your partner are Hobo and Eddie and talk about weather like this.H: It is…today.E: Yes. I can see…in the sky.H: Maybe it will be…tomorrow.E: You’d better…H: I hope we can have a great party.(用角色扮演的方式让学生进行pair work, 对到目前为止所学的名词、形容词和建议进行一个小的总结性的操练,引导学生区别名词和形容词并学会使用刚刚学过的句型。)Step4: Weather and activities in different seasonsT: Hobo and Eddie have great fun at the party, do you know what activities they have? (视频呈现Olaf冬季活动视频)T: How many seasons are there in Olaf’s country?S: Only one.T: What activities can they do?S: They can make snowmen, have snowball fights and go skating.T: Yeah, so in his country, there is only one season, that is…?S: Winter.T: What’s the weather like there?S: It’s cold and snowy.T: And they can do different activities.(呈现冬天明信片)But Olaf wants to experience different seasons. Can you help Hobo and Eddie introduce the weather in the other three seasons and the activities to Olaf? You can make the postcard like this. (呈现其他季节明信片)Group 1-3: Spring; Group 4-6 Summer; Group 7-9:Autumn(本部分通过让学生用做明信片的形式来总结春、夏、秋三个季节的天气和活动,新颖有趣,学生参与度高。同时,学生分组总结,也减轻了任务量,充分利用IPAD的功能,学生设计好卡片之后拍照上传。上传完之后派小组代表上台进行讲解。Step5: What’s your favourite season?T: Olaf is happy to see your information, but do you know his favourite season? (呈现Olaf十分享受夏天的图片)S: Summer.T: Then do you know Eddie’s favourtite season? (呈现Olaf与Eddie的对话---书上81页Part B的改编)T: Listen and fill in the table.1. A. Spring B. Autumn C. Summer2. A. pick food B. pick flowers C. pick fruit3. A. swimming B. boating C. fishing(本部分用中考题型信息记录表的形式对书上81页Part B内容进行了听和答,并且利用答题统计软件统计了学生的正确率,科学快捷地展示学生的学习成果)T: Let’s read Eddie and Olaf’s dialogue together.(加深对对话的理解)T: Talk about your favourite season with your partner like this.A: Which season do you like best?B: I like … best. A: What’s the weather like?B: …A: What can you do in…?B: …T: Well done.Step5: Group work T: Hobo and Eddie have fun at Olaf’s party. Now they want to invite Olaf to their hometown. Olaf doesn’t know in which season he should come, can you introduce the three seasons and other information to him? (本环节是小组讨论,在本节课听、说和读的基础上稍微增加了一点写的内容,但并不是特别的繁重,因为前面的环节都为最终的小组活动做好了铺垫。将九个小组分成三个大组,分别写春、夏、秋三个不同的季节,减轻任务的压力。学生讨论后,每组选一名代表展示活动成果。)T: Excellent, from your work, I can see each season is very beautiful. Now let’s read a beautiful poem together.(此环节为主题升华,一首老师创作的小诗,诗中既涵盖了本节课所学的表示天气和季节活动的词汇,且每个季节的两句都做到了押韵,让学生通过音乐伴奏朗读,来感受一下诗歌的美以及四季的美)Homework:T: Ok, Here is your homework:1. Recite the dialogues.2. Know more about weather and seasons on the Internet.T: Thank you very much! Goodbye, boys and girls.S: Goodbye.(布置作业,宣布下课, 师生相互致意)Blackboard layout:Unit7 Seasons ——Welcome to the unit BeautySeasons 教学反思: 本课为Welcome课型,教学目标让学生在课堂上能迅速识记不同天气及出行注意事项,了解四季的天气及可进行的活动,记住四会单词的拼写,在教师的指导下学会描述天气和四季,并提升本课的主题,让学生了解四季的美,对自己能生活在四季分明的地方并领略不同季节的美心存感激之情。本节课我的主要设计思路是通过雪宝这条主线,将本节课的各个环节串联起来,层层深入,通过不同的环节来训练学生的听、说、读、写,从而提高学生语言的综合运用能力。1. 主线和导入:本课时的知识性的教学目标并不是特别多,生词量和短语量也不多。那么,在设计这节课的时候我就大胆地创设了雪宝这条主线。通过导入雪宝这个角色,因为这个角色和本节课的主题我认为还是比较相关的。学生对《冰雪奇缘》这个电影非常喜爱,这个电影讲的主要是冬天这个季节,而冬季的特点就是非常寒冷,学生通过对冬季天气和活动的了解,实际上也是我给孩子们准备了一个接下来活动的一个模板。2. 活动设计:本节课设计了两个group work、两个pair work, 一个表演以及一个听力猜词游戏。活动较多,活动成果的呈现形式也都不尽相同,并且设计的活动层层深入,前面的活动为后面的活动做铺垫,后面的活动又对前面的活动有所补充。这样的活动学生也可以由益到难,参与度和完成度都非常高。3. 知识点:本节课知识点不多且比较简单,所以在带读和重复操练的基础上,我重点讲解了名词到形容词的构词法并关注这些词的运用和操练。让学生明白形容词实际上是由名词变过来的。语法规则的话实际上非常简单,也借此让学生能够了解更多y结尾的形容词,让学生感受到语法规则的变化。同时也帮助他们在接下来的操练当中,避免名词和形容词的混淆,也是为下面活动做一个铺垫。4. Welcome课时最大的教学目标就是激发学生对本单元话题的兴趣,所以在情感目标方面,其实每个人都有自己喜欢的季节,因为每个季节都有每个季节的美,我们要做的是善于用自己的眼睛去发现美。所以最后呈现了一首诗,融入了关于天气和活动的一些单词,而且每两句都做到了押韵,然后让学生来朗读一下,感受一下不同季节的美。当然,本节课还有一些不成熟的地方。例如:对学生课堂活动的表现点评时,教师用语略显单一;最后几个活动的过渡有些生硬;此外,一些活动对学生发散思维能力的要求比较高,部分学生容易落入俗套。本节welcome课也是我信息化教学的一次新的尝试,学生整体课堂参与度很高,信息化教学手段和工具运用合理有效,教学目标基本达成。
8A Unit 7 Seasons——Welcome to the Unit教学设计(本课的教学内容是教师向学生介绍一些天气和不同季节的不同天气及活动,以及引导学生了解天气,了解不同的季节。本节课welcome课时是一个单元最开始的一个课时,本节课最大的教学目标就是激发学生对本单元话题的兴趣,通过各种活动,让学生感受到本单元话题的侧重点。本节课我的主要设计思路是通过雪宝这条主线,将本节课的各个环节串联起来,通过不同的环节来训练学生的听、说、读、写的能力,从而提高学生语言的综合运用能力。具体到本节课,本节课的教学目标是让学生在课堂上能迅速识记不同天气及出行注意事项,了解四季的天气及可进行的活动,记住四会单词的拼写,在教师的指导下学会描述天气和四季,并提升本课的主题,让学生了解四季的美,对自己能生活在四季分明的地方并领略不同季节的美心存感激之情。本课的难点在于要让学生识记各种类型的天气并学会如何描述自己最喜欢的季节的天气及可进行的活动。教师使用了三种教学模式。课堂上教师从影视材料电影Frozen(冰雪奇缘)中可爱的雪宝Olaf作为谈论话题,引导学生在日常生活中关注天气和季节的相关内容,从而使学生在层层递进中串起本课的主线:天气——注意事项——四季——四季的天气与活动——主题升华。第一步:导入。本课开头通过图片和声音导入Olaf及它所在的地方的季节---冬天的天气类型及应该穿的衣服,从而导入comic strip,充分调动了孩子的兴趣和课堂积极性。第二步:Comic strip. Eddie 和 Hobo也在思考冬天穿什么,学生通过观看动画视频,回答相关问题, 并通过朗读、表演处理文本。第三步:由冬天的一种天气过渡到其他类型的天气,并通过构词法,举例,猜词和对话等多种形式来加强学生对不同天气类型的掌握。第四步:由冬天的天气与活动引入其他季节的天气与活动,并用制作卡片的形式让学生集思广益,整理出不同季节的不同天气及活动。第五步:主题升华,通过小组讨论,为Olaf选择一个季节来游览淮安并安排一天的活动,体会到四季不同的美,培养善于去发现自己生活中关于季节美的意识。)Teaching contentsIntroduce different kinds of weather and tips for going out.Describe and talk about the weather and activities in different seasons.Teaching objectivesKnowledge objectives Weather and activities in different seasons; The words about weather and phrases about activities in different seasons.Ability objectives To learn how to form an adjective from a noun; To listen to and talk about weather and activities in different seasonsEmotion objectives To feel the beauty of each season; To be grateful for what we haveDifficult points:Vocabulary: rainy, snowy, foggy, betPhrases: look cool, with nothing onSentence structure: Which season do …like best? Which is sb’s favorite…? It’s the best time to … Teaching methods:Communicative teaching methodSituational teaching methodTask-based teaching methodTeaching aids: Multi-media (Tablet PC) & blackboardTeaching steps:Step1: Lead-in:T: Good morning, boys and girls! I’m your English teacher today. You can call me Mr. Zhou. (Good morning 这类型的问候语在日常英语教学中几乎每天都被用到,可以在开始上课时拉近与学生的距离,将学生带进英语语言环境中。)In the beginning of our class, I’d like to show you a video. After watching it, tell me what you think of the snowman. You can type in your ideas on your pad.(英语原声视频可强烈激发学生的兴趣;给出问题,学生可以带着目的去欣赏视频;在Pad中输入观点,让学生用现代技术手段尽情交流。)S:I think the snowman is interesting, funny and …T: Yeah, I agree with you. Then do you know the lovely snowman’s name?(呈现雪宝图片。)S:No.T: Well, his name is Olaf. Now he invites Hobo and Eddie to visit his hometown. Do you know why? (play a listening material)(通过音频邀请函导出冬天的天气,并顺利导入到Hobo and Eddie。)S: Yes.T: Why does Olaf invite Hobo & Eddie?S: Because there is going to be a big party.T: Then what does Olaf advise them to wear?S: Beautiful and warm clothes. T: In Olaf’s country, it is very cold. So Hobo and Eddie can’t wear nothing, right?S: Yeah.T: It means they can’t go there with nothing on/ without anything on. Then what should they wear? (呈现Comic视频)Step2: Comic stripT: Now let’s watch the video carefully and try to answer two questions:What does Eddie want Hobo to do?How will Eddie look with nothing on?(由冬天应穿的衣物到comic strip,过渡比较自然流畅,通过动画视频介绍文本,生动活泼,学生很感兴趣,同时有助于提高学生的听力理解能力。)T: Now, can you read the dialogue?(要求学生朗读comic strip中的对话,齐读、分角色朗读相结合,在学生读完后,教师应给予积极评价,如 “well done”, “very good” 等。)T: Eddie and Hobo are very funny in the video, right? Can you act it out?(要求学生仿照视频,并加入自己的想象力,将该段对话表演出来,提高英语课堂的趣味性,同时向学生渗透语言的应用交际功能。在学生表演后,教师要表达对学生的赞赏,让学生有一定的成就感,从而更积极地参与下面的活动。)Step3: WeatherT: In Olaf’s country, it is very cold in winter, but sometimes there are other kinds of weather in his country. Olaf sent a video to Hobo and Eddie to tell them about it. Watch the video and tell me what kinds of weather you can see in it. (呈现Olaf国家中其他天气的视频)(Olaf国家中其他天气的视频既新鲜有趣,又直接过渡到各种天气。)S: I can see the weather, windy, sunny cloudy and ….T: Wow, all of you have done a very good job. Let’s read them one by one. (学生明确各种天气的读音,并为下面的构词法做铺垫。)T: Now look at the black words. They are all…?S: Nouns. T: And the blue words are..?S: Adjectives. T: So, how can we get an adjective from a noun?S: 词尾加Y. T: Yes! You are so clever. When we put a “y” at the end of a noun, we can get an adjective. Can you think of other words like these? Write at least three examples in the box. I give you an example, funny comes from fun. Now, can you?(要求学生仿照所学构词法,重新写出3个新单词,几位学生在大屏幕上写下答案,其他同学写在answer sheet上,可以在课堂上迅速考查学生是否掌握所学。)T: Do you know all the words very well? Are you sure? Now let’s play a guessing game to have a check. You will hear some sentences, after listening, tell me what kind of weather it is. Press the button on your pad. The quicker, the better. The first one to answer each question correctly will get a small gift. Ready? Go!(此部分让学生听句子猜天气,利用IPAD上的教学软件进行抢答,以一种有趣的刺激方式去迅速检查学生的学习效果,极大地活跃了课堂气氛,增强了教学的趣味性,学生在热烈的抢答氛围中锻炼了英语听说能力,赠送小礼物的环节更能激发学生的积极性)T:Well done. I’ll give you each a small present.(肯定学生的表现,并激励更多的学生参与到下一环节的活动。)T: Well, you know many words about weather. But when we go outside in different weather, we should pay attention to different things. Olaf wants to give Hobo and Eddie some tips, can you help him match the right weather with the right tips? For example, if it is windy, we’d better wear hats, do you agree?S: Yes. T:Now it is your turn to match.(通过连线的方式引出不同天气对应的注意事项,并导出句式:If it is…, you’d better…, 为下面的pair work 做句型准备。)T: After learning so much about weather, Hobo and Eddie talk about it at the party. Now you and your partner are Hobo and Eddie and talk about weather like this.H: It is…today.E: Yes. I can see…in the sky.H: Maybe it will be…tomorrow.E: You’d better…H: I hope we can have a great party.(用角色扮演的方式让学生进行pair work, 对到目前为止所学的名词、形容词和建议进行一个小的总结性的操练,引导学生区别名词和形容词并学会使用刚刚学过的句型。)Step4: Weather and activities in different seasonsT: Hobo and Eddie have great fun at the party, do you know what activities they have? (视频呈现Olaf冬季活动视频)T: How many seasons are there in Olaf’s country?S: Only one.T: What activities can they do?S: They can make snowmen, have snowball fights and go skating.T: Yeah, so in his country, there is only one season, that is…?S: Winter.T: What’s the weather like there?S: It’s cold and snowy.T: And they can do different activities.(呈现冬天明信片)But Olaf wants to experience different seasons. Can you help Hobo and Eddie introduce the weather in the other three seasons and the activities to Olaf? You can make the postcard like this. (呈现其他季节明信片)Group 1-3: Spring; Group 4-6 Summer; Group 7-9:Autumn(本部分通过让学生用做明信片的形式来总结春、夏、秋三个季节的天气和活动,新颖有趣,学生参与度高。同时,学生分组总结,也减轻了任务量,充分利用IPAD的功能,学生设计好卡片之后拍照上传。上传完之后派小组代表上台进行讲解。Step5: What’s your favourite season?T: Olaf is happy to see your information, but do you know his favourite season? (呈现Olaf十分享受夏天的图片)S: Summer.T: Then do you know Eddie’s favourtite season? (呈现Olaf与Eddie的对话---书上81页Part B的改编)T: Listen and fill in the table.1. A. Spring B. Autumn C. Summer2. A. pick food B. pick flowers C. pick fruit3. A. swimming B. boating C. fishing(本部分用中考题型信息记录表的形式对书上81页Part B内容进行了听和答,并且利用答题统计软件统计了学生的正确率,科学快捷地展示学生的学习成果)T: Let’s read Eddie and Olaf’s dialogue together.(加深对对话的理解)T: Talk about your favourite season with your partner like this.A: Which season do you like best?B: I like … best. A: What’s the weather like?B: …A: What can you do in…?B: …T: Well done.Step5: Group work T: Hobo and Eddie have fun at Olaf’s party. Now they want to invite Olaf to their hometown. Olaf doesn’t know in which season he should come, can you introduce the three seasons and other information to him? (本环节是小组讨论,在本节课听、说和读的基础上稍微增加了一点写的内容,但并不是特别的繁重,因为前面的环节都为最终的小组活动做好了铺垫。将九个小组分成三个大组,分别写春、夏、秋三个不同的季节,减轻任务的压力。学生讨论后,每组选一名代表展示活动成果。)T: Excellent, from your work, I can see each season is very beautiful. Now let’s read a beautiful poem together.(此环节为主题升华,一首老师创作的小诗,诗中既涵盖了本节课所学的表示天气和季节活动的词汇,且每个季节的两句都做到了押韵,让学生通过音乐伴奏朗读,来感受一下诗歌的美以及四季的美)Homework:T: Ok, Here is your homework:1. Recite the dialogues.2. Know more about weather and seasons on the Internet.T: Thank you very much! Goodbye, boys and girls.S: Goodbye.(布置作业,宣布下课, 师生相互致意)Blackboard layout:Unit7 Seasons ——Welcome to the unit BeautySeasons 教学反思: 本课为Welcome课型,教学目标让学生在课堂上能迅速识记不同天气及出行注意事项,了解四季的天气及可进行的活动,记住四会单词的拼写,在教师的指导下学会描述天气和四季,并提升本课的主题,让学生了解四季的美,对自己能生活在四季分明的地方并领略不同季节的美心存感激之情。本节课我的主要设计思路是通过雪宝这条主线,将本节课的各个环节串联起来,层层深入,通过不同的环节来训练学生的听、说、读、写,从而提高学生语言的综合运用能力。1. 主线和导入:本课时的知识性的教学目标并不是特别多,生词量和短语量也不多。那么,在设计这节课的时候我就大胆地创设了雪宝这条主线。通过导入雪宝这个角色,因为这个角色和本节课的主题我认为还是比较相关的。学生对《冰雪奇缘》这个电影非常喜爱,这个电影讲的主要是冬天这个季节,而冬季的特点就是非常寒冷,学生通过对冬季天气和活动的了解,实际上也是我给孩子们准备了一个接下来活动的一个模板。2. 活动设计:本节课设计了两个group work、两个pair work, 一个表演以及一个听力猜词游戏。活动较多,活动成果的呈现形式也都不尽相同,并且设计的活动层层深入,前面的活动为后面的活动做铺垫,后面的活动又对前面的活动有所补充。这样的活动学生也可以由益到难,参与度和完成度都非常高。3. 知识点:本节课知识点不多且比较简单,所以在带读和重复操练的基础上,我重点讲解了名词到形容词的构词法并关注这些词的运用和操练。让学生明白形容词实际上是由名词变过来的。语法规则的话实际上非常简单,也借此让学生能够了解更多y结尾的形容词,让学生感受到语法规则的变化。同时也帮助他们在接下来的操练当中,避免名词和形容词的混淆,也是为下面活动做一个铺垫。4. Welcome课时最大的教学目标就是激发学生对本单元话题的兴趣,所以在情感目标方面,其实每个人都有自己喜欢的季节,因为每个季节都有每个季节的美,我们要做的是善于用自己的眼睛去发现美。所以最后呈现了一首诗,融入了关于天气和活动的一些单词,而且每两句都做到了押韵,然后让学生来朗读一下,感受一下不同季节的美。当然,本节课还有一些不成熟的地方。例如:对学生课堂活动的表现点评时,教师用语略显单一;最后几个活动的过渡有些生硬;此外,一些活动对学生发散思维能力的要求比较高,部分学生容易落入俗套。本节welcome课也是我信息化教学的一次新的尝试,学生整体课堂参与度很高,信息化教学手段和工具运用合理有效,教学目标基本达成。
