外研版九年级英语上册 Module 1Wonders of the world Unit1 第一课时-学历案同步练习
这是一份外研版九年级英语上册 Module 1Wonders of the world Unit1 第一课时-学历案同步练习,共10页。
学 习主 题Module 1Wonders of the world Unit1 It’s more than 2000 years old.课型听说课课时1设计者 课标要求课标摘录:类型内容要求词汇了解英语词汇,包括单词、短语、习惯用语和固定搭配等形式理解性技能识别口语语篇的主题、大意和要点;理解书面语篇的整体意义和主要内容;提取、梳理、分析和整合书面语篇的主要和关键信息表达性技能完整、连贯地朗读课文,简单复述短文大意;围绕相关主题,用简短的表达方式进行口头交流,完成交际任务课标分解:学什么:词汇知识:man-made, natural, wonder, in one’s opinion, electricity, millions of;语篇知识:关于“四大奇观”的对话信息;怎么学:词汇知识:结合语境,听说读用结合,认读本课时相关词汇;语篇知识:多层听、读,准确提取话题细节信息;说练结合内化信息并完成输出;学到什么程度:词汇:会读、会写、会译、会用;语篇:能识别对话主题,并能记录和提取“四大奇观”细节信息;借助提示选择其中的一个奇观进行复述。教材分析【What】主题意义和主要内容:本模块以“世界奇观”为主要话题,涉及了多个世界上闻名遐迩的自然和人文景观。Unit1以托尼、玲玲等人收听《世界奇观》节目并打算拨打电话参与讨论为场景,介绍巨人之路、维多利亚瀑布、三峡大坝和兵马俑等著名的景观。Unit2文章以第一人称介绍了作者游览科罗拉多大峡谷的经历,同时描述了其壮丽景色。Unit 3为语法和练习单元,重在复习一般现在时、一般过去时、现在完成时等语言项目,在 Around the world 板块我们了解了英国南部的一个人造景观stonehenge.【Why】写作意图:Unit1对话借助语境谈论自己喜欢的世界奇观,让学生感知如何运用表述事实的形容词准确、得体描述景观并发表个人观点。Unit2让学生读游记类的短文,要求学生假想自己参观过某一世界奇观,就其经历写篇文章。Unit 3系统归纳语法知识,夯实阅读能力和技巧,听关于景观珠穆朗玛峰、金字塔、帝国大厦的听力材料巩固第一单元通过听获取信息的能力。另外,讨论自己参观过的景观并制作海报进行文本内容的输出。【How】文体结构:Unit1以托尼、玲玲等人运用表述事实的形容词描述景观,探讨自己喜欢的世界奇观。Unit2运用第一人称“我”游览大峡谷的亲身经历,在空间上由远及近、时间上由日出前到日出后、感觉上从模糊到清晰的写作思路,运用提问的形式着重表达了作者的写作意图。学习目标1.语境中认读、运用下列词汇:man-made, natural, wonder, in one’s opinion, electricity, millions of;2. 通过听对话,说出文章大意,记录托尼和朋友喜欢的景观及观点;通过阅读对话,记录四大景观的细节信息3.借助提示选择其中的一个奇观进行复述;评估任务及评估标准评估任务评估标准语境中,会读、会写、会译、会用相关词汇(对应目标一)能否准确读出6个单词,完成单词与图片的匹配并根据句意和图片填写正确单词结合语境,师生、生生围绕“四大奇观”进行文章内容的复述(对应目标三)师生、生生围绕四大奇观”主题能否进行对话交流多层听,识别对话主题,并能记录和提取“四大奇观”细节信息(对应目标二)两层听,能否识别对话主题、匹配人和喜欢的奇观、获取四大奇观的细节信息以及完成相关练习;阅读文章,获取文章深层信息(对应目标二)阅读文章,能否区分事实性及观点性信息,根据提示,简单复述文章(对应目标三)根据提示,能否完整、流利、准确完成课文复述学习重难点词汇的掌握运用;获取“四大奇观”细节信息;区分事实性及观点性信息;学习过程课前预 习预习检测正确说出相关单词。1.人造的 2.大自然的3.奇观;奇迹 4.讨论;商讨5.在东边的 6.虽然;但是7.响亮的 8.看法;主张9.按某人的意见 10.超过11.电 12.大量的;无数的同桌互相检查纠错评价任务评价标准学习效果根据汉语提示准确读出并写出单词和相关短语A:单词拼写无错误B: 单词拼写正确率大于50%C: 无法独立完成单词的拼写,需借助课本。课中学习Step 1: lead in (设计意图:通过视频导入世界七大奇观,进而探讨自己知道的奇观。)Watch a video and ask students :(1) What can you see from the video?(2)Do you know more wonders of the world ?Step 2: Learn some words.(设计意图:通过图片及语境让学生了解本节课要学习的四个奇观并做好单词的铺垫 )1.Show some pictures and ask students to say the wonders。 (1)The Terracotta Army is an ancient man-made wonder. (2)The Three Gorges Dam is a modern man-made wonder.It produces electricity for millions of people.the Giant’s Causeway is the most fantastic natural wonder.Victoria Falls is in Africa. It's about 1,700 metres wide .评价任务评价标准学习效果看图说单词能根据图片准确说出单词A能说出单词,但是有个别单词读音不准B看着图片有个别单词说不出来,或者单词有误C100 metres high. Step3:听说训练1.小听力处理:1.Show pictures of the four wonders and speak out the wonders(设计意图:让学生再次说出四大景观,练习其发音.)a) The Terracotta Armyb) The Three Gorges Damc)The Giant’s Causewayd) Victoria Fall2.Listen and answer the questions.Use the words in the box to help you.(设计意图:让学生借助事实性形容词描述四大景观,并练习听获取信息的能力.)ancient man-made modern natural wonderWhich two are natural wonders?2. Which two are man-made wonders?3. Which is an ancient wonder?4. Which is a modern wonder?评价任务评价标准学习效果看图说四大奇观,并通过听正确回答问题能根据图片准确说出四大奇观,并正确回答问题A能说出四大奇观,但是有个别单词读音不准,问题有1处错误B看着图片有个别单词说不出来,或者读音有误,问题有2-3个错误C2.大听力处理1)一层听:(设计意图:总听获取对话大意)1. What are they talking about ?2. What do they plan to do ?二听(设计意图:分听获取对话中托尼和朋友喜欢的奇观及原因)听对话part1,完成下列信息表。The discussion about wonders of the worldwhoWhat he/she likeswhyTonyNatural wonders are____ than man-made ones. It ‘s _______________natural wonder.LinglingVictoria Falls in Africa is even______ .听对话part2,完成下列信息表。NameWhat he/she choosesWhyBettyMan-made wonders are than natural ones. DamingI think The Three Gorges Dam is _________ too. It produces electricity for _____________ people in China. 3.听后读读对话,完成下列信息表.评价任务评价标准学习效果听对话识别主题、完成表格能听出关键信息,准确完成表格。A能听出关键信息,准确完成表格有1-2个错误。B能听出关键信息,准确完成表格有三个以上错误。C环节四:读后说:Retell the passage. 评价任务评价标准学习效果依据内容提示,复述文本能依托课文内容复述四大奇观,句子正确、流畅,发音准确。A能复述文本2-3部分,句子正确、流畅,发音准确畅,个别单词发音不准但不影响理解。B能在同学或老师的帮助下复述1-2个世界奇观,句子多个单词发音不准、流畅度欠佳。C达标检测discussion eastern huge opinion though = 1 \* GB3 ①In my _______, natural wonders are more interesting than man-made ones. = 2 \* GB3 ②Victoria Falls, about 1,700 metres wide and 100 metres high, is _____. = 3 \* GB3 ③Let’s join in the _________ about the wonders of the world. = 4 \* GB3 ④I think the Giant’s Causeway on the _______ coast of Northern Ireland is a fantastic natural wonder. = 5 \* GB3 ⑤To some degree, Lingling agrees with Tony about the Giant’s Causeway, _______ she thinks Victoria Falls is more fantastic.三、根据课文内容用正确单词或短语填空Tony and his friends are talking about __________________. Tony thinks _______ wonders are more interesting than _________ ones. He visited the Giant’s Causeway two years ago. He thinks it is the most _______ natural wonder. Lingling thinks Victoria Falls in Africa is even _____ fantastic. But in Betty’s _______, man-made wonders are more _______ than natural ones. Daming thinks so.作业布置必做:熟读本课单词,并针对达标检测中的错误自主改错、记忆巩固;选做:从四大奇观中选择其中的一个进行复述。学后反思教师评价课后作业I. 根据首字母或汉语提示,完成下列单词的拼写,使句意明确,语言通顺。1. Little Mary has always __________(想知道) how birds fly.2. The water is very c____________; you can see your face in it.3. A grown-up man can’t change from short to tall in h_________.4. The shop r________ open till 11 o'clock at night.5. What’s your _______ (观点) about the book?6. Would you like to j _______ in the discussion?7. Sorry, I can’t a________ with you.8. We visited a museum of ________ (自然的) history.9. I heard a noise from the room _______ (下面).10. The Great Wall was made of _______(巨大的) stones.II. 从方框中选出适当的词,并用其正确形式完成句子(每词限用一次)。building; careful; fall; me; many; rain; see; strange; sudden; want1. There is nothing ______________ here. Let’s go somewhere else.2. — Could you tell me how I can get to No. 1 Middle School? — Sorry, I am a __________ here.3. “Should I give it up?” I asked __________.4. To everyone’s surprise, she stood up _________ and left the room.5. The ground _________ away and down to the river.6. The tower is one of the tallest _________ in the world.7. If you _________ to know more about the trip, please telephone us.8. — There’s lots of traffic at this time. Please drive _________. — OK, I will.9. — Is it 500 meters from here to there? — I’m not sure. Maybe __________ than that.10. It __________ when my father got home yesterday.III. 用所给动词的正确形式填空。1. — What are you doing, Berry? — I ________(read) about the ancient pyramids in Egypt.2. There are 3________ (million) people in this city.3. Our teacher told us that the sun _________(rise) in the east every morning.4. They _________(have) a meeting when there was a knock at the door.5. Tom agreed _____________(watch) the football game.6. The clouds ________already ________(clear) away and the sun comes out.7. “Yes, I saw the stranger get out of the house just now,” he ________(reply).8. The man _________(call) Peter has ever been to the Grand Canyon.9. — Where is Dave? — He __________(go) to see the great pyramids.10. — I ___________(do) some interviews with Jacky Chen before. — Oh, really? When __________ you _________(do) them?