所属成套资源:人教PEP版六年级上册英语Unit 1-Unit 6 全册教案
人教PEP版六年级上册英语Unit1 How can I get there 单元整体教学设计
这是一份人教PEP版六年级上册英语Unit1 How can I get there 单元整体教学设计,共15页。
人教PEP版六年级上册英语Unit1 How can I get there? 单元整体教学设计 一、教学目标(一)知识与技能目标1. 词汇方面学生能够听、说、认读单词:science museum, post office, bookstore, cinema, hospital, crossing, turn, left, right, straight。能够准确理解单词含义,并在问路和指路的情境中熟练运用。2. 句型方面掌握句型“How can I get to...? You can...”询问和回答如何到达某地。学会使用“Turn left/right at...”“Go straight...”等指路用语。(二)过程与方法目标 1. 通过游戏、角色扮演、小组活动等多种教学方法,培养学生的听说读写能力,提高学生的英语交际能力。2. 引导学生观察地图、街道等生活场景,提高学生的观察力和方向感。(三)情感态度与价值观目标1. 培养学生乐于助人的品质,愿意为他人提供帮助。2. 让学生在学习过程中感受英语在日常生活中的实用性,激发学习英语的兴趣。二、教学重难点(一)教学重点 1. 掌握本单元的重点单词和句型,能准确发音和运用。2. 能够在实际情境中询问和回答问路、指路的问题。(二)教学难点1. 单词“crossing”“straight”等的发音和拼写。2. 区分“left”和“right”,以及句型中“get to”“turn”等的理解和运用。3. 引导学生准确、流畅地描述复杂路线。 三、教学方法 1. 情景教学法:创设街道、城市地图等真实情景,让学生在情境中学习和运用英语。2. 游戏教学法:通过猜谜、单词接龙、抢答等游戏,激发学生的学习兴趣,提高参与度。3. 直观教学法:运用地图图片、街道标志图片、多媒体课件等,帮助学生理解和记忆单词和句型。4. 合作学习法:组织学生进行小组合作学习,培养合作能力和自主学习能力。四、教学准备 1. 与地点和问路、指路相关的单词卡片和图片。2. PPT 课件,包含城市地图、街道场景动画、问路指路对话视频等。3. 简单的城市地图道具(可手绘或打印)。4. 奖励用的小贴纸、小卡片等。五、教学过程 第一课时(一)Warm up(热身)1. Greetings(问候)T: Good morning/afternoon, boys and girls.Ss: Good morning/afternoon, teacher.T: How are you today?Ss: Fine, thank you. And you?T: I'm fine, too. Are you ready for our class?(教师用简单英语和表情询问学生)Ss: Yes.(学生回答)2. Sing a song(唱歌曲)播放英语歌曲《The Wheels on the Bus》,师生一起唱,营造轻松愉快的氛围,同时引出与出行相关的话题。 (二)Presentation(呈现) 1. Lead in(导入)T: We just sang a song about a bus. When we go out, we often need to go to different places. Do you know some places around our school or home?(教师引导学生回答)Ss: Yes.(学生回答)T: Good. Today, we are going to learn some new words about places.(在黑板上写下课题:Unit1 How can I get there?)2. Teach new words(教授新单词)Science museumT:(展示一张科学博物馆的图片)Look at this. It's a science museum.(展示单词卡片“science museum”)We can see many interesting science exhibits there. Read after me, science museum.Ss: Science museum.T: Have you ever been to a science museum? What did you see?(教师用简单英语询问学生,引导学生回答)Post officeT:(展示一张邮局的图片)This is a post office.(展示单词卡片“post office”)We can send letters and parcels here. Read after me, post office.Ss: Post office.T: Do you often go to the post office? What for?(引导学生回答)BookstoreT:(展示一张书店的图片)Look, this is a bookstore.(展示单词卡片“bookstore”)There are lots of books in it. Read after me, bookstore.Ss: Bookstore.T: What kind of books do you like to buy in the bookstore?(引导学生回答)CinemaT:(展示一张电影院的图片)This is a cinema.(展示单词卡片“cinema”)We can watch movies there. Read after me, cinema.Ss: Cinema.T: What's your favorite movie? Have you watched it in the cinema?(引导学生回答)HospitalT:(展示一张医院的图片)This is a hospital.(展示单词卡片“hospital”)People go there when they are sick. Read after me, hospital.Ss: Hospital.T: Have you ever been to the hospital? Why?(引导学生回答) (三)Practice(练习) 1. Word games(单词游戏)Word bingo(单词宾果)给每个学生发一张印有 9 个方格的纸,教师说出单词“science museum、post office、bookstore、cinema、hospital”等,学生在方格中填写。当学生的方格中有一行、一列或对角线三个单词填对时,就喊“Bingo”。I spy(我发现)教师在黑板上贴出几张地点图片,然后说:“I spy with my little eye something that is...”(描述其中一个地点的特征),让学生猜出是哪个单词,如:“I spy with my little eye something that we can watch movies in.”(谜底是 cinema)。2. Read and match(读一读,连一连)在 PPT 上呈现单词和对应的地点图片,让学生进行连线练习,巩固单词的认读和理解。(四)Consolidation(巩固)1. Place show and tell(地点展示与讲述)教师拿出准备好的地点图片,放在讲台上。请学生上台选择一张图片,然后用英语向同学们介绍,如:“This is a bookstore. We can buy books there.”其他学生认真倾听并给予评价。2. My favorite place(我最喜欢的地方)让学生在小组内讨论自己最喜欢的地方,并用英语说出原因。例如:“I like the bookstore because I love reading books.”每个小组推选一名代表向全班汇报,其他小组可以提问,如:“What's your favorite book you bought there?” (五)Summary(总结) 1. 教师和学生一起回顾本节课所学的单词:science museum, post office, bookstore, cinema, hospital。2. 教师强调重点单词的发音、拼写和含义,以及单词在描述地点时的用法。 (六)Homework(作业)1. 读单词给家长听,每个单词读三遍,并向家长介绍这些地点。2. 画一幅自己最喜欢的地方的画,并用英语在旁边写出地点的名字和喜欢的原因。第二课时(一)Warm up(热身) 1. Greetings(问候)T: Good morning/afternoon, boys and girls.Ss: Good morning/afternoon, teacher.T: How are you today?Ss: Fine, thank you. And you?T: I'm fine. Let's review the place words we learned last class.(通过简单问候引入复习环节)2. Review words(复习单词)Word cards review(单词卡片复习)教师拿出上节课的地点单词卡片,随机抽取学生认读单词,对于回答准确的学生给予表扬和奖励。同时,可以让学生用单词造句,如:“I went to the cinema last weekend.”加深对单词的理解和运用。Place guessing game(地点猜谜游戏)教师描述一种地点,让学生猜出是什么,描述可以是:“It's a place where we can see many books and buy them.”(谜底是 bookstore)通过这种方式复习上节课所学的地点单词。 (二)Presentation(呈现) 1. Lead in(导入)T: We know a lot of places. But sometimes, we don't know how to get to these places. So, how can we ask for directions?(教师通过问题引导学生思考)Ss: How can I get to...?(学生可能回答)T: Good. Today, we are going to learn how to ask and answer this question.(在黑板上写下重点句型)2. Teach new sentences(教授新句子)How can I get to...? You can...T:(教师在PPT上展示一张简单的地图,上面有学校和书店)I want to go to the bookstore. How can I get there?(教师引导学生回答)You can walk along this street.(教师重复几遍句子,强调语音语调)Read after me. How can I get to...? You can...Ss: How can I get to...? You can...T: Now, practice in pairs. One asks for directions, and the other gives directions. Use this map.(让学生两人一组进行练习,一人询问如何到达某地,一人指路,使用地图)Turn left/right at...T:(教师在地图上指出一个路口)When you come to this crossing, turn left.(教师通过动作和表情让学生理解“turn left”的含义)Read after me. Turn left/right at...Ss: Turn left/right at...T: Now, practice in groups of three. One describes the route, and the other two follow the directions on the map.(让学生三人一组进行练习)Go straight...T:(在地图上沿着一条路比划直线)Go straight along this road.(教师重复几遍句子)Read after me. Go straight...Ss: Go straight...T: Now, combine these directions and practice again.(让学生将转弯和直行的指令结合起来练习) (三)Practice(练习) 1. Pair work(两人一组练习)学生两人一组,互相询问如何到达某个地点,运用“How can I get to...? You can...”进行问答练习。可以使用教师准备的地图或者自己画的简单地图。练习几次后,教师请几组学生上台展示,其他学生认真倾听并给予评价。2. Group work(小组活动)将学生分成小组,每组 4 5 人。每个小组有一张较大的城市地图道具。小组成员轮流扮演问路者,询问如何到达地图上的某个地点,其他成员一起回答。在活动过程中,教师巡视各小组,及时给予指导和帮助,鼓励学生使用不同的表达方式,如:“You can take a bus to the hospital.”“You can turn right at the second crossing and then go straight.”3. Role play(角色扮演)教师设置情景:一个外地人在本地问路。让学生两人一组,进行角色扮演。问路者可以询问去医院、书店等地点的路线,指路者要详细回答。例如:Stranger: Excuse me. How can I get to the hospital?Local: Well, you can go straight along this street. Then turn left at the first crossing. The hospital is on your right.每组表演结束后,教师和其他学生一起给予评价,评价内容包括语言的准确性、表达的流畅性和表演的生动性。 (四)Consolidation(巩固) 1. Route survey(路线调查)教师给每个学生发一张纸,让学生在教室里采访其他同学,询问他们从家到学校的路线,然后记录下来。例如:“Name: Tom. How can you get to school? I can walk. First, I go straight along my street. Then I turn right at the second crossing.”采访几位同学后,回到座位上,向同桌汇报自己的调查结果。2. Design a city map(设计城市地图)让学生四人一组,设计一份简单的城市地图。在地图上标注出一些地点(如学校、医院、书店等),然后每个小组推选一名代表向全班介绍从一个地点到另一个地点的路线,并用英语介绍,如:“From the school to the cinema, you can go straight and then turn left at the big crossing. The cinema is on your right.” (五)Summary(总结) 1. 教师和学生一起回顾本节课所学的句型:“How can I get to...? You can...”“Turn left/right at...”“Go straight...”2. 教师强调句型的用法和注意事项,如“get to”的含义,以及在指路时要清晰准确地描述路线,注意使用正确的方位词。 (六)Homework(作业) 1. 背诵并默写句型:“How can I get to...? You can...”“Turn left/right at...”“Go straight...”2. 和家人一起讨论从家到附近某个地方(如超市、公园)的路线,并用英语记录下来。 第三课时 (一)Warm up(热身)1. Greetings(问候)T: Good morning/afternoon, boys and girls.Ss: Good morning/afternoon, teacher.T: How are you today?Ss: Fine, thank you. And you?T: I'm fine. Let's sing a song about getting around.(通过问候后,用唱歌热身)2. Sing a song(唱歌曲)播放歌曲《On the Map》(可以是与问路、指路相关的歌曲),师生一起唱,复习上节课所学的关于问路和指路的单词和句型,营造轻松愉快的氛围。(二)Presentation(呈现) 1. Lead in(导入)T: We have learned how to ask for directions and give directions. Now, we are going to learn some more words to make our directions more accurate.(在黑板上写下新的重点单词)2. Teach new words(教授新单词)CrossingT:(展示一张街道十字路口的图片)Look at this. It's a crossing.(展示单词卡片“crossing”)When we walk on the street, we often meet crossings. Read after me, crossing.Ss: Crossing.T: How many crossings are there on your way to school?(引导学生回答)TurnT:(做出转弯的动作)We need to turn when we change our direction.(展示单词卡片“turn”)Read after me, turn.Ss: Turn.T: When do we need to turn left or right?(引导学生回答)LeftT:(伸出左手)This is left.(展示单词卡片“left”)When we turn this way, we are turning left. Read after me, left.Ss: Left.T: Can you show me your left hand?(引导学生做出动作)RightT:(伸出右手)This is right.(展示单词卡片“right”)We turn right in the opposite direction of left. Read after me, right.Ss: Right.T: Which hand do you use to write? Is it your right hand?(引导学生回答)StraightT:(做出直线行走的动作)Go straight means to move forward without turning.(展示单词卡片“straight”)Read after me, straight.Ss: Straight.T: Can you walk straight along the line on the floor?(引导学生在教室里沿着直线走一走)(三)Practice(练习) 1. Word games(单词游戏)Pass the parcel(击鼓传花)教师播放音乐,学生依次传递一个小物品。音乐停止时,拿到物品的学生抽取一张新学单词卡片并读出单词。如果读对了,给予奖励;如果读错了,其他学生帮助纠正。Word chain(单词接龙)教师给出一个单词,如“crossing”,让学生接着说以“g”开头的单词“go”,然后下一个学生以“o”开头继续说单词,依次类推,复习和巩固单词。2. Direction game(方向游戏)在PPT上呈现一个简单的迷宫,迷宫中有一些地点(如起点、终点、宝藏点等)和十字路口。教师说出从起点到终点的路线指令,如“Turn left at the first crossing. Then go straight. Turn right at the next crossing.”学生根据指令在迷宫中用手指或笔沿着路线走,看谁能最快准确地到达终点。这个游戏可以帮助学生更好地理解和运用新学的单词和方向指令。(四)Consolidation(巩固) 1. Complex route description(复杂路线描述)教师在PPT上展示一张更复杂的城市地图,地图上有多个地点(如超市、图书馆、公园、警察局等)和多个十字路口。教师先示范描述从一个地点到另一个地点的复杂路线,比如:“To get from the supermarket to the library, you first go straight along the main street. When you reach the second crossing, turn right. Then, at the next crossing, turn left. Walk straight until you see a small park on your right. The library is beside the park.”之后,让学生两人一组,选择地图上不同的起始点和终点,互相描述路线。在学生描述过程中,教师巡视各小组,鼓励学生使用丰富的词汇和准确的表达,并及时给予指导和帮助。之后,请几组学生向全班分享他们的描述,其他学生认真倾听并给予评价。2. Create a neighborhood guide(创建街区指南)将学生分成小组,每组4 5人。每个小组选择学校附近或自己熟悉的一个街区,然后共同创作一份英语街区指南。指南内容要包括街区内重要地点(如商店、学校、社区中心等)的介绍以及从一个地点到另一个地点的路线描述。例如:“In our neighborhood, there is a nice coffee shop near the school. To get there from the school gate, turn left and walk straight for about 100 meters. You will see the coffee shop on your right. Next to the coffee shop is a small bookstore.”每个小组推选一名代表向全班展示并朗读他们的街区指南,其他小组可以提问或评价,如:“Is there a parking lot near the bookstore?”“Your guide is really useful.” (五)Summary(总结)1. 教师和学生一起回顾本节课所学的单词:crossing, turn, left, right, straight。强调这些单词在指路和描述路线时的用法,以及它们之间的关联性。例如,“turn left/right”需要结合“at a crossing”等信息,“go straight”用于描述直线行进的路线。2. 回顾本单元的重点句型“How can I get to...? You can...”,并强调在描述复杂路线时,要准确使用所学的单词和句型,清晰地传达方向信息。教师可以在黑板上简单罗列重点单词和句型,通过举例、提问等方式让学生进一步巩固知识,如:“How can I get to the park? You can turn right at the first crossing, then go straight until you reach the second crossing and turn left. The park is there.” (六)Homework(作业) 1. 制作一张英语海报,主题是“Finding Your Way in Our City”。海报内容要包括城市主要地点(用图片和英语单词表示)以及从一个著名地标到另一个著名地标(如从火车站到市中心广场)的路线指引(用所学单词和句型描述)。要求海报色彩鲜艳、内容清晰、有吸引力。2. 用英语写一篇短文,描述你从家到学校的详细路线,包括沿途经过的重要地点和需要转弯、直行的信息。尽量多地使用本单元所学的单词和句型。下节课在班级中分享自己的短文。