人教PEP版六年级上册英语Unit3 My weekend plan单元整体教学设计
这是一份人教PEP版六年级上册英语Unit3 My weekend plan单元整体教学设计,共15页。
人教PEP版六年级上册英语Unit3 My weekend plan单元整体教学设计 一、教学目标(一)知识与技能目标1. 词汇方面学生能够听、说、认读单词:visit, film, see a film, trip, take a trip, supermarket, evening, tonight, tomorrow, next week。能够准确理解这些单词的含义,并在描述周末计划或其他未来计划的情境中熟练运用。2. 句型方面掌握句型“What are you going to do...? I'm going to...”询问和回答计划做什么。学会使用“Where are you going? When are you going?”询问计划的地点和时间。(二)过程与方法目标1. 通过多样化的教学活动,如角色扮演、小组讨论、游戏等,培养学生的听说读写能力和综合语言运用能力。2. 引导学生制定自己的周末计划或其他短期计划,提高学生的规划能力和逻辑思维能力。(三)情感态度与价值观目标1. 培养学生合理安排时间、有计划地度过周末的意识。2. 激发学生对丰富多彩的周末活动的期待和热爱之情。二、教学重难点(一)教学重点1. 掌握本单元的重点单词和句型,准确发音和运用。2. 能够运用所学内容询问和回答周末计划或其他短期计划的内容、地点和时间。(二)教学难点1. 单词“tonight”“tomorrow”“next week”等时间词汇的理解和运用。2. 句型“be going to”结构的理解和正确使用,包括其不同的疑问形式和回答方式。3. 引导学生准确、流畅地描述复杂的计划安排,包括多个活动、不同地点和时间等。三、教学方法 1. 情景教学法:创设周末活动、假期计划等生活情景,让学生在真实情境中学习和运用英语。2. 游戏教学法:通过猜谜、抢答、单词接龙等游戏,激发学生的学习兴趣,提高参与度。3. 直观教学法:运用图片、日历、活动时间表等直观手段,帮助学生理解和记忆单词和句型。4. 合作学习法:组织学生进行小组合作学习,培养合作能力和自主学习能力。四、教学准备1. 与周末活动和计划相关的单词卡片和图片。2. PPT 课件,包含周末活动场景动画、日历展示、计划表格等资料。3. 日历、活动卡片(如看电影、购物、旅行等)。4. 奖励贴纸或小奖品。五、教学过程 第一课时 (一)Warm up(热身)1. Greetings(问候)T: Good morning/afternoon, boys and girls.Ss: Good morning/afternoon, teacher.T: How are you today?Ss: Fine, thank you. And you?T: I'm great. Nice to see you.Ss: Nice to see you, too.2. Free talk(自由交谈)T: What do you usually do on weekends?(教师用简单英语引导学生回答)Ss: I usually play games/watch TV...(学生用简单英语回答)T: Do you have any special plans for this weekend?(继续引导学生思考,但不要求详细回答)(二)Presentation(呈现)1. Lead in(导入)T: Weekends are great. We can do many fun things. Today, we are going to learn some new words about weekend activities.(在黑板上写下课题:Unit3 My weekend plan)2. Teach new words(教授新单词)VisitT:(展示一张看望祖父母的图片)Look at this picture. The boy is visiting his grandparents.(展示单词卡片“visit”)Visit means to go and see someone or a place. Read after me, visit.Ss: Visit.T: Who do you often visit on weekends?(引导学生回答)Film, see a filmT:(展示一张电影院的图片和正在播放的电影画面)This is a film.(展示单词卡片“film”)When we go to the cinema to watch a movie, we can say we are going to see a film.(展示单词卡片“see a film”)Read after me, film, see a film.Ss: Film, see a film.T: What kind of films do you like?(引导学生回答)Trip, take a tripT:(展示一张旅行的图片,人们在美丽的风景中游玩)This is a trip.(展示单词卡片“trip”)When we go on a journey, we are taking a trip.(展示单词卡片“take a trip”)Read after me, trip, take a trip.Ss: Trip, take a trip.T: Have you ever taken a trip? Where did you go?(引导学生回答)SupermarketT:(展示一张超市的图片)This is a supermarket.(展示单词卡片“supermarket”)We can buy food, drinks and other things there. Read after me, supermarket.Ss: Supermarket.T: What do you usually buy in the supermarket?(引导学生回答)EveningT:(展示一张傍晚天空的图片)This is the evening.(展示单词卡片“evening”)Evening is the part of the day between the afternoon and the night. Read after me, evening.Ss: Evening.T: What do you usually do in the evening?(引导学生回答)TonightT:(指着日历上今天的日期)Tonight means this evening or the night of today.(展示单词卡片“tonight”)Read after me, tonight.Ss: Tonight.T: Do you have any plans for tonight?(引导学生回答)TomorrowT:(指着日历上明天的日期)This is tomorrow.(展示单词卡片“tomorrow”)It's the day after today. Read after me, tomorrow.Ss: Tomorrow.T: What are you going to do tomorrow?(引导学生回答)Next weekT:(指着日历上下周的日期范围)This is next week.(展示单词卡片“next week”)Read after me, next week.Ss: Next week.T: Do you have any big plans for next week?(引导学生回答)(三)Practice(练习)1. Word games(单词游戏)Memory game(记忆游戏)教师快速展示单词卡片,然后拿走一张,让学生说出少了哪个单词。可以逐渐增加难度,如一次拿走两张或三张卡片。Bingo game(宾果游戏)给每个学生发一张印有 9 个方格的纸,教师说出单词,学生在方格中填写。当学生的方格中有一行、一列或对角线三个单词填对时,就喊“Bingo”。2. Match the words and pictures(单词与图片配对)在 PPT 上呈现单词和打乱顺序的图片,让学生将单词与对应的图片连线,巩固对单词的理解。(四)Consolidation(巩固)1. Describe the weekend activities(描述周末活动)教师展示一些包含不同周末活动的图片,让学生用所学单词描述。例如:“I'm going to visit my friend. Then we will see a film.”先让学生在小组内讨论,然后每个小组推选一名代表进行描述,其他小组认真倾听并给予评价。2. My weekend in the picture(我图片中的周末)教师给每个学生发一张周末活动场景的图片(可以是教师准备的通用图片),让学生根据图片内容用所学单词描述自己的“周末”,然后同桌之间互相交流,分享自己对“周末”的描述。(五)Summary(总结)1. 教师和学生一起回顾本节课所学的单词:visit, film, see a film, trip, take a trip, supermarket, evening, tonight, tomorrow, next week。2. 教师强调重点单词的发音、拼写和含义,以及单词在描述周末计划时的用法,如时间词汇和活动词汇的搭配。(六)Homework(作业)1. 读单词给家长听,每个单词读三遍,并向家长解释单词的含义。2. 画一幅自己周末计划的画,并用所学单词写出计划的内容。 第二课时 (一)Warm up(热身) 1. Greetings(问候)T: Good morning/afternoon, boys and girls.Ss: Good morning/afternoon, teacher.T: How are you today?Ss: Fine, thank you. And you?T: I'm fine. Let's review the words we learned last class.(通过简单问候引入复习环节)2. Review words(复习单词)Word cards review(单词卡片复习)教师拿出上节课的单词卡片,随机抽取学生认读单词,对于回答准确的学生给予表扬和奖励。同时,可以让学生用单词造句,加深对单词的理解和运用。Describe the classmates' weekend plans(描述同学的周末计划)教师请几位学生上台,用所学单词描述台下同学可能的周末计划,如“He may visit his grandparents this weekend. Then he will go to the supermarket.”其他学生认真倾听并猜测描述的是谁的计划。(二)Presentation(呈现)1. Lead in(导入)T: We know some weekend activities. Now, if we want to ask what someone is going to do, what can we say?(教师通过问题引导学生思考)Ss: What are you going to do...?(学生可能回答)T: Good. Today, we are going to learn how to ask and answer this question.(在黑板上写下重点句型)2. Teach new sentences(教授新句子)What are you going to do...? I'm going to...T:(教师扮演学生,做出思考周末计划的表情)What are you going to do this weekend?(教师自己回答)I'm going to see a film.(教师重复几遍句子,强调语音语调)Read after me. What are you going to do...? I'm going to...Ss: What are you going to do...? I'm going to...T: Now, turn to your partner and ask this question.(让学生两人一组互相询问)Where are you going? When are you going?T:(继续扮演学生)I'm going to the cinema.(回答地点问题)I'm going tonight.(回答时间问题)(教师通过简单的问答让学生理解这两个问句的用法)Read after me. Where are you going? When are you going?Ss: Where are you going? When are you going?T: Now, practice with your partner. One asks, and the other answers.(让学生两人一组进行练习)(三)Practice(练习)1. Pair work(两人一组练习)学生两人一组,互相询问对方周末计划,运用“What are you going to do...? I'm going to...”“Where are you going? When are you going?”进行问答练习。练习几次后,教师请几组学生上台展示,其他学生认真倾听并给予评价。2. Group work(小组活动)将学生分成小组,每组 4 5 人。每个小组有一套活动卡片(如看电影、旅行、购物等)和时间、地点卡片。小组成员轮流抽取活动卡片、时间卡片和地点卡片,然后向其他成员询问和回答计划,如:“What are you going to do this weekend?”“I'm going to take a trip.”“Where are you going?”“I'm going to the mountains.”“When are you going?”“I'm going tomorrow.”在活动过程中,教师巡视各小组,及时给予指导和帮助,鼓励学生使用不同的表达方式。3. Chain drill(连锁操练)教师先和一名学生进行问答示范,如:T: What are you going to do tonight?S1: I'm going to visit my friend.T: Where is your friend?S1: He lives near the supermarket.S1: What are you going to do tomorrow?S2: I'm going to see a film.S1: Where are you going to see the film?S2: I'm going to the cinema near my home.以此类推,让学生进行连锁问答,锻炼学生的口语表达能力和反应能力。(四)Consolidation(巩固)1. Weekend plan survey(周末计划调查)教师在教室里设置一个“周末计划站”,每个学生在一张卡片上写下自己的周末计划(包括要做的事情、地点和时间),但不写自己的名字。然后将卡片放在一个盒子里。学生轮流从盒子里抽取卡片,根据卡片上的信息找到对应的同学,并用英语询问和确认,如:“Are you the one who is going to visit the museum tomorrow?”如果找对了,两人互相介绍自己的周末计划,如:“I'm going to see a film tonight. The cinema is near my home.”2. Interview your classmates(采访同学)让学生在教室里自由采访其他同学,用“What are you going to do...? Where are you going? When are you going?”询问信息,然后记录下来。采访几位同学后,回到座位上,向同桌介绍自己采访的同学的周末计划,如:“She is going to take a trip to the beach next week. She will go there by train.”(五)Summary(总结)1. 教师和学生一起回顾本节课所学的句型:“What are you going to do...? I'm going to...”“Where are you going? When are you going?”2. 教师强调句型的用法和注意事项,如“be going to”结构表示计划、打算做某事,在回答地点和时间问题时要准确使用介词和时间表达。(六)Homework(作业)1. 背诵并默写句型:“What are you going to do...? I'm going to...”“Where are you going? When are you going?”2. 用所学句型采访一位邻居,了解他们的周末计划,并记录下来,下节课和同学们分享。 第三课时 (一)Warm up(热身)1. Greetings(问候)T: Good morning/afternoon, boys and girls.Ss: Good morning/afternoon, teacher.T: How are you today?Ss: Fine, thank you. And you?T: I'm fine. Let's sing a song about weekends.(通过问候后,用唱歌热身)2. Sing a song(唱歌曲)播放歌曲《Weekend》,师生一起唱,复习上节课所学的关于周末计划的单词和句型,营造轻松愉快的氛围。(二)Presentation(呈现)1. Lead in(导入)T: We have learned a lot about weekend plans. Now, let's make our weekend plans more detailed and exciting.(教师在黑板上写下新的重点内容)2. Teach new content(教授新内容)Adding more details to plans(为计划增加更多细节)T: When we talk about our plans, we can add more details. For example, if you are going to see a film, you can say which film you are going to see, like “I'm going to see an action film.” If you are going to visit someone, you can say why, like “I'm going to visit my aunt because it's her birthday.”(教师通过举例让学生理解如何丰富计划内容)T: Now, think about your weekend plan. How can you make it more interesting?(引导学生思考)(三)Practice(练习)1. Plan enrichment(计划丰富)让学生在座位上自己思考周末计划,并增加更多细节。例如,如果之前计划是“I'm going to the supermarket.”可以丰富为“I'm going to the supermarket near my home to buy some fruits and snacks for the weekend.”然后教师请几位学生站起来分享他们丰富后的计划,其他学生认真倾听。2. Pair work(两人一组练习)学生两人一组,互相分享和完善自己的周末计划,要尽可能详细地说出活动、地点、时间和原因等。在分享过程中,同伴可以提问和建议,如“What kind of fruits are you going to buy?”“You can also buy some drinks.”练习结束后,教师可以请几组学生向全班分享他们所描述的周末计划。3. Group work(小组活动)将学生分成小组,每组4 5人。每个小组共同创作一个周末家庭计划,计划中要包含每个成员的活动。例如:“On Saturday morning, Dad is going to wash the car. Mom is going to the supermarket to buy food for the weekend. I'm going to visit my friend. In the afternoon, we are going to have a picnic in the park. On Sunday, we are going to see a film together.”每个小组可以推选一名代表向全班介绍他们的家庭周末计划,其他小组的同学可以提问或者提出建议,比如:“What kind of food is Mom going to buy?”“Where are you going to have the picnic?”通过这种方式,不仅能锻炼学生用英语描述计划的能力,还能促进学生之间的交流和思考。 (四)Consolidation(巩固)1. Weekend plan role play(周末计划角色扮演)教师将学生分成两人一组,一名学生扮演记者,另一名学生扮演被采访者。记者要询问被采访者的周末计划,包括详细内容、原因等,被采访者要详细回答。例如:Reporter: Hello. What are you going to do this weekend?Interviewee: I have a great weekend plan. On Saturday, I'm going to the bookstore to buy some new storybooks because I love reading. Then in the evening, I'm going to watch a cartoon movie with my little brother at home.Reporter: That sounds fun. What about Sunday?Interviewee: On Sunday morning, I'll help my mom clean the house. After that, I'm going to play football with my friends in the park near my home.角色扮演结束后,两组学生交换角色再次进行。教师在教室里巡视,观察学生的表现,鼓励学生尽量使用丰富的词汇和准确的句型。之后,请几组学生在全班面前展示他们的角色扮演,其他同学进行评价,评价内容包括对单词和句型的运用、语言的流畅性以及计划的合理性和丰富性等方面。2. Design a weekend event poster(设计周末活动海报)让学生四人一组,共同设计一张周末活动海报。海报内容要包括一个有趣的周末活动计划(可以是小组共同想象的,比如周末露营活动),要用英语详细地写出活动安排,包括时间、地点、活动内容等,同时可以配上一些与活动相关的图片(可以手绘或者从资料中找)。例如:Weekend Camping PlanTime: This weekend (Saturday and Sunday)Location: Green Hill Camping SiteActivities:On Saturday morning, we will gather at the school gate and then take a bus to the camping site.When we arrive, we will set up our tents together. After that, we can play some fun games like hide and seek in the forest.In the evening, we will have a big barbecue. We can cook delicious food like sausages and corn. Then we will sit around the campfire and tell scary stories.On Sunday morning, we will go hiking in the mountains near the camping site. We can enjoy the beautiful scenery and take some pictures.In the afternoon, we will pack up our things and return to school.每个小组完成海报后,将海报展示在教室的墙上,然后每个小组推选一名代表向全班介绍海报上的周末活动计划,其他小组可以提问或者评价,如:“Is it safe to play hide and seek in the forest?”“Your weekend camping plan is really exciting.”(五)Summary(总结)1. 教师和学生一起回顾本节课所学的内容,重点回顾如何为周末计划增加细节,包括描述活动的类型、原因、具体安排等,以及如何用更丰富的语言表达自己的计划。2. 回顾本单元的重点单词和句型,强调在描述周末计划或其他短期计划时,要准确、灵活地运用所学的单词和句型,使计划内容清晰、有趣。教师可以在黑板上简单罗列重点单词和句型,通过举例、提问等方式让学生进一步巩固知识,如:“I'm going to the concert this weekend because I love music. I'm going with my parents, and we will go there by car.”(六)Homework(作业)1. 制作一个英语小手册,主题是“我的理想周末计划”。手册内容要包括至少两天的详细计划,要有丰富的活动内容、地点和时间安排,同时可以配上一些自己画的小插图。要求手册设计精美、内容丰富、英语表达准确。2. 用英语写一篇短文,描述你梦想中的一次周末旅行计划,包括去哪里、做什么、和谁一起以及为什么选择这个地方和这些活动。尽量多地使用本单元所学的单词和句型。下节课在班级中分享自己的短文。
人教PEP版六年级上册英语Unit3 My weekend plan单元整体教学设计 一、教学目标(一)知识与技能目标1. 词汇方面学生能够听、说、认读单词:visit, film, see a film, trip, take a trip, supermarket, evening, tonight, tomorrow, next week。能够准确理解这些单词的含义,并在描述周末计划或其他未来计划的情境中熟练运用。2. 句型方面掌握句型“What are you going to do...? I'm going to...”询问和回答计划做什么。学会使用“Where are you going? When are you going?”询问计划的地点和时间。(二)过程与方法目标1. 通过多样化的教学活动,如角色扮演、小组讨论、游戏等,培养学生的听说读写能力和综合语言运用能力。2. 引导学生制定自己的周末计划或其他短期计划,提高学生的规划能力和逻辑思维能力。(三)情感态度与价值观目标1. 培养学生合理安排时间、有计划地度过周末的意识。2. 激发学生对丰富多彩的周末活动的期待和热爱之情。二、教学重难点(一)教学重点1. 掌握本单元的重点单词和句型,准确发音和运用。2. 能够运用所学内容询问和回答周末计划或其他短期计划的内容、地点和时间。(二)教学难点1. 单词“tonight”“tomorrow”“next week”等时间词汇的理解和运用。2. 句型“be going to”结构的理解和正确使用,包括其不同的疑问形式和回答方式。3. 引导学生准确、流畅地描述复杂的计划安排,包括多个活动、不同地点和时间等。三、教学方法 1. 情景教学法:创设周末活动、假期计划等生活情景,让学生在真实情境中学习和运用英语。2. 游戏教学法:通过猜谜、抢答、单词接龙等游戏,激发学生的学习兴趣,提高参与度。3. 直观教学法:运用图片、日历、活动时间表等直观手段,帮助学生理解和记忆单词和句型。4. 合作学习法:组织学生进行小组合作学习,培养合作能力和自主学习能力。四、教学准备1. 与周末活动和计划相关的单词卡片和图片。2. PPT 课件,包含周末活动场景动画、日历展示、计划表格等资料。3. 日历、活动卡片(如看电影、购物、旅行等)。4. 奖励贴纸或小奖品。五、教学过程 第一课时 (一)Warm up(热身)1. Greetings(问候)T: Good morning/afternoon, boys and girls.Ss: Good morning/afternoon, teacher.T: How are you today?Ss: Fine, thank you. And you?T: I'm great. Nice to see you.Ss: Nice to see you, too.2. Free talk(自由交谈)T: What do you usually do on weekends?(教师用简单英语引导学生回答)Ss: I usually play games/watch TV...(学生用简单英语回答)T: Do you have any special plans for this weekend?(继续引导学生思考,但不要求详细回答)(二)Presentation(呈现)1. Lead in(导入)T: Weekends are great. We can do many fun things. Today, we are going to learn some new words about weekend activities.(在黑板上写下课题:Unit3 My weekend plan)2. Teach new words(教授新单词)VisitT:(展示一张看望祖父母的图片)Look at this picture. The boy is visiting his grandparents.(展示单词卡片“visit”)Visit means to go and see someone or a place. Read after me, visit.Ss: Visit.T: Who do you often visit on weekends?(引导学生回答)Film, see a filmT:(展示一张电影院的图片和正在播放的电影画面)This is a film.(展示单词卡片“film”)When we go to the cinema to watch a movie, we can say we are going to see a film.(展示单词卡片“see a film”)Read after me, film, see a film.Ss: Film, see a film.T: What kind of films do you like?(引导学生回答)Trip, take a tripT:(展示一张旅行的图片,人们在美丽的风景中游玩)This is a trip.(展示单词卡片“trip”)When we go on a journey, we are taking a trip.(展示单词卡片“take a trip”)Read after me, trip, take a trip.Ss: Trip, take a trip.T: Have you ever taken a trip? Where did you go?(引导学生回答)SupermarketT:(展示一张超市的图片)This is a supermarket.(展示单词卡片“supermarket”)We can buy food, drinks and other things there. Read after me, supermarket.Ss: Supermarket.T: What do you usually buy in the supermarket?(引导学生回答)EveningT:(展示一张傍晚天空的图片)This is the evening.(展示单词卡片“evening”)Evening is the part of the day between the afternoon and the night. Read after me, evening.Ss: Evening.T: What do you usually do in the evening?(引导学生回答)TonightT:(指着日历上今天的日期)Tonight means this evening or the night of today.(展示单词卡片“tonight”)Read after me, tonight.Ss: Tonight.T: Do you have any plans for tonight?(引导学生回答)TomorrowT:(指着日历上明天的日期)This is tomorrow.(展示单词卡片“tomorrow”)It's the day after today. Read after me, tomorrow.Ss: Tomorrow.T: What are you going to do tomorrow?(引导学生回答)Next weekT:(指着日历上下周的日期范围)This is next week.(展示单词卡片“next week”)Read after me, next week.Ss: Next week.T: Do you have any big plans for next week?(引导学生回答)(三)Practice(练习)1. Word games(单词游戏)Memory game(记忆游戏)教师快速展示单词卡片,然后拿走一张,让学生说出少了哪个单词。可以逐渐增加难度,如一次拿走两张或三张卡片。Bingo game(宾果游戏)给每个学生发一张印有 9 个方格的纸,教师说出单词,学生在方格中填写。当学生的方格中有一行、一列或对角线三个单词填对时,就喊“Bingo”。2. Match the words and pictures(单词与图片配对)在 PPT 上呈现单词和打乱顺序的图片,让学生将单词与对应的图片连线,巩固对单词的理解。(四)Consolidation(巩固)1. Describe the weekend activities(描述周末活动)教师展示一些包含不同周末活动的图片,让学生用所学单词描述。例如:“I'm going to visit my friend. Then we will see a film.”先让学生在小组内讨论,然后每个小组推选一名代表进行描述,其他小组认真倾听并给予评价。2. My weekend in the picture(我图片中的周末)教师给每个学生发一张周末活动场景的图片(可以是教师准备的通用图片),让学生根据图片内容用所学单词描述自己的“周末”,然后同桌之间互相交流,分享自己对“周末”的描述。(五)Summary(总结)1. 教师和学生一起回顾本节课所学的单词:visit, film, see a film, trip, take a trip, supermarket, evening, tonight, tomorrow, next week。2. 教师强调重点单词的发音、拼写和含义,以及单词在描述周末计划时的用法,如时间词汇和活动词汇的搭配。(六)Homework(作业)1. 读单词给家长听,每个单词读三遍,并向家长解释单词的含义。2. 画一幅自己周末计划的画,并用所学单词写出计划的内容。 第二课时 (一)Warm up(热身) 1. Greetings(问候)T: Good morning/afternoon, boys and girls.Ss: Good morning/afternoon, teacher.T: How are you today?Ss: Fine, thank you. And you?T: I'm fine. Let's review the words we learned last class.(通过简单问候引入复习环节)2. Review words(复习单词)Word cards review(单词卡片复习)教师拿出上节课的单词卡片,随机抽取学生认读单词,对于回答准确的学生给予表扬和奖励。同时,可以让学生用单词造句,加深对单词的理解和运用。Describe the classmates' weekend plans(描述同学的周末计划)教师请几位学生上台,用所学单词描述台下同学可能的周末计划,如“He may visit his grandparents this weekend. Then he will go to the supermarket.”其他学生认真倾听并猜测描述的是谁的计划。(二)Presentation(呈现)1. Lead in(导入)T: We know some weekend activities. Now, if we want to ask what someone is going to do, what can we say?(教师通过问题引导学生思考)Ss: What are you going to do...?(学生可能回答)T: Good. Today, we are going to learn how to ask and answer this question.(在黑板上写下重点句型)2. Teach new sentences(教授新句子)What are you going to do...? I'm going to...T:(教师扮演学生,做出思考周末计划的表情)What are you going to do this weekend?(教师自己回答)I'm going to see a film.(教师重复几遍句子,强调语音语调)Read after me. What are you going to do...? I'm going to...Ss: What are you going to do...? I'm going to...T: Now, turn to your partner and ask this question.(让学生两人一组互相询问)Where are you going? When are you going?T:(继续扮演学生)I'm going to the cinema.(回答地点问题)I'm going tonight.(回答时间问题)(教师通过简单的问答让学生理解这两个问句的用法)Read after me. Where are you going? When are you going?Ss: Where are you going? When are you going?T: Now, practice with your partner. One asks, and the other answers.(让学生两人一组进行练习)(三)Practice(练习)1. Pair work(两人一组练习)学生两人一组,互相询问对方周末计划,运用“What are you going to do...? I'm going to...”“Where are you going? When are you going?”进行问答练习。练习几次后,教师请几组学生上台展示,其他学生认真倾听并给予评价。2. Group work(小组活动)将学生分成小组,每组 4 5 人。每个小组有一套活动卡片(如看电影、旅行、购物等)和时间、地点卡片。小组成员轮流抽取活动卡片、时间卡片和地点卡片,然后向其他成员询问和回答计划,如:“What are you going to do this weekend?”“I'm going to take a trip.”“Where are you going?”“I'm going to the mountains.”“When are you going?”“I'm going tomorrow.”在活动过程中,教师巡视各小组,及时给予指导和帮助,鼓励学生使用不同的表达方式。3. Chain drill(连锁操练)教师先和一名学生进行问答示范,如:T: What are you going to do tonight?S1: I'm going to visit my friend.T: Where is your friend?S1: He lives near the supermarket.S1: What are you going to do tomorrow?S2: I'm going to see a film.S1: Where are you going to see the film?S2: I'm going to the cinema near my home.以此类推,让学生进行连锁问答,锻炼学生的口语表达能力和反应能力。(四)Consolidation(巩固)1. Weekend plan survey(周末计划调查)教师在教室里设置一个“周末计划站”,每个学生在一张卡片上写下自己的周末计划(包括要做的事情、地点和时间),但不写自己的名字。然后将卡片放在一个盒子里。学生轮流从盒子里抽取卡片,根据卡片上的信息找到对应的同学,并用英语询问和确认,如:“Are you the one who is going to visit the museum tomorrow?”如果找对了,两人互相介绍自己的周末计划,如:“I'm going to see a film tonight. The cinema is near my home.”2. Interview your classmates(采访同学)让学生在教室里自由采访其他同学,用“What are you going to do...? Where are you going? When are you going?”询问信息,然后记录下来。采访几位同学后,回到座位上,向同桌介绍自己采访的同学的周末计划,如:“She is going to take a trip to the beach next week. She will go there by train.”(五)Summary(总结)1. 教师和学生一起回顾本节课所学的句型:“What are you going to do...? I'm going to...”“Where are you going? When are you going?”2. 教师强调句型的用法和注意事项,如“be going to”结构表示计划、打算做某事,在回答地点和时间问题时要准确使用介词和时间表达。(六)Homework(作业)1. 背诵并默写句型:“What are you going to do...? I'm going to...”“Where are you going? When are you going?”2. 用所学句型采访一位邻居,了解他们的周末计划,并记录下来,下节课和同学们分享。 第三课时 (一)Warm up(热身)1. Greetings(问候)T: Good morning/afternoon, boys and girls.Ss: Good morning/afternoon, teacher.T: How are you today?Ss: Fine, thank you. And you?T: I'm fine. Let's sing a song about weekends.(通过问候后,用唱歌热身)2. Sing a song(唱歌曲)播放歌曲《Weekend》,师生一起唱,复习上节课所学的关于周末计划的单词和句型,营造轻松愉快的氛围。(二)Presentation(呈现)1. Lead in(导入)T: We have learned a lot about weekend plans. Now, let's make our weekend plans more detailed and exciting.(教师在黑板上写下新的重点内容)2. Teach new content(教授新内容)Adding more details to plans(为计划增加更多细节)T: When we talk about our plans, we can add more details. For example, if you are going to see a film, you can say which film you are going to see, like “I'm going to see an action film.” If you are going to visit someone, you can say why, like “I'm going to visit my aunt because it's her birthday.”(教师通过举例让学生理解如何丰富计划内容)T: Now, think about your weekend plan. How can you make it more interesting?(引导学生思考)(三)Practice(练习)1. Plan enrichment(计划丰富)让学生在座位上自己思考周末计划,并增加更多细节。例如,如果之前计划是“I'm going to the supermarket.”可以丰富为“I'm going to the supermarket near my home to buy some fruits and snacks for the weekend.”然后教师请几位学生站起来分享他们丰富后的计划,其他学生认真倾听。2. Pair work(两人一组练习)学生两人一组,互相分享和完善自己的周末计划,要尽可能详细地说出活动、地点、时间和原因等。在分享过程中,同伴可以提问和建议,如“What kind of fruits are you going to buy?”“You can also buy some drinks.”练习结束后,教师可以请几组学生向全班分享他们所描述的周末计划。3. Group work(小组活动)将学生分成小组,每组4 5人。每个小组共同创作一个周末家庭计划,计划中要包含每个成员的活动。例如:“On Saturday morning, Dad is going to wash the car. Mom is going to the supermarket to buy food for the weekend. I'm going to visit my friend. In the afternoon, we are going to have a picnic in the park. On Sunday, we are going to see a film together.”每个小组可以推选一名代表向全班介绍他们的家庭周末计划,其他小组的同学可以提问或者提出建议,比如:“What kind of food is Mom going to buy?”“Where are you going to have the picnic?”通过这种方式,不仅能锻炼学生用英语描述计划的能力,还能促进学生之间的交流和思考。 (四)Consolidation(巩固)1. Weekend plan role play(周末计划角色扮演)教师将学生分成两人一组,一名学生扮演记者,另一名学生扮演被采访者。记者要询问被采访者的周末计划,包括详细内容、原因等,被采访者要详细回答。例如:Reporter: Hello. What are you going to do this weekend?Interviewee: I have a great weekend plan. On Saturday, I'm going to the bookstore to buy some new storybooks because I love reading. Then in the evening, I'm going to watch a cartoon movie with my little brother at home.Reporter: That sounds fun. What about Sunday?Interviewee: On Sunday morning, I'll help my mom clean the house. After that, I'm going to play football with my friends in the park near my home.角色扮演结束后,两组学生交换角色再次进行。教师在教室里巡视,观察学生的表现,鼓励学生尽量使用丰富的词汇和准确的句型。之后,请几组学生在全班面前展示他们的角色扮演,其他同学进行评价,评价内容包括对单词和句型的运用、语言的流畅性以及计划的合理性和丰富性等方面。2. Design a weekend event poster(设计周末活动海报)让学生四人一组,共同设计一张周末活动海报。海报内容要包括一个有趣的周末活动计划(可以是小组共同想象的,比如周末露营活动),要用英语详细地写出活动安排,包括时间、地点、活动内容等,同时可以配上一些与活动相关的图片(可以手绘或者从资料中找)。例如:Weekend Camping PlanTime: This weekend (Saturday and Sunday)Location: Green Hill Camping SiteActivities:On Saturday morning, we will gather at the school gate and then take a bus to the camping site.When we arrive, we will set up our tents together. After that, we can play some fun games like hide and seek in the forest.In the evening, we will have a big barbecue. We can cook delicious food like sausages and corn. Then we will sit around the campfire and tell scary stories.On Sunday morning, we will go hiking in the mountains near the camping site. We can enjoy the beautiful scenery and take some pictures.In the afternoon, we will pack up our things and return to school.每个小组完成海报后,将海报展示在教室的墙上,然后每个小组推选一名代表向全班介绍海报上的周末活动计划,其他小组可以提问或者评价,如:“Is it safe to play hide and seek in the forest?”“Your weekend camping plan is really exciting.”(五)Summary(总结)1. 教师和学生一起回顾本节课所学的内容,重点回顾如何为周末计划增加细节,包括描述活动的类型、原因、具体安排等,以及如何用更丰富的语言表达自己的计划。2. 回顾本单元的重点单词和句型,强调在描述周末计划或其他短期计划时,要准确、灵活地运用所学的单词和句型,使计划内容清晰、有趣。教师可以在黑板上简单罗列重点单词和句型,通过举例、提问等方式让学生进一步巩固知识,如:“I'm going to the concert this weekend because I love music. I'm going with my parents, and we will go there by car.”(六)Homework(作业)1. 制作一个英语小手册,主题是“我的理想周末计划”。手册内容要包括至少两天的详细计划,要有丰富的活动内容、地点和时间安排,同时可以配上一些自己画的小插图。要求手册设计精美、内容丰富、英语表达准确。2. 用英语写一篇短文,描述你梦想中的一次周末旅行计划,包括去哪里、做什么、和谁一起以及为什么选择这个地方和这些活动。尽量多地使用本单元所学的单词和句型。下节课在班级中分享自己的短文。
