一年级英语学科大单元整体学习任务单Unit2 Room --Keep our things tidy and clean. 班级____________姓名____________教师____________ Unit2 Room 单元概述【单元主题内容框架图】【课标要求】1.能够听懂、会说light,bed,near,door和behind。2.能够听懂、会说某个位置有什么物品:What’s behind the...? A..并能在恰当的情景中初步运用。3.能够听懂简短的指令语,如:What’s behind/on/under....等,并做出相应的反应。4.在图片和动作的提示下,听懂简单的小故事;在教师的指导下,用英语做游戏,并在游戏中进行简单的交流或角色扮演。5.在活动中观察图中物品的位置以及规律,养成保持房间整洁的好习惯。【单元目标】In order to understand the concept of keeping our things tidy and clean,we need to:1. Enjoy various rooms in our life and know the different things and positions.2. Introduce pictures of rooms and yards and summarize how to talk about the positions in the pictures.3. Draw and introduce our dream rooms to our friends.【学习导航】 【单元学习目标追求】Stage 1 Know different things and positions1: Talk about the pictures.Where is Angel? 【设计意图】指向学习目标1,观看视频,引出单元主题--room,明确学习主题,有助于引发学生对于主题意义的理解和思考,从总体上认识单元意义;单程课标中能在教师的引导下,尝试欣赏英语歌曲、韵文的音韵节奏的语言能力要求。2: Listen to a song and finish the mind-map of positions. Positions【设计意图】指向学习目标2,从整体上理解语篇内容,进行分析、归类与比较,能够完成思维导图。3: Find the rules and draw the pictures.【设计意图】指向学习目标3,在学生进行对物品的感知之后,进行主题意义的引领思考,表达自己的观点或初步感受等。Stage 2 :Introduce our own rooms to friends.1:Watch and answer. 【设计意图】指向学习目标1,学生借助文本、视频、音频等资源进行自主学习,借助理解性任务来实现对文本的整体理解,判断、归纳信息。2:Find the differences.【设计意图】指向学习目标 2,感知并模仿说英语,体会意群、语调和节奏;围绕主题及内容进行简单的叙述,实现对语篇的自己的理解并运用所学表达出来;声情并茂地表演小故事。Activity 3:Enjoy picture of Doraemon’s room and draw.【设计意图】指向学习目标 3,学生借助图片,完成调查问卷,在学习理解的基础上进行应用。IcangetStage 3:Tidy and keep our rooms clean1:Draw our dream rooms and share it to our partners.【设计意图】指向学习目标1,学生自己进行设计,设计自己的房间并分享给小伙伴们,进一步练习句型。2:Find letters in life. 【设计意图】指向学习目标 2,学生通过寻找标志,将学习的内容与现实生活发生链接;同时也将语言的学习融入到我们歌曲歌谣中,做好学习内容的生活化。3:Watch the story time. 指向学习目标 3,以学生为中心,创设情景,进行角色扮演,并能在活动中学会与他人合作,积极使用英语。单元评价StageLearning objectivesTask11. Enjoy some pictures and talk about the positions.2. Watch the video, find out the positions and finish the mind map.3. Read and find out the rules of the pictures about positions.Watch the video, find out the positions and finish the mind map.2Read the sentences “What's behind the door? A chair. ”correctly by listening and reading. Find the differences about rooms.Ask and answer the position of stuff in Doraemon’s room with our partners. Find the differences about rooms.3Draw and talk with our partners about the our dream rooms.2.Look at the pictures and learn the letters in life.Enjoy a picture book and develop the habit of cleanliness.Look at the pictures and learn the letters in life.What’s ...?On the bedNear the appleUnder the deskBehind the bed...Content Very goodGoodNot goodRead thediagoues correctly and fluentlyTalk about the things and positions what’s near/behind...?Tidy and keep the things clean.