Module 9-10 Wishes and middle schools(学习任务单)-2023-2024学年外研版(三起)英语六年级下册
这是一份Module 9-10 Wishes and middle schools(学习任务单)-2023-2024学年外研版(三起)英语六年级下册,共9页。
六年级英语大单元整体学习学程M9&10 Wishes and middle schoolsClass:_________________Group:_________________Name:_________________M9&M10 Wishes and middle schools单元概述【单元主题内容框架图】【课标要求】1.在听或看发音清晰、语速适中、句式简单的音视频材料时,能获取有关人物、时间、地点事件等基本信息。本单元要能够通过听、读、看等活动提取出毕业祝福及即将面临的中学生活等信息。(语言能力)2.对学习、探索中外文化有兴趣。本单元要引导学生学习毕业祝福及自己对中学生活的展望,引导学生对比中外文化的不同。(文化意识)3.能对获取的语篇信息进行简单的分类和对比,加深对语篇的理解。本单元要能够从年龄、国家、人物的祝福语对比不同。(思维品质)4.能借助多种渠道或资源学习英语。本单元学生要能够积极主动的阅读有关祝福及中学生活的英语绘本或短文。(学习能力)【单元目标】By the end of this module, you will be able to:1.end primary school life with a blessing, start a new beginning with a plan.2.introduce wishes from Daming’s friends and Lingling’s speech. Then role play to show how to make a goodbye speech.3.make my goodbye speech by writing a short passage and get the meaning of the graduation : Every end is a new beginning.【学习导航】 【我的单元目标追求】Stage 1: Give good wishes to Sally1.Enjoy some wish cards and introduce the wishes.There are many beautiful wish cards. Let’s read and introduce them!May joy and health always be with you.Best wishes for a wonderful new. Merry Christmas, my best friend.May happiness follow you wherever you go! 【设计意图】本活动指向学习目标1,学生结合自己的已知和课本的阅读,初步了解不同的祝福语,有助于引发学生对于主题意义的理解和思考,从总体上认识单元意义。2.Read Sally's goodbye speech and answer these questions.Sally’s middle schoolI’m going to Park Middle school. I’m going to study Chinese,math,English,History,Geography and learn lots of new things in middle school. I’m going to meet new friends there.Questions:1.Which middle school is she going to ?2.What subjects is she going to study? 3.What is she going to do?【设计意图】本活动指向学习目标2,阅读短文,了解Sally即将开始的中学生活和学习的科目,为接下来的活动做铺垫。3.Give our best wishes to Sally and make a short goodbye speech to our friends.【设计意图】指向学习目标3,学生能够给Sally美好的祝愿,给我们的朋友做一个简单的告别演讲。Stage 2: Talk about the best wishes to Daming and Lingling’s goodbye speech1.Introduce the best wishes to Daming.(1)Listen to the radio carefully, and fill in blanks.(2)Read and answer(借助271BAY资源听故事,完成课文内容填空)。①What do they think about Daming?②What did Daming teach Amy?③What did Sam ask Daming to do?【设计意图】本活动指向学习目标1,旨在帮助学生通过听、读课文,看视频等方式,提取大家给大明的美好祝愿的相关信息,理解对话内容,学习对话中的核心语言,并通过跟读活动、对话练习等进一步理解对话内容,内化语言,为语言输出奠定基础。2.Talk about Lingling’s goodbye speech and their middle school plan.(1)Listen to Lingling’s goodbye speech and choose T or F. (271bay上完成)①Lingling is reading a letter.②We’re going to leave our primary school soon and start middle school this September.③Lingling’s best friends are Tom and Amy.④Three years ago,Sam and Amy spoke only very little Chinese.⑤Let's write lots of emails to each other.(2) Read Lingling’s goodbye speech and answer these questions.①What subjects is Lingling going to study in middle school?She is going to study ②What does Lingling want Sam and Amy to do in the UK?She wants them to ③What does Lingling want her friends to do?She to each other.(3)Read Amy and Lingling’s middle school plan, then finish the mind map. when school when school subjects subjects【设计意图】本活动指向学习目标2,旨在帮助学生通过听、读课文,看视频等方式,提取玲玲告别演讲的相关信息,理解对话内容,学习对话中的核心语言,并通过跟读活动、对话练习等进一步理解对话内容,内化语言,为语言输出奠定基础。3.Role play and show(1).Read and imitate.If you checked answers and discussed in your group, please use the video to imitate, pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.(完成讨论之后,请跟读课文,注意模仿发音及语调)(2).Retell the dialogue and the passage.Choose the picture and introduce it in your groups.(选择喜欢的图片并介绍。)(3). Practise and show.Make a new dialogue, practise in your group and then show the whole dialogue to us.(创编新的对话,小组合作练习并进行展示。)【设计意图】本活动指向学习目标3,学生借助分享展示,表达对他人的美好祝愿,对自己的中学生活进行美好的展望;此活动属于实践性活动,能够较好的来达标验收学生是否能够结合所学进行恰当得体的应用;同时提供示例,降低了难度。Stage 3: Give good wishes to my friends 1.Read the story about goodbye speech and answer the questions. My name is Janna and I am from Russia . I study Maths ,Science , Geography and English at a middle school in Russi .My dream is to be a vet , a doctor for animals . Why ? Because I love animals very much and I want to help them . After high school (中学), I ' m going to vet school for five years . I ' m going to study very hard because it ' s difficult to become a vet . My uncle is a vet . I help him every weekend and I learn a lot from him .What does Janna study at middle school? What is Janna ' s dream? Why does she want to this? 【设计意图】通过阅读毕业演讲的文章,了解如何表达毕业演讲,拓宽视野,丰富学生的生活。2.Make a greeting card to give good wishes to our classmates.【设计意图】此活动指向学习目标2,学生通过制作卡片的形式,表达自己对朋友的美好祝愿。3.Write about your middle school and share it by a goodbye speech.(1)Which middle school are you going to? Where is it?(2)How will you go to school?(3)When will you go to school every day?(4)When will you go home?(5)What subjects will you study there?My middle school【设计意图】此活动指向学习目标3,学生制作毕业演讲,理解毕业的意义,每一次结束都是一个新的开始。StageLearning objectivesTask11. Introduce different wishes by enjoying pictures.2. Introduce Sally's goodbye speech by reading.3. Write about others wishes to your friends by writing.Give good wishes to Sally31.Talk about the best wishes to Daming by listening and reading.2. Introduce Lingling’s goodbye speech and their middle school plan by filling in the blanks.3. Role play to show how to make a goodbye speech.Talk about the best wishes to Daming and Lingling’s goodbye speech21. Recognize more goodbye speech by reading.2. Give good wishes to our classmates by making a greeting card.3.Write an essay about our middle school and talk about it.Give good wishes to my friends AgeWhere is he/she from?Good wishesHe is 12 years old.He is from __________.She is ______years old.She is from __________.She is ______years old.She is from _________.Sam is _____years old.He is from ___________.