Module 4 大单元学习(教学设计)-2023-2024学年外研版(三起)英语三年级下册
这是一份Module 4 大单元学习(教学设计)-2023-2024学年外研版(三起)英语三年级下册,共9页。
三年级英语大单元整体学习学程Module 4 Food and Diet Class:_________________Group:_________________Name:_________________Module 4 Food and Diet单元概述【单元主题内容框架图】【课标要求】能够用所学语言谈论个人喜好并询问和谈论他人的喜好,归纳总结如何询问和表达自己对食物的喜好。本单元要能够通过听、读、看等活动提取出谈论喜欢食物的表达方式。(语言能力)理解珍爱食物、健康饮食、平衡饮食的重要性。本单元要引导学生归纳总结如何询问和表达自己对食物的喜好,不能因为不喜欢某种事物而浪费食物。(文化意识)尊重每个人喜欢的事情。本单元要能够描述朋友、家人喜欢的食物等。(文化意识)能对获取的语篇信息进行简单的分类和对比,加深对语篇的理解。本单元要能够从区分不同人称表达方式不同。(思维品质)能借助多种渠道或资源学习英语。本单元学生要能够积极主动的阅读有关食物的英语绘本或短文。(学习能力)【单元目标】By the end of this module, you will be able to:1. talk about the different food following Amy and her friends, know and recognize the different food.2.talk about Lingling and our friends’ favourite food and summarize the way to ask and answer the favourite food3. introduce the favourite food of my friends and tell our opinions about how to Cherish food,have a balanced diet . 【学习导航】 【我的单元目标追求】StageLearning objectivesTask11. Find out how to talk about others favourite food and get to know the food. 2.Write the healthy food and know the different meaning for us.3.Show and introduce our favourite food in groups. Know about the different food.21.Get to know how to ask Amy and Lingling’s favourite food. by the cartoon.2.Talk about Sam and Daming’ favourite food.3. Summarize the way to talk about the others’ favourite food.Talk about our friends’ favourite food.31.Recognize and distinguish the different food by retelling the stories.,according to pictures show.2. Write down and talk about our family members’ favourite food and make a scientific plan for our family.Talk about family members’ favourite foodStage 1:Know about the different food 1:Watch and complete. (完成这项活动,你将认识食物的一般表达)What are the stories talking about? (两个故事正在谈论什么?)A.food B. fruit C. vegetable2.Circle the words of food.(圈出动画中你所听到的食物单词)fishbreadhamburger ricenoodlesegg dumplingsmeat milk【设计意图】指向学习目标1,通过选择和圈单词,让同学们进入英语情境,观看课文视频回顾位置关系,并学习相应的的英文表达。 2 :Watch and write(完成这项活动,可以将不同的食物分类) Read the words of food, write them down. (写出食物的单词) 【设计意图】指向学习目标2,通过看图片写单词,学习课文相关内容,更加深入了解课文内容。借助视频仔细学习课文内容,回答问题,向更高阶的感知阶段实现提升。 3: Draw and show the food of we like.(完成这项活动,感受食物在我们我们心中的意义)【设计意图】指向目标3,通过学生画画的形式,讨论不同食物。通过小组讨论合作,介绍各食物,并用学到的核心语句进行练习。Stage 2:Talk about our friends’ favourite food 1: Watch the cartoon of U1A2 and choose (完成此活动,你将明确表达对不同食物的选择。)( )1.What does Lingling like?A.meat B.noodles( )2.What does Amy like?meat B.milk【设计意图】指向学习目标1,从整体上进行对课文对内容进行感知,借助图片和题目提取和理解食物表达的信息,提取重要信息。2: Watch the cartoon of U2A2 and finish the chart by yourself( / ) (完成此活动,你会发现大明朋友们对不同水果的喜好)【设计意图】指向学习目标2,学生借助文本、视频、音频等资源进行自主学习,借助理解性任务来实现对文本的整体理解,判断、归纳信息,对文本进行自己的梳理和构建。3:Do a survey.(完成这项活动,你就可以了解大家最喜欢的食物,感受不同食物的不同魅力。)A: Do you like…? B: Yes, I do. /No, I don’t.A: Does he like…? B: Yes, he does. /No, he doesn’t.A: Do she like…? B: Yes, she does. /No, she doesn’t.【设计意图】指向学习目标3,请学生看图,理解活动要求;然后由学生A发出询问,学生B回答。练习功能语句Do you like…? Yes, I do. /No, I don’t?Does he like…? Yes, he does. /No, he doesn’t.,总结询问对方喜欢食物的方法。Stage 3:Talk about family members’ favourite food. 1: Match picture and food. breadhamburger fish eggnoodles rice【设计意图】指向学习目标1,学生借助文本、视频、音频等资源进行自主学习,借助理解性任务来实现对文本的整体理解,判断、归纳信息,对文本进行自己的梳理和构建。2: Summarize and write down our family menbers’ favourite food with “I like...”【设计意图】指向学习目标2学生进行自主阅读,根据思维导图提取、梳理信息;同时在阅读过程中能够接触更多地细节表达。3:Make a scientific plan for our family. (完成这项活动,你将学会合理饮食)【设计意图】指向学习目标 2,学生借助图片,在学习理解的基础上进行应用实践;此活动属于评估性活动,能够较好的来达标验收学生是否能够结合所学进行恰当得体的应用。 Foods NameSamLinglingFoodNameFood(食物)Drinks(饮料)Fruit(水果)Breakfast(早餐)Lunch(午餐)Dinner(晚餐)