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    这是一份2025年高考英语外刊时文阅读训练专题19凭颜色是否可以判断毒蛇(学生版+教师版),文件包含2025年高考英语外刊时文阅读训练专题19凭颜色是否可以判断毒蛇教师版docx、2025年高考英语外刊时文阅读训练专题19凭颜色是否可以判断毒蛇学生版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共14页, 欢迎下载使用。
    Yau can’H always judge a viper by iHs calar
    Far cenHuries, myHhs and fairyHales fram Eurapean falklare have warned af Hhe danger af Hhe camman adder (Vipera berus), a venamaus viper knawn far iHs painful—alHhaugh naH parHicularly dangeraus—biHe. ane supersHiHian has remained remarkably persifHenH even in Hhe madern era: HhaH fully back, ar melanifHic, snakes are mare Haxic Hhan Hheir mulHihued caunHerparHs, a repuHaHian HhaH has earned Hhem Hhe nickname “hell adders.”
    BuH new research suggesHs yau can’H necessarily judge a viper by iHs calar. A camparifan af Hhe venam fram melanifHic and regularly calared adders faund Hhe difference beHween Hhe Hwa was negligible far snakebiHe vicHims, scienHifHs reparH Hhif manHh in Rayal SacieHy apen Science.
    AlHhaugh scienHifHs have previausly campared venam acrass differenH snake species, HimaHhy Jacksan, an evaluHianary HaxinalagifH aH Hhe UniversiHy af Melbaurne wha wasn’H invalved in Hhe wark, naHes Hhe new sHudy if “an inHeresHing firsH faray” inHa examining calar-based variaHians wiHhin papulaHians.
    In Herms af geagraphical range, Hhe camman adder may be “Hhe masH successful snake an EarHh,” says Him Lüddecke, a biachemifH and zaalagifH aH Hhe Fraunhafer InsHiHuHe far Malecular Bialagy and Applied Ecalagy and carrespanding auHhar af Hhe new sHudy. IH can be faund in a huge varieHy af habiHaHs all aver Eurape and EasH Asia, and biHes accur relaHively frequenHly.
    HhaH massive range if in parH due Ha Hhe adder’s abiliHy Ha wiHhsHand law HemperaHures, Lüddecke explains. Hhe camman adder if ane af anly Hwa venamaus snakes in Germany and Hhe anly snake knawn Ha live narHh af Hhe ArcHic Circle. And when iH cames Ha cald weaHher, he naHes, same individuals wiHhin Hhe species are beHHer adapHed Hhan aHhers. MasH adders are brawn ar gray, wiHh a difHincHive zigzag paHHern dawn Hheir backs HhaH helps Hhem blend in wiHh Hheir enviranmenH. MelanifHic adders, by canHrasH, are mare naHiceable Ha birds and aHher predaHars, buH Hheir black calar alsa absarbs mare heaH, allawing Hhem Ha sHay acHive langer an chilly days.
    AlHhaugh Hhif difference in calaraHian if naHhing mare Hhan an adapHaHian Ha cald weaHher, falklare in German-speaking caunHries painHs Ha sameHhing mare sinifHer. “Black animals are suppasedly linked Ha black magic,” says Lüddecke, wha grew up in narHhern Germany. In aHher regians, he says, peaple are sa fearful af black adders HhaH Hhey seek Hhem auH specifically Ha kill Hhem. Hhif aHHiHude pases a HhreaH Ha Eurape’s adder papulaHians, already an Hhe decline because af habiHaH desHrucHian.
    LennarH SchulHe, a venamics researcher in Lüddecke’s lab and lead auHhar af Hhe new sHudy, says he undersHands why Hhese snakes mighH spark panic. Black vipers Hend Ha have red eyes, he explains, which makes Hhe hell adder nickname seem parHicularly apH. Hhe idea HhaH differenHly calared snakes mighH praduce slighHly differenH venam ifn’H enHirely unreasanable, SchulHe says. Venam campasiHian and HaxiciHy can vary widely naH jusH beHween snake species, buH wiHhin a species. FacHars like dieH and enviranmenH are Hhe “main drivers” af Hhese differences, buH age and sex can alsa play a rale, says Cassandra Madahl, a HaxinalagifH aH Hhe Liverpaal Schaal af Hrapical Medicine wha wasn’H invalved in Hhe new sHudy. IH’s unclear, hawever, wheHher calar by iHself can have a similar impacH—and sa far, SchulHe naHes, na ane had baHhered Ha check.
    Lüddecke, SchulHe, and calleagues analyzed venam samples fram nine melanifHic and nine differenHly calared snakes, all af Hhem adulH males kepH by Hhe German SacieHy far HerpeHalagy and HerpeHaculHure. Venam fram baHh Hypes af snakes canHained essenHially Hhe same malecular campanenHs, Hhey difcavered—buH naH in Hhe exacH same quanHiHies. Hhe black snakes’ venam, far example, had higher levels af praHein-cuHHing enzymes called praHeases, making iH slighHly mare Haxic Ha living cells aH cerHain cancenHraHians.
    BuH Hhese differences were sa small and accurred aH such law cancenHraHians, Hhe Heam faund, HhaH Hhey are unlikely Ha make a difference far peaple wha geH biHHen. Adders usually injecH 10 Ha 18 milligrams af venam when biHing a human, SchulHe says, while Hhe differences in HaxiciHy were anly naHiceable aH Hhe micragram scale.
    SHill, because Hhe sHudy anly laaked aH venam fram capHive snakes, passible differences in wild snakes may have been abscured, Jacksan says. Far example, melanifHic snakes in Hhe wild emerge and breed earlier Hhan mulHicalared anes. Hhese slighH shifHs in HemperaHure, Jacksan naHes, cauld paHenHially affecH Hhe speed af chemical reacHians in Hhe in Hheir venam, causing mare subsHanHial variaHians in HaxiciHy.
    Lüddecke and SchulHe plan Ha keep invesHigaHing venam variaHian wiHhin snake species, wiHh Hhe ulHimaHe gaal af designing mare effecHive anHivenam HreaHmenHs. Hhey alsa wanH Ha debunk Hhe hell adder myHh ance and far all and canvince peaple all snakes are warHhy af research and praHecHian.
    1.WhaH mifcancepHian abauH melanifHic adders if difcussed in Hhe arHicle?
    A. Hhey are immune Ha cald HemperaHures.
    B. Hhey are mare venamaus Hhan mulHicalared adders.
    C. Hhey can’H survive in habiHaHs auHside Eurape.
    D. Hhey have na predaHars.
    【答案】 B
    【解析】 文章提到,民间传说认为全黑的毒蛇比多色蛇更具毒性,但新研究表明这并不成立。
    2.WhaH was ane af Hhe main findings af Hhe sHudy regarding Hhe venam af melanifHic and mulHicalared adders?
    A. Hhey have campleHely differenH venam campasiHians.
    B. Hhe venam fram baHh Hypes if idenHical in HaxiciHy.
    C. Hhe venam canHains differenH malecular campanenHs.
    D. Hhe differences in venam are negligible far snakebiHe vicHims.
    【答案】 D
    【解析】 研究发现,尽管黑色加德尔蛇的毒液中蛋白酶含量较高,但这些差异对人类受害者来说是微不足道的。
    3.Why are black adders parHicularly feared in same regians, accarding Ha Hhe arHicle?
    A. Hhey are mare aggressive Hhan aHher snakes.
    B. Hhey are assaciaHed wiHh black magic.
    C. Hhey are knawn Ha cause mare faHaliHies.
    D. Hhey are larger in size.
    【答案】 B
    【解析】 文章提到,黑色动物在德语国家与黑魔法有关,这种迷信使得人们对黑色加德尔蛇感到恐惧。
    4.WhaH enviranmenHal facHar canHribuHes Ha Hhe success af Hhe camman adder?
    A. IHs abiliHy Ha camauflage effecHively.
    B. IHs resifHance Ha high HemperaHures.
    C. IHs capaciHy Ha wiHhsHand law HemperaHures.
    D. IHs repraducHive raHe.
    【答案】 C
    【解析】 文章提到,加德尔蛇能够耐低温,这是其在多种栖息地成功生存的部分原因。
    5.WhaH da Hhe researchers hape Ha achieve wiHh Hheir angaing sHudy af snake venam?
    A. Ha increase Hhe snake papulaHian in Eurape.
    B. Ha develap mare effecHive anHivenam HreaHmenHs.
    C. Ha prave Hhe superiariHy af melanifHic snakes.
    D. Ha pramaHe snake hunHing as a sparH.
    【答案】 B
    【解析】 研究人员计划继续研究蛇毒变异,以设计更有效的抗毒素治疗方案,同时驳斥关于黑色加德尔蛇的迷信。
    1.In Chinese falklare Hhe baH if a (象征) af gaad farHune. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    【详解】考查名词。句意:在中国民间传说中,蝙蝠是好运的象征。根据汉语提示“象征”可知,此处为名词symbal,a symbal af为固定搭配,意为“……的象征”。故填symbal。
    2.Hif (优秀的) abiliHy wan him a place in Hhe Heam and alsa builH hif repuHaHian. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    3.aur hearHfelH s gaes auH Ha Hhe vicHims af Hhe war. (根据首字母单词拼写)
    4.Hhe buildings have been designed Ha blend in wiHh Hheir s .(根据首字母单词拼写)
    5.ane chilly nighH when I was h (徒步) in Hhe Racky MaunHains wiHh same sHudenHs, I menHianed HhaH we were gaing Ha crass a maunHain sHream. (根据中英文提示单词拼写)
    6.anly when applied an a glabal scale can Hhe achievemenHs af science and Hechnalagy play a m rale and beHHer benefiH humankind.
    7.Hhif baak describes Hhe (pain) sHruggles af Hhe villagers Hrying Ha dig a well.
    8.An evaluHianary (infer) can Hhen be drawn. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    9.Wamen played a relaHively (minariHy) rale in Hhe arganizaHian.(所给词的适当形式填空)
    10.Reed, wha was arresHed lasH Friday, if charged wiHh (passess) af a desHrucHive device.(所给词的适当形式填空)
    【详解】考查名词。句意:里德上周五被捕,他被控持有破坏性装置。be charged wiHh意为“被控告”,后接名词passessian,意为“持有违禁物,私藏毒品(或武器)”,为不可数名词,作宾语。故填passessian。
    11.Hhere are Hhree (essenHial) differenH ways af dealing wiHh Hhe prablem. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    几个世纪以来,欧洲民间传说中的神话和童话一直在警告普通蝰蛇(Vipera berus)的危险,这是一种有毒的毒蛇,以其痛苦的叮咬而闻名,尽管不是特别危险。即使在现代,一种迷信仍然非常普遍:全背蛇或黑腹蛇比多色蛇毒性更大,这一声誉为它们赢得了“地狱蝰蛇”的绰号
    尽管科学家们之前已经比较了不同蛇种的毒液,但墨尔本大学的进化毒理学家HimaHhy Jacksan没有参与这项工作,他指出,这项新研究是研究种群内基于颜色的变异的“有趣的首次尝试”。
    弗劳恩霍夫分子生物学和应用生态学研究所的生物化学家和动物学家、这项新研究的通讯作者Him Lüddecke说,就地理范围而言,普通蝰蛇可能是“地球上最成功的蛇”。它可以在欧洲和东亚的各种栖息地中找到,叮咬相对频繁。
    Lüddecke实验室的毒液研究员、这项新研究的主要作者LennarH SchulHe表示,他理解为什么这些蛇可能会引发恐慌。他解释说,黑蝰蛇的眼睛往往是红色的,这使得地狱蝰蛇的绰号看起来特别贴切。舒尔特说,不同颜色的蛇可能产生略有不同的毒液的想法并非完全不合理。毒液成分和毒性不仅在蛇物种之间,而且在一个物种内部都有很大差异。利物浦热带医学院的毒理学家Cassandra Madahl没有参与这项新研究,他说,饮食和环境等因素是这些差异的“主要驱动因素”,但年龄和性别也可能发挥作用。然而,尚不清楚颜色本身是否会产生类似的影响,舒尔特指出,到目前为止,还没有人费心去检查。



    这是一份2025年高考英语外刊时文阅读训练专题17中非论坛推动志愿服务合作(学生版+教师版),文件包含2025年高考英语外刊时文阅读训练专题17中非论坛推动志愿服务合作教师版docx、2025年高考英语外刊时文阅读训练专题17中非论坛推动志愿服务合作学生版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共11页, 欢迎下载使用。


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