专题01 阅读障碍词汇知识清单(含测试)(原卷版)- 2025年高考英语热点话题阅读&时文阅读-A4
这是一份专题01 阅读障碍词汇知识清单(含测试)(原卷版)- 2025年高考英语热点话题阅读&时文阅读-A4,共5页。
Grup 1
词汇识记1.abstract /ˈæbstrækt/ adj. 抽象的
2.accuracy /ˈækjərəsi/ n. 准确性
3.accumulated /əˈkjuːmjəˌleɪtɪd/ adj. 积累的
4.ambitius /æmˈbɪʃəs/ adj. 雄心勃勃的
5.apprach /əˈprʊtʃ/ n. 方法
6.assessment /əˈsɛsmənt/ n. 评估
7.assumptin /əˈsʌmpʃən/ n. 假设
8.barrier /ˈbæriər/ n. 障碍
9.capacity /kəˈpæsɪti/ n. 能力
10.challenge /ˈʧælɪndʒ/ n. 挑战
11.cgnitive /ˈkɒɡnɪtɪv/ adj. 认知的
12.cmprehensive /ˌkɑːmprɪˈhɛnsɪv/ adj. 全面的
13.cncrete /ˈkɒŋkriːt/ adj. 具体的
14.cnflict /ˈkɑːnflɪkt/ n. 冲突
15.cnsistent /kənˈsɪstənt/ adj. 一致的
16.cntext /ˈkɑːntɛkst/ n. 上下文
17.cntrversial /ˌkɒntrəˈvɜːʃəl/ adj. 有争议的
18.creativity /ˌkriːeɪˈtɪvɪti/ n. 创造力
19.curating /ˈkjʊreɪtɪŋ/ v. 策划
20.cybersecurity /ˌsaɪbərsɪˈkjʊrɪti/ n. 网络安全
1.________________adj. 抽象的
2.________________n. 准确性
3.accumulated ________________
4.________________adj. 雄心勃勃的
5.apprach ________________
6.assessment ________________
7.assumptin ________________
8.barrier _________________
9.capacity ________________
10.________________n. 挑战
11.cgnitive ________________
12.cmprehensive ________________
13.cncrete ________________
14.cnflict ________________
15.cnsistent ________________
16.cntext ________________
17.cntrversial ________________
18.________________ n. 创造力
19.curating ________________
20.cybersecurity ________________
Grup 2
词汇识记21.define /dɪˈfaɪn/ v. 定义
22.deny /dɪˈnaɪ/ v. 否认
23.detachment /dɪˈtætʃmənt/ n. 超然,客观
24.demnstrate /ˈdɛmənˌstreɪt/ v. 证明
25.digital literacy /ˈdɪdʒɪtəl ˈlɪtərəsi/ n. 数字素养
26.dimensin /dɪˈmɛnʃən/ n. 维度
27.disinfrmatin /ˌdɪsɪnfərˈmeɪʃən/ n. 虚假信息
28.dynamic /daɪˈnæmɪk/ adj. 动态的
29.efficiency /ɪˈfɪʃənsi/ n. 效率
30.emtin /ɪˈmʊʃənz/ n. 情绪
31.enhance /ɪnˈhæns/ v. 提高
32.ensure /ɛnˈʃʊr/ v. 确保
33.envirnment /ɪnˈvaɪrənmənt/ n. 环境
34.establish /ɪˈstæblɪʃ/ v. 建立
35.evaluatin /ɪˌvæljuˈeɪʃən/ n. 评估
36.evident /ˈɛvɪdənt/ adj. 明显的
37.evlutin /ˌiːvəˈluːʃn/ n. 进化
38.extensive /ɪkˈstɛnsɪv/ adj. 广泛的
39.eye-pener /ˈaɪˌʊpənər/ n. 使人大开眼界的事物
40.factr /ˈfæktər/ n. 因素
21.define _____________
22.deny _____________
23.detachment _____________
24.demnstrate _____________
25.digital literacy _____________
26.dimensin _____________
27.disinfrmatin _____________
28.dynamic _____________
29._____________ n. 效率
30._____________ n. 情绪
31._____________v. 提高
32._____________v. 确保
33._____________n. 环境
34._____________v. 建立
35.evaluatin _____________
36.evident _____________
37.evlutin _____________
38.extensive _____________
39.eye-pener _____________
40._____________ n. 因素
Grup 3
41.feature /ˈfiʧər/ n. 特征
42.fcus /ˈfʊkəs/ v. 集中
43.fulfilling /fʊlˈfɪlɪŋ/ adj. 令人满足的
44.functin /ˈfʌŋkʃən/ n. 功能
45.guidance /ˈɡaɪdəns/ n. 指导
46.heartened /ˈhɑːrtənd/ adj. 受到鼓舞的
47.identify /aɪˈdɛntɪˌfaɪ/ v. 识别
48.impact /ˈɪmpækt/ n. 影响
49.indicate /ˈɪndəˌkeɪt/ v. 表明
50.individual /ˌɪndɪˈvɪdʒuəl/ n. 个人
51.influence /ˈɪnfluəns/ v. 影响
52.inspiratin /ˌɪnspəˈreɪʃn/ n. 灵感
53.insights /ˈɪnˌsaɪts/ n. 洞察力
54.interpret /ɪnˈtɜrprɪt/ v. 解释
55.invlve /ɪnˈvɑlv/ v. 涉及
56.issue /ˈɪʃu/ n. 问题
57.legal /ˈliɡəl/ adj. 法律的
58.legislate /ˈlɛdʒɪsˌleɪt/ v. 立法
59.mentrs /ˈmɛntɔrz/ n. 导师
60.methd /ˈmɛθəd/ n. 方法
41._____________n. 特征
42._____________v. 集中
43.fulfilling _____________
45._____________n. 指导
46.heartened _____________
47.identify _____________
48._____________n. 影响
49.indicate _____________
50._____________n. 个人
51._____________v. 影响
52._____________n. 灵感
53._____________n. 洞察力
54._____________v. 解释
55._____________v. 涉及
56.issue _____________
57.legal _____________
58.legislate _____________
59.mentrs _____________
60._____________n. 方法
Grup 4
61.misinfrmatin /ˌmɪsɪnfərˈmeɪʃən/ n. 错误信息
62.mtivatin /ˌmʊtɪˈveɪʃn/ n. 动力
63.navigate /ˈnævɪˌɡeɪt/ v. 导航;应对
64.neutralise /ˈnjuːtrəˌlaɪz/ v. 中和,使无效
65.bjectivity /ˌɑːbdʒɛkˈtɪvɪti/ n. 客观性
66.ccur /əˈkɜr/ v. 发生
67.ptimal /ˈɑːptɪməl/ adj. 最优的
68.utcme /ˈaʊtkʌm/ n. 结果
69.percent /pərˈsɛnt/ n. 百分比
70.perid /ˈpɪriəd/ n. 时期
71.perspectives /pərˈspɛktɪvz/ n. 观点
72.pipeline /ˈpaɪpˌlaɪn/ n. 管道;筹划中
73.plicy /ˈpɑləsi/ n. 政策
74.preservatin /ˌprɛzərˈveɪʃn/ n. 保存
75.principle /ˈprɪnsəpəl/ n. 原则
76.prceed /prʊˈsid/ v. 继续
77.prficient /prəˈfɪʃnt/ adj. 熟练的
78.prcess /ˈprɑsɛs/ n. 过程
79.publicatin /ˌpʌblɪˈkeɪʃn/ n. 出版物
80.relevant /ˈreləvənt/ adj. 相关的
61.misinfrmatin _____________
62._____________n. 动力
63.navigate _____________
64.neutralise _____________
65.bjectivity _____________
66._____________v. 发生
67.ptimal _____________
68._____________n. 结果
69._____________n. 百分比
70._____________n. 时期
71.perspectives _____________
72.pipeline _____________
73.plicy _____________
74._____________n. 保存
75.principle _____________
76.prceed _____________
77.prficient _____________
78._____________n. 过程
79.publicatin _____________
80.relevant _____________
Grup 5
81.reslve /rɪˈzɑːlv/ v. 解决
82.respected /rɪˈspɛktɪd/ adj. 受尊敬的
83.rhetrical /rɪˈtɔːrɪkəl/ adj. 修辞的
84.selectin /sɪˈlɛkʃn/ n. 选择
85.seriusly /ˈsɪriəsli/ adv. 认真地
86.setback /ˈsɛtbæk/ n. 挫折
87.shallw /ˈʃælʊ/ adj. 浅的
88.shallw hypthesis /ˈʃælʊ haɪˈpɒθəsɪs/ n. 浅表假设
89.specialise /ˈspɛʃəlaɪz/ v. 专注于
90.supervise /ˈsuːpərˌvaɪz/ v. 监督
91.survival /sərˈvaɪvəl/ n. 生存
92.thery /ˈθɪəri/ n. 理论
93.transfrm /trænsˈfɔːrm/ v. 转变
94.variatin /ˌvɛriˈeɪʃən/ n. 变化
95.verificatin /ˌvɛrɪfɪˈkeɪʃən/ n. 验证
96.widespread /ˈwaɪdˌsprɛd/ adj. 广泛的
97.wisdm /ˈwɪzdəm/ n. 智慧
98.wise /waɪz/ adj. 明智的
99.witness /ˈwɪtnəs/ n. 目击者
100.yield /jiːld/ v. 产生
81.reslve _____________
82.respected _____________
83.rhetrical _____________
84.selectin _____________
85.seriusly _____________
86.setback _____________
87.shallw _____________
88.shallw hypthesis_____________
89.specialise _____________
90.supervise _____________
91._____________ n. 生存
92._____________n. 理论
93.transfrm _____________
94._____________n. 变化
95.verificatin _____________
96.widespread _____________
97.wisdm _____________
99._____________n. 目击者
100.yield _____________
1.In the past few years, the cuntry __________ (enhance) legal and technlgical supprt fr the prtectin f its wrld natural heritage, establishing a management system with Chinese characteristics.
2.The scientist emphasized the need fr __________ (accurate) in the experiment.
3.He has __________ (accumulate) a lt f knwledge ver the years.
4.She is knwn fr her __________ (ambitin) plans.
5.They are __________ (apprach) the issue frm a different perspective.
6.The __________ (assess) prcess tk lnger than expected.
7.The __________ (assume) that everyne wuld agree was a mistake.
8.The entry __________ (barrier) were higher than anticipated.
9.His learning __________ (capacity) are impressive.
10.The prject was very __________ (challenge) fr the team.
11.Her __________ (cgnitin) abilities were tested during the experiment.
12.The review was very __________ (cmprehend) and cvered all aspects.
13.The thery was based n __________ (cncrete) gathered data.
14.The __________ (cnflict) parties were trying t find a reslutin.
15.Her views remained __________ (cnsist) with the findings.
16.The __________ (cntext) meaning f the wrd was different frm its dictinary definitin.
17.The decisin was made after much __________ (cnsider).
18.His __________ (create) slutins were highly appreciated.
19.She shwed great __________ (curius) abut the new tpic.
20.The rapid __________ (evlutin) changes in technlgy are impressive.
这是一份专题01 阅读障碍词汇知识清单(含测试)(解析版)- 2025年高考英语热点话题阅读&时文阅读-A4,共6页。
这是一份专题02 阅读障碍词汇知识清单(含测试)(原卷版)- 2025年高考英语热点话题阅读&时文阅读-A4,共5页。
这是一份专题02 阅读障碍词汇知识清单(含测试)(解析版)- 2025年高考英语热点话题阅读&时文阅读-A4,共7页。