所属成套资源:人教PEP版五年级下册英语Unit 1-Unit 6 全册教案
人教PEP版五年级下册英语Unit 3 My school calendar单元整体教学设计
展开人教PEP版五年级下册英语Unit 3 My school calendar单元整体教学设计一、单元话题生成:本单元围绕着季节与月份关系的常识,合理安排月份活动,让学生在游戏活动中熟练运用所学的语言,积极参与社会、学校生活,丰富兴趣爱好。二、单元话题体系:school calendar in winter and spring.sh ch school calendar in summer and autumn.When is ?What will you do?三、单元总目标:能听懂会说,When is tree planting day It’s in march. when is the school trip this year? It’s in October. We will go to the Great Wall.能听说读写表示12个月份的单词:January February March April May June July August September October November,及他们的缩写形式能区分开基数词与序数词.能理解: few , a few , meet , sports meet , trip初步感知一般将来时 will 的特殊疑问句句型结构,并能够运用一般现在时特殊疑问句进行在几月份问答练习。掌握相关活动 New Year’s Day , winter vacation , Tree planting Day , English party , sports meet , singing contest , school trip , May day , Mother’s Day , Children’s Day . Father’s Day.理解感知 China , chicken , lunch , teacher , sheep , fish , shirt , shorts 中字母组合“ ch , sh ”的发音规则。Part A let’s talk 主设计人: 审核: 使用者: 使用时间: 学习目标: 全体学生能理解: few , a few , meet , sports meet , trip ;部分学生能运用 school trip,sports meet,singing contest/in+月份。初步感知一般将来时 will 的特殊疑问句句型结构,并能够运用一般现在时特殊疑问句进行在几月份问答练习。全体学生能朗读课文,注意模仿语音语调,并能够完成 Write and talk 活动。 4.全体学生在理解短文情境的基础上,进行角色表演。学习重难点:学生能够掌握重点单词、短语与句型。学生初步感知一般将来时 will 引导的特殊疑问句句型结构。能看懂日程表,并能结合实际情况运用 when 引导的一般现在时特殊疑问句来询问与表达在几月份的对话练习。教学过程: 课题:PEP 五年级下册Unit 3 My school clendarPart A let’s learn 主设计人: 审核: 使用者: 使用时间: 学习目标: 1.能够听说读写四会单词:January,February,March,April,May,June。2.全体学生能通过图片掌握相关活动 New Year’s Day , winter vacation , Tree planting Day , English party , sports meet , singing contest , school trip , May day , Mother’s Day , Children’s Day . Father’s Day 以及一到六月份英语表达方式。3.全体学生能通过观察日程表运用一般现在时特殊疑问句“ When is ..?”句型,询问相关活动的发生的月份,并能够运用“ It’s in +月份.”进行回答。4.鼓励学生根据实际情况设计自己学校的日程表,并运用目标语句进行对话练习。学习重难点: 学生能够掌握重点单词、短语与句型。2.全体学生能通过观察日程表运用一般现在时特殊疑问句“ When is .…?”句型,询问相关活动的发生的月份,并能够运用“ It ’ s in +月份,”进行回答。教学过程: 课题:PEP 五年级下册Unit 3 My school clendarPart A let’s spell 主设计人: 审核: 使用者: 使用时间: 学习目标: 全体学生能理解: China , chicken , lunch , teacher , sheep , fish , shirt , shorts。全体学生能够感知 China , chicken , lunch , teacher , sheep , fish , shirt , shorts 中字母组合“ ch ,sh ”的发音规则。通过感知字母组合“ sh , ch ”发音规则,进一步提高学生对英语语音学习的自主学习能力和学习兴趣,鼓励学生积极主动参与课堂活动,大胆开口,主动模仿。学习重点:发现字母组合“ ch , sh ”的发音规则,能用书中所出示的单词进行造句练习。教学过程: 课题:PEP 五年级下册Unit 3 My school calendarPart B let’s talk 主设计人: 审核: 使用者: 使用时间: 学习目标: 全体学生能听懂并说出:-What will you do for your mum on Mother ‘s Day ?- I’ll cook for my mother . What about you ?- I’ll make a card . We’ll go to the Great Wall .全体学生能朗读课文,注意模仿语音语调,并阅读相关短文。全体学生能进行角色表演与问答练习。巩固学生对一般将来时will的特殊疑问句与陈述句句型结构的掌握,并能够结合真实语言谈论在母亲节的活动计划。学习重难点: 能够掌握重点单词、短语与句型。能够运用一般将来时 will 的特殊疑问句与陈述句句型结构的掌握,并能合真实语言谈论在母亲节的活动计划。3.养成良好的听英语、读英语、说英语的习惯。教学过程: 课题:PEP 五年级下册Unit 3 My school clendarPart B Let’s learn 主设计: 审核: 使用者: 使用时间: 学习目标: 通过图片掌握相关节日:Teacher’s Day, summer vacation, Mid-Autumn, China’s National Day, American Thanksgiving Day, Christmas以及1到12月份英语表达.全体学生能通过观察日历运用一般现在时特殊疑问句“ When is ...?”句型,询问相关节日的月份,并能够运用“节日+ is + in +月份。”进行回答。全体学生能够听懂课文内容.并尝试跟读录音,注意模仿语音语调。学习重难点: 1.能够听、说、认读本节重点单词、短语及句型。2.掌握7到12月份时间内的中西方节日的表达方式,了解相关节日活动,使学生能综合素质够感知到中西文化差异。课题:PEP 五年级下册Unit 3 My school calendarPart B Read and write 主设计人: 审核: 使用者: 使用时间: 学习目标:全体学生能在理解文本内容的基础下,分角色进行短剧表演。全体学生能初步理解一般将来时的句型结构,并能够在真实语言情境中理解短文内容,并能够判断与回答相关语句。掌握请柬格式,并能运用一般将来时句型结构来设计自己的生日聚会请柬。学习重难点: 初步掌握一般将来时的句型结构。运用一般将来时来设计一张自己的生日请柬。在理解一般将来时句型结构的基础上,与同样分享自己的暑假活动计划。(结合课程标准或者单元目标进行简要分析)本课时在 Let ’ s try 环节中,学生将通过录音来了解“ Who will go to the sports meet next week ?”这是学生在本单元第一次接触一般将来时 will 的特殊疑问句;在 Let ’ s talk 环节中 Mike 和 Zhang Peng 通过对话来了解四月和五月学校的日程安排表,了解复活节的由来和风俗习惯,并且通过 Write and talk 来检测学生对询问与表达在几月份的掌握情况。Warming up Greeting :Say hello to all the students.Have a free talk about sports meet and lead in the new lesson. Show the picture of the sports meet,and say something about it.Presentation Step 1: Let’s try.Listen and choose:Who will go to the sports meet next week ?Step 2: Let’s talk.主问题1. Let’s watch and answer.T: Look , Mike and Zhang Peng have a few fun things in spring.Let’s watch and answer some questions.① What do they have in spring?② When is the party? Tips : 1.Watch carefully by yourself, and try answer some questions.2.Show the answers one by one.3.Check it together.主问题2.Listen、read and fill.First listen to the tape, then read it carefully, finally finish the chart.When is ...?April/MaySports meetIt’s in _________.English party___________________School trip___________________Step 3:Let’s role play.主问题3. Let’s role play.Tips : Listen ,repeat and read carefully by yourself . 2. Talk and choose the roles in groups.3. Show it together.三、 Write and talk.Talk about your school calendar in groups.Tips : Students work in groups.Use the expression “When is the ...?”Show it to others.Teaching purpose引导学生带着问题观看文本动画,整体感知文本,获取有用信息,解答教师出示的问题。Teaching purpose引导学生说出如何获得有效信息而得到最终答案。Teaching purpose呈现对话,利用表格逐步引导学生理解文本,抓住重点句型并进行渗透和操练,突破教学重难点。Teaching purpose播放录音,学生听录音跟读。引导学生按照正确的语音、语调及意群朗读对话,并能在小组中进行角色扮演。Teaching purpose通过创设自然真实的情景,让学生在情景中合理运用所学语言询问活动日期,培养学生的综合语言运用能。三、教学总结 What have you learned from this class?四、Homework 1. Practice the dialogues.2. Do the exercises.五、板书设计 Unit 3 My school calendarWhen is ....?It’s in ... (结合课程标准或者单元目标进行简要分析)本课时通过 Let ’ s learn 听音活动学习一到六月份英语表达方式,并通过观察日程表会运用一般现在时特殊疑问句“ When is ..?”来询问相关活动的时间,运用“ It’s in +月份。”进行回答;在 Read and say 环节通过判断语句正误来巩固对 Let’s learn 活动内容掌握情况,鼓励学生结合实际情况进行问答练习。课前三分钟:小组展示情景对话,复习巩固上节所学。一、Warming up 1.Greeting.2.Free talk: Show some pictures of the school activities on the PPT one by one. Students try to say out the names, then ask and answer in groups.When is the ...?It’s in...二、Presentation T: Today we’ll learn some new words. Step 1: Let’s learn the new words.主问题1. Let’s learn the new words.Show the pictures of months to learn the words one by one.Step 2:Let’s learn the dialogue.主问题2. Let’s read and answer.When is Tree Planting Day? --It's in __________② When is Children’s Day?--It's in __________③ Watch and repeat.Tips : 1.Read carefully by yourself, and write the answers. 2. Talk the answers in groups.3. Show and check it together.Step 3:Read and say.主问题3.Tick or cross. Correct the names of the months when necessary.Tips : 1. Students work in groups.2. Show time.PracticeGroupwork: Look at the calendar and make a new dialogue with the new expressions.Teaching purpose情景呈现,引导学生反复操练,掌握重点单词和核心句型。Teaching purpose引导学生带着问题阅读文本 ,整体感知文本,获取有用信息,解答教师出示的问题。引导学生说出如何获得有效信息而得到最终答案。Teaching purpose注意引导学生理解和运用When引导的特殊疑问句,在重点句型中进行渗透和操练,突破教学重点。Teaching purpose通过创设自然真实的情景,让学生在情景中掌握所学,培养学生的综合语言运用能力。三、教学总结 What have you learned from this class?四、Homework 1. Practice the words and dialogues.2. Do the exercises.五、板书设计 Unit 3 My school calendarQuestions:1.When is Tree Planting Day? _____________________ 2.... (结合课程标准或者单元目标进行简要分析)本课时通过图片出示含有字母组 ch , sh 的单词,学生们通过反复跟读单词自然会发现单词“ China , chicken , lunch , teacher ”“ sheep , fish , shirt , shorts ”中字母组合 ch , sh 的发音规律,并在模仿中注意自己的正确发音口型,最后运用图片中所出示的单词进行造句练习。一、Warming up 1. Greetings.2. Sing the song—Phonics Song.课前三分钟:学唱chant,活跃课堂气氛。Teaching purpose通过跟唱歌曲《Phonics song》,营造英语语音教学氛围,复习26个字母的发音,为本课后面的学习做好铺垫。二、Presentation Show the pictures of “China , chicken , lunch , teacher , sheep , fish , shirt , shorts”,and learn to read them.Step 1:Read,listen and chant.(1)Students watch and read the chant,then try to find out the sound of “sh+ch”.(2) Summarize the pronunciation rules.Lead students to summarize the pronunciation rules.T: The letter combination “ch” sounds “/tf/” in words.The letter combination “sh” sounds “/f/” in words.Students try to read the example words in the book.Step 2: Listen, number and say.Page 26 on the book.Tips : 1.Watch carefully by yourself, and try to read out.2. Listen and number the words on your books.3.Check it together.Step 3:Choose,write and say.On page 26.Tips : (1) Students look at the pictures and try to predict the answers. (2) Line and write down the sentences. (3) Check the answers. (4)Students read the sentences loudly by themselves. Teaching purpose引导学生认读已学单词,为下面学习做铺垫。Teaching purpose引导学生听音,根据单词发音推测出发音。先看再听最后写。在学生进行听力练习之前,预留时间请学生对所听内容进行预测和推断,对学生进行有效的听力技巧指导,并且通过活动帮助学生进一步巩固发音规则。Teaching purpose学生根据掌握的sh及ch在单词中发音规则,运用到试读新词中,巩固语音知识。三、教学总结 What have you learned from this class?四、Homework 1. Read the chant to your family.2. Try to find more words with “sh、ch”. Share them in your group.板书设计 Unit 3 My school calendarCh: China , chicken , lunch , teacher Sh: sheep , fish , shirt , shorts (结合课程标准或者单元目标进行简要分析)本课时通过 Let’s try 环节通过听录音猜测: What will Oliver have ?学生巩固复习一般将来时特殊疑问句的句型结构;在 Let’s talk 环节,0liver和 Chen Jie 进一步谈论自己最喜欢的节日﹣﹣秋天,并各自说一说喜欢秋天的原因。自然引出10月份的学校旅行活动,并表达了他们今年将要去登长城的旅行计划。通过询问“ What will you do for your mum on Mother’s Day ?”鼓励学生运用一般将来时特殊疑问句与陈述句在真实语言情境中进行对话练习,突出本课时教学重点。一、Warming up Enjoy the song—The twelve monthsT: What’s this song about?Ss: Months.T: Yes! It’s about months. Can you say some words about months in the song? Help the students review the words January to June.Teaching purpose:歌曲激发学生的学习兴趣,帮助学生复习部分月份单词,为后面的学习做好铺垫。二、PresentationStep 1: Let’s try.Listen and tick:What will Oliver have? A.A birthday party B.A birthday cakeStep 2: Let’s talk.主问题1. Let’s watch and answer.T: Look, Oliver and Chen Jie are talking. Let’s see what they are talking. Please watch the video and answer:Which season do they like best?② What will they do ? Tips : 1.Watch carefully by yourself, and try answer the questions.2.Show the answers one by one.3.Check it together.主问题2.Listen、read and fill.First listen to the tape, then read it carefully, finally finish the chart.NameFavourite seasonWhy?OliverChen JieWhen is the school trip?Where will they go ?Step 3:Let’s role play.主问题3. Let’s role play.Tips : 1.Listen ,repeat and read carefully by yourself . 2. Talk and choose the roles in groups.3. Show it together.三、ConsolidationWhat will you do for your mum on Mother’s Day?Tips:First read the phrases in groups.Then read the sentences in groups.Next talk about your ideas in groups.At last show them to others.Teaching purpose引导学生带着问题观看文本动画,整体感知文本,获取有用信息,解答教师出示的问题。Teaching purpose引导学生说出如何获得有效信息而得到最终答案。Teaching purpose呈现对话,利用问题表格逐步引导学生理解文本,抓住重点句型并进行渗透和操练,突破教学重难点。Teaching purpose播放录音,学生听录音跟读。引导学生按照正确的语音、语调及意群朗读对话,并能在小组中进行角色扮演。Teaching purpose通过创设自然真实的情景,让学生在情景中合理运用所学语言,培养学生的综合语言运用能力,并对学生进行情感态度价值观的渗透。三、教学总结 What have you learned from this class?四、Homework 1. Practice the dialogues.2. Do the exercises.五、板书设计 Unit 3 My school calendarWhat will you do for your mum on Mother’s Day?... (结合课程标准或者单元目标进行简要分析)本课时通过 Let’s learn 听音活动学习7到12月份英语表达方式,并通过观察日历学会运用一般现在时特殊疑问句“ When is ...?”来询问相关节日的时间,运用“节日+ is + in +月份。”进行回答;在 Ask and write 环节通过阅读 Let’s learn 环节的日历信息,能够按要求完成句子填写。 一、Warming up 1.Greeting.2.Enjoy a song and lead in the new lesson.二、Presentation T: Today we’ll learn some new words. Step 1: Let’s learn the new words.主问题1. Let’s learn the new words.Show the pictures of months to learn the words one by one:July-DecemberStep 2:Let’s learn the dialogue.主问题2. Let’s read and answer.When is Mid-Autumn Day? --It's in __________Tips : 1.Read carefully by yourself, and write the answers. 2. Talk the answers in groups.3. Show and check it together.4.Watch and repeat.Step 3:Ask and write.主问题3.Fill in the blanks.Tips : 1. Students work in groups.2. Show time.三、PracticeGroup work: Talk about other festivals you know in groups. 课前三分钟:Enjoy a song to talk about Christmas.教师播放有关圣诞的歌曲,引导学生演唱歌曲,创设真实的节日氛围,激发学生的兴趣。Teaching purpose情景呈现,学习掌握并操练重点单词和核心句型。Teaching purpose引导学生带着问题阅读文本 ,整体感知文本,获取有用信息,解答教师出示的问题。引导学生说出如何获得有效信息而得到最终答案。Teaching purpose通过创设自然真实的情景,让学生在情景中培养学生的综合语言运用能力。三、教学总结 What have you learned from this class?四、Homework 1. Practice the words and dialogues.2. Do the exercises. 五、板书设计 Unit 3 My school calendarQs: When is Mid-Autumn Day? --It's in __________ (结合课程标准或者单元目标进行简要分析)本节课在 Read and write 环节基于上节课英语聚会这一话题,为学生呈现了英语聚会请柬,同时根据请柬内容进行语句判断,引导学生设计自己的生日聚会请柬:在 Let’s check 环节学生将根据听音来回答一般将来时的特殊疑问句,为下一单元学习作好知识铺垫;在 Let’s wrap it up 环节,学生将正确运用介词 at , in , on 来表达相关时间。 一、Revision.1.Review last lesson, and start the new lesson.2.Sing :the song of the months课前三分钟: Let’s show. Students show the dialogue. 小组情景展示,巩固上节所学。 二、Presentation Step 1:Pre-reading Show the picture of the English party. And let the Ss say what information they can get .Step 2:While-reading主问题2. Let’s read and tick or cross.The English party is on March 23rd.( ) The party will start at 7 p . m .( ) You’ll dance at the party .( ) You’ll meet a great English teacher at the party . Tips : 1.Read carefully by yourself, and try to finish the answers. 2. Talk the answers in groups.3. Show and check it together.Step 3:Post-reading主问题3. Draw and write.Ask students to draw and write an invitation.Tips : 1.Work in your group. 2. Practice to show it in groups.3. Show it to others together.三、 Let’s practice.Step 1 Let’s check主问题1:Listen and circle.Tips : 1.Listen carefully by yourself, and circle the words. 2. Talk the answers in groups.3. Show and check it together.主问题2:Listen again and answer.① What will the students do in May?② What will they do in December?Tips : 1.Listen carefully again by yourself, and answer. 2. Talk the answers in groups.3. Show and check it together.Step 3 Let’s wrap it up Fill in the blanks.Teaching purpose教师出示 Read and write 的请柬,对学生说:“这是一张英语聚会的请柬,仔细读,然后根据请柬内容判断语句正误,出示语句,学生可自己进行判断,也可在小组内进行探讨研究。 Teaching purpose教师进行总结,在整理答案的过程中,与学生共同归纳出一般现在时 will 的特殊疑问句及其答语的句型结构:特殊疑问词+ will +主语+动词原形+其他成分?主语+ wil +动词原形+其他成分.强调 will 后接动词原形。Teaching purpose教师设计真实语言情景,引导学生初步理解一般现在时will特殊疑问句句型结构及其答语,要以小组为单位进行探讨研究。 Teaching purpose仔细阅读所给句子的意思,选择正确的介词进行填空。活动结束后,教师应系统的归纳相关时间所选择的正确介词的表达方式。三、教学总结 What have you learned from this class?Homework Write three two sentences about what you will do for the party. 五、板书设计 Unit 3 My school calendarThe English party is on March 23rd.( ) The party will start at 7 p . m .( ) You’ll dance at the party .( ) You’ll meet a great English teacher at the party .( )