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    Unit1 Our school subjects
    一. 单词表,书本P60。
    二. 词组
    1. our school subjects我们的学校课程 2. welcome back to school欢迎回到学校
    3. me too. 我也是。4.our new timetable 我们的新课程表5. Music and Science 音乐和科学 6.go to the playground 去操场 7. what lessons 什么课 8. what subjects 什么课程
    9.this morning/afternoon今天早晨/下午 10. don’t like 不喜欢 11. It’s fun. 它是有趣的事。
    12. have an Art lesson 上一节美术课 13. what about you? 你呢? 14. at school在学校
    15. come and make a cake 来做一块蛋糕 16. all like English 都喜欢英语
    三. 句型
    1. What subjects do you like?你喜欢什么课程?I like Chinese and Maths.我喜欢语文和数学。
    2. Let’s go to the library.让我们一起去图书馆。(Let’s=Let us)
    3. What lessons do we have this morning?我们今天上午有什么课?
    We have Music and PE.我们有音乐和体育。
    4. Idon’t like PE and Music. 我不喜欢体育和音乐。(don’t=do not)
    四. 语言点
    1. It’s time for school. (for+名词)
    It’s time to go to school. It’s time to play basketball. (to+动词/动词词组)
    2. 区别lesson和subject
    What _______ do you have this afternoon? I have eight ________ this morning.
    What _______ do you have this term(学期)? I have eight ________ at school.
    Unit2 After school
    1.after school 放学后 2. go and play table tennis去打乒乓球 3. play basketball打篮球
    4.what day 星期几 5.have a football match 进行一场足球比赛 6.on Saturday 在星期六
    7.come and play football 来踢足球 8. have a swimming lesson 上一节游泳课 9. all right好的
    10.every day 每天 11. at five 在五点 12.get up 起床 13.What about…? …怎么样?
    14.days of the week一周的日子15.that makes a week那就组成了一周16.What a pity! 真遗憾!
    三. 句型。
    1. What day is it today? 今天星期几? It’s+星期几。It's Friday.
    2. She has a skating lesson. 她有一堂溜冰课。
    3. We don’t have any lessons on Wednesday.我们在星期三没有课。
    4. Let’s go and play table tennis.让我们去打乒乓球。
    5. I have a basketball match today. 今天我有一场篮球比赛。
    6. When do you get up every day? 你每天几点起床?
    7. I get up at five. / At five. 我五点钟起床。
    1. I have a PE lesson.我有一堂体育课。
    2. Helen has an English lesson.海伦有一节英语课。 (第三人称单数做主语,用has表示“有”)
    Unit3 My day
    1.in the morning在早上 2.in the afternoon在下午 3. in the evening在晚上 4. at night 在夜晚 5. get up 起床 6. go to school 去上学 7. play football 踢足球 8.go home回家
    9. have dinner 吃晚饭 10. watch TV 看电视 11. go to bed 睡觉 12 do my/his homework做我的/他的家庭作业 13. at seven forty在七点四十 14.every day 每天 15. what time=when什么时候/几点 16.over there在那里 17. at six thirty 在六点三十
    18.my day 我的一天 19.have breakfast 吃早饭 20 twelve fifty十二点五十分21. have four lessons有(上)四节课22.have lunch/breakfas吃午饭/早饭23. at five fifteen在五点一刻
    24.I’m hungry. 我饿了。25. seven o’clock七点钟 26. I can see…我能看见…27. like cakes喜欢蛋糕28. meet …at three在三点与…见面
    三. 句型。
    1. When do you get up in the morning?你上午什么时候起床?
    2. I have lunch at twelve fifteen. 我在12点15分吃午饭。
    3. I usually go to school at seven forty.我通常在7点40去学校 。
    4. I have dinner at six fifteen and watch TV at seven. 我6点15分吃晚饭,并且在7点看电视。
    5. What time is it now?现在几点?
    6. What a big cake!多么大的一个蛋糕啊!
    四. 语言点。
    1. I get up at six o’clock. 我六点起床。 (英语句子中,时间表达放在句末。)
    2. I go to bed at nine on Friday. 我星期五九点睡觉。( 一句话中如果有两个时间,小时间放在大时间之前。)
    3. at nine twenty 在九点二十 ( 时间点的前面用介词at )
    4. 时间的表达。 十点三十二分 ten thirty-two 七点五十八分 seven fifty-eight
    Unit4 Drawing in the park
    一. 单词表,书本P61。
    1.in the park 在公园 2.draw some pictures/flowers画一些图画/花3. a good idea 一个好主意
    4. over there 在那里 5.a tree and some flowers一棵树和一些花6. draw it/them画它/它们
    7. well done 做得好 8.the boat on the lake湖面上的船9. It’s easy/ difficult.他是容易/困难的。
    10. in the tree在树上11. on the tree 在树上(树上长的)12. in this big box 在这个大盒子里面
    13. have a look 看一看 14. great fun 非常有趣15. try again 再试试16.before ten 十点之前
    17. on the river在河面上 18. ten to ten十点差十分(=nine fifty)19. look at this picture看这幅图
    1. Let’s draw some pictures here.让我们在这里画画。
    2. What can you see over there? 你能看到在那里有什么?
    3. I can see a lake.我能看见一个湖泊。
    4. It’s difficult, but I can try. 这难,但是我可以试一试。
    5. Can you draw them? 你会画它们吗?
    6. What can you see? 你能看见什么? What can you do? 你能做什么?
    I can see a tree.我能看见一棵树。 I can draw. 我会画画。
    the boat on the river 湖面上的船 (名词性词组) before反after
    Unit5 Seasons
    一. 单词表,书本P61。
    二. 词组。
    1.fly kites放风筝 2.eat ice creams吃冰淇淋 3.have picnics野餐 4. make snowmen堆雪人
    5.go boating 去划船 6.go swimming 去游泳 7.go climbing去爬山 8.go skating去溜冰
    9.in spring/summer/autumn/winter在春季/夏季/秋季/冬季 10.a fine/nice day 晴朗的一天 11.very cold 非常寒冷 13.whose bag谁的包 14. my bag 我的包 15. like spring喜欢春天
    16. four seasons四季 17. Here’s your jacket. 给你夹克衫.18. all like the kite都喜欢这个风筝
    19. a sunny day 晴朗的一天 20. on a sunny day在晴朗的一天
    三. 句型。
    1. In spring, it is warm. / It is warm in spring. 在春季,天气温暖。
    2. In summer, it is hot. / It is hot in summer. 在夏季,天气炎热。
    3. In autumn, it is cool. / It is cool in autumn. 在秋季,天气凉爽。
    4. In winter, it is cold. / It is cold in winter. 在冬季,天气寒冷。
    5. We fly kites. 我们放风筝。 We can eat ice creams.我们能吃冰淇淋。
    6. I/We like autumn. 我/我们喜欢秋天。
    7. It’s a fine day today. 今天是晴朗的一天。
    1. 季节的前面使用介词in。 in spring/ summer/autumn/winter
    2. 英语表达中,时间一般放在句末 。 I go boating in spring .
    3. 如果时间表达放在句首,一定要用逗号和后面的分局隔开。 In summer, I go swimming.
    Unit6 Whose dress is this?
    一. 单词表,P61-62。
    二. 词组
    1.whose jeans谁的牛仔裤 2. look at my dress 瞧我的连衣裙3. too short 太短4 so big 这么大
    5.try this试穿这(件)---单数6. try these试穿这(条)---复数7.your trousers你的裤子
    8.my cousin’s我表妹的 9.Su Yang’s gloves 苏阳的手套 10.so beautiful 这么好看 11. go to the party 去参加聚会 12. my father’s shirt我爸爸的衬衫13. You are right.你答对了。/You are wrong.你答错了。14. I think so.我想是的。15. Let’s play.让我们玩吧。16.What’s the matter?怎么了?18.My hand hurts.我的手受伤了。19. before eating fish在吃鱼之前20. listen to some English听一些英语 21. by the lake在湖边22. can move能移动
    三. 句型。
    1. Whose dress is it/this/that? 它是谁的连衣裙?/这是谁的连衣裙?/那是谁的连衣裙?
    结构:Whose + 可数名词单数 + is it/this/that?
    2. It’s my sister’s. 它是我的姐姐的。 It’s Helen’s. 它是海伦的。(在人名后加上’s)
    3. Whose jeans are they/these/those? 它们是谁的牛仔裤?/这/那是谁的牛仔裤?
    结构: Whose + 可数名词复数+ are they/these/those?
    4. They’re …’s
    5. Look at my dress. It’s too short. 看我的连衣裙。它太短了。 Try this.试试这条。
    6. Look at my trousers. They are so big. 看我的裤子。它们这么大。 Try these.试试这条。
    四. 语言点。
    1. a pair of jeans 一条牛仔裤 two pairs of shorts两条短裤
    (在成双成对出现的名词用a pair of表示,pair同音词pear whose同音词who’s)

    Unit7 What’s the matter?
    1.have a pie 吃一块馅饼 2. have some water 喝一些水 3. here you are给你
    4.want to go to bed 想要睡觉 5.take this pill 吃这粒药片 6. come and have a look来看看
    7. Good night.晚安。8. Mum and Dad妈妈和爸爸 9. He’s happy.他是快乐的。
    10. go home 回家 11. show Rose your nose 给Rose看看你的鼻子=show your nose to Rose
    12. Here’s a hot dog=have a hot dog 吃一个这个(这儿有个热狗)
    三. 句型
    1. What’s the matter? 你怎么了? I’m tired. 我累了。
    2. What’s the matter with Yang Ling? 杨玲怎么了?
    3. Come and have a cake. 来吃一块蛋糕。
    4. I’m not hungry. I’m thirsty. 我不饿。我渴。
    5. Can I have some juice? 我能喝一些果汁吗?
    6. Are you ill? 你病了吗? Is she tired? 她累了吗? Is he hungry? 他饿了吗?
    7. I want to go home.我想回家。
    8. Here’s a chair for you. 这里有一把椅子给你。
    9. Here are some books for you. 这里有一些书给你。
    四. 语言点。
    1. Here is some water for you. (液体类单词不可数,be动词用is.)
    2. Can I have some water? (说话的人表达的是肯定意义)
    Unit8 How are you?
    1.come to school 来学校2. have a fever and a cold 患了感冒和发热 3.take care 保重
    4.see you 再见 5.at school 在学校 6.go to school 去学校7. a telephone call 打电话
    8. I’m sorry to hear that. 听到这个消息我很难过。9. see you tomorrow明天见9. Not so good .我不太好。10.How are you? 你好吗?11. I am fine, thank you. 我很好,谢谢。13. have a cough and a headache患了咳嗽和头痛14. Is Bobby there? 鲍比在那儿吗?15. at school在学校
    16. the hot dog in the box在盒子里的热狗17. the lunch for the fox给狐狸的午餐18.Doctor Wu吴医生 19. go and see Doctor Wu去找吴医生看病20. see a doctor 看医生21. see you soon 一会见22. come to see you来看你22 after school放学后
    1. Not bad, thank you.还不错,谢谢。
    2. This is Yang Ling speaking.我是杨玲。(电话用语)
    3. May I speak to Miss Li? 我找李老师。/我可以和李老师说话吗?(电话用语)
    4. Who is that? 你是谁? (电话用语)
    5. Is that Helen speaking? 你是海伦吗? (电话用语)
    6. I can’t come to school today.今天我不能来学校。
    7. I’m cold. I have a cough. 我冷。我咳嗽了。
    hear 同音词here come反义词go see you同义词bye/goodbye

    一. 词组
    1. my school life 我的学校生活2. my school 我的学校3. my classroom我的教室 4. play football here 在这儿踢足球5.a lot of flowers and trees许多花和树6. at my school 在我的学校8. love my school喜爱我的学校 9. have a party开个派对 10. come to my party来我的聚会 11. this Sunday这个星期天 12. I’d love to. 我很乐意。13. my clothes我的衣服 14. a yellow T-shirt 一件黄色的体恤衫15. black shorts黑色的短裤
    a lot of=many许多 What’s the matter with him/her? 他/她怎么了?(with后用宾格)

    I’m=I am
    We’re=we are
    you’re=you are
    he’s=he is
    she’s=she is
    they’re=they are

    a /ei / cake、grape、make、skate、Kate、name、table、timetable、snake、safe、take、play、playground、lake
    a / æ / bag、cap、hamburger、sandwich、snack、Dad、cat、 match、Saturday、Maths、back、apple、happy、sad、black、 jacket、have、has、can、bad、Sam、hand
    e, ee / i: / me、she、he、green、sleep、three、tree、see、coffee、week、evening、fever、jeans、speak、cream
    e / e / bed、desk、pen、red、ten、Ken、egg、let、when、 Wednesday、lesson、get、every、pencil、Ben、very、welcome、well、headache、dress、sweater
    i / ai / Chinese、Science、Friday、kite、like、time、white、 Mike、five、fine、night、right、ice、bike、ride、nice、nine、 tiger、life、climb、idea
    i / i / English、fish、him、music、pig、listen、tennis、dinner、evening、drawing、river、difficult、hill、pill、ill、spring、swim、swimming、picnic、winter、six、think、thin、fifty、big、his
    o / əu / close、go、home、no、nose、open、Joe、Rose、cold、old、 so、over、homework、boat、boating、snow 、snowman、coat、mango
    o /ɔ/ coffee 、hot、dog、not、 sock、box、fox、short、shorts、doctor、 morning、forty、lot、orange、Bobby、sorry、o’clock、door、cough
    辨音题做题技巧:本册书主要是关于四个字母:a e i o 在不同单词中的不同读音而进行辨音。a e i o四个字母都有两种不同的读音,在做题时,要一读二辨三做题。
    一、 辨音,发音相同的写“S”,发音不同的写“D”。
    ( )1. dog hot ( )2.bad grape ( )3.close not
    ( )4. fish him ( )5.time fine ( )6. kite like
    ( )7. bed she ( )8.green sleep ( )9.make cap
    ( )10. idea river ( )11. fox no
    二、 找出画线部分发音不同的一项。
    ( )1. A. playground B. Saturday C. table
    ( )2. A. jacket B. Maths C. cake
    ( )3. A. hamburger B. skate C. match
    ( )4. A. fever B. Wednesday C. green
    ( )5. A. lesson B. ten C. sleep
    ( )6. A. tree B. headache C. dress
    ( )7. A. tiger B. spring C. white
    ( )8. A. tennis B. fine C. difficult
    ( )9. A. winter B. ill C. night
    ( )10. A. coat B. doctor C. close
    ( )11. A. sorry B. sock C. Rose
    ( )12. A. cold B. short C. home
    1. sc__ o__ l ( ) 2. s__bj__ct ( ) 3. se __ ( )
    4. __on__ay ( ) 5. M __ s __c ( ) 6. __hin__se ( )
    7. M__ __hs ( ) 8. l__ss__n ( ) 9. T__ __sday ( )
    10.We__ne__day ( ) 11. m__y ( ) 12. __hu__sday ( )
    13. __om__work ( ) 14. h__t ( ) 15. __a__k ( )
    16. h__a__ ( ) 17.d__a__( ) 18. F__ __day ( )
    19.fl__w__r ( ) 20. __ __nday ( ) 21.b__ __t ( )
    22.r__v__r ( ) 23. __ak__( ) 24.se__ __on ( )
    25.d__e__s ( ) 26.s__r__ng ( ) 27. __a__ty ( )
    28.w__ __m ( ) 29.c__a__ ( ) 30.w__ __ter ( )
    31.c__ __d ( ) 32.sh__ __t ( ) 33.s__m__er ( )
    34.s__ea__er ( ) 35. __ut__mn ( ) 36.h__n__ ( )
    37. S__tur__ay ( ) 38. i__ __ ( ) 39.c__ __l ( )
    40.th__r__ty ( ) 41.w__t__r ( ) 42. __ap__y ( )
    43.t__ __ed ( ) 44. u__ua__ly ( ) 45. __rt ( )
    46.Helen and her sister are ill, they should(应该) ________. (保重)
    47.He is not a__ s__ __ool, too.
    48.Bobby can’t __et __p at five thirty.
    49.Can you _________(看电视) with me in the _______ (晚上/傍晚)?
    50.It’s four forty. It’s time to _________.(回家)
    can not _________ do not _________ is not _________
    are not _________ it is _________ they are ________
    let’s _________ ( ) I’m _________ ( )
    who’s _________ ( ) he’s _________ ( )
    she’s _________ ( ) here’s _________ ( )
    this _________ that _________ mango _________
    sandwich _________ snowman_________ foot _________
    dress _________ shoe _________ picture _________
    draw _________ swim _________
    skate _________ climb _________
    who’s _________ here _________
    wear _________ pair _________
    can _________ fall _________ very _________
    a lot of _________ lovely _________ beside _________
    often _________ thank you _________ desk _________
    what time _________ what about _________ see you _________
    big _________ long _________ fat _________
    warm _________ hot _________ happy _________
    old _________ under _________ before ________
    difficult _________ right _________ go _________
    have _________ swim _________
    go _________ like _________


    1.在我的学校 2.在家 3.去参加派对
    4.去操场 5.去公园 6.每天
    7.我们的学校课程 8.上一节英语课
    9.音乐课时间 10. 去看看 11. 星期几
    12.不要游泳 13.回到学校 14.过来玩
    15.多少节科学课 16.在星期四早上
    17.有一场足球比赛 18.回家
    19.一周的星期 20.在夜里 21.干得好
    22.做我的家庭作业 23.得了重感冒
    24.吃午饭 25.喜欢蛋糕 26.十分有趣
    27.去上学 28.堆雪人 29.四季
    30.吃早饭 31.在四点四十分 32.太短
    33.一门简单的学科 34.湖面上的两只鸭子
    35.河面上的船 36.看一看 37.去游泳
    38.画它们/他们/她们 39.晴朗的一天
    40.在秋天 41.一个炎热的夏天 42. 不渴
    43.错与对 44.在湖边 45.晚安
    46.喝些热水 47.她表姐的外套
    48.他爸爸的衬衫 49.服用这种药
    50.三个伤心的女孩 51.去爬山 52.想要
    53.听些英语 54.吃一些鱼 55. 咳嗽
    56.一会见。 57.咳嗽 58.来学校
    59.不太好。 60.头疼并发烧
    61.speak to Sue 62.I’d love to.
    63.What about Saturday? 64.after school
    65.have a skating lesson 66.so beautiful
    67.get up at ten to ten 68.have dinner
    69.What a pity! 70.good idea 71.fly kites
    72.don’t have any lessons 73.make a snowman
    74.draw in the park 75.want to go to bed 76.too long
    77.in each season 78.I think so. 79.try again
    80.have picnics 81.look at this monkey
    82.eat ice creams 83.show Rose your fan
    84.our new timetable 85.tired and hungry
    86.take care 87.this afternoon 88.go boating
    89.like Art and Maths 90. four happy boys
    91.play football 92.want some warm water
    93.Mrs Fox is ill. 94.go and see a doctor
    95.See you tomorrow. 96.a monkey in the tree
    97.a difficult lesson 98.draw a lot of pictures
    99.before eating fish 100.watch TV
    101. play table tennis 102.make a week
    ( ) 1. How many _______do you have this term/at school? We have seven.
    A. lessons B. a subject C. subjects
    ( ) 2. What lessons do you have this morning? We _______ Chinese and Music.
    A. like B. have C. are
    ( ) 3.Art and Music ________ fun.
    A. is B. am C. are
    ( ) 4.A: How much are these books? B: _____________
    A.Yes, they are.. B. They’re fifteen yuan. C. It’s fifeen yuan.
    ( ) 5.What ________ do you like? I like English and Chinese.
    A. lessons B. subjects C. a subject
    ( ) 6. It’s time _____ Maths.
    A. to B. for C. in
    ( ) 7. Yang Ling_______some lessons this Sunday.
    A. have B. has C. don’t have
    ( ) 8. A: Do you have _____ Art lessons this morning? B: Yes, I do.
    A. any B some C a
    ( ) 9. It’s time for ______ .
    A. go to school B. school C. go school
    ( ) 10. David and Mike usually ______ at six fifteen ______the evening.
    A. has dinner, in B. have breakfast, at C. have dinner, in
    ( ) 11. What time______ ? It’s ______.
    A. is it; ten B. is it; a big cake C. it is; one
    ( ) 12. What can you do, ? _______.
    A.I can see a bird. B. I can play football. C. Yes, I can.
    ( ) 13. Helen can _______ pictures.
    A. draws B. draw C. drawing
    ( ) 14. I can see a pig over there. Can you draw _______ ?
    A. they B. them C. it
    ( ) 15. I can see some fish _______ the river.
    A. in B. on C. at
    ( ) 16. When do you go climbing? We go climbing _______ breakfast.
    A. has B. at C. after
    ( ) 17 Can you _______ in summer ? No, I can’t.
    A. swimming B. swim C. swiming
    ( ) 18 . Whose skirt is this ? ______.
    A. It’s Su Yang. B. They’re Su Yang’s. C. It’s Su Yang’s.
    ( ) 19. _______the boy under the tree ? He’s David .
    A. Who’s B. Whose C. Who
    ( ) 20. Is this a _______ _______the tree ? I think so.
    A. monkey, in B. apple, on C. monkey, on
    ( ) 21. Do you like this _______? Yes, I do. I like _______.
    A. snowmen, snowmen B. snowman, snowman C. snowman, snowmen
    ( ) 22. My brother wants _______ some new shirts.
    A. to B. / C. have
    ( ) 23. Here _______ a glass of _______ for you.
    A. is, water B. is, waters C. are, water
    ( ) 24. He can’t _______them, his hands _______.
    A. draws, hurt B. draw, hurt C. draws, hurts
    ( ) 25. I can’t see ________ flowers.
    A. some B. a C. any
    ( ) 26. ________is the first day of a week.
    A. Monday B. Sunday C. Saturday
    ( ) 27 What’s ________ over there ?
    A. this B. those C. that
    ( ) 28. These ________ my new gloves. –________ nice !
    A. are, What a B. are, What C. are, How
    I II
    ( ) 1. What time is it? A. At seven twenty.
    ( ) 2. When do you go to school? B. It’s my cousin’s.
    ( ) 3. Whose skirt is it? C. It’s so beautiful.
    ( ) 4. Who’s that girl over there? D. They’re Miss Green’s.
    ( ) 5. Look at my dress. E. She’s Helen.
    ( ) 6. Whose shorts are these? F. It’s eight thirty.
    I II
    ( ) 1. I’m very hungry. A. A pair of gloves, please.
    ( ) 2. What would you like? B. What a pity!
    ( ) 3. I have a cough. C. Here’s a cake for you.
    ( ) 4. I can’t come to the party. D. Three.
    ( ) 5. What subject do you like? E. Have a good rest.
    ( ) 6. How many lessons do you have today? F. I like Art.
    I II
    ( ) 1. How are you? A. Yes, I am.
    ( ) 2. I’m ill. B. I’m not so good.
    ( ) 3. What day is it today? C. It’s a sunny day.
    ( ) 4. What’s the weather like? D. Monday.
    ( ) 5. May I speak to Miss Li? E. I’m sorry to hear that.
    ( ) 6. Are you good? F. This is Miss Li.
    I II
    ( ) 1. Your jacket is so cool. A. I can fly kites.
    ( ) 2. Can she draw a panda? B. Good idea!
    ( ) 3. Can you skate? C. Here you are.
    ( ) 4. Let’s go to the playground. D. Thank you.
    ( ) 5. Can I have some water? E. It’s difficult, but I can try.
    ( ) 6. What can you do in spring? F. No, she can’t.
    1. you, see, on, can, river, the, a, boat ( . )
    2. some, let, pictures, now, us, draw ( . )
    3. can, you, what, see, the, in, picture ( ? )
    4. do, what, subjects, like, you ( ? )
    5. in, what, the, big, is, box ( ? )
    6. you, play, can, tennis, go, table, and ( ? )
    7. lessons, do, what, have, the, you, in, morning ( ? )
    8. I, some, juice, can, have ( ? )
    9. can, school, come, tomorrow, she, to ( . )
    10. do, play, when, you, football ( ? )
    11. and, Miss, at, six, Su Hai, meet, Su Yang, Li, thirty ( . )
    12. autumn, it, cool, is, in ( ? )
    13. short, those, too, are, shorts ( . )
    1. too, to, you, meet, nice (,.) _________________________________________
    2. seven, we, in, have, a, week, days (.) _________________________________
    3. today, a, it’s, day, hot (.) ___________________________________________
    4. day, what, tomorrow, it, is (?) _______________________________________
    5. homework, at, forty, do, my, five, I (.) _________________________________
    6. do, like, not, Maths, Science, they, and (.) ______________________________
    7. have, do, what, we, Monday, on, lessons (?)____________________________
    8. any, today, I, don’t, lessons, have (.) __________________________________
    9. big, a, cake, what, nice, and (!) ______________________________________
    10. and, play, please, come, table, tennis (,.)______________________________
    11. we, in, can, go, winter, skating (,.) __________________________________
    12. here, it, is, summer, in, hot (?) _____________________________________
    13. try, yellow, please, this, coat (.) _____________________________________
    14. my, these, red, are, dresses, cousin’s (.)______________________________
    15. let’s, now, to, party, the, go (,.) _____________________________________
    16. small, whose, are, gloves, they, Taotao (,?) ___________________________
    17. shirt, look, her, at, his, sweater, and (.) _______________________________
    18. ill, Mouse, Mrs, Bobby, is (,?) _______________________________________
    19. cup, here’s, of, coffee, you, for, a (.) _________________________________
    20. come, can, to, I, see, class, after, you (?) _____________________________
    21. are, for, my, party, these, trousers, the (.) _____________________________
    22. cold, has, a, cough, a, she, and (.) __________________________________
    23. not, your, hungry, are, sisters (.) ____________________________________
    24. Yang, Ling, come, this, can, to, afternoon, school (?)
    25. can, make, draw, and, Tom, kite, a, he, can (.)
    26. those, that, the, trees, lake, the, is, are, and (.)
    27. flowers, you, under, can, see, any, the, tree (?)
    28. Mike, usually, have, lunch, Helen, when, do, and (?)
    29. go, home, every, I, in, the, at, five, afternoon, day (.)
    30. to, go, bed, eight, at, usually, I, the, in, evening (.)

    1. This is _______ (we) school.
    2. How many (lesson) do we have?
    3. It’s a _________(sun) day today.
    4. Wang Bing ________ (have) a new coat.
    5. Rose ________ (make) a _________(snowmen) this afternoon.
    6. We don’t have_______ (some) lessons today.
    7. This is _______ (you) picture. It’s nice.
    8. What’s the matter with ________(he) ?
    9. Can you see _______ (some) trees in the park ?
    10. These _______( is ) my new shorts.
    11. Yang Ling can _______ ( has ) dinner at six this evening.
    12. Here _______ ( be ) some trees. Can you draw _______ (they) ?
    13. What’s the matter with ________(she) ?
    14. Let’s go ___________(swim) in the river.
    15. That________(make) a week.
    16. I like _________(sandwich).This_________(sandwich) is nice!
    17. Let _______( we ) go to the park.
    18. Yang Ling can ___________(have) picnics this Saturday.
    19. She __________(want) to go to bed at nine.
    20. _______(he) sweater is so beautiful.
    21. I (like) this coat. Try this, please.
    22. _______(she) dress is too big for her.
    23. Look at _______(me) _______(mother) dress. It’s so beautiful.
    24. This is Mrs Green _______. (speak)
    25. I_______ (can) make cakes, it’s too difficult for_______( I )
    1. What __________ (subject) do you like?
    2. How many ___________ (mango) do you have?
    3. I can see ___________ (some) flowers but I can’t see________ (some) trees.
    4. I ________ (have) a dog. Yang Ling _________ (have) a dog too. We _______
    (have) two dogs in all.
    5. Where________(be) the cats? Where_______(be) the water? Where_____ (be) the book and the bag?
    6. I like________(swim). But I can’t_________(swim) tomorrow.
    7. This is Wang Bing___________(speak). May I _________ (speak) to Nancy?
    8. Look at ________(this) _________(shoe). They’re so nice! I want to try _______(this) pair!
    9. I like _________(dance). I want to ___________(dance) with you!
    10. __________(who) tiger is this? It’s_______(Wang Bing). __________(who)
    Wang Bing? The boy over there!
    11. ________(he) happy! And_________(he) eyes are big!
    12. -- ________(be) you hungry?
    -- Yes, I ________(be).
    -- Here________(be) some bread for you.
    13. -- ________(do) you have a cake?
    -- No, I _________(do). I _______(do) have a cake.
    14. I can _______(read) books at school. I like_______(read) books. I have a _________(read) lesson this morning.
    15. Look at these ________(boat) on the river! Let’s go ________(boat).
    16. We have four ________(season) in a year. Which_______(season) do you like best?
    17. -- I can’t________(hear) you!
    -- I’m sorry________(hear) that!
    18. Here ________(be) any water for you. But here _______(be) some pies for you.
    19. -- Whose_______(dress) are they?
    -- __________(they) Yang Ling’s.
    -- Whose _________(juice) is it?
    -- __________(it) Yang Ling’s.
    20. -- _________(I) cap is on the desk.
    -- OK. I can see _______(you) cap. Here_______(you) are.
    21. I like________(flowers). I like________(spring) very much.
    22. -- ________(be) your good friend ill?
    -- Yes, he ______(be).
    ( )1. I go home on five . ___________
    A B C D
    ( )2. She have a new skirt . ___________
    A B C D
    ( )3.Mike and Su Hai don’t have some lessons on Sunday. ___________
    A B C D
    ( )4.Where do you get up every day. ___________
    A B C D
    ( )5.Let’s play table tennis at Saturday. ___________
    A B C D
    ( )6. It’s warm at spring . ___________
    B C D
    ( )7. Who’s cat A is this ? ___________
    A B C D
    ( )8. Let’s skating after school . ___________
    A B C D
    ( )9. Here’re some water for you. ___________
    A B C D
    ( )10. I drink an ice cream. ___________
    A B C D
    ( )11. I can see a duck in the river. ___________
    A B C D
    ( )12. Can you see any boat ? ___________
    A B C D
    ( )13. How many hill can you see ? ___________
    A B C D
    ( )14. Can you draw they ? ___________
    A B C D
    ( )15. Would you like any apples ? ___________
    A B C D
    ( )16. We usually make snowman in winter. ___________
    A B C D
    ( )17. I’m thirsty. Can I have some cakes ? ___________
    A B C D
    ( )18. Whose dress are they ? ___________
    A B C D
    ( )19. May I speaking to Miss Li ? ___________
    A B C D
    ( )20. I am Jack speaking. ___________
    A B C
    ( )21. It’s time for go home. ___________
    A B C D
    ( )22. mrs Green is ill today. ___________
    A B C D
    ( )23. What’s the matter with they ? ___________
    A B C D

    1. 这个学期你们有多少门学科?
    ___________ ___________ ___________do you have this term?
    2. 现在是上体育课的时间,让我们一起去操场吧。
    It’s time ___________ ___________. Let’s go to the ___________.
    3. 你喜欢什么课?我喜欢英语,它是有趣的。
    What __________ do you like? I like ____________. It’s ___________.
    4. 星期五早上你有什么课?
    ___________ ___________ do you have on___________ ___________.
    5. 苏洋每天有一节游泳课。
    Su Yang___________a ___________lesson ___________ ___________.
    6. 星期日是一周的第一天。
    __________ is the first ___________ of a week.
    7. 迈克在下午有一节美术课。
    Mike has __________ __________ __________ in the afternoon.
    8. 这条连衣裙对我来说太大了。
    This dress ________ _________ _________ for me..
    9. 你的英语书在哪里? 它在椅子的下面。
    _________ your _________ book ? It’s _________ the _________.
    10. 现在几点钟了? 十二点二十五分。
    ________ ________ is it now ? It’s ________ ___________.
    11. 这是迈克的外套吗?是的,你猜对了。
    Is this _______ coat ? Yes. You’re _______.
    12. 这些是谁的手套?它们是我表姐的。
    _______ _______ are these ? They are my ___________,
    13. 那个人是谁? 他是我的弟弟。
    _______ that man ? _______ my brother.
    14. 我会做蛋糕。它是如此简单。
    I can make_______. It’s _________ _________.
    15. 我喜欢蛋糕,你呢?
    I ________ ________. ________ ________ you ?
    16. 他想要去看你,你好点了吗?
    He _________ _________ come _________ see you. Are you _________ _________ ?
    17. 她的姐姐不饿,但是很渴。
    _________ sister is _________ _________, but she’s _________ _________.
    1. 我爸爸妈妈每天晚上八点二十看电视。
    My _________ and dad _________ TV ________ _________ _________ every __________.
    2. 让我们在公园里画画吧。
    _________ _________ _________ some _________ in _________ __________.
    3. -- 我咳嗽并头痛。
    -- 我很抱歉听到这个消息,保重身体。
    -- I have _________ _________ and __________ __________.
    -- I’m _________ to __________ that.__________ __________.
    4. -- 怎么了?
    -- 我的双手受伤了。
    -- _________ the __________ ?
    -- My __________ __________.
    5. 我酷爱在冬天游泳。
    I _________ _________ in __________.
    6. -- 这是谁的鞋?
    -- 这双是我表弟的鞋。
    -- __________ __________ __________ __________ ?
    -- __________ my __________.
    7. 树上有一只风筝。
    There’s a __________ __________ the __________.
    8. -- 你们有什么学科?
    -- 看我们的课表。我们有英语、语文、数学、美术、体育、音乐和科学课。
    -- What __________ do you __________ ?
    -- ___________ __________ our __________. We have __________, Chinese, __________, __________, PE, __________ and Science.
    9. -- 我们周六没有课。
    -- 让我们去爬山吧。
    -- We don’t have __________ __________ __________ __________.
    -- Let’s __________ __________.
    10. -- 我渴了。
    -- 喝杯橙汁吧。
    -- I’m __________.
    -- __________ __________ __________ of__________ __________.
    11. 你的裤子太长了。试试这条。
    __________ trousers __________ __________ __________ . Try __________.
    12. 我是凯文。请玛丽听电话?
    __________ __________ Kevin __________. __________ I __________ __________ Mary?
    13.-- 我是梅。你是刘涛吗?
    -- 对不起,刘涛现在在上学。
    -- This is May. __________ __________ Liu Tao?
    -- Sorry, he’s __________ __________ now.
    1. I have some lessons on Monday. (改为一般疑问句)
    _______ _______ _______ _______ lessons on Monday ?
    2. It’s time to go to school. (改为同义句)
    It’s time _______ _______ .
    3. I usually watch TV at seven. (对画线部分提问)
    _______ _______ _______ usually watch TV ?
    4. It’s eleven o’clock now. (对画线部分提问)
    _______ _______ is it now ?
    5. She can see a hot dog on the table . (改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)
    –________ ________ ________ a hot dog on the table ?
    –________ , ________ ________.
    6. I can swim . (对划线部分提问)
    ________ ________ you ________ ?
    7. What time is it now ? (改为同义句)
    ________ the ________ now ?
    8. What’s the matter with you? (改为同义句)
    ________ ________ with you ?
    9. It is a big cake in the kitchen. (对划线部分提问)
    ________ the big cake ?
    10. Helen is my sister. (对划线部分提问)
    ________ your sister ?
    11. This is my hat. (对划线部分提问)
    ___________ ___________ is this ?
    12. We all like spring best. (对划线部分提问)
    ___________ ___________ do you like best ?
    13. It’s summer. (对划线部分提问)
    ___________ ___________ is it ?
    14. I fly kites very well. (改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)
    ___________ ___________ fly kites very well ?
    ___________, I ___________.
    15. I can see some flowers under the tree.(改为一般疑问句,并做否定回答)
    –_______ you see ________ flowers under the tree?
    – _______, I _________.
    16. Su Hai has a cold. (对划线部分提问)
    ___________ the ___________ with her ?

    17. I am very cold. (改为复数形式)
    ___________ ___________very cold.
    18. They are tired and hungry. (改为以he为句首的形式)
    ___________ ___________ tired and hungry.
    19. I go to school at five. (改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)
    ___________ ___________ go home at five ?
    ___________, I ___________.
    20. Mary is fine now. (改为一般疑问句)
    ___________ ___________ fine now ?
    21. I like English and Chinese. (对画线部分提问)
    _____________ do you like?
    22. It’s Monday today. (对画线部分提问)
    __________ _________is it today?
    1. I like Science. (对划线部分提问)
    ________ _________ do you like?
    2. I’d like a glass of milk. (对划线部分提问)
    What ________ ________ like?
    3. That is a flower. (改为复数)
    ________ are ________.
    4. I have a basketball match today. (用Mike代替I)
    ________ ________ a basketball match today.
    5. Here is a dress for you. (改为复数)
    Here _______ _________ _________ for you.
    6. I can see some cakes. (改为一般疑问句,并做否定回答)
    ________ _________ see ________ cakes? No, ______ ________.
    7. They’re my bags. (对划线部分提问)
    ________ _________ are they?
    8. I can play football. (对划线部分提问)
    ________ can you _________?
    9. I have Chinese and PE this morning. (对划线部分提问)
    ________ ________ do you have this morning?
    10. I go to school at seven. (对划线部分提问)
    ________ _______ ________ go to school?
    11. I’m cold. (改为一般疑问句,并做肯定回答)
    ________ ________ cold? Yes, I _________.
    12. Here’s a book for you. (改为同义句)
    This _______ ________ for you.
    13. The woman is Mrs Green. (对划线部分提问)
    ________ ________ the woman?
    14. It’s time to have lunch. (改为同义句)
    It’s time _______ _______.
    15. Whose shorts are these? (改为同义句)
    Whose _______ _______ shorts?
    16. Tina and Bobby are at school. (对划线部分提问)
    ________ _______ Tina and Bobby?
    17. I have a cough and a fever. (对划线部分提问)
    ________ the ________?
    18. I can have some noodles. (改为否定句) I ________ have _______ noodles.
    19. He’s tired now. (改为复数)
    ________ _______ tired now.
    20. This is Helen speaking. (改为一般疑问句)
    _______ _______ Helen speaking?
    21. We don’t like our sweaters. (改为单数)
    _______ don’t like _______ ________.
    22. I have a headache. (改为否定句)
    I _______ _______ a headache.
    23. It’s seven ten now. (对划线部分提问)
    _______ ________ is it now?
    24. It’s a nice skirt. (改为感叹句)
    ________ _______ nice skirt!

    1. A. Hello, Miss Li. I can’t go to school today.
    B. Hello, this is Liu Tao. May I speak to Miss Li ?
    C. What’s the matter ?
    D. Hello, Liu Tao. This is Miss Li speaking.
    E. I have a cold and a fever.
    F. Thank you, Miss Li.
    G. I’m sorry to hear that. Take care, please.

    2. A. What’s the matter ?
    B. Sure. Here are you.
    C. Mum, I’m not happy.
    D. I’m hungry. Can I have some pies ?
    E. Thank you, Mum.

    3. A. Try these, please. These are short.
    B. Look at my trousers.
    C. Thank you. Let’s go to the party now.
    D. Oh, they’re too long. Whose trousers are they ?
    E. They’re my father’s.


    1. A: ____ you see _____ _____ _____ the desk?
    B: Yes, I can. How ____ _____ can you see?
    A: _______. Let’s play ________ now.
    B: Good ________!

    2. A: It is _______ in winter.
    ______ can you _______?
    B: I can _______. What _______you?
    A: _______ ________.

    3. A: What’s the matter?
    B: _______ ______.
    A: Here’s some ________ for you.
    B: Thanks.

    4. A: _____ the ______?
    B: It’s _______ o’clock, Nancy.
    _______ ________ hungry?
    A: No, _______ tired.
    I want ______ _____ to bed now.
    B:OK. Don’t ________ your_______.
    Good _________, dear.

    5. A: Hello! _______ is Uncle Li ________.
    May I _________ to Mrs Wu?
    B: Hi, Uncle Li. ______ is Mrs Wu.
    A: I’m very sorry. I can’t come this afternoon.
    B: What’s ________ ________?
    A: I _____ ill. My leg ________.
    B: I’m _______ to hear that.
    I’ll come to see you tomorrow.
    I can take _____ fruit _____ you. See you.
    A: See you ______.
    6. A: Do you like winter?
    B: No, I _________. It’s ________.
    A: Which _________ do you like best?
    B: I like ___________.
    Because we can fly __________.

    7. A: Hi, Bobby! Let’s _______ and play_____.
    B: What _______ is it today?
    A: It’s _______.
    B: Sorry. I have a Maths lesson now.
    How _______ this afternoon?
    A: OK. See you _______ ________.
    B: _______.

    8. A: Hurry up!
    Let’s go and ________ a __________ lesson.
    How about you, Lily?
    B: I have a _______ _______ match today.
    A: What about ______ Sunday?
    B: _______ ________.

    9. A: Look _____ my _______.
    B: ______ too ______. ______ are they?
    A: They’re my _______.
    B: _______ those.
    A: OK.

    10. A: ______do we go to the______?
    B: At ______ ________.
    A: _________ can we do in ____?
    B: We can ______ ________ there.
    A:Great! I can draw________ and _________.

    11. A: _______ _______ is it today?
    B: It’s ________.
    A: ______ ______ ______ do you have today?
    B: We have __________.
    A: What are _______?
    B:They are _____, ______, _____ and ______.
    A: What ________ do you like?
    B: I like __________ very much.

    二、 根据上下文以及首字母提示,使对话意思完整。
    1. A: Hi! W____ day is it t______? B: It’s T______.
    A: Let’s p____ t______ t_______ this afternoon? B: S______, I can’t.
    A: Why? Do you have l________? B: Yes! M______ and A_____.
    A: What a_____ your brothers? B: They d____ have a_____ l______.
    A: Great! B: But they have a f______ m______.
    A: What a p______!
    2. A: We have an A___ lesson today. B: C____ you d_____ a boat?
    A: Yes. I can. B: Can you draw them on the r____?
    A: Sure. So e_____.
    3. A: Do y______ like s_____? B: No, I d_______ like summer.
    A: Which s_____ do you like? B: I l______ a__________.
    A: Why? B: Because I can h_____ p________.
    A: I l___ s_____. I can go s________.
    I can e_____ i_______ c______ in summer, too.

    4. A: Look at my white d_______? B: It’s t____ s______. T___ this.
    A: OK. B: G______!
    A: Oh, your t_____ are too long. Try t_____ . B: A____ r_________.
    A: Now l____ go to Jim’s p________. B: OK. Let’s go.

    5. A: H_______ B_______. B: Thanks.
    A: This is f_____ you. B:W_______ in the box?
    A: A pair of g_______. B: What c______ are t_______?
    A: Yellow. Your red ones are s______. B:Thank you. How m____ are t____?
    A: Fifty yuan. Let’s open the box. B: A_______ r______.
    A: You look so n_______ in yellow . B: Thank you.

    6. A: W______ do you g____ u____? B: A__ seven. Then I g___ to s_____.
    A: D___ you h___ l_____ at twelve? B: Yes. I have lunch at t______ .
    H______ a______ you?
    A: I have l______ at e______. B:Where?
    A: At h________. B: W_____ do you go to b_____?
    A: At ten o’clock. B: T____ late! You can sleep early.

    7. A: May I c______ i_____, Doctor? B:Yes, come in and s__ down, please.
    A: Thank you. B:W______ the m______ with you?
    A: I have a cough and a h________. B: Open your m_______ and let me see.
    A: Ahh... B:OK. I see. You h_____ a bad c_____.
    A: What? B:Take t____ pills with w____ water.
    A: OK. B: Remember! D_____ more w_______.
    A: S____ y_____. B: Goodbye.

    8. A: Hi, may I s_________ to Miss Li? B: Yes. This is Miss Li s___________.
    A: Hello! This is Bob’s father. B: How is Bob?
    A: He’s i____ i____ bed. B: What’s the m_____ with him?
    A: He has a high f_____. B: I’m s_____ to h_____ that. Take c___.
    A:Thanks, Miss Li. B: He can have a day off.(休息一天)
    A: Really? I can w_____ T___ now. B: What?

    9. Hello. I’m Linda. I live in a s____ town(小镇) near the r______. It is s_______ now. I like this s_______ very much. The t_______ are g______ and the f______
    are beautiful. It is w_____ and s_______. I u______ go to the p______ w_____ my f_________ on S_______ and S_______. We can f_____ k_______. We can see some h______ there. So we g_____ c_______. Sometimes (有时) I h_____ p_______ with my father and m_______. We can e____ food and d_____ juice. I s______ songs for t_______. We are very h_______.

    10. My name is Tom. I come from the USA. I g___ u____ at s_____ twenty. I h____ a glass of m_____ and s______ cakes for my b_______. Then I g____ t___ s_______ by bus. I get to s_______ at e______ thirty. I have t______ l______ in the m_______. I have E_______ e_____ day. But I like S_______ and M______ very much. I h______ l______ at e______ o’clock. I c______ h_______ at four forty i____ the a________. Then I p______ f_______ with my cousins. At s_______ thirty in the e________ I have d________ and I d______ my h_______ at seven. I g_____ to b_______ at ten.

    11. Hello! I’m Bill. I h______ e_______ s________ this term(学期). They’re C_________, M_______, E______, A_____, S______ M______ and P___. I have f_____ l________ i____ the m_______ and two lessons in the a_______. I like C__________. M______ students in our class like A______ very much. S_______ students l_____ PE. They usually p______ f_______ and b__________ after s______. My friend, Lee likes M______ and S________. On M______ a________, he h________ a M_______ l______ after school. On F______ e_______, he h_____ two S________ l_______. He’s busy. But he’s h_______. I play with him o____ W_____ and S______. We are very h_________.

    (A)Su Hai: Hi, Helen. What day is it today?
    Helen: It’s Tuesday.
    Su Hai: Let’s go to play basketball this afternoon.
    Helen: Sorry, I’m busy. I have Music and Art.
    Su Hai: What about Liu Tao?
    Helen: He doesn’t have any lessons.
    Su Hai: All right.
    Helen: But he has a football match.
    Su Hai: What a pity!
    ( ) 1. Today is Thursday.
    ( ) 2. Su Hai wants to play football.
    ( ) 3. Helen has Music and Art.
    ( ) 4. Liu Tao can’t go to play basketball, either.
    ( ) 5. Liu Tao has a basketball match.
    (B)Lily:How many lessons do you have today?
    Tom: Three in the morning and three in the afternoon.
    Lily: What lessons do you have in the morning?
    Tom: I have Mathes, English, and Music.
    Lily: When do you have the English lesson?
    Tom: Let me see. We have the English lesson at nine twenty.
    Lliy: I have an English lesson at ten fifteen this morning.
    ( ) 1. Tom has three lessons today.
    ( ) 2. Tom has a Chinese lesson in the morning.
    ( ) 3. Lily has an English lesson today.
    ( ) 4. Tom has an English lesson at ten fifteen.
    ( ) 5. Tom and Lily are in the same class.
    (C)Su Yang:Nancy, where’s my water bottle?
    Nancy: Is this your water bottle?
    Su Yang: No, my bottle is blue. This is white.
    Nancy: Come here, Su Yang. What’s that on the desk?
    Su Yang: Oh, it’s a blue one.
    Nancy: Is that your water bottle?
    Su Yang: Yes. Thank you.
    ( ) 1. Su Yang can’t find (找到) her water bottle.
    ( ) 2. Su Yang’s water bottle is white.
    ( ) 3. Su Yang’s water bottle is on the desk.
    ( ) 4. Nancy finds the water bottle for Su Yang.
    ( ) 5. There’s only one water bottle in the story.
    (D) Helen usually gets up early every day. But she gets up late today. She has no time for breakfast. She goes to school at seven thirty. She has four lessons in the morning. She has lunch at eleven forty at school. She plays table tennis at four and goes home at five twenty. At six thirty, she has dinner with her parents. That’s her day.
    ( ) 1. Helen gets up early today.
    ( ) 2. Helen has four lessons in the morning.
    ( ) 3. Helen has lunch at eleven forty at home.
    ( ) 4. Helen plays table tennis at five twenty.
    ( ) 5. Helen has dinner with her parents at six thirty.
    (A) John is a twelve-year-old student in a primary school. He studies twelve subjects at school: Chinese, Maths, English, Science, PE, Art, ME, Writing, HE(健康教育), Reading and Activities. It’s Tuesday. John is happy because(因为) he has Chinese, Maths, Science and Reading in the morning. He likes Science and Reading very much. At Science lesson, he can read picture books and magazines(杂志). John is happy on Monday too because he has Art lessons. He likes drawing. His Art teacher is Miss Li and he likes Miss Li very much!
    ( ) 1. John has _____________ subjects at school.
    A. two B. twelve C. ten
    ( ) 2. John has _____________ on Tuesday morning.
    A. Chinese, Maths, Science and Art
    B. Chinese, Maths, Reading and Art
    C. Chinese, Maths, Science and Reading
    ( ) 3. John likes _______________.
    A. Art B. Science and Reading C. Science, Reading and Art
    ( ) 4. John can ___________ at Reading lessons.
    A. enjoy some interesting Science stories
    B. read picture books
    C. draw beautiful pictures
    ( ) 5. John is happy on _____________.
    A. Tuesday and Thursday B. Monday and Tuesday
    C. Monday and Wednesday

    (B) Hi, I’m Ben. I’m eleven. I like autumn. It’s cool in autumn. I can go climbing with my friends. I can draw some flowers and trees on the hill. I can have picnics with my parents. We can see some birds in the tree. It’s very fun.
    ( ) 1. How old is Ben?
    A. 12 B. 10 C. 11
    ( ) 2. Can Ben draw the birds ?
    A. No, he can’t. B. Yes, he can. C. Sorry, I don’t know.
    ( ) 3. Ben can ____________ with his father.
    A. go climbing B. have picnics C. go swimming

    (C)A: Hello, this is Su Hai speaking. B: Hi, Su Hai. This is Nancy. How are you?
    A: Not so good.
    B: What’s the matter?
    A: I have a fever and a cough.
    B: I’m sorry to hear that. Where are you, Su Hai?
    A: I’m at home.
    B: Can I come to see you this evening?
    A: OK. See you.
    B: See you.
    ( ) 1. __________ is calling Su Hai.
    A. Nancy B. Yang Ling C. Miss Li
    ( ) 2. Su Hai is _______________.
    A. fine B. not so good C. happy
    ( ) 3. Su Hai has _____________.
    A. a fever B. a cough C. both A and B
    ( ) 4. Nancy will (将要) come to see Su Hai _________________.
    A. after school B. in the evening C. in the morning
    ( ) 5. Su Hai is ______________________.
    A. in the school B. in the hospital C. at home
    ( ) 1. A. Chinese B. English C. Maths
    ( ) 2. A. Monday B. Tuesday C. Thursday
    ( ) 3. A. hill B. river C. boat
    ( ) 4. A. morning B. afternoon C. evening
    ( ) 5. A. coats B. shorts C. shirts
    ( ) 6. A. hurt B. hurry C. hungry
    ( ) 7. A. cough B. cold C. coffee
    ( ) 8. A. go skating B. go boating C. go climbing
    ( ) 9. A. take care B. not so good C. take the pills
    ( )10. A. Are you tired? B. Is she hungry? C. Are they happy?
    ( ) 1. A. Sounds good. B. I’m sorry to hear that. C. I’m so happy.
    ( ) 2. A. Yes, I do. B. I have many books. C. No, I’m not.
    ( ) 3. A. Yes, she does. B. Yes, she can. C. Yes, she is.
    ( ) 4. A. I have four. B. He likes Maths and Chinese. C. I like English and Art.
    ( ) 5. A. It’s a hot day. B. It’s sunny. C. It’s Tuesday.
    ( ) 6. A. It’s five. B. It’s Tom’s. C. It’s Tom.
    三、听录音,用阿拉伯数字给下列图片编号 (听两遍)(6分)

    ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
    四、听录音,根据所听到的对话和问题选择正确的答案 (听两遍) (5分)
    ( ) 1. What is behind the door?
    A. Coats. B. Books. C. Jackets.
    ( ) 2. Mike’s and Helen’s coats are .
    A. blue. B. blue and brown. C. not brown or blue.
    ( ) 3. Mike and Helen are .
    A. in the classroom. B. in the playground. C. at home.
    ( ) 4. Perhaps Mike and Helen are .
    A. playing basketball B. watching the running race C. playing football
    ( ) 5. Whose coats are they?
    A. They’re yours. B. They are Mike’s and Helen’s. C. They’re Yang Ling’s.
    1、A: How many are there in a year?
    B: .
    A:What are they?
    B: They are spring , autumn and winter.
    2、A: this sweater?
    B: No, it .
    A: sweater is this?
    B: It’s .
    ( ) 1. A. Kate B. lake C. skate D. bag
    ( ) 2. A. snack B. grape C. hamburger D.sandwich
    ( ) 3. A. bed B.he C. green D. three
    ( ) 4. A. Chinese B. kite C. white D. fish
    ( ) 5. A. home B. close C. coffee D. nose
    ( ) 6. A. dogs B. grapes C. hamburgers D. jeans
    1. 在星期三下午 ___________ 2. 堆雪人______________ ___
    3. 得了感冒和发烧____ ___ ______ ___ 4. 今天早晨___________________
    5. 星期几 ___________________ 6. 在七点 ____________________
    7. 什么时候_________________ 8. 太短 __________
    9. 谁的连衣裙____________________ 10.晚安 ____________________
    11. What’s the matter? _______ _______ 12. See you tomorrow. _____________
    13. I’m sorry to hear that.________________ 14. try on _______________
    15. well done_________________ 16. Welcome to our school._________
    1.I have a (swim) lesson this evening.
    2. Mary (have) lunch at school every day.
    3. It’s too (cold) .Open the door,please.
    4. This is Miss Li (speak).
    5. Look! My gloves (be) so big.
    6. Can you _____________(come) to school tomorrow?
    7. We can see three (apple)trees in the picture.
    8. ----My shorts are too short. ----Try (they).
    9. It’s my (brother) birthday today.
    10. How many _____________ (lesson)do you have this morning?
    九、从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个可以填入空白处的正确选项 (15分)
    ( ) 1. He usually watches TV night.
    A. with B. at C. in D. to
    ( ) 2. It’s nine o’clock. It’s time ___________.
    A. to bed B. for go to bed C. to go to bed D. go to bed
    ( ) 3. Would you like pies?
    A. any B. a C. an D. some
    ( ) 4. It’s cold. We can make .
    A. snowman B. snowmen C. snowmans D. a snowmen
    ( ) 5. – May I speak to Helen? –Yes. _________Helen speaking.
    A. I’m B. this is C. This is D. That is
    ( ) 6. – What colour is your ? ---White.
    A. jeans B. shorts C. socks D. shirt
    ( ) 7. Let’s go .
    A. boat B. boating C. a boat D. boats
    ( ) 8. I’m thirsty. I want .
    A. a pie B. to eat a pie C. have some water D. to have some water
    ( ) 9. My pencil is too short, but your pencil is .
    A. big B. long C. short D. small
    ( )10. – shoes are they? – __________Helen’s.
    A. Who’s, it’s B. Whose, It’s C. Who’s, they’re D. Whose, They’re
    ( )1. We can go swim.
    A B C
    ( )2. Who’s bag is this ?
    A B C
    ( )3. We go to the park at Saturday.
    A B C
    ( )4. The glove are my mother’s.
    A B C
    ( )5. We don’t have some lessons today.
    A B C
    ( )It’s nice. But it’s too big for you. Whose is it?
    ( ) All right.
    ( ) It’s my sister’s.
    ( 1 ) Hi, Yang Ling. Look at this dress.
    ( ) OK. Thank you.
    ( )Look! Here’s a new one. Try it, please.
    ( )Wow! It’s nice. Let’s go to the party now.
    Sarah: May I come in, doctor?
    Doctor: Come in and sit down, please.
    Sarah: Thank you.
    Doctor: What’s the matter?
    Sarah: I have a fever and a bad cough.
    Doctor: Open your mouth and let me have a look.
    Sarah: Ah…
    Doctor: OK, I see. You have a cold. Here are some pills for you. Please drink more hot water and stay in bed for a few days. You will get better soon.
    Sarah: Thank you,doctor.
    ( ) 1. Sarah is ______ now.
    A. in the classroom B. in the hospital C.in the playground
    ( ) 2. Sarah has .
    A. a headache B. a cold C. a toothache
    ( ) 3. The doctor gives to Sarah.
    A. some pills B. some fruit C. a glass of water
    ( ) 4. The doctor wants Sarah to .
    A. go to school B. stay in bed C. go to the park
    ( ) 5. Sarah should .
    A. drink more coffee B. drink more hot water C. drink more juice

    1. Chinese 2. Tuesday 3. boat 4. evening 5. shorts
    6. hurt 7. cough 8. go skating 9. take care 10. Are they happy?
    1. I have a cold and a fever.
    2. Are you thirsty?
    3. Can Yang Ling see the boat on the river?
    4. What subjects do you like , Wang Bing?
    5. What day is it today?
    6. Whose bag is this?
    三、听录音,用阿拉伯数字给下列图片编号 (听两遍)(6分)
    1、What subject do you like? I like Maths.
    2、I like autumn. I can go climbing.
    3、I can see a big lake.
    4、What day is it today? It’s Sunday.
    5、What’s the matter? I’m tired.
    6、Your trousers are too long. Try these.
    四、听录音,根据所听到的对话和问题选择正确的答案 (听两遍) (5分)
    M: Whose coats are behind the door? Are they yours?
    W: Let me see. No, they are Mike’s and Helen’s. Our coats are blue and brown.
    M: Where are Mike and Helen? Are they in the classroom?
    W: No, they’re in the playground.
    M: They’re watching the running race now, I think.
    W: Let’s go and find them.
    1、A: How many seasons are there in a year?
    B: Four .
    A:What are they?
    B: They are spring summer , autumn and winter.
    2、A: Is this your sweater?
    B: No, it isn’t .
    A: Whose sweater is this?
    B: It’s Helen’s .







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