高三英语试卷考生注意: 本试卷共150分。考试时间120分钟。 请将各题答案填写在答题卡上。第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转 涂到答题卡上。第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选 项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读 一遍。例:How much is the shirt(A. £19. 15.B. £9. 18.C. £; 15.答案是Co 1 WhendidthewomangotoAustralia( A . Last year.B TwoyearsagoC Fouryearsago2. Where are the speakers going( A . To a restaurant .B ToasupermarketC Toapark3)Whatwilthemandonext( A . Do his homework .B TakesomeexerciseC Atendamathclass% How manymembersweretherein Alex's group at first( A TwoB. Five.C. Seven.5 Whatdoesthewomanthinkofthekitchen( A . Modern.B CompleteC. Small .第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项 中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各 小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 What was the woman's opinion about the end of the film? Boring . B. Amazing . C. Exciting . What was the woman uncertain about the film(A. Its background.BItsstyleCItstheme听第7段材料,回答第8、9题" 8 WhatfooddoesSalylike( A ChickenB FishC Eggs
9. What are the speakers going to do(
A. Go shopping.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10. What can the man do well in(
B. Cook dinner.
C. Order dishes.
A. Running. B. Throwing a ball.11. Why did the school fail to have a swim team(
They didn't get enough money.They didn't have the time to organize it. They didn't get enough support from students. 2.Whatdoe6thewoman6ugge6tintheend(Playing team sports.Volunteering after school.C)Consideringotherclubsoncampus) 听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。
Where does the conversation take place(A. On the phone. B. At the man's home. C. In a gym.Why will the woman miss the Houston Open(A. She will be on holiday.
B. She will stay at home.
C ShewilbeonbusinessinChina)
15. When will be the US Open running(From May 26 to May 30.From July 15 to July 18.From May 25 to June 2.6 Whatwouldbewonderfulforthespeakers(A BeingonavacationB WatchingthegametogetherC GoingtotheUStowatchfootbalgames 听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。When will Monica work in the library(From 8: 30 am to 8: 00 pm.From 9 : 10 am to 4: 45 pm.C From8 :45amto5 :15pmWhat can Monica do in the library(A. Drink coffee. B. Have lunch.
C. Talk to students.
9.Where6hould Monicagotohaveherown6andwiche6forlunch(
The speaker's office. The common room. The dining room. Why doesn't the speaker recommend cafes in the town center? They are far away. B. They are crowded. C. They are expensive.第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。Open Hearts Language Academy (OHLA) is proud to offer a comprehensive University Pathway Program, in which foreign students will automatically gain acceptance into several university programs throughout the United States. Each year countless OHLA students move on to Undergraduate and Graduate Degrees programs upon completion of our Advanced 2 level.Our dedicated team of experts prepares students to study at an American university or college. They guide students from their entry into the program to their final goal: successful progression to a university or college. Most universities and colleges have made agreements withOHLA.CompletionoftheAdvan3ed2levelinOHLAsatisfiestheEnglishstandardof the universities. No TOEFL or IELTS required!OHLA Admission Requirements:OHLAapplicationfo9m.Englishtestce9tificate.Skypeinte9view.Passpo9tcopy.Security deposit (押金)of $ 8,500 for Undergraduate or $ 6,000 for Graduate.High school students : High School Transcripts (成绩单)& Diploma. Colege6tudent6 Univer6ityTran6cript6.Security deposit must be handed in and will be fully refunded at the beginning of the first termofUniversity.OHLA University Placement Advisors help you :Choosethebestprogramforyoubasedonyourgoalsandacademicbackground.Applytoauniversityorcolegeprogram.Receive a Conditional Acceptance Letter from the University ((f applicable).If you want more, contact us: 305-379-4027. What is the main aim of OHLA? To organize some social programs. Topu6h6tudent6tocompleteEngli6h6tudy. To help students enter an American university. Do gui>e Lorei@ner6 t/ ^1:126=6, Who can apply for the program of OHLA? High school students in any grade. American freshmen in foreign countries. A Skype interviewer without a passport. College students with university transcripts. What is required for the applicants for OHLA( Passing TOEFL exam. B. English test certificate.C. Security deposit of $ 6,000. D. Completing Advanced 2 level.:After having her second child in 2012, Victoria was joJless and lost her clear direction. She found herself suffering depression. "My sister, Karen, suggested I try selling something to do with weddings on eBay," she said, “when the children were asleep, I learned to design invitationsonmylaptop.BecauseIalreadyhadalaptopandaprinter, theonlystartupcosts were Juying some cards and envelopes."Victorialistedwhatshe madeforsaleoneBay, Jutweeksand monthspassedandshe hardlyhadanysales)Concerned, KarensuggestedsheshouldchangethedesignsJutVictoria firmlyJelievedthatherdesignwasgood)But in January 2013, everything changed dramatically. "I rememJer getting out of thebath one night and I'd made nearly £200 in orders in the time it had taken to have a bath. Now the demand was so huge that I had to buy a bulk-load of cards and envelopes and purchase another printer. I started to work at 7 pm each night and worked into the early hours.'' Victoria believes that her affordable wedding invitations are the key.Havingsome7hingelse7ofocuson, 7hefogofdepressionsoonlif7ed.By7heendof January she had made an impressive £8,000 in just one month. The business now turns over an incredible £80,000 a year, half of which is profit. She continued: "The money has allowed us to upgrade to a three-bedroom house and we have had some great family holidays.'' In Oc7ober, Vic7oriawasoneofeleveneBayselersrecogniQeda77heeBayforBusinessAwards.“I want to show to other women with little or no experience that even if you're struggling a6Idid, youcan bea motheranda bu6ine66woman and do both 6ucce66fuly,+6mile6 Victoria. "I'm a one-woman band but it's more than enough for me!"2%. What made the most contribution to Victoria's success( Theadvicefromhersis7er. B.Thedesignof7heinviaions.C.ThehelpfrombuyersoneBay. D.Thelowpriceof7heinviaions. How much can Victoria earn by selling the invitations a year( £20" B. £8,00" C. £40,000. D. £80,00" What personality does Victoria probably have?A.Cautious.B.Sensitive.C. Easygoing.D.Determined.27. What is the best title for the text( A.TheCureforDepressionB.DefeatingDepressionwithBusinessC. Selling Wedding Invitations OnlineD. An Unforgettable ExperienceCThe second little pig was unlucky. He built his house from sticks . It was blown away by a wolf. His brother, by contrast, built a strong house from bricks to prevent the wolf's atack)However!intherealworlditwouldhelpreducepolutionandslowglobalwarmingif more builders copied the wood-loving second pig.Governments in the rich world are now trying to promote greener behavior by forcing developers to build new projects to “zero carbon" standards. These standards are less green than they seem. Wind turbines (涡轮)and solar panels on top of buildings look good but are muchlessproductiveth?nwind?ndsol?rf?rms.Andthest?nd?rdsonlycounttheemissions romrunning?building!notthosegivenoutwhenitw?sm?de.Those?rethoughtto?ccount for between 30% and 60% of the total over a structure's lifetime.Buildingscanbecomegreener.Theycanbe madeofmorerecycled woodandpartsof them can be prefabricated in off-site factories , greatly reducing truck journeys. But no other building material has environmental certificates as exciting and overlooked as wood. The energy required to produce a wooden beam is one-sixth of that required for a steel one of comparablestrength.Whenamaturetreeiscutdown anewonecanbeplantedtoreplaceit capturingmorecarbon.Afterbuildingsarepuleddown old woodenbeamsandboardsare easy to recycle into new structures. Wood is also a good insulator (隔热材料). A softwood windowframeprovide6nearly400time6a6 muchin6ulation a6a plain 6teeland overa thousand times as much as an aluminium (铝)frame.Carpenters' efforts alone will not bring the environmental cost of the world's buildings ntoline.Butusingwoodcandomuchmorethanwhatisappreciated.Thus thesecondlitle pig was not wrong , just before his time. Whyis7hes7oryabou77hepigsmenioned?A.Tobringupthetopicofthetext. B.Toprovetheauthor'sargument.C.Tooferbackgroundinformation. D.Toinspirethereaders'imagination. What can we know about the “zero carbon" standards( It'simpossibletomakethemcometrue. Theydon'tmeannocarbonisgivenout. They are only fit for developed countries. It'seasyforthemtomeettoday'sneeds.
What is paragraph 3 mainly about? The ways of making buildings greener. The usage of recycled steel in buildings. The findings of new research about wood. The advantages of wood as building materials. Which can replace the underlined word “prefabricated" in paragraph 3?A. Registered. B. Recycled. C. Constructed. D. Compared.Ateamofscientistssaysthatplayingsoundsunderwatercangetfishtoreturntoareas with severely damaged coral reefs (珊瑚礁).In an experiment, they found fish returned after hearingrecordingsofthesoundslikeahealthyoceanreef)Theresearchresultswerereported in Nature Communications.Thescientists placed underwater speakersin areas where coralhad been dyingin Australia's northern Great Barrier Reef. They played the sounds over a period of about six weeks in 2017 and studied the results. The team reported that twice as many fish arrived in the areas where the sounds of healthy coral were played. The sounds also led to a 50 percent ncreasein7henumberofspeciespresen7in7hearea!7heresearchersfound.Theresearchers no7ed7heimpor7anceofhaving manydiferen7kindsoffishre7urn7o7hearea.Diferen7 speciesoffishperform manyaciviies7ha7suppor77heoceanenvironmen7andsealife.Steve Simpson is a professor at the University of Exeter who helped lead the research. He explained, “Healthy coral reefs are remarkably noisy places. They contain the sounds of many kinds of shrimp, fish and other sea creatures. Young fish listen to these sounds when they are looking for a place to settle. Reefs become extremely quiet when they suffer destruction that is usually related to human-caused pollution. Coral damage can drive shrimp and fish away. But heexperimentsuggestedthattheuseofunderwaterloudspeakerswasanefectivewaytoget young fish to come back."Mark Meekan is a fish biologist. He said that the return of the fish is the first step towards seeing major improvements in reef health. "Recovery is underpinned (巩固)by fish that clean the reef and create space for corals to regrow?" he said. University of Bristol professor, Andy Radford, said the underwater sounds are a promising way to fight coral reef damage at helocalcommunitylevel.Buthenotedthatotherthreatsneedtobereducedaswel.These include climate change, pollution and overfishing. Why3anunderwaterspeakersmakefishreturn? Becausethefishprefermusicaroundtheirhabitats. Becausetheyplaysoundsasahealthyreefdoes. Becausethefishknowtheplaceswiththembecomebeter. Becausetheycandrivethenaturalenemiesoffishesaway. Whatefectdodiferentkindsoffishhaveontheoceanaccordingtothetext?A. Keeping the ocean's ecological balance. B. Removing the remarkable noises.C. Preventing the pollution caused by human. D. Driving dangerous creatures away. How does the author prove the significance of this new finding? By quoting different authoritiesJ words. By comparing the result with another study's. Byoferingmanystatistics. By showing the detailed process of experiments. In which section of a newspaper may this text appear(A. Education . B. Entertainment . C. Environment. D. Economy.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Now it is the time to set your resolutions. As you head into almost a whole year, your first step is to believe you can do it. Here's how to prepare yourself effectively.36Eating better and exercising more are all nice ideas, but they're too general and don't give youaplanofaction)Peopleoftenlackmotivationwhentheproblemisrealyalackofclarity) If you want to eat better, be specific: Resolve to add a fruit or vegetable to your lunch every day!imitfastfoodtoonceperweek!orhavedessertonceaweek.Make it possible37 . To eat better , put that bowl of fruit right next to your lunch bag , so you grab an apple or orange every day. To exercise more , you might want to run more. But if you're a n5ghtperson don'tmaketharderonyourselfbytry5ngtorunevery morn5ngbeforework.38 .Allow yourself to failEveryone has occasional slips. 39 . 71% of successful resolvers say their first failure strengthened their efforts. Learn to refuse something annoying under high pressure. Even people who don't like apple pie still eat it when offered politely. Instead , say “No , thanks." Ifyoudoslip focusongetingbackontrack nottheslip)Set yourself up for successDo you try to stay off your phone( Get it out of your bedroom by using a standard alarm clock. One alarm clock only costs $ 6 now. If you want to limit sweets , get them out of your house. Do you want to reduce breaks( 40 . Speak it to your friends Make it as specific as possible St?y?w?yfromyourwork'srestroom Inste?d doit?fteryoufinishyourwork Butdon'tlettheocc?sionsoccupyyourtr?ck Prove it to yourself with small wins over time
Avoid resolutions that sound great but are unattainable第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最 佳选项。Two weeks of volunteer work lay ahead and my mood 41 . I realized that good 42 and a trip to Spain would not be enough t o make the 43 that I had hoped for. My volunteer service was in a shelter in Peru. I was where I wanted to be but without the commun-- cation 44 I needed.One morning the founder of the shelter , Miguel Rodnguez , 45 the story of how ,after the death of his baby , he started feeding and taking in 46 children. He eventually47 his family , wealth , and life to setting up what is now a shelter for over 1,300 children. As he finished , I asked: "I can 48 how the walls , the food , and the facility (设施)came to be , but , how did you 49 the atmosphere of love , respect , and care among thesechildren?+His response was simple: "Use the language of love. " He 50 , “The language of love is done with your eyes , your hands , and your smile.)" 51 are not only for work. Theyare for hugging , holding , and 52 . Do this , and they may well 53 the example. +This simple statement carried 54 . These children had communicated love , respect , and 55 to me and each other without a word being 56 . These emotions , so 57 to convey didnotneedtranslationatal.For the remainder of my service , I was determined to worry less about my 58 of Spanish , and instead , focus on using the language of love. When I returned home , I 59myself to use it more in my everyday life and to be mindful that being a(n) 60 issometimesalthepowerthatisneeded.41.A.sunkB. matteredC disappearedD rose42.A.appreciationB. intentionCintroductionD application43.A.decisionB arrangementCimpressionD diference44.A.toolsB desireCskilsD course45.A.changedB heardCsharedD reformed46.A.homelessBcarelessC dangerousD unconscious47.A.comparedB draggedCconvincedD commited48.A.stressB understandC exploreD predict49.A.supportB decorateCrecognizeD create50.A.wonderedB explainedCimaginedD claimed51. A. LipsB. EyesC)CheeksD)Hands52. A. fightingB performingCcomfortingD kissing53)AincludeBfolowC analyzeD describe 【高三英语试卷第8页(共10页)】-20-04-338C
5%, A. weightB. signalsC.referenceD.limitation655)A)wisdomB.advanceC.warmthD.freedom56)A overlookedB.preparedC.mi6takenD.poken57)A simpleB.hardC.pecificD.important58)A lackB.practiceC.demandD.record59)A chalengedB. expectedC.condemnedD. questioned60)A angelB.talentC.exampleD.hero第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Dogs, just like humans, can get cold when the temperature starts to drop. We can wear coats or hats , but dogs don't really have them 61 they just refuse to wear them. If you live in a cold climate , it will be important 62 (know) your dog's limits and how you can keepthemsafeandwarm.Actually , when it is too cold for dogs to go outside heavily depends upon the dog's size , coat 63 (thick) , color and other 6% (factor) , but in general, when the temperaturehits below 32 degrees Fahrenheit (华氏温度),dogs can actually start to get hurt from 65cold.In many parts of the world , the temperature 66 (remain) below 32 degrees for severalmonths at a time. Since dogs 67 (obvious) can't stay inside all day during the winter sea-son!themostimportantthingtorememberistopayatentiontoyourdogswhenyoutake them out They will typically let you know if they are not 68 (comfort).If your dog isn't a breed (品种)that can bear the cold well, 69 (get) them a coat canbe helpful. Make sure that the coat is warm but still allows your dog to have a full range 70 motion.第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分) 第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有 10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号("),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。I was so sorry to know you're having so a bad time at the moment. The truth is everyone will have a bad time when things seem to being wrong. The important thing is to learn to con7rolyour7emper.First, you are supposing to talk to someone you trust about how you feel. This is a good way on which you can let your anger out without hurting others or themselves. Second, playing team games with your friends as physical exercise is an effective way to get the rid of anger. And third, remain optimistically about your future. A positive attitude towards life can be of great help with your spirit.第二节 书面表达(满分25分)假定你是李华,你收到英国网友Mary的一封来信,询问爱好方面的问题。请根据以下提 示回信。内容包括: 人人都需要有爱好; 拥有良好爱好的益处; 谈谈你自己的爱好及原因。注意: 词数100左右; 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。Dear Mary ,Yours ,Li Hua