英语 2020.04
- What did Oliver tell the policeman about the man to be wanted?
- When he went out. B. How strong he was. C. Which room he stayed in.
- What did the policeman give Oliver?
- A picture and a phone number. B. A picture and a DVD. C. A DVD and a phone number.
- When did the policeman arrest that man?
- About ten minutes later that day. B. About two hours later that day. C. About two days later. 听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。
- What do we know about the woman?
- She doesn't like Aunt Wang's food.
- She doesn't like Aunt Wang's rules.
- She doesn't like Aunt Wang's talking.
- How does the woman feel when she eats at her grandma's?
A. Nervous. B. Angry.
15. Who will have a basketball game tonight?
A. Charles. B. Flora.
第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分)
21 .The Yangtze River Del a is considered one of China's most economically and socially regions.
A.dynamic B.flexible C.practical D.commercial
- Many people tavelled westwards to seek their fortune in the God Rush and now many museums show life was like back then.
A. whose B. whether C.that D.what
- -When shall we set out to handle the problem we came across last week? 一Not until a chance to discuss it thoroughly.
A.we have had B.will we have had C.have we had D.we will have
- Different from previous years when many Chinese companies were at marketing. they are now confident in communicating with the outside world.
A.clumsy B.ambitious C.desperate D.cfficient
2 5. As VR games fast among youngsters and game fans, most of the VR headsets and controllers are not necessarily price-friendly.
A.take on B.hold on C.catch on D.carry on
26.As all colors different meanings, you should think carefully about what colors to wear the next time you
choose clothes.
- As the intelligent species, the human personality lies within the mind and body. existence we have oniy recently become aware.
- of whose B.of which C.of whom D.of its
- The researchers are optimistic about the future of China-US ties and they suggest small is normal, but it won't influence the bigger picture.
- ambition B.friction C.competition D.conyers ation
- The judge made irresponsible remarks on the singers' performances in the Talent Show, regardless of the consequences.
A.at random B.at rest C.at hand D.at ease
- the extraordinary beauty of Changling is the Ling'cn Palace,mangy of decorations made from
fragrant type of wood native to China.
A.Added to; its B.Adding to; whose C.Added to; whose D.Adding to ; its
- You things about.Look, what a mess in your room!
A.always throw B.have always thrown
C.are always throwing D.had always been throwing
- Because of the cold and rainy weather, I've been all the day
A.in the black B.tickled pink C.in the red D.feeling blue
- ---Waiter!A cup of iced Cappuccino, please.
A.Why not? B.For here or to go? C.My pleasure D.Good for you.
I was five when you were bom. Looking at pictures from that time, I look so happy with you • I am holding you» 1 am smiling» I look 36 ・ But I do not remember that feeling.
I was a daddy's girL but I was also the one to break in our parents. I used to call myself the family's guinea pig (豚鼠),37 you were the happy one, the joker, the one who 38 the rewards of all my battles won or lost. So I must have decided that we were enemies, competitors fbr the love and attention of our parents, and this feeling is in the 39 of all my early memories. All I remember is 40 you.
So, as long as I could, I made your life a 41 . I teased you, tricked you and 42 you. You tell me it's not as bad as I remember, but I 43 a couple of times when you were left in tears. Our little sister was bom when I was 11, and very soon you two bonded 44 and pushed me aside. Did you bond with her because I was becoming a monster, or did I become a monster because of your bond?
Thankfully, you quickly grew tall and strong, and soon you were able to overcome me 45 ・ From then on it was down to verbal abuse and psychological warfare. By the time I was at university, you were a teenager and we competed for higher 46 : money, the family car, parental pride.
It all came to a 47 stop when I moved abroad as an exchange student. Almost 20 years have passed» and the hate 48 me some long time ago, while I wasn't watching. And at the same time, 49 must have crept in (悄悄地进入), sneaking somewhere through the back of my mind .
Despite all the abuse during those years, you have turned into a happy, friendly, passionate» generous human being. Ybu are the most handsome and charming person that I know. And, with your wife and best friend» you have just had your first child. Nobody 50 this happiness more.
You have implied that you've forgiven me, or even that there is 51 to forgive. But I 52 to remember the hurt ・ I will always hurt in 53 when I look back. All those wasted years in which I should have been your loving sister» standing by your side» defending instead of 54 you in your own home. I aim to be now what I always should have been.
I am so 55 of you, my heart wells up with love for you and your sister. I will be forever glad that I
have the chance to love you both.
Your sister
36A. | favoured | B. frightened | C. | frustrated | D. fascinated | |
37A. | while | B. | when | c. | though | D. unless |
38A. | appreciated | B. | reaped | c. | brought | D. cheated |
39A. | point | B. | cost | c. | centre | D. end |
40A. | adoring | B. | hating | c. | assisting | D. envying |
41A. | mystery | B. | misery | c. | mistake | D. mixture |
42 A. | absorbed | B. | abandoned | c. | abolished | D. abused |
43A. | devote | B. | spend | c. | treasure | D. recall |
44A. | strongly | B. | anxiously | c. | happily | D. unexpectedly |
45A. | temporarily | B. | spiritually | c. | physically | D. academically |
46A. | requirements | B. | resources | c. | positions | D. purposes |
47A. | forced | B. | surprised | c. | controlled | D. intended |
48A. | left | B. | accompanied | c. | affected | D. bothered |
49A. | hatred | B. | love | c. | guilty | D. regret |
50A. | rejects | B. | steals | c. | deserves | D. ignores |
51A. | nothing | B. | something | c. | anything | D. everything |
52A. | refuse | B. | plan | c. | learn | D. prefer |
53A. | shame | B. | sorrow | c. | disappointment | D. confusion |
54A. | attacking | B. | attending | c. | attracting | D. avoiding |
55A. | sure | B. | proud | c. | confident | D. tired |
请认真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上 将该项涂黑。
The summer before your first quarter in the College will go by more quickly than you can imagine. As you prepare to begin your new academic career with us, there is important information for you to review and several very important tasks to complete. To ensure that you don't miss anything, we have developed a series of monthly To-Do Lists for you to follow throughout the summer.
If you run into problems or have questions along the way, the College Programming Office is here to help. You can contact us via email at college -programming @uchicago.edu or by phone at 773-702-8616.
Mav To-Do List
Complete your Housing Application as soon as possible. Housing applications are considered based on the date of the enrollment deposit; the earlier you decide to attend and pay your enrollment deposit; the greater you improve your chance to be assigned to one of your top three Residence Hall choices. For more information about College Housing, check out the Move-In Information provided by Housing and Residence Life.
Update the contact information for you and your parents in your Uchicago Account to ensure that you don't miss important information.
Transfer students must submit course information and final transcripts by June 11th.
Strongly Recommended
Bookmark the Orientation website and check back regularly to complete future "To・Do List" items.
Apply for a Uchicago Summer Opportunity or Are-Orientation Program.
Review all of the information provided by Student Disability Services and begin the process of requesting any appropriate accommodations for any chronic or general medical conditions, learning disabilities, or ADHD.
Join the Class of 2022 Facebook Group.
Tune in to Advising live streams to get information on degree requirement and preparing for Autumn pre-registration.
- Who are the targeted readers of the passage?
A• New teachers employed by the college.
- High school students applying to the college.
- Students to graduate and start a new career.
- New Students admitted to the college.
- Which of the following statements is TRUE?
- You can choose your room if you pay enrollment deposit early.
- The college does not contact student's parents to protect student's privacy.
- A reference letter from a former teacher is required for a transfer student.
- Students with disabilities have access to certain special services.
Iceland has the highest birth rate in Europe, the highest divorce rate» and the highest percentage of women working outside the home. Such statistics are often evidence of a miserable, chaotic society ♦ with loads of children, broken homes and absent mothers. But Iceland is the exception - its citizens are the happiest in the world.
New rankings from the United Nations Development Program's Human Development Index rate Iceland as the best country in the world in which to live.
Perhaps the country's geographic location contributes to Icelanders* happiness. Located in the middle of the North Atlantic, with Greenland as its nearest neighbor, Iceland is free from the taboos that cause so much distress elsewhere. For instance, people who divorce are not looked down upon by society.
Icelanders are offspring of the Vikings» a north European people who invaded European coasts from the 8th through the 10th century. This tradition of getting out into the world lives on in modemday Iceland. Almost all Icelanders have studied or worked abroad, and most speak English.
Perhaps as a result» Iceland's economic policies blend the best of those from Europe and the US to create its own welfare system.
"Many of us have lived in the US, and studied there, ” said the former Icelandic Prime Minister Geir Haarde.nWe have both taken from them and found that naturally we share the cando attitude - that if you work hard» anything can be done. ”
Indeed, the country is rich in writers, painters, film makers and accomplished musicians. There's Sigur Ros» a postrock band> and also a national symphony orchestra that plays to the highest standards all over the world. Half the population appears to have written a book.
"Iceland has harsh nature, with its bitter everchanging weather, " said Haraldur Jonsson, a painter, sculptor and video and performance artist. "We cannot escape it. So we find ways . We have to have a rich internal life to fill the empty spaces. ”
58.lt is commonly believed that high birth rate and divorce rate will bring about ・
A. social problems B. a sense of wellbeing
C. a unique welfare system D. a modem way of life
- Which of the following is NOT mentioned as the cause of Icelander's happiness?
A. Geographic location B. A rich internal life
C. National pride D. Freedom from taboos
- Which of the following is the most suitable to fill in the blank in the last paragraph?
A. to get rid of it B. to withdraw from it C. to exercise caution against it D. to live with it
In recent years, a growing body of research has shown that our appetite and food intake are influenced by a large number of factors besides our biological need for energy , including our eating environment and our perception (感知)of the food in front of us.
Studies have shown, for instance, that eating in front of the TV (or a similar distraction) can increase both hunger and the amount of food consumed. Even simple visual cues, like plate size and lighting» have been shown to affect portion size and consumption.
A new study suggested that our short-term memory also may play a role in appetite. Several hours after a meal, people's hunger levels were predicted not by how much theyfd eaten but rather by how much food they'd seen in front of them - in other words, how much they remembered eating.
This difference suggests the memory of our previous meal may have a bigger influence on our appetite than the actual size of the meal, says Jeffrey M . Brunstrom, a professor of experimental psychology at the University of Bristol.
"Hunger isn't controlled solely by the physical characteristics of a recent meal. We have identified an independent role for memory for that meal, ” Brunstrom says, "This shows that the relationship between hunger and food intake is more complex than we thought."
These findings echo earlier research that suggests our perception of food can sometimes trick our body's response to the food itself. In a 2011 study, for instance, people who drank the same 380-calorie milkshake on two separate occasions produced different levels of hunger-related hormones, depending on whether the shake*s label said it contained 620 or 140 calories. Moreover, the participants reported feeling more full when they thought they'd consumed a higher-calories shake.
What does this mean for our eating habits? Although it hardly seems practical to trick ourselves into eating less, the new findings do highlight the benefits of focusing on our food avoiding TV and multitasking while eating.
The so-called mindful-eating strategies can fight distractions and help us control our appetite, Brunstrom says.
61 .What is said to be a factor affecting our appetite and food intake?
A. How we perceive the food we eat. B. What ingredients the food contains.
C. When we eat our meals. D. How fast we eat our meals.
- What do we learn from the 2011 study?
A. Food labels may mislead consumers in their purchases.
- Food labels may influence our body's response to food.
- Hunger levels depend on one's consumption of calories.
- People tend to take in a lot more calories than necessary.
- What does Brunstrom suggest we should do to control our appetite?
A. Trick ourselves into eating less. B. Choose food with fewer calories.
C. Concentrate on food while eating. D. Pick dishes of the right size.
- What is the main idea of the passage ?
- Eating distractions often affect our food digestion.
- Psychological factors influence our hunger levels.
- Our food intake is determined by our biological needs.
- Good eating habits will contribute to our health.
Louise's passing made the father and his son like strangers ・ Only her memory and the thought of her laughter could bring them together.
"Why don't you eat your pikelets with your milk? u Clinton asked, looking at his son across the table. The boy was a brown and healthy-looking six-year-old, with an independent sturdiness that pleased his father. But looking into the child's eyes caused him pain. They were so reminiscent of Louise's. And it was too soon. It would pass after a while, of course, but right now he couldn't help remembering the number of weeks and days since death had silenced her laughter.
"When you have pikelets and milk you ought to eat them together. " Clinton had made this suggestion several times before, but never before had Peter questioned the wisdom of it.
"Why? " Peter asked.
"Because they taste better that way , ” Clinton said . "And , besides-1' Then he stopped and frowned. ''Because thafs the way I eat them, ” he was thinking.
"I don*t like them that way> '* Peter said, and there was a hurt, stubborn look on his little-boy face. He finished his milk and started on his pikelets. "I don't like apple sauce» either, " he added with finality.
He waited for something to happen, but Clinton, braced to settle the issue, saw the absurd white rim of milk around the defiant mouth, and his heart softened. He wanted to take his napkin and wipe it off. But he felt awkward with his son, as though the sudden departure of Louise's loving from the house had made them strangers・ He folded his napkin on his lap.
"Wipe your mouth, " he said abruptly. He pushed his chair back and got up from the table. He went into the living room and sat down. He stretched his legs in an effort of composure and picked up his newspaper. But he was unable to concentrate
Louise, he thought. If she were here they'd all be laughing now, the three of them. Louise would see to that. He suddenly realized that he resented his son for forgetting so soon. But that was absurd! To a child a day was like a year, and sorrow was the business of yesterday.
Peter came into the room. Clinton watched him, pretending to read the paper. The boy went to the bookcase and took down a large book. He carried it to the centre of the floor and lay down in front of it. It was an art book with full-page colour illustrations. He started with the front of the book, as he always did, and studied each picture carefully, His chin was resting on his hands and the circle of milk was still around his small mouth, giving him a pathetic, clown-like look.
When he finished the book he turned back to the front page. Down in the comer, in her own handwriting, was Louise's name.
Clearly and carefully, Peter traced each letter with his finger, the first name and the last. Then he tunicu and looked intently at his father» and Clinton knew there was something he wanted to say, something that had to be said delicately and subtly.
"You like that book, don't you? T, Clinton asked.
"Yes, " Peter said. There was a silence, and then he said, "It belonged to my mother, didn't it?"
"Yes, " Clinton said. 'T gave it to her myself. As a matter of fact, she rather cherished that book. ”
Peter's youthful gravity filled the room. He looked very small and alone. And then Peter said, using his fathers phrasing, so foreign to his own vocabulary, HAs a matter of fact, I rather cherish this book, too." He was trying, Clinton guessed, to make his plea for affection, his cry of loneliness sound irrelevant, as if it had no connection with the conversation.
Clinton swallowed to release the sudden tightness in his throat; the newspaper slid to the floor and he held his arms open to his son. "Come here, Peter, *' he said.
But Peter hadn't finished yet. "If you want me to eat apple sauce, I'll do it, " he said. *'And if you don't want me to drink my milk without my pikelets, I won't do it. I mean if ■■-'*
"I know what you mean, " Clinton said, laughing ・ "You can do just as you please about either of them. Now come here and let me wipe your mouth. ”
Peter bounced across the room and in one second he was on the chair and in his fathers arms. And they were laughing, both of them, just as they used to laugh when Louise was there.
- What does the underlined sentence imply? _
A • Peter waited for his father to hug him .
B , Peter was ready for bad consequences.
- Peter waited fbr his father's further explanation.
- Peter didn't know what to do with his father.
- The underlined word "subtly" means .
A. clearly B. directly C. cautiously D. simply
- Which of the following is TRUE ?—
A. Annoyed by his son, Clinton was unable to concentrate on reading.
B , Clinton failed to understand why Peter forgot Louise so soon after her passing.
- Clinton and Louise were in deep love with each other before her departure.
- Clinton and Peter disliked each other after Louise's death.
- Which of the following can best describe Peter?
A. Adventurous B. Mature C. Stubborn
- What is the theme conveyed in the passage?
A. Loneliness B. Love C. Death
- Which of the following can best serve as the title of the passage?
A. A Life Journey B. The Lost Love C. A Happy Family
第四部分:任务型阅读(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分) 请认真阅读下面短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。
According to The New York Times, kids from ages 8 to 18 spend more than seven and a half hours a day on electronic devices and social network. Parents who have trouble tearing their teens away from the computer or smart phone may wonder whether their teenager is addicted to technology.
One big change that has come with new technology and especially smart phones is that we are never reaiiy alone. Kids update their status, sharing what they're watching, listening to, and reading at all times. The result is that kids feel connected with each other all the time, never getting a break from them. That, in and of itself can produce anxiety. Ifs also surprisingly easy to feel lonely and depressed in the middle of all that connection.
Today kids are missing out on very critical social skills. In the past kids were more likely to chat and hang out in person. Through real-time interactions, they were experimenting and trying out skills. In a way, texting and online communicating puts everybody in a nonverbal disabled context, where body language, facial expression, and even the smallest kinds of vocal reactions are invisible.
Peer acceptance is a big thing for adolescents, and their image matters a lot to them. Who wouldn't want to make herself look cooler if she can? So kids can spend hours beautifying their online identities, trying to project an idealized image.
Social media also can have a positive effect, however. Some research has found that social media can be a resource for teens to find social support when they are struggling with life issues, and that introvert kids can use the different online platforms as a way to express themselves. So they are able to build friendships and relationships through the interaction they have with others on the Internet.
Social networking makes kids more peer-based. Teens interact and receive feedback from one another. They are motivated to learn more from each other than from adults. Teachers and adults are no longer the only sources of knowledge.
Whether technology is good or bad largely depends on the person who uses it. Parents are role models for their children. They should cut down their own consumption first, and limit the amount of time their kids spend on social media. It is also suggested that sites like Instagram and schools teach safe social media use.
The use of social media among teens | Many teens seem Z1— to social media nowadays. |
Z2__ effects of social media on teens | Lone-time connection may cause 73 problems in teens. Teens are losing social skills for74 of real-time interactions. In order to be 75 by peers, teens spend too much time 76 their online images. |
Teens can seek help online with their problems in life. Social media ofFers more 27 for teens to acquire knowledge. | |
Suggestions on the use of social media | Parents should set a good 78 for their children. A time 79 should be set fbr teens' use of social media. Sites and schools should offer 80 education. |
Thirteen people were killed and two more remain missing after a bus broke through a guardrail and plunged into Yangtze River on Oct 28.
Footage from the vehicle's data recorder released shows a female passenger—-identified by authorities as Liu, 48—arguing with the driver sumamed Ran, at the time of the accident.
Liu had missed her stop and asked Ran to pull over, according to police. Wlien he refused, she began to hit him with her cell phone, causing Ran to lose control of the vehicle. The bus crossed into the wrong lane before colliding with an oncoming vehicle and hitting the guardrail.
Netizens and media commentators have called for improved safety measures on public transport, as well as greater awareness of the rules among passengers. Although signs and audio announcements warn passengers not to distract bus drivers, particularly when the vehicle is moving, not everyone follows the rules. Before the Chongqing tragedy, similar cases had come to light, including some in which passengers had grabbed the wheel.
- 用约120个单词阐述你的观点,内容包括:
(1) 此悲剧发生的原因(至少2点)
(2) 就如何避免此类悲剧再次发生给出建议(至少2点)
- 写作过程中不能直接原文语句;
- 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称;
- 不必写标题
【评分标准】 内容完整,语言规范,语篇连贯,词数适当,书写工整.
01——20 BCAAB
73. emoyional mental 74.1ack 75.accepted recognized
77. sources help 78.example 79. limit 8O.safety
As is seen from the passage, a bus accident led to 13 people being killed and two more missing, which reflects the lack of responsibility in our society.【高分句型一](30 字概括)
There are some reasons accounting fbr this tragdy. First, many people in our country are short of the sense of regulations, some even breaking the law. 【高分句型二】Second, some of people are so self-centered that they can't think for others.(事故原因)
In order to avoid the accident happening again, all the citizen should raise the awareness of responsibility not only fbr others but also fbr ourselves. Besides > government should set up strict laws to punish whoever doesn't obey the rules.(如何避免此类事故)