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    2021版新高考地区高考英语(外研通用版)一轮复习学案:必修45Module5 ATripAlongtheThreeGorges
    2021版新高考地区高考英语(外研通用版)一轮复习学案:必修45Module5 ATripAlongtheThreeGorges01
    2021版新高考地区高考英语(外研通用版)一轮复习学案:必修45Module5 ATripAlongtheThreeGorges02
    2021版新高考地区高考英语(外研通用版)一轮复习学案:必修45Module5 ATripAlongtheThreeGorges03
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    2021版新高考地区高考英语(外研通用版)一轮复习学案:必修45Module5 ATripAlongtheThreeGorges

    cave n.        peak n.
    plain n. plateau n.
    shore n. slope n.
    valley n. colleague n.
    hilly adj. legend n.
    deck n. exploit vt.
    mountainous adj. immense adj.
    fertile adj. remote adj.
    steep adj. torch n.
    1.wood n.      (常作复数)树林
    2.flat adj. 平坦的
    3.goods n. 货物
    4.trade vi. 做生意
    5.spot n. 地点;场所
    6.view n. 景色;风景
    1.surround vt.围绕;环绕→surrounding adj.周围的
    n.周围的事物→surroundings n.环境
    2.narrow vi.变狭窄→narrowly adv.勉强地
    3.distant adj.遥远的→distance n.距离
    4.forbid vt.禁止→过去式forbade/forbad→过去分词 forbidden
    5.varied adj.多变化的→various adj.各种各样的→variety n.种类;多样性
    6.nature n.自然;本性→natural__adj.自然的→naturally adv.自然地

    ①valley      山谷
    ②peak    山顶;山峰
    ③mountain 山;山脉
    ④hill 小山
    ⑤range 山脉
    ①beach     海滩
    ②coast 海岸
    ③bank 岸
    ④seashore 海岸;海滨
    ⑤shore    (海、湖、河等的)岸
    ①goods       货物
    ②arms 武器
    ③customs 海关
    ④manners 礼节
    ⑤regards 问候
    1.at__the__edge__of      在……的边缘
    2.at__least 至少
    3.go__through 穿过;经历;通过
    4.take__advantage__of 利用
    5.be__heavy__with 有大量的……
    6.in__the__distance 远处的
    7.rip__off 敲竹杠;敲诈
    8.get__a__kick__out__of (俚语)从……中得到乐趣

    ①go through    经历;穿过
    ②get through 用完;耗尽
    ③pull through 康复;痊愈
    ④see through 看透;识破
    ⑤break through 冲破;突破
    ①rip off     敲竹杠;敲诈
    ②cut off 切断;中断
    ③set off 出发;动身
    ④pay off 还清;得到回报
    ⑤show off 炫耀
    ①be heavy with     充满
    ②be filled with 充满
    ③be full of 充满
    ④fill up 充满;填满
    ⑤be crowded with 充满;挤满
    句型1:be to do sth.表示“按照计划或安排将要做某事”
    He and a colleague were__to__spend two years there teaching English at a teacher training college.
    Nearly 100 million people live here, most__of__them__in__the__east.
    句型3:only if引导条件状语从句,意为“只有……才……”
    I’m allowed to stick one in only__if__I’ve__been__in__a__place for more than 24 hours.
    1.Cheap goods(货物) are available, but not in sufficient quantities to satisfy demand.
    2.Hardly had she walked out of the woods(树林) when she heard the strange scream coming from behind a tree.
    3.He was not only talented but also popular with his colleagues(同事).
    4.Having settled in that remote(遥远的) area for a year, the young man finally adapted to the weather.
    5.As we all know, developing foreign trade(贸易,交易) is very important for our country.
    6.We are working on narrowing(narrow) the gap between our points of view.
    7.As a child I was surrounded(surround) by love and kindness.
    8.She spotted that the white dress with pink spots was the one that had been stolen last week.(spot)
    9.Our classmates are going to visit poor children in a remote mountainous(mountain) area this weekend.
    10.Smoking is harmful to health. It should be forbidden(forbid) in our office.
    1.(2019·全国卷Ⅲ) Today $8 or $10 seems a small amount of money, but at that time these amounts were forbidding to most citizens.令人生畏的
    2.(2019·江苏卷)As soon as Christiansen saw the photos,he realized why he had failed to spot the caldera: almost the whole park—2.2 million acres—was caldera.看见
    3.(2019·北京卷)All our projects aim to promote the development of poor and remote communities.偏远的
    4. (2019·江苏卷) And don’t forget: we are surrounded by a natural playground just perfect for walking, caving, climbing and cycling.包围
    5.(2019·天津卷) To many people, technology means computers, hand­held devices, or vehicles that travel to distant planets.遥远的
    have four weeks off; be heavy with; take advantage of; in the distance; get a kick out of
    To Tom’s great joy, he will 1.have__four__weeks__off next month. He is so happy that he even feels the air 2.is__heavy__with smells of happiness. He decides to 3.take__advantage__of the vacation to go on a distant trip. He is sure that he will 4.get__a__kick__out__of it.
    at the edge of; at least; go through; rip off; all the way
    While 5.going__through all the terrible experiences, including one occasion when he was 6.ripped__off in a store by three bad men, he thought of his devoted mother. Though feeling upset, 7.at__least his mother’s love can warm his heart 8.all__the__way.
    We are__to__pay__a__visit__to__the__teacher together at ten tomorrow morning.
    Many experts attended the conference, most__of__them__from__Beijing.
    Only__if__you__try__your__best__will__you have no regrets in the future.

    surround vt.围绕;环绕
    ①a.(2019·江苏卷) Steve arrived and sat in the front row, surrounded(surround) by his family.
    b.(2018·天津卷)Now we live in a world surrounded(surround) by the “can’t do” attitudes.
    c.(福建卷)Surrounding(surround) yourself with people who’ll provide you with respect support can be very beneficial.
    ②a.(2018·天津卷) Why do the hikers take no notice of the surroundings(surround) during the journey?
    b.Standing on the top of the mountain, we can have a good view of the surrounding(surround) hills.
    ③(普通表达)The tall building in the distance is home to my father’s company. The tall building is surrounded by a great many big trees.
    (高级表达)The tall building which__is__surrounded__by__a__great__many__big__trees__in__the__distance is home to my father’s company.(定语从句)

    (1)surround sb./sth.with/by...
    (2)surrounding adj. 周围的
    surroundings n. 环境 (通常用复数形式)  
    [佳句背诵] Seeing from the hill in the distance, you will find the city of Pingyao is still surrounded by the old city walls.  从远处的山上看, 你会发现平遥市仍被古城墙围绕着。
    some issues surrounding alcohol abuse
    the surrounding scenery 四周的风景
    forbid  vt.(forbad/forbade,forbidden)禁止;不许
    ①(重庆卷)In some Middle Eastern countries, exposing your flesh is__forbidden(forbid), especially if you are a woman.
    ②a.You can’t smoke here. Regulations forbid smoking(smoke) in this room.
    b.The patients are forbidden, even if they have recovered, to__drink(drink) in the hospital.
    ③It is their parents’ duty to forbid__the__children__to__play mobile phones excessively.
    ④It is their parents’ duty to forbid__the__children__from__playing mobile phones excessively.

    forbid (doing) sth.     禁止 (做) 某事
    forbid sb. to do sth.=forbid sb. from doing sth.
    forbid sb.sth. 禁止某人某事 
    [名师点津] (1)forbid后不能直接跟动词不定式作宾语,但可直接跟动名词作宾语,也可用forbid sb.to do sth.形式。
    (2)与forbid用法类似的动词还有allow, advise, permit等。
    the Forbidden City      紫禁城
    view n.景色;风景;观点,见解;视野 vt.把……视为;看;观看
    ①(北京卷)While climbing the mountain,we enjoyed the warm sunshine and a beautiful view.风景
    ②I can only give you a personal view of how we can live life to the full.观点,见解
    ③(全国卷Ⅱ)If we go on a trip abroad, we can broaden our view and gain knowledge we cannot get from books.视野
    ④In__view__of(鉴于) the present situation, we’ll have to change our original plan.
    ⑤In__my__view(依我看), you should follow your teacher’s advice.
    ⑥As the car approached the town center,several tall buildings came__into__view(进入视野).

    (1)in view          在视野中
    in view of 鉴于;考虑到
    in one’s view 在某人看来
    come into view 看得见
    get/have a good view of 清楚地看到;饱览
    take/hold the view that... 持……的观点
    (2)view...as... 把……看作…… 
    [佳句背诵] Standing on the Jingshan, you will get a better view of the Forbidden City which is surrounded by a 7.9­metre­high city wall.
    站在景山上, 你可以更清楚地看到被7.9米高城墙围绕的紫禁城。
    at least 至少;起码
    ①(2018·浙江卷6月) One study found that a cotton bag must be used at least 131 times to be better for the planet than plastic.
    ②(朗文辞典)You could buy a good washing machine for about £350, £400 at most.
    Last__but__not__least,__learning to listen contributes to a better understanding of others.

    (1)not in the least    一点也不,毫不
    last but not least 最后的但同样重要的
    least of all 尤其是;最不
    (2)at (the) most 最多,至多,不超过 
    [佳句背诵] A good friend is willing to offer the help which you need, or can at least give you some advice.
    go through 穿过;经历;通过;浏览;仔细察看;完成;用完
    [一词多义]——写出下列句中go through的含义
    ①(全国卷Ⅰ)I’d be very grateful if you could take some time to go through my resume and make necessary changes.仔细检查
    ②(湖南卷)As you go through this book, you will find that each of the millions of people who lived through World WarⅡ had a different experience.读完
    ③As soon as the law goes through, more food in the supermarket will have to be marked with its origin.通过
    ④(广东卷)We all have the power to use our fantasies to go through those things that seem impossible, and to achieve what we never believed we could.经历

    go against      反对;违背;对……不利
    go over 复习,仔细检查
    go up 上涨,上升
    go in for 爱好;参加;从事 
    [佳句背诵] Qipao, one of the most typical and traditional costumes for Chinese women, went through a very long historical changes.

    be to do sth.表示“按照计划或安排将要做某事”
    (教材原句)He and a colleague were to spend two years there teaching English at a teacher training college.
    ①This medicine is to__be__taken(take) three times a day after meals.
    ②You are to__arrive(arrive) at the airport before five this afternoon in order to catch the plane on time.
    ③The purpose of education is to__develop(develop) a fine personality in children.
    The invention of the Internet is to__change__the__way__we__communicate__with__each__other.
    No one is to__leave__without__the__permission__of the police.
    In the school hall, where__a__meeting__is__to__be__held,__some students are busy preparing for it.

    “be+to do结构”用法归纳如下:
    (2)表示必须或应该,在意思上相当于must,should,ought to或have to。
    [佳句背诵] Only if we all keep to the plan, will we go through this difficult task which is to be finished ahead of time.

    维度一 在空白处填入括号内单词的正确形式
    1.I had just sat down to work when I spotted something moving(move) on the wall.
    2.Viewed(view) from the top of the hill, the city takes the round shape with a flowing river through it.
    3.The students are forbidden,unless they have special excuses, to__stay(stay) out after 11 p.m.
    4.When Mike was to__open(open) the front door, he couldn’t find his key. So he had to wait for his wife to come back.
    5.It is necessary for children to exchange ideas with parents from time to time so that the generation gap between them can be__narrowed(narrow).
    维度二 在空白处填入1个适当的单词
    1.Whoever has gone through sandstorms knows the importance of environmental protection.
    2.(浙江卷)Surround yourself with uplifting individuals who challenge you to be better.
    3.When the tourists who got lost in the mountain saw the light in the distance, they became very excited.
    4.The New Year is coming.The air is heavy with joy and smell of fireworks.
    5.Now, on the special night, I stayed in the shadows at the edge of the crowd waiting for the winning ticket to be drawn.
    维度三 派生词练习
    1.There are a variety of books in the bookstore. Children can read various books here.(varied)
    2.It is her nature to trust whoever she meets. So naturally,__she is often taken in by others.(nature)
    3.As a famous pop star, he loves being surrounded by so many fans coming to visit him from the surrounding towns. And he also likes beautiful surroundings with green trees and flowers, because he can get much more pleasure from nature.(surround)
    4.The man is always distant towards his neighbors, so his neighbors often keep him at a distance.(distant)
    维度四 完成句子/句型转换
    I live in a very old town surrounded__by/with__beautiful__woods.
    At the top of the hill lies an old cottage where you can have__a__wonderful__view__of the whole city.
    We were__forbidden__to____stick__our__heads__out__of__the__window when the train was moving.
    4.All guests must check out by 9:30 am on the day of their departure.
    →All guests are__to__check__out by 9:30 am on the day of their departure.
    5.You can be allowed to go on holiday with your friends only if you have passed the examination.
    →Only if you have passed the examination can__you__be__allowed to go on holiday with your friends.

    提能一 语段填空(短文中黑体部分为本模块核心知识点,请补全短文,并背诵体会黑体部分用法)
    John’s father is a merchant working in a tall building 1.at the edge of a beautiful lake which 2.is__surrounded(surround) by many maple trees. He often 3.trades(trade) with others. However, he is very strict in John’s studies. His requirement is that John 4.(should)__take(take) advantage of all his time to study. 5.Spotting(spot) any mistake in John’s homework, he will ask John to correct it 6.immediately (immediate). What’s more, he forbids John 7.to__watch(watch) TV from Monday to Friday. Instead, he requires John to study at least two hours every evening. Whenever he has a period of time off, he communicates with John and encourages him. In his view, only8.if John works harder, will he go 9.through the College Entrance Examination and 10.be__admitted(admit) to a key university.
    提能二 话题写作(用本模块词汇、句式和语法知识写满分作文)
    I’m more than delighted to know that you are__to__visit the Yangtze River, one of the mother rivers of Chinese civilization.
    In__my__view,__if you take the trip to the Yangtze River, you can have a better knowledge of the history of China.
    Many attractive scenic__spots are along the river, all__of__which__are__heavy__with__legends.
    Take__advantage__of__the__trip,__and you will not only have__a__good__view__of__the__surrounding__scenery but also broaden your horizons.
    Hope you’ll get__a__kick__out__of the trip to the Yangtze River.
    ⑥用“only if 从句”的倒装形式升级句②
    One possible version:
    Dear Jim,
    I’m more than delighted to know that you are to visit the Yangtze River, one of the mother rivers of Chinese civilization.
    In my view, only if you take the trip to the Yangtze River can you have a better knowledge of the history of China. Naturally, along the river are many attractive scenic spots, all of which are heavy with legends. Take advantage of the trip, and you will not only have a good view of the surrounding scenery but also broaden your horizons.
    Hope you’ll get a kick out of the trip to the Yangtze River.
    Li Hua

    New York Walking Tours
    ◆Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island Walking Tour
    Start this exciting guided 4­hour tour by getting early Reserve Line Access boarding on the ferry to Liberty Island. Once there, go inside the base of the statue and head to the observation decks for an awesome view of New York City and its surroundings. Then come back on the ferry to Ellis Island to learn about the history of immigration(移民入境) to America that took place here between 1892 and 1954.
    ◆Central Park Walking Tour
    Walk through Central Park’s most picturesque highlights on a 2­hour tour with a professional photographer. Remember your New York City adventure with unforgettable images of you with family or friends as you circle the towers at Belvedere Castle, and walk through paths with flowers in the Conservatory Garden, or feed the swans by the Loeb Boathouse.
    ◆New York City Architecture Walking Tour
    Learn about the history of the buildings that define the New York City skyline on a 3­hour walking architecture tour. Walk down the famous 42nd Street corridor with a longtime New York resident(居民) and architectural expert, stopping along the way to learn about Midtown Manhattan’s most iconic structures like the Chrysler Building, Grand Central Station and the New York Public Library.
    ◆Greenwich Village Walking Tour
    Greenwich Village is one of New York City’s most beautiful and famous neighborhoods. Take a guided 2­hour walking tour of this legendary Lower Manhattan space. Hear about the famous artists who once lived here, from Edgar Allan Poe to Bob Dylan, Jimi Hendrix and countless others. Walk the winding streets and visit popular Washington Square Park, reliving more than 200 years of history.
    【解题导语】 本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了四个在纽约进行徒步旅行的项目。
    1.Why do tourists visit Ellis Island?
    A.To know about American immigration history.
    B.To explore the surroundings of the island.
    C.To get a whole view of New York City.
    D.To observe Statue of Liberty closely.
    A 解析:细节理解题。根据Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island Walking Tour部分的最后一句“Then come back on the ferry to Ellis Island to learn about the history of immigration(移民入境) to America that took place here between 1892 and 1954.”可知,旅游者参观埃利斯岛的目的是了解移民美国的历史。故选A。
    2.Who will go with tourists on Central Park Walking Tour?
    A.An experienced guide.
    B.An architectural expert.
    C.A professional photographer.
    D.A longtime New York resident.
    C 解析:细节理解题。根据Central Park Walking Tour部分的第一句“Walk through Central Park’s most picturesque highlights on a 2­hour tour with a professional photographer.”可知,在中央公园的徒步旅行中会有一个专业摄影师和旅游者在一起。故选C。
    3.Which tour takes the longest time?
    A.Central Park Walking Tour.
    B.Greenwich Village Walking Tour.
    C.New York City Architecture Walking Tour.
    D.Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island Walking Tour.
    D 解析:细节理解题。根据Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island Walking Tour部分第一句中的“Start this exciting guided 4­hour tour”可知,这个徒步旅行需要4个小时。而其他三个徒步旅行需要的时间分别是:A:2个小时,B:2个小时,C:3个小时。故选D。
    4.What can tourists do on Greenwich Village Walking Tour?
    A.Take unforgettable pictures.
    B.Come across Bob Dylan.
    C.Visit New York Public Library.
    D.Learn about famous artists.
    D 解析:细节理解题。根据最后一段第三句“Hear about the famous artists who once lived here, from Edgar Allan Poe to Bob Dylan, Jimi Hendrix and countless others.”可知,游客可以通过Greenwich Village Walking Tour这个徒步旅行项目去了解著名的艺术家。故选D。
    (2020·合肥第一次质检)We can have video chat with astronauts aboard the International Space Station and watch live footage from the frozen heights of a mountain. But communicating with a submarine(潜艇) or a diver is not so easy. The lack of practical methods for sharing data between underwater and airborne(空气传播的) devices has long been a frustration for scientists. The difficulty stems from the fact that radio signals work perfectly in air travel but poorly in water. Sonar signals used by underwater sensors reflect off the surface of water rather than reaching the air.
    Now, researchers at MIT have developed a method with the potential to revolutionize underwater communication. “What we’ve shown is that it’s actually feasible to communicate from underwater to the air,” says Fadel Adib, a professor at MIT’s Media Lab, who led the research.
    The MIT researchers designed a system that uses an underwater machine to send sonar signals to the surface, making vibrations(震动) corresponding to the 1s and 0s of the data. A surface receiver then reads and decodes these tiny vibrations. The researchers call the system TARF. “It has any number of potential real­world uses,” Adib says. “It could be used to find downed planes underwater by reading signals from sonar devices in a plane’s black box and it could allow submarines to communicate with the surface.”
    Right now the technology is low­resolution. The initial study was conducted in the MIT swimming pool at maximum depths of around 11 or 12 feet. The next steps for the researchers are to see if TARF is workable at much greater depths and under varying conditions—high waves, storms, schools of fish. They also want to see if they can make the technology work in the other direction—air to water. If the technology proves successful in real­world conditions, expect “texting while diving” to be the latest underwater fashion.
    【解题导语】 本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了一项麻省理工学院的科学家发明的从水下与地面上的人进行通信的技术。
    5.What does the author mainly talk about in Paragraph 1?
    A.The future of video chat underwater and in air.
    B.The frustrations of developing underwater devices.
    C.The difficulty of communication from water to air.
    D.The current situation of communicating with a submarine.
    C 解析:段落大意题。通读第一段的内容可知,该段主要讲的是从水下与地面的人进行通信非常困难,故选C。
    6.What does the underlined word “feasible” mean?
    A.Achievable. B.Convenient.
    C.Changeable. D.Alternative.
    A 解析:词义猜测题。根据第二段第一句“Now, researchers at MIT have developed...underwater communication.”可知,麻省理工学院的研究人员发明了一种可能改变水下通信的方法,使从水下与地面上的人进行沟通成为可能,故A项“可实现的”与画线词意思最相近。故选A。
    7.What do we know about TARF?
    A.It is widely used to find downed planes.
    B.It can work well at great depths underwater.
    C.It is an underwater machine that sends signals.
    D.It can send, receive and read signals from underwater.
    D 解析:推理判断题。文章第三段详细讲述了TARF系统的工作原理:该系统使用一个水下机器向水面发送声呐信号,对0到1秒的数据产生震动,然后水面接收器读取并对这些微小的震动进行重新编码,这样可以从水下与地面上的人进行通信。故选D。
    8.What is the best title for the text?
    A.The Real­world Uses of Sonar Technology
    B.Full Water­to­air Communication Closer to Reality
    C.A Breakthrough in the Application of Video Chat
    D.TARF Becoming a New Means of Communication
    B 解析:标题归纳题。通读全文可知,本文主要介绍了科学家发明的一种从水下与地面上的人进行通信联系的系统,研究人员将会把它投入到真实的状况下进行验证,因此B项最适合作本文标题。
    (2020·重庆调研)In a remote village, selling chestnuts was the main source of livelihood for local villagers. In late autumn, the hills were covered by the trees and chestnuts were __1__ from the branches of the trees, which __2__ with the wind attracting local villagers to __3__ them at this time of year.
    The villagers took the chestnuts, carried them home and __4__ them out. The whole family sifted(筛) and sorted them according to their __5__, and then transported them to the city for wholesale or retail. Every villager knew that if they wanted to sell for a good price, what really __6__ was to send the selected chestnuts to the market first. Many families, which were short of __7__, would go to the nearby villages to hire workers with high __8__.
    Still, to many people’s __9__, there was a young man in the village who could never need help, __10__ he had limited hands. He lived with his blind and old mother. He always arrived at the market one step ahead of the other ones __11__ he could sell out of all the chestnuts and then happily drove back with his truck __12__.
    The secret of the young man was: after picking chestnuts, he put them __13__ into a sack(麻袋) and carried them to the truck. When he set out, he chose the road, __14__ and bumpy(不平的), to go, __15__ the small ones would jump to the __16__ of the bag and the larger ones would stay on the top of the bag. It would save time for classification and selection. When inquired how he found the way, the young man __17__:“If you put your heart into it, you will find the right way. This is not an accident but a(n) __18__ result.”
    There will always be people who get __19__ or complain when they hear bad news. As a matter of fact, if you use your head, you will be __20__ to the people and things in the environment. When you turn your mind into action to move forward step by step, you can also create a new world for yourself.
    【解题导语】 本文是一篇夹叙夹议文,主要讲述了一个年轻人用便捷的方法筛选栗子的故事,进而启迪读者——世上无难事,只怕有心人。
    1.A.holding         B.filling
    C.planting D.hanging
    D 解析:根据语境及常识可知,山丘上遍布树木,栗子从树枝上垂下来(hanging),故选D。
    2.A.fell B.shook
    C.jumped D.folded
    B 解析:根据空后的“with the wind”可推知,栗子随风摇动(shook),吸引当地的村民们在一年中的这个时候来采摘(pick),故选B。
    3.A.enjoy B.view
    C.seek D.pick
    D 解析:参见上题解析。
    4.A.poured B.took
    C.thought D.figured
    A 解析:根据下文中的“The whole family sifted(筛) and sorted them”可推知,村民们把采摘的栗子带回家,倒(poured)出来,然后才能进行筛选和分类,故选A。
    5.A.shape B.size
    C.taste D.color
    B 解析:根据下文中的“the small ones would jump to the ______ of the bag and the larger ones would stay on the top of the bag”可推知,整个家庭根据栗子的大小(size)进行筛选和分类,故选B。
    6.A.mattered B.cared
    C.interested D.minded
    A 解析:根据语境可推知,真正要紧(mattered)的是要把挑选好的栗子先送到市场上去,故选A。
    7.A.hands B.power
    C.experience D.ways
    A 解析:根据下文中的“he had limited hands”可推知,许多家庭在这个时候就会缺少人手,会去附近的村子里以高薪(salary)雇人干活,故选A。
    8.A.quality B.quantity
    C.money D.salary
    D 解析:参见上题解析。
    9.A.puzzlement B.relief
    C.astonishment D.delight
    A 解析:根据上文可知,在栗子收获的季节许多家庭往往缺少人手,并结合下文可知,这个年轻人从不需要帮忙,由此可推知,这点让很多人困惑(puzzlement),故选A。
    10.A.only if B.as if
    C.even if D.if only
    C 解析:根据语境可知,即使(even if)这个年轻人人手有限,但他从不需要帮助。
    11.A.which B.where
    C.whom D.who
    B 解析:分析句子结构可知,本句是一个定语从句,空处在从句中作地点状语,修饰先行词“the market”,故选B。
    12.A.full B.filled
    C.empty D.loaded
    C 解析:根据空前的“he could sell out of all the chestnuts”可知,他能够卖光自己所有的栗子,然后开心地开着空(empty)卡车回家,故选C。
    13.A.suddenly B.shortly
    C.directly D.hurriedly
    C 解析:根据上文可知,人们把采摘的栗子带回家,倒出来,然后进行筛选和分类,最后才运到市场上卖掉,而这个年轻人直接(directly)把采摘的栗子装进麻袋里,将它们搬上卡车,故选C。
    14.A.tough B.rough
    C.regular D.smooth
    B 解析:由空后的“bumpy”为并列结构可推知,他选择的路是高低不平的(rough),故选B。
    15.A.even B.or
    C.but D.so
    D 解析:根据语境可知,空处前后表示逻辑上的因果关系,前因后果,故选D。
    16.A.hole B.tip
    C.middle D.bottom
    D 解析:根据下文中的“and the larger ones would stay on the top of the bag”可推知,小些的栗子会快速移动到袋子的底部(bottom),而大些的栗子会留在上面,故选D。
    17.A.sighed B.excited
    C.smiled D.sneezed
    C 解析:根据空后的内容可推知,这个年轻人当时是微笑(smiled)着(说)的。sigh“叹气”;excite“使激动,使兴奋”;sneeze“打喷嚏”。
    18.A.unexpected B.necessary
    C.accidental D.deliberate
    B 解析:根据该句中的“This is not an accident but”可推知,这并非意外,而是必然的(necessary)结果,故选B。
    19.A.stricken B.satisfied
    C.upset D.surprised
    C 解析:根据空后的“or complain when they hear bad news”可知,此处与“complain”并列,故C项符合语境。
    20.A.sensitive B.accessible
    C.relative D.flexible
    A 解析:根据上文年轻人的回答“If you put your heart into it, you will find the right way.”和本句中的“if you use your head”可推知,A项符合语境。sensitive“敏感的”;accessible“可进入的”;relative“相对的”;flexible“灵活的”。

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