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    2019版二轮复习英语练酷版练习:专题三 习题讲评 课一(含解析)

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    2019版二轮复习英语练酷版练习:专题三 习题讲评 课一(含解析)


    专题三  完形填空淡化首句信息而导致耗时费力 完形填空一般无标题,首句一般不设空,这是为了给考生提供一个清晰而完整的背景。记叙文首句往往介绍事件发生的时间、地点、人物和起因等细节信息,说明文和议论文一般通过文章首句点明全文的主题。仔细分析文章的首句,往往能获取许多解题信息,从而节省考生的做题时间。1利用首句可以帮助我们判断文章的体裁,捕捉文章的要素,预测故事的发展。[典例1]  (2018·全国卷) During my second year at the city college, I was told that the education department was offering a “free” course, called Thinking Chess, for three credits.直接信息首句点明了故事发生的时间、人物以及事件(免费课程),由此可以基本判定本文为记叙文预测信息下文很可能介绍作者大学期间学习象棋课程及它对作者生活的影响[典例2]  (2017·全国卷) A Toronto man is offering a free round­the­world air ticket to the right woman.直接信息首句介绍了一个来自多伦多的男人赠送环球航空票的故事,由此可以基本判定本文应是记叙文预测信息后文中很可能讲述为什么免费赠送机票以及能得到免费机票女士的条件(the right woman)2.利用首句可抓住文章的核心及中心话题,这对于理解全文和解题有着重要的启示作用[典例1]  (2017·全国卷)While high school does not generally encourage students to explore new aspects of life, college sets the stage for that exploration.直接信息首句高中和大学教育的区别:前者不鼓励探索,而后者鼓励探索。直接点明文章的中心话题预测信息下文很可能是作者在大学学习的经历和感受[典例2]  (2018·江苏高考)Raynor Winn and her husband Moth became homeless due to their wrong investment.直接信息首句点明了Raynor Winn和她丈夫Moth因为投资失误变得无家可归预测信息下文很可能讲述夫妇俩面临绝境后的生活状况 (铺阴影的题目为可利用首句信息解题)A 体裁话题词数限时记叙文孤寡老人建游泳池28915分钟Keith Davison, 94, is struggling since losing his beloved wife of 66 years, Evy.To take his attention away from his  1  the retired judge built a pool into his backyard, and   2   all those in his neighborhood to play anytime theyd like.He hoped that the   3   of water splashing (飞溅) and children playing would    4   the silence that has engulfed (吞没) his home in the days after Evys passing.I had a    5   life, and after my wife   6  that ended says Davison.“You get used to having a person there to enjoy life with, and now this place is so   7  .”The neighborhood children have been lining up to play since the pool opened.Davisons only    8   is that a childs parent must be   9   to take care of them.Jessica Huebner, a neighbor of Davison, says that Davison and Evy were always   10   to the kids in the neighborhood.Its about spreading   11   and happiness to our neighborhood and these children   12   he sees them as the face of the future says Huebner.“He is just a very kind man.”Huebner   13   brings cookies and home­cooked meals to Davison to show her   14   for what he has done.He built the pool for us and our children,   15   we can do more to visit with him she says.“Thats what he wants; he wants to   16   with the kids.”Still, Davison is   17   the absence of his wife.The walls of the house still remind him of her, because she    18   them to her taste, something he very much   19  .But Davison thinks Evy would be happy to see the neighborhood having so much   20   in their backyard.He just wishes she was there to see it.语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。美国一位94岁的老人在自家后院建了一座免费游泳池,既给附近的孩子们提供了一个解暑、玩耍的地方,同时也缓解了自己失去妻子的痛苦与寂寞。1A.fear          BsadnessCsickness  Dworry解析:B 根据首句中的losing his beloved wife of 66 years可知,Davison想从失去妻子的悲伤(sadness)中解脱出来。2A.invited         BadvisedCinspired  Dexpected解析:A 游泳池建好后,Davison邀请(invited)附近的孩子们来玩耍。3A.colors  BsoundsCeffects  Dproblems解析:B 根据下文中的the silence that has engulfed (吞没) his home可知,Davison希望孩子们玩闹泼水的声音(sounds)掩盖(mask)家里的静寂。mask此处用作动词。4A.remember  BkeepCbring  Dmask解析:D 参见上题解析。5A.secret           BdifficultChappy  Dtraditional解析:C 根据首句中的his beloved wife of 66 years, Evy和下文中的having a person there to enjoy life with可知,妻子过世前,他们过着幸福的(happy)生活。6A.died             BretiredCescaped  Dreturned解析:A 根据首句中的losing his beloved wifeafter Evys passing可知,Davison的妻子去世(died)后,幸福生活也结束了。7A.cold  BdirtyCquiet  Dcrowded解析:C 根据上文中的the silence that has engulfed (吞没) his home可知,现在的家里很安静(quiet)8A.movement  BdevelopmentCrequirement  Dachievement解析:C 根据下文中的a childs parent must be   9   to take care of them可知,Davison的唯一要求(requirement)是孩子的父亲或母亲必须照看着。9A.ahead  BupstairsCindoors  Dnearby解析:D 根据下文中的take care of them可知,孩子的父亲或母亲必须在附近(nearby)10A.nice  BstrangeCterrible  Dfair解析:A 根据第二段最后一句He is just a very kind man.可知,Davison夫妇对附近的孩子很友好(nice)11A.desire  BsuccessCwealth  Djoy解析:D 根据第二段第一句中的children have been lining up to play和下文中的happiness可知,Davison建免费游泳池给孩子们带来了快乐(joy)12A.while  BunlessCbecause  Dalthough解析:C he sees them as the face of the futureIts about spreading   11   and happiness to our neighborhood and these children的原因,故because符合语境。13A.normally  BregularlyCinstantly  Dcarefully解析:B 根据下文中的we can do more to visit with him可知,Huebner经常(regularly)带一些饼干或家里烹制的饭菜给Davison14A.doubt  BsurpriseCexcitement  Dappreciation解析:D 给Davison送饼干或饭菜等是为了表示感激(appreciation)15A.in turn  Bin contrastCin return  Din advance解析:C Davison建了游泳池供邻居们娱乐,作为回报(in return),大家也应该为他多做些事情。16A.go  BtradeCplay  Dconnect解析:D Davison建游泳池的目的是想和孩子们建立良好的关系(connect)17.A.dealing with      Blooking intoCpreparing for  Dlearning about解析:A 根据第一段首句中的Keith Davison, 94, is struggling since losing his beloved wife和下文中的The walls of the house still remind him of her可知,Davison正在努力应对(dealing with)失去妻子的痛苦。18A.rented  BdecoratedCbought  Drecommended解析:B 根据上文中的The walls of the house still remind him of her可知,墙是按照妻子的品味装饰(decorated)的,Davison非常喜欢(enjoyed)19A.hated  BenjoyedCregretted  Dmissed解析:B 参见上题解析。20A.fun  BluckCmoney  Dtime解析:A 根据第二段第一句The neighborhood children have been lining up to play since the pool opened.可知,邻居们在后院玩得很开心(fun)B 体裁话题词数限时记叙文人物故事30617分钟A man has given up his well­paid job in sales to become a barber for dementia patients, inspired by his teenage job in a nursing home.Lenny White, 36, worked in   1   with the Yellow Pages for 17 years,   2   felt unsatisfied and decided to do something a little more   3   and meaningful.As a   4  he had worked as a kitchen server in nursing homes.When he began to   5   his passion (热情) for his career, he decided to find a way to help the kind of people hed   6   worked with.I  had just got to the stage where I knew that I wasnt   7  Lenny said.I never   8   the care home job, I never forgot how it made me feel and the communication that I had with the residents (居民)  9   never left me. He decided to work as a barber   10   he remembered the men in the care home where hed worked having haircuts in womens salons (发廊), which stressed them out as they werent used to the   11  .To help his   12   relax, he uses old­fashioned products and plays Elvis Presley songs in his salon, so they feel like they are in a salon they   13  .The residents were   14  .They sang along to the   15  tapped (打节拍) their feet, and it created a real   16   atmosphere. Lenny said.Lenny also works as a care assistant in order to learn how to   17   elderly people while cutting their hair.He  18  “You have to take your time with them and be   19  .Even the small things like sitting them down and keeping your hand on their shoulder, let them know youre there.”He even won the Northern Ireland Alzheimers Society Award for Outstanding Contribution 2017 for his efforts, and is   20   to popularize (推广) his “worthwhile” job nationwide. 语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。36岁的Lenny White放弃高薪的销售工作,选择为痴呆病人理发。1A.tourism         BsalesCinsurance  Dbanking解析:B 根据首句A man has given up his well­paid job in sales to become a barber for dementia patients可知,36岁的Lenny White放弃他高薪的销售工作,成为一名为痴呆病人理发的理发师。2A.since          BsoCand  Dbut解析:D 根据首句A man has given up his well­paid job in sales及下文felt unsatisfied and decided to do something a little more   3   and meaningful可知,36岁的Lenny White虽然有一份高薪的销售工作,但是他感到不满足,他决定做一些有意义的事情。3A.worthwhile  BhardCpleasing  Dimpressive解析:A 根据下文and meaningful及最后一段popularize (推广) his worthwhile job nationwide可知,Lenny White决定做一些值得做并且有意义的事情。4A.server  BmanagerCteenager  Dvolunteer解析:C 根据第一段首句inspired by his teenage job in a nursing home可知,Lenny White放弃高薪工作是受他青少年时在疗养院工作的启发。5A.follow  BshareClose  Dfeel解析:C 根据第一段中的felt unsatisfied及下文he decided to find a way to help the kind of people可知,当Lenny White对工作失去热情的时候,他决定找到一种方式来帮助那些人。6A.unwillingly  BpubliclyCcasually  Dpreviously解析:D 根据下文I never forgot how it made me feel and the communication that I had with the residents (居民)可知,Lenny White想帮助他曾经在一起工作的那些人。previously先前的,以往的符合语境。7A.puzzled  BsatisfiedCthrilled  Dfamiliar解析:B 根据第一段第二句中的felt unsatisfied可知,Lenny White对他销售工作状况不满意。8A.forgot  BcomplainedCmissed  Dunderstood解析:A 根据下文I never forgot how it made me feel and the communication that I had with the residents (居民)可知,此处与下文I never forgot并列,故forgot符合语境。9A.Each  BWhatCThat  DSomething解析:C 根据上文I never   8   the care home job ...had with the residents (居民)可知,Lenny White从未忘记疗养院的工作,从未忘记带给他的感觉及他与疗养院住民的沟通。这(That)从未离开他。10A.unless  BonceCuntil  Das解析:D 根据下文he remembered the men ...which stressed them out可知,当Lenny White记得他曾经工作的那个疗养院里的男人们在女人的沙龙里理发,这让他们很紧张,所以他决定当一名理发师。11A.food  BsurroundingsCrules  Dweather解析:B 根据上文he remembered the men ...which stressed them out可知,疗养院的男人们在女士发廊里理发,这使得他们很紧张,因为他们不习惯那样的环境。12A.customers  BstudentsCrelatives  Dleaders解析:A 根据下文he uses old­fashioned products and plays Elvis Presley songs in his salon可知,Lenny White使用老式的产品,在他的发廊里播放埃尔维斯·普雷斯利的歌曲,这样会让他的顾客们感觉他们处于记忆中的发廊。13A.set up  Btake charge ofCremember  Ddecorate解析:C 参见上题解析。14A.anxious  BdisappointedCcrazy  Drelaxed解析:D 根据上文To help his   12   relax可知,在Lenny White发廊理发的人们很放松。15A.music  BguitarCradio  Dmicrophone解析:A 根据第三段中的plays Elvis Presley songs in his salon及下文They sang ...tapped (打节拍) their feet可知,Lenny White在发廊里播放埃尔维斯·普雷斯利的歌曲,人们跟着音乐一起唱,用脚拍打节拍。16A.same  BdifferentCembarrassing  Dordinary解析:B 根据上文The residents were   14  .They sang along to the   15  tapped (打节拍) their feet可知,人们在Lenny White的发廊中很放松,与男人们在女士发廊中理发感觉很紧张相比,这创造了一个真正不一样的环境。17A.thank for  Bcall onClook after  Dthink about解析:C 根据上文Lenny also works as a care assistant可知,Lenny White为了学习在理发过程中如何照顾年老的人,也作为一名护理助理。18A.argued  BexplainedCbegged  Djoked解析:B 根据下文内容可知,这是Lenny White的解释说明。19A.patient  BhonestCconfident  Dgrateful解析:A 根据上文You have to take your time with them和下文Even the small things like sitting them down and keeping your hand on their shoulder, let them know youre there.可知,你必须对年老的人慢慢来,要有耐心,要让他们知道你在那里。20A.challenging  BencouragingCrefusing  Dhoping解析:D 根据上文He even won ...for his efforts和下文to popularize (推广) his worthwhile  job nationwide可知,Lenny White希望能在全国范围内推广他这份值得做的工作。  

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