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    英语九年级上册Unit 7 Films测试题

    这是一份英语九年级上册Unit 7 Films测试题,共9页。


    Lndn has a new magazine. But it is nt printed n paper. Everyne wh has a televisin can receive it because it in n TV.

    If yu want t read the magazine, yu have t have a decder (解码器). Each page f it is numbered, s yu nly have t dial the number t chse which subject yu want t read abut. There is a wide chice-everything is included frm cking t the latest sprts news.

    If yu want t read the news, the first thing yu have t d is t turn t the index (索引) page which has an easy-t -remember page number, 100 fr example. The news is n pages 101 t 109 s yu push ut the numbers and the news appears written acrss yur screen. Perhaps yu want t g ut in the afternn, s yu press 181, and a brightly clred weather map appears n the screen.But the weather is terrible s yu decide t g shpping and dial 162 fr a list f the week's best bargains. But shuld yu drive r take the train? T answer that questin yu nly have t press 189 fr the traffic reprt. It is very simple t use. But prbably the best thing abut the service is that it is being updated all the time. Jurnalists type new material directly nt the screen and whle pages f the magazine can be replaced in minutes.

    1. Where can yu see this new magazine?

    A. In a bkshp.

    B. In a library.

    C. On televisin.

    D. In a reading rm.

    2. If yu want sme infrmatin abut weather, yu shuld press _____.

    A. 162

    B. 189

    C. 109

    D. 181

    3. We can knw frm the passage that _____.

    A. the magazine can be bught at any shp

    B. mst f the pstmen in Lndn will lse their jbs sme day

    C. everyne can read this magazine if they have a televisin

    D. the readers can get all kinds f infrmatin staying at hme

    4. In the sentence "Each page f it is numbered", here "it" means the _____.

    A. decder

    B. magazine

    C. subject

    D. prgram

    5. The passage is mainly abut _____.

    A. a new magazine that is printed in Lndn

    B. a new way f getting news

    C. a ppular TV prgram abut magazines

    D. a new idea f reading quickly


    Yu are watching a film in which tw men are having a fight. They hit ne anther hard. At the start they nly fight with their fists. But sn they begin hitting ne anther ver the heads with chairs. And s it ges n until ne f the men crashes thrugh a windw and falls thirty feet t the grund belw. He is dead!Of curse he isn't really dead. With any luck he isn't even hurt. Why? Because the men wh fall ut f high windws r jump frm fast mving trains are prfessinals. They d this fr a living. These men are called stuntmen. That is t say, they perfrm tricks. There are tw sides t their wrk. They actually d mst f the things yu see n the screen. Fr example, they fall frm a high building. Hwever, they d nt fall n t hard grund but n t empty cardbard bxes cvered with a mattress (床垫). Again, when they hit ne anther with chairs, the chairs are made f sft wd and when they crash thrugh windws, the glass is made f sugar! But althugh

    their wrk depends n trick f this srt, it als requires a high degree f skill and training. Often a stuntman's success depends n careful timing. Fr example, when he is "blwn up" in a battle scene, he has t jump ut f the way f the explsin just at the right mment.

    Naturally stuntmen are well paid fr their wrk, but they lead dangerus lives. They ften get seriusly injured, and smetimes killed. A Nrwegian stuntman, fr example, skied ver the edge f a cliff (悬崖) a thusand feet high. His parachute (降落伞) failed t pen, and he was killed. In spite f all the risks, this is n lnger a prfessin fr men nly. Men n lnger dress up as wmen when actresses have t perfrm sme dangerus actin. Fr nwadays there are stunt girls tl.

    1. Stuntmen are thse wh ______.

    A. ften dress up as actrs

    B. prefer t lead dangerus lives

    C. ften perfrm seemingly dangerus actins

    D. ften fight each ther fr their lives

    2. Stuntmen earn their living by ______.

    A. playing their dirty tricks

    B. selling their special skills

    C. jumping ut f high windws

    D. jumping frm fast mving trains

    3. When a stuntman falls frm a high building, ______.

    A. he needs little prtectin

    B. he will be cvered with a mattress

    C. his life is unprtected

    D. his safety is generally all right

    4. Which f the fllwing is the main factr (因素) f a successful perfrmance?

    A. Strength.

    B. Exactness.

    C. Speed.

    D. Carefulness.

    5. What can be inferred frm the authr' s example f the Nrwegian stuntman?

    A. Smetimes an accident can ccur t a stuntman.

    B. The percentage f serius accidents is high.

    C. Parachutes must be f gd quality.

    D. The cliff is t high.


    Life cmes in a package. This package includes happiness and srrw, failure and success, hpe and despair. Life is a learning prcess. Experiences in life teach us new lessns and make us a better persn. With each passing day we learn t handle varius situatins.


    Lve plays a pivtal rle n ut life. Lve makes yu feel wanted. Withut lve a persn culd g Hayward(不归路) and als becme cruel and fercius. In the early stage f ur life, ur parents are the nes wh shw us with uncnditinal lve and care, they teach us abut what is right and wrng, gd and bad. But we always tend t take this fr granted. It is nly after marriage and having kids that a persn understands and becmes sensitive t thers feelings. Kids make a persn respnsible and mature and help us t understand life better.

    Happiness and Srrw

    Materialistic happiness is shrt-lived, but happiness achieved by bringing a smile n thers face gives a certain level f fulfillment. Peace f mind is the main link t happiness. N mind is happy withut peace. We realize the true wrth f happiness when we are in srrw. Srrw is basically due t death f a lved ne, failure and despair. But these things are temprary and pass away.

    Failure and Success

    Failure is the path t success. It helps us t tuch the sky, teaches us t survive and shws us a specific way. Success brings in mney, fame, pride and self-respect. Here it becmes very imprtant t keep ur head n ur shulder he nly way t shw ur gratitude t Gd fr bestwing success n us is by being humble, mdest, curteus and respectful t the less frtunate nes.

    Hpe and Despair

    Hpe is what keeps life ging. Parents always hpe their children will d well. Hpe makes us dream. Hpe builds in patience. Life teaches us nt t despair even in the darkest hur, because after every night there is a day. Nthing remains the same we have nly ne chice keep mving n in life and be hpeful.

    Life teaches us nt t regret ver yesterday, fr it has passed and is beynd ur cntrl. Tmrrw is unknwn, fr it culd either be bright r dull. S the nly alternative is wrk hard

    tday, s that we will enjy a better tmrrw.

    1.In the passage, the authr cmpares life t .

    A. jy and srrw

    B. package

    C. failure and success

    D. hpe and despair

    2.In which sectin can readers prbably read the passage?

    A. Opinins

    B. Plitics

    C. Lifestyles

    D. Educatin

    3.Hw is the passage rganized?

    A. In rder f rules.

    B. In rder f frequency.

    C. In rder f imprtance.

    D. By making cmparisn.

    4.What's the general meaning f the last sentence f the whle passage?

    A. when chsing between "tday" and "tmrrw", yu'd better enjy tmrrw better.

    B. If yu wrk hard, yu'll have a better life in the future.

    C. What yu nly can chse is t wrk hard tday rather than tmrrw.

    D. Enjying a better tmrrw is yur nly chice.

    5.What's the purpse f the passage?

    A. T encurage peple t lve each ther.

    B. tell peple hw t deal with happiness and srrw.

    C. give readers sme infrmatin abut life.

    D. T remind peple f keeping having a beautiful dream.


    Where in the wrld can yu take an hur’s train ride, and pass a frest, a Lndn street, a scene frm the Wild West, and a burning building that never burns dwn? There’s nly ne place, and that’s Hllywd, in Califrnia. The scenes yu see frm the turist train are film sets(布景) in the Universal Studis, ne f the ldest and largest mvie cmpanies(公司) in the USA.

    A visit t Universal Studis brings back memries f great days f Hllywd, the films and the stars. But they are nly memries. Hllywd isn’t quite the same as it used t be. Csts have gne up and cnfidence has gne dwn. Mvie-makers are afraid t spend their mney n expensive new ideas. Instead, they repeat ld nes.

    The film industry is changing fast. Teenagers still g ut t the mvies. The theatre is a gd place t meet friends away frm hme. But lder peple mstly stay hme t watch series, like Dynasty have becme as imprtant t Hllywd as expensive mvies. These “sap pera”, as they are called, shw rich, pwerful families living in beautiful hmes and wearing beautiful clthes. But the actrs and actresses are nearly all middle-aged, like many f the peple wh watch them.

    Thugh it is sap peras that are keeping the film-makers f Hllywd in Business, big films are still being made in America. But mre and mre f them are made utside Hllywd. New Yrk is the mst imprtant new center, but there are many thers as well. Mvie-makers have realized that they dn’t need Hllywd any mre. Mdern cameras and real huses instead f expensively made cpies in a studi. Other states, especially Flrida and Texas, are wrking hard t take the film business away frm Califrnia. They are ffering better wrking cnditins and lwer cst.

    But Hllywd is fighting back. The state f Califrnia is trying hard t keep its best-knwn industry.

    1. Frm the passage, we knw Universa Studis is ___________.

    A. a very large park B. a busy Lndn street

    C. a famus mvie cmpany D. an ld Hllywd mvie

    2. The mvie industry in Califrnia isn’t as successful as befre because _____________.

    A. yung peple dn’t g t mvie theatres any mre

    B. there is strng cmpetitin frm ther states

    C. its mvie cmpanies are in need f yung stars

    D. the state hasn’t put a develpment plan int actin

    3. Which f the fllwing seems t be a threat(威胁)t Hllywd?

    A. The use f mdern cameras and ther equipment

    B. The interest f middle-aged film stars

    C. The making f TV series like Dynasty

    D. The expensively made cpies f scenes

    4. What can we learn abut “sap peras” frm the passage?

    A. They are teenagers’ favrites. B. They are much mre expensive.

    C. They are less attractive. D. They are cheaper and easier t make.

    5. The passage mainly tells us ______________.

    A. smething abut the film industry in the USA

    B. the imprtance f sap peras in Hllywd

    C. the gd ld days f Hllywd

    D. the film business in Califrnia


    If we were asked exactly what we were ding a year ag, we shuld prbably have t say that we culd nt remember. But if we had kept a bk and had written in it an accunt f what we did each day, we shuld be able t give an answer t the questin.

    It is the same in histry. Many things have been frgtten because we d nt have any written accunt f them. Smetimes man did keep a recrd f the mst imprtant happenings in their cuntry, but ften it was destryed by fire r in a war. Smetimes there was never any written recrd at all because the peple f that time and place did nt knw hw t write. Fr example, we knw a gd deal abut the peple wh lived in China 4000 years ag, because they culd write and leave written recrds fr thse wh lived after them. But we knw almst nthing abut the peple wh lived even 200 years ag in Central Africa, because they had nt learned t write.

    Smetimes, f curse, even if the peple cannt write, they may knw smething f the past. They have learned abut it frm lder peple, and ften sngs and dances and stries have been made abut the mst imprtant happenings, and these have been, sung and acted and tld fr many generatins, fr mst peple are prud t tell what their fathers did in the past. This we may call “remembered histry”. Sme f it has nw been written dwn. It is nt s exact r s valuable t us as written histry is, because wrds are much mre easily changed when used again and again in speech than when cpied in writing. But where there are n written recrds, such spken stries are ften very helpful.

    1. Which f the fllwing ideas is nt cnveyed in the passage?

    A. “Remembered histry”, cmpared with written histry, is less reliable.

    B. Written recrd f the past plays a mst imprtant rle in ur learning f the human histry.

    C. A written accunt f ur daily activities helps us t remember the events that happened in the past.

    D. Where there are n written recrds, there is n histry.

    2. We knw very little abut what happened in Central Africa 200 years ag because ________.

    A. there was nthing wrth being written dwn at that time

    B. peple there had nt knwn hw t write in thse days

    C. the written recrds were perhaps destryed in a fire

    D. peple there ignred the imprtance f keeping a recrd

    3. “Remembered histry” refers t ________.

    A. histry based n a persn's imaginatin

    B. stries f imprtant happenings passed dwn frm muth t muth

    C. sngs and dances abut imprtant events in the past

    D. bth B and C

    4. “Remembered histry” is regarded as valuable nly when ________.

    A. it is written dwn

    B. it prved t be true

    C. n written accunt is available

    D. peple are interested in it

    5. It can be inferred frm the passage that we culd have learned much mre abut ur past than we d nw if ur ancestrs had ________.

    A. kept a written recrd f every past event

    B. nt burnt their written recrds in wars

    C. tld exact stries f the mst imprtant happenings

    D. made mre sngs and dances


    Teens want structure in their lives, which means they want their lives well-planned. T begin building structure, teens need lve and trust. They need t knw their parents arc there t give them needed lve and supprt (支持).Teens want t be sure that nthing can prevent parents frm shuldering their respnsibility fr them — nt their grwing maturity (成熟),misbehavir, nr anger at smething they have dne. Teens want parents t keep cntrl while allwing them t make sme decisins.

    There are sme ways yu can help yur teens create reasnable structure and remain clse. One way is t spend time tgether. Parents ften mistake their teens’ increased interest in friends fr a disinterest in the family.

    Teens wuld like t spend mre time ding things with their parents, but watching TV is nt cunted as spending time tgether. As yur teens mature, it is imprtant fr yu and yur teens spend time alne tgether, ne t ne. Yur teens need time t talk t yu alne withut any ther family member present.

    Talk with yur teens abut their interests and cncerns. Make sure yu really shw interest in what is happening. When talking with yur teens, give full attentin and d nt stp them.

    The way t help yur teens becme adults is t let yur teens int yur wrld. Sharing yur emtins and cncerns with yur teens is imprtant. Avid causing needless wrry.

    Trust yur teens. Dn't expect the wrst. Hpe fr the best. Telling yur teens yu dn’t like their friends will cause the teens nt t bring their friends hme. If smething shuld g wrng, believe that yur teens didn’t d it n purpse.

    It is very imprtant that yu treat yur teens with respect. Teens need the same respect adults shw fr ttal strangers. Dn’t talk dwn t yur teens.

    Yu need t be supprtive f yur teens. What may be a small prblem t yu may be trubling t yur teens. Teens dn't have the experiences that adults have had. Let the teens knw that yu understand hw much it hurts when smething happens that is upsetting r hurtful t them. As they mature, they can lk back at sme prblems they had and laugh at having been upset by smething that nw seems unimprtant.

    The mst imprtant things t remember are: talk with yur teens, listen t their wrries and ffer suggestins when needed. This will help yur teens t live a well-rganized life.

    1 Accrding t Paragraph 1, teens ______________.

    A. can cntrl themselves .

    B. expect directin and freedm .

    C. dn’t knw hw t make decisin

    D. dn’t have respnsibility fr the family

    2 The underline part “cunted as” in Paragraph 3 prbably means “____”.

    A. cmpared with B. used as

    C. cnnected with D. regarded as

    3 T help teens rganize their lives , parents shuld __________.

    A. invite their teens’ friends hme .

    B. leave their teens’ prblems alne .

    C. share their feelings with their teens .

    D. pay little attentin t their teens’ daily lives .

    4 What is the best title f the passage ?

    A. Training Teens t Becme Respnsible Adults .

    B. Helping Teens t Build Reasnable Structure .

    C. Imprving the Relatinship with Yur Teens .

    D. Stepping int Yur Teens’ Secret Wrd .


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