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    高中英语人教版 (2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 4 Body Language精品课件ppt

    这是一份高中英语人教版 (2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 4 Body Language精品课件pptPPT课件主要包含了gestures,approve of,clues,break down,differ,to inquire,comparison, rely, assess,anger等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    Pre-Reading1. Intrduce the tpic f the reading passage2. Prepare the students fr further analysis f the sturcture 3. Brainstrm wrds and phrases pssilbly used in the passage
    What I hide by my language, my bdy utters. —Rald Barthes我用语言隐藏的,我的身体会说出来。—罗兰.巴特
    罗兰·巴特(Rland Barthes,公元1915年11月12日—公元1980年3月26日),法国作家、思想家、社会学家、社会评论家和文学评论家
    S bdy language is mre pwerful than spken language.
    D yu knw the meaning f each f the fllwing gestures?
    Listening t Hw Bdies Talk
    Step1 语篇理解和分析(Cmprehensin and Analysis)
    Step2 单词构建和积累(Vcabulary Building-up)
    Step3 词汇操练 (Wrkbk Exercise)
    The whle passage cnsists f 6 paragraphs. 1. Hw many parts can the 6 paragraphs be divided int?2. Which paragraph belngs t which part?
    The first paragraph is the first part telling the main idea f the passage which lies in the first sentence.
    The secnd part cnsists f 2,3, and 4 paragraphs shwing that bdy language differs frm culture t culture by giving examples.
    Secnd part: Bdy language varies frm culture culture.Example 1: eye cntactExample 2: the gesture fr OKExample 3: the gesture we use fr “yes” and “n”
    The third part is paragrph 5 shwing that sme gestures are universal.Example 1: the gesture meaning sleepExample 2: the gesture meaning “I'm full”
    The last part is paragrph 6 shwing bdy language has many different uses.Example 1: A smile can help get thrugh difficult situatinsExample 2: A smile can break dwn barriersExample 3: A smile can serve as an aplgyExample 4: A smile can be used t ask fr help
    We use bth wrds and bdy language t express ur thughts and pinins.
    Bdy language varies frm culture t culture
    Sme gestures are universal.
    Bdy language has many different uses.
    Read the text again, and then answer these questins.
    1. Hw is the dy language mentined in the text interpreted in China?
    2. Can yu think f an example f bdy language that is apprpriate in China but might be misunderstd in anther culture?
    Chinese peple seldm make eye cntact when they talk. They ususally lk dwn t shw respect when talking t ther peple especially an ld ne. But in western cuntries peple will think yu are nt interested in what he r she is talking abut.
    3. What advice n bdy language can yu give a freign friend n his/her first trip t China?
    Just as an ld saying ges “When in Rme, d as the Rmans d”. ★A smile can wrk well t shw yur friendliness. ★Chinese peple dn't always tuch each ther, s please dn't d that. ★Try nt t lk int smene's eyes r ther peple thinks yu are inviting a fight.★自行脑补
    Wrds and Expressins f This Unit
    interact v.相互交往,相互作用 interact with...与...互动n. interactin 相互作用 the interactin f demnd and supply 供求关系的相互作用 adj. interactive 交互式的,互动的interactive media 交互式媒体 interactive teaching 互动式教学
    vary v.变化,改变,使多样化 vary frm...与...不同adj. varius 各种各样的,不同的 in varius ways以不同的方式adv. variusly 不同地 n. variety 多样性 a wide variety f...各种各样的 variant 变体
    apprpriate adj. 合适的,恰当的 It's apppriate that...是恰当的。apprpriate actin 适当的行动adv. apprpriately 恰当地 behave apprpriately 举止得体
    by cntrast 相比之下by cmparisn t/with与...相比
    demnstrate v.表现,表达,说明 n.demnstratin
    witness v.目击 witness the attack 目睹了这次攻击 n.目击者
    emply v. 雇佣,利用,使用 n.emplyment 工作,就业,雇佣 find emplyment找到工作unemplyment n.失业 unemplyment rate 失业率 emplyer n.雇主 emplyee n.雇员
    ★identical adj. 相同的 identically adv.完全相同地 identify v.识别,鉴定★interpret v.把...解释为...,口译 interpretatin n.翻译,解释 interpreter n.翻译,口译员★differ v. 与...不同 difference n.区别,不同 different adj. 不同的 ,differently adv.不同地 differ frm...与...不同 be different frm 与...不同★cheek(s) n.脸颊 ★favur v. 偏袒,更喜欢,支持 n.帮助 d me a favur 帮我一个忙 favur n 支持 in favur f favurable adj. 有利的,优惠的,favurable price 优惠的价格 favurably adv. 顺利地,有利地★bw v.低头,鞠躬★waist n.腰部
    make inferences 推理,推断 I usually make inferences by using a reference bk.我经常借助参考书进行推理。
    break dwn 消除,分解,打破(障碍,偏见等),(车)抛锚,(系统)崩溃,
    barrier n.隔阂,障碍,壁垒 tariff barrier 关税壁垒 the age barrier 年龄障碍 the barrier between them他们之间的隔阂
    anger v. 使生气,激怒 n.愤怒,气愤 angry adj.气愤的,生气的angrily adv.气愤地
    reliable adj.可靠的,可信赖的,reliably adv.可靠地 reliably wrk 可靠地运转rely v. 依赖,依靠,信赖 rely n...信赖/依赖 n.依赖,依靠Heavy reliance n a client is risky.过于依赖一位客户是很危险的。
    ★incident n. 事件,事变,冲突 a shting incident 一次枪击事件★trial n. 试验,试用,审判 at the trial 在审判中 in clinical trials在临床试验中★slight adj. 轻微的,细小的 a slight cllisin小磕小碰 slightly adv. 些微地,轻微地 slightly different 稍有不同★twin adj.孪生的,双胞胎之一的,twin twers 双塔式建筑 twins n.双胞胎★nnverbal adj. 非语言的 nnverbal cmmunicatin非语言沟通★assess v.评估,估算 assessment n.评估,估价★internal adj.内部的,体内的,内心的 internal bleeding内出血 external adj.外部的 internally and externally 在内部和外部★slump v.(肩或脑袋)耷拉着 ,(价格)暴跌★pse v.摆姿势(为拍照)pse fr a phtgraph v. 造成(问题或危险)pse a threat t...对...造成威胁 v. 提出(问题)pse a questin pse n. 姿势
    ★bend v. 使...弯曲,倾斜 bent, bent / bend ver 弯腰,俯身于... n. 转弯,弯道;弯曲; n/at a sharp bend在一个急转弯处★reveal v.揭露,显示,露出 reveal a secret 揭露秘密★straighten up 整理,振作起来,直起来,收拾整齐★clarify v.使更清晰易懂,澄清,阐明clarify the present situatin澄清目前的状态 clarificatin n.澄清ask fr clarificatin f...要求对...予以澄清★in ther wrds 换言之 have a wrd with sb 与某人交谈 There is n wrd that...没有消息... give ne's wrd 做出承诺★educatr n.教师,教育家,教育工作者,educate v.教育 educatin n.教育 educated adj.受过教育的 well educated受过良好教育的
    ★tendency n.趋势,倾向 a tndency/tendencies t/twards...的倾向 a tendency twards vilence 暴力倾向 have a tendency t d...具有做某事的倾向 tend v.倾向,易于,照顾 tend t d...易于...,往往会 tend t be nisy. 汽车往往会发出很大的噪音。★lwer v. 放低,降低 lwer ne's vice 降低声音 lwer ne's head 低下头★imply v. 意味着,暗示 implicatin. 含义,by implicatin言下之意 implicit adj. 隐性的 explicit adj. 显性的★barely adv. 几乎不,仅仅,勉强地 barely satisfactry 强差人意的 bare adj. 赤裸的,无遮拦的,没有植被的,光秃秃的 a bare muntain一座光秃秃的山 ★ccupy v.占据,占用 ,使忙碌 be ccupied by...被...占用 ccupy neself with...忙于做某事 ccupatin n.职业,占领,消遣 ccupatinal adj.职业的,占领的 ccupatinal diseases 职业病 ccupatinal injury 工伤
    ★stare v.盯着看,凝视 stare at...盯着...看★ceiling(s) n.天花板,(工资,价格的)上限★distract v. 分散注意力,使分心 distract attentin frm...转移对...的注意力 distracted adj. 注意力分散的,思想不集中的 Child is easily distracted.小孩子很容易分心。 distractin n.分心的事(可数),心烦意乱 (不可数)★perceive v.. 察觉,感觉;理解;认知 当作,视作 perceptin n. 认识能力;知觉,感觉;洞察力; ne's perceptin f...某人对...的理解/看法 perceptive adj. 有洞察力的 ne f the mt perceptive reprter最有洞察力的记者之一 perceptible adj. 可觉察的 barely perceptible几乎觉察不出来
    ★anxiety n.焦虑,担心,害怕 anxius adj. 焦虑的;担忧的;渴望的;急切的 be anxius t d...急于做某事 be anxius abut...对...感到焦虑 anxiusly adv. 不安地,焦虑地★distinguish v.区分,分辨 distinguish ne thing frm anther 把一个事物与另一个进行区分 distinguished adj. 卓越的,著名的;高贵的,受尊重的 distinguishable adj. 可识别的,可辨别的★chest n.胸部,胸膛★embarrass v.(尤指在社交场合)使窘迫,使尴尬;使为难;陷入经济困难;妨碍(人、移动、行动) embarrassing adj.使人尴尬的;令人为难的 embarrassingly adv. 令人尴尬地 embarrassed adj.感到尴尬 ; 不好意思的 ; 感到局促不安的 embarrassment n. 窘迫,难堪;使人为难的人或事物(可数);
    ★ashamed adj. 羞愧的,羞耻的;惭愧的,内疚的;尴尬的;觉得丢脸的 be ashamed f 对…感到羞耻;对…感到惭愧 shame n. 羞耻,羞愧;憾事,带来耻辱的人 a sense f shame 羞耻 bring shame t sb 为murn带来羞耻 shameful adj. 可耻的;不体面的;不道德的 shameless adj. 无耻的;不要脸的;伤风败俗的★merely adv.仅仅,只是,不过是★call n 访问,拜访;号召,请求 call n sb t d...呼吁某人做某事★bther vt. 烦扰,打扰;使……不安;使……恼怒 bther t d smething 费心去做某事 bthered adj. 烦恼的 be bthered abut...对...感到很烦恼★weep v.哭泣,流泪;哭着说 wept, wept
    ★at wrk 在工作,有某种影响★cnflict n. 冲突,矛盾;斗争;争执 in cnflict 有矛盾,不一致 in cnflict with 和...冲突 cnflict vi. 冲突,抵触;争执;战斗 cnflict with...与...冲突★inquire vt. 询问;查究;问明 vi. 询问;查究;询价 inquire int 调查 inquire abut 询问,打听 inquiry n. 探究;调查;质询 (inquiries)★ultimately adv. 最终 ultimate adj.adj. 最终的;极限的 the ultimate gal最终目标★adjust vt. 调整,使…适合;校准 vi. 调整,校准;适应 adjust t...调整以适应 adjustment n. 调整,调节 make a majr adjustment t...对...做出重大调整
    ★apprve vt. 批准;赞成;为…提供证据 vi. 批准;赞成;满意 apprve f sth 同意 ; 赞成某事 ; 赞成 ; 满意 apprved adj. 得到正式认可的,核准的 apprved methd 经过批准的方法 be apprved by...经...批准 apprve t apprved t d...批准/经批准做某事 apprval n. 批准;认可;赞成 aprrval fr...赞同... apprval f...批准... disapprve vt. 不赞成;不同意 vi. 不赞成;不喜欢 diaapprve f...不赞成/不喜欢... diapprval n. 不赞成;不喜欢★intervene vi. 干涉;调停;插入★tne n. 语气;口吻;腔调;音色 speak in lw tnes t sb低声对某人说话
    ★react vi. 反应,作出反应;产生(化学)反应;react t...对...做出反应 react against 反抗 react with...与...发生化学反应 reactin n. 反应,感应;反动,反作用 chemical reactin 化学反应 reactive adj. 反应的;反动的★cmpnent(s) n. 组成部分;成分;组件,元件 electrnic cmpnent 电子元件
    Wrk ut the meaning f the underlined wrds in the sentences belw. In pairs, list mre wrds f the same kind.(一个单词兼具名词和动词)
    1. I rested my head n the desk t get sme rest. (rest v.搁置,n.休息)2. The child displayed great intersted in the huge firewrks display. (display v.表露,显示,n.表演)3. Mst students favur the plan, while their teachers are in favur f it. (favur v.赞同,n.支持)
    4. Jeremy witnessed the whle incident and was expected the be the key witness at the trail. (witness v.目击,n.证人)5. His lack f eye cntact when talking with peple shws that he lacks cnfidence. (lack v.缺少,n.缺少)6. When he nticed a slight frwn n his twin sister's face, he frwned as well. (frwn v.皱眉,n.皱眉)
    1. The president studied the latest reprt in his study. (study v.研究,n.书房)2. Keep a recrd f all the payments. (recrd n.记录) There is nthing t stp viewers frm recrding the films n videtape.(recrd v.录制)3. I'm ding sme research n the subject. (research n.研究) She spent tw years researching and filming her dcumentary.(research v.研究)4. I put my hand int my pcket and pulled ut the letter. (hand n.手) Please hand me that bk.(hand v.递给,传递)5. He shwed nt a bit f interest in the plan.(interest n.兴趣) Things f that nature d nt interest me.(interest v.使感兴趣)
    Read the passage abut bdy language. Fill in the blanks with the crrect frms f the wrds and phrases in the bx.用所给单词短语的适当形式补全短文
    by cntrastby cmparisnbreak dwninteractindemnstrateapprve fcluegesture
    by cmparisn
    Step 3 词汇操练 Using Wrds and Expressins
    Cmplete the sentences with the crrect frms f the wrds in the bx.
    1. The teacher shuld make sme _________________ s that the students will nt get bred.
    2. The twin brthers are alike in appearance but ______________ greatly in persnality.
    3. Seeing the by s upet, the mther called the teacher _____________what was ging n at schl.
    4. In _____________ with big cities, these places are less mdern but mre natural.
    5. Peple ______________ heavily n the Internet t keep in tuch with each ther.
    6. The test was t_____________ the level f students self-respect rather than their academic achievement.
    7. The yung man managed t hld back his______________ and avid a serius cnflict.
    8. In class, students tend t ___________ their heads when the questin is t hard fr them
    2. Paraphrase the sentences using the crrect frms f the wrds and phrases in brackets.
    1. When I married my husband, my parents were very upset. (apprve f)
    When I married my husband, my parents didn't apprve.
    2. I have been busy preparing fr the birthday party, shpping and decrating the huse. (ccupy neself with)
    3. There were three factrs playing rle in her quick recvery frm illness: apprpriate medical advice, the right medicine, and enugh rest. (at wrk)
    I have ccupied myself with preparing fr the birthday party, shpping and decrating the huse.
    There were three factrs at wrk in her quick recvery frm illness: apprpriate medical advice, the right medicine, and enugh rest.
    4. when prblems ccur, peple usually find excuses t avid respnsibility (tendency)
    when prblems ccur, peple tend t find excuses t avid respnsibility
    5. The clrs f the frest change with the seasn.(vary ...)
    6. I believe whatever yu say and will always take yur side. (favur)
    The clrs f the frest vary frm seasn t seasn.
    I believe whatever yu say and will always be in favur f yu.
    3. Cmplete the passage with the crrect frms f the wrds frm this unit.
    Educatrs can ______________ what students are thinking by bserving their bdy language. Students tend t ___________frward and make their eye cntact with teachers when they are interested in the lessn. By _____________, if they have their heads ______________ r lk ______________, they prbably bred, r ____________ by smething else. By lking at a student's bdy language, an educatr can als ________________ whether the student is trubled r having persnal prblems. Observing students' bdy language helps teachers ______________ students' behaviur and thus take effective measures t help them learn better.
    4. Translate the sentences int English using the wrds and phrases in brakets.
    1.有些学生回避与老师的眼神交流,只是因为担心被老师叫起来回答问题。(merely, call n)
    2.他忙着写毕业论文,几乎没有时间好好吃饭。(barely, bther,ccupy)
    3.小孩子们会盯着一件他们喜欢的东西来表达他们的兴趣。(tend t, stare at, display)
    Sme students avid making eye cntact with teachers merely because they are afraid f being called n t answer questins.
    He ccupied himself with his graduatin paper and barely bthered t have a gd meal.
    Children tend t stare at ne thing that they like t display their interest.

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