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    牛津译林版英语七年级下册Unit1 Grammar--task 讲义 配习题(无答案)
    牛津译林版英语七年级下册Unit1    Grammar--task 讲义 配习题(无答案)01
    牛津译林版英语七年级下册Unit1    Grammar--task 讲义 配习题(无答案)02
    牛津译林版英语七年级下册Unit1    Grammar--task 讲义 配习题(无答案)03
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    初中英语牛津译林版七年级下册Unit 1 Dream Homes精品随堂练习题

    这是一份初中英语牛津译林版七年级下册Unit 1 Dream Homes精品随堂练习题,共12页。试卷主要包含了我是…等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    总共课时: 本次消耗课时: 剩余课时:
    学生: 日期:
    年级:七年级下册 第 2讲

    课题:Unit1 Grammar--task 词汇知识点


    1.peple frm 180 cuntries and areas 来自180个国家和地区的人们

    2.feet tall 15英尺高

    3.6 meters lng=6 meters in length 6米长

    4. 7 feet wide=7 feet in width 7英尺宽

    metres 平方米

    6.be abut 91000 square metres in size 面积约有91000平方米

    =have an area f abut 91,000 square meters

    have an area f…=be …in size 占有…面积

    7.have ver 3000 peple 有超过3000人

    ver= mre than 超过,多于

    8.have a ppulatin f… 有…人口

    9.Wmen’s Day 妇女节

    10. n 8th March = n March 8th= n the eighth f March =n March the eighth


    11.be the first (persn) t get t schl 第一个到学校的人

    the secnd t d sth 第二个干某事的

    the last t d sth 最后一个干某事的

    12.live n the furth/fifth/ninth/twelfth/ flr 住在4/5/9/12楼

    13. hundreds f 几百

    thusands f 几千

    millins f 几百万

    14. be really different frm 的确与……不同

    15.be full f flwers 满是花

    16.lk big and cmfrtable. 看起来既大又舒舒适。

    17.have a bedrm f my wn= have my wn bedrm 有一个我自己的卧室

    18.hpe t visit yur hme sme day 希望有一天参观你的家

    19.take a message t B fr A 帮A 带一个口信给B

    20call sb back 给某人回电话

    21.ask sb (nt)t d sth / tell sb (nt)t d sth 叫某人(不要)做某事

    22.the washing machine 洗衣机

    23.at the ft f a hill 在山脚下

    24.n the grund flr 在底楼

    25.There is a ftball field behind my huse 在我家后面有一个足球场。

    26.a hme cinema 一个家庭影院

    27.mre than enugh fd 足够多的食物

    28.invite sb t d sth 邀请某人做某事

    invite my friends t watch films with me 邀请朋友和我一起看电影

    29.at the weekend/at weekends 在周末

    30.like t cme and stay here 喜欢来并待在这儿

    31.Each rm has a new cmputer. 每个房间都有一台新电脑

    32.have a party / have parties 举办聚会

    33.It is great fun. 那很有趣。


    1.The CN Twer is l,815 feet tall. 加拿大国家电视塔1 815英尺高。 P11

    (1)ft 此处意为“英尺”。ft还表示“脚,足”。ft的复数形式为feet

    类似于ft,复数形式须变为ee的单词还有 tth,意为“牙齿”,其复数形式是teeth

    (2)某物长、宽、高的表示法:sth+ be+基数词+单位名词+lng/wide/tall(high)。

    The by is ne metre tall.这个男孩一米高。

    The bridge is 10 metres wide and 50 metres lng.这座桥10米宽、50米长。


    tall: 多指人、动物、树木等有生命的东西的高,也可指建筑物、小山之高,反义词是 shrt

    high: 多用于指高大之物,如高山等;指海拔只能用high ;



    例:I 'm abut1.6 metres tall.我大约1.6米高。

    The muntain is t high.这座山太高了。

    The price f the thing is high.这东西的价格很高。

    He can jump high.他能跳得很高。

    2.Red Square in Mscw is abut 91, 000 square metres in size.莫斯科的红场大约91000平方米大。(P11)

    (1)Square:第一个 square为名词,意为“广场”。

    第二个 square用作形容词,意为“平方的

    [拓展] square作形容词讲时,还可表示“正方形的 The windw is square.这扇窗子是正方形的。

    3.France has an area f ver 260, 000 square miles.法国面积超过260000平方英里。(p11)

    (1)have an area f意为“占面积”,可以和 in size的句子进行同义转换。

    The cuntry has an area f 600,000 square kilmetres.

    =The cuntry is 600, 000 square kilmetres in size.这个国家的面积为60万平方千米。

    (2)ver此处用作介词,意为“超过”,相当于mre than

    My father is ver frty我父亲40多岁了。

    Hw many bks d yu have?你有多少本书?Over ten.10多本。

    4.There are abut 8, 000, 000 peple living in Lndn.大约有8百万人居住在伦敦。(P11)

    (1)“There be+名词+-ing+地点状语”为固定句式,意为“在某处有某人或某物正在做

    There is baby sleeping in the rm. 房间里有一个婴儿正在睡觉。

    There are sme bys playing games n the grass.草地上有一些男孩正在玩游戏。

    5.Wmen's Day is n the eighth f March. 妇女节在3月8日。


    元旦 New Year's Day 春节 Spring Festival

    元宵节 Lantern Festival 植树节 Tree-planting Day

    清明节 Tmb-sweeping Day 五一节 May Day

    端午节 Dragn Bat Festival 教师节 Teachers' Day

    中秋节 Mid-Autumn Festival 国庆节 Natinal Day

    妇女节 Wmen's Day 父亲节 Fathers’ Day

    6.frk 餐叉,pl:frks

    7.Knife 刀 pl: knives

    把-f或-fe去掉,加-ves; 读/vz/,

    如: wives,knives,wlves,thieves,laves ,shelves,selves,lives,halves ,leaves,,

    (妻子持刀去宰狼,小偷啃着面包发了慌; 躲在架后保己命,半片树叶遮目光)

    8.Shwer 淋浴器/ 淋浴 take/ have a shwer 洗淋浴

    9.Yur garden is full f flwers你的花园满是花。(P14)

    (1) be full f..意为“满是…、充满”、介词f后接名词、相于 be filled with

    Every child's future is full f hpe每个孩子的未来都充满希望。


    10. I als have a bedrm f my wn..我也有一间属于自己的卧室…(p14)

    = I als have my wn bedrm 有一个我自己的卧室

    辨析: f ne'swn与 n ne'swn

    Of ne’s wn “属于某人自己的”,用作定语,放在所修饰词之后。

    On ne’s wn “单独地,独立” 一般用作状语。

    例:I have a flat f my wn,and I bught it n my wn three years ag.

    11.I hpe t visit yur hme sme day我希望有一天去你家拜访。(p14)



    (1) hpe t d sth.“希望做某事; I hpe t help Tm我希望帮助汤姆


    My father hpes that I will be a gd teacher.我父亲希望我成为一名好老师。

    没有 hpe sb t d sth.这一结构

    ② (1) wish 一般表示难以实现的“愿望”

    1】wish t d sth.“希望做某事; I wish t g t Beijing我希望去北京。

    2】 wish sb t d sth.“希望某人做某事” I wish him t wrk hard.我希望他努力学习


    I wish that I culd fly like a bird我希望我能像鸟儿一样飞。

    2)表示美好的“祝愿” wish+宾语+宾语补足语(形容词或名词)

    I wish yu happy祝你快乐。

    12.May I speak t Daniel, please?请问我可以和丹尼尔通电话吗?(P14)

    (1)May I speak t sb, please?意为“请问我可以和某人通电话吗?”,这是打电话用语。


    Wh 's (that) speaking, please?请问你是哪位?

    Is that( speaking)?你是…吗?

    This is…( speaking).我是…

    Wait minute, please.请稍等。

    I'm afraid he isn't here right nw. 恐怕他此刻不在这里。

    Can I take message?要我传个话吗?

    Can yu ask sb t call me back?你能叫某人给我回个电话吗?


    May cme in?我可以进来吗?

    Yu may cme in if yu wish.你想进来就进来吧。


    I may be late.我可能会迟到。

    He may be gd father.他也许是一位好父亲。

    13.Can I take a message?要我传个话吗?(P14)


    take a message“传个话,捎个口信”;

    take a message fr A t B“帮A捎个信儿给B”。

    He ften asks me t take a message. 他经常让我捎信。

    Culd yu take a message fr Tny t his teacher? 你可以给托尼捎个信儿给他老师吗?

    (3)leave message意为“留个口信,留个话”。

    Why dn't' yu leave message?你为什么不留个话呢?

    14.Can yu ask him t call me back?你能叫他给我回个电话吗?(P14)

    call sb back “给某人回电话” 是“动词+副词”型短语,

    宾语sb是人称代词宾格时,只能放在call与back中间; call me/him/them back

    宾语sb是名词时,放中间或后面都可以 call yur mther back.= call back yur mther.

    15.There is a ftball field behind my huse and a swimming pl beside it.我的房子后面有一个足球场,它旁边有一个游泳池。(P17)


    in the fields “在地里”, a ftball field“一个足球场”。

    My parents wrk in the fields every day.


    They are playing in the ftball field.


    “在地里”in the fields; “在农场” n the farm.

    (2)behind介词,意为“在…后面”,其反义短语为 in frnt f...(在前面)。

    Wh is the girl standing behind Richard?


    [拓展] behind还可用作副词,意为“在后面”。 Study hard, r yu will fall behind.


    besides prep, 在旁边 /除意外还有 。

    I lve my parents besides my little brther. 除了弟弟之外,我也爱我的父母。

    16.I wuld like t invite my friends t watch films with me at the weekend.我想邀请我的朋友们在周末和我一起看电影。(P17)

    (1)invite vt,“邀请”; invite sb.t d sth.意为“邀请某人做某事”。

    Wh are yu ging t invite t cme t yur birth-day party?你打算邀请谁来参加你的生日聚会呢?

    [拓展]① invite sb.t+地点名词,意为“邀请某人去…”。

    Yu can invite him t the cffee shp. 你可以邀请他去咖啡店。

    ② invite的名词形式为 invitatin,意为“邀请,请柬”。

    Thanks fr yur invitatin谢谢你的邀请。


    17.Each rm has a new cmputer每个房间有台新电脑…(p17)


    Each student has a dictinary. 每个学生都有一本字典。


    Each f us has a rm. =We each have a rm.我们每个人都有一个房间。

    辨析each与 every


    Each ne has his weakness. 每个人都有他的缺点。

    Each f the students wears a yellw cap.每个学生都戴着黄帽。

    ② every指三个或三个以上的人或物中的“每一个”,强调整体,不可与f连用。

    Every by is here.男孩们都到了。

    18.Sme students like t stay ut after schl.放学后一些学生喜欢在外逗留。

    stay此处作不及物动词,意为“停留;逗留;暂住”。 stay ut意为“待在外面”,

    stay at意为“待在…”。Stay 还有系动词用法“保持”,后接形容词

    例:Sme students like t stay ut after schl.放学后一些学生喜欢在外逗留。

    G hme!Dn' 't stay here.回家去!不要在这儿逗留

    The shp stays pen until ten at night.这家商店营业到晚上10点钟。


    1.There is _______fd in the fridge.

    A. much enugh B. enugh mre thanC. mre than enugh D. enugh much

    2.Lk,________wrkers are making bikes. They made five _____bikes in all.

    A Hundreds; hundreds B. Hundred f ;hundreds

    C. Hundreds f ; hundred D. Hundreds; hundred

    3.—Is Mr. Chen in the classrm nw?

    —N, he is ut. If yu have smething t tell him, I can________ fr yu.

    A. call her back B. take a message

    C. talk abut yu D. chat with yu

    4. — ________ ? —This is Jim speaking.

    A. What is yur name B. Wh are yu

    C. May I speak t Jim D. Is this Jim’s huse

    5. I usually eat dinner with my family in the________..

    A. dining rmB. living rmC. bedrmD. kitchen.

    6.-Culd yu tell me the time, please? -_______.

    A. Excuse meB. Srry, I dn't knwC. Yu can ask themD. It desn't matter

    7.Mary lives six flrs_ ______Kate.

    A. nB. abveC. upD. Of

    8. Kitty was brn in_______ USA. Her birthday is n_______ fifth f April.

    A. the;/B. /; theC. the; theD. /; /

    9. There is a big tree_______ my huse.

    A. in frnt fB. in the frnt fC. nD. in

    10.Nanjing is a big city. Mre than seven_______ peple live a happy life there.

    A. hundredB. thusandsC. millinD. millins

    11. Millie is_______.

    A. 1.53 metres lng B. 1.53 metres tall

    C. lng l. 53 metres D. tall 1.53 metres

    12. . I am ________ my sister. I lve dancing but she likes singing.

    A. the same as B. different t

    C. same as D. different frm

    13. ---Which flr d yu live __________?

    ---The first flr. I live _________ Rm 112.

    A. in / nB. n / nC. n / inD. in / in

    14. Yu lk cl tday! -_______.

    A. Oh, nB. Yes, I amC. Nt at allD. Thanks a lt

    15.-_______ yur friend like tmates? -Yes, very much.

    A. I sB. AreC. DD. Des

    16.If a=4, b=5, what's the answer t the questin 'a+2ab+1=?'? -_______.

    A. Frty fifthB. a Frty fiveC. Twenty threeD. One hundred and twenty ne

    17. I have ________ friends and we chat________ with each ther .

    A. a lt, a ltB. lts f, a lts

    C. a lt f, a ltD. a lt f, a lt f

    18.Tm with his family ______ in a small twn nw.

    A. liveB. livesC. living D lived

    hpes _______ yur hme sme day.

    A. he visitB. him t visitC. t visitD. he t visit

    20.Mary is always ________1eave the classrm.

    A. firstB. first student tC. the firstD. the first t

    21.The swimming pl is ________.

    A. 50-metre lngB. 50 metres lng

    C. lng 50 metresD. lng 50-metre

    22.-Hell. This is Le speaking. Is that Jhn? -Srry, he isn't in.______

    A. Please hld n.

    B. May I take a message?

    C. What are yu saying t him?

    D.Shall I take a message t yu?

    23.-There're fur bedrms in the huse,_______with its wn shwer.

    -That's what I want. I've gt a few kids.

    A. either B. neither C. each D. nne


    1.The rm is full f peple. I guess there are ______(超过) 200 persns in it. .

    2.10. Every year ______(数以百万计的) f travellers cme t visit China

    3.I want t invite Lucy___________(visit) my new hme.

    4.He is ___(ne) t cme here every day.

    5.Dn’t tuch __________(knife). They may hurt yu.

    6.The ld sfa is abut three and a half _________(ft) lng.

    7.Hw many ________(zer) are there in his telephne number?

    8.The cmic bk is_________(real)interesting.We all like it.

    9.He lives ___________ t my huse. He’s my neighbur(邻居).

    10.I want a_________(swim)pl in my dream hme.

    11.The centre f the twn is a gd place__________(shp).

    12.Thank yu fr________(invite)me t dinner

    13.I called her, but she wasn’t in. I had t leave her a _______.








    4 我想在我的梦想家园中有一间自己的卧室。



    1.She shares her rm_______ a friend f_______

    A. with; herB. t; hersC. with; hersD. frm; her

    2.- Which city is the capital f Russia? -_______.

    A. LndnB. ParisC. MscwD. Ottawa

    3.Jack has his cws and hrses. He is an f a farm.

    A. wns;wnB. wn; wnerC. wner;wnD. wn; wn

    4.Taizhu is a gd place , whether in winter r summer.

    A. gingB. gesC. g tD. t g t

    5.―David, hw ld is yur father this year?

    ―40. And we just had a special party fr his birthday last weekend.

    A. frtiethB. frtyC. frtiesD. frtyth

    6.420, 309 shuld be read .

    A. fur hundred and twenty thusands three hundred and nine

    B. fur hundred and twenty thusand and three hundred and nine

    C. fur hundred and twenty thusands and three hundred and nine

    D. fur hundred and twenty thusand three hundred and nine

    7.The ld man fund a rm at last.

    A. t live frB. liv C. t live inD. live in

    8.This is the best rm we have. Yu can_____ the sea if yu_____ ut f the windw.

    A. lk; lkB. lk; seeC. see; lkD. see; see

    9.Mr James bught (买) a new_______ in the tall building.

    A. huseB. flatC. rmD. family

    10.Our huse is different yurs in sme ways.

    A. nB. frmC. fr D. in

    11.There are twelve bys and thirteen girls in Class Fur, which means students in ttal.

    A. 33B. 25C. 13 D. 12

    12.― is yur rm number?

    ―It's B225.

    A. Hw muchB. Hw manyC. WhatD. Hw

    13.Is yur hme the seventh flr that building

    A. at;fB. in;in C. n; inD. in;f

    14.In ur city, the number f the teachers abut 2,000, but nly abut f them are men teachers.

    A. is;'seven hundredsB. are;seven hundred

    C. is;seven hundredD. are;seven hundreds

    15.—Excuse me. May I speak t Jill, please?


    Yes,I am B. D yu knw him? C. I am speaking. D. This is Jill speaking.

    16.The by isn’t_____his mther,but he _____his mther very much.

    A. likes;likes B.like; like C.lk like; likes D.lks like; like


    1.Tm,with his friends,____________(sit) in the kitchen nw.

    2.This is Mary’s _________(three) time t visit Suzhu.

    3.The yung cuple are happy t wait fr their _______(tw) baby’s cming.

    4.Tm’s mther always make him______(play)the pian fr 2 hurs n Sundays.

    5.There are millins f peple ______(live) in pr area.

    6.Fish sleep with their eays pen,bur we sleep with ur eyes_______(clse).

    7.It was cld. Peple make a fir ________(keep) warm.

    8.The Green’s family ___________(have) dinner in the dining rm nw.


    D yu live in a big huse? Hw many 1_____ des yur huse have? If yu live in a big place with enugh rm,yu’re the2_____ne. In sme cuntries, many peple dn't have big huses t live in.

    I have a pen friend. His family live in a small huse 3____ nly tw rms. The huse is far away frm his schl. But he 4_____ t schl every day because he has n enugh mney t buy a bike. At hme, he desn't have his wn 5____. The fur members f his family sleep in the same rm. They have n kitchen r dining rm. He even(甚至) can't 6_____ a place t d his hmewrk. And he7______ wrk fr his family after schl. His sister,a 15-year-ld girl, has t 8_____ schl because their family desn't have enugh mney fr tw 9_____schling.

    My pen friend is ne f the millins f pr children. Thse children need ur help. 10____can we help them? We can dnate(捐赠)sme mney t charities(慈善机构) They will help the pr children in many ways. It's always nice t help


    B.rms C.tables D.desks

    2. A. lucky(幸运的) B.gd C.sad D. srry

    3 B.with C.in D. fr

    B.drives C.walks D.ges

    .A. dining rm B.balcny C. bathrm D. bedrm

    B.build C.find D. need

    B. can C.culd D. may

    8.A. stay at B. leave C. teach in D. g t

    9.A. children' B. teachers C. parents D. girls’

    B. Why C.When D. Hw



    D yu knw Xishuangbanna? It's a very beautiful place. It lies in Yunnan. The Dai peple live there. Their hmes are wnderful The huses are very big and have lng legs t hld(支撑)them up. Smetimes thse legs are ver tw metres tall.

    It can be very ht in Yunnan. But the Dai peple d nt need air cnditiners t keep cl. Their huses usually have tw flrs. One half f the first flr is the living rm. The living rm has a balcny. The ther half f the first flr is their bedrm. There is lng crridr(走廊) between the living rm and the bedrm.

    Yu must always take ff yur shes befre yu g int a Dai family's huse. They like t keep their huses clean. The bed is made f bamb(竹子)The family's tables, chairs and cupbards are all made f bamb t, It ften rains in Yunnan. Pigs and chickens live n the grund flr, because it is a gd place t stay dry.

    26. Where d the Dai peple live?

    A. In big fiats. B. In small fats. C. In big huses. D. In small huses.

    27. The writer desn't tell us______.

    A. hw many flrs the Dai peple's huse has

    B. the things in the Dai peple's huse

    C. the rms in the Dai peple's huse

    D. why it's cl in the Dai peple's huse

    28、 Yu may find the things except(除了)_________ in Dai family's huse.

    A. an air cnditiner B bamb bed

    C. bamb cupbard D. bamb chairs and tables

    29. The underlined wrd "dry" in the last paragraph may mean in Chinese.

    A.潮湿的 B.干燥的 C.醒着的 D.安全的

    30. Which f the fllwing is NOT true?

    A. Xishuangbanna is a beautiful place.

    3. The Dai family's huses are usually very clean.

    C. It's easy fr the Dai peple t get bamb.

    D. The Dai peple's huses are tw metres tall.



    BIG HOUSE FOR SALE. Cmfrtable hme fr a big family, with a large garden. Five miles frm the city centre. Three bedrms, ne living rm, ne kitchen, ne dining rm and ne bathrm.

    N less than$100,000

    Phne: 3434-5778


    MODERN ROOM TO RENT(出租). Small rm t rent in the city

    centre. With a restaurant n the grund flr. Gd fr

    ffice wrkers r students. Mdern furniture(家具).Near the bus stp and the subway(地铁)statin.

    $200 a mnth

    Phne: 3322-1088


    COMFORTABLE HOUSE TO RENT. Old huse t rent utside the city. 10 minutes by train t the centre f the city. Near the bus statin. One bedrm, ne kitchen and ne bathrm. And a small garage(车库).


    Phne: 3322-0178


    CLEAN ROOM TO RENT. Our flat has three big and clear rms t

    rent. 12 square metres each. Share a kitchen and bathrm. A TV

    and a fridge in the sitting rm.

    $300 fr half a year

    Phne: 3322-7877

    31. A yung man, Len, wants t find a place t live. But he desn't have much mney. Which is his best chice(选择)?

    A. Huse A.B. Rm B.C. Huse C.D. Rm D.

    32. Hw much shuld Linda pay if she rents Rm B fr a year?

    A. $1, 200.B. $200.C. $2,400.D. $450.


    Rbert lives in a small twn. Five years ag, when he was nineteen, he finished middle schl. He didn't like any subjects except playing when he was at schl. Of curse he learned nthing and the bsses wuldn't use a man like him. He has t stay at hme, but he desn't d any husewrk. He nly watches TV r lies in bed. It makes his parents angry. They want him t study smething. He always thinks it difficult and desn't listen t them.

    One day Rbert was walking near a bkshp while sme yung men were talking abut the writers. He heard the publishing huse paid the writers a lt. He became interested in it. As sn as he gt hme, he began t write. But he culdn't write anything. At last he bught a bk and cpied a stry. Then he psted it t the publishing huse. He waited fr nearly half a year, but didn't get any answer. He had t ask an editr n the telephne, "Have yu read my stry yet, sir?" "Yes," said the editr, "I had read it befre yu were brn!"

    33. His parents are angry with Rbert because .

    A. he can't find any wrk

    B. he didn't study hard befre

    C. he's t lazy t d any husewrk

    D. he isn't plite t them

    34. Rbert psted the stry t the publishing huse t .

    A. be a famus manB. surprise his friends

    C. win a prizeD. get much mney

    35. The editr didn't answer Rbert because .

    A. they were very busy

    B. the stry wasn't interesting

    C. the stry was taken frm a bk

    D. the yung man wasn't famus enugh





















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