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    第一模块的功能是:1、问好和道别;2、简单的自我介绍;3、见面问候。第二模块的功能是:1、自我介绍和日常问好;2、问候下午好;3、询问他人姓名。第三模块的功能是:发出指令和执行指令。第四模块的功能是:1、识别并描述物品的颜色;2、描述身边物品的颜色。第五模块的功能是:询问物品的数量和12以内的回答。第六模块的功能是:询问并识别物品。第七模块的功能是:1、祝贺他人生日快乐和赠送礼物时使用的语言;2、关于年龄的问与答。第八模块的功能是:1、使用句型“Is it a…?”进行关于物品的问答;2、询问物品的位置并使用“in”说明。第九模块的功能是:1、谈论家庭成员;2、谈论职业。第十模块的功能是:识别并谈论身体基本部位和面部器官。复习模块的功能是:复习本册书学过的全部内容,通过完成各个活动对本学期学习过的知识进行巩固和综合运用。

    Module 1
    1. Words: I, am, hello, goodbye, are, How are you? good, morning, fine, thank, you
    2. Sentences:-Hello, I’m Sam!
    -Hello, I’m Daming!
    -Goodbye, Daming!
    -Goodbye, Sam!
    问候语与道别语:Hello, Hi, Goodbye, Bye-bye. 
    1. 培养学生初步运用语言的能力。
    2. 培养学生人际交往的能力。 
    1. 通过Listen and say学习问候语与道别语,以及句型I’m …,使学生能够基本听懂会话,并能使用新句型进行自我介绍。
    2. 通过Practise,帮助学生进行巩固和拓展训练。
    多媒体课件. 图标. 单词卡等。 
    Lesson 1
    Step 1 Warm-up
    1. Say hello to the students.
    2. Let the students talk in English.
    Step 2 Learn the new words
    1. Follow T 3 times.
    2. Follow some students.
    3. Read the new words by yourselves. Ask T if you can’t read.
    4. Read the words, four one group.
    5. Read the words, group by group.
    6. Read the words together.
    7. Read the words to the desk mates each other.
    Step 3 Spell the new words
    1. Let the students have a try .Ask T if you can’t spell.
    2. Spell the words, four one group. Ask T if you can’t spell.
    3. Follow T.
    4. Let the students have a try again.
    5. Spell the words to the desk mates each other.
    Step 4 Ending
    1. Summary.
    2. Homework: Recite the new words to your parents.

    Lesson 2
    Unit 1 I’m Sam.
    Step 1 Warming up
    1. 课前播放学生熟悉的英文儿歌Hello 或字母歌渲染课堂学习的活跃气氛。
    2. 教师可以在课前收集一些常用的英文单词或缩略语如:WTO,TV,CD,KFC等,让学生了解一些身边的英语,同时也请同学们说一说他们所知道的生活中的英语,这样有助于强化他们亲身经历英语的真实感受。
    Step 2 Leading in and presentation
    1. 启发学生们思考当他们在新学期初次见面的时候,他们是如何相互间有礼貌的打招呼问好的呢?当他们在彼此陌生的情况下,是如何相互作自我介绍,互相交流的呢?
    2. 教师首先以自然的方式配以恰当的手势动作和不同的语调来向学生问好Hello / Hi,同时也引导学生向教师说Hello /Hi 。然后让学生相互间用Hello/Hi 练习问好。
    3. 教师胸前佩带英文的名字卡片进行自我介绍:Hello, I’m Cindy. 借助手势让学生理解句子含义。并通过儿童喜爱的任务头饰或面具等作自我介绍,让学生更进一步感知I’m 的含义。
    4. 邀请几位同学到讲台上来,分别戴上他们喜欢的人物头饰并自我介绍说Hello I’m …,然后请同学作真实的自我介绍。
    5. 介绍班上要来二名新的小朋友Sam 和Amy
    6. 教师反复播放动画片,作为初次见面的小朋友,他们之间是怎样打招呼并进行自我介绍的呢?要求学生跟读,并要求学生用手指着单词. 句子进行认读。
    Step 3 Consolidation
    1. 要求学生仔细听录音,分辨出课本中的四个主人公:Sam,Amy,Lingling,Daming以便学生熟悉这四个小朋友的特征。
    2. 四人一个小组操练Hello或者Hi,设置不同的场景恰当地运用Hello或者Hi打招呼,要求学生根据录音和图片进一步巩固和加深对Hello或者Hi的理解。
    3. 帮助学生理解I’m …,并用I’m …向全班同学做自我介绍。
    4. 根据课本内容结合实际情况编演小短剧。
    Step 4 Conclusion and homework
    1. 引导学生总结对此课知识点的掌握和运用情况。
    2. 鼓励学生在课下遇到老师. 家长. 同学时用Hello或者Hi打招呼,分手时用Good bye或者Bye-bye道别,自我介绍时用I’m句型。

    Lesson 3
    Unit 2 How are you?
    Step 1 Warmer
    1. 伴着音乐老师走进教室,热情地向同学们打招呼说“Hello”或“Hi”,与近处的同学握手,向远处的同学挥手。表扬那些用英语向老师打招呼的同学说“Very good!Well done!”或“Clever boy/girl!”
    2. Revision
    用英语告诉学生:I’m Wang Linzhen.
    3. 师生. 同学之间用Hello,I’m …问好。
    Step2 Presentation
    1. 拿出钟表,看看时间,然后做出刚起床的动作,对学生说:Good morning!让学生猜猜意思,试着回答。师与几个学生问好,然后与全班问好。
    通过对话,引出“How are you?(出示意思)师引导回答(出示笑脸,做表情)帮助学生回答:I’m fine, thank you.与学生练练,适时指导。板书课题:Module 1 Unit2 How are you ?
    2. 告诉学生:今天早上我们的朋友Sam刚一起床,他的两位奇特的朋友就来跟他问好,你想知道它们是谁吗?他们跟Sam 说了什么?那就让我们一起去看看吧!
    Let’s have a look.Listen to the tape(picture1),listen and point.(要求学生边听边指着相应的说话的人物,并根据图片想一想图中的小朋友都在说什么?) then answer the questions:
    1) Who are they?
    2) What did they say?
    听完后,找同学回答,当同学答对小鸟和Sam时,可以拿出准备好的图片说:Yes, they are a bird and Sam.
    当同学答出小鸟和Sam问候时,可以举起图片,学着小鸟和Sam的声音说:Yes, the bird said: Good morning, Sam./ Sam said : Good morning!
    板书句型:Good morning. Good morning!
    3. Now let’s listen again (picture2),and then tell me :
    1) Who are they?
    2) What did they say?
    听完后,找同学回答,当同学答对小狗和Sam时,可以拿出准备好的图片说:Yes, they are a dog and Sam.
    当同学答出小狗和Sam问候时,可以举起图片,学着小狗和Sam的声音说:Yes, the dog said: How are you ,Sam?Sam said : I’m fine, thank you.板书句型:How are you?I’m fine, thank you.学生试读,着重强调thank的发音(看口型),并示范和领读。
    4. Listen and repeat for 3 times.可让个别学生展示,奖励。
    5. Read in groups(Help each other), and then act it out(戴头饰),奖励小组.
    Step 3 Practice
    1. Part3
    Teacher and a student do for model.then play a game(会话接龙)。第一个先说完的小组算优胜。
    2. Game
    请四个学生到教室前,一名同学出场用布蒙上眼睛,另外三个学生中的任意一人使用“How are you?向该学生问好。该学生要试着猜出说话的是谁并上前用“I’m fine, thank you.”回答。如果猜对了,全班说“Yes!”如果猜错了,全班说:“No!”然后继续猜。
    3. 连锁问答游戏
    4. Sing the song
    T: Would you like to learn a new song”Hello! Hello!”
    Lead to read., then play the tape ,listen and sing together,and do the actions..(师生齐唱,做动作,用欢快的歌曲小结学习内容。)
    Step 4 Summary
    1. Do you have any questions?
    2. Show the words and lead to read again.
    3. Point to the important drills, and read together again.

    Lesson 4
    Step 1 warming up
    1. Greetings.
    2. Let’s chant.
    Step 2 Revision
    1. Review the words of the module.
    2. Review the texts of the module.
    Step 3 Practice
    1. Activity: Practice with the new words and the new sentences.
    2. Doing some writing practice.
    Step 4 Ending
    1. Summary.
    2. Homework.
    Module 1
    Hello, I’m Sam!
    Hello, I’m Daming!
    Goodbye, Daming!
    Goodbye, Sam!

    Module 2
    1. Words: Ms, boy, girl, and, too, what, is, your, name, please, afternoon, Mr
    2. Sentences: -Good morning. I’m Sam.
    -Good morning. I’m Ms Wang.
    -Good morning. I’m Wang Yong.
    -Good morning. I’m Ms Smart.
    首次与他人见面时能够用英语礼貌地打招呼并了解英美国家称呼成年男女的一般方式。如:Ms (女士)或Mr(先生)。 
    1. 通过Listen, point and say复习打招呼用语Hello,并学习单词boy 和girl以及它们的复数形式,帮助学生正确理解、运用单词。
    2. 通过Listen, point and find一起发现,并学习本节课的重点句型:I’m … How are you? I’m fine, thank you. And how are you? I’m fine too, thank you. 并引导学生们进行巩固和拓展训练。
    多媒体课件. 图标. 单词卡等。 
    Lesson 1
    Step 1 Warm-up
    1. Say hello to the students.
    2. Let the students talk in English.
    Step 2 Learn the new words
    1. Follow T 3 times.
    2. Follow some students.
    3. Read the new words by yourselves. Ask T if you can’t read.
    4. Read the words, four one group.
    5. Read the words, group by group.
    6. Read the words together.
    7. Read the words to the desk mates each other.
    Step 3 Spell the new words
    1. Let the students have a try .Ask T if you can’t spell.
    2. Spell the words, four one group. Ask T if you can’t spell.
    3. Follow T.
    4. Let the students have a try again.
    5. Spell the words to the desk mates each other.
    Step 4 Ending
    1. Summary.
    2. Homework: Recite the new words to your parents.

    Lesson 2
    Unit 1 I’m Ms Smart.
    Step 1 Warming up
    1. Listen and sing the ‘Hello’ song.
    2. Introduce yourself to the students, and help them learn a new sentence: I’m …
    T: Hello. I’m Ms. Han.
    Ss: Hello, Ms. Han. (Show the card and teach ‘Ms.’)让学生用I’m … 句型作自我介绍,全体学生用Hello同他打招呼。
    Step 2 Presentation
    1. Meet new friends and learn new words, new sentence.
    T: please say hello to our new friends. (Take out the masks of Sam, Daming, Amy and Lingling.)
    Ss: (Say hello to them)
    T: Look! Sam and Daming are boys. (Point to a boy and say) You are a boy, too. (Teach the word ‘boy’)
    T: (Touch a boy’s head) boy
    (Touch two boys’ heads) boys
    (Point to many boys) boys
    (With the same method teach ‘girl’ and ‘girls’)
    T: (Take up the masks). They are boys and girls. (Stress boys and girls. Then teach ‘and’)
    T: Team 1, please stand up.
    Ss: (The students of Team 1 stand up)
    T: They are boys and girls. Team 2, stand up, please. Are you boys and girls? Ss: Yes.
    T: Sit down, please. Team 1, Team 2 and Team 3, boys, please hand up.
    Ss: (Boys hand up.)
    T: Team 4, girls say ‘How are you?’
    Ss: (Girls are saying it.)
    Then play a turtle game and practice boy, girl, boys and girls.
    2. T: Boys and girls, are you tired? Let’s sing a song. (The teacher says ‘How are you’ to each student then lead out ‘I’m fine. And how are you? I’m fine, too. Thank you.)
    Then play a chain game.
    Step 3 Text learning
    1. Show the mask of Ms. Smart.
    T: Oh, here is a new face.
    Ss: Ms. Smart.
    T: You are right. Read after me please. (3 times)
    T: (Put the mask on the head) Good morning, boys and girls. I’m Ms. Smart.
    Ss: Good morning, Ms. Smart.
    2. Look at the picture and listen.
    T: Do you know? This is Ms. Smart’s first English class. Listen and watch it. What happened?
    T: The boy’s name is Ming, right?
    Ss: No.
    T: What’s his name?
    Ss: Daming.
    T: Yes. Ms. Smart called the wrong mane. He is not Ming. His mane is Daming. So the other boys and girls all laugh.
    3. Listen, point and repeat.
    Step 4 Practice
    Make students practice in pairs and then act it before the class.
    Step 5 Homework
    1. Listen and repeat the tape four times, then recite it.
    2. Use the new words and sentence to meet new friends.

    Lesson 3
    Unit 2 What’s your name?
    Step 1 Warming up
    1. 教师进入教室,与学生们问好:
    T: Good morning, boys and girls.
    S: Good morning.
    T: How are you?
    S: I’m fine, thank you. And how are you?
    T: I’m fine, too. Thank you.
    Step 2 Presentation
    1. 老师告诉学生:“进入新学校后,我们会遇到很多新朋友。大家知道怎样用英语询问新朋友的姓名吗?
    老师问:“What’s your name?”引导学生回答:“I’m …”
    3. 我们知道上午见面问候要说Good morning,那么下午问候要说什么呢?引导学生说出Good afternoon,然后让学生跟读,师生之间用不同形式操练。
    4. 出示单词卡Mr,讲解它与Ms的区别,教学生认读,采用多种方式练习新学单词,例如:师领读. 小组长领读,同桌汉英练习。
    5. 听录音让学生跟读课本活动1和2的句型。
    6. 每一个学生手拿一张纸,让他们在纸上画太阳。教师在黑板上也要画一幅太阳。向全班说:“Good morning.”,学生需要回答:“Good morning.”,同时配以动作:把太阳放在胸前,表示太阳不高;然后教师说:“Good afternoon.”,他们需要回答:“Good afternoon.”,并且把手中的太阳举得高高的。重复几次,速度越来越快。变换教师说的问候语,这样可以确保学生在认真地听,如: Good morning.Good morning. Good afternoon. Good morning。
    7. 黑板出示句型what's your name?,让学生感知这个句型,和一个学生做一个例子,老师说: “Good morning.I’m Ms Smart.”鼓励学生说出:“Good moning,Ms Smart.”老师说:What's your name?”学生必须说:“I’m Lingling.”
    8. 在黑板上写出下列结构:
    A:Good morning, I’m …
    B:Good morning, …
    A:What's your name?
    B:I’m …
    Step 3 Practice
    1. 选一个学生和教师一起做一个对话,教师是A,他是B。之后两人一组反复练习黑板上的句型。
    2. 让更多组的学生做练习,找几组学生到教室前面表演。回归课文,让学生打开课本,教师准备放录音,第一遍录音,学生只需听,初步理解课文内容。第二遍录音让学生小声跟读,注意模仿录音中的语音语调。
    Step 4 Ending
    1. 归纳总结本节课的重点单词. 句型。
    2. 课下练习本节课所学句型,下次上课前表演。

    Lesson 4
    Step 1 warming up
    1. Greetings.
    2. Let’s chant.
    Step 2 Revision
    1. Review the words of the module.
    2. Review the texts of the module.
    Step 3 Practice
    1. Activity: Practice with the new words and the new sentences.
    2. Doing some writing practice.
    Step 4 Ending
    1. Summary.
    2. Homework.

    Module 2
    Good morning. I’m Sam.
    Good morning. I’m Ms Wang.
    Good morning. I’m Wang Yong.
    Good morning. I’m Ms Smart.

    Module 3
    1. Words: point, to, the, door, sit, down, stand, up, window, blackboard, bird, tweet, desk, chair
    2. Sentences: Point to the door.
    Point to the window.
    1. 学习并掌握单词the, door, please ,window, blackboard, bird和词组stand up, sit down
    2. 会灵活运用指令性的句子Stand up, please./Sit down, please. /Point to the…, please.
    多媒体课件. 图标. 单词卡等。 
    Lesson 1
    Step 1 Warm-up
    1. Say hello to the students.
    2. Let the students talk in English.
    Step 2 Learn the new words
    1. Follow T 3 times.
    2. Follow some students.
    3. Read the new words by yourselves. Ask T if you can’t read.
    4. Read the words, four one group.
    5. Read the words, group by group.
    6. Read the words together.
    7. Read the words to the desk mates each other.
    Step 3 Spell the new words
    1. Let the students have a try .Ask T if you can’t spell.
    2. Spell the words, four one group. Ask T if you can’t spell.
    3. Follow T.
    4. Let the students have a try again.
    5. Spell the words to the desk mates each other.
    Step 4 Ending
    1. Summary.
    2. Homework: Recite the new words to your parents.

    Lesson 2
    Unit 1 Point to the door.
    Step 1 Warming up
    1. Sing the song
    2. 传球游戏:
    游戏规则: 以小组为单位,接到气球的A同学应该对下一位B同学说how are you,B同学? B同学则应对下一位C同学说:I’m fine, thank you. How are you,C同学,依此类推完成任务,参与人数最多的一组为冠军。
    Step 2 Presentation
    1. Guess
    将事先准备好的 “door, window, blackboard, bird” 等物品的小图只露出一部分,让学生猜。
    T:What’s this?
    Step 3 Practice
    1. Chant
    T: Let’s say the chant. (按照老师转手的速度读句子,比一比哪个小组读得最好)
    Door, door, point to the door.
    Window, window, point to the window.
    Blackboard, blackboard, point to the blackboard.
    2. Do and say
    1)T: Do you know“Stand up”? Let’s do and say . Now let’s “sit down”.
    2)请个别学生上前当小老师,带领全班练习“Stand up”和“sit down”。全班学生跟着小老师重复句子,同时执行指令 。
    3. 课文呈现
    (1) Listen and think
    T: Now, let’s listen to the tape, and think:
    What can you see from the picture?
    (2)Listen and repeat
    T: Read after the tape. Let’s imitate.
    (3)Work in groups
    (4)Listen to the tape again.
    4. 巩固练习:练习册第14页第三题
    Step 4 Ending
    1. Summary
    2. Homework

    Lesson 3
    Unit 2 Point to the desk.
    Step 1 Warming up and lead in
    1. Greeting.
    2. Play a game: I say, you do.
    T: Stand up. / Sit down./Point to the desk.(引领学生指桌子,进而导出
    本节课课题Point to the desk.)
    3.学唱歌曲: 《Please stand up 》
    Step 2 Presentation
    In Moudle 3 u1, we know Ms Smart says three orders. What are they?
    S: Point to the door/ blackboard/ window. Today let’s look at part
    1. Who are they?
    2. 听大明发了哪些指令?
    3. 1.师运用教室内实物 desk chair对单词
    I say,you point. (我来说,你来指)
    I point,you say. (我来指,你来说)
    4. 跟读课文。
    2. Part 2 : 整体感知. 认读课文
    (1) 第一次听录音,初步感知课文。
    T:Listen to the tape and answer What can you see?
    师预设(Daming Sam window door desk chair point)
    (2) 第二次听录音,教学生找出文中指令。
    (3) 第三次听录音,让学生跟读并模仿其中的语音. 语调。
    (4) 师领读
    (5) 小组内读,每个学生充当一个角色Daming Sam Amy Lingling
    (6) 分角色朗读,生表演,每个学生充当一个角色Daming Sam
    Amy Lingling
    ( 7) 游戏巩固
    Step 3 Sing a song.
    1. Listen to the song.
    2. Sing following the tape.
    Step 4 Ending
    1. Summary.
    2. Homework.
    Lesson 4
    Step 1 warming up
    1. Greetings.
    2. Let’s chant.
    Step 2 Revision
    1. Review the words of the module.
    2. Review the texts of the module.
    Step 3 Practice
    1. Activity: Practice with the new words and the new sentences.
    2. Doing some writing practice.
    Step 4 Ending
    1. Summary.
    2. Homework.
    Module 3
    Point to the door.
    Point to the window.

    Module 4
    1. Words: it, it’s, red, look, yellow, blue, a/an, chameleon, my, panda, now, green, black, dog, cat, cap
    2. Sentences: It’s red.
    It’s blue.
    It’s yellow.
    1. 激发学生的英语学习兴趣以及参与课堂的积极性。
    2. 培养学生的合作意识,互帮互助,共同进步。 
    1. 培养学生对英语的学习兴趣以及思维能力。
    2. 本节课的新单词和句型的学习。
    3. 教会学生掌握长句子的朗读技巧以及培养学生绘声绘色朗读的能力。
    多媒体课件. 图标. 单词卡等。 
    Lesson 1
    Step 1 Warm-up
    1. Say hello to the students.
    2. Let the students talk in English.
    Step 2 Learn the new words
    1. Follow T 3 times.
    2. Follow some students.
    3. Read the new words by yourselves. Ask T if you can’t read.
    4. Read the words, four one group.
    5. Read the words, group by group.
    6. Read the words together.
    7. Read the words to the desk mates each other.
    Step 3 Spell the new words
    1. Let the students have a try .Ask T if you can’t spell.
    2. Spell the words, four one group. Ask T if you can’t spell.
    3. Follow T.
    4. Let the students have a try again.
    5. Spell the words to the desk mates each other.
    Step 4 Ending
    1. Summary.
    2. Homework: Recite the new words to your parents.

    Lesson 2
    Unit 1 It’s red!
    Step 1 Warming up
    1.Sing a song 《Please stand up 》
    2. Listen and point
    Step 2 Lead in:
    T: Point to the fish.(学生指向教师课件中的红色的鱼)
    T: Play courseware: 会变色的鱼。
    T: The fish can change colours. Who can also change colours? Let’s go to Module 4 Unit1
    Please watch the video with this question. (without typescript )
    Step 3 Presentation:
    1. Check up and lead in the answer: chameleon (该单词只要求学生理解,不需要掌握读音。
    2. Watch the video for the second time(with typescript ) with another question :
    How many times does it change colours? What colour are they?
    3. Check up and lead in the answer . (6 times )
    4. Play the 2nd_6th picture one by one ,Lead in new sentence“It’s ….” and new words .
    5. Learn the new words and sentence .(充分发挥小先生的作用。
    6. Game time :
    1) Game1: Who can run fast ?
    2) Game2: Listen and point .(看学生对新知的掌握情况进行取舍。)
    7. Learn the last sentence of the dialogue :
    T : Look ,Where is the chameleon now ? What colour is it ?
    Step 4 Practice :
    1. Listen and repeat (强调学生模仿纯正的语音语调)。
    2. Panpan’s magician dream : (进行意义操练。进一步激发他们的学习兴趣。此处往后都是以海洋生物为素材,结合学校的海洋夜色文化进行练习,进一步培养学生热爱大海,热爱家乡的思想感情。)
    3. Sea animals’ sports Day : 让学生猜测奥运五环的颜色,拓展他们的文化视野,丰富他们的课外知识。
    4. Talk about the colours of the sea animals .(此处学生以小组为单位进行竞赛,看看哪个小组说的颜色多而且正确,培养孩子们的合作意识。)
    5. Talk about the colours around you. (让学生感受美无处不在。)
    Step 5 Summary
    1. Do you have any questions ?(质疑问难,解决学生的存留问题。)
    2. What have you learned today ? (让学生试着这总结。)
    Step 6 Homework for today :
    1. Read the dialogue again and again ,until you can read it fluently .
    2. What’s the sea in your eye? Please draw and colour it .(此处教师示范自己的作业,让学生明白如何做。)
    3. Go on talking about the colours around you .

    Lesson 3
    Unit 2 It’s a black dog.
    Step 1 Warming up.
    1. Greetings
    T: Class begins!
    S: Stand up!
    T: Good morning, everyone!
    S: Good morning ,Ms Tan
    2. Sing a song “colors”
    3. review the unit I: point to…
    Step 2 Presentation
    Show the pictures of cap,cat, dog, teach these words, and then ask “what colour?”
    Students read these words themselves, then I will ask some students to read them.  
    Step 3 Text learning
    teach the new sentences:It’s a …cat/dog/cap. First read after me, then they read themselves. Let students to be a little teacher to stand up to read.
    Play the PPT. Ss look at the pictures and read after the teacher
    Step4. Practice
    Look, find and say.
    1.让学生观察Activity 3中的图片,找出其中的不同,并进行描述。
    2.老师示例:It’s a yellow cap. And it’s a red cap.
    如:老师拿起书,让学生说It’s a red book.
    Step 5 Ending
    T: Class is over.
    S: Stand up.
    T: Goodbye, everyone.

    Lesson 4
    Step 1 warming up
    1. Greetings.
    2. Let’s chant.
    Step 2 Revision
    1. Review the words of the module.
    2. Review the texts of the module.
    Step 3 Practice
    1. Activity: Practice with the new words and the new sentences.
    2. Doing some writing practice.
    Step 4 Ending
    1. Summary.
    2. Homework.
    Module 4
    It’s red.
    It’s blue.
    It’s yellow.

    Module 5
    1. Words: how many, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve
    2. Sentences:
    能够运用How many ?(多少?)询问物体的数量并能作答。 
    1. 学生在小组合作、游戏等环节中,增强参与表达的积极性;
    1. 掌握单词one two three four five six seven eight
    2. 掌握句型 How many?
    多媒体课件. 图标. 单词卡等。 
    Lesson 1
    Step 1 Warm-up
    1. Say hello to the students.
    2. Let the students talk in English.
    Step 2 Learn the new words
    1. Follow T 3 times.
    2. Follow some students.
    3. Read the new words by yourselves. Ask T if you can’t read.
    4. Read the words, four one group.
    5. Read the words, group by group.
    6. Read the words together.
    7. Read the words to the desk mates each other.
    Step 3 Spell the new words
    1. Let the students have a try .Ask T if you can’t spell.
    2. Spell the words, four one group. Ask T if you can’t spell.
    3. Follow T.
    4. Let the students have a try again.
    5. Spell the words to the desk mates each other.
    Step 4 Ending
    1. Summary.
    2. Homework: Recite the new words to your parents.

    Lesson 2
    Unit 1 How many?
    Step 1 Warming up
    1.sing a song :
    Please stand up. Please sit down .
    Point to the window .Point to the door.
    Please stand up , please sit down .
    Point to the window and point to the door.
    Please stand up , please sit down .
    Point to the blackboard and point to the door.
    Please stand up ,please sit down.
    Point to the desk and point to the door.
    Step 2 Leading in
    T:Who can sing this song ? Please put up your hand?
    Ss:I can.
    T: How many boys and girls can sing this song ?Ok! Let’s count .
    (板书How many?)
    One two three four five six -----.
    Ok !Today let’s learn M5 unit1 How many? (板书)
    T:教师领读单词how many ?板书其汉语意思,并检查学生的认读情况。
    T: show the teaching aims:
    1.能够对新单词one two three four five six seven eight 做到听. 说. 读。
    2. 能够运用How many ?(多少?)询问物体的数量并能作答。
    Step 3 Presentation:
    T: Show the picture of an apple. How many ?(教师问单个学生)
    S1:One .
    T:教师板书数字One 并领读。
    T:教师通过课件展示另一幅兔子的图片并问(How many?)
    S2: Two (教师板书)并领读。
    (拓展练习:How many doors in the classroom ? Ss:Two How many girls in
    the group? Ss: Two.)(教师多举例通过事物的个数与英语单词two的发音进行
    对应,让学生对数字two 进行记忆)。运用实物和手指来数数练习
    同法(教授单词:(three four five
    six seven eight )
    (1) 师领读,优生领读(重点让学生多认读单词,避免学生出现只会说不会
    (2) Point and say . teacher point to the numbers randomly,the students
    to speak them out.(教师随意地指数字,同学们快速地说出其英文)
    (4)Say and point , 请一位同学说:“Point to three!”另一位同学指向相应的数字。
    注意:(板书 偶数一列,奇数一列。为后面的巩固练习做铺垫。)
    How many ?
    One three five seven
    two four six eight ( 板书 )
    Step 4 Learn the text.
    1.listen to the video.
    2.read the text follow the reacher.要求生指读
    3.组内进行读课文。同号互查 1-4 2-3进行检查。
    4.找 2名学生领读。
    Step 5 Practice:
    教师事先通过课件将事先准备好的“one three five seven two six
    four eight ”等数字的小图只露出一部分。T:How many? 引导学生猜测
    (2)Chant T: Let’s say the chant.
    How many ?how many one one one
    How many how many Two two two .
    How many -------------------------------- Three three three.
    How many ------------------------------- Four four four
    How many -------------------------------- five five five .
    ( 设计意图:Chant巩固,加深学生对数字语句的印象,避免机械重复的枯燥。)
    (3)I can say .课件出示一组数字,请学生用英语读出这些数字。同时出示
    Step 6 Ending
    1. Summary.
    2. Homework.

    Lesson 3
    Unit 2 Nine girls?
    Step 1 Warming up
    1. 用前三个模块所学句型师生之间,学生之间互相打招呼。
    2. 唱上一模块学的歌曲:Rainbow。
    Step 2 Presentation
    教师教学语言:因为爸爸,妈妈调动工作,这个学期Amy转到了Smart老师的班上。初来乍到,Amy还不清楚班上到底有多少同学?How many boys?How many girls?(男生有几个?女生有几个?)你们能帮Amy数清楚吗?
    1. 呈现:
    2. 操练与指导:
    (4)这时老师指着八名女生和九男生自问自答 :How many girls? Eight girls. How many boys? Nine boys.让学生理解How many girls? 和How many boys?的意思。
    再指着一名女生和男生说:How many girl? One girl. How many boy? One boy. 让学生结合老师刚才的例句理解girl 与girls, boy与 boys的区别。
    5. 完成运用任务1:
    现在请你仔细地数一数,看到底有多少男孩,多少女孩,多少熊猫,多少小狗,多少书桌,多少椅子?请用How many girls( boys/ panders/dogs…)? Six (seven/ two…)girls(panders/boys…)来进行问答。大家一定要仔细地数,千万不要象课文中的小朋友那样粗心。四人小组进行合作,看哪一组数的快,说得好,哪一组就为获胜组。
    完成学生用书3单元活动1:学说韵律:I’m a cat。
    (2)教学cat, cap两个单词。
    Step 3 Practice
    学唱歌曲:Finger’s song.
    Step 4 Ending
    1. Summary.
    2. Homework.

    Lesson 4
    Step 1 warming up
    1. Greetings.
    2. Let’s chant.
    Step 2 Revision
    1. Review the words of the module.
    2. Review the texts of the module.
    Step 3 Practice
    1. Activity: Practice with the new words and the new sentences.
    2. Doing some writing practice.
    Step 4 Ending
    1. Summary.
    2. Homework.
    Module 5
    one, two, three, four, five
    six, seven, eight, nine, ten
    eleven, twelve

    Module 6
    1. Words: happy, birthday, here, present, this, pencil, pen, cake, old, how old, yes, you’re
    2. Sentences: -Here’s your cake, Sam!
    -Thank you!
    1. 基本能听懂、会读并灵活运用Here’s your ….Thank you.的语言结构。初步感知词汇present和I’m nine.的句式。
    2. 能够熟练运用What’s this? It’s a….的语言结构。 
    1. 学会运用英语向他人表达生日祝愿和并对别人的祝福表示感谢。
    2. 通过对本课的学习,让学生了解西方国家是如何庆祝生日的方式,以及中国庆祝生日的方式,比较中西方文化的差异。 
    词汇happy,birthday,cake以及Here’s your ….Thank you.的语言结构。
    多媒体课件. 图标. 单词卡等。 
    Lesson 1
    Step 1 Warm-up
    1. Say hello to the students.
    2. Let the students talk in English.
    Step 2 Learn the new words
    1. Follow T 3 times.
    2. Follow some students.
    3. Read the new words by yourselves. Ask T if you can’t read.
    4. Read the words, four one group.
    5. Read the words, group by group.
    6. Read the words together.
    7. Read the words to the desk mates each other.
    Step 3 Spell the new words
    1. Let the students have a try .Ask T if you can’t spell.
    2. Spell the words, four one group. Ask T if you can’t spell.
    3. Follow T.
    4. Let the students have a try again.
    5. Spell the words to the desk mates each other.
    Step 4 Ending
    1. Summary.
    2. Homework: Recite the new words to your parents.

    Lesson 2
    Unit 1 Happy hinthday!
    Step 1 Warming up
    (1). Greetings
    (2). 复习韵句“Pen and pencil”及自编歌曲“What’s this? It’s a pen/pencil/book….”
    Step 2 Presentation
    1. 导入(传话游戏)
    把歌曲“What’s this?”再以韵句的形式朗读出来,这时,教师手持学过单词卡片(如:pen,book,pencil,dog,cat…等越多越好)让学生通过传递玩具进行传话游戏。全班问:“What’s this? What’s this?”,持玩具的学生按节奏说出教师手中的卡片,如:“It’s a pen….”,回答对的同学可以成为这张卡片的拥有者,教师奖励卡片时说“Here’s your ….”并引导学生说“Thank you.”
    2. 呈现
    教师可将本单元较难记住的新单词加入到游戏当中,让学生回答,表扬会说的学生,给大家进行简单的教读,教师“猜一猜今天的礼物是干什么用的呢?”(学生的回答可多样),这时教师放歌曲“Happy birthday”,再说“今天是Sam的生日,让我们去看看他是怎么过生日的”。
    3. 操练与指导
    (1)第一遍看挂图听音讨论自己听到的信息,如:他们吃什么,干了什么?西方人庆祝生日和中国的生日聚会有什么不同?教师再对西方人的生日聚会特点进行简单介绍。(注:此处可将Happy birthday,cake 进行简单的教读)
    (2)再次打开书听录音,请学生们核实刚才讨论的内容是否正确,并由学生猜测文中“I’m nine.”是什么意思,让学生初步感知如何用英语描述自己的年龄。
    Step 3 Practice
    1. 完成运用任务1
    问一问学生,最近有谁过生日,并且请他们到讲台前来,大家一起为他们唱生日歌,由于仓促没能给他们准备礼物,建议大家用手中的获奖卡片当作礼物送给他们,在进行此活动时,教师鼓励学生多运用今天新学的语言结构---“Happy birthday…,here’your present.Thank you”.
    2. 复习巩固
    完成活动用书的活动1. 2. 4。教师对学生活动情况进行检查和评估。
    Step 4 Ending
    1. 复习总结
    2. 家庭作业
    (2)给爸爸妈妈讲讲西方国家过生日的方式。让自己的家人更好地. 更全面地了解外国人的风俗习惯。

    Lesson 3
    Unit 2 How old are you?
    Step 1 Warming up
    1. Greetings
    T: Are you happy?
    S: Yes
    T: Let’s begin our class. Stand up .Hello, boys and girls.
    S: Hello, Kelly.
    T: How are you today?
    S: I’m fine, and you?
    T: Very well, thanks. Sit down, please.
    S: Thank you.
    2. Revision (Show them pictures)
    T: What’s this?
    S: It’s a pencil.
    T: What’s this?
    S: It’s a present.
    T: What’s this in English?
    S: It’s a birthday cake.
    T: Well done! Do you remember the chant?
    S: Yes.
    T: Ok! Let’s sing。
    3. 带领学生唱学过的英文歌《Please stand up》,《Ten little fingers》。
    Step 2 Presentation
    1. 对学生的表现进行鼓励表扬。然后针对课文内容向学生提问,用卡片. 手来询问How many dogs? How many cats? How many fingers?
    2. 导入新课,学了英文数字,除了问物品的多少,我们还可以用英文数字来谈论年龄。问“你几岁?”. 答“我九岁了”该怎么用英语说呢?这就是我们今天要学习的新课。板书课题How old are you? 让学生跟读几次,明白中文意思。这样的导入既简明也对启发学生理解How old的意思起到一定作用,师对学生说 “大家知道Daming的多大了吗?今天的手工课上,大家都在制作年龄牌。Daming闹了一个小笑话,我们一起去看看吧。”(设计意图:激发学生的好奇心,想去学习课文,一探究竟。)
    3. 播放录音前,请学生仔细看书上的图,并试着猜测故事的情节。有的学生可能会提出一些疑问,请学生带着疑问听录音。
    4 老师可以在听录音前向学生提出一些具体的问题,请学生在听的同时找出问题答案。例如“How old is Sam? How old is Daming? What are the children doing? Why are the children laughing at Daming? ”老师再使用中文重复这些问题。
    5. 播放录音,听过第一遍录音后,老师可以请几个较好的学生试着回答刚才的问题,老师先不要公布正确答案。请学生看着书听第二遍录音。请刚才没有找到问题答案的学生再次回答问题。
    6. 老师请学生以小组为单位,找出问题的正确答案。Sam is nine. Daming is nine, too. They are making age badges. He wears his age badge upside down .学生可以使用中文回答后两个问题,回答正确的学生由老师给予适当的奖励。
    Step 3 Practise
    1. 再听几遍录音,请学生跟读.
    2. 老师教读并讲解全文。让生齐读全文,自由朗读,最后请学生以小组为单位表演课文,请几个小组到教室前面展示。
    3. 学生操练。
    How old are you?
    I’m .
    Step 4 Ending
    1. Summary.
    2. Homework.

    Lesson 4
    Step 1 warming up
    1. Greetings.
    2. Let’s chant.
    Step 2 Revision
    1. Review the words of the module.
    2. Review the texts of the module.
    Step 3 Practice
    1. Activity: Practice with the new words and the new sentences.
    2. Doing some writing practice.
    Step 4 Ending
    1. Summary.
    2. Homework.
    Module 6
    Here’s your cake, Sam!
    Thank you!

    Module 7
    1. Words: teacher, pupil, school, classroom, English, that, say, again, schoolbag, ball, book
    2. Sentences: A: What’s this?
    B: It’s a chair.
    A: What’s this?
    B: It’s a desk.
    能听懂、会说、会运用句型“What’s this? It’s a …” “What’s that? It’s a …”询问并识别物品的名称。
    多媒体课件. 图标. 单词卡等。 
    Lesson 1
    Step 1 Warm-up
    1. Say hello to the students.
    2. Let the students talk in English.
    Step 2 Learn the new words
    1. Follow T 3 times.
    2. Follow some students.
    3. Read the new words by yourselves. Ask T if you can’t read.
    4. Read the words, four one group.
    5. Read the words, group by group.
    6. Read the words together.
    7. Read the words to the desk mates each other.
    Step 3 Spell the new words
    1. Let the students have a try .Ask T if you can’t spell.
    2. Spell the words, four one group. Ask T if you can’t spell.
    3. Follow T.
    4. Let the students have a try again.
    5. Spell the words to the desk mates each other.
    Step 4 Ending
    1. Summary.
    2. Homework: Recite the new words to your parents.

    Lesson 2
    Unit 1 What’s this?
    Step 1 Warm up .
    1. 师生互相问好。然后唱《Good morning,sam 》
    2. 教师在教室里四处走动,随意拿起一件物品或指向一件物品向学生提问:What’s this ? 如果学生回答不了教师就做出相应的回答:It’s a … 再指向远处的门问:Oh !What’s that ? 请学生做出相应的回答,”It’s a …”同时板书句型:What’s this ? It’s a … “What’s that ? It’s a …”
    3. 准备一些动物的图画片,让学生利用句型:“what’s this?”
    “It’s a…”进行操练,复习有关动物的单词。(How many pictures?)(look at this one)
    Step 2 Presentation
    教师把物品都呈现在屏幕上,指着一个书包问:“What’s this ? 如果学生不会就用汉语回答,然后教学“bag”的发音。
    1.用同样的方法学习pen . pencil . book边学习边把单词板书在It’s a …的后面。
    2.结合板书,操练句型,读到What’s that?时指向远处的门窗,让学生回答:It’s a door. It’s a window.
    3. 完成活动3 . Point ,ask and answer. 两人一组用”What’s this?
    It’s a …”问答练习,巩固新学的单词。(并结合使用颜色的单词)
    Learn the text.
    1. Do you know what do Amy and Tom do ?
    Now listen and point.放录音,让学生边听边指图。
    2.再放录音(How many things can you hear in the tape?),听完让学生回答问题。
    3. 播放录音,让学生逐句跟读两遍课文。
    4.同桌一组扮演Amy and Tom进行对话。
    Step 3 Practice.
    1. Play a game.(拿出一个包,里面放着一些东西,让学生通过深受触摸猜出是什么。(What’s this? It’s a …)
    2. Listen and say, then chant.
    把韵名中的pen and pencil 换成book and bag, chair and desk等,再跟录音一起唱,增强单词的记意。
    4.把韵名中的pen and pencil 换成book and bag, chair and desk等,再跟录音一起唱,增强单词的记意。
    Step 4 Ending
    1. Summary.
    2. Homework.

    Lesson 3
    Unit 2 What’s that?
    Step 1 Warming up
    1. Greeting.
    T: Say“Hello, boys and girls” to Ss.
    S: Say“Hello” to ‘T’.
    2. 通过多媒体播放SBUnit2活动1的chant,并要求学生边观看边跟着说。(Chant: Pen and pencil. Pen and pencil. Pencil and Pen . Say it again!)
    3. 请学生现场操练SB Unit1活动4,老师引导并鼓励表现好的学生。
    Step 2 Presentation
    1. 老师拿出装有pen与pencil的魔法包,请两个学生上台通过触摸着猜出物品是什么,老师使用“What’s this?”提问,要求学生用“It’s…”回答,答对的可以将该物品奖励给学生。
    2. 老师拿着pen和pencil用“What’s this?”向全班学生提问,并要求学生举手抢答,对表现好的学生掌声鼓励。其次,要求一个学生拿着pen和pencil,学着老师刚才的做法与其他同学对话,复习“What’s this? It’s…”这一句型。
    3. 老师拿出另一个魔法包,请几位学生依次上台触摸包中的物品,老师边用“What’s this?”询问,学生可以先用中文回答。接着老师把物品拿出展示给全班同学,以验证学生的回答是否正确。通过此游戏进行“ball, book, schoolbag”等单词的教学。
    4. 教授新词的音. 形. 义,并请全班学生齐读几遍。
    5. 请几位学生拿着ball,book和schoolbag用“What’s this?”向全班同学提问,并要求他们一起作答。进一步巩固对“What’s this? It’s…”这一句型的运用。
    6. 老师指向讲桌上的物品向学生提问,先靠近物品,用“What’s this?”提问,要求学生一起作答。接着远离讲桌上的物品,这次用“What’s that?”向学生提问,并引导学生用“It’s…”回答。最后向学生说明“this”和“that”的区别,并解释说明“What’s this?” 和“What’s that?”这两个句型之间的联系和区别,以及如何适时运用。
    Teaching and Learning.
    1. 老师通过多媒体课件给学生展示SB Unit2活动2,请学生认真听SB Unit2活动2的录音,并模仿文中人物的语音语调。
    2. 再一次播放课件录音,请学生边看图边思考人物对哪些物品提出了哪些问题。过后请学生举手作答,答对的学生发小礼品奖励。
    3. 请学生以小组为单位分别扮演Amy和Tom,利用实物,模仿人物的语音语调表演文中的故事。
    Step 3 Practice
    1. 请学生逐一指向SB Unit2活动3图中的物品进行同桌间的对话问答,然后使用自己喜欢的颜色给物品涂色。学生要在完成练习后向小组成员描述自己的图,引导其用“It’s a red pencil./It’s a black…”等句型描述。
    2. 请学生根据录音把图中的物品涂上颜色。每句录音后停顿,请学生先重复句子,再涂颜色。完成练习后,请学生在小组内与学生一起描述图中的物品。或可以邀请小组竞赛的形式,看哪组成员能够出色地完成任务,并发给其小礼品奖励。
    Step 4 Ending
    1. Summary.
    2. Homework.
    Lesson 4
    Step 1 warming up
    1. Greetings.
    2. Let’s chant.
    Step 2 Revision
    1. Review the words of the module.
    2. Review the texts of the module.
    Step 3 Practice
    1. Activity: Practice with the new words and the new sentences.
    2. Doing some writing practice.
    Step 4 Ending
    1. Summary.
    2. Homework.
    Module 7
    A: What’s this?
    B: It’s a chair.
    A: What’s this?
    B: It’s a desk.

    Module 8
    1. Words: monster, new, kite, or, don’t, know, no, not, help, where, in, bag
    2. Sentences: -Is it a kite?
    -No, it isn’t.
    -Is it a cat?
    -Yes, it is.
    1.掌握句型:Is it …?并会用Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.进行回答。
    2. 能理解课文中讲述的故事。 
    1. 新词monster/kite 的识记
    2. 在语境中灵活运用句型Is it …?的灵活运用及回答Yes, it is./No, it isn’t.
    多媒体课件. 图标. 单词卡等。 
    Lesson 1
    Step 1 Warm-up
    1. Say hello to the students.
    2. Let the students talk in English.
    Step 2 Learn the new words
    1. Follow T 3 times.
    2. Follow some students.
    3. Read the new words by yourselves. Ask T if you can’t read.
    4. Read the words, four one group.
    5. Read the words, group by group.
    6. Read the words together.
    7. Read the words to the desk mates each other.
    Step 3 Spell the new words
    1. Let the students have a try .Ask T if you can’t spell.
    2. Spell the words, four one group. Ask T if you can’t spell.
    3. Follow T.
    4. Let the students have a try again.
    5. Spell the words to the desk mates each other.
    Step 4 Ending
    1. Summary.
    2. Homework: Recite the new words to your parents.

    Lesson 2
    Unit 1 Is it a monster.
    Step 1 Warming up
    1. Sing the song and say the chants.
    Song: 1,2,3,4,stand up!
    Chant: Pen and pencil.
    I am a cat cat cat……
    2. Greetings.
    T: Good morning, boys and girls.
    Ss: Good morning, Miss Hua.
    T: Pleased to meet you.
    Ss: Pleased to meet you, too.
    T: Are you happy today?
    Ss: Yes!
    T: I am so happy too. Because there are so many parents here. let’s give them a warm welcome! Clap, clap, clap!
    3. Free talk
    How are you? What colour? How many boys?
    Step 2 Presentation
    1.Present the task.
    1) T: What’s this ?
    S1: It’s a pencil.
    T: Is it a pencil?
    S2: Yes.
    2) T: What’s that?
    S1: It’s a door.
    T: Is it a door?
    S2: Yes.
    S3: Yes.
    3)T(show the card) : What’s this?
    S: It’s a cat.
    T: Is it a cat?
    5)同法引出单词monster. Monster.
    2. Learn the new sentences “Is it a…?”
    A. (课件出示一长方形)T:Is it a book?
    T:If we want to guess something , we usually say “Is it a…?”(T. writes the sentence on the blackboard. Let the Ss repeat pair by pair.)
    Ss:Is it a book?
    T: Yes.
    B. (课件出示一圆形)T : Who can guess? Is it a …?(ball)
    S1:Is it a …?
    Work in pairs:Is it a …?Yes./No.
    C. (课件出现一个菱形) T : Who can guess? Is it a …?(kite)
    S1:Is it a …?
    S2: Is it a ….
    T:No. It’s a kite.
    Teach the word “kite”.Let the Ss repeat group by group.
    D. Listen and guess
    T:Listen to the sound carefully. Can you guess?Is it a …?
    Let the Ss listen to the sound of bird/ cat / dog/, and guess what it is.
    S1:Is it a …?
    Step 3 Practice
    1. Finish the task in pairs.
    Now we will play a game “看谁猜得准?” 。T:(老师把一样东西藏在身后)Can you guess?
    S1: Is it a…?
    T: Yes. /No.Now work in pairs.
    S2: Is it a…?
    S1: Yes. /No..
    Choose some best students come to the front to act .
    Step 4 Consolidation
    1. Open the Activity Book, listen and circle.
    2. “找朋友游戏” :教师手持礼物盒,边走边唱:Looking for, looking for, looking for my friends.唱完之后停在一个学生面前,让学生猜老师手中盒子里的东西。如果学生猜中了,老师就说:Oh, you are my friend.(老师解释friend的意思并与这个学生握手。)
    3. T:What have we learnt today?Read the words on the blacboard.
    Step 5 Assignment
    1.Look! This is today’s homework.
    1)Listen to the tape then read Unit 1 for three times.
    2)Play a guessing game with your deskmate.
    3 ) Role play the text with your family.( Some students)

    Lesson 3
    Unit 2 Where’s the cat?
    Step 1 Warming up
    1.Bingo游戏。在黑板上写7个与位置相关的单词,然后发给学生Bingo游戏表格,让学生选择本节课重点的4个单词填写表格,如in,on,under, behind通过游戏帮助学生复习表示位置的常用单词。
    S1: Where is the fish?
    S2: It is in the river.
    Step 2 Presentation
    1.出示Look and say中的单词与介词:in,on,under,behind,bag,desk,bed,chair等等,要求学生跟读和拼读单词。
    2. 出示收集的相关素材的图片(如树上的鸟. 水中的鱼等),教师手指图片,问:Where is … 引导学生用位置介词in,on,under,behind来回答。
    T: Look at the picture! Where is the bird? (Wait for several seconds to encourage the students to say the word.)
    Ss: It’s on the tree.
    教师也可以问Is it…?,引导学生看图说话,并尝试用Yes/No…来回答。
    3. 老师首先示范描述自己的书桌上物品的摆放,然后用所学句型提问相关问题。
    T: Look! This is a picture of my desk. There is a pencil box and several books on it. There is a pencil in the pencil box. There is a chair behind the desk. There is a cat under the chair.
    T: Where is the cat?
    S1: It is under the chair.

    4. 通过Choose and guess和Play the game栏目,检查. 巩固所学知识。
    Step 3 Practice
    1. 通过Choose and guess栏目,练习新旧句型,巩固所学知识。
    句型1 Is it a …? Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.
    句型2 Where is …? It is …
    2. 让学生两人一组根据图片看图说话。教师可以根据每张图片给出一些关键词或词组,鼓励学生用自己的语言来介绍。然后让学生分组对话练习。
    (Picture 1) Where is the light? It is on the desk.
    (Picture 2) Where is the bird? It is on the tree.
    Step 4 Ending
    1. 与学生一起回顾本堂课重点位置介词与句型。
    位置介词:in, on, under, behind.
    新句型:Where is…? It is…
    S1: Where is …?
    S2: It is…

    Lesson 4
    Step 1 warming up
    1. Greetings.
    2. Let’s chant.
    Step 2 Revision
    1. Review the words of the module.
    2. Review the texts of the module.
    Step 3 Practice
    1. Activity: Practice with the new words and the new sentences.
    2. Doing some writing practice.
    Step 4 Ending
    1. Summary.
    2. Homework.
    Module 8
    -Is it a kite?
    -No, it isn’t.
    -Is it a cat?
    -Yes, it is.

    Module 9
    1. Words: mother, father, sister, brother, she, grandpa, that’s, me, he, doctor, policeman, nurse, driver, farmer
    2. Sentences: This is my father.
    This is my mother.
    This is my grandpa.
    This is my grandma.
    初步会用He 's a … ,She 's a …句型来描述某个人的职业。 
    词汇:mother, father, grandma, grandpa, sister, brother, doctor, me及This is my….的语言结构
    多媒体课件. 图标. 单词卡等。 
    Lesson 1
    Step 1 Warm-up
    1. Say hello to the students.
    2. Let the students talk in English.
    Step 2 Learn the new words
    1. Follow T 3 times.
    2. Follow some students.
    3. Read the new words by yourselves. Ask T if you can’t read.
    4. Read the words, four one group.
    5. Read the words, group by group.
    6. Read the words together.
    7. Read the words to the desk mates each other.
    Step 3 Spell the new words
    1. Let the students have a try .Ask T if you can’t spell.
    2. Spell the words, four one group. Ask T if you can’t spell.
    3. Follow T.
    4. Let the students have a try again.
    5. Spell the words to the desk mates each other.
    Step 4 Ending
    1. Summary.
    2. Homework: Recite the new words to your parents.

    Lesson 2
    Unit 1 This is my mother.
    Step 1 Warming up
    1. Greetings.
    2. Sing a song “What’s this” and do the actions.
    T: Take out your family photos.
    T: Who can come here introduce your family?
    (S come to front to introduce their family member)
    Step 2 Presentation
    1. Leading in
    T: Good. Today, we’ll study how to introduce your family in English.今天,我们就来学习怎样用英语介绍自己的家人。
    教师提前让学生准备自己的“全家福”,上课时教师先拿出自己的全家福照片展示给学生看,询问学生:How many boys/girls?随意请学生回答。然后教师指着照片向学生—介绍并带读。如:This is my mother .This is my father
    教师请学生拿出自己的家庭照以小组为单位选学生上台介绍。介绍好的同学为小组加分。然后教师把介绍的话编成儿歌,让学生边拍手边朗读。如:Father, father, this is my father. Mother, mother, this is my mother.
    Step 3 Practice
    1. 教师出示人物图片,请学生观察并用汉语说出他们的职业。然后教师出示单词卡片—教读单词,反复练习。
    2. 教师出示人物图片请学生快速读出人物的职业词,教师快速拼单词让学生猜单词并说出汉语意思。
    3. 教师把人物图片和单词卡片贴在黑板上请学生连一连,其他同学在英语练习本上书写黑板上的单词。
    4. 教师向学生介绍图片人物的职业并带读。如:He’s a doctor . She’s a teacher .然后把说的话编成儿歌,如:Doctor, doctor, he’s a doctor .Driver, driver , she’s a driver .
    Step 4 Ending
    1. Summary: Ok, boys and girls, now think about:
    What have you learned today? 学生自由发言。
    2. Homework.

    Lesson 3
    Unit 2 He’s a doctor.
    Step 1 Warming up
    T: Look! This is my family tree. This is my father. He’s a teacher. This is my mother. She’s a nurse. This is my uncle. He’s a doctor. This is my cousin. She’s a student. This is me. I' m a teacher. (Point to your mother in the family tree) Who is she?
    S1: She’s your mother.
    T: What does she do?
    S2: She is a nurse.
    2.在黑板上增加几个与职业相关的单词,然后发给学生表格,让学生选择其中几个单词填入表格,如teacher对应blackboard,bus driver对应bus等。然后通过游戏帮助学生复习单词。
    T: (show the picture of Peter’s father and mother
    S1: This/That is Peter’s father. He’s a teacher.
    S2: This/That is Peter’s mother, she’s a doctor.
    Step 2 Presentation
    1.展示几张相关职业的课件,向学生介绍各个职业特点,在下方注明英文单词,要求学生跟读和拼读单词。并采用多种方式让学生尽量记住多个单词:指名读,齐读. 开火车读,小组间相互认读;同时利用大小声,回音壁,看口型等方式记忆,操练单词。
    2.播放Listen point and say的录音,要求学生跟读。根据对话内容提问,检查学生的理解程度。
    T: What does my mother do?
    Ss: She’s a nurse.
    Who? What? (He’s/She’s a …)
    My father
    My mother
    然后在黑板上写下核心句型What does your mother do? She’s a nurse。让学生出示全家福,写出父母的职业中文名称,然后教师走下讲台,巡视学生的本子,找出和本课相关的职业,让学生尝试介绍。
    T: What does your father do?
    S1: He’s a …
    T: What does your mother do?
    S2: She’s a …
    3.播放Listen and say中的录音,带领学生跟读,熟悉后翻到下一页将listen and number听一遍并填写答案,再听一遍录音纠错。教师讲解。
    Step 3 Practise
    Step 4 Ending
    1. Summary
    2. Homework.

    Lesson 4
    Step 1 warming up
    1. Greetings.
    2. Let’s chant.
    Step 2 Revision
    1. Review the words of the module.
    2. Review the texts of the module.
    Step 3 Practice
    1. Activity: Practice with the new words and the new sentences.
    2. Doing some writing practice.
    Step 4 Ending
    1. Summary.
    2. Homework.
    Module 9
    This is his arm.
    This is his head.

    Module 10
    1. Words: his, head, leg, foot, on, arm, hand, her, nose, eye, mouth, ear
    2. Sentences: This is his arm.
    This is his head.
    1. 能听懂会说单词head arm hand leg foot等词汇及介绍身体部位的基本句型This is his…this is my …
    2. 能用英语自如地谈论、交流有关身体部位的信息,提高与他人交流的能力。 
    1. 培养学生要团结友爱,锻炼学生的口头表达能力,增进彼此感情。
    2. 培养孩子乐于与人合作的意识,通过交流,加深对同学的了解。 
    This is his ______ . 如何把所学语言运用到实际生活中去,做到学语言、用语言。
    多媒体课件. 图标. 单词卡等。 
    Lesson 1
    Step 1 Warm-up
    1. Say hello to the students.
    2. Let the students talk in English.
    Step 2 Learn the new words
    1. Follow T 3 times.
    2. Follow some students.
    3. Read the new words by yourselves. Ask T if you can’t read.
    4. Read the words, four one group.
    5. Read the words, group by group.
    6. Read the words together.
    7. Read the words to the desk mates each other.
    Step 3 Spell the new words
    1. Let the students have a try .Ask T if you can’t spell.
    2. Spell the words, four one group. Ask T if you can’t spell.
    3. Follow T.
    4. Let the students have a try again.
    5. Spell the words to the desk mates each other.
    Step 4 Ending
    1. Summary.
    2. Homework: Recite the new words to your parents.

    Lesson 2
    Unit 1 This is his head.
    Step 1 Warming up
    1. Greetings
    Say ‘hello’ to each other.
    2. Free talk
    Step 2 Representation
    1. (Show pictures of a dog, a cat, a bird, a monkey, an elephant and a panda.)
    T: What’s this?
    Ss: It’s a/an …
    T: What color is the panda?
    Ss: It’s black and white.
    T: Guess. What’s his name?
    S1, S2, S3…: (Guess the panda’s name.)
    2. New course
    A. New words
    T: His name is Panpan. (Write ‘his’ on the blackboard.)
    Ss: (Read after the teacher, practice one by one, four by four.)
    T: (Point to some boys in the class.) What’s his name?
    Ss: His name is…
    T: (Show the picture of the back of the panda’s head.) Guess. What’s this?
    S1, S2, S3…: Is it a ball/ sun / watermelon…
    T: (Show the picture of the panda’s head and put it on the blackboard.) Look! This is Pan pan’s head. (Write ‘head’ on the blackboard.)
    Ss: (Read after the teacher, practice one by one, four by four.)
    T: Nod your head, please.
    Ss: (Nod and say ‘head’.)
    Use the same way to learn the following words:
    arm (Stretch your arms.) leg (Shake your legs.) foot (Stamp your feet.)
    T: Now, let’s play a puzzle game. Let’s put the parts of Pan pan’s body together to make a panda.
    S1, S2, S3…: (Come to the blackboard and make a panda.)
    T: We’ve got a panda. This is his body. (Write ‘body’ on the blackboard.)
    Ss: (Read after the teacher, practice one by one, four by four.)
    (用不同的方式操练新授单词,如:点头. 跺脚. 摇腿. 伸臂等,避免了枯燥乏味,让学生饶有兴趣的参与学习,充分感受到学习. 记忆单词的快乐。)
    B. New pattern drills
    T: (Write ‘This is his’ on the blackboard.)
    Ss: (Read after the teacher, practice line by line.)
    T: Now, let’s make a chant.
    Head, head, this is his head.
    Arm, arm, this is his arm.
    Leg, leg, this is his leg.
    Foot, foot, this is his foot.
    Body, body, this is his body.
    Ss: (Read after the teacher and clap hands.)
    C. Learn the contents of the dialogue
    a. Listen and point.
    T: (Play the tape-recorder.)
    Ss: (Listen and point to the sentences.)
    b. Listen and say.
    T: (Play the tape-recorder again.)
    Ss: (Listen and repeat.)
    c. Say and do.
    T: Point to your…
    Ss: (Point and say the word.)
    (通过听听. 指指. 说说这一活动练习,调动学生手. 眼. 口. 耳多种感官的参与,使学生达到能够熟练应用身体部位名称的目的,培养学生的应变能力。)
    Step 3 Practice
    Group work: Divide the students into several groups. Give each group a jigsaw puzzle of a kind of animal, such as dog, rabbit, elephant, monkey and so on. Let the students put them together and make an animal. And the let them talk about the animal.
    S1: This is a/an …
    S2: His/Her name is …
    S3, S4, S5… This is his/her …
    Step 4 Ending
    1. Summary:T: Today we learnt five new words…
    Ss: Body, head, arm, leg, foot.
    T: And a sentence pattern…
    Ss: This is his…
    2. Homework: Prepare a doll for the next lesson.

    Lesson 3
    Unit 2 Point to her nose.
    Step 1 Warming up
    1. Greetings: 师生问好
    2. let’s sing a song 出示课件: 师生齐唱歌曲
    3. Point and say :(复习身体部位单词,练习point to ...)
    Teacher say and students point. (全体学生做)
    Ask a boy to the front, teacher points, then let the other students say (point to his head ...)
    Ask two students to the front, a student say, the other student point.
    4. 找两名学生(男女各一名)上台,教师指着学生分别用This is his .....和This is her ....句型介绍,让学生体会his和her 的用法 。引出新词her并教授。(出示课件显示句型)
    5. 出示课件(机器人): 练习This is his ....和This is her ...(学生说句子)
    Step 2 Presentation
    1. New words(课件展示: )nose
    T: Point to your nose. (Write ‘nose’ on the blackboard.) one by one,group by group.)
    T: (Point to my nose.)
    T: I can smell with my nose. I can see with my...
    Ss: Eyes.
    T: (Write ‘eye’ on the blackboard.)
    Ss: (Read after the teacher, practice one by one, group by group.)
    T: How many eyes have you got?
    Ss: Two eyes.
    T: Close your eyes. Open your eyes.
    Ss: (Listen and do.)
    Use the same way to learn the following words: mouth (eat) ear (hear)
    2. New pattern drills
    T: (Show a doll.) Look! What’s this?
    Ss: It’s a doll.
    T: This is my doll. It’s got two big eyes, a small nose, a red mouth and two small ears. It’s very beautiful. I like her very much. Do you like her?
    Ss: Yes!
    T: Now, listen and point, please. Point to her nose, eyes, mouth, ears, head, hands, feet. Ss: (point and say.)
    T: (Write “point to her” on the blackboard.)
    Ss: (Read after the teacher, practice row by row.)
    T: Can you make a chant?
    Ss: Nose, nose, point to her nose. Eyes, eyes, point to her eyes. Mouth, mouth, point to her mouth. Ears, ears, point to her ears.
    3. Learn the contents of the text(课件)
    a. Listen and point.
    T: (Play the tape-recorder.)
    Ss: (Listen and point to the sentences.)
    b. Listen and say.
    T: (Play the tape-recorder again.)
    Ss: (Listen and repeat.)
    c. Point and say.
    T: (Play the tape-recorder again.)
    Ss: (Listen, repeat and do)
    Step 3 Practice
    Let’s play a game.
    1. Lets draw. Draw four faces on the blackboard. Let some students draw eyes, mouths, ears and noses on the faces. In order to make this game more interesting, teacher can let the students close their eyes.(通过学生的音量让贴的同学确定五官的位置。)
    2. Let’s talk. Divide the students into several groups. Every student takes out some stationeries, and then put them together. Let them find the owners.
    S1, S2, S3, S4: This is my …; This is his ...; This is her...
    3. Sum up.
    T: Today we learn four new words...
    Ss: Nose, eye, mouth, ear.
    T: And a sentence pattern ...
    Ss: Point to her ...
    Step 4 Ending
    1. Summary.
    2. Homework.

    Lesson 4
    Step 1 warming up
    1. Greetings.
    2. Let’s chant.
    Step 2 Revision
    1. Review the words of the module.
    2. Review the texts of the module.
    Step 3 Practice
    1. Activity: Practice with the new words and the new sentences.
    2. Doing some writing practice.
    Step 4 Ending
    1. Summary.
    2. Homework.
    Module 10
    This is his arm.
    This is his head.

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