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    高中英语(人教版)选修九 同步课件 U1P1 Warming up and reading
    高中英语(人教版)选修九 同步课件 U1P1 Warming up and reading01
    高中英语(人教版)选修九 同步课件 U1P1 Warming up and reading02
    高中英语(人教版)选修九 同步课件 U1P1 Warming up and reading03
    高中英语(人教版)选修九 同步课件 U1P1 Warming up and reading04
    高中英语(人教版)选修九 同步课件 U1P1 Warming up and reading05
    高中英语(人教版)选修九 同步课件 U1P1 Warming up and reading06
    高中英语(人教版)选修九 同步课件 U1P1 Warming up and reading07
    高中英语(人教版)选修九 同步课件 U1P1 Warming up and reading08
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    人教版 (新课标)选修9&10选修9Unit 1 Breaking records说课课件ppt

    这是一份人教版 (新课标)选修9&10选修9Unit 1 Breaking records说课课件ppt,共60页。PPT课件主要包含了Words,Hurdling,Swimming,Warming Up,angry,exciting,scornful,happy,sad,shocked等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    bxing apprximately cnventinal laughter adjustment tugh extreme
    n. 拳击adj. 近似的; 大概的adj.习俗的; 传统的n. 笑; 笑声n.调整; 调节adj. 强硬的; 困难的adv.顽强地adj. 极端的; 激进的
    gymnastically unfit spiritual marathn urge accmplishmtivatin devtin sul
    n. 体操; 体能训练adj. 不适宜的;不太健康的 adj. 精神上的n. 马拉松赛跑vt. 催促; 力劝vt. 完成; 实现n. 动机n. 热爱; 投入n. 灵魂; 心灵; 精神
    These pictures have been taken at the end f events.
    Hw d yu think the participants are feeling? Give reasns.
    In grups, answer these questins abut the pictures f the activities belw.
    What is each persn ding? Chse the name f each activity frm the list.● hula hping ● pg stick jumping● ding jumping jacks ● smersaulting● standing n a Swiss ball ● ding lunges
    pg stick jumping
    standing n a Swiss ball
    ding jumpingjacks
    ding lunges
    2. Have yu ever dne any f these activities?3. Wuld yu cnsider each activity t be a serius sprt?4. Which activities wuld yu like t try? Wuld yu need t be fit t d any f them? D yu think yu culd d any f them fr any length f time?
    The Guinness Bk f Wrld Recrds
    The heaviest cake in the wrld
    The dg with the largest ears
    The persn with the lngest mustache
    The smallest electrically perated mtr car
    The wrld’s ldest persn 2006Ecuadrian wman, 116
    The wrld’s tallest persn, 251cm
    Peple have always been interested in knwing abut wrld recrds. They want t knw abut the biggest, smallest, fastest, slwest, lngest, shrtest, ldest and yungest. The first bk f this kind was The Gunnies Bk f Wrld Recrds.
    The idea fr this bk came frm Hugh Beaver. One day, after watching sme birds, he tld his friends that he thught thse birds were prbably the fastest birds in Britain. Several f his friends disagreed with him.
    Hwever, when they tried t slve the prblem by lking it up, they fund nne f the bks they had cntained the infrmatin that they were lking fr. As a result, Hugh Beaver decided t put ut a bk that wuld cntain all kinds f wrld recrds.
    Hugh Beaver began t lk fr smene wh culd help him writethe bk. Sn he heard f tw brthers wh had a small fact agency in Lndn. They wrked n finding and checking facts fr peple. Hugh Beaver went t interview the tw brthers and fund
    their knwledge amazing. He ffered them jbs in his cmpany. On August 27, 1955, The Gunnies Bk f Wrld Recrds went n sale. In fur mnths it became a best -seller.
    Sir Hugh Beaver
    Maybe, ne f yu will be a Guinness recrd breaker this year!
    Ashrita & Sri Chinmy
    Milk bttle balancing n head
    Staying balancedat stnehenge
    Balancing a pl cue n finger
    Hula hp racing
    Pgstick jumping
    Walking n a pair f irn stilt
    Ashrita knwsn limit
    Ashrita Furman breaks his 107th Guinness Wrld Recrd... n ne leg.
    Why I Break Recrds
    Ashrita with Sri Chinmy
    As a kid I had a huge fascinatin with the extic places and peple listed in the Guinness Bk f Recrds, but being a nn-athlete, I never imagined ever actually getting a wrld recrd myself. Years later, as a teenager, I became interested in Eastern
    spirituality and began studying meditatin with Sri Chinmy. Suddenly, I was filled with an inner jy and a seemingly inexhaustible energy. Sri Chinmy als taught me abut his philsphy f self-transcendence, that when yu have access t the divine pwer we all have within us, nthing is impssible. Under my teacher’s guidance,
    I eventually learned hw t incrprate my newfund energy int my spiritual life while pursuing athletic gals, and I realized that it was time t fulfill my childhd dream f becming a Guinness recrd-hlder. In 1979 I set my first recrd by ding 27,000 jumping jacks, and it was such a thrill that I immediately began training fr the next
    recrd and I haven’t stpped since! I have als been frtunate enugh t travel with the grup that ften accmpanies Sri Chinmy n his internatinal cncert turs f music dedicated t wrld harmny, and I’ve had the pprtunity t set recrds at sme f the mst magnificent wnders f the wrld.
    Nw read abut a man called Ashrita Furman wh has brken Guinness recrds in all these activities.
    □physical skills needed fr events □ number f recrds brken □ his family life□ kinds f recrds brken □ why he became a sprtsman □ cuntries he likes best □ place and date f birth □ his ccupatin □ his educatin □ his first Guinness recrd
    Quickly glance thrugh the text. Tick the tpics abut Ashrita that the authr des nt cver.
    Nw read the stry mre carefully and answer the fllwing questins in grups.
    The text desn’t say where he lives nwbut it is pssible he lives in New Yrk because we knw that he lived there whenhe was a teenager and that he tk partin a bicycle marathn there in 1978.
    1. Where d yu think Ashrita lives?
    2. Hw ld d yu think he is?3. Has he brken recrds in all seven cntinents?4. When did he first cme acrss the Guinness Bk f Wrld Recrds?
    He was 16 in the early 1970s s he wuldbe in his late 40s nw.
    Yes. (see paragraph 2)
    When he was a child.
    5. What are sme f the physical difficulties he has experienced when A walking with a bttle f milk n his head? B standing n tp f a Swiss ball?
    He has t make fine neck adjustments, and has t rest and eat with the bttlef milk n his head.
    He needs a great sense f balance, and has t stay n tp even thugh his legs may start shaking.
    C smersaulting? D ding gymnastically crrect lunges?
    He has t vercme dizziness, extremetiredness and pain. During the prcess, he is permitted t rest fr nly five minutes in every hur and stp brieflyt vmit.
    Lunges are very hard n his legs.
    6. Which ne f Sri Chinmy’s beliefs led Ashrita t attempting recrds?7. Why was it amazing that Ashrita came third in the bicycle marathn in 1978?
    There is n limit t peple's physicalabilities.
    He had dne n training.
    8. Why did Ashrita believe he culd accmplish anything after the bicycle marathn?
    He believed that because he had dne ntraining, it must have been his spirit that made him cme third, and s after the bicycle marathn he believed that he culd accmplish anything by using his spirit, and his bdy was just an instrument f the spirit. He believedthere is n physical limitatin.
    9. What happens in an event that prevents Ashrita frm giving up?10. D yu think that the events that Ashrita participates in are childish? Why r why nt?
    When he feels like giving up, he ges deep within himself and cnnects with his sul and his teacher t keep n.
    Students’answers may vary.
    Reading Cmprehensin
    a news reprt
    Ashrita Furman is a sprtsman wh likes the challenge f breaking Guinnessrecrds.
    Ashrita achieved his dream f breakinga recrd in all seven cntinents.
    These activities require an enrmusamunt f strength and fitness as wellas determinatin.
    The fine neck adjustments needed t keep a full bttle f milk n yur headwhile yu are walking
    A lt f cncentratin and a great sense f balance
    Smersaulting: a tugh event
    Cvering a mile in the fastest time while ding gymnastically crrect lunges
    As a child he was fascinated by the Guinness Bk f Wrld Recrds.
    As a teenager, he began searchingfr a deeper meaning in life.
    He knew that he wuld ne day get intthe Guinness Bk f Wrld Recrds.
    Ashrita brke his first Guinness recrdwith 27,000 jumping jacks in 1979.
    Ashrita always acknwledges his teacherin his recrd-breaking attempts.
    3 Here are sme f Ashrita’s belief. In grups, discuss whether yu agree with them r nt.
    1 There is n limit t peple’s physical abilities.2 The bdy is just an instrument f the spirit.3 Yu can use yur spirit t accmplish anything.4 There is nly ne perfect rad. It is ahead f yu, always ahead f yu.
    4. Get int grups f fur and chse tw sprts. Find ut what skills are needed fr each activity. Share yur ideas with the ther grups in yur class. Finally decide which activity yu wuld prefer t train fr and give a reasn.
    jumping high2 putting yur legs and arms ut as yu jump3 keeping balance f the limbs
    1 frward yur head ver yur heels with bth hands landing n bth feet2 practising cartwheel mvement
    1 mving yur waist in a circle2 keeping the rhythm as yu mve the hula hp3 keeping the hula hp mving
    1 bending knees2 ging dwn n ne knee3 mving frward with ne knee tuching the grund every time
    1 practising balance n sth that desn't mve2 practising balance n sth that des mve
    "THE ROAD IS ALWAYS AHEAD OF YOU"Ashrita Furman is a sprtsman ____ likesthe challenge f breaking Guinness____. Recently.Ashrita ____in breakinga recrd ____all seven cntinents,including hula hping in Australia pg stick jumping under water in Suth America, _____ perfrming deep knee bends ____ a ht air balln in Nrth America.
    Cmplete the article with ne wrd in each blank.
    It is nt easy t stand ____ tp f a 75 cm Swiss ball lk easy. It is nt ____ t d smersaulting ____ a rad fr 12 miles. Cvering a mile in the fastest time ____ ding gymnastically crrect lunges is nteasy, ____. But Ashrita succeeded in allthese ____.
    He was a talented ____. He wrked hardt ____ his bdy as well as his mind. He believes ____ there is n limit t peple’s physical abilities. He ____ “There is nly ne perfect rad. It is ahead f Yu, always ____f yu.”
    "THE ROAD IS ALWAYS AHEAD OF YOU"Ashrita Furman is a sprtsman wh likesthe challenge f breaking Guinnessrecrds. Recently, Ashrita succeeded in breaking a recrd in all seven cntinents,including hula hping in Australia, pg stick jumping under water in Suth America, and perfrming deep knee bends in a ht air balln in Nrth America.
    Answers fr reference
    It is nt easy t stand n tp f a 75 cm Swiss ball lk easy. It is nt easy t d smersaulting alng a rad fr 12 miles. Cvering a mile in the fastest time while ding gymnastically crrect lunges is nteasy, either. But Ashrita succeeded in allthese events.
    He was a talented sprtsman. He wrked hard t develp his bdy as well as his mind. He believes that there is n limit tpeple’s physical abilities. He always “There is nly ne perfect rad. It isahead f yu, always ahead f yu.”
    Language pints
    set / establish / create a new recrd创造一项新记录keep / hld a recrd 保持记录equal the wrld recrd 平世界记录
    1. break a recrd打破记录
    【词汇辩义】almst, nearly, abut, apprximately, arund, rughly 这些副 词均有“大约,差不多”之意。
    2. apprximately adv. 近似的; 大约的
    Hw much d yu think it will cst, apprximately?
    1 almst 指在程度上相差很小,差不多。
    2 nearly与almst含义基本相同,侧重指数量、时间或空间上的接近。3 abut 常可分almst和nearly换用,但abut用于表示时间、数量的“大约”时,实际数量可能多也可能少。4 apprximately 多用于书面语,指精确度接近某个标准以致误差可忽略不计。5 arund 多用于非正式场合,常见于美国英语。6 rughly 指按精略估计,常代替abut。
    1 (a) (常作贬义) 依照惯例的; 约定俗成的; 因循守旧的 cnventinal clthes, behaviur 老一套的衣物、 行为
    3. cnventinal adj.
    She’s s cnventinal in her views. 她的观点太保守.
    He made a few cnventinal remarks abut the weather. 他说了几句关于天气的客套话.
    (b) fllwing what is traditinal r custmary 依照传统的; 符合习俗的
    a cnventinal design / methd 传统的式样 / 方法.
    cnventinally adv.
    One’s dream becmes a reality.
    in reality=in actual fact 实际上; 现实
    4 reality n. smething r anything that is real 真实;事实
    We thught they had cme t repair the phne, but in reality they were burglars.
    put ne’s dream / wishes int realty
    make adjustment t 适应;a perid f adjustment;a minr / slight adjustment t the mechanism;her adjustment t her new rle。
    5 adjustment n. (act f) adjusting 调节; 调整
    adjustable adj 可调节的; 可调整的:
    adjustable seat-belts 可调节的座位安全带
    【迷你考场】完成下列句子:1 It just needs __________________ __________ (小小的调整).2 I’ve ____________________________ (作了小小的调整)the seating plan.
    made a few minr adjustments t
    1 It was a tugh race.2 She' s had a tugh life.3 The cmpany admitted that it had been a tugh year.4 Tugh decisins will have t be made.5 The reprters were asking a lt f tugh questins.
    6 tugh adj. difficult t d r deal with 强硬的;困难的
    have a tugh time (f it) (=face a lt f difficult prblems) The family has had a tugh time f it these last few mnths.
    It’s tugh ding smething. It's tugh being married t a cp.
    be tugh n smebdy (=cause prblems fr smene r make their life difficult) Having t stay indrs all day is tughn a kid.
    a It is necessary t use extreme cautin with chemicals.b He had extreme difficulty getting hld f the ingredients.
    7 extreme adj.
    extreme care / cautin
    1 very great in degree:
    extreme example / case extreme weather / cnditins etc
    2 very unusual and severe r serius
    Frce is nly justified in extreme circumstances.
    extremely   adverb very:
    a They played extremely well. b She's extremely beautiful.
    8 mtivatin n. 动机;诱因
    1 What was yur mtivatin fr becming a teacher?2 Escape can be a strng mtivatin fr travel. 3 They lack the mtivatin t study.
    a deep strng lve 深爱; 挚爱
    9 devtin n. [U] ~ (t sb / sth)
    b giving f neself (t a persn, cause, etc); lyalty 献身; 忠心
    a mther’s devtin t her children 母亲对子女深深的疼爱。
    devtin t duty 忠於职守 a teacher's devtin t her task 教师全心全意投入其工作的态度
    1 While Ashrita makes standing n tp f a 75 cm Swiss ball lk easy, it is nt.
    Difficult sentences analysis
    句中从句谓语动词makes是复合及物动词,lk easy是它的宾语补语。住句nt后可以补上easy。
    S subject 主语P predicate 谓语O bject 宾语Att attribute 定语Adv adverbial 状语Cm cmplement 补语Pre predicative 表语C clause 从句
    Shrt frms 缩略语
    2 Yu are permitted t rest fr nly fiveminutes in every hur f rlling but yu are allwed t stp briefly t vmit.
    本句中有个permit sb. t d sth.的动词短语用法,sb.被提前做了主语,因此permitted后面有个停顿,t到rlling也变成了主语补语。同理,并列句后半句中allwed后面也有个停顿,t到句号也是主语补语。
    3 The mtivatin t keep trying t break recrds cmes thrugh his devtin t Sri Chinmy.
    相关例子:1 Yu need a lt f mtivatin t succeed. 2 She will be remembered fr her selfless / unstinting devtin t the cause.
    t keep trying t break recrds和t Sri Chinmy 做后置定语分别修饰mtivatin和devtin。
    1. Surf n the Internet and find mre abut Ashrita.2. Surf n the Internet and find mre abut extreme sprts.

    高中英语人教版 (新课标)选修7&8选修7Unit 5 Travelling abroad课堂教学课件ppt: 这是一份高中英语人教版 (新课标)选修7&8选修7Unit 5 Travelling abroad课堂教学课件ppt,共60页。PPT课件主要包含了queue,lecture,recommend,substitute,draft,contradict,qualify,prepare,require,occupation等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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    高中英语人教版 (新课标)选修9&10选修9Unit 4 Exploring planets示范课课件ppt: 这是一份高中英语人教版 (新课标)选修9&10选修9Unit 4 Exploring planets示范课课件ppt,共60页。PPT课件主要包含了Words,Tulip ,Peony ,peony 牡丹,Sunflower ,Rose ,rose 玫瑰,Dove Tree,Structure,Imagine等内容,欢迎下载使用。






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