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    这是一份浙江省名校新高考研究联盟(Z20联盟)2021届高三第二次联考英语试题(原卷版+解析版)(有听力音频,有文字材料),文件包含浙江省名校新高考研究联盟Z20联盟2021届高三第二次联考英语试题含听力原卷版doc、浙江省名校新高考研究联盟Z20联盟2021届高三第二次联考英语试题含听力解析版doc、浙江省名校新高考研究联盟Z20联盟2021届高三第二次联考英语试题听力mp3等3份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共40页, 欢迎下载使用。

    1. Whatare the children prbably ding?
    A. Cking a meal.
    B. Making range juice.
    C. Listening t lud music.
    2. Wh might Allie be?
    A. The speakers' pet.B. The speakers' child.C. The neighbr's turkey.
    3. What are the speakers mainly discussing?
    A. Trip plans.B. Ticket prices.C. Hliday celebratins.
    4.What seasn is it nw?
    A. Winter.B. Summer.C. Spring.
    5. Where des the cnversatin take place?
    A. At a café.B. On a farm.C. At a butcher shp.
    6. Hw ld was the wman when she was allwed t drive by her parents?
    A. 23.B. 18.C. 21.
    7. What mnth was the man brn in?
    A. December.B. Nvember.C. September.
    8. What d we knw abut the camping area?
    A. It's ttally free.B. It's a little cld.C. It's very crwded.
    9. Hw many nights did the man spend fr this camping trip?
    A. One night.B. Tw nights.C. Three nights.
    10. What prblem des Rger have with exams?
    A. He isn't clever.B. He isn't cnfident.C. He desn't wrk hard.
    11. Hw des the man decide t help Rger?
    A By helping him t stay calm.
    B. By finding an expert fr him.
    C. By giving him sme advice abut his future.
    12. What d we knw abut the wman?
    A. She is easy t be tired.
    B. She ften feels nervus.
    C. She finds exercise is a gd way t relax.
    13. Hw des the wman feel abut her jb hunt?
    A. Very excited.B. A little unsatisfied.C. Quite angry.
    14. What des The Creatr prvide?
    A. A gd salary.B. Less hliday time.C. Medical insurance.
    15. What was the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Clleagues.B. Classmates.C. Parent and child.
    16. What will the wman prbably d next?
    A. Negtiate her salary ffer.
    B. Search nline fr her salary.
    C. Ask abut her benefits package.
    17. What is the main idea f the talk?
    A. The crnavirus is spreading in the UK.
    B. The health service system in the UK is in truble.
    C. Sme rders are given t deal with the virus in the UK.
    18. Hw d peple in the UK feel abut the annuncement?
    A. Pleased.B. Astnished.C. Calm.
    19. Hw many times a day can peple exercise utdrs accrding t the annuncement?
    A. One.B. Tw.C. Three.
    20. When can peple leave their hmes accrding t the annuncement?
    A Fr a haircut.
    B. Fr public gatherings.
    C. Fr necessary wrk.
    Fifteen-year-ld Isabella was in fifth grade when a classmate pulled her chair ut frm under her. As a result f the 2013 incident, Isabella suffered a serius brain injury. The nce-active tennis player was banned frm participating in all physical activities. Isabella never received an aplgy frm the by wh pulled the chair ut frm under her. The by cntinued t bully her, and Isabella had t be mved t a different class. Unfrtunately, her health did nt imprve with time. By eighth grade, her headaches were s severe that she was n lnger able t attend schl.
    Despite all her struggles, Isabella has managed t remain psitive. “I chse nt t sit arund ding nthing and feeling srry fr myself,” she says. In 2014, she began baking ckies she calls Iznettes. The ckies were s gd that she began selling them at her father's Italian restaurant. Isabella dnates all f the prceeds frm them t anti-bullying and brain injury charities.
    In 2017, she wn an award frm the Brain Injury Assciatin f New Yrk State (BIANYS). Accrding t Eileen Reardn, BIANYS executive directr, "Isabella is a leader as a yuth advcate, raising awareness f bth brain injury and bullying. She truly is an inspiratin fr s many teens wh face similar situatins.” By sharing her stry, Isabella hpes t make a difference in the lives f thers. It is her hpe that n ne else will suffer in the way that she has. “If I culd help just ne persn, that xkw wuld be amazing.” she says.
    21. What d we knw abut Isabella frm the first paragraph?
    A. She received an aplgy frm her classmate.
    B. She drpped ut f schl after a brain injury.
    C. She was mved t a special class fr her injury.
    D. She banned her classmate frm physical activities.
    22. The underlined wrd "prceeds" mst likely means
    A. prductsB. presentsC. incmesD. supplies
    23. Why did Isabella win an award frm the Brain Injury Assciatin f New Yrk State?
    A. She suffers frm brain injury and bullying.
    B. She sets up brain injury charities by selling ckies.
    C. She advcates paying attentin t brain injury and bullying.
    D. She is a leader f the Brain Injury Assciatin f New Yrk State.
    Mst cities were built n rivers. Peple riginally settled in Paris because f the Seine, and in Lndn fr the Thames. A third f New Yrk City's surface area is water. Fr centuries, city flk used rivers fr shipping, wastes, fishing and play.
    The Industrial Revlutin ruined rivers fr mre than a century. Huge new urban ppulatins verwhelmed them with the pllutin frm wastes, factries and ships.
    In recent decades, rivers lst their industrial functin and cities began cleaning them up. The Thames is nw the cleanest it has been in 150 years and prud f seals and the ccasinal whale, smetimes alive. In cities frm Chicag t prvincial China, dirty riverside warehuses have been turned int restaurants and apartments.
    But rivers als need t regain their riginal purpse as transprt centers. Cities are shifting mre traffic back t the river—but this time cleanly and silently, using the cming generatin f electric ferries. Ferries already transprt 2.1 billin passengers a year. Numbers have been rising in San Francisc, New Yrk and Sydney, while Lndn plans t duble its annual ttal f riders t 20 millin by 2035.
    Imagine using the huge capacity f shipping t take delivery trucks ff the rads. One f the newer Thames bat with a capacity f 1,750 tns can replace 44 large trucks. Even withut being electric-pwered, it uses much less energy per tn and causes less nise pllutin.
    In ther wrds, we need t tum truck drivers int bat captains. Delivery cmpanies will need t build new distributin centres n cheap riverside land. When their bats stp at the new dwntwn wharves, electric carg bikes will deliver packages the last mile.
    Bat-t-bike is mre cmplicated than delivery by truck, because it adds a stage. Yu might have t pay mre t get yur parcels the same day. As fr the advantage, it will unblck city centres. Rivers are the reasn ur cities are where they are. We just frgt abut them.
    24. Why is the Thames mentined in paragraph 3?
    A. T praise the effrts f the gvernment.
    B. T explain the current healthy ecsystem.
    C. T stress the imprtance f the Industrial Revlutin.
    D. T shw the return f sme rivers' riginal cnditins.
    25. What's the advantage f bat-t-bike delivery?
    A. It cleans up the rivers.B. It speeds up the delivery.
    C. It is likely t reduce the cst.D. It eases the pressure f traffic.
    26. Which is the fllwing may the authr agree with?
    A. Bat-t-bike delivery is t cmplex t make.
    B. Rivers shuld serve as the transprt center like befre.
    C. Lndn has dubled its number f electric-bike riders.
    D. The cleanups f the river put an end t its industrial functin.
    Feeling verwhelmed? Maybe the parent f a preschler in yur family just called t say they need extra help with child care, and a sick neighbr wants t knw if yu can pick up sme grceries fr her. Meanwhile, yur best friend keeps calling in need f smene t pen up t.
    In less stressful times, perhaps, yu’d have jumped t help ut and lend an ear. But after mnths f scial islatin (孤立), cping with wrk demands, and caring fr lved nes, the balance has started t tip. Suddenly yur wn need fr emtinal supprt is utweighing yur capacity fr kindness.
    That’s understandable, and OK. If yu’re feeling insensitive r verburdened these days in respnse t anther’s pain r request fr help, that desn’t make yu unkind. What yu’re feeling culd instead be what we mental health prfessinals call “cmpassin fatigue (同情疲劳)”. Anxiety, sadness, and lw self-wrth can als be symptms f this srt f emtinal tiredness, the American Institute f Stress ntes. Often we assciate this stress cnditin with health care wrkers, but the American Psychlgical Assciatin warns that anyne wh cntinually cares fr thers r wh witnesses thers’ sufferings is als at risk.
    Research shws cmpassin fatigue can be successfully treated—with stress-reductin techniques, such as meditatin, as well as with specific treatment. The key is learning hw t recgnize the symptms s that yu can get help.
    When the tw f us—a psychlgist and a scial wrker—feel like we have “nthing left t give,” supprting ur wn sad friends r caring fr a sick relative can feel like running a marathn with aching muscles. But shwing sympathy—and aviding emtinal burnut—desn’t have t be painful fr anyne. As Stanfrd psychlgist Jamil Zaki ntes in his bk The War fr Kindness, “empathy (共情) is a skill we can all strengthen thrugh effrt.”
    27. Which f the fllwing is “cmpassin fatigue”?
    A. The guilt after refusing t help yur neighbrs.
    B. The lneliness withut getting emtinal supprt.
    C. The anxiety frm failing t be successfully treated.
    D. The sadness frm seeing peple suffering frm cancers.
    28. What can we learn frm the passage?
    A. Peple are unable t ffer help when they’re stressed.
    B. Shwing n sympathy fr thers’ sufferings is unacceptable.
    C. Whever cares fr thers will suffer frm emtinal tiredness.
    D. Thse cnstantly attending t thers may experience cmpassin fatigue.
    29. What des this passage try t cnvey?
    A. Cmpassin fatigue can be easily treated.
    B. Aviding emtins causes pain t everyne.
    C. The skill f shwing sympathy can be built up.
    D. Experts can d nthing abut cmpassin fatigue.
    30. Which f the fllwing is the best title fr the text?
    A. Helping Hands Need A Break
    B. Sympathy Is What We Can Acquire
    C. Stress Symptms Need Recgnizing
    D. Psychlgists and Scial Wrkers In Danger
    In an effrt t stp the pandemic's advance, we may be finding urselves taking certain precautinary (预防的) measures and maintaining a reasnable degree f scial distance. Our habits have had t change t accmmdate the reality f crnavirus. ___31___
    Peple are advised against tuching high-tuch surfaces in public places, including elevatr buttns, dr handles, and especially ther peple's hands. Cnsequently, the traditinal habit f handshake has been substituted fr ther gestures, like elbw bump (碰撞)and ft tap, which invlve less bdily cntact. ___32___ The ft tap and the elbw bump have a way f feeling vaguely ridiculus, and it's hard t take them entirely seriusly, especially in business settings. Centuries f traditin has nrmalized handshake in ur culture, and it may be t deeply rted in ur custm t be abandned.
    ___33___ In 1996, a sales manager develped an experiment t test the impact f the handshake n strangers. He fund that mre peple tld the truth when he intrduced himself t them with a handshake befre asking the questin." A handshake, "he later tld The New Yrk Times, "creates a higher level f trust, a degree f familiarity, within a matter f secnds."
    With mre cmmunicatin n screen, the handshake is an ccasin t reach ut and tuch ne anther, t enjy a tiny, fleeting cnnectin. ___34___ And meeting smene face t face, whether a client r a clleague, always suggests a clser level f familiarity than merely tuching base nline.
    As the crnavirus spreads and habits change, it may prve that yu can't fist bump r ft tap a handshake either. There's smething in human nature that respnds t the handshake. It feels gd t shake the hand f smene yu respect r admire, t have that mment f bnding. ___35___ When COVID-19 is a distant memry, chances seem gd that the handshake will prevail (流行)again.
    A. The handshake is the first thing t g.
    B In a sense it can't be seriusly replaced.
    C. The handshake is a way f maintaining relatinships.
    D. The real human cntact feels all the mre precius nw.
    E. The handshake is als a rare gesture f casual clseness.
    F. These tuch-free alternatives are likely t replace the handshake.
    G. Hwever, adjusting t these new frms f greeting has been difficult.
    My sn Jacb was intelligent and gd-lking but he pssessed the disturbing negative attitude. Despite my ___36___, I culdn't cnvince him t chse t cunt his blessings.
    Smething had t be dne. I bught every ___37___, and read every article. If the Internet had been ___38___ then, I wuld have Ggled fr weeks t find the infrmatin I needed t ___39___ his negativity. With the help f great resurces, I develped my ___40___.
    The day came when I was ready t put my new ___41___ t wrk. Jacb came hme frm schl and as usual began t tick ff his list f the ___42___things that had happened at schl. I listened ___43___, making my eye cntact and ___44___ with empathy befre I asked, “What gd things happened tday, Jake?”
    His respnse was what I ___45___, “Nthing.”
    “Smething gd had t happen. Yu were there fr six hurs, ”I ___46___. Then I waited.
    At last, he ___47___, “I did get t dust the erasers. With Brandn.”
    “Yu mean yu did it with yur best friend? Yu're ne ___48___ child, if yu ask me!”
    “Yeah, I guess I am.” Jacb ___49___ with his head back and his shulders squared.
    This began a daily ___50___ fr us. Jacb came t understand the pwer f a ___51___ perspective, but the path t get there seemed t ___52___ him at times. Then I wuld encurage him t see things ___53___, and he wuld get back n the track f chsing t see the psitive and lsing the negative attitude. It was a ___54___,but he was making headway. I was cnvinced my hard wrk was ___55___.
    36. A. prmiseB. effrtsC. skillsD. cncern
    37. A. tyB. albumC. dictinaryD. bk
    38. A. availableB. suitableC. stableD. reliable
    39. A. imprveB. defeatC. evaluateD. recgnize
    40. A. strategyB. habitC. visinD. intelligence
    41. A. dataB. infrmatinC. beliefD. tl
    42. A. challengingB. impressiveC. terribleD. embarrassing
    43. A. cautiuslyB. impatientlyC. attentivelyD. sympathetically
    44. A. nddingB. prayingC. applaudingD. exchanging
    45. A. suspectedB. fundC. expectedD. cnsidered
    46. A. beggedB. demandedC. urgedD. encuraged
    47. A. swreB. admittedC. cmplainedD. cncluded
    48. A. luckyB. braveC. hnestD. utging
    49. A. jumpedB. insistedC. frzeD. remarked
    50. A. checkB. meetingC. scheduleD. exercise
    51. A. psitiveB. seriusC. distinctiveD. unique
    52. A. failB. beatC. escapeD. challenge
    53. A. independentlyB. differentlyC. simplyD. clearly
    54. A. chiceB. struggleC. prblemD. lessn
    55. A. taking ffB. ending upC. paying ffD. piling up
    Writing, like s many inventins, came abut by accident. Abut 6,000 years ag in Mesptamia, ___56___ grup f peple knwn as the Sumerians created a new way f keeping track f trade. They made clay tkens(陶土币)___57___ (shape) like animals, jars and ther gds, and recrded deals ___58___ cvering the tkens up in clay envelpes. Once they'd clsed the envelpe, they culd n lnger see ___59___ was inside it.
    By abut 3100 BC, the envelpes ___60___ (turn) int simple squares f clay recrding deals in symbls. At first, the Sumerians used simplified pictures. T speed things up, they stpped picturing real things n the clay, which allwed true writing. There were sme ___61___ (prblem) with writing in this way. Every time a wrd ___62___ (invent), smene had t invent a new mark. The Sumerians handled this prblem by using wrds they culd picture ___63___ (represent) wrds they culdn't.
    Tday, peple in China still use a similar system, ___64___ they develped it independently perhaps abut 3,500 years ag. Besides, they use ____65____ (cmplete) different symbls. Anyway, the Sumerians were the first t write. Withut writing, there wuld be n histry.
    66. 假定你是李华,你所在城市下个月1日将举行The Clr Run的活动,参加者每跑一公里会被抛洒上不同颜色,被称为地球上最欢乐的五公里。请给你的英国朋友 Alex 写封邮件邀请他参加,内容包括:
    1. 发出邀请;
    注意:1. 词数80左右;
    67. 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。
    An Hnest Mistake
    Karie duble-checked the wrds n her spelling test. If she gt 100 percent tday, she'd win her class's First-Quarter Spelling Challenge and a brand-new dictinary. Plus, Ms. Smith had prmised t d a handstand (倒立) if anyne gt a perfect scre.
    Tw mre wrds t g. Q-u-i-c-k-l-y. H--n-e-s-t-y. Wait! She'd spelled hnesty, nt hnestly! She erased the t-y and wrte l-y befre handing in her paper.”
    I'll crrect these while yu're at the break," Ms. Smith said.
    After the break, Karie mved restlessly in her seat, tapping her pencil.
    Ms. Smith walked t the frnt f the rm and cleared her thrat. Then, as if she were an Olympic gymnast, Ms. Smith threw bth her feet int the air." Cngratulatins, Karie! Yu did it!” she annunced while upside dwn. The whle class erupted! Ms. Smith presented Karie with her prize. Karie smiled bradly as she read the nte n the dictinary: T Karie, fr her perfect perfrmance. "
    “Everything OK?" Mm asked as Karie burst thrugh the frnt dr after schl. “Everything's PERFECT!” Karie shuted, shwing Mm her spelling test and prize. Mm hugged her." Put the test n the fridge s Dad can see it when he gets hme.” "
    “And Casper, t.” Karie lifted up her cat. “Can yu spell quickly, Casper? And hnesly, and…"
    Karie's stmach tumbled t the flr. Hnesly? H-O-N-E-S-L-Y! "
    Karie, what's the matter?” asked Mm. “I dn't feel s gd,” Karie said, putting Casper dwn and squeezing the test paper int her backpack.”
    Prbably t much excitement." Mm rubbed her back. "Hw abut sme tea?"
    Karie swallwed. “Hw d yu knw? A t is exactly what I needed.”
    Karie dragged herself t her bed after sme tea. Hw culd she tell the whle class she didn't deserve the prize? That Ms. Smith did the handstand fr nthing?
    Paragraph 1:
    Sn Karie heard her dad cme in with the smell f pizza flating in the air.
    Paragraph 2:
    Ms Smith was unlcking the classrm dr when Karie gt t schl the next mrning.

    2022届浙江省慈溪中学等Z20名校联盟(名校新高考研究联盟)高三第三次联考英语试题(PDF版)+听力: 这是一份2022届浙江省慈溪中学等Z20名校联盟(名校新高考研究联盟)高三第三次联考英语试题(PDF版)+听力,共17页。

    2022-2023学年浙江省名校新高考研究联盟(Z20联盟)高三第二次联考英语试题(解析版): 这是一份2022-2023学年浙江省名校新高考研究联盟(Z20联盟)高三第二次联考英语试题(解析版),共24页。试卷主要包含了5分,满分7, B等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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