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    本卷考试时间:120分钟 总分:150分
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1. What time is it nw?
    A.5:15. B. 5:30. C.5:45.
    2.Hw des the man feel?
    A. Frightened. B. Prud. C.Excited.
    3. What is the man's phne number?
    A. 560-1278. B.560-1287. C.650-1287.
    4.What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. Hw lng they haven't met.
    B.Hw the wman went t cllege.
    C.Hw the wman's life is ging.
    5.What des the wman think f French fd?
    A. It is delicius. B. It is easy t make. C.It is time-cnsuming.
    6. What will the wman d during the hliday?
    A. Wrk n a reprt. B.Travel t smewhere. C.Have a rest.
    7. Why des the wman refuse t lend her car t the man?
    A.She lent it t ther peple. B. He brke it befre. C.She sld it ut.
    8. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A.Clleagues. B.Husband and wife. C.Friends.
    9.What d the speakers think f their future?
    A. Prmising. B. Blank. C.Unclear.
    10. What are the speakers lking frward t?
    A.Relaxing themselves. B.Reuniting with parents. C. Finishing the remaining wrk.
    11. What will the wman d during the Spring Festival?
    A. Travel arund Beijing.
    B.Travel acrss the cuntry.
    C.Get tgether with her parents.
    12. Where des the wman cme frm?
    A. The cuntryside. B.Beijing. C.A city near Beijing.
    13.Why did Lina's family g t twn at Hallween?
    A. They had n neighbrs.
    B. They didn't have many neighbrs.
    C. The peple in twn were friendly.
    14.What did Lina's parents d while the kids went t trick-r-treat?
    A. They went with the kids.
    B.They waited fr the kids.
    C.They wandered arund the twn.
    15. What did Lina's dad nce dress up as?
    A.A pliceman. B.A passer-by. C.Santa Claus.
    16. Hw d yu like Lina's parents?
    A. They lve life. B.They are strange. C.They are stubbrn.
    17.What did the speaker eat n the train t Paris?
    A.A hamburger. B.A steak, C.A ht dg.
    18. Hw did the speaker g t Rme?
    A.By train. B.By cach. C.By plane.
    19.Why des the speaker want t sit next t Maria?
    A.T help her relax when flying. B.T listen t music with her. C.T learn frm her.
    20.What is the relatinship between the speaker and Maggie?
    A.Classmates. B.Husband and wife. C.Brther and sister.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    第一节(共15小题; 每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
    Greenland is the biggest island in the wrld. And the ice sheet that sits atp it is massive. “The pile f ice being s thick, it extends mre than 10, 000 feet abve the cean. And if all that ice were t melt and g int the cean, glbal sea levels wuld rise by 24 feet everywhere arund the wrld,” said Jasn Briner, a gelgist at the University at Buffal. The ice sheet is melting, f curse. But just hw much, cmpared t the past?
    Briner’s team did a cmputer simulatin(模拟)f the suthwest f the Greenland ice sheet, which he says is a gd prxy fr ice melt acrss the entire ice sheet. The researchers plugged past climate data int that mdel t “ hindcast”, rather than frecast, the past activity f the ice sheet. They then checked the mdel’s predictins f the past shape and size f the ice sheet by lking at piles f rcks and dirt n Greenland tday, which utline the edges f ancient ice. And the simulatin was in gd agreement with the actual situatin.
    Using that recnstructin f the ice sheet ver time, the team culd cmpare the ice sheet’s histric lsses t thse happening tday under human-caused glbal warming. And they determined that Greenland is n track t lse mre ice this century than during any century in the past 12, 000 years — pssibly fur times as much. The results appear in the jurnal Nature.
    Ultimately it’s up t us hw much ice actually melts. “Humanity has the buttn — the carbn buttn — and that buttn is ging t influence the rates f ice lss frm the Greenland ice sheet.” If the wrld ges net carbn zer by 2100, fr example, Briner says ice lss culd stp, entirely at the end f the century, accrding t ne mdel. “That was what kept me frm being cmpletely depressed abut ur study. ” Dzens f cuntries have already annunced gals t g net carbn zer by the middle f this century — s far the U. S. is nt ne f them.
    21. What des the underlined wrd “prxy” in Paragraph 2 refer t?
    A.Cmbinatin. B. Example.
    C. Recmmendatin.D. Interpretatin.
    22. What d we learn frm the cmputer simulatin dne by Briner’s team?
    A. It is cnducted by predicting the activity f the ice sheet.
    B. It centers n ice melt thrughut the entire ice sheet.
    C. It shws the ice sheet’s lsses are in decline.
    D. It cnsists with the ice sheet’s actual circumstance.
    23. Which f the fllwing can be the best title fr the passage?
    A. Greenland Is Melting Faster
    B. Glbal Sea Levels Are Rising
    C.America Causes the Ice Sheet t Melt
    D. Man Can Cnquer Nature
    Prtraits as Art
    Accrding t a dictinary, prtraiture is “a representatin (描绘) f a persn, especially f the face by drawing r painting a likeness.” Hwever, this definitin neglects the cmplexities f prtraiture. Prtraits are wrks f art that engage with ideas f identity rather than just a likeness. These cncepts f identity invlve scial rank, gender, age, prfessin, character f the subject, etc. It is impssible t cpy all the aspects f identity. Therefre, prtraits reflect nly certain qualities f subjects. Prtrait art has als undergne significant shifts in artistic practice. The majrity f prtraits are the utcme f current artistic fashins and favred styles. Therefre, prtrait art is an art categry prviding varius engagement with scial, psychlgical, and artistic practices and expectatins.
    Since prtraits are different frm ther art categries, they are wrthy f separate study. During their prductin, prtraits require the presence f a specific persn, r an image f the individual. In many instances, the prductin f prtraiture has required sittings, which result in interactin between the subject(s) and the artist thrughut the creatin f the wrk. In certain instances, prtrait artists depended n a cmbinatin f different invlvement with their subjects. If the sitter can’t sit in the studi regularly, prtraitists culd use his r her phtgraphs. In Eurpe, during the seventeenth and eighteenth century, the sitting time was smetimes decreased by fcusing nly n the head. Theretically, prtraitists culd wrk frm impressins r memries when creating a painting, but this rarely ccurred accrding t dcumented recrds. Nnetheless, whether the wrk is based n mdel sittings, cpying a phtgraph, r using memry, the prcess f painting a prtrait is linked with the mdel’s attendance.
    Furthermre, prtrait painting can be distinguished frm ther artistic categries by its cnnectin with appearance, r likeness. As such, the art f prtrait painting gt a reputatin fr imitatin instead f fr artistic innvatin. Based n Renaissance art thery, prtraiture was related t the level f a mechanical exercise as ppsed t a fine art. Michelangel’s well-knwn prtest against prtraits is nly ne example. During the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, the attitude t prtraiture was critical. Even s, artists frm arund the glbe persisted in painting prtraits despite their theretical bjectins. Picass, fr example, became widely-knwn fr cubist still-life painting (立体派静物画) early in his career, but sme f his early experiments in this new style were his prtraits f art dealers.
    24. What des paragraph 1 mainly tell us?
    A. The changing definitin f prtraiture reflects shifting attitudes t it.
    B. Mst prtraits reflect artistic fashins and favred styles when created.
    C. Prtraiture is a mre cmplex art frm than is defined in a dictinary.
    D. Prtrait art shuldn’t be seen as a distinct art categry fr its cmplexity.
    25. Which f the fllwing is a characteristic f prtraiture mentined in paragraph 2?
    A. Prtraiture typically takes much less time than ther art frms.
    B. Prtraiture ften requires frequent cperatin between artists.
    C. Prtraits shw mdels in a mre accurate way than ther art frms.
    D. Prtraits generally invlve interactin between subjects and artists.
    26. Accrding t paragraph 2, during prtraits’ prductin, artists __________.
    A. based their wrk n the subjects’ attendance
    B. preferred mdels’ phtgraphs t their presence
    C. were mre willing t use impressins r memries
    D. reduced sitting time t cncentrate n a sitter’s head
    27. Picass is chsen as an example by the authr because he __________.
    A. altered the way ther artists felt abut prtrait art
    B. created prtraits in spite f his bjectin t prtrait art
    C. depended n prtrait art t establish a higher reputatin
    D. had fewer theretical bjectins t prtraitures than thers
    Fr many years, schl children in the US have been taken n “field trips” t cultural institutins such as museums f art. Educatrs arrange them in the belief that schls exist nt nly t teach ecnmically useful skills, but als t prduce civilized yung peple wh appreciate the art and culture. While there are parents wh will take their children t cultural places in their free time, there are plenty f ther children wh will never have this kind f pprtunity unless schls ffer it. S yu culd say that taking schl students n field trips is a means f giving everyne equal access t their cultural heritage.
    Hwever, the attitude twards field trips in recent years is changing, with the number f turs rganized fr schl grups falling significantly in museums all arund the cuntry. The mst bvius reasn is the issue f finance. Because there are increasing demands n their funds, after all, cmputers and sprts facilities aren’t cheap, schls are frced t make a difficult chice abut hw t spend the limited mney they have. Faced with this dilemma, field trips are an bvius thing t cut since they are seen by many as a luxury.
    Additinally, the nature f these field days is als changing. Schls increasingly use trips t amusement parks r sprting events as a treat fr students rather than an pprtunity fr cultural learning. This shift culd have a basis in generatinal differences between teachers’ reasns fr rganizing days ut f schl. A recent survey cnducted amng 500 Arkansas teachers shwed that lder teachers were significantly mre likely t take the primary purpse f a field trip as a learning experience than yunger teachers, wh view it as fun.
    Sme evidence shws the trend f fewer trips may have a negative effect n children’s develpment. A research led by Jay Greene at Arkansas University fund that students wh received a tur f an art museum greatly imprved their knwledge f and the ability t think critically abut art. They als display strnger histrical interest and were mre likely t visit cultural places in the future. The researchers warn that if schls cut field trips r switch t less educatinal destinatins, valuable pprtunities t braden and enrich children’s learning experiences are lst.
    28. What is the initial purpse f field trips t cultural institutins?
    A. T teach students useful skills in ecnmics.
    B. T make every student expsed t art and culture.
    C. T educate students t preserve cultural heritage.
    D. T encurage parents t take their children there.
    29. Which factr mst prbably leads t the trend f fewer field trips?
    A.The dilemma f schl finance. B. Students’ demand fr fun.
    C. The drp in schl funds.D. Teachers’ generatinal differences.
    30. What des the underlined phrase “This shift” in Paragraph 3 refer t?
    A. The change frm educatinal destinatins t luxurius attractins.
    B. The change frm an pprtunity t learn t a treat t entertain.
    C. The switch frm ld generatins t yung generatins.
    D. The switch frm sprting events t cultural experiences.
    31. What can be inferred abut field trips frm the research by Jay Greene?
    A. Students are rewarded with mre cultural awareness.
    B. Amusement parks enrich children’s learning experiences.
    C. Cutting field trips is critical t the future f the museum.
    D. Field trips guarantee better future academic perfrmance.
    Put five, eight, twelve r mre peple tgether in a rm, and it’s a game f luck as t hw well they’ll functin as a team. The larger the grup, the mre difficult it becmes. It’s a lt like dining ut with a bunch f friends. Where t g? Italian? Vegetarian? Steakhuse? Each persn has their wn appetite, which can make creating a “shared-interest” extremely challenging.
    Shared-interest is the lifebld f teams, and nly the mst successful cmpanies knw hw t fster it. But hw?
    “Prject Aristtle”, an experiment led by Abeer Dubey, a manager in Ggle’s Peple Analytics divisin was cnducted in 2012 t discver hw t build the “perfect team.” After years f analyzing data and interviews frm mre than 180 teams acrss the cmpany, Ggle fund that the individual persnalities in a team are nt s relevant.
    “We had lts f data, but there was nthing shwing that a mix f specific persnality types r skills r backgrunds made any difference. The ‘wh’ part f the equatin didn’t seem t matter,” Dubey said in an interview with The New Yrk Times. Instead, the researchers fund that there were five key characteristics f enhanced teams:
    Psychlgical safety: Everyne feels safe in taking risks, and that they wn’t be embarrassed r punished fr ding s.
    Dependability: Everyne cmpletes quality wrk n time.
    Structure and clarity: Everyne knws what their specific expectatins are. These expectatins must be challenging yet attainable.
    Meaning: Everyne has a sense f purpse in their wrk, fr example, supprting family.
    Impact: Everyne sees that the result f their wrk actually cntributes t the rganizatin’s verall gals
    While Ggle’s findings may be true t sme extent, a large number f scientific studies have caused researchers utside f Ggle’s lab t shckingly disagree. Thmas Chamrr-Premuzic, a prfessr f business psychlgy at Clumbia University and authr f the bk “Why D S Many Incmpetent Men Becme Leaders?” and psychlgist Dave Winsbrugh are amng them. They bth claim that persnality, in particular, heavily affects the rle f an individual within a team and is indeed a significant factr in what makes a team successful.
    Researchers fund that the prest-perfrming teams were 100 percent “pragmatic” (讲求实效的 ) and had 0 percent ‘relatinship-building’ traits. “T ften, rganizatins fcus merely n the functinal rle and hpe that gd team perfrmance smehw fllws,” Chamrr-Premuzic and Winsbrugh c-wrte in a Harvard Business Review article. “This is why even the mst expensive prfessinal sprts teams ften fail t perfrm accrding t the individual talents f each player: There is n psychlgical synergy (协作). A mre effective apprach fcuses as much n peple’s persnalities as n their skills.”
    32. Why des the authr mentin the example f “dining ut”?
    A. T cater fr the different tastes f peple frm all walks f life.
    B. T emphasize the challenges f creating a cmmn interest.
    C. T stress the imprtance f different individuals in teams.
    D. T get mre different peple invlved in building a team.
    33. What might be the least deciding factr f a perfect team accrding t Ggle’s lab?
    A. Dependability.B. Individual persnalities.
    C. Psychlgical safety.D. A sense f purpse.
    34. Accrding t the last paragraph, why d the mst expensive prfessinal sprts teams fail t perfrm?
    A. Because they care mre abut the result.B. Because they are nt talented enugh.
    C. Because they lack relatinship building.D. Because they are vague abut their rles.
    35. Hw is the passage mainly develped?
    A. By making basic assumptins.B. By presenting cntradictry findings.
    C. By analyzing causes and effects.D. By giving a lt f detailed examples.
    What makes yu cry? Being mved by a sad mvie, waving a lved ne ff, r getting emtinal after splitting up with yur partner can all cause tears t rll dwn ur faces. _______36_______
    When yu think abut it, shedding tears frm yur eyes can cause embarrassment r cnfusin. But it seems t be an autmatic reactin when we get sad r upset. _________37_________ Hwever, the feeling is the same – yur cheeks puff up, yur eyes tighten and befre yu knw it, tears are streaming dwn yur face. Sme f us may weep a little while thers might cry like a baby.
    A study in the UK in 2017 fund that wmen admitted they cry 72 times a year. This was, n average, mre than men. Adam Rutherfrd, lead researcher, says that the result has been pretty much cnsistent with previus research. ________38________Are they just mre embarrassed abut shwing their true feelings? The debate cntinues.
    One place where we experience emtinal and tearful utbursts is in the wrkplace.________39_________ Smene might be stressed with a heavy wrklad. And, as therapist Janna Crss put it, “crying is ften a build-up f frustratin and undealt-with situatins and it’s a bit f a final straw mment.” She describes hw smene might start weeping when they’re just asked t make a cup f tea. Actually, their stress has accumulated t the breaking pint.
    But crying in the ffice r elsewhere can be an effective stress reliever. It can actually make yu feel better.______40______Crying yur eyes ut shws thers hw yu feel, s perhaps it’s a crying shame that mre f us, particularly men, dn’t cry mre ften.
    A. Then hw d we cpe with it?
    B. This can be where emtins run high.
    C. Peple reach their breaking pint in different ways.
    D. We all have the pwer t cry, but is that a gd thing?
    E. Maybe it disslves r clears the negative feelings yu’ve had.
    F. What brings abut this reactin differs frm persn t persn.
    G. But des this mean men dn’t get as upset r emtinal as wmen?
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    Once I started wrking after graduating frm Wilfrid Laurier University, I decided t stay in the wrkfrce and g t schl part-time. I began my jurney as an adult __41___ in the Business Administratin prgram at Wilfrid Laurier University. When I __42___frm Laurier, a clleague intrduced me t the Certified Emplyee Benefit Specialist (CEBS) prgram, which ffered a prfessinal credential(凭证)related t my field f __43___
    These days, I keep my industry knwledge__44___thrugh reading industry publicatins, __45___relative cnferences and taking an annual Cntinuing Educatin curse. Frm a __46___ interest perspective, I've taken music lessns and __47___ in first aid, gardening and website develpment.
    Sme might call me a learning __48___. I hnestly can't imagine a time when I want t stp learning. Smetimes peple ask me why I __49___ t take curses when I am getting clse t “retirement". When I lk t the __50___, 30 years f sitting n the cuch watching Netflix isn't the kind f life I want t live. I need a reasn t get ut f bed in the mrning, and smething t keep me __51___ active.
    I am lking at the Plain Language prgram as an pprtunity t learn a new skill that will nt nly make me __52___ at my current jb, but als will __53___ sme extra incme nce I leave my full-time career behind.
    The days f being able t __54___educatin after university are lng gne. S, cntinuus learning will be necessary t keep up with the pace f __55___.
    abutB.leave behindC.insist nD.shw ff
    B. purchaseC.prductinD.change
    第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)
    阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
    China’s mst sphisticated and challenging space adventure ---- the Chang'e 5 rbtic lunar missin---- ended successfully early Thursday mrning with its lad f rcks and dust frm the mn ___56___ (land) n the grasslands in nrthern China.
    The recvery team will make initial prcessing f the capsule and then use a plane t transprt it t Beijing, ___57___ it will be pened fr ____58____(technique) t remve the cntainer hlding 2 kg f lunar samples frm a ____59____ (previus) unvisited area knwn as “Ocean f Strms”, the China Natinal Space administratin said.
    Next, the sealed samples will be transferred t specially ______60______ (design) labratries fr analyses, experiments and tests s scientists can determine the extraterrestrial (地球以外的) substances’ cmpsitin, structure and traits. This can ____61____ (deep) their knwledge abut the histry f the mn and the slar system. ____62____ thse scientific bjectives, prject planners als want the missin t help t fster the cuntry's knwledge, technlgy and talent pl fr its future manned lunar missins and ther deep-space expeditins. Therefre, ____63____ certain prprtin f the samples will als be n public display t enhance science _____64_____ (aware) amng the public, especially yung generatins.
    The successful landing marked the cmpletin f the histric 23-day Chang'e 5 expeditin, the first in mre than 40 years ____65____ (bring) lunar samples back t Earth, als making China the third cuntry t achieve this feat after the United States and the frmer Sviet Unin.
    第四部分 写作(共两节;满分40分)
    第一节 (满分15分)
    今年12月21日是中国传统节气冬至。假定你是李华,请用英文写封信邀请交换生 Chris来家做客,一起包饺子,体验冬至文化。内容如下:
    1. 介绍冬至;
    2. 真诚邀请。
    参考词汇:冬至Winter Slstice节气slar term
    Dear Chris,
    Lking frward t yur early reply.
    Li Hua
    It was 1939, and the Great Depressin had made all ur lives much harder. But we didn’t knw hw pr we were until ur father sat my brther and me dwn n the cuch in ur living rm t have a talk.
    I will always remember the sad lk in Father’s eyes as he stared dwn at his hands, rubbing them back and frth, while he searched fr the wrds t tell us that ur family wasn’t ging t be celebrating Christmas this year.
    A mnth later, n Christmas Eve, I lay awake in bed late int the night, trying t talk myself ut f sneaking int ur living rm t see if Santa had cme. I gathered my curage, then tipted dwn the hallway, hping I wuld see the bright sparkling lights f ur Christmas tree standing prudly in the crner f ur living rm, like it did every year.
    Instead, I was greeted by my seventeen-year-ld brther, Frank, wh slept n ur living rm cuch. “Hey, little ne, what are yu ding up?” he whispered.
    I started t cry. “There’s n Christmas tree.”
    There wuld be n presents, n singing, n Christmas dinner. It felt like we were the saddest family in the wrld. My disappintment verwhelmed me. I lked frward t Christmas each year. It wasn’t nly the presents. It was that special feeling I gt frm seeing my family happy. We hadn’t been happy in such a lng time.
    On Christmas mrning,the sun shne int ur chilly bedrm, waking me up. “Maybe Santa came! Maybe he came!” I suddenly insisted. My eyes searched the living rm, but there was n Christmas tree. I brke int uncntrllable tears.
    I ran t Father in tears and threw my arms arund him. “ We aren’t ging t have Christmas this year.”
    “Nw, nw, nw, calm dwn. G n in and see yur mther. She will cmfrt yu.” Dad slwly pushed the bedrm dr pen, leading me int the rm.
    Out f the crner f my eye, I nticed smething different in the bedrm. _____________________________
    With my questin answered, everything dawned n me. __________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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