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    这是一份【新高考标准卷】江苏省南通市2021届高三新高考模拟演练英语(含答案word&听力mp3),文件包含2021届高三新高考模拟演练英语试题docx、英语试题答案docx、英语试题听力考试mp3等3份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共28页, 欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1. What clr are the glves?
    A. Blue. B. Green.C. Yellw.
    2. What is the man lking fr?
    A A htel.B. A hspital.C. A bkstre.
    3. When will the next undergrund arrive?
    A. At 1:55.B. At 2:00.C. At 2:05.
    4. What are the speakers ding?
    A. Cleaning a lecture hall.B. Scheduling a lecture.C. Making a list f speakers.
    5. What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. WeChatB. Online shpping.C. The man's grandma.
    6. When will the meeting take place?
    A. In January.B. In February.C. In June.
    7. Which rm des the man prefer?
    A. Rm 13.B. Rm 19.C. Rm 26.
    8. Wh is the man waiting fr?
    A. A repairman.B. A dctr.C. A salesman.
    9. Where des the cnversatin prbably take place?
    A. In a hspital.B. In a repair shp.C. In a supermarket.
    10. What is the man gd at?
    A. Taking phts.B. Painting pictures.C. Ding presentatins.
    11. Hw des the man feel abut the wman's suggestin at first?
    A. Surprised.B. Wrried.C. Uninterested.
    12. What is the mst prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Clleagues.B. Guest and hstess.C. Classmates.
    13. Where is Susan frm?
    A. Italy.B. England.C. America.
    14. Hw lng did Susan wrk fr Ferragam?
    A. Abut six mnths.B. Less than five years.C. Arund six years.
    15. What des Susan mainly design fr the cmpanies?
    A. Shes.B. Handbags.C. Jackets.
    16. Hw has Susan's industry changed since 1982?
    A. Italian design has becme less ppular.
    B. The prduct quality has becme wrse.
    C. It has becme much mre cmpetitive.
    17. What is the weather like fr the jurney?
    A. Sunny.B. Cld.C. Windy.
    18. Where is the bank?
    A. On Flr A.B. On Flr B.C. On Flr C.
    19. What is next t the bar n Flr A?
    A. A tilet.B. A games rm.C. The ship's ffice.
    20. Wh can use the relaxing rm n Flr B?
    A. Passengers travelling with cars.
    B. Passengers travelling with children.
    C. Passengers travelling withut cars.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    New events and changes f junir glf cmpetitin calendar
    New events
    Ntah BegayⅢ Junir Glf Natinal Champinship
    What des a junir glfer aim t pursue? One thing is t be nticed, ideally by a cllege cach. A remarkable pprtunity will be ffered by the Ntah BegayⅢ Junir Glf Natinal Champinship t its participants: an event bradcast by Glf Channel. Players aged between eight and 18 can cmpete in the new event; infrmatin abut where and when it will be held will be released later.
    Barbasl Junir Champinship
    Beginning the career in the PGA Tur is smething that a junir glfer tends t dream f. The Barbasl Junir Champinship, which is scheduled t take place between June 29 and July 2 at Keene Trace Glf Club in Nichlasville, Kentucky, will prvide such an pprtunity. Bys under 19 years ld will qualify fr this new 54-hle event, and the winner will be awarded a spt at the PGA Tur's Barbasl Champinship in July.
    Changed events
    Thunderbird Internatinal Junir
    The dates f the AJGA's Thunderbird Internatinal Junir have t be changed since the NCAA Champinships mve t Grayhawk Glf Club in Scttsdale, Arizna, fr the next three years. Generally, the Thunderbird is played at the end f May. Hwever, this year it is scheduled n different dates fr the first time, frm April 9 t 12, which means, f curse, that the finish date is n Masters Sunday.
    Gatr Invitatinal
    Junir glf intends t prepare fr the fllwing cllege glf. If this is the case, then it is crucial t simulate the higher-level experience as much as pssible. Because f that, the Gatr Invitatinal, as a junir bys' event, has made a significant decisin n becming a 54-hle event by adding a rund this year. The new versin will be played frm March 13 t 15 at The Cuntry Club f Jacksn in Jacksn, Mississippi.
    21.Which event can be watched n TV?
    A.Ntah BegayⅢ Junir Glf Natinal Champinship.B.Barbasl Junir Champinship.
    C.Thunderbird Internatinal Junir.D.Gatr Invitatinal.
    22.When will the Thunderbird Internatinal Junir be played?
    A.At the end f May.B.Frm April 9 t 12.
    C.Between June 29 and July 2.D.Frm March 13 t 15.
    23.What has been changed abut the Gatr Invitatinal?
    A.The award given t the winnerB.The place where it is played.
    C.The required age f the players.D.The number f runds it has.
    I remember ding the husehld chres t help my mther when I was nine. I hated changing the vacuum cleaner (真空吸尘器) bag and picking up things the machine did nt suck up. Twenty years later, in 1978, with this lifelng dislike f the way the machine wrked, I decided t make a bagless ne.
    Easier said than dne, f curse. I didn’t realize that I wuld spend the next five years perfecting my design, a prcess that resulted in 5,127 different prttypes (样机). By the time I made my 15th prttype, my third child was brn. By 2,627, my wife and I were really cunting ur pennies. By 3,727, my wife was giving art lessns fr sme extra cash, and we were getting further and further int debt. These were tugh times, but each failure brught me clser t slving the prblem.
    In the early 1980s, I started trying t get licensing agreements fr my technlgy. The reality was very different, hwever. The majr vacuum makers had built a business mdel based n the prfits frm bags and filters (滤网). N ne wuld license my idea, nt because it was a bad ne, but because it was bad fr business. But sn after, the cmpanies that I had talked with started making machines like mine. I had t fight legal battles n bth sides f the Atlantic t prtect the patents n my vacuum cleaner.
    I was still in financial difficulties until 1993, when my bank manager persnally persuaded Llyds Bank t lend me $1 millin. Then I was able t g int prductin. Within tw years, the Dysn vacuum cleaner became a best-seller in Britain.
    Tday, I still embrace risk and the ptential fr failure as part f the prcess. Nthing beats the excitement f inventin,
    24.What drve the authr t make a bagless vacuum cleaner?
    A.His willingness t help mm.
    B.His curisity abut machines.
    C.His truble in ding family chres.
    D.His discntent with existing cleaners.
    25.What des paragraph 2 mainly tell us?
    A.The help frm the authr’s wife.
    B.The financial prblems f the family.
    C.The tugh prcess f the new inventin.
    D.The prcedures f making a bagless cleaner.
    26.Why did the cmpanies refuse t license the authr’s technlgy?
    A.They thught they might suffer lss.
    B.They cnsidered it nt gd enugh.
    C.They faced legal prblems themselves.
    D.They had begun making such machines.
    27.What lessn may the authr learn frm the experience?
    A.Think twice befre acting.
    B.Failure is the mther f success.
    C.Actins speak luder than wrds.
    D.A gd beginning makes a gd ending.
    Student lan (贷款) debt has becme a wrldwide prblem. In America, the cuntry's verall student debt reached a recrd f $1.6 trillin in 2019. The average persn with student lan debt wed between $20,000 and $25,000. A recent Japanese gvernment reprt says it has been lending ver $9 billin yearly t students since 2010. Similar cnditins exist in Africa and Suth America.
    Several factrs accunt fr high student lan debt. One is that emplyers everywhere have increased their demands fr skilled wrkers, making higher educatin a requirement fr many jbs. The students, hwever, after graduatin, ften find that their cuntry's ecnmy is nt strng enugh t supprt their financial needs, s their ability t pay back the lan becmes a prblem.
    T slve the prblem, many cuntries are seeking their ways. Australia has develped a system where students d nt have t pay anything back until they are earning at least $40,000 a year. In America, several candidates running fr president in the 2020 electin have ffered mre extreme slutins that all r at least sme f these lans will be frgiven.
    Sme prfessrs in several universities recently studied what the effects f debt frgiveness might be. They fund that, verall, sudden debt relief greatly imprved the brrwers' lives. Nt nly did they have mre mney, but they were mre likely t mve t a new area and seek better paying wrk.
    Yet the prfessrs' research desn't include what might happen t financial institutins r the verall ecnmy if debt were ttally frgiven. It nly lks at hw debt frgiveness wuld help the brrwers. They warn f sme ther pssible negative effects. If a brrwer knew that if he ran int any truble he wuld be saved because he culd get the debt relief, then he might actually becme mre reckless (轻率的) with his brrwing in the future.
    N matter what, the prfessrs agree that if cuntries d decide t apprve sme student debt relief the neediest students shuld be helped first.
    28.Hw des the authr intrduce the prblem f student lan?
    A.By making a cmparisn.B.By making classificatins.
    C.By presenting sme statistics.D.By setting dwn general rules.
    29.What can we learn abut student lan debt relief?
    A.It will surely prvide sme benefits t brrwers.
    B.It has already been carried ut in the United States.
    C.It aims t encurage mre students t brrw mney.
    D.It will prevent a persn frm landing a well-paying jb.
    30.What is the prfessrs' attitude t debt frgiveness?
    31.What's the main idea f the text?
    A.Student lan debt is the mst serius prblem wrldwide.
    B.Grwing glbal student debt fuels search fr slutins.
    C.Student lan debt tends t pull the needy ut f truble.
    D.Peple hld different pinins n debt frgiveness.
    There was a time when the majr cncern with AI safety had been the ne evil super intelligence, reflected in the mvie “The Terminatr”. Hwever, the game “Tacma” takes a different apprach. It assumes that there will be numerus AGI (artificial general intelligence) in the wrld and that any AGI, even a safely designed ne, in the wrng hands at the wrng time culd cause live« t be lst. That's the future that a grwing number f AI safety experts are wrried abut.
    This is nt a new idea. In the bk “Engineering a Safer Wrld,” MIT prfessr Nancy G. Levesn addresses cmmn misunderstandings abut safety-critical systems engineering: engineering systems whse failure culd lead t human lss. Such safety-critical technlgies include aviatin, nuclear pwer, autmbiles, heavy chemicals, bitechnlgy, and, f curse, AGI.
    S what can be dne?
    Technlgy isn’t always the slutin. A famus example is the inventin f snic radars (声波雷达) that were suppsed t help ships detect nearby bstacles, but which nly increased the rate f accidents. Why? Captains sailed faster, thinking they culd get away with it thanks t the new safety technlgy.
    Instead f technlgies, Levesn's bk suggests, we shuld be making rganizatinal changes. Additinally, Levesn suggests, amng many cmplicated guidelines, rganizatins shuld be aware that safety guidelines will inevitably becme lax ver time. As a cnsequence, measures shuld be carried ut t prevent ptential disasters.
    What lessns can we draw frm cncern with AI safety? The answer may lie in recent disaster narratives (叙述), which remind us that, especially in limes like this, we shuldn't frget the ptential fr ther disasters. Public cnscience really des matter. And if we're all better at thinking abut safety we citizens, maybe we really can prevent disasters.
    32.Why des the authr mentined “The Terminatr” in the first paragraph?
    A.T aruse readers' interest in The Terminatr.
    B.T intrduce the tpic f cncern with AI safely.
    C.T mentin the similarity between “The Terminatr” and “Tacma”.
    D.T make readers recall the evil super intelligence reflected in the mvie.
    33.Why did the rate f ship accidents still increase after the inventin f snic radars?
    A.Because captains seldm used them.
    B.Because the radars failed t wrk prperly.
    C.Because captains depended n them t much.
    D.Because the ships culdn't detect nearby bstacles.
    34.What des the underlined wrd “lax” in paragraph 5 refer t?
    35.Which f the fllwing can be the best title fr the text?
    A.Disaster preventin Lessns frm AI.
    B.Safety prblems in mdern sciety.
    C.Engineering develpment in mdern days.
    D.Future applicatins f artificial intelligence.
    Music makes yu mre creative.36. , they cme up with mre creative slutins, accrding t researchers. It may be because music imprves yur brain’s flexibility. Anther reasn may be that it relaxes yu enugh fr the creative juices t flw. But dn’t play music t ludly.
    Music can help during surgery. 37. . After surgery, it helps reduce pain. An analysis f 73 studies cnfirmed that listening t music befre, during r after surgery reduces anxiety and pain levels, which in turn means less pain medicatin.
    38. Studies have fund that when yu’re running, biking r walking, yu’ll g farther with music n. Music relieves yur discmfrt and mtivates yu t stay n. The effect is s bviusly great that the authr f a review examining the psychlgical effects f music n exercise called music “a type f legal perfrmance-imprvement drug”.
    Music aids sleep. Listening t music befre bed can help yu fall asleep faster and wake up less ften during the night. 39. . In ne study, senirs with sleep prblems wh listened t 45 minutes f sft slw music befre bed reprted a 35 percent imprvement in their sleep.
    Music gets yu t ignre the passing f time. Scientists have shwn repeatedly that peple judge a perid f waiting shrter when music is playing. Businessmen use that t their advantage, playing music s yu stay lnger and spend mre. Fr instance, mre drinks and fd are sld in bars and restaurants when music is played. 40. , grcery sales increase by 38 percent.
    A.In this case, yu’ll feel mre relaxed in the mrning
    B.And if the backgrund music is slw
    C.Then yu play a piece f brief music
    D.When peple listen t happy music than when they sit in silence
    E. When music is played varying frm a tune t anther
    F. Music makes yu get rid f the idea f quitting a wrkut
    G. Listening t music befre surgery has been shwn t ease anxiety
    第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    Mark Bertram, 46, lst the tips f tw 41 at wrk in 2018 when his hand was 42 in a fan belt. After cuntless 43 and physical therapy (物理疗法), Bertram decided t imprve his cnditin by asking Eric Catalan, a tatt artist, t create fingernail tatts. “Plastic surgery gave me n hpe,” he says. “S I lked fr ther 44 .” The idea made everyne in the studi laugh—until they 45 the final result. “The tatts blend in rather than 46 . My md suddenly changed,” Catalan 47 . “Like magic, everything turned frm 48 t ‘ww’.”
    When Catalan 49 a pht f the tatts, a pair f fingernails that lked s 50 , n ne culd believe their eyes. He had n idea the 51 wuld eventually be viewed by millins f peple arund the wrld.
    The wide-spread pht pushed Catalan, 40, further int the wrld f paramedical tatting. Nw peple with life-changing scars cme t visit him. Using flesh-tned inks and a needle, Catalan 52 his custmers' view f themselves.
    While Catalan 53 $ 100 per regular tatt, he created paramedical tatts fr free. “ 54 , it desn’t make sense,” Catalan says. “But every time I see that emtin frm my 55 , I'm 100 percent sure this is smething that I can’t stp ding.”
    46.A.wear awayB.stand utC.cme utD.g away
    第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分30分)
    Peking Opera is a frm f traditinal Chinese theater that56. ( appear) in Beijing in the late 18th century.57. (cmbine) music, sng, dance and acrbatics (杂技动作) in a lively and clrful display, it is a 58. ( relative) new style f drama, cmpared t ther types f Chinese theater.
    In the early years f Peking Opera, all the actrs were men,59. the rles f wmen played by yung bys. The stries fell int tw main 60. ( categry) -wen, r civil theater, which fcused n lve, marriage and ther civilian cncerns, and wu,r military theater, which fcused n the theme f war and was knwn fr featuring thrilling stage actins.
    In the first half f the 61. (twenty) century, the mst famus actr f Peking Opera was Mei Lanfang,62. played a key rle in ppularizing Peking Opera and intrducing Chinese theater t the West. Additinally, Mei als tk the bld step f taking n female students, which was 63. highly risky and uncnventinal step at the time.
    After the funding f the Peple’s Republic f China, Peking Opera perfrmances, which dealt with cntemprary and revlutinary themes, were encuraged. Despite 64. ( it) ups and dwns, Peking Opera was revived(复兴) in the 1980s and cntinues t 65. (perfrm) tday.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 应用文写作(满分15分)
    A Significant Vluntary Activity
    第二节 读后续写(满分25分)
    I lked ut at the smiling faces packed int the schl hall. Flashes frm cameras lit up in all directins. The applause filled my ears. I had dne it. I had really dne it.
    Just a few mnths earlier, I wuld never have pictured myself acting in a play in frnt f tw hundred peple."Nt fr a millin dllars," I wuld have said. But when the time came, I gt up n stage and faced ne f my greatest fears-and discvered I culd d mre than I ever gave myself credit fr. I fund a new persn inside me, a much mre daring, utging persn wh had been hidden all alng, just waiting fr the pprtunity t appear.
    If nt fr my teacher, Mrs Sather, I might never have fund that pprtunity.
    In the first and secnd grade, I was extremely shy. I had friends, but it just wasn't in my persnality t be very utging, even when I knew smene well. I was afraid I wuld d r say smething wrng, s usually I just smiled and listened t ther peple's cnversatins. I did well in schl and I lved t write. Hwever, I wuld escape int my writing, where I culd be myself and never had t wrry abut what ther peple thught f me. In my stries, I was never shy.
    My teacher, Mrs Sather, always encuraged me t write mre. She tld ur class t g after ur dreams and dig in with bth hands. I think she was ne f the first peple t see my inner strength. One day, she annunced that ur class was ging t perfrm a play she had written." I'll begin t cast everyne tmrrw," she said." I need smene wh is nt afraid t be n stage in frnt f a lt f peple t play the lead part f Drthy. Anybdy want t try?" A few excited hands sht up-mine, f curse, was nt ne f them-and Mrs Sather smiled." We'll talk mre abut it tmrrw," she said. Then the bell rang and my classmates slwly left the classrm.
    Paragraph 1:
    When I was lading up my backpack, Mrs Sather asked me t g t her.
    Paragraph 2:
    Hearing Mrs Sather’s wrds, I realized it was time t make a change.
    英 语 答案解析
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    【答案】1-5 BCBBC 6-10 ABAAB 11-15 BCBCB 16-20 CACAA
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    【答案】21-23 ABD
    21.细节理解题。根据小标题Ntah BegayⅢ Junir Glf Natinal Champinship中的 “A remarkable pprtunity will be ffered by the Ntah BegayⅢ Junir Glf Natinal Champinship t its participants: an event bradcast by Glf Channel.” Ntah BegayⅢ青少年高尔夫全国锦标赛将为参加者提供一个非凡的机会:由高尔夫频道转播的赛事。由此可知Ntah BegayⅢ Junir Glf Natinal Champinship能在电视上观看。故选A。
    22.细节理解题。根据小标题Thunderbird Internatinal Junir中的“Hwever, this year it is scheduled n different dates fr the first time, frm April 9 t 12, …” 然而,今年的比赛第一次安排在不同的日期,从4月9日到12日由此可知Thunderbird Internatinal Junir在4月9日到12日进行。故选B。
    23.细节理解题。根据小标题Gatr Invitatinal中的“Because f that, the Gatr Invitatinal, as a junir bys' event, has made a significant decisin n becming a 54-hle event by adding a rund this year.” 正因为如此,Gatr邀请赛,作为一项初级男孩赛事,做出了一个重大决定,在今年增加一轮比赛,成为一项54-hle赛事,由此可知,Gatr Invitatinal比赛的数量发生了变化。故选D。
    【答案】24-27 DCAB
    24.细节理解题。根据文章第一段末尾句内容“I hated changing the vacuum cleaner (真空吸尘器) bag and picking up things the machine did nt suck up. Twenty years later, in 1978, with this lifelng dislike f the way the machine wrked, I decided t make a bagless ne.”我讨厌换真空吸尘器的袋子,讨厌把吸尘器吸不进去的东西捡起来。二十年后,也就是1978年,我对这台机器的工作方式一直很反感,于是决定做一台无袋的。可知,对于真空吸尘器的反感导致了作者研制一种无袋吸尘器。故选D项。
    25.主旨大意题。通读文章第二段内容,可知其段落结构为总分总结构,首句内容“Easier said than dne, f curse.”和末尾句内容“These were tugh times, but each failure brught me clser t slving the prblem.”点明本段主旨要义,即作者发明无袋吸尘器过程中遇到的一些困难。故选C项。
    26.细节理解题。根据文章第三段内容“The majr vacuum makers had built a business mdel based n the prfits frm bags and filters. N ne wuld license my idea, nt because it was a bad ne, but because it was bad fr business”可知,没人会认可作者的想法是因为真空吸尘器的包装袋和过滤器能够给商家带来盈利,而作者发明的无袋吸尘器会使商家失去原有的能够带来盈利的部分,因此商家担心其不能带来盈利反而可能会导致损失。故选A项。
    27.推理判断题。作者在文章末尾点明主旨,揭示道理:Tday, I still embrace risk and the ptential fr failure as part f the prcess. Nthing beats the excitement f inventin.可知,作者的“无袋吸尘器”发明经历使他明白了风险和失败在发明过程中是可能存在的。故选B项。
    【答案】28-31 CADB
    29.细节理解题。由倒数第三段“They fund that, verall, sudden debt relief greatly imprved the brrwers' lives. Nt nly did they have mre mney, but they were mre likely t mve t a new area and seek better paying wrk.”可知,他们发现,总的来说,突然的债务减免极大地改善了借款人的生活。他们不仅有更多的钱,而且更有可能搬到一个新的地区,寻找更高收入的工作。所以债务减免肯定会给借款人带来一些好处。故选A项。
    30.推理判断题。根据第四段中They fund that, verall, sudden debt relief greatly imprved the brrwers' lives. Nt nly did they have mre mney, but they were mre likely t mve t a new area and seek better paying wrk.可知,教授们认为免除学生债务是有好处的,这大大改善借款人的生活,他们不仅有更多的钱,而且更有可能搬到一个新的地区,寻找薪水更高的工作。再根据第五段中Yet the prfessrs’ research desn’t include what might happen t financial institutins r the verall ecnmy if debt were ttally frgiven. It nly lks at hw debt frgiveness wuld help the brrwers. They warn f sme ther pssible negative effects.可知,他们的研究不包括如果完全免除债务,金融机构或整个经济可能会发生什么。它只着眼于债务免除将如何帮助借款人。他们警告说,还有其他一些可能的负面影响。由此判断出,教授们对债务免除的态度是谨慎的。故选D项。
    31.主旨大意题。由第一段“Student lan (贷款) debt has becme a wrldwide prblem.”学生贷款债务已经成为一个世界性的问题。由第三段“T slve the prblem, many cuntries are seeking their ways.”为了解决这个问题,许多国家都在寻找解决方案。所以短文主要是关于不断增长的全球学生债务促使各国寻找解决方案。故选B项。
    【答案】32-35 BCCA
    32.推理判断题。根据第一段There was a time when the majr cncern with AI safety had been the ne evil super intelligence, reflected in the mvie “The Terminatr”.可推断,作者提及《终结者》是为了介绍本文对人工智能安全的担忧的主题。故选B项。
    33.细节理解题。根据第四段Captains sailed faster, thinking they culd get away with it thanks t the new safety technlgy.可见,是因为他们过于依赖新技术使得事故发生更多。故选C项。
    34.词义猜测题。根据第五段As a cnsequence, measures shuld be carried ut t prevent ptential disasters.可猜测,随着时间的推移,安全指南也不再安全,所以lax意为“不可靠的”。故选C项。
    35.主旨大意题。根据最后一段What lessns can we draw frm cncern with AI safety?及全文内容可知,本文主要讲述我们人类在人工智能安全中获得的教训。故选A项。
    【答案】36-40 DGFAB
    36.根据后文they cme up with mre creative slutins, accrding t researchers. It may be because music imprves yur brain’s flexibility. Anther reasn may be that it relaxes yu enugh fr the creative juices t flw.可知他们会想出更有创意的解决方案。这可能是因为音乐提高了你大脑的灵活性。另一个原因可能是它能让你足够放松,让你的创造性思维得以流动。由此可知,本句是在说明当人们听着快乐的音乐时,他们会更有创造力。故D选项“当人们听着快乐的音乐,而不是静静地坐着”符合上下文语境,故选D。
    37.根据后文After surgery, it helps reduce pain. An analysis f 73 studies cnfirmed that listening t music befre, during r after surgery reduces anxiety and pain levels, which in turn means less pain medicatin.可知手术后,它有助于减轻疼痛。一项对73项研究的分析证实,在手术前、手术中或手术后听音乐可以降低焦虑和疼痛水平,从而减少止痛药。由此可知,本句是在说明手术前听音乐可以缓解焦虑。故G选项“手术前听音乐已被证明可以缓解焦虑”符合上下文语境,故选G。
    38.根据后文Studies have fund that when yu’re running, biking r walking, yu’ll g farther with music n. Music relieves yur discmfrt and mtivates yu t stay n.可知研究发现,当你跑步、骑自行车或走路时,你会随着音乐走得更远。音乐可以缓解你的不适,激励你坚持下去。由此可知,运动时听音乐能让人坚持下去,走得更远,打消放弃的念头。故F选项“音乐能让你打消放弃锻炼的念头”符合上下文语境,故选F。
    39.根据上文Music aids sleep. Listening t music befre bed can help yu fall asleep faster and wake up less ften during the night.可知音乐辅助睡眠。睡前听音乐可以帮助你更快入睡,减少夜间醒来的次数。由此可知,音乐有助于睡眠质量的提高,那么结果就是人们早上醒来会感到更放松。故A选项“在这种情况下,你会在早上感到更放松”符合上下文语境,故选A。
    40.根据上文Scientists have shwn repeatedly that peple judge a perid f waiting shrter when music is playing. Businessmen use that t their advantage, playing music s yu stay lnger and spend mre.可知科学家们已经反复证明,当音乐响起时,人们会判断等待的时间变短了。商家利用这一点,播放音乐,让你待得更久,花得更多。以及后文grcery sales increase by 38 percent.可知杂货店的销售额会增加38%。由此可知,在酒吧和餐厅播放的背景音乐如果是舒缓的,那么人们会停留更久,消费更多,从而导致杂货店的销售额会增加38%。故B选项“如果背景音乐是慢的”符合上下文语境,故选B。
    第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    【答案】41-45 ACBCD46-50 BACDA51-55 BDACB
    41.考查名词词义辨析。句意:2018年,46岁的Mark Bertram在工作中被风扇皮带卡住,失去了两根指尖。A. fingers手指;B. fingernails指甲;C. arms胳膊;D. shulders肩膀。根据后文“t create fingernail tatts”可推知Bertram是失去了两根手指的指尖部分。故选A。
    42.考查动词词义辨析。A. absrbed吸收;B. placed放置;C. trapped诱捕,卡住;D. flded折叠。根据前后文“his hand was … in a fan belt”可知,是因为手指被风扇皮带卡住,所以失去了两根指尖。故选C。
    43.考查名词词义辨析。A. checkups检查;B. surgeries手术;C. adjustments调整;D. battles战斗。结合后文“and physical therapy”可知失去了指尖,Bertram经过了无数次的手术和物理治疗来恢复。后文“Plastic surgery gave me n hpe”也是提示。故选B。
    45.考查动词词义辨析。A. cnsidered考虑;B. cnfirmed确认;C. denied拒绝;D. witnessed目击,目睹。根据后文“the final result”可知指工作室里的人目睹了手指纹身的最终成果,witness符合语境。故选D。
    46.考查动词短语辨析。A. wear away磨损;B. stand ut清晰地显出,突兀;C. cme ut出版;D. g away走开。根据上文“The tatts blend in rather than”可知纹身和手指相融入,而不突兀,stand ut符合语境。故选B。
    47.考查动词词义辨析。A. recalls回想起;B. argues争论;C. annunces宣布;D. reminds提醒。给Bertram纹身发生在过去,因此是在回忆。故选A。
    48.考查形容词词义辨析。A. strange奇怪的;B. special特别的;C. funny有趣的;D. curius好奇的。根据上文“Like magic, everything turned frm”可知Bertram的这个纹身就像魔术一样,一开始有趣,完成后又令人惊叹。故选C。
    49.考查动词词义辨析。A. tk带走;B. printed印刷;C. cpied复制;D. psted张贴,发布。根据后文“be viewed by millins f peple arund the wrld”可知,照片最后被全世界的人看到,可推知是把照片发布到了网上。故选D。
    50.考查形容词词义辨析。根据后文“n ne culd believe their eyes”可知,由于纹身指甲太过真实,令人不敢相信自己的眼睛。故选A。
    51.考查名词词义辨析A. cmment评论;B. image图像,照片;C. creatin创造;D. reactin反应。呼应上文“a pht f the tatts”指纹身照片。故选B。
    52.考查动词词义辨析。A. defends辩护;B. assesses评定;C. supprts支持;D. transfrms变换,改变。根据后文“his custmers’ view f themselves”结合上文这些顾客都是带着疤痕来纹身的,可知Catalan通过自己的技术改变了顾客对自己的看法。故选D。
    53.考查动词词义辨析。A. charges收费,指控;B. spends花费;C. dnates捐赠;D. raises提高。根据后文“$ 100 per regular tatt”可知指纹身收费,charge符合语境。故选A。
    54.考查副词词义辨析。A. Gradually逐渐地;B. Basically基本上;C. Financially财政上;D. Cnsequently因此。结合上文可知,Catalan的辅助医疗纹身收费比其他普通纹身收费便宜很多,因此从经济上来说,这一做法对他本人的收入并没有太大意义。故选C。
    55.考查名词词义辨析。呼应上文“his custmers’ view f themselves”指Catalan看到顾客的反应。故选B。
    56.appeared 57.Cmbining58.relatively59.with60.categries
    61.twentieth62.wh 63.a 64.its65.be perfrmed
    56.考查动词时态。根据后文in the late 18th century.可知描述过去的事实应用一般过去时。故填appeared。
    61.考查序数词。句意:在20世纪上半叶,最著名的京剧演员是梅兰芳,她在京剧的普及和中国戏剧向西方的介绍中发挥了关键作用。结合句意表示“20世纪”短语为the twentieth century,应用序数词。故填twentieth。
    62.考查非限定性定语从句。此处为非限定性定语从句修饰先行词Mei Lanfang,且先行词在从句中做主语,指人,故用关系代词wh。故填wh。
    64.考查代词。修饰后文名词短语ups and dwns“起起伏伏”应用形容词性物主代词its。故填its。
    65.考查非谓语动词。根据短语cntinue t d sth.可知应填不定式,且perfrm与Peking Opera构成被动,故应用t be dne形式。故填be perfrmed。
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 应用文写作(满分15分)
    A Significant Vluntary Activity
    Last weekend, ur class attended a vluntary activity in a cmmunity senir center nearby.
    Sme f us entertained the elderly by singing Nanyin and ding magic tricks. Others chatted with them. They were verjyed fr ur cming and the senir center was full f laughter. Besides, we als taught them hw t use smartphnes in everyday life, such as shwing the health QR cde, calling a taxi and making an appintment with the dctr. They were impressed by the cnvenience technlgy brings.
    The activity is s meaningful that we all feel rewarded and determined t visit them regularly.
    第二节 读后续写(满分25分)
    When I was lading up my backpack, Mrs. Sather asked me t g t her. Mrs. Sather stared int my eyes as if seeing my inner self lcked away inside. “I wuld lve yu t give this a try fr me. But if yu really dn't want t, I wn’t make yu. It is yur chice.” Mrs. Sather wanted me in this rle. She shcked me, fr I was always a shy persn, nt even dare t speak lud in public.
    Hearing Mrs Sather’s wrds, I realized it was time t make a change. I decided t thrw ff my shy clak. I wanted t prve that I als culd d smething gd in public. After secnds f hesitatin, I ndded my head, cnfidently saying “Mrs Sather I want t, n, I am determined t play the rle. And I will try my best t perfrm it well.” Lking at me with a big smile n face, Mrs Sather said ''I believe in yu. If yu met sme prblem, yu can turn t me.'' ''Thank yu! '' I left her ffice happily.

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