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    • 江苏省苏锡常镇四市2021届高三下学期5月教学情况调研(二) 英语含答案.doc
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    这是一份江苏省苏锡常镇四市2021届高三下学期5月教学情况调研(二)+英语+答案(含听力),文件包含江苏省苏锡常镇四市2021届高三下学期5月教学情况调研二英语含答案doc、2020-2021学年度苏锡常镇四市高三教学情况调查二英语听力mp3等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共13页, 欢迎下载使用。

    英 语
    (音频下载地址:jsgkxzx@163.cm 密码:20082008)
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    ( )1. Hw sn will the package arrive with EMS?
    A. In abut tw weeks. B. In less than tw days. C. In mre than three days.
    ( )2. What will the man d next week?
    A. Give a reprt. B. Make a presentatin. C. Take a rest.
    ( )3. What des the wman advise the man t d?
    A. Find the article at the reference desk. B. Read the article n the cmputer.
    C. Turn t the librarians fr help.
    ( )4. What will the wman prbably d?
    A. Cancel her membership. B. Rush t catch a bus. C. Call the man back later.
    ( )5. What d we learn frm the cnversatin?
    A. The wman didn't like classical music.
    B. The man didn't think highly f the cnductr.
    C. The cnductr didn't like the chice f the music.
    ( )6. Why des the man make the call?
    A. T make an enquiry abut a new car.
    B. T buy an insurance fr his car.
    C. T make a cmplaint abut the service.
    ( )7. Hw much des the Red Flag cmpany charge mnthly?
    A. $30. B. $40. C. $48.
    ( )8. What did the man find in the library?
    A. A ticket fr a festival. B. A bk abut Spanish music.
    C. A brchure abut a music festival.
    ( )9. What's the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Husband and wife. B. Manager and secretary. C. Teacher and student.
    ( )10. What are the tw speakers talking abut?
    A. Advice n having an interview. B. Tips n chsing a jb.
    C. Ways f learning English.
    ( )11. What des the man advise the wman t d?
    A. Remember her answers in advance. B. Be natural when she speaks.
    C. Use as many English wrds as pssible.
    ( )12. Hw des the wman feel abut the man's suggestins?
    A. Nt practical. B. A bit cnfusing. C. Quite valuable.
    ( )13. Where des this cnversatin prbably take place?
    A. On the phne. B. At the airprt. C. In Miltn.
    ( )14. Hw far is Miltn frm Trnt Airprt?
    A. Less than 150 miles. B. Mre than 150 miles. C. Exactly 150 miles.
    ( )15. Why desn't the wman rent a car?
    A. She can't drive herself. B. She desn't feel like driving.
    C. She desn't have enugh mney.
    ( )16. What's the wman's final decisin?
    A. Taking a taxi frm the airprt. B. Taking the airprt shuttle bus.
    C. Taking a Greyhund bus.
    ( )17. What is the speaker?
    A. A guide. B. A teacher. C. A cach.
    ( )18. What des the speaker mainly talk abut?
    A. Factrs deciding the chice f gds. B. Cnsumers' chice f cars.
    C. Prducts with high quality.
    ( )19. What d peple think f reliability nwadays?
    A. It's getting mre attentin. B. It's still imprtant.
    C. It's the deciding factr.
    ( )20. Where can peple get access t mre infrmatin?
    A. Frm newspapers. B. Frm a website. C. Frm a bk.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    The UCLA (University f Califrnia, Ls Angeles)Vlunteer Center wrks with many external partners t prvide this list f current vlunteer pprtunities. Search here fr an pprtunity in the cmmunity that suits yur interests r skills. Gd luck!
    Medical Vlunteer Abrad Prgrams
    Vlunteering Slutins have been rganizing medical vlunteer abrad prgrams in different cuntries fr 12 years. Participants (preferably medical students) jining these prgrams will wrk under the guidance f prfessinal dctrs and nurses. The medical vlunteering pprtunities, ffered in different areas like Emergency and General Medicine, are available thrughut the year with flexible start dates and duratins.
    Answer Crisis Calls at a Helpline
    Cmmunity Helpline currently has pprtunities fr students as a Vlunteer Crisis Listener. It prvides a nn­judgmental listening ear t the callers, while als assisting individuals in cping with mental health issues t prevent serius crises. N previus experience is required, but cmpletin f a five­week training prgram is required. The crisis line is pen frm 8 am t 8 pm every single day. A “shift” cnsists f 3 hurs and we ask that yu sign up fr 1 shift a week.
    Yuth Educatin Vlunteers Needed
    Yuth Educatin Vlunteers at LINC Cares serve at after­schl prgrams and summer camps that prvide fun recreatinal activities, supprt strng educatinal habits, and prmte gd health and psitive scial develpment fr children frm lw­incme families.Vlunteers serve at the after­schl prgram ne weekday per week frm 2:30 pm t 5:30 pm.
    ( )21. What d we knw abut Medical Vlunteer Abrad Prgrams?
    A. Vlunteers will wrk dmestically. B. There are varius vlunteering areas.
    C. Vlunteers will wrk independently. D. There is a fixed vlunteering time.
    ( )22. What is a Vlunteer Crisis Listener required t d?
    A. Judge the caller when listening. B. Be capable f stpping crises.
    C. Cmplete a training prgram. D. Wrk twelve hurs per day.
    ( )23. What's the passage mainly abut?
    A. Vlunteer prgrams. B. Educatinal curses.
    C. Recreatinal activities. D. Charity wrk.
    Ian McKenna was in third grade when he learned that many kids at his Austin schl weren't getting enugh t eat at hme. He wanted t help, but lcal vlunteer rganizatins turned him away, saying he was t yung. S he decided t find his wn slutin. Fr years, he had been gardening with his mther, and they ften distributed their extra vegetables t the neighbrs. “Why nt give the prduce t a sup kitchen?Then I thught, I'm gd at gardening,” says McKenna, nw 16. “Why nt plant a garden at schl, s that kids in need culd take fd hme?”
    McKenna persuaded his schl t set aside space fr a garden; then he asked the cmmunity fr dnatins f seeds and equipment. Other students dnated their time. Within mnths, McKenna's garden was prducing lettuces, tmates, cucumbers and squash fr students and their families. Nw, seven years later, McKenna's Giving Garden prject has expanded t five area schls in additin t his wn backyard garden, and he has prvided rganic prduce, enugh fr 25,000 meals, t Austin families.
    Fr mst f his gardening activities, McKenna wears the same T­shirt in different clrs, with his persnal mtt n it: BE A GOOD HUMAN. T him, that means helping in any way yu can, n matter what yur age. “Even a smile might change smene's life,” he says. “It lets them knw that they are imprtant. It can make their day.”
    When COVID­19 hit the U.S., McKenna redubled his effrts, cking up t 100 meals t distribute t the hungry n the weekends. When scial distancing meant that vlunteers culdn't wrk n cmmunity garden plts, he started ffering nline classes and a gardening htline s families culd grw at hme. While gardening is his cre fcus, McKenna says he is always lking fr new ways t help the hungry.
    ( )24. What caused Ian's decisin t help the kids in his wn way?
    A. Being rejected by vlunteer grups. B. Being gd at gardening.
    C. A sup kitchen's supprt. D. His mther's suggestins.
    ( )25. What d we knw abut the Giving Garden prject?
    A. It helps students nly. B. It was started with jint effrts.
    C. It is funded by schls. D. It earns great prfits every year.
    ( )26. Which f the fllwing can best explain Ian's persnal mtt?
    A. Where there is a will, there is a way. B. A small gesture makes a difference.
    C. One gd turn deserves anther. D. Lve can break all the barriers.
    ( )27. What is the best title f the passage?
    A. Ian McKenna, Grwing a Fd Bank
    B. Ian Mckenna, an Experienced Gardener
    C. Giving Garden Prject, an Impssible Missin
    D. Giving Garden Prject, a Universal Slutin
    Streaming(流媒体) first became ppular in 2005, thanks t YuTube. Nwadays nearly three quarters f American husehlds subscribe t at least ne vide streaming service. With almst 200 millin subscribers wrldwide and a billin hurs f cntent viewed each week, Netflix is by far the biggest paid service. N.2 is Amazn Prime Vide. But fr every Gliath,__there are a hundred Davids. Many smaller streaming services shw nthing but sprts, classic mvies, r Japanese anime(动画片).
    In the early days f streaming, the appeal was the lwer cst, and it still is. The average streamer spends $37 a mnth (and subscribes t three streaming platfrms), while the average cable(有线电视) user pays mre than $200 per mnth. Still, streaming has becme mre expensive in recent years. In 2019, Netflix raised the price f its basic service 12.5 percent, t $8.99 a mnth. A quarter f its subscribers, wh prtested price increases, said they wuld cancel their subscriptins. Few did.
    A majr reasn: Streaming netwrks have becme hme t many f the mst ppular TV series, including recent Emmy winners. They ffer full­length feature films as well, and last year, Netflix received mre Oscar nminatins(提名) than any ther media cmpany. In fact, streaming has changed the Oscar cmpetitin, at least fr this year. Usually nly films shwn in theaters are cnsidered, but because f the crnavirus, all mvies released nline in 2020 are qualified fr the 2021 Academy Awards. That shift is especially gd news fr Disney, which is putting the much anticipated mvie Mulan n its new streaming service, Disney+. But watching Mulan frm yur wn hme will cst $29.99—n tp f the service's mnthly fee f $6.99.
    T much streaming can have its disadvantages, hwever. There are thse wh binge­watch, a term Merriam­Webster added in 2017 with the definitin “t watch many r all episdes f (a TV series) n end.” Alejandr Frags frm New Yrk hlds the Guinness Wrld Recrd: 94 straight hurs.
    ( )28. What d the underlined wrds “Gliath” and “David” in Paragraph 1 refer t?
    A. TV viewers. B. TV prgrams.
    C. Streaming subscribers. D. Streaming services.
    ( )29. Why did mst Netflix subscribers cntinue their subscriptins?
    A. They cannt g withut it.
    B. They think the lw cst is a thing f the past.
    C. Netflix has cntrlled the market.
    D. They think it is gd value fr mney.
    ( )30. What des the gd news in Paragraph 3 mean t Disney?
    A. The mvie Mulan can be released n Disney+.
    B. The mvie Mulan will generate great prfits.
    C. The mvie Mulan can cmpete fr an Oscar.
    D. The mvie Mulan will win an Oscar award.
    ( )31. What d binge­watchers tend t d?
    A. They start a new life. B. They watch TV series cntinuusly.
    C. They break wrld recrds. D. They watch TV series aimlessly.
    Nt lng ag, Linda Khan was sitting by a hspital bed in Hustn, feeling ill at ease. Beside her lay her father wh needed a heart surgery. The tw f them had engaged in nthing but depressing small talk. Then, her eye fell n a pile f bks. She picked up ne, and started t read it ut lud. “Right away it changed the md and atmsphere,” she says. Reading gave the daughter a way t cnnect with her father. Listening allwed the father t travel n the sund f his daughter's vice int a place where he felt himself again. “Frm then n,” Khan says, “I always read t him.”
    In a 2010 survey in the United Kingdm, elderly adults wh jined weekly read­alud grups reprted better cncentratin, less anxiety, and an imprved ability t scialize. The survey authrs wed these imprvements in large part t the “rich, varied diet f serius literature” that grup members cnsumed, with fictin encuraging feelings f relaxatin and calm, petry fstering fcused cncentratin, and narratives giving rise t cgnitive(认知的)thughts, feelings, and memries. In truth, almst any kind f reading t anther persn can be beneficial.
    Readers get rewards t. Fr Neil Bush, the late­life hspitalizatins f his famus parents, Gerge H.W. and Barbara Bush, became pprtunities t repay a debt f gratitude. “When I was a kid, they wuld read t me,” he said. With his parents in and ut f care, “We've been reading bks abut Dad's freign plicy and, mre recently, Mm's autbigraphy.” Bush went n, his vice thick with emtin, “And t read their amazing life t them has been a remarkable blessing t me, persnally, as their sn.”
    T many peple, reading t parents may seem s far utside the nrmal range f regular activities, and it may even feel dd and imprper. Hwever, there are still a great many peple wh brave the mmentary strangeness f reading t elderly adults and bth readers and listeners are, t brrw a phrase frm Wrdswrth, surprised by the jy f it.
    ( )32. What did reading ffer t Linda and her father?
    A. A way t establish a bnd. B. A way t travel tgether in reality.
    C. A way t treat the disease. D. A way t engage in learning.
    ( )33. What is Paragraph 2 mainly abut?
    A. Imprvements in mental health. B. Benefits f reading t thers.
    C. Changes in cgnitive prcess. D. Develpment f scial skills.
    ( )34. What des Neil Bush's experience prve?
    A. Reading benefits mre than the listener. B. Parents shuld read mre t their kids.
    C. Children shuld shw their gratitude. D. Reading t parents is children's duty.
    ( )35. Hw des the authr feel abut reading t an elderly adult?
    A. Imprper and dd. B. Abnrmal but wrthy.
    C. Rewarding and jyful. D. Interesting but unnecessary.
    第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5 分)
    Rushing t wrk, watching the stck(股票) market drp daily, wrking lng int the night n a prject, all f these situatins can build up stress. Stress in such situatins means pressure, cnflict, lss f cntrl, and uncertainty. These feelings can lead t a variety f prblems.__36__
    What is stress? Stress is yur bdy's physical and psychlgical respnse t anything yu regard as verpwering. This may be viewed as a result f life's demands, and yur lack f resurces t meet them.__37__ This additinal energy cannt be destryed. If nt used, it creates an imbalance within yur system. Smehw the energy must be channeled int respnses t regain a balance.
    __38__ Withut sme stress yu wuld lse yur energy fr living. Yu will d well n certain amunts; but t much r t little stress will limit yur effectiveness. Ideally, yu find yur best level f stress—the balance at which yu are mst mtivated.
    __39__ It can make yu spend yur effrts n nt being unhappy, rather than n being happy.Yu can becme negatively influenced in yur attitudes and feelings abut yur life mre easily.
    In additin, medical research estimates as much as 90 percent f illness and disease is stress­related.__40__ High bld pressure and heart disease have been linked t stress factrs. Mst health prfessinals agree stress can be a cntributing factr in making existing medical prblems wrse.
    A. These different attitudes influence a persn's reactin t stressful situatins.
    B. That is why stress has such an ugly ring.
    C. Stress is a natural part f yur life.
    D. In each persn's life there are uncertainties.
    E. When stressed, yur bdy creates extra energy t prtect itself.
    F. Stress can have a bad effect n yur physical functining and bdily prcesses.
    G. T much stress influences yur daily life.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    It was the next mrning after we arrived in Cambridge. Dr. Kerry appeared and __41__ that we'd been invited t take a tur f the church.
    When I stepped inside the church, my __42__ caught in my chest. The rm was very large. We were __43__ thrugh a small wden dr, then up a narrw staircase. __44__ the staircase pened nt the rf. I climbed up and __45__ alng the ridge(屋脊), letting the __46__ take me as I stared ut at the brad streets.
    “Yu're nt afraid f __47__,” a vice said. I turned. It was Dr. Kerry. He had __48__ me.
    I ran dwn the ridge. Still, Dr. Kerry was behind me but his steps were __49__. Rather than walk facing frward, he mved __50__. I ffered him an arm fr the last few steps and he tk it.
    “Here yu stand, upright, hands in yur pckets,” he __51__ tward the ther students. “See them?” Everyne else was hlding __52__ t the stne wall, knees bent, backs arched.
    “It's as if yu've been __53__ this rf all yur life,” he said. He stared at me, waiting fr a(n)__54__.
    “I'm just standing,” I said. “Yu are all trying t get yur bdies lwer because the __55__ scares yu. But if yu culd just cntrl yur panic, this wind wuld be nthing.”
    ( )41. A. thught B. suggested C. prmised D. annunced
    ( )42. A. breath B. feeling C. mind D. sight
    ( )43. A. hit B. led C. drawn D. sent
    ( )44. A. Luckily B. Certainly C. Entirely D. Finally
    ( )45. A. rlled B. jumped C. walked D. slid
    ( )46. A. wind B. anxiety C. terrr D. sky
    ( )47. A. shaking B. falling C. mving D. failing
    ( )48. A. invited B. caught C. watched D. fllwed
    ( )49. A. heavy B. firm C. strange D. fast
    ( )50. A. dwnward B. sideways C. backwards D. upward
    ( )51. A. waved B. ran C. pinted D. headed
    ( )52. A. tightly B. randmly C. easily D. carelessly
    ( )53. A. in B. n C. under D. with
    ( )54. A. instructin B. reflectin C. slutin D. explanatin
    ( )55. A. height B. length C. width D. depth
    Wearing blue jeans, Gary std in frnt f an expensive __56__(tailr) shp. After hesitating fr several mments, he finally went in and asked t see the suit in the windw. The shp assistant lked __57__ n Gary because f the way he __58__(dress). Glancing at him __59__(impatient), he whispered t the wner nearby. With the wner's __60__(permit), he said that the suit had already been sld. Gary was angry that he was judged by __61__ he was wearing. The next day he returned t the same shp, dressed mre prperly this time. After seeking ut __62__ assistant, he asked t see an expensive­lking suit n an upper shelf. Nt realizing wh Gary was, the assistant was eager t carry ut his duty prperly this time. With great patience and difficulty, he climbed up t bring the suit dwn, __63__(aplgize) fr keeping Gary waiting. The mment Gary lked at it mre clsely, __64__, he said he did nt like it. He enjyed __65__(he), making the assistant bring almst everything in the shp t him befre he finally settled n buying a tie. Wuld yu d the same if yu were Gary?
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 应用文写作(满分15分)
    1. 活动目的;2. 具体活动;3. 活动反响。
    1. 写作词数应为80左右;
    2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
    Science Festival ges ff with a bang!
    第二节 读后续写(满分25分)
    I was still a thief when I met Anil. And thugh nly 15, I was an experienced and fairly successful hand.
    Anil was abut 25—a tall, thin fellw—and he lked easy­ging, kind and simple enugh fr my purpse. I might be able t get int his cnfidence.
    I gave him my mst appealing smile. “I want t wrk fr yu,” I said.
    “But I can't pay yu.”
    Perhaps I had misjudged the man. I asked,“Can yu feed me?”
    “Can yu ck?”
    “I can ck,” I lied.
    “If yu can ck, then I can feed yu.”
    The meal I cked that night must have been terrible because Anil gave it t a stray dg and tld me t be ff. But I just hung arund, smiling in my mst appealing way, and he culdn't help laughing.
    Later, he patted me n the head and said never mind, he'd teach me t ck. He als taught me t write my name and said he wuld sn teach me t write whle sentences and t add numbers. I was grateful. I knew that nce I culd write like an educated man, there wuld be n limit t what I culd achieve.
    One evening he came hme with a small bundle f ntes, saying he had just sld a bk t a publisher. At night, I saw him put the mney under the mattress(床垫).
    It's time I did sme real wrk, I tld myself. After all, he desn't even pay me.
    Anil was asleep.I crept up t the bed. Anil was sleeping peacefully.My hand slid under the mattress, searching fr the ntes. When I fund them, I drew them ut withut a sund. Anil sighed in his sleep and turned n his side, twards me. I was frightened and quickly crawled ut f the rm.
    I began t run, hlding the ntes by the string f my pajamas(睡衣). But I slwed dwn and sat dwn in the shelter f the clck twer. I shuld g back t Anil, I tld myself, if nly t learn t read and write.
    1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;
    2. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好。
    Paragraph 1:
    I hurried back t the rm feeling very nervus. ________________________________________________________________________
    Paragraph 2:
    I awke late next mrning t find that Anil had already made the tea. ________________________________________________________________________
    1~5 BACCB 6~10 BBCAA 11~15 BCAAB 16~20 CBABB
    21~23 BCA 24~27 ABBA 28~31 DDCB 32~35 ABAC
    36~40 BECGF
    41~45 DABDC 46~50 ABDCB 51~55 CABDA
    56. tailr's 57. dwn 58. was dressed 59. impatiently 60. permissin 61. what 62. the
    63. aplgizing 64. hwever 65. himself
    One pssible versin:
    Science Festival ges ff with a bang!
    Our annual schl Science Festival finished n Friday and nce again it was amazing fun.
    T encurage students t take an interest in space explratin, this year's theme was “Space”. On Mnday afternn, we attended a lecture abut whether life can exist n ther planets. In Thursday's Science Wrkshp, students tried different experiments with great interest. On Friday afternn, every class decrated their classrm and designed activities accrding t the theme f space.
    The festival attracted much interest frm students and everyne is lking frward t next year's Science Festival.
    One pssible versin:
    Paragraph 1:
    Ihurriedbacktthermfeelingverynervus. It is much easier t steal smething than t return it undetected. I pened the dr quietly, then std in the drway, in cluded mnlight. Anil was still asleep. I crept t the head f the bed, my hand cming up with the ntes. I felt his breath n my hand. I remained still fr a minute. Then my hand fund the edge f the mattress, and slipped under it with the ntes.
    Paragraph 2:
    IawkelatenextmrningtfindthatAnilhadalreadymadethetea. He stretched ut his hand twards me with a nte between his fingers. My heart sank. I thught I had been discvered. “I made sme mney yesterday,” he explained. “Nw yu'll be paid regularly.” My spirits rse. “Tday we'll start writing sentences,” he said. He knew. But neither his lips nr his eyes shwed anything. I smiled at Anil in my mst appealing way.
    Text 1
    W: If I send this package third class, hw lng will it take t arrive?
    M: Abut tw weeks. If yu use EMS, it is $35 mre expensive, but it can get there within tw days.
    Text 2
    M: I'm srry I have a bad cugh, but I'll manage t make my presentatin.
    W: Thank yu fr yur spirit. But let's nt take a risk. Yu'll need t rest yur vice fr next week's reprt.
    Text 3
    M: I dn't think I'm ever ging t find the article that my prfessr tld me abut.
    W: G t the reference desk. The librarians there can tell yu hw t track it dwn with the help f the cmputer.
    Text 4
    M: Jennifer, wuld yu be interested in serving n the membership cmmittee this year?
    W: Uh, I'm n a bus and can't catch yu very clearly. Can I get back t yu n that?
    Text 5
    W: Hw did yu like the cncert? I fund it really mving. The cnductr almst burst int tears in the end.
    M: I lve classical music, but the cnductr seemed a bit inexperienced.
    Text 6
    W: Hell... mtr insurance department...
    M: Oh hell... I'd like t ask abut insurance fr my car.
    W: Yes, f curse. I'll just take a few details. What's yur name?
    M: Patrick Jnes.
    W: And yur address?
    M: It's 40 Bank Rad.
    W: When wuld yu like t start the insurance?
    M: I'll need it frm the 30th f January.
    W: Right. Mr Jnes. I'm getting a cuple f qutes cming up n the cmputer nw, and the best bet lks like being with a cmpany called Red Flag. And that cmes ut at $480 per year.
    M: Well, that seems OK. It's quite a bit lwer than I've been paying.
    Text 7
    W: Hi, Gerge! Glad yu're back. Crwds f peple have phned yu.
    M: Really?
    W: I felt just like yur secretary!
    M: Srry! I went int the library this afternn t lk at a newspaper and I came acrss smething really interesting.
    W: What? A bk?
    M: N, a brchure frm a summer festival—mainly Spanish music. Lk, I've gt it here.
    W: Spanish music? I really lve it! Shall we g then? Spil urselves?
    M: Okay. The nly prblem is there aren't any cheap seats. It's all ne price.
    W: Well, in that case we culd sit right at the frnt—we'd have a really gd view.
    M: Yeah, thugh I think that if yu sit at the back yu actually hear the whle thing better.
    W: Yes. Anyway, let's decide when we get there first.
    Text 8
    W: Hi, Sam. I'm thinking f applying fr a jb with a multinatinal cmpany, but I'm wrried abut having an interview in English. Can yu give me any gd tips?
    M: Hum. That's a tugh questin. I guess the first thing is t try t make a gd impressin.
    W: All the peple say that! But I just dn't knw what t d!
    M: Well, let me see. Yu shuld learn a little bit abut the cmpany befre the interview. Find ut what they d, what their business cncept is, that kind f thing. Yu shuld als anticipate pssible questins, and think abut hw yu will answer.
    W: Shuld I memrize my answer befrehand?
    M: N, definitely nt! Yu shuld be natural when yu speak.
    W: I never thught abut that befre. But what shuld I d if I can't remember an English wrd when answering a questin?
    M: In that case, yu can use ther wrds t explain what yu want t say.
    W: That's very helpful, Sam.
    Text 9
    M: Hell, this is Land Transprt Infrmatin at Trnt Airprt. Hw may I help yu?
    W: Oh, gd mrning. Um, I'm flying t Trnt Airprt next week, and I need t get t a twn called, um, Miltn. Culd yu tell me hw I can get there?
    M: Miltn, did yu say? Let me see. I think that's abut 150 miles suth­west f here. In fact it's 147 miles t be exact, s it'll take yu at least—say, three t fur hurs by rad.
    W: Ww! Is it as far as that?
    M: Yes, I'm afraid s. But yu have a number f ptins t get there and yu can always rent a car right here at the airprt, f curse.
    W: Right. Well, I dn't really want t drive myself, s I'd like mre infrmatin abut public transprt.
    M: OK. In that case the quickest and mst cmfrtable is a taxi. But it'll cst yu. Yu can als take a Greyhund bus t Miltn.
    W: Hmmm, I think fr that kind f distance a taxi wuld be way beynd my budget. But the bus sunds OK. Can yu tell me hw much that wuld cst?
    M: Sure. Let's see, that wuld be $15 ne way, r $27.50 return... that's n the Greyhund.
    W: Oh, that's quite cheap. Great!
    Text 10
    Welcme t ur business class. Tday we will discuss if a cnsumer has t chse between tw prducts f the same price, what factr determines the chice. They chse the ne they think is f higher quality. Business analysts usually speak f tw majr factrs f quality—ne factr is reliability, and the ther is what we call features.
    First f all, what's reliability? A prduct is reliable if it can maintain a reasnable amunt f time withut needing repairs. When peple thught abut prduct quality, they used t think mainly abut reliability. Tday it's different. But dn't get me wrng. Peple d still care abut reliability. It's just that manufacturing standards are nw s high that ... take cars fr example, tday's cars are all very reliable. S reliability is imprtant, but it's nt the deciding factr.
    Features are gaining mre attentin—the things a prduct has that aren't really necessary but make it easier t use r make it cl. Fr example, new cars tday are laded with features like electric windws, sun rfs and s n. When peple are cmparing prducts tday, they lk at features.
    Yu can check ut ur schl website t find mre resurces abut ur business class.

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