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    江苏省徐州市2021届高三下学期5月考前模拟(打靶卷)英语试题+答案 (有听力)
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    江苏省徐州市2021届高三下学期5月考前模拟(打靶卷)英语试题+答案 (有听力)01
    江苏省徐州市2021届高三下学期5月考前模拟(打靶卷)英语试题+答案 (有听力)02
    江苏省徐州市2021届高三下学期5月考前模拟(打靶卷)英语试题+答案 (有听力)03
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    江苏省徐州市2021届高三下学期5月考前模拟(打靶卷)英语试题+答案 (有听力)

    这是一份江苏省徐州市2021届高三下学期5月考前模拟(打靶卷)英语试题+答案 (有听力),文件包含江苏省徐州市2021届高三下学期5月考前模拟打靶卷英语试题+答案doc、江苏省徐州市2021届高三下学期5月考前模拟打靶卷英语听力mp3等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共14页, 欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分20分)
    第一节 (共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)
    1. Hw much has the city’s ppulatin increased since five years ag?
    A. 1.5%.B. 15%.C. 50%.
    2. Why is the man s upset?
    A. He lst his new glasses.
    B. His glasses are brken.
    C. The wman used his glasses.
    3. What is the man encuraging the wman t d?
    A. Recycle.B. Use less glass.C. Thrw the glass away.
    4. What did the man d wrng?
    A. He was in the wrng ffice.
    B. He used a wrng Wi-Fi passwrd.
    C. He cnnected t the wrng netwrk.
    5. What is the wman lking fr?
    A. A hat.B. A scarf.C. A watch.
    6. Hw did the speakers knw each ther?
    A. They attended the same schl class.
    B. They ran int each ther while walking hme.
    C. They were n the same schl team last year.
    7. Where des the cnversatin prbably take place?
    A. Near the man’s huse.B. In a classrm.C. At a pl.
    8. Wh is Keith?
    A. The man’s teacher.B. The man’s brther.C. The man’s classmate.
    9. When did the speakers leave cllege?
    A. Tw years ag.B. Three years ag.C. Fur years ag.
    10. What is different abut Keith?
    A. He has n hair nw.
    B. He has shrter hair nw.
    C. He has lng black hair nw.
    11. What are the speakers celebrating?
    A. The last day f a semester.
    B. The high schl graduatin.
    C. The success f passing exams.
    12. Where will the speakers prbably g?
    A. A park.B. A pnd.C. A shpping mall.
    13. Hw will the speakers g t the celebrating spt?
    A. By bicycle.B. By car.C. On ft.
    14. What is prbably the wman’s jb?
    A. A restaurant manager.B. A waitress.C. A chef.
    15. What is the man asking fr help with?
    A. Hw t make different cffee drinks.
    B. What t d while serving custmers.
    C. Where t find necessary items fr wrk.
    16. What d the speakers definitely have in cmmn?
    A. They’ve wrked in restaurants fr a lng time.
    B. They grew up in the same area.
    C. They’re excited t wrk tgether.
    17. Hw much mney did the man expect t make per night?
    A. $80.B. $100.C. $200.
    18. What is the main idea f the talk?
    A. Fd investments.
    B. Accidental inventins.
    C. The greatest ever inventins.
    19. Which f the fllwing is cnnected with Ruth Wakefield?
    A. The ckies.B. The medicine.C. The ptat chips.
    20. Hw did Gerge Crum feel when he made his inventin?
    A. Peaceful.B. Happy.C. Angry.
    If yu g grilla trekking, yu will ________.
    A. see thusands f grillas B. have a light jurney
    C. need prfessinal guides D. interact with grillas
    22. ________ may ffer visitrs the chance t see the mst species f all.
    A. G Grilla Trekking in Uganda and Rwanda
    B. Spt Bisn and Wlves in Yellwstne Natinal Park
    C. Witness East Africa’s Great Migratin
    D. G Whale-watching in Alaska
    23. Where des the passage prbably cme frm?
    A. A custm clumn. B. A bilgy jurnal.
    C. A travel leaflet. D. A gegraphy magazine.
    Buyer beware: There’s a reasn why nline ticket sellers hit yu with last-secnd fees. A massive experiment by Berkeley prfesssr Tadelis with the nline ticket marketplace StubHub cncluded that “drip pricing”, where additinal fees are nly disclsed when custmers are ready t cnfirm their purchases, resulted in peple spending mre. “Websites incrprating ‘hidden fees’ are making mre mney than they wuld if they chse t hnestly display all fees upfrnt,” Tadelis said.
    The study set ut t find ut hw “drip pricing” affects bth the quantity and types f ticket purchases thrugh a large-scale, real-wrld randmized experiment. Fr the experiment, StubHub randmly assigned half f all the users t an experimental hidden-fee structure where buyers saw nly the ticket list price as they shpped, and extra fees were nly displayed n the checkut page, which generally amunted t 15% f the ticket price including shipping. The ther half f StubHub users cntinued t see the all-inclusive prices. This setup allwed Tadelis and his clleagues t cmpare the chices made by the tw grups, such as purchases and clicks twards checkut.
    Overall, users wh weren’t shwn the additinal fees upfrnt spent abut 21% mre n tickets and were 14% mre likely t cmplete a purchase cmpared with thse wh saw all-inclusive prices frm the start. Amng all thse wh made purchases, custmers in the hidden-fee grup bught tickets that were abut 5% mre expensive than thse in the upfrnt fee grup, buying mre tickets fr seats lcated clser t the field r the event stage.
    The findings raise questins fr whether the misinfrmed cnsumers have a right t full price disclsure upfrnt. Prfessr Tadelis nted that sme gvernments have cnsidered regulating this behavir t increase transparency—Canada, fr example, has banned the use f drip pricing fr ticket sales. “I can’t think f a gd reasn t allw this practice in any cuntry as the harm t cnsumers is clear frm ur study,” Tadelis said.
    24. Online ticket sellers reveal the extra fees nly at the last mment t________.
    A. ffer cheaper tickets B. increase the selling transparency
    C. make mre prfits D. allw buyers mre time t cnsider
    25. What can we learn abut the experiment frm Paragraph 2?
    A. Participants were divided int halfs at their will.
    B. All users culd see the additinal fees in advance.
    C. Shipping fees amunt t 15% f the ticket price.
    D. Researchers cmpared the tw grups’ chices.
    26.What d we knw abut “dripping price”?
    A. It made 14% mre custmers buy tickets.
    B. It helped t increase ticket prfits by 5%.
    C. It has been regulated by the gvernments.
    D. It caused custmers t spend mre mney.
    27. What is prfessr Tadelis’ attitude twards “drip pricing”?
    A. It is practical and deserves prmting. B. It is harmful and shuld be banned.
    C. It is cstly but can be accepted. D. It is beneficial but needs regulating.
    Grwing up in pverty can have lng-term negative cnsequences fr children. Nw, a study ffering uncnditinal cash t a grup f mthers n lw incmes in the US is beginning t discver the precise rle f parental incme in child develpment. It is the first randmised trial t lk at whether a basic incme might affect the way a child’s brain develps in this critical perid.
    We knw that the first few years f a child’s life are the mst influential fr their develpment. Brain develpment is particularly rapid in early childhd and therefre mre likely t be influenced by the envirnment.
    Studies f children brn int families with lw incmes have fund they tend t have mre behaviural prblems and are behind their peers when they start schl. Hwever, it isn’t clear whether lw incme directly leads t these utcmes, r whether they are a result f ther factrs assciated with grwing up in pverty.
    T find ut, Kimberly Nble at Clumbia University in New Yrk City and her clleagues apprached wmen n lw incmes wh had just given birth at fur sites in the US. The team is measuring several things thrughut the study. At each yearly fllw-up, children are assessed fr measures like sleep quality, develpmental milestnes, verall health and emtinal develpment. One unique aspect f the study is the use f mbile EEG headsets t mnitr the infants’ brain activity in their hme envirnments.
    Almst $4 millin has been given ut thrugh the study s far. Thugh it is t early t draw full cnclusins, sme preliminary results are already f interest. Fr example, sme f the parents have allwed the researchers t keep track f their transactins. Thse in the high-cash grup appear t be spending mre n bks fr their children, and spending mre time reading tgether, accrding t surveys the team cnducted. This is ptentially gd news because reading t infants is knwn t be gd fr cgnitive develpment, vcabulary and prmting imprtant bnds between adults and children.
    Eventually, the findings culd help with plicy interventins t assist children brn int pverty, r even t find ways t buffer against the effects f pverty later in life.
    28. The passage mainly intends t tell us that ________.
    A. the early years f a child’s life are the mst influential
    B. mney affects brain develpment in ne’s childhd
    C. wmen shuld earn mre t prmte children’s develpment
    D. cmprehensive measures are t be taken t assist the children
    29. The uncnditinal cash given ut brings psitive cnsequences pssibly because ________.
    A. the family can live a carefree life with the cash
    B. the family can ffer the children mre nutritin
    C. it helps t ffer better envirnment fr the children
    D. it prvides mre time fr the family t get tgether
    30. The underlined phrase “buffer against” in the last paragraph may mean ________.
    A. transfrmB. causeC. accelerateD. prevent
    31. Hw were the cnclusins f the study prved?
    A. By making questinnaires. B. By taking randmised trials.
    C. By giving participants interviews.D. By ding fllw-up researches.
    Vlcanes are creatrs and destryers. They can shape lands and cultures, but can als cause great destructin and lss f life. Tw f the best-knwn examples are fund at ppsite ends f the wrld, n the Pacific Ring f Fire.
    Munt Fuji is a sacred site. Japan’s native religin cnsiders Fuji a hly place. Other peple believe the muntain and its waters have the pwer t make a sick persn well. Fr many, climbing Fuji is als a rite (仪式) f passage. Sme d it as part f a religius jurney; fr thers, it is a test f strength. Whatever the reasns, reaching the tp in rder t stand n Fuji’s summit (山峰) at sunrise is a must fr many Japanese.
    Fuji is mre than a sacred site and turist destinatin, hwever. It is als an active vlcan and sits just 112 kilmeters frm the crwded streets f Tky. The last time Fuji erupted, in1707, it sent ut a clud f ash that cvered the capital city and darkened the skies fr weeks. There has been an increase in activity under Fuji recently. Lcals living near Fuji hld special festivals each year t ffer gifts t the gddess f the vlcan—as they have fr generatins—s that she will nt erupt and destry the land and its peple belw.
    Halfway acrss the glbe frm Fuji, El Pp ne f the wrld’s tallest and mst dangerus active vlcanes—stands just 70 kilmeters sutheast f Mexic City. Althugh the vlcan has erupted many times ver the centuries, scientists believe its last great eruptin ccurred arund AD 820. In recent years, El Pp is nce again threatening the lives f the peple near the muntain; in December 2000, almst 26,000 peple were evacuated when El Pp started t send ut ash and smke.
    Fr many peple living near El Pp—especially farmers—abandning their land is unthinkable. As anyne wh farms near a vlcan knws, the wrld’s richest sils are vlcanic. They prduce bananas and cffee in Central America, fine wines in Califrnia, and enrmus amunts f rice in Indnesia.
    Tday, many peple cntinue t see El Pp as their ancestrs did. Carrying fd and gifts fr the vlcan, they hike up the muntain. Near the summit, they present their fferings, asking the vlcan t prtect and prvide fr ne mre seasn.
    32. The authr think f the vlcanes as creatrs because they ________.
    A. make sick peple recverB. enable peple t be strng
    C. prvide beliefs and rich landsD. ffer prtectin fr the lcals
    33. The authr mainly talks abut ________ in Paragraph 2.
    A. the beautiful scenery B. the religius visitrs
    C. reasns fr climbing Munt Fuji D. the pwer f Munt Fuji
    34. What des the wrd “They” refer t in paragraph 5?
    A. lcal farmers B. vlcanic sils
    C. active vlcanes D. Mexican ancestrs
    35. What can we learn abut El Pp?
    A. It’s the tallest and mst active vlcan.
    B. It erupted pwerfully in December 2000.
    C. Peple treat El Pp with awe.
    D. Peple climb the muntain fr cure.
    第二节 (共 5小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分12.5分)
    It is estimated that 63 percent f us suffer frm bredm regularly. A study shwed that finding ways t interact with familiar peple, places, and things can make everyday experiences feel exciting. In ther wrds, smetimes yu’ve just gt t shake things up! 36.________? Read n.
    With ther peple we care abut
    Instead f “Hw was yur day?” try asking “What are yu lking frward t tday?” r “Is there anything I can help yu with this week?” Our curisity can remind peple that we’re interested in wh they are, and that’s the key t maintaining a clse persnal relatinship. 37.________.
    While yu’re wrking
    Spending t much time in the same envirnment can keep us frm achieving “flw”—being immersed in an activity with full energy and enjyment. Changes dn’t have t be big t make an impact .Mve yur hme ffice t the library r a cffee shp a few days a week. 38.________. Fr instance, When leading a Mnday meeting, try starting it with a nn-wrk discussin.
    With yur significant ther
    39.________. It happens when cuples stp taking the pprtunity t grw and deeply cnnect with each ther. Lk fr new challenges t take n tgether. Try mixing up different sets f friends t d smething creative, such as a grup cking lessn, a themed dinner, r an ld-fashined tea party.
    40. ________
    If yu drive, take a different rute r listen t a new pdcast. If yu walk r use public transprtatin, greet a stranger r put away yur phne and d sme peple watching. Just remember, whatever yu d t get rid f bredm tday, try smething different tmrrw.
    On yur way t wrk
    Bredm is an emtinal state
    Depressin is a serius cnditin
    Excitement is replaced with bredm
    Apprach a rutine task in a new way
    Need sme fresh ideas t keep life fresh
    Being curius makes us engaging t be arund
    第三部分 语言运用 (共两节,满分45分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    As desperate parents f a daughter brn with cerebral palsy (脑瘫), we were quick t try any suggestin that we believed culd help her. One day, we were travelling t a village fr 41
    when we had a(n) 42 . S, there we were—a family f three—stranded.
    43 , there were several restaurants where I sught help. I 44 a middle-aged Muslim man in plain pyjamas passing by and explained my 45 t him. He said he knew f a 46 centre clse by, and then gently added, “Ask yur family t wait here. The rads are nt safe.” My anxiety 47 , but we had n chice.
    He nticed that ur 9-year-ld daughter culdn’t walk, and called a wman frm a fd stall t help. Sensing my fear at leaving them alne, he quickly 48 , “I can g and get the flat tyre fixed.” I tried t pay him fr the 49 but he nly said, “We can figure it ut later.”
    After waiting fr what felt like hurs, I wndered if he wuld 50 return. What if it was all a trick? The wman wh helped earlier 51 us, “Dn’t wrry. He’ll be back sn.” But her wrds were f little 52 . Tw hurs later, with midnight appraching, we finally heard the sund f a bike. “The shp is 53 fifteen kilmetres away. We didn’t tell yu, because that wuld have increased yur 54 ,” said the man. He then put the wheel 55 . I tk ut a 500-rupee nte t pay him fr his pains, but he refused.
    “Thank yu, brther,” was all I culd say. Chked with gratitude, I didn’t even remember t ask his name.
    41. A. safetyB. wrk C. treatmentD. charity
    42. A. planB. flatC. crash D. emergency
    43. A. ObviuslyB. HpefullyC. EventuallyD. Frtunately
    44. A. came acrss B. picked upC. fell frD. tk n
    45. A. cnsideratin B. situatinC. hesitatinD. mtivatin
    46. A. repair B. medical C. shppingD. research
    47. A. wrsenedB. decreasedC. ccurredD. faded
    48. A. jkedB. whisperedC. screamedD. vlunteered
    49. A. trubleB. expenseC. assignmentD. deal
    50. A. yetB. just C. everD. nly
    51. A. warnedB. persuadedC. interruptedD. assured
    52. A. cmfrtB. valueC. imprtanceD. guidance
    53. A. actuallyB. unbelievably C. unexpectedly D. abslutely
    54. A. awkwardnessB. hesitatin C. wrryD. puzzle
    55. A. in streB. in pwerC. in rderD. in place
    When yu purchase fresh-cut flwers, yu might assume they were grwn smewhere nearby. The reality, 56. ▲ , is that the cut flwer trade is gradually internatinal. Tday, thanks t high-tech cling systems, flwers can be exprted and sld in a flrist thusands f kilmeters frm 57. ▲ it was grwn.
    The Netherlands has 58. ▲ (increase) dminated the wrld cut flwer trade since the 1970s. Twenty millin flwers 59. ▲ (sell) here n an average day. It is als a wrld leader in develping new flwer 60. ▲ (variety). Dutch cmpanies and the gvernment invest 61. ▲ cnsiderable amunt f mney in flwer research. Their scientists lk fr ways t lengthen a flwer’s vase life and prevent them frm
    62. ▲ (damage) while traveling.
    63. ▲ the Netherlands’ dminance f the flwer market, there are many places with a better climate fr grwing flwers. The climate f Ecuadr, fr example, is almst perfect. Peter is respnsible fr starting Ecuadr’s flwer industry, which 64. ▲ (grw) quickly ver recent years. Every year, Ecuadr’s flwer industry sells abut 500 millin flwers t the USA alne, 65. ▲ (bring) emplyment pprtunities and a strnger ecnmy t regins f the cuntry.
    第四部分 写作(共两节;满分40分)
    第一节 应用文写作(满分15分)
    Dear fellw students,

    Li Hua
    第二节 (满分 25分)
    On the first day f schl, Victr was handed a packet f papers and a cmputer card n which he listed his ne elective (选修课程), French.
    Besides, Teresa, a girl he had liked was taking French, t. With any luck they wuld be in the same class. She was cute. Victr was greatly influenced by her cnscientius and schlarly actins.
    Victr sat calmly, thinking f Teresa, wh sat tw rws away, reading a paperback nvel. The bell rang, and the students headed nisily thrugh the dr. Only Teresa lingered (逗留磨蹭), talking with the teacher. Victr lingered, keeping his head dwn and staring at his desk. He wanted t leave when she did s he culd bump int her and say smething clever. He watched her n the sly (偷偷地). As she turned t leave, he std up and hurried t the dr, where he managed t catch her eye.
    Her next class was French, same as Victr’s.
    Mr. Bueller asked if anyne knew French. Victr raised his hand, wanting t impress Teresa. The teacher beamed and said, “Très bien. Parlez-vus français?” (French fr “Very well. D yu speak French?”)
    Victr didn’t knw what t say. The teacher wet his lips and asked smething else in French. The rm grew silent. Victr felt all eyes staring at him. He tried t bluff his way ut (蒙混过关) by making nises that sunded French.
    “La me vave me cn le grandma,” he said uncertainly.
    Mr. Bueller asked him t speak up.
    A river f nervus sweat ran dwn his palms. He felt awful. Withut lking at Mr. Bueller, Victr mumbled, ‘Frenchie h wewe gee in September.”
    Mr. Bueller asked Victr t repeat what he said.
    “Frenchie h wewe gee in September," Victr repeated.
    Then Mr. Bueller understd that the by didn’t knw French, but he chse nt t humiliate (使…丢脸) Victr. Mr. Bueller smiled and ndded at him t sit dwn.
    1. 续写词数应为80左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    A ripple f applause ging up frm the students, they lked at him with admiratin, including Teresa.
    After class, Victr raced t the library, where he checked ut three French textbks.
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)
    1. C2. B 3. A 4. C 5. A 6. A7. C8. C9. B10. A
    11. A12. B 13. A 14. B 15. C 16. C17. B18. B19. A20. C
    第二部分 阅读 (共两节, 满分50分)
    第一节(共15小题; 每小题2.5分,满分37.5 分)
    21-23 C A C 24-27 B D C B 28-31 B C D D 32-35 A C B C
    36-40 F G E B A
    第三部分 语言运用 (共两节,满分45分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    完形填空 41 – 45 CBDAB 46 – 50 AADBC 51 – 55 DAACD
    语法填空 56. thught/hwever 57. where 58. increasingly 59. are sld 60. varieties 61.a 62. being damaged 63. Despite 64. has grwn 65. bringing
    Dear fellw students,
    I’m Li Hua. Here, I appeal t all the Senir 3 students t dnate ur textbks and ntebks t the students in ur schl.
    Given that many f ur textbks are still pretty new and there are many significant cntents in ur ntebks, they will be f great help and benefit t thse students lwer grades. S it wuld be appreciated if yu culd select sme f yur bks and send them t the Students’ Unin after Gaka.
    Lking frward t yur participatin.
    Li Hua
    One pssible versin:
    A ripple f applause ging up frm the students, they lked at him with admiratin, including Teresa. Hwever, Victr felt embarrassed within and wished he culd start his life ver.When Victr peeked at Teresa, their eyes met and his heart thumped with excitement. At break, she apprached him, “Culd yu help me with French?” “Sure, anytime,” Victr said with a smile,trying t hide his thrill, “Yeah, well, I picked up a few things frm mvies and bks.” “I wn’t be bthering yu, will I?” “Oh n, I like being bthered.”
    After schl, Victr raced t the public library, where he checked ut three French textbks. He was immersed in the bks, frgetting hw much time had prgressed. It was really ut f Victr’s cmfrt zne t learn French s he decided t g t Mr. Bueller’s ffice fr help, where Victr made sincere aplgies. S cnsiderate and kind was Mr. Bueller that he ffered Victr prper guidance and mtivated him t learn French well. Every day when Victr’s French imprved, smehw r ther, he felt he was clser t Teresa and his day gt a bit brighter.
    Text 1
    M: A recent study shwed that the city’s ppulatin is nw 1.5 millin.
    W: That’s a 50% rise in just five years. (1) I dn’t think the city can cntinue t grw that fast.
    Text 2
    W: Jimmy, I’m s srry. Here are yur glasses.
    M: Thse are my new glasses! What happened t them? They’re cmpletely bent.
    W: I knw, that’s my fault. I accidentally stepped n them while I was cleaning the huse. (2)
    Text 3
    M: What are yu ding with that bttle? Dn’t yu care abut the envirnment?
    W: I’m just thrwing it away because I can’t recycle it.
    M: Of curse yu can. Yu can reuse all glass bttles. (3)
    Text 4
    W: Here’s the desk where yu can plug in yur laptp.
    M: Thanks, I’m just having sme truble cnnecting t the Internet.
    W: D yu have the right netwrk and passwrd?
    M: Yes... Oh, I see. I tried t use the neighbring ffice’s Wi-Fi. (4)
    Text 5
    W: Srry, did yu happen t see if anybdy tk my cap? I left it here. (5)
    M: I dn’t think anybdy stle it, at least nt n my watch. Hw des it lk like?
    W: It’s kind f similar t that n yur head, except it’s the same clr as my scarf.
    Text 6
    M: Was this yur first swim team tryut(选拔赛), r have yu cmpeted befre?
    W: I was n the schl team last year. Were yu? Yu lk familiar. (6)
    M: Oh, n. We have a math class tgether. That’s where we’ve met each ther. (6)
    W: That’s right. (6) Well, nice t see yu again anyway. D yu think yu’ll make the swim team? (7)
    M: If I’m lucky. All the swimmers here have a lt mre experience than me. (7)
    W: Yu’re naturally talented! Well, I’m ging t dry ff and then walk hme. (7) D yu want t jin me?
    M: Actually, my dad is picking me up. Maybe next time.
    W: Sunds nice. See yu!
    Text 7
    W: Hi, Derek. Have yu seen anything f Keith lately? (8)
    M: N, I haven’t seen him fr three years since ur last day at cllege, in fact. (8) (9)
    W: My brther sent me a picture f him frm scial media. I have it n my phne. Take a lk.
    M: Gd grief!
    W: I knw. I was shcked as well.
    M: What happened t his hair? He used t have lng black hair. (10)
    W: My brther said he had started lsing it fur years ag. (10)
    M: I never nticed. I just thught he’d had it cut shrter.
    W: Anyway, by tw years ag there was almst nthing left, s he decided t shave it all ff. (10)
    M: That’s brave.
    W: I knw. And hair lss becmes mre and mre cmmn nwadays.
    Text 8
    W: Schls ut! I’ve been lking frward t the summer break fr weeks. (11)
    M: I knw. After I finished all f my exams last week, I’ve been ready fr a break! (11)
    W: I just finished mine a few days ag. Let’s d smething t celebrate. (11) Where shuld we g? (12)
    M: A bunch f ur friends will be at the mall. Let’s g hang ut there.
    W: I’m pretty tired f the mall, hnestly. We always g there and see the same peple.
    M: The river basin by Tpstne Park turns int a big clear pnd. Want t have a swim there? (12)
    W: Hw far is it, and hw are we getting there? (13)
    M: It’s way t far t walk. D yu prefer driving r riding bikes?
    W: I definitely dn’t have access t a car. I guess bicycles will have t wrk. (13)
    M: It’s nly a 10-km rund trip. It’ll be nice t spend the time utside.
    W: It sure des feel gd t be in the warm sun. Let’s get mving. (12)
    Text 9
    W: Welcme t the grup. The mst imprtant part f the jb is making sure the custmers’ fd rders are crrect. (14)
    M: I knw the fundamentals f custmer service — I’ve wrked in htels fr years.
    W: Well, trust me. Wrking at a fast-paced French restaurant is quite different frm htel service. (14)
    M: Yu are right. While we’re wrking tgether, I want t d the best jb supprting the team.
    W: I like yur prfessinal apprach. In the kitchen, we have a cffee statin. Have yu made lattes(拿铁) befre?
    M: I’m familiar with making these drinks. Where’s the fd preparatin area? (15)
    W: Gd, that will save us sme time. We have sme f the best chefs in the city. They’re wrking the stves in the back. (15)
    M: Very impressive. Hw abut tableware? (15)
    W: All the plates, bwls, and glasses are n these shelves. (15)
    M: I hpe yu can shw me mre as we start wrking. I’m excited t get started. (16)
    W: It’s great t have anther mtivated waiter arund. (16) On a gd night, we can make up t $200 per night. (17)
    M: Seriusly? I thught it’d be half f that. (17) I nly made $80 per night in htels.
    W: Welcme t New Yrk. The restaurant staff here make great tips. But nly if the servers are gd enugh!
    Text 10 (第18题为总结题)
    We all like t hear f new inventins that will make ur lives easier r healthier. Hwever, many great inventins have cme abut by accident. Perhaps the greatest example f this is penicillin(青霉素), a drug which has saved millins f lives. British scientist Sir Alexander Fleming was searching fr a “wnder drug” that culd cure diseases. Hwever, it wasn’t until he threw away his experiments that he fund what he was lking fr. He nticed that a dish he had rejected cntained smething that culd kill certain bacteria(细菌). He turned the substance int penicillin. On a lighter nte, chclate chip ckies were als a happy accident. Ck Ruth Wakefield was trying t make regular chclate biscuits but ran ut f baker’s chclate. (19) As an alternative, she brke sweetened chclate int small pieces and added them t the mixture, thinking they wuld melt. They didn’t, but they made delicius biscuits. Ptat crisps were als an accident. Chef Gerge Crum made a plate f fried ptates fr a custmer, wh sent them back many times, asking fr them t be mre fried and thinner. Crum lst his temper, sliced the ptates very thin, and fried them fr a lng time. (20) T the chef’s surprise, the custmer lved them and wanted mre.
    G Grilla Trekking in Uganda and Rwanda
    An endangered species, there are reprtedly just ver 1,000 muntain grillas in the wild tday, due t habitat lss, disease, and paching. Grilla trekking is a physically demanding activity that requires prfessinal guides.Typically, this allws visitrs t bserve a family f grillas fr ne hur in silence-ften described as a magical, unique, and nce-in-a-lifetime experience.
    Spt Bisn and Wlves in Yellwstne Natinal Park
    One f the best places fr viewing wildlife in the United States is Yellwstne Natinal Park. As a favrite adventure spt fr travelers f all ages, Yellwstne ffers tns mre than just its stellar turist spts such as Old Faithful, as there are mre than 300 species f birds, 6 species f reptiles, and 67 species f mammals.Visitrs are nearly guaranteed t spt herds grazing in the grasslands.
    Witness East Africa’s Great Migratin
    This is an incredible pprtunity t see almst tw millin wildebeest(牛羚), alng with zebras and gazelles, begin their jurney nrth in search f water and better grazing grunds. Travelers can witness animals thrughut the year, thugh the best chance f sptting wildebeest crssing a river is in August and September.
    G Whale-watching in Alaska
    Travelers lking t have an up clse and persnal lk at whales can’t d much better than Alaska, as it is hme t multiple whale species during the summer mnths. Visitrs can pt t see them n small whale-watching bat turs and n persnal sea kayaks. Frm varius viewpints, swimming pds f killer whales are an extrardinary sight t behld.

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