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    高中英语 unit1 breaking records单元测试1 新人教版选修9
    高中英语 unit1 breaking records单元测试1 新人教版选修901
    高中英语 unit1 breaking records单元测试1 新人教版选修902
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    人教版 (新课标)选修9&10Unit 1 Breaking records单元测试当堂达标检测题

    这是一份人教版 (新课标)选修9&10Unit 1 Breaking records单元测试当堂达标检测题,共15页。

    I. 单项选择
    1. —Hw abut eight 'clck utside the cinema?
    —That _______ me fine.
    A. fits B. meets C. satisfies D. suits
    2. The disc, digitally ______ in the studi, sunded fantastic at the party that night.
    A. recrded B. recrding
    C. t be recrded D. having recrded
    3. Befre building a huse, yu will have t________ the gvernment's permissin.
    A. get frm B. fllw C. receive D. ask fr
    4. Her sn, t whm she was s_________, went abrad ten years ag.
    A. lved B. cared C. devted D. affected
    5. By the time Jane gets hme, her aunt________ fr Lndn t attend a meeting.
    A. will leave B. leaves C. will have left D. left
    6. The mre I think abut him, the mre reasns I find fr lving him _______ I did.
    A. as much as B. as lng as
    C. as sn as D. as far as
    7. He is able t lift __________ f tw hundred jin.
    A. weigh B. weights C. a weight D. weighty
    8. Scientists generally agree that Earth's climate will warm up ver the next 50 t 100 years __________ it has warmed in the 20,000 years since Ice Age.
    A. as lng as B. as much as
    C. as sn as D. as well as
    9. Elephants have their wn way t tell the shape f an bject and _________ it is rugh r smth.
    A. 不填 B. whether C. hw D. what
    10. _______________________ ,! have t put it away and fcus my attentin n study this week.
    A. Hwever the stry is amusing
    B. N matter amusing the stry is
    C. Hwever amusing the stry is
    D. N matter hw the stry is amusing
    11.Once a decisin has been made, all f us shuld _________ it.
    A. direct t B. stick t
    C. lead t D. refer t
    12.Jumping ut f_________ airplane at ten thusand feet is quite _________ exciting experience.
    A. x; the B. x; an C. an; an D. the; the
    13. —Let's g and have a gd drink tnight.
    —________ Have yu gt the first prize in the cmpetitin?
    A. What fr? B. Thanks a lt.
    C. Yes, I'd like t. D. Why nt?
    14. —Hw abut putting sme pictures int the reprt?
    — _________ A picture is wrth a thusand wrds.
    A. N way. B. Why nt?
    C. All right? D. N matter.
    15. Maggie has been frtunate t find a jb she lves and, _________, she gets well paid fr it.
    A. sner r later B. what's mre
    C. as a result D. mre r less
    II. 完形填空
    It was the district sprts meet. My ft still hadn't healed(痊愈)frm a(n) 16 injury. I had 17 whether r nt I shuld attend the meet. But there I was, 18 fr the 3,000-meter run.
    "Ready... set..." The gun ppped and we were ff. The ther girls rushed 19 me. I felt 20 as I fell farther and farther behind.
    "Hray! "shuted the crwd. It was the ludest 21 I had ever heard at a meet. The first-place runner was tw laps(圈)ahead f me when she crssed the finish line.
    "Maybe I shuld 22 , "I thught as I mved n. 23 ,I decided t keep ging. During the last tw laps, I ran 24 and decided nt t 25 in track next year. It wuldn't be wrth it, 26 my ft did heal.
    When I finished, I heard a cheer-- 27 than the ne I'd heard earlier. I turned arund and 28 ,the bys were preparing fr their race. "They must be cheering fr the bys."
    I was leaving 29 several girls came up t me. "Ww, yu've gt curage! "ne f them tld me.
    "Curage? I just 30 a race! "I thught.
    "I wuld have given up n the first lap, "said anther girl.
    "We were cheering fr yu. Did yu hear us?"
    Suddenly I regained 31 . I decided t 32 track next year. I realized strength and curage aren't always 33 in medals and victries, but in the 34 we vercme(战胜). The strngest peple are nt always the peple wh win, 35 the peple wh dn't give up when
    they lse.
    16. A. slighter B. wrse C. earlier D. heavier
    17. A. expected B. suppsed C, imagined D. dubted
    18. A. late B. eager C. ready D. thirsty
    19. A. frm behind B. ahead f
    C. next t D. clse t
    20. A. ashamed B. astnished
    C. excited D. Frightened
    21. A. cheer B. shut C. cry D. nise
    22. A. slw dwn B. drp ut C. g n D. speed up
    23. A. Therefre B. Otherwise
    C. Besides D. Hwever
    24. A. with delight B. with fear
    C. in pain D. in advance
    25. A. play B. arrive C. race D. attend
    26. A. even if B. nly if C. unless D. until
    27. A. weaker B. lnger C. lwer D. luder
    28. A. well enugh B. sure enugh
    C. surprisingly enugh D. strangely enugh
    29. A. while B. when C. as D. since
    30. A. finished B. wn C. passed D. lst
    31. A. cheer B. hpe C. interest D. experience
    32. A. hld n B. turn t
    C. begin with D. stick with
    33. A. measured B. praised C. tested D. increased
    34. A. sadness B. struggles C. diseases. D. tiredness
    35. A. r B. nr C. and D. but
    III. 阅读理解
    It was an early September day, cl and bright and just right fr running, and I was in the first few miles f a lO-knwnmile race ver a curse with a few high hills. Still, I felt energetic; despite the hills it was ging t be a fine run.
    Just ahead f me was Peggy Mimn, a teacher frm Munt Kise, New Yrk. She t was running easily, mving alng at my speed. The pace felt cmfrtable, s I decided t stay where I was; why pay attentin t pace when she was setting such a nice ne? I'd vertake(追上) her later n when she tired.
    S I ran behind her. The curse headed nrth fr miles, wandered west fr a hilly mile, then turned suth again alng a winding rad. The race was getting harder. We had fur miles left and already it was beginning t be real wrk.
    Peggy vertk a yung runner. She seemed t knw him, fr they exchanged a few cheerful wrds as she passed him. Their exchange wrried me. Yu dn't chat during a race unless yu feeling gd, and Peggy plainly was.
    Still, I was clse enugh t vertake her if she tired, s I didn't give up hpe cmpletely. We were getting nearer t a lng, punishing hill nw and it wuld be the test. We were a mile frm the finish line, s whatever happened n the hill wuld almst determine wh crssed it first.
    As I mved up the hill, my attentin wandered fr a few minutes. When I lked up, Peggy was mving away--first five yards, then ten, then mre. Finally it was clear that there was n help f catching her. She beat me sundly.
    There is an imprtant lessn in that race. Wmen are thught t be weaker, slwer and nt nearly as skilled in sprt. Yet as Peggy Mimn s clearly shwed, the similarities between men and wmen runners are mre imprtant than differences. I have run with a number f wmen, and I can say it is ften hard wrk.
    36. What did the writer think f the race in the beginning?
    A. It wuld be hard wrk.
    B. It wuld be an easy race.
    C. It wuld be a test f his strength.
    D. It wuld be a gd learning experience.
    37. What wrried the writer when Peggy greeted the yung runner?
    A. Peggy vertk the yung runner.
    B. Peggy was running energetically.
    C. Peggy was laughing as the writer.
    D. Peggy paid n attentin t the writer.
    38. By saying "a lng, punishing hill" (paragraph 5 ), the writer implies that _____________ .
    A. Peggy wuld fail t reach the hilltp
    B. men are mre skilled at climbing hills
    C. vertaking Peggy wuld be easy
    D. climbing the hill wuld be a demanding task
    39. What lessn des the writer learn frm the race?
    A. Wmen are as gd as men in sprt.
    B. Wmen are better at climbing hills.
    C. He shuld have mre training in a crss-cuntry race.
    D. He shuld set a quicker pace at the beginning f a race.
    Say yu are a 17th century cnstructin wrker wh's wrked lng and hard t build a splendid twer fr the dead wife f yur emperr.
    Nw say that the emperr rders yur fingertips cut ff s yu can never build anther ne. Yes, that is the Taj Mahal,ne f the mst famus buildings in the wrld. And the tale behind the cnstructin is just as impressive as the building itself.
    First, there's the emperr f nrthern India, Shah Jehan,als called the King f the Wrld. In 1612,Shah Jehan married Mumtaz Mahal. Madly in lve, they had 14 children ver the next 20 years. But then sadness came. As Mumtaz was abut t give birth t child'number 14, she said she had heard her unbrn baby cry ut. It was a sign f death. And as Mumtaz lay dying, she asked Jehan t build a lasting memrial t celebrate their lve.
    When the heartbrken Jehan appeared eight days after his wife's death, his peple were shcked t see that his cal-black hair had turned snw-white.
    Putting away his sadness, Jehan rdered his wife's dying wish carried ut. Mre than 20,000 wrkers labred nearly 22 years t cmplete the cnstructin. In 1653,Jehan placed Mumtaz's remains in the center under the building.
    And then, sn number five, Aurangzeb, murdered his brthers and tk ver the pwer frm his aging father. Hehan lived the rest f his days-eight years, t be exact-imprisned nt far frm the Taj Mahal. Jehan was nly allwed t climb nt the tp f his prisn t see the timeless
    treasure frm a distance. But never again wuld he be allwed t visit it--until he was buried next t his wife.
    Tday 25,000 peple visit the Taj Mahal each day. Thugh the reasn fr building the twer was a strange, sad stry, thse wh see its breath-taking beauty are reminded f the happiness that inspired its cnstructin.
    40. The first tw paragraphs were written t shw that
    A. the Taj Mahal is all unusual histric building
    B. ancient Indian emperrs were cruel
    C. cnstructin wrkers led a hard life in ancient India
    D. India has sme f the mst famus buildings in the wrld
    41. The Taj Mahal was first built as ____________ .
    A. a prisn B. a gift t Mumtaz
    C. a memrial building D. a turist attractin
    42. We learn frm the text that Mumtaz prbably died in ________ .
    A. 1626 B. 1632 C. 1634 D. 1653

    My teenage sn Karl became withdrawn after his father died. As a single parent, I tried t d my best t talk t him. But the mre I tried, the mre he pulled away. When his reprt card arrived during his junir year, it said that he had been absent 95 times frm classes and had six
    falling grades fr the year. At this rate he wuld never graduate. I sent him t the schl adviser, and I even begged him. Nthing wrked.
    One night I felt s pwerless that I gt dwn n my knees and pleaded fr help. "Please Gd, I can't d any thing mre fr nay sn. I'm at the end f nay rpe. I'm giving the whle thing up t yu."
    I was at wrk when I gt a phne call. A man intrduced himself as the headmaster. "I want t talk t yu abut Karl's absences." Befre he culd say anther wrd,I chked up and all my disappintment and sadness ver Karl came puring ut int the ears f this stranger. "I lve my sn but I just dn't knw what t d. I've tried everything t get Karl t g back t schl and nthing has wrked. It's ut f nay hands. "Fr a mment there was silence n the ther end f the line. The headmaster seriusly said, "Thank yu fr yur time", and hung up.
    Karl's next reprt card shwed a marked imprvement in his grades. Finally, he even made the hnr rll. In his furth year, I attended a parent-teacher meeting with Karl. I nticed that his teachers were astnished at the way he had turned himself arund. On ur way hme, he
    said, "Mum, remember that call frm the headmaster last year?" I ndded. "That was me. I thught I'd play a jke but when I heard what yu said, it really hit me hw much I was hurting yu. That's when I knew I had t make yu prud. '
    43. There was silence n the ther end f the line because
    A. the speaker was t mved t say anything t the mther
    B. the speaker waited fr the mther t finish speaking
    C. the speaker didn't want the mther t recgnize his vice
    D. the speaker was unable t interrupt the mther
    44. The sentence "... he even made the hnr rll" means that “ _______”.
    A. he was even n the list t be praised at the parent- teacher meeting
    B. he was even n the list f students wh made prgress in grades
    C. he was even n the list f students wh had turned themselves arund
    D. he was even n the list f the best students at schl
    45. What is the main idea f this passage?
    A. Children in single-parent families ften have mental prblems.
    B. Schl educatin desn't wrk withut full supprt frm parents.
    C. Being understd by parents is very imprtant t teenagers.
    D. Mther's lve plays an imprtant rle in teenagers' life.
    IV. 短文改错
    I still remember nay middle schl life in Tianjin yet.
    I was then in a schl fr students frm Tibet. As we were
    all left hme at early age,we met lts f prblems in
    ur daily life. We had t d the washing, cleaning and shpping by us. Hwever, we seldm felt lnely r
    helplessly. We enjyed ur happy life. At weekends,
    we wuld play basketball, swimming in the pl r g
    fr a picnic. We were living in a big family. We treat
    each ther as brthers and sisters. If any ne f us had
    any difficulty in ur life and study, the ther wuld
    help him ut. It has been five years when we graduated, but thse memries are as sweet as ever befre. 55._________

    1. —Hw abut eight 'clck utside the cinema?
    —That _______ me fine.
    A. fits B. meets C. satisfies D. suits
    2. The disc, digitally ______ in the studi, sunded fantastic at the party that night.
    A. recrded B. recrding
    C. t be recrded D. having recrded
    3. Befre building a huse, yu will have t________ the gvernment's permissin.
    A. get frm B. fllw C. receive D. ask fr
    4. Her sn, t whm she was s_________, went abrad ten years ag.
    A. lved B. cared C. devted D. affected
    5. By the time Jane gets hme, her aunt________ fr Lndn t attend a meeting.
    A. will leave B. leaves C. will have left D. left
    6. The mre I think abut him, the mre reasns I find fr lving him _______ I did.
    A. as much as B. as lng as
    C. as sn as D. as far as
    7. He is able t lift __________ f tw hundred jin.
    A. weigh 13. weights C. a weight D. weighty
    8. Scientists generally agree that Earth's climate will warm up ver the next 50 t 100 years __________ it has warmed in the 20,000 years since Ice Age.
    A. as lng as B. as much as
    C. as sn as D. as well as
    9. Elephants have their wn way t tell the shape f an bject and _________ it is rugh r smth.
    A. 不填 B. whether C. hw D. what
    10. _______ ,! have t put it away and fcus my attentin n study this week.
    A. Hwever the stry is amusing
    B. N matter amusing the stry is
    C. Hwever amusing the stry is
    D. N matter hw the stry is amusing
    11.Once a decisin has been made, all f us shuld _________ it.
    A. direct t B. stick t
    C. lead t D. refer t
    12.Jumping ut f_________ airplane at ten thusand feet is quite _________ exciting experience.
    A. x; the B. x; an C. an; an D. the; the
    13. -- Let's g and have a gd drink tnight.
    -- ________ Have yu gt the first prize in the cmpetitin?
    A. What fr? B. Thanks a lt.
    C. Yes, I'd like t. D. Why nt?
    14. --Hw abut putting sme pictures int the reprt?
    -- _________ A picture is wrth a thusand wrds.
    A. N way. B. Why nt?
    C. All right? D. N matter.
    15. Maggie has been frtunate t find a jb she lves and,
    _________, she gets well paid fr it.
    A. sner r later B. what's mre
    C. as a result D. mre r less
    II. 完形填空:(20小题;每小题1.5分;共30分)
    It was the district sprts meet. My ft still hadn't healed(痊愈)frm a(n) 16 injury. I had 17 whether r nt I shuld attend the meet. But there I was, 18 fr the 3,000-meter run.
    "Ready... set..." The gun ppped and we were ff. The ther girls rushed 19 me. I felt 20 as I fell farther and farther behind.
    "Hray! "shuted the crwd. It was the ludest 21 I had ever heard at a meet. The first-place runner was tw laps(圈)ahead f me when she crssed the finish line.
    "Maybe I shuld 22 , "I thught as I mved n. 23 ,I decided t keep ging. During the last tw laps, I ran 24 and decided nt t 25 in track next year. It wuldn't be wrth it, 26 my ft did heal.
    When I finished, I heard a cheer-- 27 than the ne I'd heard earlier. I turned arund and 28 ,the bys were preparing fr their race. "They must be cheering fr the bys."
    I was leaving 29 several girls came up t me. "Ww, yu've gt curage! "ne f them tld me.
    "Curage? I just 30 a race! "I thught.
    "I wuld have given up n the first lap, "said anther girl.
    "We were cheering fr yu. Did yu hear us?"
    Suddenly I regained 31 . I decided t 32 track next year. I realized strength and curage aren't always 33 in medals and victries, but in the 34 we vercme(战胜). The strngest peple are nt always the peple wh win, 35 the peple wh dn't give up when
    they lse.
    16. A. slighter B. wrse C. earlier D. heavier
    17. A. expected B. suppsed C, imagined D. dubted
    18. A. late B. eager C. ready D. thirsty
    19. A. frm behind B. ahead f
    C. next t D. clse t
    20. A. ashamed B. astnished
    C. excited D. frightened
    21. A. cheer B. shut C. cry D. nise
    22. A. slw dwn B. drp ut C. g n D. speed up
    23. A. Therefre B. Otherwise
    C. Besides D. Hwever
    24. A. with delight B. with fear
    C. in pain D. in advance
    25. A. play B. arrive C. race D. attend
    26. A. even if B. nly if C. unless D. until
    27. A. weaker B. lnger C. lwer D. luder
    28. A. well enugh B. sure enugh
    C. surprisingly enugh D. strangely enugh
    29. A. while B. when C. as D. since
    30. A. finished B. wn C. passed D. lst
    31. A. cheer B. hpe C. interest D. experience
    32. A. hld n B. turn t
    C. begin with D. stick with
    33. A. measured B. praised C. tested D. increased
    34. A. sadness B. struggles C. diseases. D. tiredness
    35. A. r B. nr C. and D. but
    III. 阅读理解 (共10小题;每小题2分,共20分)
    It was an early September day, cl and bright and just right fr running, and I was in the first few miles f a lO-knwnmile race ver a curse with a few high hills. Still, I felt energetic; despite the hills it was ging t be a fine run.
    Just ahead f me was Peggy Mimn, a teacher frm Munt Kise, New Yrk. She t was running easily, mving alng at my speed. The pace felt cmfrtable, s I decided t stay where I was; why pay attentin t pace when she was setting such a nice ne? I'd vertake(追上) her later n when she tired.
    S I ran behind her. The curse headed nrth fr miles, wandered west fr a hilly mile, then turned suth again alng a winding rad. The race was getting harder. We had fur miles left and already it was beginning t be real wrk.
    Peggy vertk a yung runner. She seemed t knw him, fr they exchanged a few cheerful wrds as she passed him. Their exchange wrried me. Yu dn't chat during a race unless yu feeling gd, and Peggy plainly was.
    Still, I was clse enugh t vertake her if she tired, s I didn't give up hpe cmpletely. We were getting nearer t a lng, punishing hill nw and it wuld be the test. We were a mile frm the finish line, s whatever happened n the hill wuld almst determine wh crssed it first.
    As I mved up the hill, my attentin wandered fr a few minutes. When I lked up, Peggy was mving away--first five yards, then ten, then mre. Finally it was clear that there was n help f catching her. She beat me sundly.
    There is an imprtant lessn in that race. Wmen are thught t be weaker, slwer and nt nearly as skilled in sprt. Yet as Peggy Mimn s clearly shwed, the similarities between men and wmen runners are mre imprtant than differences. I have run with a number f wmen, and I can say it is ften hard wrk.
    36. What did the writer think f the race in the beginning?
    A. It wuld be hard wrk.
    B. It wuld be an easy race.
    C. It wuld be a test f his strength.
    D. It wuld be a gd learning experience.
    37. What wrried the writer when Peggy greeted the yung runner?
    A. Peggy vertk the yung runner.
    B. Peggy was running energetically.
    C. Peggy was laughing as the writer.
    D. Peggy paid n attentin t the writer.
    38. By saying "a lng, punishing hill" (paragraph 5 ), the writer implies that _____________ .
    A. Peggy wuld fail t reach the hilltp
    B. men are mre skilled at climbing hills
    C. vertaking Peggy wuld be easy
    D. climbing the hill wuld be a demanding task
    39. What lessn des the writer learn frm the race?
    A. Wmen are as gd as men in sprt.
    B. Wmen are better at climbing hills.
    C. He shuld have mre training in a crss-cuntry race.
    D. He shuld set a quicker pace at the beginning f a race.
    Say yu are a 17th century cnstructin wrker wh's wrked lng and hard t build a splendid twer fr the dead wife f yur emperr.
    Nw say that the emperr rders yur fingertips cut ff s yu can never build anther ne. Yes, that is the Taj Mahal,ne f the mst famus buildings in the wrld. And the tale behind the cnstructin is just as impressive as the building itself.
    First, there's the emperr f nrthern India, Shah Jehan,als called the King f the Wrld. In 1612,Shah Jehan married Mumtaz Mahal. Madly in lve, they had 14 children ver the next 20 years. But then sadness came. As Mumtaz was abut t give birth t child'number 14, she said she had heard her unbrn baby cry ut. It was a sign f death. And as Mumtaz lay dying, she asked Jehan t build a lasting memrial t celebrate their lve.
    When the heartbrken Jehan appeared eight days after his wife's death, his peple were shcked t see that his cal-black hair had turned snw-white.
    Putting away his sadness, Jehan rdered his wife's dying wish carried ut. Mre than 20,000 wrkers labred nearly 22 years t cmplete the cnstructin. In 1653,Jehan placed Mumtaz's remains in the center under the building.
    And then, sn number five, Aurangzeb, murdered his brthers and tk ver the pwer frm his aging father. Hehan lived the rest f his days-eight years, t be exact-imprisned nt far frm the Taj Mahal. Jehan was nly allwed t climb nt the tp f his prisn t see the timeless
    treasure frm a distance. But never again wuld he be allwed t visit it--until he was buried next t his wife.
    Tday 25,000 peple visit the Taj Mahal each day. Thugh the reasn fr building the twer was a strange, sad stry, thse wh see its breath-taking beauty are reminded f the happiness that inspired its cnstructin.
    40. The first tw paragraphs were written t shw that
    A. the Taj Mahal is all unusual histric building
    B. ancient Indian emperrs were cruel
    C. cnstructin wrkers led a hard life in ancient India
    D. India has sme f the mst famus buildings in the wrld
    41. The Taj Mahal was first built as ____________ .
    A. a prisn B. a gift t Mumtaz
    C. a memrial building D. a turist attractin
    42. We learn frm the text that Mumtaz prbably died in ________ .
    A. 1626 B. 1632 C. 1634 D. 1653

    My teenage sn Karl became withdrawn after his father died. As a single parent, I tried t d my best t talk t him. But the mre I tried, the mre he pulled away. When his reprt card arrived during his junir year, it said that he had been absent 95 times frm classes and had six
    falling grades fr the year. At this rate he wuld never graduate. I sent him t the schl adviser, and I even begged him. Nthing wrked.
    One night I felt s pwerless that I gt dwn n my knees and pleaded fr help. "Please Gd, I can't d any thing mre fr nay sn. I'm at the end f nay rpe. I'm giving the whle thing up t yu."
    I was at wrk when I gt a phne call. A man intrduced himself as the headmaster. "I want t talk t yu abut Karl's absences." Befre he culd say anther wrd,I chked up and all my disappintment and sadness ver Karl came puring ut int the ears f this stranger. "I lve my sn but I just dn't knw what t d. I've tried everything t get Karl t g back t schl and nthing has wrked. It's ut f nay hands. "Fr a mment there was silence n the ther end f the line. The headmaster seriusly said, "Thank yu fr yur time", and hung up.
    Karl's next reprt card shwed a marked imprvement in his grades. Finally, he even made the hnr rll. In his furth year, I attended a parent-teacher meeting with Karl. I nticed that his teachers were astnished at the way he had turned himself arund. On ur way hme, he
    said, "Mum, remember that call frm the headmaster last year?" I ndded. "That was me. I thught I'd play a jke but when I heard what yu said, it really hit me hw much I was hurting yu. That's when I knew I had t make yu prud. '
    43. There was silence n the ther end f the line because
    A. the speaker was t mved t say anything t the mther
    B. the speaker waited fr the mther t finish speaking
    C. the speaker didn't want the mther t recgnize his vice
    D. the speaker was unable t interrupt the mther
    44. The sentence "... he even made the hnr rll" means that “ _______”.
    A. he was even n the list t be praised at the parent- teacher meeting
    B. he was even n the list f students wh made prgress in grades
    C. he was even n the list f students wh had turned themselves arund
    D. he was even n the list f the best students at schl
    45. What is the main idea f this passage?
    A. Children in single-parent families ften have mental prblems.
    B. Schl educatin desn't wrk withut full supprt frm parents.
    C. Being understd by parents is very imprtant t teenagers.
    D. Mther's lve plays an imprtant rle in teenagers' life.
    IV. 短文改错 (10小题,每小题1分,共10分)
    I still remember nay middle schl life in Tianjin yet.
    I was then in a schl fr students frm Tibet. As we were
    all left hme at early age,we met lts f prblems in
    ur daily life. We had t d the washing, cleaning and shpping by us. Hwever, we seldm felt lnely r
    helplessly. We enjyed ur happy life. At weekends,
    we wuld play basketball, swimming in the pl r g
    fr a picnic. We were living in a big family. We treat
    each ther as brthers and sisters. If any ne f us had
    any difficulty in ur life and study, the ther wuld
    help him ut. It has been five years when we graduated, but thse memries are as sweet as ever befre. 55._________
    V 书面表达:以时间为线索写一篇短文,介绍中国的“高空王子”阿迪力。
    5.2002年5月11日:完成了一项壮举:在绳索上度过了600小时,累计行走123小时48分,打破了由加拿大人Jay Cchrane保持的吉尼斯世界记录。
    2.参考词汇:走钢丝wire-walk,钢丝行走表演者wirewalker,壮举remarkable feat,吉尼斯世界记录the Guinness wrld recrd。

    1.D 由句意可知,说话人在征求对方意见,而对方对说话人的建议非常满意。satisfy不能和fine搭配;meet作“符合”之意时和条件、愿望、要求等搭配而不和某人搭配;fit在形状及大小很合适;suit指“对…适合”。
    2.A disc是被录制的,用被动形式,且已经录制好了,故排除C项。
    3.D ask fr the gvernment's permissin意思是“征求政府的允许”,其他选项与语境意思不符合。
    4.C 本题使用了定语从句来考查固定搭配be devted t短语。句子意思是:她全力以赴关心的儿子十年前出国了。
    5.C本题考查时态。by the time后面接现在或将来时间,句子用将来完成时;后面接过去时时,用过去完成时。
    6.A 句子意思是:我越想他我就越找到更多的理由,像过去那样爱他更多。much修饰谓语动词lve。
    7.B weight指重物时为可数名词。
    8.B 短语意思区别题。much表示幅度。Earth's climate will warm up much.
    10.C hwever引起让步状语从句,后跟形容词,等于n matter hw;且语序应为陈述语序。
    11.B 本句的句义为:一旦做出了决定,所有的人都应该遵守。stick t坚持;refer t所指,参考;lead t导致。根据语境,这里选“坚持”最合适。
    12.C 此处的experience意为“经历”,为可数名词;这里的airplane和experience都表示泛指,要加不定冠词,故答案为C。
    13.A 由答语的后半部分可知他想知道具体原因。句意为:今晚为什么去喝一杯? 难道你在比赛中获得了一等奖? what fr意为“为什么”。
    14.B 考查交际用语的用法。从回答句可以看出,为什么不呢?一幅图画能顶一千个单词。
    15.B sner r later意思是“迟早”;what's mre意思是“而且”;as a result意思是“结果是”;mre r less意思是“或多或少”。只有B项适合语境。
    II. 完形填空
    16.C 这里指以前所受的伤,所以用earlier。从下文的“whether r nt I shuld attend the meet"一句话可以推断出运动会还没有举行,脚伤一定是以前受的伤。
    17.D 作者的脚伤还没有好,是否参加运动会还犹豫不决,故选dubt表示“犹豫”。
    18.C 根据前后文可以看出,作者尽管脚受伤.但她还是作好了3000米长跑的准备。be ready fr意思是“为…作好准备”。
    19.B后文的“I fell farther and farther behind.”说明别的女孩冲到了她的前面。ahead f意思是“在…的前面”。
    20.A 指由于落在了别人的后面而感到惭愧。只有A适合题意。
    21.A从前文的“Hray!”shuted the crwd.一句话可以看出大家在欢呼。
    22.B 上文说到第一名的运动员在作者落后两圈时已经冲过终点,所以她产生了退出比赛的想法。drp ut退出。
    23.D drp ut与decide t keeping ging是转折关系,所以用hwever。
    24.C 脚伤还没有好,所以比赛时感到了疼痛。in pain 疼痛。
    25.C in track提示了是指赛跑,是说作者明年不想参加赛跑的念头。
    26.A 作者在这里认为,即使自己的脚好了,也不值得再参加赛跑。
    27.D 这里是修饰cheer,指掌声,所以用luder表示比原先更热烈了。
    28.B从后文的“They must be cheering fr the bys"说明作者确信他们在为即将比赛的男孩鼓掌。
    29.B 这里用when表示“这时”,我正要离开,这时几个女孩朝我走来。
    30.D 因为跑在最后,所以作者认为跑步失败。lse a race跑步失败。
    31.B 这里指她受到了同学们的鼓励,重新获得了希望。regain hpe意思是“重新获得希望”。
    32.D 有了希望,作者决定明年继续参加比赛。:stick with坚持。
    33.A 句子的意思是:力量和勇气不是通过金牌和胜利来衡量的。measure衡量。
    34.B 通过作者的努力可以看出力量和勇气是在斗争中衡量出来的。
    35.D 根据语境,这里是转折关系,所以用but。
    36.B 细节理解题。第一段告诉我们作者一开始认为这是一次轻松的比赛。
    37.D 细节理解题。从第二段可以看出作者担心的是Peggy精力充沛地跑着。
    38.D 字句理解题。由所在句子的语境可以看出,在比赛中爬山是一项必须的任务。
    39.A 主旨大意题。整篇短文就是介绍了作者和Peggy赛跑的故事,Peggy的胜利说明在体育方面妇女和男人一样优秀。
    40.A 细节理解题。从第二段的“Yes,that is the Taj Mahal,ne f the mst famus buildings in the wrld.And the tale behind the cnstructin is just as impressive as the building itself.”可以得出,Taj Mahal是一座不同寻常的建筑。
    41.C 推理判断题。根据第三段的"And as Mumtaz lay dying,she asked Jehan t build a lasting memrial t celebrate their lve.”可以推断出这是一座纪念性的建筑。
    42.B 简单推理计算题。从第五段的第二、三句话可以计算出Mumtaz大约死于1632年。
    43.A 推理判断题。从第三段可以判断出这位母亲的话深深地打动了说话人。
    44.D 字句理解题。从短文的最后一段"Karl's next reprt card shwed a marked imprvement in his grades.Finally,he even made the hnr rll"可以看出Karl取得了很大的进步,最后甚至被列人学校最好的学生的名单。
    45.D 主旨大意题。全文叙述了一位母亲设法使自己的孩子摆脱失去父亲的痛苦的故事,由此说明母爱在青少年的生活中起到了重要的作用。
    49.”us改为urselves。by neself是固定组合,意思是“靠自己”。 .
    52.treat改为treated 。考查时态一致关系,短文主体时态足一般过去时。
    55.when改为since。It has been+时间+since是由固定句型,表示“自从…以来就”。
    V. 书面表达
    Adili was brn n July 1, 1971 in Xinjiang, China, int a family with a great traditin in acrbatics. When he was nly five years ld, his father died. Sn he began t be trained in the art f wire-walking. He wrked very hard and decided t becme the finest wi rewalker in the wrld. In a wire-walking perfrmance in shanghai in 1991,his rpe suddenly brke. He fell nt the grund and his bnes were brken in 17 different parts f his bdy. His dctr advised him nt t perfrm again, but Adili refused t give up. On June 23,1996, Adili became the first Chinese t crss a river n a wire. n May ll,2002,Adili cmpleted a remarkable feat by staying n a wire fr 600 hurs and wire-walking fr a ttal f 123 hurs and 48 minutes, breaking the Guinness wrld recrd held by a Canadian Jay Cchrane.
    5.2002年5月11日:完成了一项壮举:在绳索上度过了600小时,累计行走123小时48分,打破了由加拿大人Jay Cchrane保持的吉尼斯世界记录。
    2.参考词汇:走钢丝wire-walk,钢丝行走表演者wirewalker,壮举remarkable feat,吉尼斯世界记录the Guinness wrld recrd。


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