字母 : (大小 )辨认、书写顺序: AaBbCcDdEeFf GgHhIiJj KkLlMmN n OPpQqRr SsTtUuVv WwXxYyZz.
数字 :基数词和序数词的运用,如计算、购物等.
基 数 词 : One, tw, three, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten , eleven, twelve, thirte en, furteen, fifteen twenty, twenty-ne thirty, frty, fifty eighty, ninety, ne/a h undred , ne/a hundred and ne tw hundred.
序数词 : first, secnd, third, furth, fifth,sixth,seventh,eighth,ninth,tenth, eleventh,twelfthtwentieth,twenty-first,twenty-secnd,twenty-third,twenty-furthi rtieth,frtieth,fiftietheightieth,ninetieth
相关句型 : 1)What ’s thirtyandfrty?Thatcmest seventy.
What ’s yurtelephnenumber?Mytelephnenumberis 83555723.
Whattimeisit ? It ’s halfpastten.
Whendyuusuallygetup? Atsixthirty-five.
Wheredyulive?I liveat N.48RenminRad.
Hwmuchdesit cst?It csts50yuan.
Hwmanycarshaveyugt?I havegt6 cars.
Hwmanybirdscanyuseein thetree?I cansee3.
Hwmanydllsaretherenthebed?Thereis ne/adll.
Whichflrdyuliven?I liventhefifthflr.
Yes, gdwnthisstreet,thenturnleftatthethirdcrssing.
元音字母: A a , Ee,
半元音字母 : Yy
, F
, G, M,N,d, i,
p,q, x,y.
Wh ’s thefifthgirlfrmtheright?She ’s mycusin.
注意:数词的应用 ; 不可数名词及它的量的表示方法;many与 much 在用法上的区别; thereis/are与 have/has在用法上的区别.
clurs:red,pink,yellw,brwn,blue,purple,range,black,white,grey,dark blue,lightblue.
相关句型 : 1)Whatclurisyurcat?It ’s ...
2) What ’s yurfavuriteclur?Myfavuritecluris
mnth:January,February,March,April,May,June,July,August,September,O ctber,Nvember,December.
Week:Sunday,Mnday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday. Day:1stMay(thefirstfMay),May2nd( Maythesecnd)
相关句型 : 1)Hwldisyurmther?She ’s thirty-sixyearsld.
Hwmanymnthsarethereina year?Thereare12.
When ’s yurbirthday?Mybirthdayisn15thJanuary(thefifteenthfJan uary).
Whendyugetup?I getupat six ’clck.
Whendesspringlast?It lastsfr 3mnthsfrmMarcht May.
Whattimeisit?It ’squartert nine.
ten,ten five)
(quartert eleven,
(eleven ’clck)
食品与饮料:人对食品与饮料的喜好;东西方食品fd: meat,rice,fish,bread,egg,cake,
drinks: water,milk,range/apple/watermeln/banana/strawberryjuice,cke,c ffee,black/greentea
相关句型 : 1)Wuldyulikesmethingtdrink/eat?Yes,I’d likesme N,thanks .
Wuldyuliket eat/drink?I’d liketeat/drink N,thanks .
What ’s yurfavuritefd/drink?Myfavuritefd/drinkis
CuldI havesme? Yes,please .
服装:服装的颜色: 人对服装的喜好;某人的穿戴 ;
clthes:hat,cap,cat,shirt, T-shirt,skirt,dress,sweater,jacket,trusers,sc k,she
所属关系 : 形容词性的物主代词:my,yur,his,her,its,ur,their
名词性的物主代词: mine,yurs,his,hers,its, urs,theirs
相关句型 : 1)Whatdesit lklike?It likeswearingablueshirt.
Whseshesarethese?They ’remine.
They ’reTm ’s .
Isthis/that/ityurbk?Yes,it is.
N,it isn ’t.
Isthispencilyurs?Yes, it is.N,it isn ’t.
Yes, theyare.N,theyaren ’t.
Arethseclthestheirs?Yes, theyare.
N,theyaren ’t.
Thisis myhat.Thathatis his.
注意: 名词单, 复数 ;物主代词 (名词性的物主代词,形容词性的物主代词);名词所有格, 如: Tm ’s , myfather ’s , theteachers ’.
玩具和文具:特点、颜色、所属关系; 存在的位置Tys:dll,ty
文具 : desk,bk,bag,pen,pencil,pencil-bx,ruler,chair,ball
存在的位置: in,n,under,beside,behind,in frntf,inthefrntf, inthe middlef,atthebackf(a place/apersn).
相关句型 : 1)Thereisa cupfteanthetable.
Isthereanymilkin theglass?Yes,thereis.
N,thereisn ’t.
Arethereanyrangesin thefridges?
Yes, thereare.N,therearen ’t.
What ’s underthedesk?
Thereisanrange./ Therearesmeranges.
日常生活用品:特点、颜色、所属关系; 存在的位置
wrds:shelf,table,clck,brush,telephne,light,cmputer,bike,fridge,glass, knife,keybard,bttle,bx,plate,pht,phtgraph,fax,radi,super-market,bk stre,ndles/cake/clthes/she/TVshp.
特点 : big,small,heavy,light,white,black,empty,full,ld,new,beautiful,cute, tall,shrt,strng,plump,nice,gd,bad
y, rabbit,hen, cck,chicken,tiger,lin,pig,cw, muse(mice),giraffe,dlphin,
生活地点: athme,ina farm,ina z
植物:特点、所属关系; 存在的位置
buildings:factry,hspital,park,huse,library,museum,ffice,farm,pstffic e,bank,plicestatin,trainstatin,sprtsstadium,departmentstre,stre,schl, classrm,huse:bathrm,living-rm,sitting-rm,bedrm,washrm,kitchen, garden
相关句型 : 1)Wheredyustudyat? I studyatLngdngPrimarySchl.
Wheredesyurmtherwrkat? Shewrksata hspital.
Let ’s meetatthegatef thepark.
t) ,te
外貌 : fat,thin,plump, tall,shrt,ld,yung,rundface,twbigblueeyes,l nghair,shrthair,blackhair,whitehair
相关句型 : 1)I’m/Yu ’re /He ’s/She ’s /We ’re/They ’re(nt)tall.
Ishe/shetallr shrt?He ’s /She ’s tall(shrt).
He/Shehas( gt) a rundface.
Hashe/shegtlnghair? Yes,he/shehas.
N,he/shehasn ’t.
注意:描述人的外貌时,have 与 has 用法上的区别; 形容词的用法,如:tall,shrt, ld,yung,black, lng
hbby:cllectingstamps(cins), gingswimmingdingsth
相关句型 : 1)Hwldareyu? I’mthirteenyearsld.
I’m a thirteen-yearldby.
What ’s yuraddress?I liveat N.48Renminrad.
What ’s yure-mailaddress?Mye-mailaddressis 123VIP@126.cm.
What ’s yurhbby?Myhbbyisgingrunning.
Or : I likegingrunning.
I /Yu/Theylikemusic.
Dyulikereading?Yes,I d.N,I dn ’t.
Yes, he/shedes.N,he/shedesn ’t.
注意: 描述个人的喜好时:名词和动词 - ing形式作宾语 ; 主语是第三人称单数时一般现在时动词的变化。
动词 ing 的变化规律:1) 直接加 ing ,如: pen-pening,clean-cleaning,meet-me eting,sing-singing,study-studying,
去掉词尾不发音的e ,如: take-taking,clse-clsing,cme-cming,drive-drivin g, have-having,use-using,write-writing,practice-practicing,
重读闭音节的,双写最后的字母,加ing , 如 : sit-sitting,put-putting,begin-beg inning, get-getting,swim-swimming,run-running,cut-cutting,becme-becming,
主语是第三人称单数时一般现在时动词的变化规律(与名词变复数规律相同): 1) 直 接加 s, 如: ck-cks,cme-cmes,clse-clses,
以 , x,s,sh,ch 结尾 +es, 如: teach-teaches,g-ges,d-des,catch-catche s,wash-washes,brush-brushes,miss-misses,
辅音字母加y 结尾,把 y 改为 i ,+es , 如: fly-flies,wrry-wrries,carry-carries,
以 f 或 fe 结尾,把f 或 fe,改为 v+es.
特殊: have-has,
wrds:family,grandfather(grandpa/granddad),grandmther(grandma/grandmu m),father,mther,brther,sister,uncle,aunt,cusin,friend
相关句型 : 1)Is he/sheTm ’s cusin?Yes, he/sheis.
N,he/sheisn ’t.
Wh ’s he/she?He ’s/She ’s myfriend.
Hwmanypeplearetherein yurfamily?Wharethey?
注意:1) 名词单复数,如:family-families;
名词单数 -- 复数规律 : 1)直接加 s, 如:by-bys,term-terms,
以 ,x, s,sh,ch结尾 +es, 如: bx-bxes,class-classes,glass-glasses,cac h-caches,dress-dresses,fax-faxes,inch-inches,match-matches,
辅音字母加y 结尾,把y 改为 i ,+es , 如: baby-babies,lady-ladies,factry-fa ctries,peach-peaches,library-libraries,watch-watches,
以 f 或 fe 结尾,把f 或 fe ,改为 v+es:leaf-leaves,knife-knives,wife-wives,shel f-shelves,
特殊 : man-men,pliceman-plicemen,wman-wmen,child-children,gse-g eese,tth-teeth,ft-feet,
不变 : hair,milk,tea,cffee,water,bread,rice,paper,juice,meat,peple,fis h, sheep,
2) 名词所有格,表明是“谁的 ”如:mycusin ’s , hisparents ’它的构成规则:单数名词后 +“’s ”, Mike ’s mther.
复数名词词尾有,其后只+“’”,Teachers ’Da 教师节 .
JimandTm ’s mther. 吉姆和汤姆的母亲。不是两者所共有的,两者都+“’s ”,
Jim ’s andTm ’s mther. 吉姆母亲和汤姆的母亲。名词若是无生命,所有格构成用f,
a mapf China. 一幅中国地图
subjects:Chinese,maths, English,music,cmputer,PE,art,bilgy,plitics, histry,meeting,gegraphy
相关句型 : 1)What ’s yurfavuritesubject?English.
Where ’s thelibrary?It’s behindthedrmitry.
Whendyugt schl?At7:20.
WhendesChinesebeginnMnday?AtEight ’clck.
Desgegraphybeginat twentyt tennMnday?
Yes, itdes.N,it desn ’t.
We ’re havinganEnglishclass.
Greetings:Hell!Hi!Gdmrning/afternn/evening. Hwareyu? Fine,thanks.Andyu?
Intrductin:MynameisI’ma pupil.I ’mnewhere.
ThisisMr/Mrs/MissWhite. Hell,nicet meetyu .
Seeyuthen/tmrrw. Gdnight.
It’s late.I mustghmenw.
Yu ’rewelcme. Ntat all.
aplgies:Srry.I ’msrry.That ’s all right.Excuseme.
Wuldyuliketg ? I’d lvet .Thankyu.
Askingfrpermissin:MayI haveanapple?
Culd/CanI useyurbike?
Sure.Certainly.Yes,f curse.Yes,d please.
Offeringhelp:CanI helpyu?WhatcanI dfr yu?
Let ’s meetat the gateat7:50. Shallwevisitthemuseum?
Hell!MayI speaktKate?Speaking/It ’s Katehere.
Wh ’s this/that,please?
Shpping: CanI helpyu,sir?
WhatcanI dfryu,sir? Whatabutthisne?
I want/I ’dlikesmeranges.
Hwmuchis theshirt/arethescks? It’s t small.Tw kils,please .
I’ll takeit.
Askingtheway:Excuseme.Whereis theGuangzhu Library?
CanI takethisbust BeijingRad? Is therea htelnearhere?
It’s verthere.Turnright/legt
Cuntries:China,Japan,America(theUSA),English(theUK),Australia,Russi a, Canada,Italy,India,France,
Natinalities:Chinese,Japanese,American,Englishman,Australian,Russian,C anadian,Italian,Indian,French,
相关句型 : 1)Where ’sJapan?It ’s ttheeastfChina.
Wherearetheyfrm?They ’re frmRussia.
Whatcuntrydyufrm?I cmefrmChina.
Whatcuntryis hefrm?He ’sfrmFrance.
weather: ht,cld,cl,warm,sun,shine,sunny,rain,heavyrain,lightrain, rainy,wind,strngwind,windy,snw, heavysnw,lightsnwsnwy,clud,clud y
temperature:15( fifteendegreescentigrade),0(zerdegreecentigrade),-5 (m inusdegreescentigrade)
相关句型 : 1)What ’s theweatherlikein spring?It’s warm,rainyandwet.
Isit snwing?Yes,it isa snwyday.
I liketakinga warmbath.
festivals : New Year ’s Day, Spring Festival, Wmen ’s Day, April flish Day, M ay Day, Mther ’s Day, Children ’s Day, Father ’s Day, Party ’s Day, Army ’s Day, Mid- autumn Festival, Teachers ’Day , Natinal Day, Thanks Giving Day, Christmas Day.
New Year ’s Day: 1st January.
Spring Festival: It ’s the Chinese New Year. It’s the first day f the Chinese ye ar. It ’s a very special festival fr all Chinese peple. It is usually at the end f Jan
uaryrthebeginningf February/inlateJanuaryrearlyFebruary.Thechildren canget“luckymney ”.
Wmen ’s Day:It ’s n8thMarch.
MayDay:1stMay,labrers ’day.
Mther ’s Day:nthesecndSundayfMay. Children ’s Day:nJune1st.
Father ’s Day:nthethirdSundayinJune. Party ’s birthday:in China,it ’s n1st July. Army ’s Day:in China,it ’s n1st August.
Mid-autumnFestival:n15thAugustf Chineselunarcalendar.In China, pe ple eatspecialcakescallsmncakesandwatchthefullmn.
Teachers ’Day:n10thSeptember.
NatinalDay:inChina,it’s at thebeginningfOctber.
ThanksGivingDay:thelastThursdayin Nvember,it ’s Americanfestival. ChristmasDay:December25th.
place : in, n ,at, under, near, next t, beside, behind, in frnt f , in the frnt f , in the middle (f ), back, n the right/left, the secnd/ persn frm the right/l eft
A: Excuse me. Where ’s the department stre?
Canyutellmethewayt theGardenHtel,Please? CanI takethisbust BeijingRad?
Is there a htel near here?
B: It’s ver there.
Turnright/leftat thefirstcrssing.Thehtelis ntheright/left. I’msrry,I dn ’t knw.
正在发生的事情:现在进行的动作和发生的事be dingsmething
I’m/Yu ’re/He ’s /She ’s /We ’re/They ’re(nt)wrking.
Areyuplayingftball?Yes,I am/weare.
Ishe/shetakingexercise?Yes,he/sheis.N,he/sheisn ’t.
Aretheygingshpping?Yes, theyare.N,theyaren ’t.
Whatareyuding?I’m/We ’recleaningtherm.
What ’s he/sheding?He ’s/She ’s havingsupper.
Whataretheyding?They ’rereading.
getupbrush ne ’s teeth,washne ’s face,makebreakfast, havebreakfast,g tschl/wrk,dmrningexercises,haveclasses,playbasketball,playftball, run,jump,ghme,havelunch,havesupper,dne ’s hmewrk,watchTV, d smereading, take a bath, g t bed
Whattimedyugetup?I usuallygetupat6 ’clck.
ShenZhenftentakesa bathat9 ’clckin themrning.
I’m/Yu ’re/He ’s/She ’s /We ’re/They ’re(nt)gingtvisitthemuseum.
Areyugingtswim?Yes, I am/weare.N,I ’m nt/wearen ’t.
Ishe/shegingt seeMissWang?Yes,he/sheis.N,he/sheisn ’t.
Whatareyugingtdtmrrw?I’m /We ’regingtvisitthefarm.
I/Yu/He/She/They/Wewillg skiing.
Areyugingtbebusytmrrw?Yes, I am/weare.
gswimming,gshpping,gclimbing,gskiing,g walking,grunning,g fishing,gskating,gsightseeing,
I/Yu/He/She/We/Theycan(can ’t) cmeheretmrrw.
Canhe/shevisitthefactrytday?Yes, he/shecan.N,he/shecan ’t.
Cantheyg bybus?Yes,theycan.N,theycan ’t.
MayI visitthefactrythisafternn?Yes,f curse/Sure/Certainly.
MayI sit here?Yes,f curse/pleased.
注意 : 情态动词can 的用法 , cand (+ 动词原形 ).
put dwn放下shut dwn把关上cut dwn砍掉
cme dwn下来、落下slw dwn减缓、放慢sit dwn坐下
write dwn写下get dwn下来 ,降落
after all毕竟 .终究after that于是 .然后day after day日复一日地
ne after anther相继. 挨次 sn after不久以后the day after tmrrw后天
cme up with找到、提出catch up with赶上wake up弄醒、醒来
send up发射pen up开设、开办grw up长大
pick up拾起、捡起hands up举手eat up吃光
clean up打扫干净give up ding sth.=stp ding sth.放弃做某事
arrive at/in + n.到达get t +n. 到达reach + n. 到达arrive / get +adv.到达
getback退还, 送回去 .取回 give back归还cme back回来
at the back f在的后面n the way (back)hme在回家路上
at least至少at breakfast早餐时at desk在桌前at nce立刻, 马上 at schl在上学at the same time同时at wrk在工作
be gd at=d well in善长laugh at嘲笑 ntat all一点也不at first起初
at night 在 晚 上 at nn 中 午 at the age f // when sb. wasyears ld 在 岁 时 at last / in the end / finally 最后、终于 at the beginning f the twenty-first century 在21世纪初
at the end f 在 终点、结尾 at the mment /nw 现在 at the ft f 在 脚下 at Christmas 在圣诞节 at any mment 任何时候 at times(smetimes) 有时 , 偶尔 at the dctr ’s 在医务室 be bad at 不善长
fr example 例 如 fr ever 永 远 be gd fr 对 有 益 be bad fr 对 有 害 fr lng=fr a lng time 长 期 fr shrt 简 称 be shrt fr 是 的 简 称
TV is shrt fr “televisin ”
cme true 实现 cme dwn 下来 cme frm=be frm 来自 , 出生于
cme in/int进入 ,进来cme n赶快cme ver过 来 cme alng走吧, 过来,快点cme and g来来去去cme up上来cme ut出来, (花)开, (照片)冲洗出来9.even thugh=even if即使、虽然、尽管
be pleased with对感到满意be cvered with被覆盖
be expected t d sth.被期望做某事be prud f以自豪
speak highly f称赞be afraid f害怕hear f 听说(hear frm sb.收到某人的来信) f cause=certainly当然可以plenty f= a lt f许多
by the way顺便说by neself单独, 独自 by the end f到为至
by the time (引起时间状语从句) 到的时候ne by ne依次
by air / plane乘飞机by bus / train / car乘公共汽车 / 火车 /轿车
(catch a bus赶公交车get n / ff the bus上/下车 take a bus t=g tby bus 乘车
d / try ne’s best尽力d ne ’s hmewrk做家庭作业d (the/sme) shpping
d the cking烹饪d sme cleaning打扫
d the / sme washing洗衣服 d sprt做运动 d with sb / sth.处理 well dne干得好
early in the mrning一大早in the early spring初春in my early days我幼年时期
early bus早班车
make a cntributin t贡献给、捐献make a telephne call t sb. /ring sb. up /give
sb. a call /phne sb.给某人打电话cnnectt把与连接起来be clse t靠近 (某地)
give birth t生(孩子 ) lse t sb输给 sb .
eitherr或者或者 .. n either side f the stree t街道任何一边
(n each side f the street街道每一边n bth sides f the street街道两边 )
keep ding sth.不停地做某事(表示状态继续) keep n ding sth.坚持做某事 (表示动作反复进行 ) practise ding sth.练习做某事enjy ding sth.喜欢做某事
finish ding sth.做完某事g n ding sth.继续做某事 (同一件事 )
g n t d sth.接着做某事 (另一事) g straight alng沿着一直往前走
g dwn下降 , g fr a walk散, g ver复习g shpping买东西 , g t the cinema
g well 进展顺利 , g ff t动身前往 , g ut 外出, g t wrk去上班 , g up上升 , want a g想试一试
think abut考虑(think f认为、 想起、 考虑、 想到think ver仔细考虑think ut
想出 )
talk abut谈论 , wrry abut担心 , Hw / What abut?怎么样 ?
brrwfrm从借. (lendt把借给) frm dr t dr挨家挨 , frm time t time时时frm nw n从今以后frm then n从那以后
be different frm与不同 learnfrm向学习
get dressed穿衣get int进 入 get / be lst丢失get ff / n下/ 上车
get n well with sb. 与某人相处得好 get ut f 从 出来 get ready fr +n. 为 做准备get ready t d sth. 准备做某事 get / g t sleep (fall asleep) 入睡 (be asleep 睡着) get warm 变暧 get well 康复 get a chance 有机会、得到机会
lk fr 寻找 wait fr 等候 lk after=take care f 照看 lk like 看起来像
lk ver 检查 ,复习 lk ut 小心 ,从里向外看 lk the same 看起来一样
lk up 向上看 ,查单词 , lk arund 环视 lk frward t 期望 lk thrugh 温习 ,检
set ff出发、动身put ff推迟keep ff避开、不靠近drp ff放下(某物) turn ff关 jump ff跳离 , take ff脱(衣) ( 飞机)起飞
half a kil半千克half an hur半小时in half分成两半half f the day半天
d eye exercises做眼保健操d mrning exercises做早操
take (mre) exercise (多)参加体育锻炼an exercise bk练习本
take partin 参加handin上交in hspital住院in surprise吃惊地in thesun
在阳光下in truble处于困境in a minute / mment马上
leave fr动身去某地
27 feed n以为主食live n继续活着base n以为根据carry n坚持、继续下去 and s n等等n the ther hand另一方面n ft步行
be famus fr以.. 著名be excited abut +n./V-ing对感到兴奋be interested in 对感兴趣 be brn 出生be busy with sth.— be busy ding sth.忙于be amazed at对.. 感到惊讶
mve away移开mve t ( 搬)移到
search the Internet上网
makesure确信makea dialgue编对话makea mistake犯错误by mistake
make a nise吵闹make faces做鬼脸make friends (with)和..交朋友make rm fr给..让地方make tea沏茶make mney赚钱make a decisin作出决定
used t d sth过去常常做某事be used t ding sth.习惯于做某事
leave sth+介词短语“把忘记在某处 ”
frget t d sth.忘记做某事encurage sb. t d sth.鼓励某人做某事
decide t d sth.决定做某事allw sb. t d sth.允许某人做某事
hear sb. t d (ding)sth.听见某人做某事
help sb. (t) d sth .//help sb. with sth.帮助某人做某事with ne ’s help 在某人的帮助下with pleasure乐意
the summer hliday(s)暑假the winter hliday(s)寒假
step int走进pur int倒入
in the first第一fr the first time第一次at first起初 a firs t language母语
first f all首先
leave a message fr sb.给某人留条give / take sb. a message给某人捎口信
take phts / pictures照像take away拿走take ut取出wrk ut算出
take care当心take medicine服药take ne ’s temperature量体温
take ne ’s time别着急take a walk散步take place发生
learn by neself / teach neself自学learn by heart背熟
a year and a half (ne and a half years )一年半
have a try尝试 ,努力 try ut尝试、试验find ut / abut找出 ,查明have a gd / wnderful/ great/ time玩得开心havea (bad)cld(重)感冒havea meeting/ walk/ watch开会 /散步 /比赛have sprts进行体育活动
have nthing / sth. t d with与.. 无(有)关 have n idea不知道
have (ne ’s) medicine服药
ffer sb sth.某人提供某物
win first prize获一等奖
all ver the wrld= arund the wrld =thrughut the wrld全世界
all kinds f各种各样的
nt nlybut als不但而且, bthand和都
the mre , the better越多越好
all ne ’s life一生
as sn as一就as sn as pssible尽可能早地、尽快as well = t也
as much as至多as little as至少 regardas把当作as if好像
n matter无论
55 ever since从那以后 ,此后一直56.s far到目前为止r s 大约
anther tw hurs (=tw mre hurs )又(再) 2 个小时
three times a week一周三次
the number f的数量a (large / gd) number f / large numbers f / many许
less than少于less and less越来越少
is anther way f saying什么是 ..的另一说法Quick is anther way f saying fast. Bike is shrt fr bicycle.
be like像 feel like +n./V-ing想要like best最喜欢wuld like t想要
the 24 hur clck 24小时制
wash away冲走run away逃跑take away带走
befre lng不久 lng befre / ag很久以前fr lng =fr a lng time长期
n lnger = nt. .any lnger不再
mre r less = abut或多或少大约 mre than = ver多于 ,超过68.every year每年every fur years每隔四年every ther day每隔一天everyday English / life日常英语 /生活
69. next t紧挨着next dr隔壁 ,邻居next year明 年 next time下次70.receive / get / have a letter frm sb. = hear frm sb收到某人的来信71.n shw = n display展览
be filled with / be full f充满
thank t =because f由于
sme day =ne day (将来 )某一天all day终日 day and night日日夜夜
in a day r tw一两天内in the ld days从前 ,旧社会frm day t day (day after day) 日复一日the day befre yesterday前天the day after tmrrw后天Tree Planting Day 植树节Wmen ’s Day妇女节
keep / stp / prevent(frm) ding sth.防止 (阻止 )做某事stp t d sth.停下来去做某事stp ding sth.停止做某事
nice and +adj. = very +adj.很,非常
a place (places) f interest名胜
threequartersftheinfrmatinntheInternet因特网上四分之三的信息tw thirds f the bks三分之二的书
credit card
the increasing ppulatin增长着的人口
81 a path f travel旅行路线
pint at / t指向
by sea = by ship乘船by the sea = n the sea在海边at sea 在海上
set ne ’s mind t d sth.一心想做某事
85 .multiplyby乘以
86.See yu!再见Yu see.你知道你明白, 你瞧Let mesee. 让我想想see sb. Off
给某人送行see a / the dctr看病see sb . d / ding sth.看见某人做某事
87 smethers一些( 人,物)其他 (人,物) neanther一个 ..另一个 (三者或以上) nethe ther一个另一个 (总数二个 )
be wrn ut穿旧,磨坏check ut核实,检查write ut写出
take sth. ut f从拿出/ 取出某物
in this way用这种方法in a few year’s time几年以后in space在太空 in and ut f class在课内课外in the last fifteen minutes在最后十五分钟里in the secnd half在下半场later in ne ’s life在某人后半身in the air在空中 in the pen air在户外
give sb. an injectin给某人打针get an injectin打针
have been t去过某地have gne t到某地去了
92.here + be+名词 + fr+ 某人 ( Here is a letter fr yu.这儿有你的一封信.) 93.be far behind +某人(He is far behind thers.他落后于别人 )
ne f + adj.最高级 +复数名词
take + 某物+with + 某人 (Yu ’d better take an umbrella with yu.你最好带上雨伞)
prefer t= likebetter than宁愿 ,更喜欢 prefer + V-ing (t d sth.) ( I prefer ding (t d) it myself .我喜欢自己做那件事).
Wuld / shuld等情态动词+ prefer + 不定式 . (I wuld prefer t d it myself.我宁愿自
己做那件事 ) , prefer+名词 (v-ing)+ t+ 名词(v-ing)(I prefer learningEnglisht playing ftball. 我愿意学英语而不愿踢足球) ;
prefer + 不定式 (名词 )+ rather than +不带 t 的不定式 , (I prefer t walk there rather
than g by bus.我喜欢走着去那里, 而不愿乘车 ) ,
prefer +名词 (代词 ) t d sth. (We prefer her nt t cme.我们宁愿她不来)
人 + spend +time (mney) +(in) ding sth. (I spent ver tw hurs (in) finishing my hmewrk.我花了两个多小时完成家庭作业.) ,人 + spend + time(mney) + n+ 名词, (He spent 1,000 n the TV set .他花了一千元买电视机). 人 + pay + mney +fr +sth. ( He paid ten yuan fr the bk .他花了 10元钱买那本书.) It + takes (will take, / tk) + sb. +
time (mney) + t d sth. (It ’ll take yu nly ten minutes t get there by bus. 乘车去那里只花你 10 分钟 ). 物+ cst + (sb.) + mney, (The dictinary cst me 20 yuan .我花 20 元钱买了那本词典 )
d with + sb. / sth. (What have yu dne with the prk ?那些肉你怎么处理了?)
mind + if从句 , (D yu mind if I pen the windw?我开窗你不反对吧?) mind + V-ing, (Wuld yu mind turning n the TV?打开电视你不反对吧?)
whatfr?/ why? (WhatdyulearnEnglishfr?= Whydyulearn English?)
need +名词(v-ing), (The students need sme help.学生们需要帮助.This pair f
shes needs mending.这双鞋需要修理)
“be used fr+ 名词 (v-ing), ”被用来做 .. (A writing brush is used fr writing.)“be used as+ 名词 ”, 被作为 使用 (English is used as the first language in nne f these cuntries. ) “be used by+ 动作执行者 ”, 被 使用,
be made f 由 制造 (This table is made f wd . 这张课桌是木制的 )
be made frm 由 制 成 (This kind f paper is made frm wd .这种纸是用木材制成的 )
be made in+地点 , “某地制造 ”(These cars are made in Germany) be made by+人, “由谁制造的 ”(This kite is made by Kate . )
mre develped cuntries发达国家less develped cuntries不发达国家
develping cuntries发展中国家
bewrth+ mney(V-ing),值钱.值得做Thiscaris wrthmrethantw millin yuan in China. This bk is well wrth reading.这本书很值得一读.
theSummerPalace颐和园Tian ’anmenSquare天安门广场thePalace
Museum故宫 the Great Hall f the Peple人民大会堂the Temple f Heaven天坛the Great Green Wall绿色长城PLA中国人民解放军PRC中华人民共和国 the Party中国共产党the League共青团Peking Opera京剧
107 a digital camera数字照相机a dctr fr animals = an animal dctr动物医生
108. s +形/副+that从句(The place is s cld that nthing can grw in winter.这地方太冷,冬天什么都不长) s + many / few+复数名词+that 从句(He has s many bks that I dn ’t knw which ne t brrw.他有那么多书,我不知道借哪一本)
s + much / little+不可数名词 +that 从句(She has s little mney that she can’t buy
anything . 她钱太少 ,什么也买不到.)
s+形容词+a / an +单数名词+that 从句(This is s gd a bk that all f us like reading it ) , such +a / an+形容词 +单数名词 + that 从句(This is such an interesting stry that all f us like it) , such +形容词 +复数名词 +that 从句. such + 形容词 +不可数名词 +that 从句 (It is such fine weather tday that many children are playing utside)
109 .tell sb abut sth.告诉某人关于某事tell sb+ 从句tell sb. t d sth.让某人做某事
tell a lie说谎tell a stry讲故事thank yu fr +n ./V-ing谢谢你
t +adj. / adv. + t + v.太而不能t much ( 修饰名词 )太多 ,过分much t( 修 饰 adj./adv.) 太
110. hpe / wish+不定式 (或从句 ),wish sb. t d sth. What d yu mean by?= What desmean?是什么意思 ?