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    这是一份天津市河北区2021届高三英语下学期5月总复习质量检测二模试题二,文件包含天津市河北区2021届高三英语下学期5月总复习质量检测二模试题二doc、天津市河北区2021届高三英语下学期5月总复习质量检测二模试题二答案pdf等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共13页, 欢迎下载使用。

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    第 = 1 \* ROMAN I卷
    1.每小题选出答案后,用铅笔将答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用 橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号.
    例:Stand ver thereyu'll be able t see it better.
    A. rB. andC. butD. while
    1. — Yu wn't believe it, Tm. I was chsen as an exchange student t China.
    ---Cngratulatins! .
    A. That's smethingB. That's all rightC. Yu gt itD. It's a pleasure
    2. The wet weather will cntinue tmrrw, when a cld frnt _ _ t arrive.
    A. will be expectedB. is expectingC. is expectedD. expects
    3. That is the nly way we can imagine the veruse f water in students' bathrms.
    A. t reduce B. reducing C. reducedD. reduce
    4. The envirnmentalists said wild gats' n the vast grasslands was a gd indicatin f the better envirnment.
    A. accmmdatin B. absence C. attendanceD. appearance
    5.Thugh having lived abrad fr years, many Chinese still the traditinal custms.
    A. pursueB. rejectC. bserveD. supprt
    6. --- D yu knw anything abut Zhang Guimei?
    — She has been hnred as a rle mdel in China's pverty alleviatin fight.
    A. Of curse nt.B. By all means.C. By n means.D. Nt at all
    7. Human facial expressins differ frm thse f animals in the degree they can TOC \ "1-5" \h \z be cntrlled.
    A. n which B. by which C. t whichD. frm which
    8. The manager is said t have arrived back frm Beijing where he sme imprtant partners.
    A. wuld meet B. had met C. meetsD. is meeting
    9. My teacher stressed again that 1 shuld nt any imprtant details while retelling the stry.
    A. bring ut B. make ut C. let utD. leave ut
    10. Taking n this challenge will bring yu smene wh shares yur interests.
    A. in exchange frB. in answer tC. in memry fD. in cntact with
    11. The message yu intend t cnvey thrugh wrds may be the exact ppsite f thers actually understand.
    A. whyB. thatC. whatD. which
    12. In tday's infrmatin age, the lss f data cause serius prblems fr a cmpany.
    A. canB. shuld C. needD. must
    13. Students shuld invlve themselves in cmmunity activities they can gain experience fr grwth.
    A. whenB. where C. whichD. why
    14. The plice ffices in ur cmmunity wrk hard the rest f us can live a safe life.
    A. n cnditin thatB. s as tC. in rder thatD. fr fear that
    15. Cmpared with his sister, Jerry is even mre t, and mre easily trubled by emtinal and relatinship prblems.
    A. sensitive B. addicted C. availableD. skeptical
    第二节:完形填空(共20小题:每小题1.5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从16-35各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出最佳选项.
    Last July I gt a jb at a theater I admire. I was feeling lucky. But smething wasn't 16 .
    My daughter was ging t leave fr university in the fall and I wasn't 17 fr her t g. Our husehld is small and tight-knit (关系亲密的).It's just the tw f us. I was excited fr my daughter and I felt I had 18 her well. But n ne had prepared me fr this. I was 19 .1 felt as thu的 I were drwning (溺亡).
    Smehw, this feeling f drwning was what 20 me. One day as [ was walking hme, I 21 the university pl. I must have walked past it a millin times. Swimming wasn't smething I usually did. And yet smething 22 me t take it up.
    The next mrning, I 23 the pl. I headed ver t the shallw end, the area reserved fr 24 like me. I walked dwn the cld steps int the pf and all f a sudden, I was in. I culd tuch the flr, and that was reassuring (安心的), I lked arund t make sure the ther peple weren't watching my awkward strkes. "N ne is watching} I 25 t myself N ne cares if yu lk like a baby elephant swimming fr the first time.- N ne cares if yur heart 26 when my daughter packs up her things and 27 . Smehw, in that mment, this was 28 .
    I swam slwly frm ne end t the ther, feeling a 29 , I fund myself crying. Thankfully, n ne culd tell my 30 frm the water running dwn my face. Afterward, I headed fr the changing rm, smiling and feeling prud that I faced this 31 When I gt hme, my daughter said that 1 lked 32 .
    The next day, I1 was up early, swimming bag in hand. I was 33 afraid f drwning. I was breathing easier. I was feeling better.
    Having “an empty nest" is an easy catchphrase (口头禅)fr smething that is impssible t describe. It is nt just an empty rm. It is a 34 part f wh yu are. And fr me, swimming 35 a part f that hle.
    The Classic Rad Trip is mre ppular than even Here are several places t hit the pen rad.
    36. Turists f Cl — rad Trips are prvided with.
    A. an aut displayB. seaging batsC. a treasure adventureD. adaptable plans f trip
    37. What can we learn abut The Beartth Highway?
    A. Mtrists are given access t varius eclgical systems.
    B. It is hme t the Chugach muntains and Beartth muntains.
    C. It winds thrugh mining twns, natinal frests and fishing villages,
    D. The windy, cliff-hugging 375-mile stretch displays waterfalls and wildlife.
    38. Visitrs alng Seward Highway-can.
    A. hear sme gd bear stries
    B. appreciate the treasure undergrund
    C. explre the highly recgnized regin
    D. imagine themselves as brave gld miners
    39. Which place favrs kids accrding t the passage?
    A. Cl — rad Trips.
    B. The Beartth Highway.
    C. Seward Highway, Alaska,
    D, The Lighthuse Trail, Maine.
    40. What is the purpse f the passage?
    A. T state the imprtance f recgnitin fr classic places.
    B. T intrduce American ppular rad trips.
    C. T tell adventure stries alng rad trips.
    D. T describe the Scenic Histric Byways.
    I fell in lve with the Little Free Library cncept years ag n vacatin. The cncept f free literature-sharing bxes psted in neighbrhds and public spaces hked me. Fr a bklver, this represented bliss (快乐),At hme, my bedside table spruts (长出)bks and frm the flr rises a muntainus t-be-read pile. My husband wasn't the least bit surprised when I suggested starting ur wn Little Free Library. As a writer and intrvert(内向的人), I welcmed the idea f saying hell t ther bklvers n ccasin.
    The fllwing winter, my husband built a cpy f ur Irish garden shed (棚屋)with a framed glass dr n the frnt and, in the spring, munted (安装)it n a pst in frnt f ur huse. We filled the shelves with bks, and since then, visitrs have refilled them with literary fictin, rmances, mysteries, science fictin, cwby westerns, yung-adult fictin, petry, hw-t's, self-help and a range f ther nnfictin.
    Fr a time after COVID-19 first struck, public libraries shut dwn, and Amazn priritized the delivery f essential and high-demand items. Bks were less easily attained. Traffic t ur library increased. I psted reminders abut hand washing, and still, readers kept cming.
    We wndered if we shuld clse the Little Free Library and revisited (再次讨论)ur riginal mtivatins fr hsting it: t facilitate the exchange f bks, t create a sense f cmmunity. Reading prvides the necessary relief t the emtinal crush (压力)f life. With this in mind, we added a written reminder n staying safe in the library.
    Thrugh my teens, reading transprted me t ther places and eras. Bks taught me abut life and hw peple vercame adversity (逆境), I n lnger felt alne in the things I struggled against.
    Aside frm the entertainment bks ffer, studies shw that reading expses us t ther cultures and perspectives. Literature sheds light n the justice t be fund in scial inclusin and cmmunity chesin (凝聚).Self-esteem and understanding grw in equal measure as we cme t understand urselves and ur place in the wrld.
    During this pandemic, the Little Free Library has reinfrced the imprtance f literature and reading t ur emtinal and mental health. It's becme an alternate means f creating a cmmunity f peple with mutual regard fr humanity and the written wrd. We are tgether even when apart,
    41. What attracted the authr t hst the Little Free Library?
    A. The emtinal crush f life,
    B. The free literature-sharing cncept.
    C. The sense f self-esteem and scial justice.
    D. The imprtance f exchanging bks with each ther.
    42. What is the husband's attitude tward building the Little Free
    A. Objective. B. Supprtive. C. Indifferent D. Dubtful.
    43. What happened t the authr's Little Free Library during the pandemic?
    A. It was nt allwed t be used.
    B. The number f bks' drpped sharply.
    C. It was getting mre ppular than befre.
    D. Readers questined the mtivatins fr hsting it.
    44. What can we learn frm Paragraph 5?
    A. Hw reading shaped the authr*s grwth.
    B. Hw we facilitated the exchange f bks.
    C. Hw the Little Free Library further develped.
    D. Hw literature played a rle in cmmunity building,
    45. What is the benefit f the Little Free Library during the pandemic?
    A. It has ffered slutins t the pandemic.
    B. It has relieved the pressure f public libraries.
    C. It has expsed readers t freign perspectives.
    D. It has helped create a united and chesive cmmunity.
    Researchers studying animal behaviur have recently started nticing smething unusual. Sme animals were bserved t be eating plants that are nt part f their nrmal diet and have n nutritinal value. They ate these plants at nly sme times f the year while ther animals in the grup did nt eat the same plants. What can accunt fr this dd behaviur?
    The researchers believe that these animals are giving themselves medicine. These plants can make the animals feel better, kill parasites (寄生虫)r aid in digestin. Many different animals have been bserved acting in this way. Sme chimps in a nature reserve in Tanzania had parasites which caused them stmach upsets. They were seen chewing and swallwing the leaves cntaining special medicines. These leaves were rugh with sharp spikes sticking ut. Scientists think that these rugh leaves were eaten t clean ut the insides f the chimps' stmachs s that the parasites wuld be killed.
    Other examples f animals self-medicating include lizards which respnd t the bite f a venmus (有毒的)snake by eating a special rt that can cunter (对抗)the pisn, and macaw birds (金刚鹦鹉)that eat clay t aid in digestin and kill bacteria. Pregnant elephants have been knwn t eat the leaves f sme trees as a way f speeding up the delivery f their babies.
    Hw did animals learn this behaviur? The mst bvius answer is that animals learnt by experience. Fr example, a grilla nce felt ill, ate sme leaves and then felt better the next day. It remembered this and passed n this infrmatin t the rest f the grup and its children. But what abut creatures that are less intelligent? Scientists studying the mnarch butterfly (黑脉金斑蝶)nticed that sme healthy butterflies laid eggs n the milkweed plant which has anti-parasite prperties. These eggs prduced strng healthy butterflies cmpared t the nes hatched n plants that d nt have such medicinal benefits. Over time the weaker butterflies prduced fewer eggs and the healthy butterflies thrived (茁壮 成长).This is an example f natural selectin.
    If we can learn frm animals' using plants t heal and prtect themselves naturally, we t might gain medicinal benefits.
    46. In writing Paragraph 1, the authr aims t
    A. bring up a tpicB. reach a cnclusinC. make a cmparisnD. prpse a definitin
    47.What can we learn frm the passage?
    A. Chimps smetimes eat special leaves t ease stmach prblems.
    B. Macaw birds are the nly birds that use plants t kill bacteria.
    C. Lizards eat special rts t speed up the laying eggs.
    D. Pregnant elephants use leaves t aid in digestin.
    48. A grilla learnt the self-medicating .
    A. by aviding hunters
    B. by making imitatins
    C. by gaining experience
    D. by cuntering the pisn
    49. Accrding t Paragraph 4, we knw the mnarch butterfly seemed likely t.
    A. use an anti-parasite liquid t prtect the eggs
    B. lay eggs n the milkweed plants t avid the snake
    C. prduce strng healthy eggs n the clay in Tanzania
    D. have healthy kids by laying eggs n the milkweed plants
    50. What can we infer frm the last paragraph?
    A. We may get benefits frm the study f animals, self-medicatin.
    B. We shuld make use f the study t prtect the envirnment.
    C. The study f animals' self-medicatin is nt imprtant.
    D. Animals' self-medicatin has set an example fr us.
    5 1. Frm which is the passage prbably taken?
    A. A medical jurnal
    B. A newspaper reprt.
    C. A children's strybk.
    D. A ppular science magazine.
    “If at first yu dn't succeed, try and try again." It's a sentence that we have all heard many, many times, and it might even seem ld-fashined and cliched (老生常谈) t yu. But this sentence essentially symblizes the virtue f perseverance ——never giving up.
    It's a cmmn phrase cming frm the muths f parents, teachers and caches. Why? It is because we have the tendency t give up trying after numerus attempts resulting in failure. Achieving the seemingly impssible is always tugh but we shuld keep in mind that every step we take is a step clser t maturity and success. In the prcess f striving t achieve, we reflect, learn and gain self-understanding, the sense f pride and accmplishment f having cmpleted ur tasks.
    Never give up, try and try again.
    Here is a mdel demnstrating the virtue f perseverance. Thmas Edisn, the great inventr f the bulb, carried ut literally thusands f experiments t find ut which type f material was suitable fr making the filament (灯丝)f a light bulb. Thusands f different materials were tested. There were thusands f cnsecutive (连续不断的)failures, but Edisn refused t give up. At last he succeeded, and created ne f the mst imprtant inventins in histry. Had he given up, we wuld still be living in darkness.
    I als have persnal experience f the imprtance f perseverance. When I was in Grade 6 f primary schl, I jined a curse that required a lt f physical endurance and ability. As J was nt an athletic persn then, I thught it was a big challenge and that I'd never cmplete all f the tasks. I just wanted t give up trying, but 1 tld myself t persevere. Smewhat miraculusly, I cmpleted the entire curse. I knew that I wasn't as weak as I had thught, and that sense f jubilatin (欢乐)is utterly invaluable.
    Never give up. Life is like tssing a cin ---yu either get heads, r tails. There is equal chance f getting either side f it. Even if yu tss tails fr 99 times, there is still a chance f getting heads fr the 100th time. The imprtant thing is t try.
    Wuld yu give up if yu failed an examinatin twice? Wuld yu give up after lsing yur future? Wuld yu give up if yu felt like life had lst alt its meaning? If yu answer n t thse questins, cngratulatins. Life is nt hpeless, and with enugh perseverance and determinatin, yu will succeed. Cntinue tssing the cin f life, and never give up.
    52. Why des “never give up" becme a cmmn phrase fr many peple?
    A. Because it is a famus saying that symblizes perseverance and hpe;.
    B. Because it is hardly pssible fr peple t realize their dreams in daily life.
    C. Because peple tend t give up after trying repeatedly and experiencing failure.
    D. Because peple seldm reflect themselves in the face f failures and difficulties.
    53. Why des the authr mentin Thmas Edisn in Paragraph 4?
    A. T shw the value f Thmas Edisn's inventin.
    B. T intrduce the life experience f Thmas Edisn.
    C. T back up his pint with the stry f Thmas Edisn.
    D. T call n thers t set Thmas Edisn as a rle mdel,
    54. What d we knw abut the authr accrding t Paragraph 5?
    A. The authr finally gave up when there was a challenge.
    B. When the authr faced a challenge, he carried n trying.
    C. When the authr was yung, he was gd at ding sprts.
    D. The authr used t take n mre tasks than he culd handle.
    55. What message des the text cnvey?
    A. Ups and dwns make ne strng.
    B. Perseverance requires enthusiasm.
    C. A strng-willed sul can reach his gal.
    D. Experience helps t prmte excellence.
    河北区2020-2021 学年度高三年级总复习质量检测(二)
    第 II 卷
    TOC \ "1-5" \h \z 注意事项:^
    TOC \ "1-5" \h \z 2.本卷共6小题,共35分.
    Skatebarding has been my life since I was & years ld. Befre I knew hw t stand up, I wuld sit n my cusin's ld bard and rll dwn the hills f Caceres, my hmetwn in Spain.
    When I was at university, I heard abut Skate-Aid an rganizatin that builds skate parks fr children in disadvantaged cmmunities. I've always wanted t make a psitive impact n the wrld, and if there were a way t d that thrugh skatebarding, I Wuld be there
    I gt a call in early 2019 that the next prject wuld be in Syria. I was. anxius. We flew t Lebann arid drve frm Beirut t Damascus. We stpped at checkpints every few minutes. I didn't understand Arabic, and all the men I culd see were armed.
    Our destinatin was Qudsaya, a city 7 kilmetres west f Damascus, Damage frm the war was everywhere: rads were cracked and buildings were cvered in hles frm shting, in which birds had built nests.
    We were building a skate park in an area that had been largely destryed, except fr a small structure where a family f five was living. They'd fled their hme in die nrth. The mther was s welcming, bringing us tea and cffee every mrning.
    It tk 28 days t build the park. We wuld get up early and spend all day wrking. This was ging t be Syria's first skate park, and many peple wanted t help.
    The kids wuld watch us skating dwn the street and were s excite. When we finished the bwl(碗状滑板场),I put kids n a bard ne by ne, and they were amazed by the feeling f rlling alng. One by was a natural He had never skated befre, but within a week he was already skating well.
    We stayed fr tw mnths. I keep in tuch with the kids, and they send me vides f the tricks they've learned. When we left, there were 400 children ging t the park every day. I've been t s many cuntries, but Syria was special. I'll g back as sn as I can.
    56. Why did the authr jin Skate-Aid? (n mre than 10 wrds)
    57. What was the authr's first impressin f Qudsaya? (n mre than 10 wrds)
    58. Hw did the kids feel abut the skate park? (1 wrd)
    59. Hw d yu understand the underlined part in Paragraph 7? (n mre than 10 wrds)
    60. What wuld yu d t make a difference thrugh yur hbby? Please explain. (n mre than 25 wrds)
    假设你是晨光中学高三3班的李津,高中生活即将结束,在繁忙的学习之余,校 英语社团决定录制毕业纪念视频,邀请你作为学生代表用英语发表毕业感言,请你根据以下提示撰写一篇发言稿:
    Gd mrning, dear friends My name is Li Jin. .
    . .
    . .
    . .
    . .
    . .
    Thank yu.
    16. A. special
    B. right
    C. true
    D. strange
    17. A. afraid
    B. sure
    C. ready
    C. ready
    D. srry
    18. A. prepared
    B. treated
    C. cared
    D. planned
    19. A. disappinted
    B. inspired
    C. panicking
    D. cmplaining
    .20. A. cntrlled
    B. imprved
    C. bthered
    D. saved
    21. A. examined
    B. verlked
    C. nticed
    D. recgnized
    22. A. pushed
    B. expected
    C. rdered
    D. allwed
    23. A. set apart frm
    B. set ut fr .
    C. get ut f
    D. get away frm
    24. A. fighters
    B. vlunteers
    C. lsers
    D. beginners
    25. A.' repeated
    B. remembered
    C. recalled
    D. replied
    26. A. races
    B. punds
    C. stps
    D. breaks
    27. A. appears
    B. leaves
    C. escapes
    D. fails
    28. A. cmfrting
    B. upsetting
    C. annying
    D. cnfusing
    29. A. cnnectin
    B. release
    C. pressure
    D. cnflict
    30. A. rain
    B. bld
    C. tears
    D. sweat
    3 1.A. hpe
    B. surprise
    C. anger
    D. fear
    32. A. tired
    B. pale
    C. happy.
    D. healthy
    33. A. nce again
    B. n lnger
    C. as usual
    D. s far .
    34. A. missing
    B. natural
    C. unique
    D. useful
    35. A. tuches
    B. frms
    C. invlves
    D. fills
    (1 ) Cl — rad Trips
    The Clrad Turism Office has made it easy fr rad-trippers t explre the state's 24 Scenic Histric Byways. A new micrsite includes an interactive map that enables travelers t explre ptins by regin, interest r seasn. Travelers seeking inspiratin can als access insider tips and side-trip suggestins within mre than 150 Cl — rad Trip itineraries (行程).The flexible itineraries ffer suggestins fr histric attractins, active adventures and highlight cultural pprtunities.
    (2 ) The Beartth Highway
    Visitrs wh travel this extrardinary path experience the visual landscape f Mntana, Wyming and Yellwstne Park hme t the Absarka and Beartth muntains. The windy, cliff-hugging 68-inite stretch intrduces rad explrers t ne f the mst diverse ecsystems accessible by vehicle. Amazingly beautiful, this American Rad displays wide highlands, painted with patches f tee blue lakes, frested valleys, waterfalls and wildlife.
    (3 ) Seward Highway, Alaska
    The rad that cnnects Anchrage t Seward is a 127-mile treasure, including natural beauty, wildlife and stries f adventure and endurance. Take a day r several t explre the regin that has earned three-fld recgnitin as a Frest Service scenic Byway, an Alaskan Scenic Byway and an All-American Rad. The drive begins at the base f the Chugach Muntains, hugs the scenic shres f Turnagain Arm and winds thrugh mining twns, natinal frests and fishing villages as yu imagine hw explrers, fur traders and gld miners might have fared back in the day f waterfalls and glaciers (冰川),hunting eagles, mse (驼鹿)and sme bears.
    (4 ) The Lighthuse Trail, Maine
    Travel the 375 miles between Kittery and Calais, Maine, visiting lighthuses alng the way, and learn abut the dangers that seaging bats and their crew endured alng the rcky Nrtheastern cast. Hear tales f shipwrecks (海难)and f the difficult and lnely life led by thse wh kept the lights burning brightly. If pssible, visit the Maine Lighthuse Museum, where artifacts and hands-n exhibits fr children prvide an attractive break.

    2024届天津市河北区高三下学期总复习质量检测(一)+英语试卷: 这是一份2024届天津市河北区高三下学期总复习质量检测(一)+英语试卷,文件包含高三一模24n稿pdf、高三听力2403pdf、高三答案243pdf、高三一模英语听力2403mp3等4份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共18页, 欢迎下载使用。

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