模块一 Unit1 Schoollife
1.enjoyable 2.experience 3.headmaster 4.earn 5.respect
6.devote 7.average 8.struggle 9.challenging 10.encouragement
11.satisfaction 12.exchange 13.graduate 14.kindness
15.independent 16.recent 17.professor 18.inform 19.approve 20.schoolmate 21.broadcast 22.preparation 23.graduation
24.generation 25.select
1.文学 2.做饭;烹饪,烹调 3.额外的,外加的 4.喜爱的,喜欢的 5.西班牙(人)的;西班牙语(的) 6.雕像,雕塑 7.甜点 8.学业的,学术的 9.以前的 10.流利的 11.绘画,绘画作品 12.极佳的,非常好的 13.(书的)名称;(文章的)题目,篇名 14.朝代,王朝 15.不知为什么;不知怎么地 16.管理;操作 17.主持人;主人,东道主 18.负责,掌管 使承担责任;收费 19.(重要)事件;社交活动;比赛项目 20.诗人 21.短途旅行,远足 22.文学的 23.庭院,院子
1.enjoyable;enjoy;enjoyment 2.experience;experienced;inexperienced
3.devote;devoted;devotion 4.literature;literary 5.challenging;challenge 6.encouragement;encourage;courage;discourage
7.satisfaction;satisfy;satisfied 8.academic;academy 9.graduate;graduation 10.donate;donation 11.independent;dependent;depend;independence 12.inform;information 13.run;running;runner 14.approve;approval 15.preparation;prepare;prepared 16.poet;poem;poetry 17.select;selection;selected
1.extra;experience;fluently 2.challenging;generations
3.encouraged;encouragement 4.independent;dependent
1.首先 2.把……奉献给…… 3.赢得尊敬 4.听起来像 5.充分利用 6.喜爱,喜欢 7.赞同,同意 8.过去常常(做某事) 9.免费 10.回顾 11.introduce...to... 12.surf the Internet 13.make a speech 14.donate...to... 15.for one thing,for another thing
16.inform sb of sth 17.at the end of 18.on average 19.in charge of
20.such as
1.am fond of in charge of devote all my efforts to 2.Looking back on make good use of for free 3.approve of
1.Doing morning exercises is good for your health.
2.It is a pleasure for me to be invited here to make the speech on how to protect the environment.
3.Being a mother isn’t as bad as I thought at first!
4.You can’t go out until you’ve finished this.
5.On/Upon seeing her,I’ll tell her the good news.
『语篇填空』 1.enjoyable 2.On 3.to earn 4.ourselves
5.Literature 6.the 7.so 8.challenging 9.lucky 10.encouragement
We have a radio club in our school,thatwhich is run by the students.Our club is much littlemore than just music.Every morning we tell students about the weather,recent news and some special messagemessages that the teachers want us ∧to broadcast.During exam time we have a special programme tellstelling students the things they should do.When parents come to visit the school and talk to the teachers,we always play songs singingsung by students and we also give messages to inform the parents onof events such as outings and school plays.I’m graduating soon.I shall miss the radio club,sobut I know that it will continue withwithout me.
模块一 Unit2 Growingpains
1.frightened 2.adult 3.behavior 4.teenager 5.upset 6.defend
7.emergency 8.deserve 9.explanation 10.hard 11.rude
12.bicycle 13.hardworking 14.handle 15.insist 16.chat
17.anyhow 18.freedom 19.worried 20.harm 21.foolish
22.patience 23.argument 24.selfish 25.annoyed 26.forbid
27.misunderstand 28.normal 29.confused 30.limit 31.independence
32.balance 33.challenge
1.(戏剧的)一幕 2.容忍;允许 3.窗帘;(舞台上的)幕布 4.挨饿;饿死 使挨饿 5.现金 6.英式足球,足球 7.弯腰, 屈身 (使)弯曲 8.(生活)垃圾 9.过错,错误 10.水池,水槽, 洗碗池 下沉,沉没 11.(戏剧的)一场;场面;景色 12.诊所 13.叹气 14.错误 15.指导,引导 16.数字多功能光碟 17.咖啡馆, 小餐馆 18.不友好的,冷淡的,疏远的;遥远的 19.青春期 20.身体的;物质的 21.往往;趋向 照看 22.智慧 23.持久 持续,维持(一段时间)
1.starve;starvation 2.behavior;behave 3.emergency;emergent
4.explanation;explain 5.guidance;guide 6.argument;argue
7.freedom;free 8.harm;harmful 9.foolish;fool 10.patience;patient 11.selfish;selfishness 12.wisdom;wise 13.independence;independent 14.distant;distance
1.emergency;frightening;teenager 2.confused;confusing 3.argued;arguments 4.behaved;behaviour 5.active;action
1.at present 2.have fun 3.in this regard 4.now that 5.turn up 6.in a mess 7.stay up 8.mix up 9.go through 10.along with
11.迫不及待地去做某事 12.应该/应当…… 13.处理,处置 14.结果(是),证明(是) 15.坚持做某事 16.对……苛刻(严厉) 17.被认为/看成是…… 18.做决定/选择 19.做某事有困难 20.给某人机会为自己辩护(辩解)
1.insisted on at present can’t wait to 2.are not supposed to be too hard on have fun mix up give them a chance to defend themselves
1.The film star walked out of the airport,followed by a group of reporters.
2.Miss Gao teaches us English with smiles on her face.
3.I don’t like washing clothes,so I always have my clothes washed.
4.He hates it when people use his bike.
5.He behaved as if nothing had happened.
『语篇填空』 1.decisions 2.unfortunately 3.cleaning 4.earlier 5.But 6.that 7.what 8.annoyed 9.explanation 10.on
Many teenagers feel alonelonely,as if no one understandunderstands them and the changes they are going through.Day by day,everything seems differentlydifferent,yet the same.Life never seems to be going fast enough;andyet,in other ways,like a race car,life seems to be rushing too fast and even going out of control.These feelings are ∧a common part of adolescence.ItThey can be thought of as growing pains.As teenagers grow,it is normal for them to become confusingconfused with the changing world.During adolescence,teenagers grow taller and their voices get deepdeeper.Along with these physical changes,there comescome many psychological changes.The good news is that these kinds of growing pains do not last.In the end everything turns out OK.
模块一 Unit3 Looking
1.figure 2.ashamed 3.weight-loss 4.work 5.energetic 6.failure
7.contain 8.painful 9.damage 10.attractive 11.diet
12.embarrassed 13.athlete 14.pressure 15.prefer 16.suffer 17.effect 18.affect 19.achievement 20.including 21.expert
22.sadness 23.comfort 24.useless 25.properly 26.count
27.mostly 28.peaceful 29.loss 30.concentrate 31.gain
1.苗条的, 纤细的 2.药丸,药片 3.千克 4.复原,恢复健康 重新获得,恢复 5.化学物质 化学的 6.治疗;待遇;处理 7.肥胖的,体重超标的 8.腰,腰部;腰围 9.(在网上发布的)帖子 10.在市中心,往市中心(尤指商业中心区) 11.高速公路 12.午夜 13.分支;分部;树枝 14.器材;设备 15.马拉松赛跑 16.大约 17.跳过,略过;蹦跳着走 18.皮肤 19.身体,(器官)系统;体系;制度 20.数量
1.painful;pain 2.achievement;achieve 3.including;include
4.equipment;equip 5.sadness;sad 6.peaceful;peace 7.prefer;preference 8.suffer;suffering 9.embarrassed;embarrassing;embarrassment 10.attractive;attract;attraction 11.concentrate;concentration 12.treatment;treat 13.comfort;comfortable
1.treatment;recovery 2.prefer;preference 3.energy;energetic
4.achieved;achievements 5.embarrassed;embarrassing
1.go on a diet 2.fall out 3.get into shape 4.take a risk/risks
5.put on/gain weight 6.as a matter of fact 7.make the most of
8.stay healthy/keep fit 9.build up one’s strength 10.使某人高兴起来 11.对……感到羞愧 12.听从某人的劝告 13.从长远角度看 14.立刻,马上 15.对……有副作用 16.给……带来损伤/损害
17.从……收回(取回);恢复,痊愈 18.以失败而告终
1.in the long term fell out get into shape 2.going on a diet make the most of
1.She kept me waiting without the slightest apology.
2.Leave the things as they are.
3.any of the other;the other;any other
4.He did tell all that had happened to him.
5.He decided to go to the country for a trip, and so did John.
『语篇填空』 1.dying 2.who/that 3.However 4.had
5.treatment 6.recovering 7.more 8.attractive 9.hopes 10.from
Healthy eating along with regular exercise areis probably the only way to become fit.If you eat properly orand exercise regularly,you will lose weight,keep fit and feel great.As a teenager,it is important to give your body the energy it needs .If you skip mealmeals,you don’t get enough energy,and then you feel tired.For a healthy diet,you should eat mostmostly rice,bread,vegetables and fruit.You also need ∧to drink a lot of water—six to eight glasses a day.Water helps keep your system cleanerclean.DrinkDrinking enough water will improve your skin and give you healthy hair.
Exercise is something whichthat can help to make you look good,feel good and be healthy.A good amount of sleep every night is also important infor your health.
模块二 Unit1 Talesof
1.unexplained 2.puzzled 3.disappear 4.witness 5.assume
6.construction 7.possibility 8.amazing 9.evidence 10.injury 11.laughter 12.schoolboy 13.occur 14.enthusiastic 15.exist 16.statement 17.disagree 18.case 19.humour 20.discount
21.organize 22.award 23.hairy 24.attack 25.villager
26.length 27.examine 28.north-west 29.dozen 30.reserve
31.strength 32.existence 33.convince 34.link 35.survive
1.故事, 传说 2.发生的事情(尤指不寻常的或讨厌的) 3.因为, 由于;预期的;适当的 4.动物;(具有某种特征的)人 5.不予考虑;解雇;解散 6.宇宙飞船 7.闪光,闪耀 8.在(轮船、飞机、火车等)上;上(轮船、飞机、火车等) 9.侦探 10.记者 11.天文学家 12.基地,大本营;底部;基础 以……为基础 13.调查问卷 14.标记号;打上钩;打对号 15.羽毛球 16.适当的 17.(文件等)空白处,空格 空白的;无表情的 18.联赛,锦标赛 19.(动物的)毛皮, 皮毛 20.足迹,踪迹 21.厘米 22.祖先,祖宗
1.puzzled;puzzle;puzzling 2.assume;assumption 3.construction;construct 4.possibility;possible;possibly 5.evidence;evident
6.injury;injure;injured 7.enthusiastic;enthusiasm 8.exist;existence;existent 9.statement;state 10.organize;organization
11.length;lengthen;long 12.strength;strengthen;strong
13.convince;convinced;convincing 14.survive;survival;survivor
1.possibility;assume 2.exists;existence 3.laughter;laughed
4.long;length 5.explanation;explained
1.step up 2.belong to 3.look into 4.show up 5.dream of
6.dozens of 7.run after 8.carry out 9.go missing 10.偶然遇见,碰到 11.由于,因为;预定,约定 12.不止,多于,不仅仅,非常
13.负责,掌管 14.与……分离/脱离 15.编造,杜撰;构成;和好;化妆 16.使某人相信某事 17.与……相似 18.捡起;接某人;偶然学到 19.前往,到……去
1.stepped up make his way to due to 2.ran into took charge of making up 3.belonging to 4.picked up
1.A woman saw him crying and told him to wait outside the shop.
2.Standing at the school gate is Mr Robert,headmaster of our school.
3.I finished my homework quickly so that I could go to bed earlier.
4.They stood there for an hour,watching the game.
5.The book is reported to be translated into several foreign languages.
『语篇填空』 1.missing 2.frightening 3.puzzled 4.up 5.and 6.appeared 7.With 8.which 9.convincing 10.possibility
For centuries,people ∧have reported seeing a wild creature in the Himalayas callingcalled Yeti.The Yeti is said to be a large,hairy animal that walks on two footfeet like a human being.In 1998,an American mountain climber said he saw a Yeti on the Chinese side of the Himalayas,thatwhich walked like a human,but it had thick black fur and was about six feet tall with huge shoulders,very long arms and large hands.In 2007,an American TV team saw Yeti tracks 33 centimetres onin length in the snow near Mount Qomolangma.Because of these reports and the tracks,there have been several organized searches for this creature,andbut no strong evidence for theirits existence has ever been found.Scientists hope that the mysteriousmystery will be solved one day.If such creatures really exist,we might have the chance to see itone with our own eyes.
模块二 Unit2 Wishyouwerehere
1.adventure 2.flight 3.arrange 4.altogether 5.uncomfortable 6.rough 7.desert 8.protection 9.advance 10.supply 11.defence
12.scare 13.tiring 14.atmosphere 15.afterwards 16.tourism 17.explore 18.sunrise 19.view 20.heaven 21.mountaintop
22.schedule 23.bury 24.destination 25.beauty 26.classic
27.novel 28.kingdom 29.forever 30.officially 31.spot
32.publish 33.announce 34.sunshine 35.reflect 36.wander
37.surrounding 38.harmony 39.endless
『识记阅读词汇』 1.不同寻常的 2.骆驼 3.尘土飞扬的, 满是灰尘的 4.阴凉处;背阴;树荫 5.明亮的;鲜艳的 6.手电筒 7.头盔 8.野生动物,野生生物 9.照片 10.袖子 11.脸颊 12.非洲的 13.寺院 14.笼子 15.西南 16.(尤指城镇间的)公路,干道,交通要道 17.陡峭的;急剧的 18.屹立, 高耸;超过 塔, 塔楼 19.钻石,金刚石 20.牛 21.平和的,温和的;温暖的
1.adventure;adventurer;adventurous 2.dusty;dust;dustless
3.protection;protect;protective 4.defence;defend;defensive
5.scare;scared;scaring;scary 6.explore;explorer;exploration
7.tiring;tire;tired;tiredness 8.announce;announcer;announcement 9.surrounding;surround;surroundings 10.harmony;harmonious;harmonize
1.shade;adventure 2.tiring;supply 3.protect;protection 4.tiring;tired 5.surrounded;surroundings
1.in advance 2.set off 3.reach to 4.fall into 5.begin with
6.scare away 7.make sure 8.get burnt 9.on earth 10.leave out 11.被覆盖 12.与……和谐共处(协调一致) 13.盼望 14.靠近地 15.忙于做某事 16.不知所措 17.是……的家园/产地(栖息地) 18.对……感到厌倦(厌烦、劳累) 19.重新提及 20.赢得……的美名
1.looking forward to up close set off 2.in advance is busy doing at a loss 3.leave out 4.in harmony with
1.How I wish I could have a good holiday this Spring Festival!
2.Apply some sun cream to your face in case you get burnt by the sunshine.
3.Whatever(=No matter what) the reason is,you can’t turn against your motherland.
4.This is the first time that I have seen such an interesting film.
5.I was about to drive off when I saw this huge truck run into me.
『语篇填空』 1.adventures 2.because 3.Equipment 4.which
5.so 6.useful 7.drinking 8.as 9.in 10.needed
Would you like the chance to discover a place of mystery and beauty in athe south-west of China?If your answer is “yes”,consider a trip to Shangri-la!Start in the city of Dali and drive north along the Yunnan-Tibet Highway until you reach Shangri-la,thatwhich is 659 kilometres away from Kunming.There are regularlyregular flights between the two cities.The word “Shangri-la” first appeared in a classic novel writingwritten by James Hilton.In this perfect world lived people who ∧had discovered how to stay young forever.Three mountains are covered with snow,and tower over the land,whosesnowsnowy mountaintops form a beautiful picture that will leave you at a loss for wordwords.Below the mountains,the sunshine reflects on the lakes,making itthem shine like diamonds against the rich countryside.FromIn this peaceful land,people live in harmony with nature.
模块二 Unit3 Amazingpeople
1.explorer 2.curious 3.fortune 4.preserve 5.entrance
6.content 7.swallow 8.death 9.clothing 10.shortly 11.within
12.connection 13.punishment 14.scientific 15.disturb
16.breathe 17.whichever 18.warning 19.widespread
20.requirement 21.inspire 22.native 23.outgoing 24.rare
25.discourage 26.devotion 27.various 28.organization 29.desire
30.apply 31.survival 32.quality 33.optimistic 34.indeed
1.坟墓 2.埃及的, 埃及人的 埃及人 3.山谷, 峡谷 4.巧合,碰巧
5.病毒 6.谜 7.劳动,努力工作 8.飞机 9.信号 发信号;表明 10.船长,飞机机长;队长;海军上校,陆军、空军上尉 11.性别 12.女性(的) 13.国籍 14.数据;资料 15.谋杀 16.伴侣;陪伴 17.航行;(尤指)航海,航天 18.轨道 沿……轨道运行,围绕……运动 19.宇航员 20.东北 21.候选人;申请人 22.火箭 23.地位,身份
24.上级,上司 更好的,更高的
1.curious;curiously;curiosity 2.fortune;fortunate;fortunately;unfortunate;unfortunately;misfortune 3.preserve;preservation;preserver 4.entrance;enter 5.death;die;dying;deadly 6.shortly;short;shorten 7.punishment;punish 8.scientific;science;scientist 9.disturb;disturbing;disturbed;disturbance 10.breathe;breath
11.inspire;inspiration;inspiring 12.discourage;courage;encourage; encouragement 13.devotion;devote;devoted 14.apply;application;applicant 15.optimistic;optimism;optimist
1.widespread;quality 2.desire;optimistic 3.fortune;fortunate
4.apply;application 5.survived;survivor
1.set sail 2.be curious about 3.shortly after 4.get in touch with 5.be present 6.thanks to 7.be in control(of sth) 8.apply for a job
9.look up to 10.breathe in 11.(偶然)遇见;发现 12.导致,结果是…… 13.创世界纪录 14.(灯)熄灭,外出,出去 15.载入史册 16.引起某人的注意 17.为某人赢得……的地位 18.有强烈的愿望做某事 19.对……表现出极大的忠诚/专心 20.偿清(债务);得到回报
1.set sail resulted in 2.set a world record go down in history look up to 3.paid off 4.came across
1.She took a taxi to the airport,only to find the plane had taken off.
2.Although (they had been) defeated by the opposite team,they didn’t lose heart.
3.Without your help, I would not have achieved any success.
4.We made him captain of our football team.
5.Was it Tom who/that invited you to the party?
『语篇填空』 1.sailed 2.an 3.for 4.But 5.strangely
6.something 7.coincidence 8.scientific 9.are 10.What
Born in 1965,Yang Liwei had wanted to fly since he was ∧a young boy,hiswhose dream was encouraged by his parents as well as his sister and brother.In 1983,he joined the army,and goeswent to a flight school.He graduated fromin 1987 and became a pilot.In 1998,he applied to be a member of Project 921,which areis now called Shenzhou.He was one of the only 14 selectingselected from 1,500 candidates.In September 2003,only three out of the 14 candidates were picked for the Chinese space adventure,butand Yang was one of them.He took all kinds of testtests to prove he was fit for this important task.Although Yang did not get the best scores on every single test,it was his highlyhigh scores on the psychological tests that finally won him the status of China’s first astronaut.
模块三 Unit1 Theworldofoursenses
1.confuse 2.forecast 3.fog 4.foggy 5.observe 6.glance 7.nowhere
8.wherever 9.approach 10.darkness 11.hesitate 12.anxious 13.firmly 14.grateful 15.relief 16.helper 17.reduce 18.analyse
19.recognize 20.puzzle 21.volunteer 22.ignore 23.distance 24.wave 25.attach 26.disability 27.hopeful 28.whisper 29.bite
30.attract 31.calm 32.likely 33.soldier 34.roll 35.loose
36.employ 37.compass 38.unlike
1.听力,听觉 2.花瓶 3.凸起的 4.点,小圆点 5.薄雾;水汽
6.(公交车)售票员;(乐队)指挥 7.车费 8.长大衣 9.脚步(声) 10.狭窄的 11.抓紧,抓牢 12.凝视,盯着看 13.胡须,络腮胡子 14.十字路口 15.帮助 16.卡车 17.(马路边的)人行道 18.(吸着气)嗅,闻 19.地极;柱子,棍,杖 20.(通常用复数boots)靴子
21.流汗 汗水 22.雷,雷声 23.闪电 24.三角形;三角形物体 25.在头上方 26.轻拍,轻敲 27.套装 适合,满足需要 28.鲨鱼 29.颌 30.相反的,相反的事实或情况 31.(动物或人的)肉 32.珠宝 33.惊慌,恐慌 34.拳头
1.confuse;confused;confusing 2.observe;observation 3.narrow;narrowly
4.approach;approachable 5.hesitate;hesitation 6.anxious;anxiety 7.firmly;firm 8.relief;relieve 9.recognize;recognition 10.ignore;ignorant;ignorance 11.distance;distant 12.suit;suitable 13.disability;disabled;disable;enable;able 14.hopeful;hope;hopefully;hopeless 15.employ;employer;employee
1.glanced;fare 2.confused;confusing 3.narrow;narrowly
4.hesitated;hesitation 5.anxious;anxieties
1.盼望,企盼 2.瞥了一眼 3.靠近 4.突然 5.抬头凝望 6.放松地
7.与……相反 8.卷起来 9.回报 10.伸出(手) 11.set off towards
12.be frozen by fear 13.be related to/be linked to 14.make great progress 15.work out a plan 16.watch out for 17.come to one’s aid
18.mistake A for B 19.make no difference 20.attach...to... 21.in sight
1.in sight watch out for 2.set off towards All of a sudden was frozen by the fear in relief
1.Once you begin,you must continue.
2.Some stars are too far away to see.
3.By the time I graduate next year,I will have lived here for 5 years.
4.When he woke up,he found his wallet stolen.
5.According to statistics,the number of cars of this year is three times larger than that of last year.
『语篇填空』 1.beating 2.arrived 3.impossible 4.frightened
5.hopefully 6.was 7.so 8.but 9.when 10.to express
Here is a story about the wonderful pigeons.The soldiers are sleepasleepwhile a guard watches for the enemy.HundredHundredsof enemy soldiers rush towards them.They are all going to be killed unless they get help.AAnofficer writes a short message quickquicklyon a small piece of paper,attaches it to a pigeon’s leg and sets it loose.
Pigeons have a wonderful sense of direction and can find their way home over long distances.That is becausewhypigeons have been used since ancient times to carry the news andoreven the mail.However,it was in war wherethatthey found their greatest use.
How do pigeons find ∧theirway?Pigeons appear to have a compass inside them that tells them which way is north.But how this compass works remainremainsa mystery.
模块三 Unit2 Language
1.vocabulary 2.occupy 3.consist 4.mixture 5.aside 6.official 7.contribution 8.defeat 9.replace 10.entire 11.raise 12.process 13.concern 14.unique 15.access 16.character 17.racial
18.gentle 19.embarrass 20.conclusion 21.custom 22.interrupt 23.mistaken 24.differ 25.deed 26.writing 27.appearance
28.represent 29.drawing 30.combine 31.indicate 32.shortcoming 33.eyesight 34.press 35.convenient 36.drag 37.practical
1.现在,如今 2.大陆 3.词组,短语 4.仆人 5.因此,所以 6.区别,差别 7.羊肉 8.熏猪肉,咸猪肉 9.上层社会的 10.拼写
11.口音,腔调;着重点 12.禁止;取缔 13.纯的,纯净的,纯粹的 14.(狗)叫 15.向后;向反方向 16.(一种语言的)字母表, 全部字母
17.打猎,猎杀;搜寻 18.简化 19.墨水,油墨 20.金属丝;铁丝网 21.战斗 22.图案,花纹;模式,方式 23.以此方式,如此;因为,从而
24.打字机 25.版本 26.区分,辨别;使具有某种特征
1.occupy;occupation 2.mixture;mix 3.official;office 4.contribution;contribute 5.entire;entirely 6.servant;serve;service 7.concern;concerning;concerned 8.pure;purity;purify 9.character;characteristic 10.gentle;gently 11.conclusion;conclude 12.mistaken;mistake 13.differ;different;difference 14.appearance;appear;disappear
15.simplify;simple;simplified 16.combine;combination
17.distinguish;distinguished 18.convenient;convenience;inconvenient;inconvenience 19.practical;practice
1.raise;process 2.concerns;unique 3.occupied;occupations
4.difference;differ 5.appearance;appeared
1.work on 2.all through history 3.in conclusion 4.differ from
5.name after 6.in that 7.aside from 8.stand for 9.as a whole 10.take control of 11.导致 12.有实用性 13.经历巨变 14.由……组成(构成) 15.重达100磅 16.对……作贡献 17.将某人领入阅读世界 18.随着时间的推移 19.在……发挥作用 20.在20世纪50年代
1.leading to 2.take control of 3.as a whole 4.play a part in
5.make contributions to
1.He is seriously ill;that’s why he is absent from school.
2.The walls are green,while the ceiling is white.
3.The noisy surroundings are difficult to tolerate.
4.Whether you agree with the evidence or not,it is certain that there has been a global shift in thinking.
5.Not all of the students go to play basketball after school.
『语篇填空』 1.as 2.used 3.difference 4.to replace 5.are
6.pronounce 7.adding 8.while 9.It 10.simply
The man who introduced blind people to readreadingwas Louis Braille(1809—1852).In 1821, a soldier visited the school and showed the students a system for passing messagesinatnight during times of battle.His system used paper with small,raised dots wherethat/whichcould be felt with fingerfingers.
While the students found the soldier’s idea interestedinteresting,the system was too difficult to be of practical usefuluse.However,young Louis Braille took the idea and worked on it.At the age of fifteen,he createscreateda system with patterns of six raised dots representing each letter.“Braille”,the system for reading usingusedtoday by blind people around the world,was thus born.Today,it is the most common system used by blind people for reading and writing,and nearly every language,including Chinese,has it’sitsown version of Braille for its people to use.
模块三 Unit3 Backtothepast
1.lecture 2.found 3.pour 4.unfortunate 5.decorate 6.researcher
7.disaster 8.destroy 9.wealthy 10.gradually 11.scholar 12.cultural
13.ruin 14.beneath 15.material 16.explode 17.nearby 18.extreme
19.bone 20.wooden 21.expression 22.audience 23.powerful
24.sailor 25.fortunate 26.aircraft 27.declare 28.memorial 29.educate
30.march 31.glory 32.ahead 33.salary 34.aware 35.judge 36.poison
1.公元前 2.文明 3.火山 4.公元 5.(火山等)爆发 6.灰,灰烬
7.泥浆,烂泥 8.逃避,逃跑;迅速离开 9.逼真的 10.商业的,贸易的 11.沙尘暴,风沙 12.(教育或其他专业)机构,研究所 13.遗物,遗迹,遗骸 14.罐,壶 15.文献,文件 16.皮革 17.洞穴 18.仪式,典礼 19.共和国;共和政体 20.主席 21.港口 22.海军,海军部队 23.(军用)机场 24.轰炸 炸弹 25.航空母舰,运输设备;运输公司 26.雕塑,雕像 27.士兵;军队,部队 28.辽阔的;巨大的;大量的 29.基础;基准;原因 30.法院,法庭;球场;宫廷 31.神,神灵
32.使腐化,使堕落 贪污的,腐败的 33.审讯,审理;试验;考验
1.civilize;civilization 2.found;foundation 3.decorate;decoration
4.destroy;destruction 5.wealth;wealthy 6.gradual;gradually
7.scholar;scholarship 8.institute;institution 9.explode;explosion 10.extreme;extremely 11.wood;wooden 12.express;expression
13.power;powerful 14.declare;declaration 15.memory;memorize;memorial 16.aware;awareness 17.basis;base 18.try;trial 19.judge;judgement 20.poison;poisonous
1.gradually 2.Cultural;culture 3.fortunate;fortunately
4.memorial;memory 5.educated;education
1.take over 2.turn out 3.in memory of 4.no doubt 5.be buried alive 6.rise up against 7.in good condition 8.be decorated with 9.in many cases 10.approach the truth 11.阻碍(某人) 12.受够了……,对……感到厌烦 13.启航去某地 14.使某人明白某事
15.到……年龄/岁数时为止 16.把某人送上法庭 17.患(病) 18.在此后的几个世纪 19.在船上(飞机上或火车上) 20.听报告/讲座
was decorated with;in good condition;in memory of;no doubt;take over;be aware of
1.Hurry up!The guests are arriving at any minute!
2.If you feel like going for a picnic this weekend,so will I.
3.I will keep my promise,as I told you on the phone.
4.With only a shirt on,the child was trembling with cold.
5.It turned out that this was the last chance for me to sit by him listening to him.
『语篇填空』 1.was founded 2.so 3.rainy 4.paintings 5.to flee
6.leaving 7.gradually 8.an 9.in 10.what
Researchers announced ∧thediscovery of a small statue in northern Xinjiang,China.When askingaskedhow a statue from distant Greece could have appeared in China,researchers explained that no doubt this was a result of Alexander the Great’s influence.At the age of twenty,Alexander himself becomebecame the king after his father died.However,many citycitiesrose up against him.ButSohe led an army to take them back,defeateddefeatingevery army.AtBythe age of thirty,he had already occupied more land than anyone before.Yet,he died in 323 BC untilbecausehe came down with a fever.The statue of the Greek soldier probableprobablycame to China as a result of trade.It can now be seen in a museum in Urumqi.
模块四 Unit1 Advertising
1.advertising 2.shine 3.advertisement 4.persuade 5.advertise 6.cheat 7.skilful 8.breath 9.fool 10.cure 11.pleased
12.comment 13.mental 14.aim 15.benefit 16.promote
17.consult 18.comprehension 19.amazed 20.recommend 21.senior
22.purchase 23.designer 24.tip 25.eye-catching 26.design
27.update 28.youth 29.aspect 30.bargain 31.target 32.determine
33.analysis 34.appeal 35.react 36.personally 37.poisonous
38.smoker 39.urge 40.shock
『识记阅读词汇』 1.航空公司 2.毒品;药,药物 3.(个体或群体的)幸福、安全和健康;福利 4.清白的,无罪的;无恶意的;纯真的 5.口臭 6.杂货店 7.骗局;玩笑,恶作剧;戏法,把戏;诀窍 欺骗,欺诈 8.全国范围的(地),全国性的(地) 9.运动 10.座右铭;格言,箴言 11.香烟,卷烟 12.智力,才智;情报 13.完全受……控制的人;奴隶
14.出版社,出版机构;出版人,发行人 15.软件 16.(大)公司
17.条,棒;酒吧 18.成倍增加,迅速增加;乘,乘以 19.光盘,激光唱片(compact disc的缩写) 20.烹饪法;食谱 21.味道好的,好吃的 22.意外收获;奖金,额外津贴 23.精致的;绚丽的;奢华的 空想,幻想;爱好,迷恋 想象;猜想 24.大众传播媒介,大众传播工具 25.海报 26.小包,小盒 27.肺 28.癌症 29.手指甲 30.烟草,烟叶 31.论说文,小品文;(学生为某门课程写的)文章,短文
1.advertising;advertise;advertisement;advertiser 2.persuade;persuasive;persuasion 3.skilful;skill 4.innocent;innocence 5.breath;breathe;breathless 6.pleased;please;pleasing;pleasant;pleasure 7.benefit;beneficial 8.promote;promotion 9.intelligence;intelligent 10.slave;slavery 11.comprehension;comprehend;comprehensive 12.recommend;recommendation 13.publisher;publish 14.designer;design
15.update;updated 16.determine;determined;determination
17.react;reaction 18.personally;person;personal 19.shock;shocking;shocked
1.nationwide;aiming;persuade;campaign 2.persuasive;persuade
3.skill;skilful 4.determination;determine 5.Personally;personal;personality
1.意识到 2.与……分享…… 3.鼓励某人做某事 4.信任 5.把……表达清楚 6.保护……免受…… 7.哄骗某人做 8.以……自豪
9.上……的当;受……骗 10.欺骗;捉弄 11.涉及,关于;处理,应付
12.be meant to 13.depend on 14.urge sb to do 15.persuade sb to do/into doing sth 16.due to 17.figure out 18.be determined to do sth
19.result in 20.discourage...from 21.appeal to 22.be connected with
1.resulted in;be dealt with;believe in 2.appeal to 3.play tricks on
4.was meant to
1.Remember you are a Chinese wherever you go.
2.Even if we can afford it,we won’t go abroad for our vacation.
3.Not all of the past is bad.
4.When it comes to house prices,we all feel hopeless.
5.The children do hope to go to college.
『语篇填空』 1.former 2.for 3.to protect 4.used 5.it/this 6.is run 7.which/that 8.social 9.the 10.also
Every year millions of people around the world dieddiedue to smoking,thiswhichis why we have chosen anti-smoking as the subject of our ad campaign.Our target audience is high-school teenagers and our aim is ∧todiscourage young people from smoking.
Our campaign starts atonWorld No Tobacco Day.We will employ differencedifferentkinds of media in our school to provide students with much information about the harm that smoking dodoesto the health.We choose a shockedshockingpicture with words “Smoking kills”.And we hope themitwill make people realize that smoking will cause smokersmokersto die all too soon.
模块四 Unit2 Sportsevents
1.delighted 2.significance 3.tradition 4.compete 5.honour
6.nation 7.medal 8.flame 9.opening 10.absence 11.excite 12.final 13.joy 14.attempt 15.movement 16.otherwise 17.association
18.grain 19.routine 20.ping-pong 21.net 22.origin 23.outdoors
24.frequent 25.technique 26.budget 27.remove 28.unusual
29.power 30.teammate 31.goal 32.reporter 33.unfair 34.bitter
35.meanwhile 36.precious
1.委员会 2.摔跤运动 3.男性(的) 4.现代的,当代的;同一时代的
5.著名的 6.拳击手,拳击运动员 7.重量级拳击手;有影响力的人或事物 8.拳击运动 9.体操,体操训练 10.冠军,优胜者 11.边界,界限 12.鸟巢;巢穴,窝 13.体育场,运动场 14.屋顶,顶部 15.交通运输系统;交通工具;运输 运输,运送 16.公民;居民 17.背心,汗衫;坎肩 18.内衣 19.(烧水用的)壶,水壶 20.每,每一 21.烤面包片;干杯,敬酒 烤(面包);为……干杯 22.可乐 23.柠檬味汽水;柠檬饮料 24.保龄球运动 25.洲,大陆 26.(运动项目)汽艇,摩托艇 27.橄榄球运动 28.高尔夫球运动 29.雕 30.袋鼠 31.射门,击球;射击;药物注射 32.裁判;推荐人 33.哨子,口哨;呼啸,鸣叫 吹口哨,吹哨子;呼啸,鸣叫 34.打成平局;(用绳、线)系,绑,捆
1.delighted;delight 2.significance;significant 3.tradition;traditional
4.compete;competition;competitor;competitive 5.nation;national;nationally 6.absence;absent 7.final;finally 8.joy;joyful
9.movement;move 10.association;associate 11.frequent;frequently;frequency 12.unusual;unusually 13.power;powerful;powerfully 14.reporter;report
1.associate;original 2.delighted;delight 3.tradition;traditional
4.absent;absence 5.excited;excitement
1.每四年一次 2.与……相关 3.和某人一起做某事 4.偶然
5.(在逆境中)坚持;不挂断 6.引起公众瞩目 7.处于控制之下
8.转交/传给/递给(某人) 9.给……让路,让位于…… 10.来自全世界 11.为了纪念 12.apply to 13.side by side 14.realize this dream 15.come up 16.at the opening ceremony 17.lead the way 18.make contributions to 19.hope for 20.bring...back to life
21.play an important role 22.at least
1.Hang on;come up with;make a contribution 2.make way for
3.by accident 4.pass on
1.No matter what the difficulties are,nothing can stop our advance.
2.He must have sensed that I was looking at him.
3.The book will be of great use to students who study history.
4.Mother was doing some washing,while father was watching TV.
5.After a long day of hard work, David went home, exhausted.
『语篇填空』 1.of 2.until 3.hoping 4.have 5.opening
6.famous 7.contributions 8.at 9.greatest 10.to win
It was near the end of the football match amongbetweenthe Kangaroos and the Eagles,and neither teamsteamhad scored.The Eagles’ captain knocked the ball to the ground with his hand without being seen,and he kicked it and scored.The match was over and the Eagles∧hadwon.The Kangaroos were out of the tournament afterwhilethe Eagles continued on.With the referee refereeskeptkeepinga close watch on the Eagles,they struggled and lost their next match.
After going home,the Kangaroos trained hardharderthan before.In the next tournament,they defeated the Eagles.They went on to the final match against the Bears.Although they finalfinallylost the match,they were proud because they did thetheirbest.
模块四 Unit3 Tomorrow’sworld
1.reality 2.presentation 3.amaze 4.user 5.happiness 6.social
7.winning 8.confident 9.disappointed 10.disabled 11.convenience 12.injure 13.planning 14.neighbourhood 15.operator
16.disadvantage 17.electric 18.accuse 19.constant 20.monitor 21.function 22.chief 23.importance 24.hire 25.shore 26.gas 27.float 28.escape 29.terror 30.sunlight 31.worn 32.mankind
33.impression 34.master
1.被动的 2.观光,游览 3.(互联)网络 4.(广播、电视)演播室,制作室;工作室 5.安全的;有把握的;稳固的,坚固的 获得;使安全 6.消防队员 7.生物学 8.鲸 9.松鼠 10.城市的,城镇的 11.内置的,嵌入式的 12.不用电的 13.黏土,陶土 14.无需洗衣粉的 15.液体(的) 16.逐渐消失;(使)变淡;走下坡路,衰落 17.粉末;火药 18.编辑 19.调制解调器 20.个人电脑(personal computer的缩写) 21.打印机;印刷厂,印刷工人 22.(机器的)按钮;纽扣 扣上纽扣 23.收拾(行李),装箱;包装 纸袋,纸盒;大背包;一群,一捆,一包
24.侄子,外甥 25.蘑菇;伞菌 26.恐龙 27.出口;离去,退场 出去,离去,退场 28.天花板;顶棚 29.(使沿某方向)快速移动;拉上拉链 拉链 30.(尤指大型或凶猛、独特的)动物,野兽 31.向上,向高处 32.霜;霜冻
1.reality;real;realize;really 2.presentation;present 3.amaze;amazing;amazed;amazement 4.passive;passively 5.user;use;useful;useless 6.happiness;happy;happily;unhappy 7.social;society;socialist;socialism 8.confident;confidence;confidently
9.disappointed;disappointing;disappointment 10.disabled;disability 11.convenience;convenient 12.secure;security 13.injure;injury 14.operator;operate;operation 15.disadvantage;advantage
16.accuse;accusation 17.constant;constantly 18.importance;important
1.won;wearing 2.impression;impressive 3.constantly;constant
4.conveniences;convenient 5.amazing;amazed
1.add to 2.as to 3.in reality 4.last but not least 5.be connected to 6.put forward 7.be accused of 8.come across 9.carry out
10.fall down from 11.使……鲜活 12.发出(气味、光、热等) 13.突然 14.在恐惧中 15.逃离,离开 16.在……的帮助下 17.从长远(的观点)来看 18.紧紧抓住……不放 19.一度,曾经 20.发出(光、热等);用完;分发
1.add to 2.give out 3.put forward 4.In reality 5.carry out
1.They went to London,where they stayed for six months.
2.Not only can it share books but also it can build up a bridge connecting readers from different parts of the world as well.
3.It has been shown that children who smoke have certain characteristics.
4.Jack is a great talker.It’s about time that he did something instead of just talking.
5.He spent seven days in the wind and snow, cold and hungry.
『语篇填空』 1.making 2.really 3.with 4.active 5.where
6.sees 7.that 8.argument 9.be disappointed 10.further/farther
One day,Prof.Lindenbrock setssetoff with his nephew to take a trip to the centre of the Earth through a volcano in Iceland,therewherehe hired a guide.The three men journeyed underground and arrived at a vast room with ∧alarge ocean inside.They built a small boat,set sail and then met two fighting dinosaurs.They got away and came to a forest,foundfindinga 4-metre-tall man.They were verysoafraid as to run back to their boat.They set sail again.They saw an exit blockblockedby rocks and blew them up with a bomb,sobutthe explosion sent their boat into a large hole,where the water pushed them up.InAtlast they found themthemselvesin Italy.
模块五 Unit1 Gettingalongwithothers
1.pretend 2.cheerful 3.admit 4.beg 5.truly 6.forgive
7.sincerely 8.childhood 9.focus 10.pace 11.manner
12.horrible 13.guilty 14.cruel 15.dislike 16.argue 17.apologize 18.quarrel 19.sensitive 20.envy 21.blame 22.gifted 23.disagreement
24.amusement 25.hopeless 26.overcome 27.topic 28.attitude 29.cautious 30.eager 31.respond 32.regardless 33.rely 34.committed
1.出卖,背叛 2.小测验 3.洗手间,厕所 4.发誓;郑重承诺;咒骂,说脏话 5.从事间谍活动;搜集情报 间谍 6.极佳的;卓越的 7.评论,谈论 8.令人尴尬的,别扭的;笨拙的 9.擅长运动的;健壮的 10.邮箱 11.代数 12.算术 13.复活节 14.游乐场 15.马戏表演;马戏团 16.身份 17.荒唐的,怪诞的 18.泛泛之交,熟人;略有交情,(与某人)认识 19.双胞胎之一的;成双的 双胞胎之一;一对相像的事物之一 20.公寓套房 21.扎根于;使基于;下锚;使固定 锚
22.全世界(的) 23.青春期的 青少年 24.停顿,暂停 25.平安,安全;安全措施 26.候车室;等候室;候诊室 27.无轨电车 28.复习;修订,修改 29.宽恕;仁慈
1.betray;betrayal 2.pretend;pretended 3.cheerful;cheer;cheerfully
4.admit;admission 5.truly;true;truth 6.forgive;forgiveness
7.horrible;horror 8.guilty;guilt 9.cruel;cruelty;cruelly
10.argue;argument 11.apologize;apology 12.sensitive;sense 13.gifted;gift 14.identity;identify 15.hopeless;hope;hopeful 16.cautious;caution 17.respond;response 18.revision;revise
1.agreement;topic;arguing 2.apologize;apology
3.cheered;cheerful 4.argument;arguing 5.disagreement;disagreed
1.get along with 2.keep one’s word 3.get through 4.regardless of
5.be determined to do/determine to do sth 6.spy on 7.keep pace with 8.before long 9.be based on 10.share with 11.end up
12.对……小心 13.幸亏,由于 14.对……感到惭愧 15.以……为自豪 16.依靠,依赖 17.盯着看 18.与某人交朋友 19.情不自禁做某事 20.指责某人做了某事 21.回顾,回忆
1.keeping your words;end up 2.share with;is based on;get through
1.He told me a lot of things about the Olympics after returning from Rio de Janeiro.I think he must have watched the Olympics.
2.At first I didn’t think John could predict the result of the football match correctly.
3.The parents couldn’t help crying when they saw their lost son.
4.When asked why he did the matter,he said it was his duty.
5.They returned to their school, laughing and singing.
1.by 2.but 3.ashamed 4.decided 5.truth 6.badly 7.promise
8.crying 9.because 10.me
1.talking 2.a 3.really 4.his 5.lost 6.But 7.at 8.argument
9.guilty 10.wondering
Dear Andrew,
WhatItseems you need to apologize quickly to avoid loselosinga good friend!Matthew probably felt guilty about losing the match,and bad about not being as gifted at football whenasyou are.Shouting at him just makemadehim feel worse.Although you both said cruel things to each other,one of you has to be the first to admit whichthatit was a mistake.You are simplesimplygoing to have to forgive him.
You swear that your friendship is as important as football,so don’t let ∧asmall disagreement destroy your friendship.TalkingTalkto your friend and I am sure that,before long,weyouwill be back playing football together.
模块五 Unit2 Theenvironment
1.economy 2.debate 3.duty 4.production 5.recycle 6.greedy 7.responsibility 8.belief 9.environmental 10.operate 11.quantity
12.willing 13.madam 14.arrival 15.illegally 16.impress
17.clap 18.conflict 19.queue 20.crop 21.soil 22.decrease
23.measure 24.range 25.illegal 26.conservation 27.appreciate 28.climate 29.vehicle 30.electrical 31.plant 32.fuel
33.consume 34.particular 35.absorb 36.decade
1.女发言人 2.顾问 3.流,流动;流畅地进行 流动;连贯
4.管子,管道 5.(尤指上层)商界人员;企业家 6.赞扬,称赞,认可;信用,信誉;学分 7.原始的,未经加工或处理的 8.原材料 9.海味,海鲜 10.税,税款 11.商品,货品 12.用泵(或泵样器官等)输送;涌出,涌流 泵;抽水机;打气筒 13.逮捕 14.海关;关税 15.羽毛 16.陆龟 17.毯子;厚的覆盖层 18.栅栏,篱笆,围栏 19.灌木
20.钻(孔),打(眼) 操练,训练 21.管理;管理部门;施行;(美国)政府 22.人造卫星 23.台风 24.洪水;大批,大量 泛滥;淹没;大量涌入 25.白鳍豚 26.低碳的 27.碳 28.二氧化物 29.二氧化碳
30.汽油 31.发动机,引擎 32.氧气
1.consultant;consult 2.produce;production;product
3.greedy;greedily;greed 4.responsibility;responsible;respond
5.belief;believe 6.environment;environmental
7.operate;operation;operator 8.will;willing;willingly 9.arrival;arrive 10.legal;legally;illegal;illegally 11.impress;impression;impressive 12.appreciate;appreciation 13.electrical;electricity;electronic 14.particular;particularly 15.absorb;absorbed;absorption
1.debate;arrival;environmentally friendly 2.responded;responsible;responsibility 3.operator;operated;operation 4.impressed;impression;impressive 5.conserve;conservation
1.open the floor 2.cut back on production 3.be concerned about
4.at the same time 5.clean up 6.be bad for 7.queue up 8.raw material 9.under way 10.in particular 11.用尽;用完;耗尽 12.春天一来 13.采取措施做某事 14.找出,挑选 15.引起关注 16.置……于危险中 17.关于,至于 18.将……归咎于…… 19.排放;不惩罚 20.尽自己的职责
1.use up/run out of;pick out;in/with regard to;take steps 2.under way;cut back on
1.The number of the girls is three times as many as boys.
2.It’s really my honour to have this opportunity for an interview.
3.What if it rains tomorrow?
4.There is no doubt that you can get along well with them.
5.The harder you study, the greater progress you will make.
1.have been destroyed 2.damaging 3.It 4.production
5.healthy 6.at 7.are 8.widely 9.Finally 10.be repaired
There is no doubt ifthatthe world climate has been changing in recent years.Many people blame this change forongases such as carbon dioxide.Anytime something is burnt,carbon is put into the atmosphere.Cars and other vehicles burningburnpetrol in their engines,and electrical power plants most often burn fuels such as coal orandoil in order to produce electricity.Therefore,the more petrol and electricity ∧weconsume,the lessmorecarbon we are letting off.To help solve this problem,we should turn off the lights and somethinganythingelse electrical when not in use.Since factoryfactoriesuse a lot of energy and also let off carbon gases,it is important to recycle as manymuchas possible.
模块五 Unit3 Scienceandnature
1.exact 2.intention 3.anxiety 4.adopt 5.legal 6.consequence 7.harvest 8.fellow 9.profession 10.breakthrough 11.original 12.judgement 13.relation 14.conduct 15.majority 16.summary
17.consideration 18.hunger 19.tasty 20.ordinary 21.reliable 22.accurate 23.brief 24.actual 25.confirm 26.favour
27.income 28.frighten 29.profit 30.permission
1.克隆 克隆出来的动物或植物 2.(生物的)组织;纸巾 3.真实的,现实生活中的 4.细胞;小隔间;电池 5.女售货员,女推销员 6.医师;内科医生 7.山羊 8.使改变外观或性质(尤指向好的方向);使改变形态 9.概念;观念 10.罪,罪行 11.辐射,放射线 12.公共关系
13.营养 14.农业 15.水道;航道;隧道 16.观点 17.灾难,灾祸 18.英亩 19.雨林 20.转基因的 21.插入,嵌入 22.害虫 23.一系列;一连串(人或事) 24.食物链
1.intention;intend;intended 2.anxiety;anxious 3.adopt;adoption;adopted 4.profession;professional 5.original;origin;originate
6.judge;judgement 7.majority;major 8.summary;summarize
9.hunger;hungry 10.tasty;taste 11.reliable;rely 12.accurate;accurately 13.frighten;fright;frightening;frightened 14.permission;permit
1.harvested;inserted 2.exact;exactly 3.reliable;rely 4.brief;Briefly 5.consider;consideration
1.on the way to doing sth 2.push ahead with
3.for sale 4.take...into consideration 5.in favour of 6.point of view 7.toy with 8.be/get burnt out 9.follow in one’s footsteps 10.show respect for 11.急于做某事 12.带着……目的 13.对……做出评论 14.就我个人而言 15.进行一次调查 16.局限于
17.向……开放 18.至于,关于 19.满足某人的需求
1.toys with;taken into consideration;in favour of 2.burnt out
3.pushing ahead with 4.be limited to 5.be anxious to
1.On the one hand,I am your teacher;on the other hand,I am also your friend.
2.Mo Yan is the first Chinese to win the Nobel Prize for Literature.
3.If there were no air or water, there would be no living things on the earth.
4.I couldn’t think of a better idea.
1.which 2.lives 3.an 4.were praised 5.However 6.with
7.genetically 8.their 9.cloned 10.to produce
With the development of science and technology,our lives isarebecoming better,but many people believe that technology and mankind are destroying nature.People endlessendlesslyoverdevelop the Earth’s resources and further damage the Earth by building new factories and createcreatingpollution.We will eventually destroy the planet we live on if we continue byinthis way.But not everything that is best for nature is good for people.Many developingdevelopedcountries are now concerned about saving nature otherratherthan developing or destroying it.
However,many poorer nations must focus on meeting the everyday needs of ourtheirpeople.They have not yet seen the effects of the careless use of the Earth’s resources like many developed countrycountrieshave.Should they be blamed for destroying nature if it means ∧abetter life for their people?
模块六 Unit1 Laughterisgoodforyou
1.stage 2.tease 3.previous 4.variety 5.style 6.behave
7.performance 8.affection 9.performer 10.perform 11.little-known 12.technical 13.howl 14.amuse 15.saying 16.fitness 17.strengthen 18.participate 19.positive 20.negative
21.foreigner 22.instruct 23.attain 24.textbook 25.alongside 26.crowded 27.pile 28.anger 29.dash 30.burst
1.喜剧 2.周刊;周报 每周的 3.单口喜剧 (喜剧)单人表演的 4.视觉的 5.锤子,榔头 敲,捶打 6.绊,(使)绊倒 7.研究院,学会;专科院校 8.嘴唇 9.无声电影 10.雪茄烟 11.浴缸,浴盆 12.哀悼,忧伤 13.深呼吸的 14.保证;担保 15.愚蠢 16.最初的,初始的 (人名的)首字母 17.提高;修改;润色 18.长凳,长椅
19.(戏剧、小说等的)情节背景;场景;环境 20.暖和舒适的,惬意的 21.邀请 22.城堡;堡垒 23.扶手椅 24.叫喊,大喊,吼叫 25.貌似官方的 26.鞠躬;低头;(使)弯曲 鞠躬;船头 27.撕,扯 28.空手;一无所获 29.怒目而视;发出炫目的光 30.卫生纸,手纸
1.variety;vary;various 2.behave;behaviour 3.visual;vision
4.performance;perform;performer 5.technical;technique 6.amuse;amusement 7.fitness;fit 8.positive;positively 9.foolishness;foolish;fool 10.instruct;instruction 11.polish;polishable;polisher 12.invite;invitation 13.crowded;crowd 14.anger;angry;angrily
1.guarantee;behaviour 2.various;vary;variety 3.amusing;amused
4.performers;performances;perform 5.strengthened;strength
1.stand up for 2.trip over 3.make fun of 4.have affection for
5.come up with 6.silent film 7.drive away 8.make up 9.pass away 10.make room for 11.闯进;突然闯入 12.对……怒目而视 13.递/拿/伸出;维持 14.指向 15.减肥 16.跌倒,摔下
17.对……做出反应 18.电视实况转播 19.接纳;承担;呈现;雇用 20.对……有好处
1.passed away;came up with;make room for 2.take on 3.holding out 4.make fun of 5.make up
1.What do you think I should do?
2.The reason why I was not there is that I was out of town.
3.Whatever has happened before will repeat itself in the future.
4.I really hate it when people say this to me.
5.Tom raised his hands as if to say something.
1.to make 2.appropriately 3.as 4.a 5.different 6.are 7.that
8.entertainment 9.healthy 10.watching
Ding Guangquan, a well-known master of crosstalk,has been teaching this unique art form to foreigners insince 1989.He has instructed studentstudents from over 70 different countries.In aan interview,he told us that he is always happilyhappy to take on new foreign students.The students begin their training by listening to and copying traditional pieces of crosstalk.Then they move on to createcreating crosstalk dialogues in pairs with other students.Finally,whilewhen Ding Guangquan thinks they have attainattained enough skills,the foreign students can create crosstalk dialogues with him.Once they∧have polished their skills,some of them go on to become well-known himselfthemselves.
模块六 Unit2 Whatishappinesstoyou?
1.surround 2.suffering 3.severe 4.appreciation 5.sorrow
6.accomplish 7.thankful 8.adapt 9.broadcasting 10.admirable 11.unbearable 12.depth 13.accompany 14.instructor 15.directly
16.obey 17.outstanding 18.talent 19.uncertain 20.golden
21.rush 22.entertainment 23.hardship 24.predict 25.workday 26.handy 27.assist 28.motivation
1.电视观众;观看者 2.友好;善意 3.青少年的;地位(或职位、级别)低下的 4.分开,分离 5.(体育运动用的)厚垫子 6.专科医师;专家
7.拥护;支持;提倡 8.重建;改建 9.含酒精的饮料;酒 10.短暂的;暂时的 11.灵魂 12.滑雪 滑雪板 13.步骤,程序 14.分配
15.足够的;合乎需要的 16.停止;放弃;离开 17.疼痛 18.清晰的,生动的,鲜明的 19.部分时间的(地);兼职的(地) 20.自动的
21.即食的,方便的;立刻的 22.最多的,最大的 最大值,最大极限 23.最小的,最少的 最小值,最小极限 24.成熟的 成熟;使充分发展
1.suffering;suffer 2.severe;severely 3.appreciation;appreciate
4.sorrow;sorrowful 5.accomplish;accomplishment 6.adapt;adaptation;adaptable 7.admirable;admire;admiration 8.unbearable;bear;bearable 9.depth;deep;deeply 10.directly;direct 11.obey;obedience 12.talent;talented 13.allocate;allocation 14.uncertain;certain;certainty 15.entertainment;entertain 16.vivid;vividly
17.predict;prediction 18.assist;assistance 19.mature;maturity 20.motivation;motivate
1.unbearable 2.talents;certainly 3.admiration;admires
4.accomplished;accomplishments 5.adapted;adapted
1.in a rush 2.feel caught 3.focus on 4.at different times 5.be accompanied by 6.hear about/of 7.to one’s relief 8.down in the dumps 9.on one’s own 10.朝……方向(地方)行进,前往 11.远离,和……不在一起;除了 12.心情好 13.追求;谋求 14.在那时;在那个阶段 15.回顾 16.投身于;专心于;致力于 17.高兴起来,振作起来 18.适应;改编;使适合
1.Apart from 2.Focus on 3.adapt to 4.on his own 5.to my relief
1.By the time Dale was a senior,he had won every top honour in speech.
2.Lydia doesn’t feel like studying abroad. Her parents are old.
3.No child shall be allowed out of the school during the day,unless accompanied by an adult.
4.I don’t think I could have overcome the difficulty without your help.
5.If he takes on the work,he will have no choice but to meet an even greater challenge.
1.practising 2.landing 3.was rushed 4.severely 5.unfortunate 6.disappointment 7.who 8.at 9.herself 10.but
Some people advocate gogoing after pleasure in order to find happiness.They may do some things to make themselves feel wellgood.However,this almost never workworks,because pleasure is a temporary feeling comescoming from the world that surrounds us.For example,a comedy film may put us in good spiritspirits and make us laugh.ThereforeHowever,once we forget about the film,we may again remember our sorrow.On the other hand,happiness is ∧a deep feeling of joy that often lasts a long time.It usually comes when we do activities that accomplish something.ItThey may not bring us much pleasure while we wereare doing them,but we are thankful and happy when we are done.
模块六 Unit3 Understanding
1.greet 2.hug 3.wedding 4.ensure 5.congratulate 6.reception
7.permit 8.prohibit 9.throughout 10.offence 11.adjust
12.accustomed 13.alike 14.familiar 15.celebration 16.firework
17.expectation 18.gesture 19.greeting 20.slight 21.feast
22.account 23.bravery 24.carve 25.govern 26.musical
27.musical instrument 28.stove 29.plain 30.retell 31.roast
1.中东,中东地区 2.学期末 3.公鸡 4.新郎 5.新娘 6.热狗(香肠面包) 7.芥末;芥末酱 8.户外烧烤 9.皇帝 10.宗教 11.名片
12.少数民族;少数,少数人 13.海豹 14.鹿 15.北极的,北极区的
北极 16.北极圈 17.面具 伪装,掩饰 18.爪,爪子 19.狼
20.蒸,蒸发 蒸汽 21.北美印第安人 22.和平烟斗(北美印第安人某些部落于庆典、集会等场合使用的长管烟斗,为和平的象征)
23.弓;蝴蝶结;琴弓 24.箭;箭头标记
1.greet;greeting 2.ensure;sure 3.congratulate;congratulation
4.reception;receptionist 5.permit;permission 6.offence;offend
7.adjust;adjustment;adjustable 8.accustomed;accustom
9.celebrate;celebration 10.expect;expectation 11.religion;religious
12.slight;slightly 13.account;accountant 14.brave;bravery
15.govern;government;governor 16.mysterious;mystery
1.permitted;ensure 2.bravery;brave 3.adjustments;adjusts
4.smoking;to smoke
1.let alone 2.take up 3.be similar to 4.be different from 5.have power over 6.after all 7.get accustomed to 8.adjust/adapt to
9.be familiar to sb 10.believe in 11.在(做)……上有麻烦 12.带某人参观/游览 13.释放;散发,分发 14.以……为基础 15.制定规则和法律 16.参加 17.对……了解/通晓 18.是……的产地/家乡/发源地/栖息地 19.脱(鞋、衣、帽等);(飞机)起飞;休假;(事业、经济等)腾飞 20.与某人握手
1.got accustomed to/adapted to/adjusted to;taken up;giving out;have power over 2.believe in 3.are familiar to 4.have trouble doing
5.let alone
1.Why don’t you talk to your parents?
2.It’s fun seeing a man walking with his hands and head.
3.I have no trouble (in)understanding the foreign teacher.
4.While staying at the hotel,I made many friends.
5.It is said that body language accounts for 55 percent of a first impression while what you say just 7 percent.
1.cultural 2.to interview 3.them 4.between 5.a 6.wedding 7.marriage 8.if 9.happens 10.remember
There are many different taboos around the world.A taboo is a societysocial action that is not allowed.Almost every culture in the world has itits own taboos.Taboos are generalgenerally connected with religion.Usually,taboos can include eating certain foods,relations between people,body language∧and gestures.The brokenbreaking of a taboo is usually upsetting or embarrassing for the person concerningconcerned and the people around him or her.When you meet people from different cultures,it is important to understand thatwhat you can and cannot do.If we wereare not aware of these differences,some unusual things mustmight/may happen.
模块六 Unit4 Helping
1.lack 2.description 3.political 4.worthy 5.addition 6.equal 7.voluntary 8.contribute 9.acquire 10.expand 11.worthwhile 12.urgent 13.starvation 14.fetch 15.possession 16.means
17.obtain 18.container 19.troublesome 20.wage 21.commitment
22.colleague 23.assistant 24.remind 25.crowd
1.自来水 2.大使 3.亲善大使 4.受害者 5.艾滋病(Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome的缩写,获得性免疫缺陷综合征) 6.沸腾,煮沸;烹煮 7.地毯 8.(羊等的)绒,毛 9.出口产品,输出品;出口,输出 10.可供替代的 可供选择的事物 11.偏远的,偏僻的 12.多山的 13.原始的 14.供暖;供暖系统,暖气设备 15.井,水井
16.混乱,杂乱,紊乱 17.空着的,未被占用的;(职位)空缺的 18.多泥的,泥泞的 19.潮湿的 20.细菌 21.住所;藏身之处 22.全体员工
23.障碍,隔阂;屏障,障碍物 24.口译工作者,口译译员 25.角度
1.description;describe 2.political;politics 3.worthy;worthwhile 4.equal;equality;equally 5.voluntary;volunteer 6.contribute;contribution 7.acquire;acquisition 8.expand;expansion 9.urgent;urgency 10.starvation;starve 11.possession;possess 12.troublesome;trouble 13.crowd;crowded 14.remind;reminder
1.obtain;a lack of 2.volunteer;volunteering;voluntary
3.contributed;contributor;contribution 4.possessed;possessions
1.组成,打扮,弥补 2.谈及,提到;与……相关,涉及;查阅,参考
3.让某人想起……,提醒某人…… 4.有作用/关系、影响 5.除……以外(还),此外 6.被迫做某事 7.在……的保护下,在……的管理下
8.向慈善结构捐款 9.用……装饰 10.在……的帮助下 11.get hold of 12.set up 13.break down 14.think back to
15.contribute...to... 16.if only 17.draw someone’s attention to 18.give...a short description 19.look...up on the website 20.in chaos
1.refer to 2.in addition 3.break down 4.get hold of 5.reminded;of
1.I feel that the question is difficult to answer.
2.The number of smokers, as is reported,has dropped by 17 percent in just one year.
3.I would rather(that)he went home now—he is really boring.
4.If only I had another chance.
5.It seems that the problem is easy to deal with.
1.was founded 2.touches 3.horrible 4.caused 5.education
6.where 7.fortunately 8.themselves 9.collect 10.With
One of the major problems facedfacing the children living in this remote mountainous area is poorpoverty.There is little money coming to their families and often they cannot afford∧to purchase important things like medicine.Health care is limitinglimited as there are no doctors or nurses in the villages — no one has the meanmeans to pay them.Conditions can be primitive.The trees around the villages isare gone,becauseso people have to walk further and further away to obtain wood for cooking and heating.Water is also a constant problem.Some villages do not have a well and pump,so they have to fetch water from miles away.Wells need to be dug and pumps need to be put in to pump water into some of the villages.However,if the pump breaks updown,repairing themit can be troublesome,as an engineer has to come from the nearest town to repair it.
模块七 Unit1 Livingwithtechnology
1.evolution 2.drawback 3.construct 4.delay 5.accessible
6.percentage 7.receiver 8.eventually 9.portable 10.foresee
11.adaptation 12.relay 13.sceptical 14.obvious 15.all-round 16.electronic 17.translation 18.idiom 19.suitable 20.elegant 21.carriage 22.refrigerator 23.reject 24.tight 25.oppose
26.merely 27.typical 28.sacrifice 29.dustbin 30.rid
1.原理,法则;道德原则,行为准则 2.黑白的 3.卫星电视碟形天线
4.使分布,分散;分发,分配;分销 5.管子;管状物;伦敦地铁 6.唱片;(计算机)磁盘 7.上发条;缠绕;蜿蜒,曲折 8.组成部分,成分,部件 9.盒式磁带,卡式磁带 10.数字信息系统的,数码的,数字式的 11.影碟(video compact disc的缩写) 12.存储,储藏(空间) 13.专利权;专利证书 14.足够的,充足的,丰裕的 15.非正式的,随便的;漫不经心的,不经意的 16.保险;保障措施 17.克(重量单位) 18.浏览,粗略地读;审视,端详;扫描 19.电池 20.(信奉)基督教的 基督徒 21.宗教的,宗教信仰的;笃信宗教的,虔诚的 22.投票,选举,表决 选票;选举,表决 23.符合逻辑的,合理的,有根据的;(法律上)有效的 24.条件,环境,状况 25.拨(电话号码),打电话 26.(手机)短信 27.肤浅的,浅薄的;浅的 28.稳定的;稳重的
1.evolution;evolve 2.accessible;access 3.distribute;distribution 4.storage;store 5.adaptation;adapt 6.insurance;insure
7.obvious;obviously 8.electronic;electricity;electrical
9.translation;translate 10.suitable;suit;unsuitable 11.elegant;elegantly 12.reject;rejection 13.tight;tightly 14.oppose;opposed;opposite;opposition 15.typical;typically
1.obvious;adaptation 2.electronic;electricity 3.suit;suitable
4.foresaw;foreseeable 5.accessible;access
1.get rid of 2.rather than 3.benefit from 4.wind up 5.keep pace with 6.face to face 7.as well 8.for some reason 9.for good measure 10.和……保持联系 11.为……做出贡献;导致 12.随着……的发展 13.可接近的;可使用的 14.远距离 15.特别地;尤其 16.专注于 17.适合…… 18.在20世纪20年代末 19.重视和平生活
1.contribute to;benefit from;getting rid of 2.keep in touch with
3.for good measure 4.rather than 5.With the development of
1.It was not until I saw Margaret the next morning that I felt happy.
2.It’s up to you to find out what your goals really are.
3.There seems to be a misunderstanding between us.
4.I was having supper when the telephone rang.
5.I cannot go without getting my lessons done.
1.development 2.discovered 3.that 4.beginning 5.accessible
6.on 7.was born 8.be wound 9.were 10.were
The telephone is very convenienceconvenient for communication.Most people in the world today cannot live without it.WhatWhich is more of a friend,someone you often talk to over the phone or someone you often talk to face to face?There is something important about being together and sharing life that cannot be findingfound over a telephone wire.There are other disadvantagedisadvantages to the telephone,as well.For example,no matter what the circumstances,when the phone ringrings,everything stops so that the call can be answered.With mobile phones,these problems increase.How many times have you been talkedtalking with a friend,only for your friend to interrupt the conversation to answer ∧a call?For anysome reason,a typical mobile phone call is nearly always given greatgreater importance than a face-to-face conversation.
模块七 Unit2 Fitforlife
1.revolution 2.beneficial 3.chew 4.possess 5.best-selling
6.vital 7.potential 8.abnormal 9.astonish 10.application
11.unable 12.effective 13.approval 14.sickness 15.symptom 16.bleed 17.reasonable 18.outcome 19.applaud 20.arrangement
21.dull 22.sharp 23.complex 24.addicted 25.theory 26.relate
1.药剂师,药商;化学家 2.针,针头;指针 3.外科医师 4.手术室 5.救命的,救生的 6.橱柜;食物柜;衣柜 7.柜台;计数器;反驳 反驳;抵制,抵消 8.酸,酸性物质 酸的,酸性的;酸味的;尖酸的 9.药片;丸;牌,匾,碑 10.心脏病发作 11.循环;传播,散布;传递,传阅 12.血糖 13.(使)加速,加快 14.大规模的;数量极多的 一团,一堆;许多;(物理)质量 15.批量生产 16.压觉点,止血点 17.剑,刀
18.肿胀,膨胀;(使)凸出,鼓起 19.不生锈的 20.不锈钢 21.脉,脉搏;脉冲 22.心跳 23.手腕,腕关节 24.器官;管风琴,风琴;机构,团体 25.酒鬼 酒精的,含酒精的 26.现象
1.beneficial;benefit 2.abnormal;normal 3.astonish;astonishing;astonished;astonishment 4.application;apply 5.unable;able;enable;ability 6.effective;effect;effectively 7.approval;approve 8.sickness;sick
9.bleed;blood 10.reasonable;reason 11.arrangement;arrange
12.sharp;sharpen 13.addicted;addict;addiction 14.relate;related;relation
1.vital;outcome;beneficial 2.astonishing;astonishment 3.possess;possession 4.reasonable;reason
1.大量地 2.测试,试验 3.对……上瘾/痴迷 4.采取措施 5.突然大笑起来 6.出现,到场,开大(声音) 7.对……有益 8.以……形式
9.少数的,少量的 10.设法做成某件事 11.对……小心谨慎 12.使筋疲力尽;使厌烦 13.in place of 14.let out 15.look around 16.fill in 17.split up 18.carry out 19.fade away 20.come up with
21.swell up 22.open up 23.subscribe to 24.make out
1.in large quantities;open up 2.in the form of 3.try out for
4.make out 5.fade away
1.You can come to Beijing for a holiday.If so,I’ll show you around the Summer Palace.
2.Yet through his painstaking efforts,he changed not only his own fate but (also) the history of America.
3.It is likely that the boss will get angry if you aren’t willing to apologize.
4.The medicine proved satisfactory.
5.The signs suggest that the elections will be fair.
1.beneficial 2.was sold 3.Within 4.are 5.to reduce 6.of
7.their 8.Since/As/Because 9.approval 10.would
As a unique contributecontribution of traditional Chinese medicine,acupuncture spread to many ∧other Asian countries,such as Japan,as early as the 6th century.It iswas introduced to the West onin the 17th century.Today acupuncture havehas become popular round the world,as have other traditional Chinese medicines .The World Health Organization recommends acupuncture as a wellgood treatment for over forty medical problemproblems.While doubts about theirits safety have faded away,interest continuedcontinues to grow.
模块七 Unit3 Theworldonline
1.command 2.assumption 3.avenue 4.address 5.evaluate
6.accuracy 7.up to date 8.weakness 9.false 10.educator
11.reference 12.alarm 13.lifetime 14.inventor 15.abandon
16.appointment 17.type 18.qualification 19.comb 20.specific 21.relevant 22.bother 23.correction 24.acknowledge
1.品牌;类型 2.(鼠标)点击;咔嗒声 点击;(使)发出咔嗒声 3.大量的,充裕的 4.统计数字,统计数据,统计资料 5.纽带,联系;债券;枷锁 (使)牢固结合 6.多种多样的,形形色色的 7.通信;相一致,符合;相当于 8.世界,全球;地球仪;球体 9.不受干扰的划定空间(如电话亭、投票间等);临时货摊 10.脱离(社会),不与人交往;撤回;取(款) 11.(大型的正式)会议,研讨会 12.直言的,坦率的;清楚明白的,易懂的 13.能力,胜任;技能,本领 14.终端,终端设备;终点 末端的,末梢的 15.(因特网)搜索引擎 16.目录;电话号码簿;公司名录 17.分类,归类 18.网状物,网络 19.网页 20.类别,种类 21.串,束 22.加号;优势,长处 加;以及,和 零度以上的 23.麻雀
24.减号;负号;缺点 减;没有,缺乏 零度以下的;负数的 25.提纲,概要;轮廓线,略图
1.assumption;assume 2.diverse;diversity 3.globe;global;globally 4.evaluate;evaluation 5.accuracy;accurate;accurately 6.weakness;weak 7.educator;educate;education 8.reference;refer 9.withdraw;withdrawal 10.inventor;invent;invention 11.appointment;appoint 12.classify;classification 13.qualification;qualified 14.correction;correct
1.abandoned;education 2.assumed;assumption 3.globe;global
4.refer;reference 5.correcting;corrections
1.向……求助 2.退学,辍学;退出,脱离 3.过正常的生活 4.产生差异;有影响,有关系 5.把……考虑进去 6.而且,更为重要的是 7.对……有积极的影响 8.仔细搜寻 9.be divided into... 10.keep in mind 11.be based on... 12.at someone’s command
13.all sorts of topics 14.up to date 15.浪费时间
1.at your command 2.combed through 3.what’s more 4.turn to 5.dropped out
1.Without your help,I couldn’t have finished the work so soon.
2.You either go at once or wait till tomorrow.
3.Should it rain,the crops will be saved.
4.The more interesting it is,the happier they are.
5.Study hard,and you will pass the exam.
1.in 2.explanations 3.when 4.helpful 5.the 6.mainly 7.provided 8.but 9.to live 10.(should) limit
Remember that someone writeswrote the information you have found.This means those words belong to them.To copy the words just as you found them is∧not only cheating,but also illegallyillegal.Write an outline of the information you have found.Then write your report,useusing your own words and making your own decisiondecisions about what it means.When you are finished,you should always acknowledge whenwhere you got your data by attaching a list of the websites you got your information from.This way,a teacher can check them,and aan interested friend can also read what you read.Follow these tips,butand your time spendspent doing research on the Internet will be much more worthwhile.Happy searching !
模块七 Unit4 Publictransport
1.convey 2.unfortunately 3.unbelievable 4.postpone
5.undertake 6.ownership 7.authority 8.architect 9.enlarge 10.user-friendly 11.anniversary 12.platform 13.growth
14.enquiry 15.handful 16.split 17.annual 18.reservation
19.timetable 20.punctual 21.arise 22.cyclist 23.pedestrian
24.aggressive 25.crash 26.drunk 27.beer 28.turning 29.crossing
1.铁路;栏杆,扶手;横杆 2.堵车,交通堵塞 3.远离中心的,外围的;外表的,表层的 4.用马拉的 5.有轨电车 6.出租车,的士 7.经由,经过(某一地方);通过,凭借 8.部分;部件;部门 9.间隔,间隙 10.(使)窒息;(使)哽咽;塞满,堵塞 哽咽声,呛住的声音 11.部长,大臣;牧师 12.接待员 13.离开,出发;背离,违反 14.渡船;摆渡 渡运,摆渡 15.港口;(计算机)端口 16.中巴,小型公共汽车 17.处以罚金 18.违犯,违反;侵犯 19.负荷,负载;大量,许多 装载,装上,装入 20.刹车,车闸 用车闸减速,刹车 21.轮胎
1.unbelievable;believable;believe;belief 2.enlarge;large;largely 3.growth;grow 4.enquiry;enquire 5.handful;hand;handy
6.annual;annually 7.receptionist;reception 8.reservation;reserve 9.departure;depart 10.punctual;punctuation;punctuality
11.aggressive;aggression 12.violate;violation
1.growth;be conveyed 2.aggressive;aggression 3.ownership;owner
4.postponed;postponed 5.annual;annually
1.中途下客或卸货 2.起因于,由……引起 3.分组,分解,分离
4.每隔……距离或时间 5.给某人接通电话;使经历 6.决定,选定 7.推迟,拖延;使反感 8.出现,到来;调高(音量等) 9.填写(表格);消磨(时间) 10.少数的,少量的 11.正在修理,修理中 12.留心过马路的人 13.speed up 14.link up 15.risk one’s own life
16.violate the law 17.result in crashes 18.in honour of 19.pull through 20.be aimed at 21.in particular
1.drop off 2.decide on/upon 3.turned up 4.filling in 5.split up
1.As the world’s population continues to grow,the supply of food becomes more and more of a concern.
2.—I have tried very hard to find a solution to the problem,but in vain.
—Why not consult with Frank? You see,two heads are better than one.
3.He’s been working in a bank since leaving school.
4.In came a girl,wearing a white skirt.
5.It’s up to all of us to solve the problems in our neighbourhood.
1.which 2.approved 3.for 4.better 5.seeing 6.belonging
7.unusual 8.was enlarged 9.added 10.greatly
There are solutions ofto the road safety problem.A wide range of effecteffective interventions exists.And experience in countries with long histories of motorized travel has shown that∧a scientific,“systematic approach” to road safety is essential to dealdealing with the problem.This approach addresses the traffic system as a whole and looklooks at the interactions between vehicles,road users and the road infrastructure to identify solutions.There is no
single blueprint for road safety.Interventions and strategies whosethat/which work in one setting may need to be adaptingadapted elsewhere.During the coming months,WHO will focus specificalspecifically on interventions relating to five of the many factors that cause road traffic deathdeaths and injuries.
模块八 Unit1 Thewrittenword
1.bookworm 2.poetry 3.characteristic 4.novelist 5.author
6.abuse 7.desperate 8.criminal 9.tension 10.generous 11.bent
12.theme 13.violent 14.painter 15.reform 16.violence 17.resist 18.envelope 19.brand new 20.spit 21.chest 22.modern-day 23.stepmother 24.stepsister 25.rescue 26.reputation 27.debt 28.monument 29.adore 30.intend 31.paragraph 32.tune 33.spring
1.小说;虚构的事 2.古董,文物 3.(书的)章,篇,回;时期,时代
4.歌剧;歌剧团;歌剧院 5.转折,转变;转动;急转弯 (使)弯曲;转动;蜿蜒 6.故事情节;阴谋,密谋 密谋;绘制(图表) 7.死板的,僵化的,固执的;坚硬的,僵直的 8.虚荣的,自负的;徒劳的,无结果的 9.有教养的,有礼貌的;国民的,平民的;民事的(非刑事的) 10.百万富翁 11.恶行,恶习,罪恶 12.(使)重逢,再相聚;(使)再结合,再联合 13.自制的;家里做的;国产的 14.(使)快速旋转;(使)急转身;纺纱;吐丝结网 (高速)旋转 15.运动鞋 16.使不能动弹,按住;(用大头针等)固定,别上,钉住 大头针;胸针 17.破布,破衣服;抹布
18.爱尔兰 19.苏格兰 20.最高的,至高无上的 21.遗孀,寡妇 22.(使)押韵 押韵;押韵词;押韵短诗 23.神圣的,圣洁的
1.characteristic;character 2.novelist;novel 3.desperate;desperately
4.criminal;crime 5.tension;tense 6.generous;generously;generosity
7.civil;civilian 8.violence;violent;violently 9.painter;paint
10.resist;resistance;resistant 11.intend;intention
1.desperately;rescue 2.characters;generous 3.resistant;resists
4.novelists;novels 5.intention;intended
1.决心做某事(通常指坏事) 2.在……中占一席之地 3.以……为背景 4.对……感到羞耻 5.救援某人,帮助某人 6.目的是作为某物/目的是做某事 7.与……没有关系 8.改编自…… 9.在……岁的时候 10.躲避;忙碌,不停地奔波 11.把……制(作)成…… 12.破烂不堪的,废旧的;筋疲力尽的 13.compare...to... 14.live up to 15.touch on 16.by the end of 17.find out 18.be intended for... 19.have a reputation for... 20.by then 21.come out 22.at a time
23.earn one’s income/living by farming 24.as long as 25.say goodbye/hello/sorry to sb
1.has nothing to do with 2.come out 3.is not intended to 4.worn out 5.at the age of
1.It was the culture,rather than the language,that made it hard/difficult for him to adapt to the new environment abroad.
2.I would rather stay at home rather than go out for a picnic.
3.By the end of this week, I will have finished most of the work.
4.I want to know how that window got opened.
5.Never did he think the book would be finished reading so soon.
1.which 2.the 3.begins 4.Having lost 5.so 6.greatly 7.it 8.winning 9.happiness 10.than
The main character of TheAttic,a received literary classic,is a lovely girl callingcalled Cindy.She lives in modern-day London.Cindy has a difficult life and is abused by her ugly stepmother and two greedgreedy stepsisters.She’s forced to live in a small,dark attic.The gravity of the situation leads her to run away to Ireland,whichwhere she opens a chocolate shop and becomes rich.This is a theme in TheAttic.
This may seem like just another sweet and sugary Cinderella story.Cindy is mistaken when she thinks she’s escaped her relatives because they follow her to Ireland.Her stepsisterstepsisters are frightening and have come to claim part of her fortune.My favorite character is definitedefinitely Stuart,the “prince”,adding some comedy to this otherwise dark tale.Virginia useuses colors to describe how Cindy is feeling.When Cindy is sad,she’s always described in shades of grey:“a pale child with cheeks of grey lay criedcrying in the dark”.When she’s happy:“she wrapswrapped the orange scarf around her hair and smiled happily to herself.”
Virginia has written ∧a modern-day Cinderella story,entertaining and poetic from beginning to end.I give it a five-star rating.
模块八 Unit2 Theuniversallanguage
1.awesome 2.stubborn 3.dare 4.disturbing 5.unwilling 6.seize
7.demand 8.evident 9.scold 10.merciful 11.deadline 12.unite
13.grand 14.broken 15.unemployment 16.department
17.motherland 18.folk 19.album 20.collection 21.root
22.slavery 23.tendency 24.liberty 25.gradual 26.decline
27.band 28.seek 29.scream
1.共同的;普遍的,全体的,全世界的 2.判刑,宣判;指责,谴责 3.爵士乐 4.弦;线,细绳;一串,一系列 5.选派角色;投射(光、影);向……投以(视线、笑容) 6.蝴蝶 7.黎明,拂晓;开端,萌芽 8.人事部门;职员,全体人员 9.合唱曲;合唱团 合唱;齐声说 10.咽喉,喉咙 11.奥地利 12.指导教师;家庭教师 13.交响乐,交响曲 14.单身汉,未婚男子;学士 15.幼儿园 16.芭蕾舞剧;芭蕾舞;芭蕾舞团 17.图表;海图 记录;制订;绘制(地图) 18.趋势,动向 19.形式;格式;版式 20.偏见,成见 使怀有(或形成)偏见 21.歧视,区别对待;辨别力,鉴赏力
1.condemn;condemned 2.dare;daring 3.disturbing;disturb;disturbed;disturbance 4.unwilling;willing;will 5.demand;demanding 6.evident;evidently;evidence 7.merciful;mercifully;mercy 8.unite;union 9.broken;break 10.unemployment;employment;employ;employer;employee 11.collection;collect
12.slavery;slave 13.tendency;tend 14.liberty;liberate;liberal
15.gradual;gradually 16.trend;trendy
1.seized;reduce 2.demanded;seek 3.evidence;evident;Evidently 4.unemployment;employ;employees 5.disturbing;disturbed
1.被处以某种刑罚 2.只允许某人进入 3.相爱,坠入爱河 4.初次见面;乍一看 5.与……相结合/融合 6.破裂,解散;破碎 7.简要回顾 8.分手;分裂;破裂;离婚 9.(向女方)求婚 10.go crazy 11.take on 12.be transformed into 13.participate in/take part in 14.spring up 15.start out 16.be set in 17.dance to
1.is set in;fell in love with;take on 2.broke up 3.springing up
4.dance to 5.take part in/participate in
1.I find the book interesting.
2.I asked him to see the film,but he didn’t want to.
3.I want to stress that if you want to go there, please take your umbrella.
4.I had that door painted last week.
5.If you miss this chance, it may be years before you get another one.
1.marriage 2.correctly 3.named 4.on 5.unconditional
6.Although 7.Seeing 8.if 9.herself 10.celebrates
This famous Russian composer was born on 7 May 1840 in the mountains of western Russia.He first helped writingwrite a song in 1844,at aan age when most children are still in kindergarten.At home,his mother sang folk songs,thatwhich helped develop his interest in music.Mozart was Tchaikovsky’s favorite composer and he influencesinfluenced Tchaikovsky’s life and work.For 11 years,beganbeginning in 1866,Tchaikovsky taught at the Moscow School of Music.During herhis time there,he wrote music for the piano,along with ballets,operas and symphonies.He was famous for writing the music for the ballet SwanLake in 1876.Because ∧of his musical talent,Tchaikovsky toured many countrycountries as a conductor,including a voyage to the USA in 1891.He continued to write for the ballet until his deaddeath in Saint Petersburg in 1893.
模块八 Unit3 Theworld
1.birthplace 2.architecture 3.output 4.consensus 5.calculate 6.helicopter 7.shadow 8.starry 9.commit 10.being 11.reward
12.changeable 13.dormitory 14.canal 15.admission 16.scenery
17.scholarship 18.cloth 19.slice 20.chef 21.pillow 22.disgusting 23.spray
1.抽象的 摘要,概要 2.西班牙 3.(艺术创作的)材料,形式; 媒介,传媒 中等的 4.锐角的;强烈的;(疾病)急性的;灵敏的;敏锐的
5.立方形,立方体 6.长方形,矩形 7.坦克;(储存液体或气体的)箱,槽,罐 8.池塘 9.代理人,经纪人 10.(旅馆)套房;一套家具
11.法郎 12.画廊,陈列室,展览馆 13.踝,踝关节 14.住处;住宿,膳宿;和解,调解 15.路人,过路的人 16.纪念物,纪念品 17.围裙
18.海藻,海草 19.洋葱 20.菠萝 21.茄子 22.海贝壳 23.铝 24.罐子,罐头,罐装物;锡 25.(使)起皱纹 皱纹,皱褶,皱痕 26.画笔 27.浸,蘸
1.calculate;calculator;calculation 2.accommodation;accommodate 3.admission;admit 4.disgusting;disgust;disgusted 5.birthplace;birth 6.architecture;architect 7.starry;star 8.commit;committed;commitment 9.changeable;change
1.disgust;reward 2.architecture;architect 3.starry;stars
4.calculated;calculation 5.changeable;change
1.在……以上,大于,超过 2.准备好(做某事) 3.范围从……到……
4.布置,设计;铺开,展开 5.在小时候/年轻时 6.返回,取回,拿回 7.用……做成 8.惊讶地得知 9.把……粘在……上面 10.settle in
11.be off to 12.cut up 13.cut sth out of sth 14.have a go (at) 15.gain admission to 16.think about 17.experiment with
1.think about;be off to;have a go 2.laid out 3.upwards of 4.cut up 5.at an early age
1.As we know, the earth goes around the sun.
2.Only when you can find peace in your heart will you keep good relationships with others.
3.Hardly had we begun our walk when it began to rain.
4.It was the old man who saved the drowning girl.
5.Once heard,the song will never be forgotten.
1.was 2.exploring 3.especially 4.artistic 5.whose 6.painted 7.Although 8.assistance 9.accepted 10.as
Dear Mom and Dad,
Here we are in London at last!The weather has been changeable,andbut we are having a great time.Aunt really enjoyed France and so doesdid Grandma and I.We have walked a lot.Having twisted her ankle,our tour guide had to be takingtaken to the hospital.
Wanting to stay in a hotel suite in an old castle,we tried to make a reservereservation.However,that hotel was booked full.So,instead,we found accommodation in a dormitory.It was a lot of fun because in the dormitory ∧were lots of people from different places.
Hardly had we left the dormitory the next morning thanwhen we realized we had left our map in the room.We went back to the room quickquickly and saw that it was still there.We were very lucklucky.
Had you come with us,I guarantee you would have enjoyed Europe too.All of the paintingpaintings I’ve seen so far are fantastic.Now I think that Van Gogh is my favorite artist.
Is there anything special that I can bring you?
See you soon
模块八 Unit4 Filmsandfilmevents
『必背写作词汇』 1.representative 2.spokesman 3.restriction
4.deliberately 5.modest 6.expose 7.contradict 8.resemble
9.broad 10.overlook 11.preference 12.swift 13.disappointment
14.tiresome 15.shoot 16.sincere 17.congratulation 18.full-length 19.accumulate 20.salty 21.tense 22.lantern 23.philosopher
24.scar 25.forehead 26.contradictory 27.partner 28.fierce
29.broom 30.dizzy 31.attraction 32.disappoint
1.(评判的)标准,准则,原则 2.给……提供经费 财政,金融;资金 3.拒绝购买(或使用、参加),抵制 4.策划,(尤指)密谋;孵化,孵出 5.赞助者,赞助商 赞助,资助;主办,举办 6.(微弱的)优势;边缘;刀刃 7.参赛作品;进入,加入;条目,词条 8.最高等级的,最重要的 9.洗衣服;洗衣店;要洗的(或刚洗好的)衣物 10.女仆,侍女;女服务员 11.(电影)编剧,剧作家 12.抢劫 13.爆米花 14.逸事,趣闻 15.传记,传记作品 16.惊险电影(或小说) 17.幻想,想象 18.机构;制度 19.平行的;相似的 相似的人或事物;相似特征 20.全部课程 21.快速移动;急剧增长
1.representative;represent 2.finance;financial 3.restriction;restrict
4.deliberately;deliberate 5.expose;exposure 6.contradict;contradiction;contradictory 7.broad;broaden 8.entry;enter
9.preference;prefer 10.disappointment;disappoint;disappointing;disappointed 11.sincere;sincerely 12.robbery;rob;robber
13.salty;salt 14.attraction;attract;attractive;attractively
1.swiftly;zooms;restriction 2.Exposure;expose 3.attractive;attraction 4.disappointing;disappointed;disappointment
1.为……辩护;保护;保卫 2.没有……的机会/权利 3.奉献于……,把……用于…… 4.达成一致意见 5.往往……,有……倾向
6.对……没有限制 7.给……颁奖(奖励) 8.达到某人的标准
9.对……情有独钟 10.享有好的声誉 11.有做某事的可能性
12.point out 13.show off 14.be aware of 15.find out 16.as long as 17.in the minority 18.regardless of 19.rescue sb from 20.be introduced to 21.at the beginning of 22.give thought to
1.point out;are aware of;give thought to 2.shows off 3.in defence of 4.point out 5.have a chance of
1.You won’t find paper-cutting difficult as long as you keep practicing it.
2.There is a good chance he will recover in a week if he receives timely treatment.
3.Whether you like it or not,you’ll have to change your lifestyle.
4.It was not until 1920 that American women had the chance to vote in national elections.
5.I have three foreign teachers, two of whom are from Canada.
1.in 2.being included 3.its 4.an 5.will become 6.which
7.festivals 8.becoming 9.second 10.was founded
I am so tired.I have just got home from the cinema and finished the laundry.Mum told me to help her ∧with it because she is not a maid.Before I fall sleepasleep,I have to write down what happened today.
Mary and I had an appointment at the shopping centre at 1 p.m.,but it wasn’t until 1:30 p.m.whenthat she arrived.I didn’t have time to get angry with her because we havehad to run to the cinema in time for the next show.Mary agreed to see the film where去掉where或that/which I picked,although she really wanted to see a musical.The film was such a disappointment.ListenListening to the formal language all the charactercharacters used was realreally tiresome.Mary said to me,“Do think twice next time before you choose a film.” I’m not unhappy about what she said.It is the time wastingwasted on the film that I’m unhappy about.Mary and I made aan agreement never to see a film like this again.Maybe next time we can see a musical.