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    高中英语人教版必修一 Unit 1 Friendship Reading教案2
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    高中英语人教版 (新课标)必修1&2Unit 1 Friendship教案设计

    这是一份高中英语人教版 (新课标)必修1&2Unit 1 Friendship教案设计,共9页。

    In this perid, the teaching emphasis will be put n develping the Ss’ reading ability and getting them t learn t use sme reading strategies such as guessing, key sentences, skimming and s n. As t new wrds and phrases, the teacher can first find thse the Ss find mst difficult and help them t understand. One way f helping them learn new wrds is t ask them t study the text befre the lessn and find ut the meaning f any wrd they are unsure f. A secnd way f helping them is t chse the wrds they maybe find difficult and pre-teach them befre beginning the reading.
    In rder t lead in the part Reading, the teacher can first ask the students t discuss whether they have ever cnsidered making friends with animals, plants r even an bject and why r why nt. The students are suppsed t analyze their reasns. The purpse f this activity is t begin t fcus the students’ attentin n the main tpic f the reading passage.
    It is very imprtant that the students learn t use all the clues in the text t help them understand the gist f what they are reading. S first encurage them t lk at the pictures and the heading and guess what the text might be abut. Then ask the class t read the passage silently. Smetimes ask them sme questins t fcus their reading. Alternately, ask them t tell what the main idea fr each paragraph is. Make sure that they d it in ne sentence. This is very useful because it is making them analyze what is imprtant and what is nt.
    While discussing the ideas put frward in the reading passage, the students shuld be encuraged t put frward their wn ideas, either criticizing the text r using it as a supprt because they shuld think whether they agree r disagree with the writer. Besides, in rder t help the students’ wn writing, it is als imprtant t ask them t find ut and remember sme phrases and sentences.
    T cnslidate the cntents f the reading passage, the students shuld be required t retell the text. In rder t aruse the students’ interest, the teacher can hld a cmpetitin between grups.
    Get the students t learn different reading skills.
    Get the students t learn different reading skills fr different reading purpses.
    1. Task-based teaching and learning
    2. Cperative learning
    3. Discussin
    The multimedia and ther nrmal teaching tls
    Knwledge aims:
    1. Get the students t learn the fllwing useful new wrds and expressins:reasn list share feeling Netherlands German series utdrs crazy nature purpse dare thunder entirely pwer accrding trust indrs share. . . with. . . g thrugh hide away set dwn a series f be crazy abut n purpse in rder t in ne’s pwer face t face accrding t
    2. Help the students t find the wrds and phrases that they find mst difficult and help them t understand.
    Ability aims:
    Help the students develp their reading ability and learn t use sme reading strategies such as guessing, key sentences, skimming, scanning and s n.
    Emtinal aims:
    Enable the students t realize the imprtance f friends and friendship, value the friendship between friends by learning the reading text and tell true friends frm false friends in their lives.
    →Step 1 Revisin
    1. Check the hmewrk exercises.
    2. Ask sme students what a friend is.
    →Step 2 Lead-in
    Enjy the sng That’s What Friends Are Fr with the students. Ask the students t find ut what it is abut.
    →Step 3 Pre-reading
    Ask the students the fllwing questins s as t begin t fcus students’ attentin n the main tpic f the reading passage.
    1. Why d yu need friends? Make a list f reasns why friends are imprtant t yu.
    2. What d yu think a gd friend shuld be like? List the gd qualities a gd friend shuld have.
    3. Des a friend always have t be a persn? What else can be yur friend?
    4. Have yu ever cnsidered making friends with animals, plants r even an bject? Why r why nt?
    (The teacher can als tell students sme backgrund befre starting t read. This is a true stry. It tk place in Amsterdam, Hlland in the early 1940s after German Nazis had ccupied mst f Eurpe. They killed many Jews. T avid being killed, sme Jewish families went int hiding, ften with the help f nn-Jewish friends. This is what Anne’s family did. )
    →Step 4 Reading
    1. Get the students t try t guess what Anne’s friend was and what the passage is abut by reading the title and having a quick lk at the pictures in this passage withut reading it.
    2. Get the students t skim the first tw paragraphs t cnfirm their guessing.
    3. Have the class t read the passage silently and then ask them t answer the fllwing questins.
    1)What was Anne’s best friend? Why did she make friends with it?
    2)Did she have any ther true friends then? Why?
    3)What is the difference between Anne’s diary and thse f mst peple?
    4)D yu keep a diary? What d yu think mst peple set dwn in their diaries?
    5)We are ging t read ne f Anne’s diaries, but befre reading, can yu tell me what the diary is abut with the help f ne key sentence in the secnd paragraph?
    4. Reading Anne’s diary
    1)While reading, guess the meanings f “spellbund”, “hld me entirely in their pwer” frm the discurse.
    2)After reading, ask the students hw Anne felt in the hiding place and get them t give the tw examples t shw her feelings then.
    3)Chse the best answer accrding t the diary.
    (1)Anne made friends with her diary because______________ .
    A. she didn’t like her ther friends
    B. she was a shy girl
    C. she trusted nbdy
    D. she didn’t have a chance t cmmunicate with her friends
    (2)Frm the diary we can infer that______________ .
    A. Anne was a girl wh lves nature
    B. Anne was gd at writing diaries
    C. Anne was lnging fr a nrmal life and she especially missed ging utside and enjying nature
    D. Anne had gd bservatin in her daily life
    (3)Why did Anne and her family have t hide?
    A. Because they were nt Germans.
    B. Because they were asked t d s.
    C. Because they did smething bad.
    D. Because they were Jewish.
    (4)What is the authr’s attitude twards Anne in this passage?
    A. Angry. B. Happy. C. Srry. D. Disappinted.
    (5)What is Anne’s tne frm her diary?
    A. Sad. B. Hpeful. C. Disappinted D. Angry.
    (6)What made Anne crazy abut nature?
    A. Her interest in nature.
    B. She had n friends.
    C. She culdn’t get utdrs fr a lng time.
    D. She culd d nthing but watch nature.
    Suggested answers:(1)D (2)C (3)D (4)C (5)A (6)C
    4)Ask the students t read the diary again and try t retell it. The retelling must include the infrmatin required belw:
    Sample retelling:
    The diary by Anne, a Jewish girl, gave a glimpse f her life during her family’s shelter in Amsterdam frm the German Nazis’ killing in the Secnd Wrld War. She treated the diary as her best friend, and in it she revealed her lnging fr a nrmal life and clse cntact with nature, which helped her get thrugh the days.
    →Step 4 Reading alud
    Play the tape f the passage fr the students t listen and fllw. Make sure the students phrase lng sentences crrectly by pausing at suitable places.
    →Step 5 Pst-reading
    1. Get the students t d the exercises in the part Cmprehending.
    This part helps students further understand the text by ding multiple chices, questins and answers, and matching.
    2. Grup wrk
    Think abut and wrk in grups t discuss the fllwing questins.
    1)What wuld yu d if yur family were ging t be killed just because they did smething the Emperr did nt like?
    2)Where wuld yu plan t hide?
    3)Hw wuld yu arrange t get fd given t yu every day?
    4)What wuld yu d t pass the time?
    →Step 6 Cnslidatin
    1. Bks shut. Get the students t tell smething abut Anne.
    2. Bks pen. Get the students t discver useful wrds and expressins frm the part Reading t cmplete the fllwing sentences.
    Shw the exercises n the screen r give ut exercise papers.
    1)She has grwn______________ abut cmputer games.
    2)Was it an accident r did David d it n______________?
    3)Frm the beginning, Paul made it clear that he wuld be______________(完全地) in cntrl.
    4)He used t wrk______________ even in the middle f winter.
    5)______________ get her byfriend t find her, she______________ fr many years.
    6)______________ what he said, we can draw a cnclusin that he just tld______________ white lies.
    7)Brn in a pr family, the president______________ lts f hardships in his childhd.
    8)A diary is ften kept t______________ what happens in peple’s daily lives.
    9)When they met with each ther n a quiet evening at the end f the street, they said nthing______________.
    First get the students t d the exercises. Then the answers are given. The teacher can give them explanatins where necessary.
    Suggested answers:1)crazy 2)purpse 3)entirely 4)utdrs 5)In rder nt t, hid away 6)Accrding t, a series f 7)went thrugh 8)set dwn 9)face t face
    →Step 7 Hmewrk
    1. Read the passage again and try t retell it.
    2. Finish ff the related Wrkbk exercises.
    3. Write ne r tw sentences t express yur understanding f friends and friendship.
    Ending Let’s listen and sing the sng That’s What Friends Are Fr tgether
    →Step 1 Revisin
    1. Check the hmewrk exercises.
    2. Ask sme students what a friend is.
    →Step 2 Lead-in
    Enjy the sng That’s What Friends Are Fr with the Ss. Ask the students t find ut what it is abut.
    →Step 3 Pre-reading
    Ask the students sme questins s as t begin t fcus students’ attentin n the main tpic f the reading passage.
    →Step 4 Reading
    1. Get the students t try t guess what Anne’s friend is and what the passage is abut by reading the title and having a quick lk at the pictures in this passage withut reading it.
    2. Get the students t skim the first tw paragraphs t cnfirm their guessing.
    3. Have the class t read the passage silently.
    4. Reading Anne’s diary
    1)Ask the students hw Anne felt in the hiding place.
    2)Guess the meanings f “spellbund”“hld me entirely in their pwer” frm the discurse.
    3)Ask the students t read the diary again and try t retell it.
    →Step 5 Reading alud
    Play the tape f the passage fr the students t listen t and fllw.
    →Step 6 Pst-reading
    1. Get the students t d the exercises in the part Cmprehending.
    2. Get the students t wrk in grups t have a discussin f ideas.
    →Step 7 Cnslidatin
    1. Bks shut. Get the students t tell smething abut Anne.
    2. Get the students t discver useful wrds and expressins frm the part Reading.
    →Step 8 Hmewrk
    1. Read the passage again and try t retell it.
    2. Finish ff the related Wrkbk exercises.
    3. Write ne r tw sentences t express yur understanding f friends and friendship.
    Ending Let’s listen and sing the sng That’s What Friends Are Fr tgether.
    Unit 1 Friendship
    Anne’s Best Friend
    G t yur schl library r surf the Internet t find Anne’s Diary and read sme f it. Print ut a piece f the diary and write dwn yur feelings after reading it n the page. Then share the pieces and yur feelings with the whle class. The purpse f this activity is t encurage students t make use f libraries and the Internet t enlarge their reading and enrich their knwledge. It can als make students understand mre abut the reading passage in this unit.
    One f Anne’s Diaries:
    Saturday, 15 July, 1944
    “Fr in its innermst depths yuth is lnelier than ld age. ” I read this saying in sme bk and I’ve always remembered it, and fund it t be true. Is it true then that grwnups have a mre difficult time here than we d? N. I knw it isn’t. Older peple have frmed their pinins abut everything, and dn’t waver befre they act. It’s twice as hard fr us yung nes t hld ur grund, and maintain ur pinins. . .
    Anyne wh claims that the lder nes have a mre difficult time here certainly desn’t realize t what extent ur prblems weigh dwn n us, prblems fr which we are prbably much t yung, but which are cntinuus, until, after a lng time, we think we’ve fund a slutin, but the slutin desn’t seem able t resist the facts which put it t nthing again. That’s the difficulty in these times:ideals, dreams, and cherished hpes rise within us, nly t meet the terrible truth and be destryed.
    It’s really a wnder that I haven’t drpped all my ideals, because they seem s unbelievable and impssible t carry ut. Yet I keep them, because in spite f everything I still believe that peple are really gd at heart. . .
    Main Ideas
    Useful wrds and expressins
    Paragraph 1
    Anne made her diary her best friend whm she culd tell everything.
    Feeling g thrugh. . .
    Paragraph 2
    Anne’s diary acted as her true friend during the time she and her family had t hide away fr a lng time.
    hide away set dwn a series f. . .
    Anne’s diary
    Having been kept indrs fr s lng, Anne grew s crazy abut everything t d with nature.
    crazy nature n purpse in rder t dare face t face. . .

    高中英语人教版 (新课标)必修1&2Unit 1 Friendship教学设计: 这是一份高中英语人教版 (新课标)必修1&2Unit 1 Friendship教学设计,共5页。教案主要包含了教学内容分析,教学方法,具体教学步骤等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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