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    这是一份2020年广东省佛山市高考英语模拟试卷(一)(含解析),共40页。试卷主要包含了 artist,假定你是光明中学学生会主席李华等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 40 分)第一节 (共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑.
    The Worlds' Best Bookshops
    There's nothing like being surrounded by books, wherever you are. Here are the finest oases of literature that travellers can bring you.
    Daikanyama T﹣site | Tokyo
    It is well worth visiting even if just to admire the building's beautiful, crisscrossed architecture. Once you've had your fill of roaming three floors' worth of bookshelves, there's the bar, the coffee shop, or even the video rental space to give you more reason to stay just that little bit longer. Grab a book, order a beer and dive into its pages. I could have stayed hours here.
    City Lights | San Francisco
    The three﹣storey establishment publishes and sells titles in poetry, fiction, translation, politics, history and the arts. It hosts events and readings, and runs a non﹣profit of the same name that aims to promote diversity of voices and ideas in literature. It's opposite Vesuvio, a bar frequented by Kerouac and other Beat﹣generation writers and artists.
    Shakespeare and Company | Paris
    I made a special trip to the Left Bank for this one when I was in Paris. It has two floors packed with English﹣language texts, and I was particularly struck by any spare wall space devoted to notes from visitors ﹣ heartfelt messages to a loved one, dedications to the shop itself, or a quote from a favourite author or philosopher.
    Hutatma Chowk | Mumbai
    A few years ago I visited India, investigating Rudyard Kipling's connections with the country. I spotted a cheap copy of The Jungle Book on one of the tarp﹣covered book stalls at Hutatma Chowk (Martyrs' Square). The booksellers here are like amateur librarians, able to lay their hands on almost any title you ask for. To me, those well﹣thumbed (翻旧了的) books spoke volumes about the changes of Mumbai's readers in the 150 years since the city gave us Kipling.

    (1)In which bookshop can you buy a drink while visiting?   
    A. Daikanyama T﹣site
    B. City Lights
    C. Shakespeare and Company
    D. Hutatma Chowk
    (2)What can be learned about the book stalls at Hutatma Chowk?   
    A.People can meet Rudyard Kipling there.
    B.They sell the cheapest books in the world.
    C.The book owners are amateur librarians.
    D.The sellers are familiar with the books.
    (3)What do the four bookstores have in common?   
    A.They are beautifully designed.
    B.They are three﹣storey buildings.
    C.They offer book lovers good experience.
    D.They are frequently visited by great writers.
    2.(8分)Howard Weistling wanted to be a comic strip (连环漫画) artist. But when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, he joined the Army.
    After flight engineer training, Howard was shipped off to Europe. On his maiden flight, his plane was shot down over Austria. The entire crew of eight men landed safely. But a farmer found Howard hiding in his barn and turned him over to a prison of war camp in Barth, Germany. It was freezing and the men almost starved to death eating the guards' garbage.
    Hungry and homesick Howard coped the only way he knew how. He drew a comic strip. The book, made of cigarette wrappers bound together with scrap metal, was sent around the camp. Every couple of days he would add a new panel. One panel at a time would be passed around the whole camp. And they'd have something to look forward to.
    After an entire year of this, they woke one morning to find their guards gone. They fled and Howard finally got to go home. Just lucky to get out alive, he left the book behind.
    Back home in California, Howard soon had a wife and kids to feed so he had to set aside his dream of becoming an artist. He took a job as a gardener instead.
    Morgan shared his father's artistic gifts. At 15 his parents sent him to art school. And Howard got to see his son become a well﹣known painter before he died in 2002. That's how, seven decades after the war, when a stranger in New York googled the name "Weistling," he found Morgan online.
    "I get an email from a gentleman and he says, ‘I think I may have some drawings your father did when he was a POW (prisoner of war) in World War II,'" Morgan recalls. "‘Would you like them?' And I just stared at that email and started crying."
    Luckily Howard had engraved his name on the comic book, which is how the man from New York City had connected with Morgan. A couple of days later when it arrived in California, Morgan couldn't believe it. "It was like getting my father back," Morgan says. "It was like him being able to tell me the story over again ﹣ only this time it was real in my hands."

    (1)The passage details Howard's life as a POW to show that   .
    A.war cannot stop his pursuit of success
    B.passion for art helped ease his sufferings
    C.loss of freedom encouraged his creativity
    D.misery drives him to fight against his fate
    (2)What can we infer about Howard's comic strip in prison?   
    A.It satisfied prisoners' curiosity.
    B.It aroused the guards' sympathy.
    C.It was popular among the prisoners.
    D.It raised prisoners' confidence in freedom.
    (3)What contributes to the stranger's success in finding Morgan?   
    A.The email from a gentleman.
    B.Howard's experience in the war.
    C.Morgan's recalling of his father.
    D.Morgan's status in the field of art.
    (4)What can we infer about Morgan from the last paragraph?   
    A.He didn't believe the stranger's story.
    B.He was excited to get the comic strip.
    C.He couldn't wait to tell others his good news.
    D.He hadn't heard about his father's war stories.
    3.(8分)Your brain isn't necessarily the same age as the rest of you. Now, it may be possible to predict how quickly a person's brain will age throughout life based on tests taken when he or she is three years old.
    A person's biological age may be a better indicator of their health than their real age. Brain age can be measured using brain scans and machine﹣learning to determine if a person's brain looks older or younger than the average healthy brain for people of the same age.
    To find out if brain age might reveal anything about a person's health in midlife, Max Elliott at Duke University in North Carolina and his colleagues assessed the brains of 869 adults in New Zealand who have undergone regular medical and cognitive (认知的) testing since they were 3 years old.
    When the volunteers, all aged between 43 and 46, underwent MRI brain scans, the team found that their brain ages ranged from 23 to 71. Those with older brain ages performed worse on tests of cognition, memory and IQ. The researchers also found that some people have a very advanced brain age but their bodies seem to be ageing slowly, and vice versa (反之亦然). However, the team found that those who had the highest scores on cognitive tests when they were 3 years old went on to have the youngest﹣looking brains.
    This suggests we might be able to tell who is at risk of accelerated brain ageing early in life. Researchers hope that predicting brain ageing earlier in life could allow treatments for conditions like dementia (痴呆) to be started sooner. This means treatments might have a better chance of working.
    We don't yet have a way to treat brain ageing, but given the known benefits to the brain of healthy eating and exercise, these aren't a bad place to start.

    (1)What helps predict the speed of one's brain ageing?   
    A.One's health condition.
    B.A test result at the age of 3.
    C.The actual age of one's brain.
    D.A machine for medical check.
    (2)What is the purpose of Elliott's research?   
    A.To find out why people look older or younger.
    B.To measure people's brain age at different stages.
    C.To discover whether brain age can be measured by machines.
    D.To explore the relationship between brain age and future health.
    (3)What is Paragraph 4 mainly about?   
    A.The influence of cognitive tests.
    B.The procedure of Elliott's study.
    C.The information about volunteers.
    D.The findings of the brain research.
    (4)What do the findings of the research imply?   
    A.We should test our brain age earliest possible.
    B.People suffering dementia can go on working.
    C.Brain ageing could be predicted at an early age.
    D.Healthy eating and exercise can cure brain ageing.
    4.(8分)One of the most popular beliefs in parenting is the so﹣called Mozart effect, which says that listening to music by the Austrian composer Wolfgang Mozart can increase a child's intelligence. Some pregnant women have even gone so far as to play Mozart recordings on headphones pressed against their bellies. And it's not hard to see how Mozart's name became associated with accelerated development. He was history's greatest child genius, performing astonishing music for kings and queens at an age when many of us were content with tuneless singing "I'm a Little Teapot".
    So, if you have kids or you're expecting to have them, how seriously should you take the Mozart effect? Will the child who doesn't listen to Mozart in the cradle (摇篮) be limited to an ordinary life? Are you a bad parent if your kids don't know about any works of Mozart?
    Relax. There is no scientific evidence that listening to Mozart improves children's cognitive abilities. The whole idea comes from a small study done in 1993, which found that college students who listened to Mozart's Sonata for Two Pianos in D Major (K 448)showed some improvement in a test of spatial (空间的) skills. This finding was later described as something extremely amazing by a musician, Don Campbell, in a book. Campbell's claims about the super powers of Mozart's music were repeated endlessly in the media and fueled a craze for Mozart﹣based enrichment activities. In 1998, for example, the governor of Georgia in the USA requested funds to send classical﹣music CDs to all parents of newborns in the state.
    Since then, scientists have examined the claim that Mozart increases intelligence and found no evidence for it. The original experiment with college students was reviewed in 1999, and the increase in the students' spatial skills was found to be negligible. In 2007 the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research asked a team of experts to examine the scientific literature regarding Mozart and child development, and they found no reason to believe that it increased intelligence.

    (1)People relate Mozart to children's intelligence development because he   .
    A. owned extraordinary music talent
    B. could perform music as a child
    C. offered music to pregnant women
    D. was an royal Austrian composer
    (2)What can we know about the small study in 1993?   
    A.It added to the popularity of Mozart's music.
    B.It found no evidence for supporting Mozart effect.
    C.It helped college students make academic progress.
    D.It urged Georgia's governor to spread classical music.
    (3)What does the underlined word "negligible" probably mean?   
    A. Sudden.
    B. Insignificant.
    C. Average.
    D. Steady.
    (4)What can be the best title for the text?   
    A.New Findings: Mozart Effect to Be Proved
    B.Secrets Uncovered: History of Mozart Effect
    C.Does Listening to Mozart Make Kids Smarter?
    D.How Does Mozart Improve Kids' Intelligence?
    第二节 (共 5 小题,每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项.选项中有两项为多余选项.
    5.(10分)Your comfort zone is a behavioral space where your activities and behaviors fit a routine and pattern that minimizes stress and risk. (1)   You benefit in obvious ways: regular happiness, low anxiety, and reduced stress.
    Leaving your comfort zone can have very positive results, though. For one thing, you'll surely be more productive if you're willing to move out of it. With the sense of unease that comes from having deadlines and expectations, you'll have the drive and ambition to do more and learn new things.(2)   For another, learning to live outside your comfort zone can prepare you for life changes that force you out of it. Fear and uncertainty always exist in our life. By challenging yourself to things you normally wouldn't do, you can experience some of that uncertainty in a controlled and manageable environment.
    While outside your comfort zone can be a good place to be,(3)   . You can start by doing everyday things differently. For example, you can take a different route to work or try a new restaurant. Besides, you should remember to break out in small steps. You get the same benefits whether you go with long strides (大步) or you start slow. If you're socially anxious, don't suppose you have to gather the courage to ask your crush (爱慕之人) on a date right away.
    (4)    Identify your fears, and then face them step by step.
    Trying new things is difficult, so it's important to understand how habits form and how we can break them.(5)   

    A.It provides a state of mental security.
    B.it's of great necessity to find ways to break out of it
    C.it's a pleasant experience to stay in the comfort zone
    D.You have to manage that stress and risk in a clever way.
    E.Just say hello to them and see where you can go from there.
    F.That means you will get more done and find smarter ways to work.
    G.And it's as important to press yourself out of your comfort zone by doing specific things.
    第三部分 英语知识运用 (共两节,满分 45 分)第一节 完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑.
    6.(30分)Two Texas football players have gone viral (走红) after they knelt together in prayer(祈祷). And it couldn't have come at a more(1)   moment. The final whistle sounded after a(n)(2)    game that saw Sherman High School completely defeat West Mesquite High 56﹣55. What happened next left the crowd (3)   : Sherman's Gage Smith, instead of(4)   with his team, went over to Mesquite's Ty Jordan and the two took a knee together.
    The (5)   was that Smith recently learned that Jordan's mother, Tiffany, was battling stage 4 cancer, and that was (6)   the two players knelt in prayer for Jordon's family.
    As the two(7)   , the wife of Smith's coach snapped a picture of the heartwarming moment. And then Jordan's aunt (8)   the image on Facebook, obtaining more than 100,000(9)   in just an hour.
    The moving(10)   made Tiffany cry. It's been a hard time for Tiffany, who was diagnosed (诊断) with lung and bone cancer last winter. The(11)   hospital stays cost Tiffany her job earlier this month, and(12)   , her health insurance. And she now has to(13)   the high cost of treatments herself. Smith's(14)   prayer lifted her spirits.
    Smith said he and Jordan had played on a summer football team together before becoming(15)    this last game. However, Smith won't let this break their(16)   . "During the game,we're gonna play and try to (17)   , but you still have that (18)   for the other opponent," says Smith. "I wanted to do that prayer for him."
    "He's such a true leader and he is so(19)   that a lot of the guys on the team(20)   him," said head coach J.D. Martinez. "I'm glad that other people are having the opportunity to see it, too."
    (1)A. important
    B. difficult
    C. touching
    D. entertaining
    (2)A. amusing
    B. tough
    C. educational
    D. nation﹣wide
    (3)A. embarrassed
    B. confused
    C. frustrated
    D. annoyed
    (4)A. celebrating
    B. praying
    C. practicing
    D. fighting
    (5)A. truth
    B. problem
    C. news
    D. secret
    (6)A. when
    B. where
    C. how
    D. why
    (7)A. whispered
    B. hugged
    C. shook hands
    D. stood up
    (8)A. posted
    B. found
    C. scanned
    D. polished
    (9)A. rewards
    B. copies
    C. votes
    D. likes
    (10)A. game
    B. reunion
    C. gesture
    D. spirit
    (11)A. temporary
    B. over﹣night
    C. long
    D. secret
    (12)A. in turn
    B. in a way
    C. for a moment
    D. without exception
    (13)A. look forward to
    B. forget about
    C. cover
    D. estimate
    (14)A. frequent
    B. daily
    C. unexpected
    D. unconditional
    (15)A. acquaintances
    B. enemies
    C. players
    D. captains
    (16)A. hearts
    B. routines
    C. promise
    D. bond
    (17)A. compromise
    B. cooperate
    C. learn
    D. win
    (18)A. respect
    B. passion
    C. blame
    D. sorrow
    (19)A. enthusiastic
    B. ambitious
    C. aggressive
    D. sympathetic
    (20)A. inspired
    B. followed
    C. instructed
    D. understood
    第二节 (共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式.
    7.(15分)Are boys really better at math than girls? No, that doesn't seem(1)   (rely).
    That's according to new research by Jessica Cantlon, a professor and neuroscientist of Carnegie Mellon University, and her colleagues.(2)   (scientist) looked at young boys' and girls' brains, and found no difference in mathematical ability. Their new paper,(3)   (publish) in the journal Science of Learning, suggests that society is to blame (4)   the mistaken idea that girls aren't good at numbers.
    Cantlon and her colleagues used an MRI machine (5)   (examine) 105 kids' brains while the kids watched an educational video.(6)   found that the kids' brains showed no major differences during the experiment.
    This report (7)   (base) on a previous study in 2018, which looked at the test performance data of 500 boys and girls. The 2018 paper found no difference in their early mathematical ability,(8)   (suggest) that boys and girls are equally equipped to reason about mathematics during early childhood.
    Cantlon hopes that people will stop being so sexist (性别歧视的) about little girls and calculators." (9)   (hope), we can change expectations of(10)   children can achieve in mathematics," she says.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 35 分)第一节 短文改错(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)
    8.(10分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文.文中共有 10 处语言错误,每句中最多有两处.每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改.
    修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词.注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;
    2. 只允许修改 10 处,多者(从第 11 处起)不计分.
    As a typical student of Senior 3, I devote most time to learn each day, with different subject to study and lots of homework to do. In my spare time, I love watching TikTok videos, that are really amusing and always make me feel relaxed.
    TikTok, also know as Douyin in China, allows users share 15﹣second videos. It is extremely popular and offer people a chance to show their talents. Many people have become the big stars since we shared videos on TikTok. I will also share funny videos in the future. Therefore, I've never thought of becoming famous. Instead, I just want to make others happily.
    第二节 书面表达(满分 25 分)
    9.(25分)假定你是光明中学学生会主席李华.英国友好学校代表团将于下月访问你校一周,你负责联络工作.请你给代表团负责人 Smith 先生写邮件,欢迎他们到访,并就附件中的活动安排征求对方意见.
    1、词数 100 左右;

    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 40 分)第一节 (共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑.
    The Worlds' Best Bookshops
    There's nothing like being surrounded by books, wherever you are. Here are the finest oases of literature that travellers can bring you.
    Daikanyama T﹣site | Tokyo
    It is well worth visiting even if just to admire the building's beautiful, crisscrossed architecture. Once you've had your fill of roaming three floors' worth of bookshelves, there's the bar, the coffee shop, or even the video rental space to give you more reason to stay just that little bit longer. Grab a book, order a beer and dive into its pages. I could have stayed hours here.
    City Lights | San Francisco
    The three﹣storey establishment publishes and sells titles in poetry, fiction, translation, politics, history and the arts. It hosts events and readings, and runs a non﹣profit of the same name that aims to promote diversity of voices and ideas in literature. It's opposite Vesuvio, a bar frequented by Kerouac and other Beat﹣generation writers and artists.
    Shakespeare and Company | Paris
    I made a special trip to the Left Bank for this one when I was in Paris. It has two floors packed with English﹣language texts, and I was particularly struck by any spare wall space devoted to notes from visitors ﹣ heartfelt messages to a loved one, dedications to the shop itself, or a quote from a favourite author or philosopher.
    Hutatma Chowk | Mumbai
    A few years ago I visited India, investigating Rudyard Kipling's connections with the country. I spotted a cheap copy of The Jungle Book on one of the tarp﹣covered book stalls at Hutatma Chowk (Martyrs' Square). The booksellers here are like amateur librarians, able to lay their hands on almost any title you ask for. To me, those well﹣thumbed (翻旧了的) books spoke volumes about the changes of Mumbai's readers in the 150 years since the city gave us Kipling.

    (1)In which bookshop can you buy a drink while visiting? A 
    A. Daikanyama T﹣site
    B. City Lights
    C. Shakespeare and Company
    D. Hutatma Chowk
    (2)What can be learned about the book stalls at Hutatma Chowk? D 
    A.People can meet Rudyard Kipling there.
    B.They sell the cheapest books in the world.
    C.The book owners are amateur librarians.
    D.The sellers are familiar with the books.
    (3)What do the four bookstores have in common? C 
    A.They are beautifully designed.
    B.They are three﹣storey buildings.
    C.They offer book lovers good experience.
    D.They are frequently visited by great writers.
    【解答】1. A 细节理解题.根据第二段"It is well worth visiting even if just to admire the building's beautiful, crisscrossed architecture. Once you've had your fill of roaming three floors' worth of bookshelves, there's the bar, the coffee shop, or even the video rental space to give you more reason to stay just that little bit longer. Grab a book, order a beer and dive into its pages. I could have stayed hours here.即使只是为了欣赏这座建筑的美丽,纵横交错的建筑,它也是值得一游的.一旦你有了三层楼的书架,就有了酒吧,咖啡厅,甚至是视频租赁空间,让你有更多的理由再多呆一会儿.拿本书,点杯啤酒,潜水我本可以在这里呆上几个小时的."可知在Daikanyama T﹣site | Tokyo可以买饮料.故选A.
    2. D 细节理解题.根据最后一段" The booksellers here are like amateur librarians, able to lay their hands on almost any title you ask for. 这里的书商就像业余的图书管理员一样,几乎可以按你要求的任何书名下手."可知卖家对这些书很熟悉.故选D.
    3. C 细节理解题.阅读这四家书店可知,他们都为他们为书迷提供了很好的体验.故选C.
    2.(8分)Howard Weistling wanted to be a comic strip (连环漫画) artist. But when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, he joined the Army.
    After flight engineer training, Howard was shipped off to Europe. On his maiden flight, his plane was shot down over Austria. The entire crew of eight men landed safely. But a farmer found Howard hiding in his barn and turned him over to a prison of war camp in Barth, Germany. It was freezing and the men almost starved to death eating the guards' garbage.
    Hungry and homesick Howard coped the only way he knew how. He drew a comic strip. The book, made of cigarette wrappers bound together with scrap metal, was sent around the camp. Every couple of days he would add a new panel. One panel at a time would be passed around the whole camp. And they'd have something to look forward to.
    After an entire year of this, they woke one morning to find their guards gone. They fled and Howard finally got to go home. Just lucky to get out alive, he left the book behind.
    Back home in California, Howard soon had a wife and kids to feed so he had to set aside his dream of becoming an artist. He took a job as a gardener instead.
    Morgan shared his father's artistic gifts. At 15 his parents sent him to art school. And Howard got to see his son become a well﹣known painter before he died in 2002. That's how, seven decades after the war, when a stranger in New York googled the name "Weistling," he found Morgan online.
    "I get an email from a gentleman and he says, ‘I think I may have some drawings your father did when he was a POW (prisoner of war) in World War II,'" Morgan recalls. "‘Would you like them?' And I just stared at that email and started crying."
    Luckily Howard had engraved his name on the comic book, which is how the man from New York City had connected with Morgan. A couple of days later when it arrived in California, Morgan couldn't believe it. "It was like getting my father back," Morgan says. "It was like him being able to tell me the story over again ﹣ only this time it was real in my hands."

    (1)The passage details Howard's life as a POW to show that B .
    A.war cannot stop his pursuit of success
    B.passion for art helped ease his sufferings
    C.loss of freedom encouraged his creativity
    D.misery drives him to fight against his fate
    (2)What can we infer about Howard's comic strip in prison? C 
    A.It satisfied prisoners' curiosity.
    B.It aroused the guards' sympathy.
    C.It was popular among the prisoners.
    D.It raised prisoners' confidence in freedom.
    (3)What contributes to the stranger's success in finding Morgan? D 
    A.The email from a gentleman.
    B.Howard's experience in the war.
    C.Morgan's recalling of his father.
    D.Morgan's status in the field of art.
    (4)What can we infer about Morgan from the last paragraph? B 
    A.He didn't believe the stranger's story.
    B.He was excited to get the comic strip.
    C.He couldn't wait to tell others his good news.
    D.He hadn't heard about his father's war stories.
    【解答】1.B.细节理解题.根据文章第三段Hungry and homesick Howard coped the only way he knew how. He drew a comic strip. 饥饿和想家的霍华德只是设法应付,他画了一幅连环画.可知 这篇文章详细描述了霍华德作为战俘的生活 对艺术的热情有助于减轻他的痛苦;故选B.
    2.C.推理判断题.根据文章第三段Every couple of days he would add a new panel. One panel at a time would be passed around the whole camp. And they'd have something to look forward to.每隔几天,他就会增加一个新的小组.一次一个小组将被传递到整个营地.他们会有一些期待的东西.可知霍华德在监狱里的连环画它在囚犯中很受欢迎;故选C.
    3.D.细节理解题.根据文章第六段That's how, seven decades after the war, when a stranger in New York googled the name "Weistling," he found Morgan online.这就是为什么战后七十年,当一个陌生人在纽约谷歌的名字"威斯特林,"他发现摩根在网上.可知是摩根在艺术领域的地位促使陌生人成功找到摩根的;故选D.
    4.B.推理判断题.根据文章最后一段A couple of days later when it arrived in California, Morgan couldn't believe it. "It was like getting my father back," Morgan says.几天后,当它到达加州,摩根不敢相信."这就像让我父亲回来,摩根说."可知从最后一段我们能推断出摩根他很兴奋能拿到连环画;故选B.
    3.(8分)Your brain isn't necessarily the same age as the rest of you. Now, it may be possible to predict how quickly a person's brain will age throughout life based on tests taken when he or she is three years old.
    A person's biological age may be a better indicator of their health than their real age. Brain age can be measured using brain scans and machine﹣learning to determine if a person's brain looks older or younger than the average healthy brain for people of the same age.
    To find out if brain age might reveal anything about a person's health in midlife, Max Elliott at Duke University in North Carolina and his colleagues assessed the brains of 869 adults in New Zealand who have undergone regular medical and cognitive (认知的) testing since they were 3 years old.
    When the volunteers, all aged between 43 and 46, underwent MRI brain scans, the team found that their brain ages ranged from 23 to 71. Those with older brain ages performed worse on tests of cognition, memory and IQ. The researchers also found that some people have a very advanced brain age but their bodies seem to be ageing slowly, and vice versa (反之亦然). However, the team found that those who had the highest scores on cognitive tests when they were 3 years old went on to have the youngest﹣looking brains.
    This suggests we might be able to tell who is at risk of accelerated brain ageing early in life. Researchers hope that predicting brain ageing earlier in life could allow treatments for conditions like dementia (痴呆) to be started sooner. This means treatments might have a better chance of working.
    We don't yet have a way to treat brain ageing, but given the known benefits to the brain of healthy eating and exercise, these aren't a bad place to start.

    (1)What helps predict the speed of one's brain ageing? B 
    A.One's health condition.
    B.A test result at the age of 3.
    C.The actual age of one's brain.
    D.A machine for medical check.
    (2)What is the purpose of Elliott's research? D 
    A.To find out why people look older or younger.
    B.To measure people's brain age at different stages.
    C.To discover whether brain age can be measured by machines.
    D.To explore the relationship between brain age and future health.
    (3)What is Paragraph 4 mainly about? D 
    A.The influence of cognitive tests.
    B.The procedure of Elliott's study.
    C.The information about volunteers.
    D.The findings of the brain research.
    (4)What do the findings of the research imply? C 
    A.We should test our brain age earliest possible.
    B.People suffering dementia can go on working.
    C.Brain ageing could be predicted at an early age.
    D.Healthy eating and exercise can cure brain ageing.
    【解答】1.B.细节理解题.根据文章第一段,Now, it may be possible to predict how quickly a person's brain will age throughout life based on tests taken when he or she is three years old.现在,根据一个人三岁时所做的测试,可以预测他一生中大脑老化的速度.结合选项,故选B.
    2.D.推理判断题.根据文章第三段,To find out if brain age might reveal anything about a person's health in midlife, Max Elliott at Duke University in North Carolina and his colleagues assessed the brains of 869 adults in New Zealand who have undergone regular medical and cognitive (认知的) testing since they were 3 years old.为了找出大脑年龄是否能揭示一个人中年时的健康状况,北卡罗莱纳州杜克大学的Max Elliott 和他的同事对新西兰869名成年人的大脑进行了评估,这些成年人从3岁起就接受了常规的医学和认知测试.可知,Elliott的研究是了找出人的年纪和身体健康之间的关系,故选D.
    3.D.段落大意题.根据文章第四段,When the volunteers, all aged between 43 and 46, underwent MRI brain scans, the team found that their brain ages ranged from 23 to 71. Those with older brain ages performed worse on tests of cognition, memory and IQ. The researchers also found that some people have a very advanced brain age but their bodies seem to be ageing slowly, and vice versa (反之亦然). However, the team found that those who had the highest scores on cognitive tests when they were 3 years old went on to have the youngest﹣looking brains.当这些年龄在43岁到46岁之间的志愿者接受核磁共振脑扫描时,研究小组发现他们的脑年龄在23岁到71岁之间.那些脑年龄较大的人在认知、记忆和智商测试中表现较差.研究人员还发现,一些人的脑年龄非常高,但他们的身体似乎老化缓慢然而,研究小组发现,那些在3岁时在认知测试中得分最高的人,却拥有最年轻的大脑.可知,第四段主要讲述的是Elliott的研究结果,结合选项,故选D.
    4.C.细节理解题.根据文章倒数第二段,This suggests we might be able to tell who is at risk of accelerated brain ageing early in life. Researchers hope that predicting brain ageing earlier in life could allow treatments for conditions like dementia (痴呆) to be started sooner. 这表明,我们可能能够在生命早期就判断出谁有加速大脑老化的风险.研究人员希望,在生命早期预测大脑老化可以使痴呆症等疾病的治疗更早开始.可知,这个研究结果表明,大脑的老化可以在很早的年龄就检测出来,并可以采取相应的措施.结合选项,故选C.
    4.(8分)One of the most popular beliefs in parenting is the so﹣called Mozart effect, which says that listening to music by the Austrian composer Wolfgang Mozart can increase a child's intelligence. Some pregnant women have even gone so far as to play Mozart recordings on headphones pressed against their bellies. And it's not hard to see how Mozart's name became associated with accelerated development. He was history's greatest child genius, performing astonishing music for kings and queens at an age when many of us were content with tuneless singing "I'm a Little Teapot".
    So, if you have kids or you're expecting to have them, how seriously should you take the Mozart effect? Will the child who doesn't listen to Mozart in the cradle (摇篮) be limited to an ordinary life? Are you a bad parent if your kids don't know about any works of Mozart?
    Relax. There is no scientific evidence that listening to Mozart improves children's cognitive abilities. The whole idea comes from a small study done in 1993, which found that college students who listened to Mozart's Sonata for Two Pianos in D Major (K 448)showed some improvement in a test of spatial (空间的) skills. This finding was later described as something extremely amazing by a musician, Don Campbell, in a book. Campbell's claims about the super powers of Mozart's music were repeated endlessly in the media and fueled a craze for Mozart﹣based enrichment activities. In 1998, for example, the governor of Georgia in the USA requested funds to send classical﹣music CDs to all parents of newborns in the state.
    Since then, scientists have examined the claim that Mozart increases intelligence and found no evidence for it. The original experiment with college students was reviewed in 1999, and the increase in the students' spatial skills was found to be negligible. In 2007 the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research asked a team of experts to examine the scientific literature regarding Mozart and child development, and they found no reason to believe that it increased intelligence.

    (1)People relate Mozart to children's intelligence development because he A .
    A. owned extraordinary music talent
    B. could perform music as a child
    C. offered music to pregnant women
    D. was an royal Austrian composer
    (2)What can we know about the small study in 1993? A 
    A.It added to the popularity of Mozart's music.
    B.It found no evidence for supporting Mozart effect.
    C.It helped college students make academic progress.
    D.It urged Georgia's governor to spread classical music.
    (3)What does the underlined word "negligible" probably mean? B 
    A. Sudden.
    B. Insignificant.
    C. Average.
    D. Steady.
    (4)What can be the best title for the text? C 
    A.New Findings: Mozart Effect to Be Proved
    B.Secrets Uncovered: History of Mozart Effect
    C.Does Listening to Mozart Make Kids Smarter?
    D.How Does Mozart Improve Kids' Intelligence?
    【解答】1. A 细节理解题.根据第一段"One of the most popular beliefs in parenting is the so﹣called Mozart effect, which says that listening to music by the Austrian composer Wolfgang Mozart can increase a child's intelligence. Some pregnant women have even gone so far as to play Mozart recordings on headphones pressed against their bellies. And it's not hard to see how Mozart's name became associated with accelerated development. He was history's greatest child genius, performing astonishing music for kings and queens at an age when many of us were content with tuneless singing "I'm a Little Teapot".最流行的育儿观念之一是所谓的莫扎特效应,它说听奥地利作曲家沃尔夫冈•莫扎特的音乐可以增加孩子的智力.一些孕妇甚至用压在肚子上的耳机播放莫扎特的录音.不难看出莫扎特的他是历史上最伟大的儿童天才,在我们许多人满足于无调子的歌唱"我是一个小茶壶"的年龄,他为国王和王后演奏了令人惊讶的音乐."们把莫扎特和儿童智力发展联系起来是因为他 拥有非凡的音乐天赋.故选A.
    2. A 细节理解题.根据第三段"The whole idea comes from a small study done in 1993, which found that college students who listened to Mozart's Sonata for Two Pianos in D Major (K 448)showed some improvement in a test of spatial (空间的) skills. This finding was later described as something extremely amazing by a musician, Don Campbell, in a book. Campbell's claims about the super powers of Mozart's music were repeated endlessly in the media and fueled a craze for Mozart﹣based enrichment activities.整个想法来自于1993年的一项小型研究,该研究发现,在D大调(K448)听莫扎特两钢琴奏鸣曲的大学生在空间技能测试中表现出了一定的进步这一发现后来被一位音乐家唐•坎贝尔(Don Campbell)在一本书中描述为一件非常惊人的事情.坎贝尔关于莫扎特音乐超能力的说法被媒体无休止地重复,并激起了对以莫扎特为基础的丰富活动的狂热."可知1993年的小研究增加了莫扎特音乐的受欢迎程度.故选A.
    3. B 词义猜测题.根据划线词所在的句子"Since then, scientists have examined the claim that Mozart increases intelligence and found no evidence for it. The original experiment with college students was reviewed in 1999, and the increase in the students' spatial skills was found to be negligible. In 2007 the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research asked a team of experts to examine the scientific literature regarding Mozart and child development, and they found no reason to believe that it increased intelligence.此后,科学家们对莫扎特提高智力的说法进行了研究,但没有发现任何证据.1999年对最初的大学生实验进行了回顾,发现学生空间技能的提高可以(  )2007年,德国联邦教育和研究部要求一个小组专家们对有关莫扎特和儿童发展的科学文献进行了研究,他们没有理由相信这会增加智力."可知的意思应该和"但没有发现任何证据."差不多,所以和B项" Insignificant无关紧要的"意思一致.故选B.
    4. C 文章标题.阅读全文以及根据第一段"One of the most popular beliefs in parenting is the so﹣called Mozart effect, which says that listening to music by the Austrian composer Wolfgang Mozart can increase a child's intelligence.最流行的育儿观念之一是所谓的莫扎特效应,它说听奥地利作曲家沃尔夫冈•莫扎特的音乐可以增加孩子的智力."可知本文主要就"奥地利作曲家沃尔夫冈•莫扎特的音乐可以增加孩子的智力"这件事情展开了讨论和研究,所以C"Does Listening to Mozart Make Kids Smarter?"作为标题最好.故选C.
    第二节 (共 5 小题,每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项.选项中有两项为多余选项.
    5.(10分)Your comfort zone is a behavioral space where your activities and behaviors fit a routine and pattern that minimizes stress and risk. (1) A You benefit in obvious ways: regular happiness, low anxiety, and reduced stress.
    Leaving your comfort zone can have very positive results, though. For one thing, you'll surely be more productive if you're willing to move out of it. With the sense of unease that comes from having deadlines and expectations, you'll have the drive and ambition to do more and learn new things.(2) F For another, learning to live outside your comfort zone can prepare you for life changes that force you out of it. Fear and uncertainty always exist in our life. By challenging yourself to things you normally wouldn't do, you can experience some of that uncertainty in a controlled and manageable environment.
    While outside your comfort zone can be a good place to be,(3) B . You can start by doing everyday things differently. For example, you can take a different route to work or try a new restaurant. Besides, you should remember to break out in small steps. You get the same benefits whether you go with long strides (大步) or you start slow. If you're socially anxious, don't suppose you have to gather the courage to ask your crush (爱慕之人) on a date right away.
    (4) E  Identify your fears, and then face them step by step.
    Trying new things is difficult, so it's important to understand how habits form and how we can break them.(5) G 

    A.It provides a state of mental security.
    B.it's of great necessity to find ways to break out of it
    C.it's a pleasant experience to stay in the comfort zone
    D.You have to manage that stress and risk in a clever way.
    E.Just say hello to them and see where you can go from there.
    F.That means you will get more done and find smarter ways to work.
    G.And it's as important to press yourself out of your comfort zone by doing specific things.
    1.A.文章衔接题.根据前文Your comfort zone is a behavioral space where your activities and behaviors fit a routine and pattern that minimizes stress and risk.你的舒适区是一个行为空间,在那里你的活动和行为符合最小化压力和风险的常规和模式.A项:It provides a state of mental security.它提供了一种心理安全的状态.符合文意,故选A.
    2.F.语境辨析题.根据前文With the sense of unease that comes from having deadlines and expectations, you'll have the drive and ambition to do more and learn new things.可知有了最后期限和期望带来的不安感,你就会有动力和雄心去做更多的事情,学习新的东西.F项:That means you will get more done and find smarter ways to work.这意味着你会完成更多的工作,找到更聪明的工作方式.符合文意,故选E.
    3.B.联系上文题.根据前文While outside your comfort zone can be a good place to be,可知虽然在你的舒适区之外是个不错的去处,B项:it's of great necessity to find ways to break out of it.但找到摆脱它的方法是很有必要的.符合文意,故选B.
    4.E.理解判断题.根据后文Identify your fears, and then face them step by step.可知认清你的恐惧,然后一步步地面对它们.E项:Just say hello to them and see where you can go from there.向它们问好,然后看看你能从那里走到哪里.符合文意,故选E.
    5.G.逻辑推理题.根据前文Trying new things is difficult, so it's important to understand how habits form and how we can break them.可知尝试新事物是困难的,所以了解习惯是如何形成的以及我们如何打破它们是很重要的.G项:And it's as important to press yourself out of your comfort zone by doing specific things.通过做一些具体的事情让自己走出舒适区也很重要.符合文意,故选G.
    第三部分 英语知识运用 (共两节,满分 45 分)第一节 完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑.
    6.(30分)Two Texas football players have gone viral (走红) after they knelt together in prayer(祈祷). And it couldn't have come at a more(1) C moment. The final whistle sounded after a(n)(2) B  game that saw Sherman High School completely defeat West Mesquite High 56﹣55. What happened next left the crowd (3) B : Sherman's Gage Smith, instead of(4) A with his team, went over to Mesquite's Ty Jordan and the two took a knee together.
    The (5) A was that Smith recently learned that Jordan's mother, Tiffany, was battling stage 4 cancer, and that was (6) D the two players knelt in prayer for Jordon's family.
    As the two(7) B , the wife of Smith's coach snapped a picture of the heartwarming moment. And then Jordan's aunt (8) A the image on Facebook, obtaining more than 100,000(9) D in just an hour.
    The moving(10) C made Tiffany cry. It's been a hard time for Tiffany, who was diagnosed (诊断) with lung and bone cancer last winter. The(11) C hospital stays cost Tiffany her job earlier this month, and(12) A , her health insurance. And she now has to(13) C the high cost of treatments herself. Smith's(14) C prayer lifted her spirits.
    Smith said he and Jordan had played on a summer football team together before becoming(15) B  this last game. However, Smith won't let this break their(16) D . "During the game,we're gonna play and try to (17) D , but you still have that (18) A for the other opponent," says Smith. "I wanted to do that prayer for him."
    "He's such a true leader and he is so(19) D that a lot of the guys on the team(20) B him," said head coach J.D. Martinez. "I'm glad that other people are having the opportunity to see it, too."
    (1)A. important
    B. difficult
    C. touching
    D. entertaining
    (2)A. amusing
    B. tough
    C. educational
    D. nation﹣wide
    (3)A. embarrassed
    B. confused
    C. frustrated
    D. annoyed
    (4)A. celebrating
    B. praying
    C. practicing
    D. fighting
    (5)A. truth
    B. problem
    C. news
    D. secret
    (6)A. when
    B. where
    C. how
    D. why
    (7)A. whispered
    B. hugged
    C. shook hands
    D. stood up
    (8)A. posted
    B. found
    C. scanned
    D. polished
    (9)A. rewards
    B. copies
    C. votes
    D. likes
    (10)A. game
    B. reunion
    C. gesture
    D. spirit
    (11)A. temporary
    B. over﹣night
    C. long
    D. secret
    (12)A. in turn
    B. in a way
    C. for a moment
    D. without exception
    (13)A. look forward to
    B. forget about
    C. cover
    D. estimate
    (14)A. frequent
    B. daily
    C. unexpected
    D. unconditional
    (15)A. acquaintances
    B. enemies
    C. players
    D. captains
    (16)A. hearts
    B. routines
    C. promise
    D. bond
    (17)A. compromise
    B. cooperate
    C. learn
    D. win
    (18)A. respect
    B. passion
    C. blame
    D. sorrow
    (19)A. enthusiastic
    B. ambitious
    C. aggressive
    D. sympathetic
    (20)A. inspired
    B. followed
    C. instructed
    D. understood
    1.C. 考查形容词辨析.A. important 重要的;B. difficult 困难的;C. touching 触摸;D. entertaining娱乐;它不可能在一个更感人的时刻出现.故选C
    2.B. 考查形容词辨析.A. amusing有趣的;B. tough 强硬的;C. educational 教育;D. nation﹣wide 全国范围;在一场艰难的比赛之后,终场哨声响起,谢尔曼中学以56:55击败西梅斯基高中.故选B
    3.B. 考查形容词辨析.A. embarrassed 尴尬的;B. confused 困惑;C. frustrated丧;D. annoyed 恼火的;接下来发生的事情让人群感到困惑:谢尔曼的盖奇史密斯,没有和他的球队一起庆祝,去了梅斯基特的泰•乔丹,两人一起屈膝.故选B
    4.A. 考查动词辨析.A. celebrating庆祝;B. praying 祈祷;C. practicing 练习;D. fighting战斗;接下来发生的事情让人群感到困惑:谢尔曼的盖奇史密斯,没有和他的球队一起庆祝,去了梅斯基特的泰•乔丹,两人一起屈膝.故选A
    5.A. 考查名词辨析.A. truth真理;B. problem问题;C. news 新闻;D. secret 秘密;事实是,史密斯最近得知乔丹的母亲,蒂芙尼,正在与4期癌症作斗争,这就是为什么两名球员跪下来为乔登的家人祈祷的原因.故选A
    6.D. 考查关联词辨析.事实是,史密斯最近得知乔丹的母亲,蒂芙尼,正在与4期癌症作斗争,这就是为什么两名球员跪下来为乔登的家人祈祷的原因.故选D
    7.B. 考查动词辨析.A. whispered低声说;B. hugged拥抱;C. shook hands 握手;D. stood up站起来;当两人拥抱时,史密斯教练的妻子拍下了一张温暖时刻的照片.故选B
    8.A. 考查动词辨析.A. posted已发布;B. found 找到;C. scanned 扫描的;D. polished 抛光的;后乔丹的姑姑在Face book上发布了这张照片,在短短一个小时内获得了超过10万个赞.故选A
    9.D. 考查动词辨析.A. rewards 奖励;B. copies副本;C. votes 投票;D. likes 喜欢;后乔丹的姑姑在Face book上发布了这张照片,在短短一个小时内获得了超过10万个赞.故选D
    10.C. 考查名词辨析.A. game 游戏;B. reunion重聚;C. gesture 手势;D. spirit 精神;动人的手势让蒂芙尼哭了.故选C
    11.C. 考查形容词辨析.A. temporary 暂时的;B. over﹣night 一夜之间;C. long长;D. secret秘密;长时间的住院使蒂芙尼在本月早些时候失去了工作,而她的医疗保险也是如此.故选C
    12.A. 考查短语辨析.A. in turn依次;B. in a way 在某种程度上;C. for a moment 一会儿;D. without exception 无一例外;长时间的住院使蒂芙尼在本月早些时候失去了工作,而她的医疗保险也是如此.故选A
    13.C. 考查短语辨析.A. look forward to 期待;B. forget about忘记;C. cover 封面;D. estimate估计;她现在必须自己承担高昂的治疗费用.故选C
    14.C. 考查形容词辨析.A. frequent 频繁;B. daily 每日;C. unexpected 意外的;D. unconditional 无条件的;史密斯出人意料的祈祷使她振奋起来.故选C
    15.B. 考查名词辨析.A. acquaintances熟人;B. enemies敌人;C. players 玩家;D. captains船长;史密斯说,在最后一场比赛成为敌人之前,他和乔丹曾经一起参加过一支夏季足球队.故选B
    16.D. 考查名词辨析.A. hearts 红心;B. routines 例行程序;C. promise承诺;D. bond 联系;但是,史密斯不会让这打破他们的联系.故选D
    17.D. 考查动词辨析.A. compromise妥协;B. cooperate合作;C. learn 学习;D. win获胜;"在比赛中,我们将比赛,并试图赢,但你仍然尊重另一个对手,"史密斯说.故选D
    18.A. 考查名词辨析.A. respect尊重;B. passion 激情;C. blame 责备;D. sorrow悲伤;"在比赛中,我们将比赛,并试图赢,但你仍然尊重另一个对手,"史密斯说.故选A
    19.D. 考查形容词辨析.A. enthusiastic 热情的;B. ambitious雄心勃勃的;C. aggressive 好斗的;D. sympathetic 同情的;他是一个真正的领导者,他是如此的同情,以至于球队里的很多人都跟着他,故选D
    20.B. 考查动词辨析.A. inspired灵感;B. followed 跟随;C. instructed 指导;D. understood明白;他是一个真正的领导者,他是如此的同情,以至于球队里的很多人都跟着他,故选B
    第二节 (共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式.
    7.(15分)Are boys really better at math than girls? No, that doesn't seem(1) reliable (rely).
    That's according to new research by Jessica Cantlon, a professor and neuroscientist of Carnegie Mellon University, and her colleagues.(2) Scientists (scientist) looked at young boys' and girls' brains, and found no difference in mathematical ability. Their new paper,(3) published (publish) in the journal Science of Learning, suggests that society is to blame (4) for the mistaken idea that girls aren't good at numbers.
    Cantlon and her colleagues used an MRI machine (5) to examine (examine) 105 kids' brains while the kids watched an educational video.(6) They found that the kids' brains showed no major differences during the experiment.
    This report (7) is/was based (base) on a previous study in 2018, which looked at the test performance data of 500 boys and girls. The 2018 paper found no difference in their early mathematical ability,(8) suggesting (suggest) that boys and girls are equally equipped to reason about mathematics during early childhood.
    Cantlon hopes that people will stop being so sexist (性别歧视的) about little girls and calculators." (9) Hopefully (hope), we can change expectations of(10) what children can achieve in mathematics," she says.
    【解答】1. reliable.考查形容词.根据空前的系动词seem可知应用形容词作表语,rely的形容词是reliable,故填reliable.
    2. Scientists.考查名词复数.句意:科学家观察了男孩和女孩的大脑,发现他们的数学能力没有差别.根据上文可知不止一位科学家在进行观察,应用名词复数形式,故填Scientists.
    3. published.考查过去分词.动词publish与其逻辑主语Their new paper是被动关系,应用过去分词形式作定语,故填published.
    4. for.考查介词.句意:认为女孩不擅长数字的错误观念应该归咎于社会.be to blame for"归咎于",故填for.
    5. to examine.考查动词不定式.句意:坎特伦和她的同事用核磁共振仪检查了105个孩子的大脑.use…to do sth."用…做某事",故填to examine.
    6. They.考查代词.根据语境可知此处指代上文的Cantlon and her colleagues应用第三人称复数形式they,故填They.
    7. is/was based.考查时态.句意:本报告基于2018年之前的一项研究.be based on…意为"以…为基础",可以用一般现在时表示客观情况,也可以用一般过去时表示过去的事情,故填is/was based.
    8. suggesting.考查现在分词.动词suggest与其逻辑主语The 2018 paper是主动关系,应用现在分词形式作状语,故填suggesting.
    9. Hopefully.考查副词.分析句子结构可知,此处修饰后面的句子应用副词形式,故填Hopefully.
    10. what.考查宾语从句.根据空前的介词of可知是宾语从句,动词achieve 缺宾语指物,应用连接代词what,故填what.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 35 分)第一节 短文改错(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)
    8.(10分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文.文中共有 10 处语言错误,每句中最多有两处.每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改.
    修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词.注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;
    2. 只允许修改 10 处,多者(从第 11 处起)不计分.
    As a typical student of Senior 3, I devote most time to learn each day, with different subject to study and lots of homework to do. In my spare time, I love watching TikTok videos, that are really amusing and always make me feel relaxed.
    TikTok, also know as Douyin in China, allows users share 15﹣second videos. It is extremely popular and offer people a chance to show their talents. Many people have become the big stars since we shared videos on TikTok. I will also share funny videos in the future. Therefore, I've never thought of becoming famous. Instead, I just want to make others happily.
    【解答】As a typical student of Senior 3, I devote most time to learn each day, with different subject to study and lots of homework to do. In my spare time, I love watching TikTok videos, that are really amusing and always make me feel relaxed.
    TikTok, also know as Douyin in China, allows users∧ share 15﹣second videos. It is extremely popular and offer people a chance to show their talents. Many people have become the big stars since we shared videos on TikTok. I will also share funny videos in the future. Therefore, I've never thought of becoming famous. Instead, I just want to make others happily.
    1. learn改为learning,考查动名词,devote time to doing sth投入时间做某事.
    2. subject改为subjects,考查名词的数,subject为可数名词,前面有different,所以用复数名词.
    3. that改为which,考查非限制性定语从句,先行词为物,在非限制性定语从句中做主语,所以用which引导.
    4. know改为known,考查过去分词,be known as被称之为,所以用过去分词作后置定语.
    5. share前面加to,考查固定搭配,allow sb to do sth允许某人做某事.
    6. offer改为offers,考查主谓一致,主语为it,所以用第三人称单数谓语.
    7. 去掉the,考查冠词,此处为泛指,所以不用定冠词.
    8. we改为they,考查人称代词,指代前面的many people,所以用they做主语.
    9. Therefore改为However,考查副词,根据句意"我也会在未来分享有趣的视频.但是,我从来没有想过要出名.",可知前后是转折关系,所以用however表达.
    10. happily改为happy,考查形容词,作宾补,所以用形容词.
    【点评】1. 先通读全文.认真阅读短文,在做题之前确保已经弄清原文大意.注意文章中上下文的逻辑关系是否正确,时态、人称、主谓、指代等是否一致.
    第二节 书面表达(满分 25 分)
    9.(25分)假定你是光明中学学生会主席李华.英国友好学校代表团将于下月访问你校一周,你负责联络工作.请你给代表团负责人 Smith 先生写邮件,欢迎他们到访,并就附件中的活动安排征求对方意见.
    1、词数 100 左右;
    【分析】分析: 高分句型一:I'm Li Hua, chairman of the Students' Union in Guangming Middle School, who is responsible for contacting you for your visit to our school next month.
    高分句型二:You can find more details about the arrangements in the file, and if you have any different ideas, please don't hesitate to contact me so that we can make necessary adjustments.
    【解答】Dear Smith ,
    I'm Li Hua, chairman of the Students' Union in Guangming Middle School, who is responsible for contacting you for your visit to our school next month.【高分句型一】
    I'm writing to extend my warm welcome and ask for your opinions on the schedule.(写信目的)
    As you can see in the attached file, your visit mainly includes various activities in our school and a tour around the city. I think these will help you have a general understanding of students' school life in China and Chinese culture. You can find more details about the arrangements in the file, and if you have any different ideas, please don't hesitate to contact me so that we can make necessary adjustments.【高分句型二】
    Looking forward to your early reply and your visit! I can't wait to see you here.(表达期盼)
    Li Hua


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