闽教版(三年级起点)小学英语三年级上册 U6PA Colors 课件
展开Unit6ColorsPart ALet's singcolor baby ducksfour baby ducksfourUnit6ColorsPart Ais .Q1:The/ai/light ____ Listen and answer(听录音,回答问题)is .Theredlight/e/Check the answer停Stop! Listen and answer(听录音,回答问题)Now the light is ______.green?/i:/_______I’m a little train 我是小火车 大家一起开火车: “ green, green, green……” 看到红灯时马上刹车,并说:“Stop.”Let's go!Listen & imitate(听音模仿跟读)Task1:Role play(任务1:角色扮演)Role play(角色扮演) Task2: Color the ducks(给小鸭子上色)redgreencoloryellowblueWhat's missing? 什么消失了?任务二: 任务三:当回小交警指挥交通Let's act (演一演)Stop! The light is red.Let's act .(演一演)Let's act .(演一演)The light is green. Let's go.Keep traffic rules遵守交通规则,争做文明的好少年1、Colors:redyellowgreenStop! The light is red.The light is green. Let's go.blueSummary 我会说:2. 将图片与句子或单词连线。1. Draw and color.(画四只小鸭子并涂上颜色。)redbluegreenyellow2. Act.(表演课文第43页的小故事给爸爸妈妈看。)3. Design.(与同伴用英语设计过斑马线的游戏。)Goodbye!