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    外研版 (2019)必修 第二册Unit 5 On the road学案

    这是一份外研版 (2019)必修 第二册Unit 5 On the road学案,共14页。学案主要包含了语篇解读,参考范文等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    3 Days Dunhuang Bike Tur
    Ging n a bike is a great way t explre the natural beauty f Dunhuang.Our tur is spent riding alng the cuntry rad and the edge f twn where we'll pass by cuntry huses,farmlands and vineyards(葡萄园) t shw yu the beauty f the little asis(绿洲) in the desert.
    Day 1
    Accmmdatin(住宿) :In Dunhuang
    Yu will be picked up at the train statin and mved t the htel nce yu arrive in Dunhuang.Free fr the rest f the day.Dunhuang is lcated n the western end f Hexi Crridr,at the meeting pint f Gansu,Qinghai and Xinjiang in the Nrthwest f China.Knwn as Shazhu in ancient times,Dunhuang served as a rest stp fr traders and due t its special gegraphical lcatin,it was the gateway thrugh which many religins(宗教) like Buddhism,Islam and Christianity entered China.
    Day 2
    Accmmdatin:In Dunhuang
    Yu need t get up and start biking early in the mrning.First,we will ride 30 minutes t the Mga Caves(10 km) and visit the biggest Buddhist art gallery f the wrld.After lunch,we will ride bike t the White Hrse Pagda which is lcated in the cuntryside(12 km) and was built in 386 A.D.in memry f the white hrse f the greatest Buddhist translatr,Kumarajiva.Then we will have dinner at a lcal farmer's restaurant.In the evening,we will ride bike t the famus Singing­Sand Dunes and Yueyaquan(6 km).Finally,we will ride back t the htel.
    Day 3
    Be drpped ff at the airprt and call it a day.
    【语篇解读】 本文是一篇应用文。主要介绍了骑自行车去敦煌旅游的三日行程。
    1.What can the riders d during the tur?
    A.Enjy the beauty f the cuntryside.
    B.Find the best way t visit Dunhuang.
    C.Have t put up with the heat in the desert.
    D.G cycling in dwntwn Dunhuang.
    A [推理判断题。根据第一段中的“'ll pass by cuntry huses,farmlands and vineyards t shw yu the beauty f the little asis in the desert.”可知,沿途骑车过程中人们可以欣赏到农田和葡萄园带来的自然之美。]
    2.Dunhuang nce had varius ________.
    A.hrse races
    B.turism prgrams
    C.business activities
    D.Buddhist arguments
    C [推理判断题。根据Day 1部分中的“Knwn as Shazhu in ancient times,Dunhuang served as a rest stp fr traders”可知,在古代,敦煌是商人们的休息站,曾经拥有繁荣的商贸活动。]
    3.What can we knw abut the Mga Caves and the White Hrse Pagda?
    A.They hld art exhibitins.
    B.They have places fr hrses.
    C.They have religius backgrunds.
    D.They are turist infrmatin centers.
    C [推理判断题。根据Day 2部分中的“ the Mga Caves(10 km) and visit the biggest Buddhist art gallery f built in 386 A.D.in memry f the white hrse f the greatest Buddhist translatr,Kumarajiva.”可知,莫高窟和白马塔都有佛教背景。]
    On a hill 600 feet abve the surrunding land,we watch the lines f rain mve acrss the scene,the mn rise ver the hills,and the stars appear in the sky.The views invite a lng lk frm a cmfrtable chair in frnt f the wden huse.
    Every windw in ur wden huse has a view,and the frest and lakes seldm lk the same as the hur befre.Each lk reminds us where we are.
    There is space fr ur three bys t play utside,t sht arrws,cllect tree seeds,build earth huses and climb trees.
    Our kids have learned the names f the trees,and with the names have cme familiarity and appreciatin.As they tell all wh shw even a passing interest,maple(枫树) makes the best fighting sticks and white pines are the best climbing trees.
    The air is clean and fresh.The water frm the well has a pleasant taste,and it is perhaps the healthiest water ur kids will ever drink.Thugh they have ne glass a day f juice and the rest is water,they never say anything against that.
    The seasns change just utside the dr. We watch the maples turn every shade f yellw and red in the fall and nte the pplars' (杨树) putting ut the first green leaves f spring.The rainbw smelt fills the lcal steam as the ice gradually disappears,and the wd frgs start t sing in pls after being frzen fr the winter.A family f birds rules ur skies and flies ver the lake.
    【语篇解读】 本文描述了作者与家人身居大自然的怀抱中切身的舒心感受。文章主要表达了作者居住于大自然的美景和在此美景中生活的惬意之情。
    4.What can be learned frm Paragraph 2?
    A.The scenes are clrful and changeable.
    B.There are many windws in the wden huse.
    C.The views remind us that we are in a wden huse.
    D.The lakes utside the windws are quite different in clr.
    A [推理判断题。第二段中提到,每个窗户都会有一个不同的风景,森林和湖泊与一小时之前所见到的都不一样。据此可知,作者身居的环境是多彩和变换的。故选A。]
    5.By mentining the names f the trees,the authr aims t shw that ________.
    A.the kids like playing in trees
    B.the kids are very familiar with trees
    C.the kids have learned much knwledge
    D.the kids find trees useful learning tls
    C [推理判断题。根据第四段中“Our kids have learned the names f the trees...”和“As they tell pines are the best climbing trees.”可知,孩子们已经了解了关于周围环境包括树在内的很多知识。故答案为C。]
    6.What des the underlined sentence in the last paragraph mean?
    A.The change f seasns is easily felt.
    B.The seasns make the scenes change.
    C.The weather ften changes in the frest.
    D.The dr is a gd psitin t enjy changing seasns.
    A [句意理解题。画线部分的字面意思为:季节就在门外变化着。再根据本段对于周围大自然的变化的描述可知,作者身处此地,能够很容易地感觉到季节的变换。故答案为A。]
    7.What is the main purpse f the authr writing the text?
    A.T describe the beauty f the scene arund the huse.
    B.T intrduce her children's happy life in the frest.
    C.T shw that living in the frest is healthful.
    D.T share the jy f living in the nature.
    D [写作目的题。通读全文,不难了解,作者是与读者分享他身居大自然的快乐生活。故答案为D。]
    Yuth is a stressful time frm friends t schl t families,and stressful situatins becme cmmn.The bdy can respnd(反应) with faster breathing,a fast beating heart,tense (绷紧的)muscles and drps f sweat.And teens wh breathe plluted air appear t respnd mst strngly t stress,a new study shws.
    Jnas Miller,a psychlgist wrking at Stanfrd University,studied whether r hw air pllutin might affect the bdy's respnse t stress.Miller's team invited 144 teens t participate in a stressful test.Mst f the kids lived in r near San Francisc,which has the wrst air quality.
    Befre the test,the researchers used sensrs (传感器) t recrd heart rates and sweat levels fr five minutes as the kids rested.Then as the test began,a researcher read alud the beginning f a stry and the kids had five minutes t make up an exciting ending t the stry.They wuld have t memrize their ending and present it alud t a judge.After finishing this task,the kids were asked t d maths prblems,which bviusly was a harder task.If he r she made a mistake,the judge let the student start ver.The whle time,sensrs recrded heart rates and sweat levels.
    Miller fund all the students had similar heart rates and sweat levels at rest.But as the test gt difficult,differences began t appear.Kids frm places with mre air pllutin respnded mre strngly t stress and their heartbeats became irregular.They sweated mre than the teens wh lived in cleaner places.
    “The teens' bdies were preparing t deal with pssible challenges in the envirnment and such bdily respnses t stress were linked t negative feelings,” Miller cncludes.“Over time,” says,“these respnses can cntribute t bth physical and mental health prblems.”
    This study has prved the negative health effects f air pllutin amng teenagers.Therefre,teenagers shuld try t avid their expsure(暴露) t air pllutin.They shuld cnsider limiting their time utside during rush hurs,especially n days when air pllutin is particularly strng.
    【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文。一项新的研究发现,住在空气污染严重地区的孩子对压力的反应比住在空气清新地区的孩子的反应强烈。长期的这种反应会对青少年的健康有影响,因此文章建议青少年尽量避免暴露在污染的空气中。
    8.What happened t teens in stressful situatins?
    A.Their bdies react strngly.
    B.Their muscles cause pain.
    C.They becme seriusly sick.
    D.They have truble in breathing.
    A [细节理解题。根据文章第一段中的“Yuth is a stressful time frm friends t schl t families,and stressful situatins becme cmmn.The bdy can respnd with faster breathing,a fast beating heart,tense muscles and drps f sweat.”可知,当处于有压力的环境中时,青少年的身体会做出剧烈的反应。故选A项。]
    9.What can we learn abut the test?
    A.The judge f the test was strict with the kids.
    B.The kids enjyed making up endings f stries.
    C.Thse breathing plluted air dn't have mre stress in life.
    D.The kids gradually felt mre stress in the prcess.
    D [推理判断题。根据文章第四段中的“But as the test gt difficult,differences began t appear.Kids frm places with mre air pllutin respnded mre strngly t stress and their heartbeats became irregular.”可推测,随着测试的进行孩子们的压力逐渐增大。故选D项。]
    10.Frm the study we can infer that teens shuld ________.
    A.slve their mental health prblems
    B.spend less time utside in heavy traffic
    C.learn t deal with stressful situatins
    D.enjy mre utside activities in gd weather
    B [推理判断题。根据文章最后一段中的“They shuld cnsider limiting their time utside during rush hurs,especially n days when air pllutin is particularly strng.”可推测,青少年在交通拥堵时应尽量不待在户外。故选B项。]
    11.Where is the passage prbably frm?
    A.A reprt n pllutin.
    B.A gegraphy bk.
    C.A psychlgist's diary.
    D.A science magazine.
    D [文章出处题。根据文章的主要内容,尤其是第一段中的“And teens wh breathe plluted air appear t respnd mst strngly t stress,a new study shws.”可知,本文是关于一个新研究的发现,所以该文很有可能出现在科学杂志上。故选D项。]
    Just the ther day,I was driving my sn t the part­time jb that he had at a wrkshp fr the disabled.The sky was very dark.A cld rain was puring dwn.The wrld seemed silent and sad with bth peple and animals taking shelter frm the strm.I turned n the car radi fr music t make me calm.When I did,hwever,Karen Carpenter's sweet vice came ut,singing,“Rainy days and Mndays always get me dwn.” I turned ff the radi.That was nt the sng I wanted t hear n such a day.Still,the sng kept playing in my head as the shwers(阵雨) cntinued thrughut the day.
    Later that afternn,I was walking ut f the bathrm when I saw my sn turn n the televisin.A classic mvie was playing and suddenly I heard these musical tnes(曲调) cming frm Gene Kelly's vice,“I'm singing in the rain,just singing in the rain.What a glrius feeling.I'm happy again.I'm laughing at cluds,s dark up abve.The sun's in my heart and I'm ready fr lve.”
    At that mment I saw that Gd in his lving­kindness had reminded me nce again that all f life is a chice t lve.Rains and prblems will always cme.We can let them get us dwn r we can chse t sing.We can let the shwers sak ur suls(灵魂) r we can use them t help ur suls grw.We can allw the darkness t make us sad r we can use it t awaken the sunshine and lve in ur hearts.
    What are yu ging t d when the rains f life fall dwn upn yu?I chse t sing.I chse t sing with all the lve that Gd has put in my heart.I chse t share my sunshine even in the darkest days and never let my music die within me.May yu d the same.
    【语篇解读】 虽然我们无法选择天气,但我们可以选择用怎样的心情去面对糟糕的天气。只要心中有爱,我们的内心时刻都可以晴空万里。
    12.Why des the authr mentin peple and animals taking shelter frm the rain?
    A.T describe the panic that she felt in the rain.
    B.T criticize the attitude f escape in frnt f difficulties.
    C.T shw the sense f lss the rain aruse in the authr.
    D.T shw hw peple and animals prtected themselves frm the rain.
    C [推理判断题。根据第一段中的“The wrld seemed silent and sad with bth peple and animals taking shelter frm the strm.”以及文中对作者情绪的描述可知,作者描写雨中的人和动物都在四处躲藏是为了烘托大雨给人带来的失落感。]
    13.Why des Gene Kelly's sng impress the authr?
    A.Because it expresses happy feelings.
    B.Because it has pleasant musical tnes.
    C.Because it cheers her up in the bad weather.
    D.Because it's ttally different frm Karen Carpenter's sng.
    C [推理判断题。由第三段中Gene Kelly的歌词可知,这首歌表达了在雨中寻找快乐的情绪,从而给作者传递了积极的正能量,让作者也从消极情绪中振作起来。]
    14.What des the writer mean by saying the underlined sentence in Paragraph 3?
    A.Shwers usually make us feel upset and dwn.
    B.Shwers can always make ur suls ttally wet.
    C.Our suls need t be shwered mre ften than nt.
    D.We can chse t let the shwers weaken ur suls.
    D [推理判断题。根据画线句后面的“r we can use them t help ur suls grw”可知,这句话的意思是,我们可以让雨水浸透我们的心灵,也可以让雨水帮助我们的心灵成长,关键在于我们自己的选择。因此选D项。]
    15.What is the key message f this passage?
    A.Music reflects peple's chice f life.
    B.Chse t walk n the path f lve.
    C.Rainbws always appear after rain.
    D.Accept the imperfect side f life.
    B [主旨大意题。根据全文作者对于两段不同音乐的感受,以及最后一段中作者对生活态度的选择来看,本文是激励读者在生活中不囿于环境的不利影响,要主动去寻找爱,选择走自己的爱之旅。]
    Ways t Get Yur Kids int Nature
    Being in nature fr kids has tremendus health benefits.There are many ways yu can incrprate nature int yur children's lives,even if yu live in the city.
    Inspire curisity by being curius yurself.A parent's excitement can be spread t the children,and when yu shw respect fr nature,yur children fllw suit. 16 .“I dn't knw!Let's find ut tgether.” is a wnderful way t get the ball rlling.Be pen t a mutual adventure and allw yur curius inner child t cme ut while yu explre nature with yur children.
    17 .If yu have t carpl(拼车) in the mrning,turn ff the devices instead and encurage yur children t lk ut f the windw.The early mrning fall skies are beautiful with clr and migrating birds.After all,even views f nature frm the car windw are calming and beneficial.
    Stp thinking abut nature time as leisure time.Time in nature is an essential investment in yur children's health and well­being.If yu view nature time as essential t gd health,yu will be mre likely t engage in it. 18 ,nurturing creativity and wnder is part f yur respnsibility as parents.
    Lk at the stars.Visit yur lcal bservatry,and then drive ut f the city sme mrning r evening fr yur wn stargazing (天体观察) with a blanket and telescpe.Observing the stars ffers a deeper and wider understanding f the universe. 19 .
    Plant a small garden. 20 .Bean and pea plants grw quickly and can be eaten when mature,s teach yur children abut fd and the wnder f grwth.
    A.Limit electrnic devices while driving
    B.Encurage questins yu dn't knw the answers t
    C.If yu want t raise yur healthy,well­balanced children
    D.If yu have the space,help yur children plant a few vegetables
    E.It will teach teamwrk,pride in the cmmunity,and family tgetherness
    F.If yur child is interested,encurage him t get invlved in the cmmunity
    G.Allw yurself t think abut it,and talk t yur children abut that wnder
    【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了让孩子融入大自然的一些方法。
    16.B [根据下文中的“‘I dn't knw!Let's find ut tgether.’ is a wnderful way t get the ball rlling.”,并与上文中的“Inspire curisity”呼应可推知,此处表示鼓励孩子一起探索你自己也不知道答案的问题,从而激发好奇心,故选B项。]
    17.A [根据空后一句可推知,开车时关掉电子设备,多看看窗外也是一种与大自然接触的方式,故选A项。]
    18.C [根据上文中的“Time in nature is an essential investment in yur children's health and well­being.”和空后的“nurturing parents”可推知,如果想要培养出健康、明智的孩子,培养他们的创造性和好奇心也是作为父母的责任,故选C项。]
    19.G [根据上文“Observing the stars ffers a deeper and wider understanding f the universe.”可推知.G项承接上文,G项中的it指代上句中的“the universe”,故选G项。]
    20.D [根据设空前的“Plant a small garden.”与空后一句可推知,此处作者建议父母开辟一个小菜园,帮孩子种点蔬菜,一起见证它们生长的奇迹,故选D项。]
    Many years ag,when we first went t Canada,we were driving thrugh Clrad t Mntana with ur tw children.We thught we'd find a htel n the way withut 21 ahead f time.As it was getting late,we started lking fr a htel,nly t find that all the htels were full.
    22 ,arund 9 p.m.,we stpped at a gas statin t fill up ur car.My husband tld the wman at the cunter that we were 23 t find a htel.She tld us it wuld be 24 at such late time in a busy seasn.Nticing that we were wrried,she said we culd spend the night at her hme nearby.
    Thugh surprised at her 25 ,we gladly accepted it.She then called her sn t cme and lead the way,since she had t wrk until midnight.Sn a pick­up truck arrived and we 26 it.When we reached their hme,her husband 27 us.He invited us t have cffee and we chatted when 28 his wife.She came back after 12 a.m.We asked if we culd leave 29 in the mrning s as nt t disturb them.They said we were nw guests and we'd have t have breakfast with them.
    The next mrning,arund the table were many peple,and we were 30 that they wuld take in ttal 31 .After breakfast,when we were 32 ,my husband asked if he culd ffer sme 33 .But they said n.Then we left.We kept in 34 fr many years.Later we lst cntact,but ver the years we have never frgtten their 35 .
    【语篇解读】 本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了作者一家多年以前开车去加拿大,原以为在途中能够找到旅馆,但是没有找到,在加油站加油时他们得到了一位女员工的热情帮助,她邀请作者一家住进了她的家里。作者一家很感激她和她家人的款待。
    21.A.rdering B.bking
    B [根据后文“we started lking fr a htel,nly t find that all the htels were full”可知,作者没有提前订房间。故选B项。]
    A [上文提到作者找了很长时间的宾馆,所以作者最终在一家加油站停下来。故选A项。]
    B [根据上文可知,作者一家很难找到宾馆。struggle t d sth.意为“努力做某事;费劲做某事”。故选B项。]
    D [根据本句中的“at such late time in a busy seasn”可知,此处强调现在找宾馆根本不可能。故选D项。]
    C [根据上文中的“she said we culd spend the night at her hme nearby”可知,此处应该是指这位女士提出让作者住在她的家里。故选C项。]
    A [根据上文中的“we gladly accepted it”可知,作者一家接受了那位女士的提议,因此此处应该是跟着车去她的家里。故选A项。]
    C [根据上文“When we reached their hme”可知,作者一家到了那位女士的家里,所以此处是指女士的丈夫对作者一家的到来表示欢迎。故选C项。]
    28.A.talking abutB.waiting fr
    C.cheering upD.picking up
    B [根据后文“She came back after 12 a.m.”可知,他的妻子12点之后才回到家,因此“我们”应该是在等着她。故选B项。]
    D [根据后文“s as nt t disturb them”可知,作者想要偷偷地走,以免打扰他们一家人。故选D项。]
    C [根据前文可知,这对夫妇与作者一家本是完全陌生的人,却还接纳了作者一家,因此“我们”感到很惊讶。故选C项。]
    B [根据前文可知,这对夫妇与作者一家完全是陌生人。故选B项。]
    D [根据后文“Then we left.”可知,此处表示作者的一家早餐后准备离开。故选D项。]
    A [根据常识可知,在对方家里住了一晚,作者的丈夫应该是想给一些费用。故选A项。]
    C [根据后文“Later we lst cntact”可知,作者一家与对方保持了好多年联系,之后才断了联系。故选C项。]
    C [那位女士一家让作者一家在他们家里免费住宿一晚应该是出于善意。故选C项。]
    A reprter frm Jiangsu Prvince went t Australia and sme ther cuntries with his father fr a 3­mnth trip,which turned ut t be a miracle(奇迹).
    The reprter's father spent mst f his life 36.________(wrk) n the farm.The sn started these 37.________(amaze) trips with his father because the father gt cancer—a serius 38.________(ill).
    The reprter wanted 39.________(take) his father t travel in the hpe that his father can find his yunger self in his last days.They 40.________(travel) mre than 13,000 kilmeters and tk ver 110,000 41.________(picture) n their trips t different cuntries.Well,a miracle happened during the “rebirth” their surprise,his father gt 43.________(gd) and became mre pen­hearted.
    He even taught himself t play 44.________ vilin and then he played it very well after practice.After that miracle trip,nw he is expecting anther trip t Africa.He is the mst stylish dad ever.
    Time carves(雕刻) the ld father's face 45.________ yuth(青春) flws in his bld.This is the real style.
    【语篇解读】 本文是一篇记叙文。一名记者的父亲得了癌症,他从江苏带着父亲去澳大利亚和一些其他国家进行为期3个月的旅行。
    36.wrking [spend time(in)ding sth.花费时间做某事,固定句式。]
    37.amazing [amazing“令人惊讶的”,修饰名词trips,故答案为amazing。]
    38.illness [句意:儿子和父亲开始了这次奇妙的旅行,因为父亲得了癌症——一种严重的疾病。此处serius“严重的”是形容词,修饰名词,故答案为illness。]
    39.t take [want t d sth.想做某事,固定结构,不定式作want的宾语。]
    40.traveled/travelled [此处是并列的谓语动词,句子用一般过去时态,故答案为traveled/travelled。]
    41.pictures [由名词前的数字可知此处应当用名词的复数形式。]
    42.T [t ne's surprise使某人吃惊的是,故答案为T。]
    43.better [根据后面的mre pen­hearted可知此处用比较级,故答案为better。]
    44.the [play the vilin“拉小提琴”,故答案为the。]
    45.but/yet [句意:时间在老人脸上刻下印记,但青春却在他的血液中流淌。此处前后是一种转折关系,故答案为but/yet。]
    第一节 应用文写作(满分15分)
    Hi Tm,
    I've been here in Beijing fr tw days and I'm having a great time!Yesterday we went t the Great Wall and tday we visited the Palace Museum.We met sme yung peple frm the lcal university.They are s warm­hearted that they helped us take a lt f pictures and tld us sme interesting facts abut the museum.Tmrrw we are ging t take a walk in the Summer Palace and have a taste f the famus Beijing Rast Duck.I can't wait!
    Bye fr nw.Take care!
    第二节 读后续写(满分25分)
    Last summer when my family was rad tripping t Mntana we arrived in Great Falls late ne night.The kids had fallen asleep in the car,s my husband went and checked in the htel while I stayed with the kids.When he returned with the rm keys,we wke up ur children and tk them ut f the car,thrugh the htel,up the elevatrs and int ur guest rm.We kept the rm dark,leaving nly the entry light n,and quickly put the kids int bed hping they'd drift back t sleep.
    My husband went t put ur water in the minifridge nly t ntice sme beers.“That's strange,”he said and I agreed,but having discvered left­behind drinks in htel fridges in the past I didn't think much abut it.I figured the husekeepers had frgtten t check it.In the meantime,my husband ran t the stre and I went int the bathrm t get ready fr bed.As I washed my face I lked dwn t see cardbard beer cntainers in the trash.I felt my heart begin t pund.We were in smene else's rm!
    Nw feeling panic,I checked the clset.Nthing.I then went t the dresser eyes scanned the dr rm's flr and there it was:A black bag that lked like ne f urs.But it wasn't!
    I immediately called the frnt desk and the waitress in charge respnded with an “Oh!This is nt gd!”
    By nw the kids were wide awake,jumping n the beds as I was trying t put all f ur things back int ur versized suitcase.Just while we were packing ur things,I heard smene was unlcking the dr,which made my heart beat wildly.
    The dr pened and in came a yung man._____________________________
    I didn't knw hw t deal with the matter but luckily the waitress arrived ut f breath._______________________________________________________________
    The dr pened and in came a yung man.After seeing us packing ur things int ur suitcase,he was shcked and angry.I tried t explain what had happened.Hwever,he wuldn't listen t me.He talked with me in a lud vice,making my kids frightened.The kids began t cry.Just at that time my husband returned,with sme things bught frm the stre in his hands.Thinking the yung man was unfriendly,he started t quarrel with him.
    I didn't knw hw t deal with the matter but luckily the waitress arrived ut f breath. Watching the waitress,all f us stpped talking.She explained that her mther became badly ill last night,which cntributed t her fault.After explaining the reasn t us,the waitress burst int tears.The yung man,my husband and I,even my kids,tried t cmfrt the waitress.We said srry t each ther.The special experience in smene else's rm made me realize frgiveness is a kind f virtue.

    外研版 (2019)必修 第二册Unit 1 Food for thought学案: 这是一份外研版 (2019)必修 第二册Unit 1 Food for thought学案,共13页。学案主要包含了语篇解读,参考范文等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    外研版 (2019)必修 第二册Unit 3 On the move学案: 这是一份外研版 (2019)必修 第二册Unit 3 On the move学案,共14页。学案主要包含了语篇解读,参考范文等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    外研版 (2019)必修 第二册Unit 5 On the road学案设计: 这是一份外研版 (2019)必修 第二册Unit 5 On the road学案设计,共8页。

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